Apple project 949 type antey. Antey, submarine: technical specifications. Submarine combat control

Project 949 "Granite" (NATO - "Oscar I").

1. Number of project submarines: 2

2. Image of the project:

3. The composition of the project:

Ship name

Factory number




SEVERODVINSK: Northern Machine-Building Enterprise (2)

06.04.1993 - "Arkhangelsk"

04/14/1987 - honorary title
Minsk Komsomolets
06.04.1993 - Murmansk

Historical information of the number crews of the agro-industrial complex of the project 949:,,,

4. History of the project:

As a result of improving the naval armaments of the potential enemy, the “anti-avian” capabilities of the Soviet SSGN project 675   (even after their modernization) looked already insufficient for the guaranteed destruction of its groups. It required the creation of a new, much more powerful and long-range missile system with an underwater launch, providing for the application of masked blows from under water to ships from great distances with the possibility of selective destruction of targets.

Under the new complex, a new carrier was also required, capable of launching multiple salvos from underwater with 20-24 missiles (according to calculations, it was this concentration of weapons that made it possible to “penetrate” the missile defense system of a promising American aircraft carrier). In addition, the new missile carrier had to have increased stealth, speed and depth of immersion, which provided him with the ability to overcome the enemy’s anti-submarine defense and separation from pursuit.

Exploration work on the creation of a 3rd generation submarine missile carrier began in 1967, and in 1969 the Navy received an official tactical and technical task for the creation of a “heavy submarine missile cruiser” equipped with an operational missile system.

Project receiving index “949”   and cipher "Granite", was developed at the Rubin LMPB under the guidance of the chief designer P.P. Pustyntseva. After his death in 1977, I.L. was appointed chief designer. Baranov, and the main observer from the Navy - V.N. Ivanov. When developing a new missile carrier, it was supposed to make extensive use of the scientific and technical backlog and individual design solutions obtained during the construction of the world's fastest project submarine .

The Granit missile system, which was created by OKB-52 (now NPO Mashinostroyeniya), had to meet extremely high requirements: the maximum range was not less than 500 km, the maximum speed not less than 2500 km / h. Granit was distinguished from previous complexes of similar purpose by flexible adaptive trajectories, versatility by launch (submarine and surface), as well as by carriers (submarines and surface ships), multiple launch rocket with a rational spatial arrangement of missiles, and noise-selective selective control system. It was allowed to shoot at targets whose coordinates are known with large errors, as well as with a long data obsolescence time. All operations for daily and launch missile maintenance were automated. As a result, “Granite” acquired a real opportunity to solve any task of naval battle with an outfit of one carrier.

However, the effectiveness of the long-range anti-ship missile system was largely determined by the capabilities of reconnaissance and target designation. The Success system, which was based on the Tu-95 plane, no longer had the necessary combat stability. A new ICRC-“Legend” system was created

In November 1975, tests began on the Granit missile system, which ended in August 1983. However, even before they were completed, the Northern Fleet included a head submarine cruiser.

Complex "Granite" was adopted in 1983. The supersonic anti-ship missile system “Granit” has an autonomous on-board control system and a highly stable (jamming) SSN. The following main characteristics of the rocket are published: da line - 10.0 m, diameter - 0.85 m, wingspan - 2.6 m, launch weight - 7000 kg, flight speed - 2.5 M, firing range - 550 km, warhead - nuclear or explosive weighing 750 kg.

Improved in comparison with the Amethyst and Malachite anti-ship missiles, the main characteristics of the Granit anti-ship missiles - increased flight speed and range, as well as a large warhead mass were obtained not only by improving the new missile, but also by increasing its overall dimensions.

As a result, not only the Granit anti-ship missiles, but also their underwater vehicles - Project SSGN 949 differed significantly from the previously created PLARC projects 670   and 670M.

On the project PLAR 949   three times bigger than that of PLARK projects 670   and 670M missile ammunition, which with a multi-missile salvo provides the ability to overcome anti-ship missile defense missile systems. The substantially greater full underwater speed of the new SSBNs allows them to be deployed expeditiously to their areas of use, and increased secrecy through the use of mechanisms and means of protection of the third generation nuclear submarines generally increases the efficiency of solving the tasks assigned to them.

Project PLAR 949 - a nine-compartment submarine with a cylindrical PC in the bow and middle parts of the ship — the missile container deployment area. Inclined (at an angle of 45 ° to the main plane of the submarine) outboard arrangement of containers (on top of the missile containers are closed by breakwater shields flush with the outer casing, installed at the rate of 1 shield per 2 containers), their large number and significant dimensions caused a large width of the ship and a developed inter-side space In addition to anti-ship missile weapons, the PLARK is equipped with powerful torpedo and torpedo-missile weapons of two calibers, which is located in the bow compartment of the ship’s PC.

