On the other hand: what the employer does when he gets a response. How to write a resume: our tips for job seekers What to write to an employer in a resume

A well-written resume will help make a good impression on the employer and highlight your strengths as a professional.

Be concise

Remember that recruiters receive hundreds of resumes a day, and you usually have no more than 5 seconds to draw attention to your candidacy. Do not overload your resume with unnecessary data, so that its volume does not exceed two, maximum three pages (for a senior manager).

Rely on facts

Where possible, back up your competencies and success stories with specific numbers. Include details about completed projects, attracted clients, unusual tasks in the implementation of which you participated. Use words such as "increased", "saved", "adjusted".

Observe the structure

State information about yourself point by point:

  • Personal information. Name, surname, contacts.
  • Desired position. Be clear about the position you are applying for.
  • General information. It is advisable to add an introductory paragraph describing the key skills and experience that are most relevant to the requirements of the position to which you are applying.
  • Experience.Please describe your work experience in reverse chronological order with exact dates. If you worked in a company that is not widely known in the market, briefly describe it in 5-10 short points, depending on the importance of your role in the company. Indicate the achievements, key projects that you worked on or were in charge of in this position. When listing job responsibilities try to avoid common phrases. Where possible, include your progress numerically. If you are applying for a creative or technical position, please provide your resume with additional information: portfolio, list of completed projects, etc.
  • Skills. List key relevant professional skills including knowledge computer programs and degree of ownership foreign languages.
  • Education. Briefly provide information about higher education, then list additional courses, trainings and certificates with exact dates of the beginning and end of the study. If you are just starting a career and are going to work in a specialty received at a university, post information about education before experience.
Prepare your resume correctly
  • Pay attention to formatting, avoid using graphics, tables, various fonts and colors.
  • Leave spaces between paragraphs, structure information with bullet points to make it easier to read.
  • If you want to attach a photo to your resume, choose a portrait photo taken in business style, preferably by a professional photographer.
Be honest

Do not include deliberately false or incorrect information in your resume, so as not to damage your business reputation. If the work experience described in your resume differs from the data recorded in work book, inform your employer in advance.

Don't joke on your resume

You shouldn't show a sense of humor on your resume, as it is different for everyone. What one person finds funny may seem rude or offensive to another.

This section can be omitted from the resume. Just make sure you can provide the required contacts if needed.

Update your resume

Update your resume periodically, even if you don't plan on changing jobs yet. Then at the right moment you will not have to remember what you did a few years ago.

Don't forget your cover letter

Be sure to write a short informative cover letter why a recruiter should consider your candidacy.

Resume Template

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The internet is by far the most popular job search tool. The most elementary way is to leave a response for a vacancy on a recruiting site with just one click. But when it comes to emailing resumes, job seekers often make mistakes. We will tell you how to correctly send a resume to an employer so that it does not go unnoticed.

Subject of the letter when sending a resume

Job seekers often neglect the most important rule - correctly form the subject of the letter when sending a resume by e-mail. In no case leave this field empty: without a subject line, your letter may end up in spam, or the employer simply won't notice it.

The topic should be short, but contain the necessary information. Examples of successful topics: "Response to the vacancy of a designer assistant", "Resume of the chief accountant", "Resume by A. Ivanova for the position of translator."

Sometimes the employer asks you to indicate something specific in the subject line (for example, a job code). Be sure to pay attention to this so that you are not considered absent-minded.

What to write to an employer when sending a resume

You should not send an empty letter to the employer with an attached resume file. Availability cover letter not only is considered a sign of good manners, but also shows your genuine interest in the proposed vacancy.

A cover letter is an integral additional part of a resume when applying for a job in a large foreign or domestic organization with Western foundations.

If you are applying for a position in a foreign company with a global brand, then it is necessary to approach with all responsibility in writing and drafting a cover letter.

According to generally accepted rules, a cover letter is drawn up:

  • on a separate form if the resume is sent in printed form;
  • in the body of the email if the resume is sent by email;
  • details, title, date, name and address of the recipient must be formalized in accordance with the rules for writing business letters.

A cover letter to a resume is usually provided on a separate form with the requisites of the applicant or in the body of an email (message).

Here's an example of writing a short cover letter:

Option 1.