To provide high-speed full-submarine SSARs, a large-capacity nuclear power plant is provided (two-shaft, with two steam generating and two steam turbine units) and a bifurcated feed end shape (similar to that adopted in project 661). The main power plant is unified as much as possible with pr.941, has a block design and a two-stage depreciation system. AEU includes two OK-650B water-water type reactors (190 mW each) and two steam turbines (98,000 hp) with GTZA OK-9 operating on two propeller shafts through gearboxes that reduce the rotational speed of the propellers and two DG-190 turbogenerators ( 2 x 3200 kW).

Torpedo armament is represented by automated 533 mm and 650 mm TA with a quick loading device with racks of longitudinal and transverse feed. Thanks to which all the ammunition of the torpedoes could be used within a few minutes. TA allow firing torpedoes, as well as rocket torpedoes “Waterfall”, “Wind” and “Flurry” at all depths of immersion.

The boat is equipped with the MGK-540 Skat-3 sonar system, as well as a radio communication system, combat control, space reconnaissance and target designation. Reception of intelligence from spacecraft or aircraft is carried out in underwater position on special antennas. After processing, the received information is entered into the ship CIUS. The ship is equipped with an automated, with increased accuracy, increased radius of action and a large amount of processed information navigation system “Medveditsa”.

The PLARK has an unlimited navigation area, including in the Arctic regions, which is provided by special reinforcements of the light hull and fencing. To make long autonomous trips on the ship, good crew habitat conditions were created with comfortable cabins, sanitary facilities and sports facilities, a relaxation area. In order to rescue personnel in emergency situations, a pop-up rescue camera is installed in the submarine cabin for the entire crew of the ship.

Developed weapons, protective equipment, as well as powerful energy, caused a large displacement, major dimensions, which forced the construction of the third-generation SSGNs at Sevmash Enterprise in Severodvinsk. Serial construction launched since the mid-70s, was completed in 1981 (1980?) delivery of the Navy of the lead ship K-525  (the first commander, Captain 1st Rank A. Pauk, later Rear Admiral; conducted mooring and sea trials and was withdrawn from the factory by Captain 1st Rank A. Ilyushkin). In total, it was planned to build 20 submarines of this type.

According to the project 949   only 2 ships were built, subsequent ships were built according to the project 949A  with additional, to improve the internal layout of weapon systems and auxiliary equipment, a PC compartment and, accordingly, with an increased length and displacement of submarines.

In conditions of constant insufficient financing of the fleet, which began in the early 1990s, the Russian Navy was forced to make a series of difficult decisions aimed at maintaining the core of the fleet, including the underwater one. This led to a sharp reduction in the submarine fleet, the accelerated withdrawal of ships of early construction and in poor condition, the allocation of available funds to support new ships. Project Ships 949   were withdrawn from the fleet in 1996.

According to many analysts, as well as in the development of SSBNs, supporters of the development of SSBNs in ave. 949 crossed the limits of common sense and logic. On the agenda in submarine shipbuilding was the question of creating multi-purpose submarines. In this case, in order to solve the problem of defeating an AOG, if it were necessary to solve it, multipurpose submarines should act as part of heterogeneous forces - aviation, submarines, NK, etc. We can say that the development of SSBNs in the USSR Navy was fully justified only until the mid-70s. It was at this point that they, as the main striking force in the fight against AUG, had exhausted themselves and their further development was determined either by inertia or by a complete misunderstanding of the laws of development of military equipment by the then leadership of the USSR Navy.

From the foregoing, the following conclusion can be drawn - the design and construction of "highly specialized" SSGNs made sense only up to a point. As world experience shows, the future belongs to multi-purpose submarines capable of solving a wide range of tasks, including the fight against aircraft carrier strike formations. But this in no way begs the high combat capabilities of the project ships 949 .

5. Project outline:

No data

6. Reconstruction of the salvo:

7. The performance characteristics of the project:

surface displacement -12500 t

underwater -22500 t

surface speed -15 knots

submerged-32 knots

immersion depth-600 m.

working immersion depth - 500 m.

length -144 m.

width -18.2 m.

draft - 9.2 m.

autonomy-120 days.

crew of 94 people.

armament-24 RCC “Granit”

torpedo-TA 650mm - 4 pcs.

TA 533mm - 4 pcs.

8. Sources:

Kuzin V.P., Nikolsky V.I. "Navy of the USSR 1945-1991", IMO, St. Petersburg, 1996
  - Ilyin V.E., Kolesnikov A.I. "Russian Submarines: An Illustrated Guide", Astrel, AST, Moscow, 2002.
  - Berezhnoy S.S. "Nuclear submarines of the Navy of the USSR and Russia", MIA, No. 7, 2001
  - Apalkov Yu.V. Submarines, vol. 1, part 2, Galeia Print, St. Petersburg, 2002
  - Demyanovsky V., Kotlobovsky A. "Underwater shield of the USSR" part 1, Major, 2003.
  - Special issue of BTA "Typhoon" No. 6, St. Petersburg, 2008.
  - Pavlov A.S. "The shock force of the fleet", Yakutsk, 2001

Project 949A Antey’s submarine cruisers are a series of third-generation nuclear submarines armed with anti-ship cruise missiles Granite, which were designed at the Rubin Design Bureau in the early 1980s. Project 949A submarines, in fact, are an improved version of the Project 949 Granit ships, work on which began back in the late 60s. The main task of these underwater cruisers is the destruction of enemy attack aircraft carrier groups.

The first submarine of project 949A was adopted by the USSR Navy in 1986. In total, eleven submarines of this series were built, eight of which are currently serving in the Russian Navy. Another submarine is on conservation. Each of the "Anteyev" is called one of the Russian cities: Irkutsk, Voronezh, Smolensk, Chelyabinsk, Tver, Orel, Omsk and Tomsk.

One of the most tragic pages in the recent history of the Russian fleet is connected with the submarines of Project 949A. In August 2000, in the Barents Sea, along with the crew, the nuclear submarine Kurs was killed. The official causes of this disaster to this day raise a lot of questions.

One of the main tasks that faced the Soviet Navy after the end of World War II was the fight against American aircraft carrier groups. Project 949A Antei has become the pinnacle of the development of highly specialized submarine cruisers - “killers” of aircraft carriers.

The cost of one Antey submarine was 226 million Soviet rubles (mid-80s), which is ten times less than the cost of an American aircraft carrier of the Nimitz type.

History of creation

In the late 60s in the USSR, the development of two projects began, inextricably linked. OKB-52 began work on the creation of a new long-range anti-ship missile system, which could be used against powerful enemy naval groups. First of all, it was about the destruction of American aircraft carriers.

Around the same time, the Rubin Central Design Bureau began to create a third-generation submarine missile carrier that would become the carrier for the new missile complex and replace the obsolete Project 675 nuclear submarines.

The military needed a powerful and effective tool capable of hitting enemy ships at considerable distances and a submarine with greater speed, stealth and immersion depth.

In 1969, the Navy prepared an official task for the development of a new submarine, the project received the designation "Granite" and number 949. The military also formulated the requirements for a new anti-ship missile. They had to have a flight range of at least 500 km, high speed (at least 2500 km / h), start both from underwater and from above water position. This missile was planned to be used not only for arming submarines, but also surface ships. In addition, the military was very interested in the possibility of volley fire - it was believed that a "flock" of twenty missiles was more likely to break through the layered air defense of an aircraft carrier warrant.

However, the effectiveness of long-range anti-ship missiles was determined not only by their speed and mass of the warhead. A reliable system of targeting and reconnaissance equipment was needed: the enemy should first be found in the vast ocean.

The Success system that existed at that time, which used Tu-95 aircraft, was far from perfect, so the Soviet military-industrial complex was tasked with creating the world's first space-based system for searching for surface objects and observing them. Such a system had a number of advantages: it did not depend on the weather, could collect information about the situation on vast areas of the water surface, and was practically inaccessible to the enemy. The military demanded that target designations be issued directly to weapons carriers or command posts.

OKB-52 under the leadership of V. N. Chelomei became the lead organization responsible for the development of the system. In 1978, this system was adopted. She received the designation "Legend."

In the same year, the first submarine of Project 949, the K-525 Arkhangelsk, was launched, in 1980 it was put into the fleet, and in 1983 the second ship of this project, the K-206 nuclear submarine Murmansk, was commissioned. The construction of submarines was carried out at the Northern Machine-Building Enterprise.

At the end of 1975, tests began on the main weapon of these underwater cruisers - the P-700 Granite missile system. They were successfully completed in August 1983.

Further construction of the submarines was carried out under the improved project 949A Antey. On the upgraded submarines, another compartment appeared, which improved its internal layout, the length of the ship increased, its displacement increased. More advanced equipment was installed on the submarine, the developers managed to increase the stealth of the ship.

Initially, it was planned to build twenty nuclear submarines under the Antei project, but the collapse of the Soviet Union adjusted these plans. In total, eleven ships were built, two boats, K-148 Krasnodar and K-173 Krasnoyarsk, were disposed of or are in the process of disposal. Another submarine of this project, the K-141 Kursk, died in August 2000. At present, the Russian fleet includes: K-119 Voronezh, K-132 Irkutsk, K-410 Smolensk, K-456 Tver, K-442 Chelyabinsk, K-266 Orel , K-186 "Omsk" and K-150 "Tomsk".