Dear Alexander, in response to your vacancy "real estate specialist" posted in the newspaper "Kadry", I am sending my resume. I would be very grateful if you do not disregard him.

Yours faithfully,
Kolesnikov Maxim, phone + 7-985-23-56-89

Option 2.

Good afternoon, Alexander.

In the attached resume file. I am applying for a vacancy of a lawyer. The source of information about the vacancy is www.kadry.ru I am ready to provide any additional information necessary to consider my candidacy.

Option 3.

Dear Sirs,

please consider my resume for the vacancy real estate specialist, realtor. I would be glad to receive an invitation from you for an interview.

Best regards, Maxim Kolesnikov, phone + 7-985-23-56-89

A more detailed cover letter follows a similar pattern.

For more clarity, you can see the sample resume cover letter.

Let's highlight the main pointsto be reflected in the extended cover letter form:

1. The proposed position (as shown in example No. 3, it is possible to indicate two related positions), for which a resume is provided.

3. Offer to the employer to consider your candidacy.

4. Briefly, but accurately and meaningfully, make an excerpt from your resume in order to substantiate the correspondence of your professional and personal qualities to the position for which you are applying.

5. It is imperative to say about the readiness to work with dedication and professional growth, in the direction indicated in the vacancy, in this particular organization.

For example:

Over the past years, I have been successfully working in the chosen direction as part of the state veterinary and customs regulatory authorities, I have established contacts and experience of cooperation with the largest Russian enterprises food industryand with leading foreign suppliers. The attached resume will give an idea of \u200b\u200bmy professional experience, qualifications and potential opportunities.

For example:

All my work experience, professional knowledge and skills, as well as expectations for further advancement lie in the field of active direct sales and work with clients (both at the executive and administrative levels). At the moment, I have more than 5 years of experience in sales in the B2B market in the production area, as well as management experience in this direction during the last year of work. In my last job, as the head of the sales department, I was personally responsible for the activities and results of the sales service in the field of B2B (medical and cosmetic equipment).

6. Willingness and desire to undergo a personal interview or interview in the company, during which you can more fully and accurately provide information about yourself.

For example:

I will gladly accept the offer to meet and tell a little more about my work experience and potential potential. You can contact me by phone ... or email ...

Yours faithfully,…

If you are interested, I will be glad to answer all your questions during the interview. You can contact by phone. Thank you in advance for your attention and the time devoted to my candidacy.

Yours faithfully,…

The most common question is "How to write a resume?" visits newcomers who have just graduated from educational institutions. Young job seekers do not always know what they want, so it is even more difficult to imagine what a potential employer expects from them. As for professionals and those who are in a creative search for their path, they tend to be more confident in themselves, despite the fact that they make just as many mistakes in resume writing than former students. Today we will learn how to write a resume so that it is guaranteed to become your pass to the interview.

You can write a resume in different ways. It has no fixed form. But there is a list of recommended columns. A competent resume always contains:

  1. Personal information: full name, age, address, marital status, contact details of the originator.
  2. Purpose: what position you are applying for and why.
  3. Work experience: in chronological order, starting from the last job, the years of work, company names, position, responsibilities and achievements are written.
  4. Education: years of study, title educational institution, specialty.
  5. Additional information: all your additional knowledge, skills, talents and character traits that will favorably distinguish you from other candidates and help you in your new job.
  6. Recommendations: an indication of the ability to provide them.

Do not be creative in this regard and omit one of the points, it is unlikely that a recruiter will appreciate this.

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Remember: your resume should be short, specific, and honest. Write using active voice. Try to be as specific as possible. For example, write not “trained”, but “trained 20 new employees”. As for the volume, 1 A4 sheet is considered ideal. Writing less is not worth it, more too. Anything else that needs to be said, say in the interview.

In the "Work experience" section, indicate only the information that relates to the future position. For example, if you worked as a counselor in a camp, and you are applying for the vacancy of a secretary, then you can keep silent about such a fact of a work biography. This is especially true for those with a rich and varied work experience. If you list your entire career, the resume may be too "motley", not having a general focus. This makes a negative impression, and such a resume runs the risk of ending up in the basket.

download on our website.

As for the "Training" column, it should be filled out as much as possible for those who have just received a diploma, and briefly discussed for those who have solid work experience. It can be difficult for a former student to write a resume, it is tempting to list all the received "cuts" in order to increase the volume of the resume. But, if you are planning to take the position of a sales manager, do not write that you have completed courses in floristry, it is better to indicate that during the month you had training practice at an enterprise where you had similar responsibilities.

download here.

Another mistake that job seekers often make is to write a resume and send it out to all vacancies. For each case, the resume must be compiled separately! Especially if you are just starting your career and try yourself in different professions. It can't be the same as a web designer's resume, even if you are good at both topics.

The resume should have a purpose, where all of the following will obey it. Everything that is described should logically flow to the main goal and belongs to one professional area. This will give the impression of a whole person who knows what she wants.

So, a short summary. The resume should not include:

  • the entire labor biography;
  • reasons for dismissal from previous jobs;
  • salary requirements;
  • the names of those who can give you a recommendation (it is better to make a separate list for the interview);
  • data not directly related to the vacancy.

Avoid grammatical mistakes, overly long phrases.

For former students, special sites may become a way out, allowing them to use ready-made templates when creating a resume. You can view an example of a resource.

Before you sit down and write a resume, imagine yourself in the place of the person who will receive this resume. Find out more about the company in which you are going to get a job, about the specifics of its work, think over what they can expect from the future employee, and what exactly you will be of interest to them. Believe in yourself, prepare carefully - and you will definitely succeed!

Why do some people send resumes to dozens of companies and do not receive a response, while others send resumes to three companies and receive three invitations for interviews?

You can guess or refer to luck, but only one thing is clear: good preparation gives good results... For this reason, it's best to think seven times and write a great resume once. It will give you the job you want, the smart leader, the career opportunities, and everything else you dream of.

In this article, you will find tips on how to properly write a resume for an accountant, manager, lawyer, engineer, director, manager, economist or any other specialist. All of these recommendations are basic and do not depend on the profession.

The four facets of good resume writing

1. Literacy

The absence of mistakes, typos, youth slang is a necessary and, perhaps, the most important aspect of resume writing. The most important because if there are a bunch of errors in the document, it can simply be thrown away, not paying attention to everything else.

To correctly draw up a resume for a job, you need to write it competently.

2. Matching the vacancy

By pointing out unnecessary things, you confuse the employer and give him unnecessary questions.

After people order the service of writing a “selling” resume, I carefully discuss their wishes for the job. I request vacancies that people liked, I watch how employers describe the desired candidate, I look through similar vacancies. All this allows you to see the situation from both sides (through the eyes of the applicant and the employer). The result of all these actions - the resume becomes "closer" to the employer, and the job search is simplified and accelerated.

Examples of correct and incorrect resume writing

  • If you are going to work as an accountant, there is no need to mention taking courses in website creation or interior design.
  • If you are going to be a chef, you do not have to indicate the accounting courses you have taken.
  • If you're going to work as a programmer, don't write about sales skills.

If in doubt about writing or not writing about any experience or skill - write... It is better to answer the employer's questions during the interview than to be left without an interview invitation at all.

3. Reasonable resume size

Half a page is not enough, three pages is a lot, 1-2 pages is optimal. Of course, it is advisable to keep within one page, but it is not always possible to do this painlessly. Sometimes, in order to write a resume correctly, it is better to describe your experience and achievements in more volume and make a two-page resume than to economize on words and try to describe your professionalism with a couple of insignificant phrases.

  • optimize the use of space (a table, for example, allows you to write something in 3 columns and use only one row for this)
  • reduce the font (to an adequate size)
  • make optimal margins and headers and footers of the document

These simple steps can turn a two-page resume into a one-page resume.

I go through a huge number of resumes and see that verbosity is one of the most common mistakes. Once I came across a full page job description (about 27 responsibilities were listed)!

4. Clear and simple structure

This is probably the most important thing to create. a resume for a job involves the correct structuring of information about yourself and your professional experience.

There is no single form for registering information about yourself, but there are popular ones. The acceptable way is to use them, and not invent something new.

Two commonly used resume structures

To better understand how to correctly compose a resume, you need to consider each of these sections separately.