The completion of another nuclear submarine of this project, K-139 Belgorod, will continue under a more advanced project - 09852. Another submarine of the Antey type, K-135 Volgograd, was mothballed in 1998.

Design description

The submarines of the Antey project are designed according to a two-hull scheme: the inner strong hull is surrounded by a light external hydrodynamic hull. The stern of the ship with the plumage and propeller shafts as a whole resembles Project 661 submarines.

Two-hull architecture has a number of advantages: it provides the vessel with an excellent margin of buoyancy and increases its protection against underwater explosions, but at the same time significantly increases the displacement of the ship. The submarine submarine displacement of this project is approximately 24 thousand tons, of which about 10 thousand are water.

The robust hull of the submarine cruiser has a cylindrical shape, its wall thickness is from 48 to 65 mm.

The case is divided into ten compartments:

  • torpedo;
  • management;
  • combat posts and radio room;
  • living spaces;
  • electrical equipment and auxiliary mechanisms;
  • auxiliary mechanisms;
  • reactor;
  • GTZA;
  • rowing electric motors.

The ship has two zones for saving the crew: in the bow, where the pop-up camera is located and in the stern.

The crew of the submarine is 130 people (according to other sources - 112), the autonomy of the ship is 120 days.

The Antey submarine cruiser has two OK-650B water-cooled reactors and two steam turbines that rotate the propellers through the gearboxes. The ship is also equipped with two turbogenerators, two DG-190 diesel generators (800 kW each) and two thrusters.

Submarines of the Antey project are equipped with the MGK-540 Skat-3 sonar system, as well as space reconnaissance and target designation systems and combat control systems. The cruiser can receive information from the satellite system or from aircraft in the underwater position, using special antennas for this. The boat also has a towed antenna, which is discharged from a pipe located on the aft stabilizer.

On submarines 949A installed navigation system "Symphony-U", which is characterized by increased accuracy, a large radius of action and can process a significant amount of information.

The main type of nuclear submarine weapons are anti-ship missiles (ASM) P-700 Granite. Missile containers are located on both sides of the wheelhouse, outside the sturdy hull of the boat. Each of them has a slope of 40 °. A missile can carry a conventional (weighing 750 kg) or nuclear warhead (500 Kt). Firing range is 550 km, rocket speed - 2.5 m / s.

The submarine can conduct both single firing and launch anti-ship missiles in one gulp, firing up to 24 missiles at a time. RCC "Granite" have a complex trajectory, as well as good noise immunity, which makes them a serious threat to any enemy. If we talk about the defeat of an aircraft carrier warrant, then the likelihood of this is especially high when salvo firing. It is believed that for the sinking of an aircraft carrier nine “Granites” must fall into it, however, even one accurate shot is enough to prevent planes from taking off from its deck.

In addition to missiles, submarines Project 949A Antei have at their disposal torpedo armaments. Submarines have four torpedo tubes with a caliber of 533 mm and two with a 650 mm caliber. In addition to conventional torpedoes, they can be fired with rocket torpedoes. Torpedo tubes are located in the bow of the ship. They are equipped with an automatic loading system, so they have a high rate of fire - the entire ammunition can be released in just a few minutes.

Nuclear submarine of the Antey project

Below is a list of all the nuclear submarines of this project:

  • Krasnodar. Utilized at the Nerpa plant.
  • Krasnoyarsk. It is in the process of disposal, its name has already been assigned to another project 885 submarine.
  • Irkutsk It is currently under repair and modernization under the project 949AM. It is part of the Pacific Fleet.
  • Voronezh. It is in the combat structure of the Northern Fleet.
  • Smolensk It is part of the Northern Fleet.
  • Chelyabinsk. It is part of the Pacific Fleet. It is currently under repair and modernization under the project 949AM.
  • "Tver." It is in the combat structure of the Pacific Fleet.
  • "Eagle". It is undergoing repairs, which should be completed this year.
  • Omsk. It is part of the Pacific Fleet.
  • "Kursk". She died in the Barents Sea on August 12, 2000.
  • "Tomsk". It is part of the Pacific Fleet, currently under repair.

Project Evaluation

To evaluate the effectiveness of the Antei submarines, you should first of all pay attention to the main weapon of these submarines - the P-700 Granit anti-ship missiles.

Developed back in the 80s of the last century, today this complex is clearly outdated. Neither the range of this missile nor its noise immunity correspond to modern requirements. And the elementary base on which this complex was created has long been outdated.

In 2011, it was announced that the specialists of TsKB Rubin developed a project to modernize the submarines of this project. First of all, it concerns the missile armament of the cruiser. Containers for anti-ship missiles "Granite" will be replaced by launchers, from which you can fire modern "Onyx" and "Caliber". This will turn Antei into a universal tool that can solve a variety of problems.


Below are the characteristics of the Project 949A nuclear submarines:

  • displacement of overhead, m3 - 12500;
  • displacement basement, m3 - 22500;
  • power plant - 2 × OK-650 (with a capacity of 2 x 190 MW);
  • surface speed, knots - 15;
  • underwater speed, knots - 32;
  • max. immersion depth, m - 600;
  • autonomy, days - 120;
  • crew - 94;
  • armament - 24 anti-ship missiles "Granite", TA 650 mm - 4 pcs., TA 533 mm - 4 pcs.


In the coming years, the grouping of ships of the 949A project will undergo a major modernization at the Far Eastern Zvezda plant. According to the plans of the command, the project boats will go through the rearmament program for the Onyx and Caliber missile systems. The project for the modernization of submarines and their weapons was developed by the Rubin Central Design Bureau.

According to the estimates of a number of domestic experts, according to the “cost-effectiveness” criterion, the SSRN of the 949th project is the most preferred means of combating enemy aircraft carriers. As of the mid-80s, the cost of one boat of Project 949A was 226 million rubles, which at par was only 10% of the cost of the Roosevelt multipurpose aircraft carrier ($ 2.3 billion excluding the cost of its aviation wing). At the same time, according to the calculations of experts of the Navy and industry, one submarine nuclear ship could with high probability disable an aircraft carrier and a number of its guarding ships. However, other fairly authoritative experts questioned these estimates, believing that the relative effectiveness of SSBNs was overstated. It should be borne in mind that the aircraft carrier was a universal military vehicle capable of solving an extremely wide range of tasks, while submarines were ships of a much narrower specialization.

After the first two ships built under project 949, the construction of submarines began on the improved project 949A (code "Antey"). As a result of modernization, the boat received an additional compartment, which allowed to improve the internal layout of weapons and avionics. As a result, the ship's displacement increased slightly, while at the same time it was possible to reduce the level of unmasking fields and install advanced equipment.

Currently, Project 949 boats are put on reserve. At the same time, the project 949A submarine group is, along with the Tu-22M-3 naval missile and long-range aviation aircraft, virtually the only means capable of effectively resisting the U.S. strike aircraft carrier. Along with this, combat units of the group can successfully operate against ships of all classes during conflicts of any intensity.
The sturdy double-hull submarine hull made of steel is divided into 10 compartments.

PLARK Project 949A Antey (Enlarged diagram)

1 - Antennas HAK
2 - Racks with devices for longitudinal and transverse feed from UBZ complex of torpedo-missile weapons
3 - Bow (torpedo) compartment
4 - Batteries
5 - Running bridge
6 - Second (central) compartment
7 - APU
9 - Third compartment
10 - PMU
11 - Fourth (residential) compartment
12 - Containers with PU PKRK "Granit"

13 - Fifth compartment (auxiliary mechanisms)
14 - Sixth compartment (auxiliary mechanisms)
15 - Airborne cylinders
16 - Seventh (reactor) compartment
17 - Reactors
18 - Eighth (turbine) compartment
19 - Bow Vocational School
20 - Bow nose
21 - Ninth (turbine) compartment
22 - Feed technical school
23 - Aft main switchboard
24 - Tenth compartment (GED)
25 - GED

The ship’s power plant has a block design and includes two OK-650B water-water reactors (190 mW each) and two steam turbines (98,000 hp) with GTZA OK-9, working on two propeller shafts through gearboxes that reduce the speed of the propellers . The steam turbine unit is located in two different compartments. There are two turbo-generators of 3200 kW each, two diesel engines - DG-190 generators, two thrusters.

The boat is equipped with the MGK-540 Skat-3 sonar system, as well as a radio communication system, combat control, space reconnaissance and target designation. Reception of intelligence from spacecraft or aircraft is carried out in underwater position on special antennas. After processing, the received information is entered into the ship CIUS. The ship is equipped with an automated, with increased accuracy, increased radius of action and a large amount of processed information navigation complex "Symphony-U".

The main armament of the missile cruiser is 24 P-700 Granit cruise missiles of the P-700 complex. On the sides of the pilothouse, which has a relatively large length, 24 twin missile onboard containers are inclined at an angle of 40 ° outside the solid hull. The ZM-45 missile, equipped with both nuclear (500 Kt) and high-explosive warheads weighing 750 kg, is equipped with a marching KR-93 turbojet engine with a ring solid-fuel rocket accelerator. The maximum firing range of 550 km, the maximum speed corresponds to M \u003d 2.5 at high altitude and M \u003d 1.5 at low. The launch weight of the rocket is 7000 kg, length - 19.5 m, body diameter - 0.88 m, wingspan-2.6 m. Missiles can be fired either singly or in one gulp (up to 24 anti-ship missiles, starting at a high pace). In the latter case, target distribution is carried out in a salvo. The creation of a dense group of missiles is provided, which facilitates overcoming the enemy’s missile defense facilities. The organization of the flight of all salvo missiles, the additional search for the warrant and the “covering” of it with the included radar sight allows the RCC to fly on the marching section in radio silence mode. During the flight of the missiles, the optimal distribution of targets between them within the warrant is carried out (the algorithm for solving this problem was worked out by the Navy Weapons Institute and the Granit Scientific Production Association). Ultrasonic speed and a complex flight path, high noise immunity of electronic equipment and the presence of a special system for the removal of enemy anti-aircraft and aircraft missiles provide Granite with a full gulp a relatively high probability of overcoming air defense and missile defense systems of an aircraft carrier.

The automated torpedo-missile complex of the submarine allows the use of torpedoes, as well as the “Waterfall” and “Wind” missile and torpedoes at all depths of immersion. It includes four 533 mm and four 650 mm torpedo tubes located in the bow of the hull.

The Granite complex, created in the 80s, is already out of date by the year 2000. This primarily relates to the maximum firing range and noise immunity of the rocket. The elemental base underlying the complex is also outdated. At the same time, the development of a fundamentally new operational anti-ship missile system is currently not possible for economic reasons. The only real way to maintain the combat potential of domestic “anti-aircraft” forces is, obviously, the creation of a modernized version of the Granit complex for deployment on the 949A submarine during their planned repair and modernization. According to estimates, the combat effectiveness of the modernized missile system, which is currently under development, should increase by about three times compared with the Granit RK, which is in service. The re-equipment of submarines is supposed to be carried out directly at the base points, while the time and cost of implementing the program should be minimized. As a result, the existing submarine group of Project 949A will be able to function effectively until the 2020s. Its potential will be further expanded as a result of equipping ships with the KR Granit variant, capable of hitting ground targets with non-nuclear equipment with high accuracy.

They were released by eleven. The continuation of Project 949 Granite, a submarine of Project 949A Antei, was waiting for a very different fate: there were tragedies and fires. But Antei faithfully continue to serve the Russian fleet.

After the first two submarines of project 949 were built, the construction of the following was carried out according to the finalized project - 949A Antey. Development was carried out at the Rubin Central Design Bureau under the guidance of the chief designer P.P. Pustyntsev, and then - I.L. Baranov.

A new compartment appeared on the improved submarine, the length and displacement increased, it was also possible to lower the level of the unmasking fields and install the latest equipment.


Double hull architecture. The case is designed for a working immersion depth of 480 meters, the maximum - 600 meters. Compared to its predecessor, project 949, the length of the hull increased by 10 meters. The increase in size is associated with the advent of an additional compartment (6th), due to which the internal layout of systems, mechanisms and equipment has been significantly improved. In addition, it was possible to reduce the level of unmasking physical fields and improve the RTV.

Nuclear submarine of project 949A Smolensk. Photo: Asterisk

The hull is divided into 10 compartments: 1 - torpedo, 2 - control, 3 - radio room and combat posts, 4 - living quarters, 5 - auxiliary mechanisms and electrical equipment, 6 (additional) - auxiliary mechanisms, 7 - reactor, 8−9 - GTZA , 10 - rowing electric motors.

The fence of the retractable devices was located closer to the bow of the submarine. There were VSK (a pop-up rescue chamber) and containers for the Igla-1 portable air defense system.

The submarine is divided into two rescue zones: in the bow (1–4 compartments) a pop-up rescue chamber, in 5–9 compartments - an emergency hatch (in the 9th compartment), through which exit in diving equipment occurs.

Electronic weapons:

The submarine is equipped with the MGK-540 Skat-3 sonar system, as well as a radio communication system, combat control, space reconnaissance and target designation. Reception of intelligence from spacecraft or aircraft is carried out in underwater position on special antennas. After processing, the received information is entered into the ship CIUS.

The Voronezh nuclear submarine at the berth of the Zvyozdochka enterprise. Photo: Oleg Kuleshov / Defend Russia

Navigation system:

The submarine is equipped with the navigation system “Medveditsa” - automated, with increased accuracy, increased radius of action and a large amount of processed information.

Power installation:

Two OK-650 M water-water reactors (each of 190 mW) and two steam turbines (with a total capacity of 100 thousand liters), with the OK-9 main turbo-gear unit. There are two turbogenerators (3200 kW each) and two standby diesel generators DG-190 (800 kW each), as well as a pair of thrusters.


24 anti-ship missiles "" in twin launchers, which are located outside the solid hull (range - from 500 to 600 km, speed - at least 2500 km / h). Targeting occurred through the satellite of space reconnaissance and target designation 17K114.

Missiles could be launched both singly and in one gulp - with all 24 missiles. When firing a salvo, the control system automatically distributed targets between missiles in the group. This made it easier to overcome the enemy air defense and increased the likelihood of hitting the main target - the aircraft carrier. According to calculations, nine Granite hits are needed to drown the American aircraft carrier, and just one missile hit was enough to stop the flight operations.

The automated torpedo-missile complex of the submarine allows the use of torpedoes, as well as the “Waterfall”, “Wind” and “Flurry” rocket-torpedoes at all depths of immersion. It includes four 533 mm and two 650 mm torpedo tubes located in the bow of the hull.

Torpedo tubes are equipped with an automated quick loading device and a mechanized loading device. Thanks to this device, the entire ammunition can be used within a few minutes.

It was planned to build 18 submarines, of which the last 5 were to be built on an improved project, but due to the difficult situation in the country, only 11 submarines were issued. The twelfth building - Belgorod - was subsequently completed under project 949A, then under project 949AM, and in 2012 it was reloaded under project 09852. The thirteenth and fourteenth buildings - Barnaul and Volgograd - were delivered unfinished at the Sevmash berth in the 90s, in 2012, dismantled, and parts of the hull structures used to build new submarines.

Unfinished submarines of project 949A Volgograd and Barnaul. Photo: Oleg Kuleshov / Defend Russia

All ships of Project 949A became part of the Northern and Pacific Fleet.

Submarines built according to project 949A:

  1. Krasnodar. Disposed of. During the disposal process on March 17, 2014, a fire occurred due to non-observance of safety precautions during hot work.
  2. Krasnoyarsk. Sludge awaiting disposal. The name of the submarine was transferred to the new nuclear submarine, the construction of which.
  3. Irkutsk Undergoing repairs and modernization under the project 949AM at the shipyard "Star" in the Big Stone.
  4. Voronezh. In the combat strength of the fleet.
  5. Smolensk In the combat strength of the fleet.
  6. Chelyabinsk. Undergoing repairs and modernization under the project 949AM at the shipyard "Star" in the Big Stone.
  7. "Tver." In the combat strength of the fleet.
  8. "Eagle". Undergoing repairs on. a fire broke out on a submarine due to non-compliance with safety regulations during firing operations. Repair will continue, the boat will be handed over to the fleet in 2016.
  9. Omsk. In the combat strength of the fleet.
  10. "Kursk". She died with the crew under unclear circumstances on August 12, 2000.
  11. "Tomsk". Undergoing repairs and modernization under the project 949AM at the shipyard "Star" in the Big Stone. During the repair on September 16, 2013, a fire occurred due to non-observance of safety precautions during hot work.

To date, out of 11 submarines built, eight remain in service (of which only four are running).


In the coming years, the grouping of ships of the 949A project will undergo a major modernization at the Far Eastern Zvezda plant. According to the plans of the command, the project boats will go through the rearmament program for the Onyx and Caliber missile systems. The project for the modernization of submarines and their weapons was developed by the Rubin Central Design Bureau.

Wrote an article on Submarines of Project 949A Antei on Defend Russia. They were released by eleven. The continuation of Project 949 Granite, a submarine of Project 949A Antei, was waiting for a very different fate: there were tragedies and fires. But Antei faithfully continue to serve the Russian fleet.

Photo: zvezdochka_ru

After the first two submarines of project 949 were built, the construction of the following was carried out according to the finalized project - 949A Antey. Development was carried out in the Central Design Bureau "Rubin" under the leadership of the chief designer P.P. Pustyntsev, and then - I.L. Baranov.

A new compartment appeared on the improved submarine, the length and displacement increased, it was also possible to lower the level of the unmasking fields and install the latest equipment.

Double hull architecture. The case is designed for a working immersion depth of 480 meters, the maximum - 600 meters. Compared to its predecessor, project 949, the length of the hull increased by 10 meters. The increase in size is associated with the advent of an additional compartment (6th), due to which the internal layout of systems, mechanisms and equipment has been significantly improved. In addition, it was possible to reduce the level of unmasking physical fields and improve the RTV.

The hull is divided into 10 compartments: 1 - torpedo, 2 - control, 3 - radio room and combat posts, 4 - living quarters, 5 - auxiliary mechanisms and electrical equipment, 6 (additional) - auxiliary mechanisms, 7 - reactor, 8-9 - GTZA , 10 - rowing electric motors.

The fence of the retractable devices was located closer to the bow of the submarine. There were VSK (a pop-up rescue chamber) and containers for the Igla-1 portable air defense system.

The submarine is divided into two rescue zones: a rescue pop-up camera in the bow (1-4 compartments), an emergency hatch (in the 9th compartment) through which access to the diving equipment occurs in 5-9 compartments.

Electronic weapons:
The submarine is equipped with the MGK-540 Skat-3 sonar system, as well as a radio communication system, combat control, space reconnaissance and target designation. Reception of intelligence from spacecraft or aircraft is carried out in underwater position on special antennas. After processing, the received information is entered into the ship CIUS.

3. The nuclear submarine Voronezh at the berth of the Zvyozdochka enterprise.

Navigation system:
The submarine is equipped with the navigation system “Medveditsa” - automated, with increased accuracy, increased radius of action and a large amount of processed information.

Power installation:
Two OK-650M water-water reactors (each of 190 mW) and two steam turbines (with a total capacity of 100 thousand hp) with the main OK-9 turbo-gear unit. There are two turbogenerators (3200 kW each) and two standby diesel generators DG-190 (800 kW each), as well as a pair of thrusters.

24 Granit anti-ship missiles in twin launchers, which are located outside a robust hull (range - from 500 to 600 km, speed - at least 2500 km / h). Targeting occurred through the satellite of space reconnaissance and target designation 17K114.

Missiles could be launched both singly and in one gulp - with all 24 missiles. When firing a salvo, the control system automatically distributed targets between missiles in the group. This made it easier to overcome the enemy air defense and increased the likelihood of hitting the main target - the aircraft carrier. According to calculations, nine Granite hits are needed to drown the American aircraft carrier, and just one missile hit was enough to stop the flight operations.

4. The nuclear submarine Smolensk in the dock of the Zvyozdochka enterprise.

The automated torpedo-missile complex of the submarine allows the use of torpedoes, as well as the “Waterfall”, “Wind” and “Flurry” rocket-torpedoes at all depths of immersion. It includes four 533 mm and two 650 mm torpedo tubes located in the bow of the hull.

Torpedo tubes are equipped with an automated quick loading device and a mechanized loading device. Thanks to this device, the entire ammunition can be used within a few minutes.

It was planned to build 18 submarines, of which the last 5 were to be built on an improved project, but due to the difficult situation in the country, only 11 submarines were issued. The twelfth building - Belgorod - was subsequently completed under project 949A, then under project 949AM, and in 2012 it was reloaded under project 09852. The thirteenth and fourteenth buildings - Barnaul and Volgograd - were unfinished at the Sevmash berth in the 90s, in 2012, dismantled, and parts of the hull structures used to build new submarines.

5. Unfinished submarines of project 949A Volgograd and Barnaul

All ships of Project 949A became part of the Northern and Pacific Fleet.

Submarines built according to project 949A:

  • Krasnodar. Disposed of. During the disposal process on March 17, 2014, a fire occurred due to non-observance of safety precautions during hot work.

  • Krasnoyarsk. Sludge awaiting disposal. The name of the submarine was transferred to the new nuclear submarine of project 885, the construction of which takes place at the Sevmash enterprise.

  • Irkutsk Undergoing repairs and modernization under the project 949AM at the shipyard "Star" in the Big Stone.

  • Voronezh. In the combat strength of the fleet.

  • Smolensk In the combat strength of the fleet.

  • Chelyabinsk. Undergoing repairs and modernization under the project 949AM at the shipyard "Star" in the Big Stone.

  • "Tver." In the combat strength of the fleet.

  • "Eagle". Undergoing repairs at the shipyard "Zvezdochka". On April 7, 2015, a fire broke out in the submarine due to non-compliance with safety precautions during hot work. Repair will continue, the boat will be handed over to the fleet in 2016.

  • Omsk. In the combat strength of the fleet.

  • "Kursk". She died with the crew under unclear circumstances on August 12, 2000.

  • "Tomsk". Undergoing repairs and modernization under the project 949AM at the shipyard "Star" in the Big Stone. During the repair on September 16, 2013, a fire occurred due to non-observance of safety precautions during hot work.

To date, out of 11 submarines built, eight remain in service (of which only four are running).

In the coming years, the grouping of ships of the 949A project will undergo a major modernization at the Far Eastern Zvezda plant. According to the plans of the command, the project boats will go through the rearmament program for the Onyx and Caliber missile systems. The project for the modernization of submarines and their weapons was developed by the Rubin Central Design Bureau.

6. The nuclear submarine Smolensk at the dock of the Zvyozdochka enterprise.


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