Full name, contact details, personal information

From the required data:

  • Surname
  • Email
  • Telephone
  • Current city

All other data is optional. Sometimes you can find unnecessary details in the resume:

  • The exact address with a zip code (here you can limit yourself to the city);
  • Date of birth (you can limit yourself by age);
  • Two contact phones (if it is absolutely necessary, then, of course, indicate, but it is better if there is one phone number);
  • Marital status: (not) married / (not) married. These details can easily be omitted.

If you have children, you can either write about it or keep silent. It is difficult to give correct advice in advance, since there are situations when you do not need to write this information on your resume.

Purpose and desired salary level

You specify this information at your request. You can not indicate it because you can talk about it in detail at the meeting, and briefly describe your goal in a cover letter. As for the desired salary, it will greatly depend on the responsibilities that you will take on. Therefore, the salary can also be discussed at the interview.

work experience

It is recommended to indicate the length of service of the last 5-9 years of work. To correctly compose a resume for a job, professional experience must be indicated chronologically, starting from the last place of work. Accordingly, you need to tell in more detail about the functions performed at the last place of work.


If you have been working for a long time, then it is recommended to indicate information about education briefly. If you are a graduate or student, it is better to describe everything in more detail - successful term papers, diploma, industrial practice, etc.

Courses, trainings, seminars and other educational activities can also be specified. Just remember that they must be relevant to the vacancy.

Professional skills

This section lists all the skills and abilities that correspond to the vacancy for which the resume is being drawn up.

The only recommendation is not to indicate commonplace things: responsibility, learning ability, dedication, leadership abilities, high efficiency, stress resistance, striving for career growth. Many people write this and no longer even think about the meaning of these phrases. Don't be like “everyone”, learn to stand out from the crowd.

it contemporary problem... For my work in career consulting, I have never seen a resume without these qualities! All learners, responsible, motivated, work for the result. ALL are perfect. In general, all this supermen should be removed from the resume.

Additional Information

In this section you can indicate everything that was not included in the previous sections, but that may be important in the vacancy in question. Here you can indicate your personal qualities, your personal successes, your hobbies and other details of interest to the employer.

It is important to remind once again that you need to fill out the sections in accordance with your desired position, and not make a standard resume for all occasions.

Sample - how to write a resume correctly

The final version might look like this:

The right approach to search new job consists of several stages:

  • Determination of the goal. It can be looking for a job in a previously occupied area or mastering a completely new niche.
  • Preparation of self-presentation. This aspect includes writing résumés, cover letters, and preparing for a potential interview.
  • Using all possible search sources. It should start with specialized sites and end with calls to friends and acquaintances.

Competent resume writing is one of the key stages that requires time and knowledge of some standards for document preparation. To write a successful resume, you can use ready samples... Such documents should be modern, free from unnecessary clichés and inappropriate information.

A sample of a well-written resume

An example of how to correctly and competently write a resume for a job is presented using the following table.

Full Name

Job title

Date of Birth

Family status

work experience

(We describe work experience in various companies, the total number is not more than 4. It is better to choose the last or most significant stages of the career path)

Company name (Enter the name of the company where you worked)
Work period (It is advisable to indicate not only the years, but also the months in which you started and finished work)
Position (Exact job title)
Professional responsibilities (List of all responsibilities you perform)
Professional achievements (It is very important to describe in detail the benefits that the employer received from the implementation of professional activity within his enterprise)
the name of the institution (Indicate the official name of the educational institution)
Period of study (Only years can be specified)
Faculty and specialty (If the educational institution is narrow-profile, it is enough to indicate the specialty)
Insignia, scientific achievements (In this column, you can indicate the presence of a diploma with honors, write the average score, the presence scientific papers (no titles) or academic degrees)
(There should only be information that is directly related to the vacancy)
Professional skills (A list of your professional skills. Must meet the employer's requirements)
Additional Information (This column indicates knowledge of languages, the presence of a driver's license, a foreign passport, the possibility of business trips or moving, as well as hobbies that will show you the best)
Recommendations (Do not indicate the contacts of the referee, it is better to write "I will provide on request").

The sections that characterize work experience and education can be expanded or, on the contrary, narrowed down. It all depends on the career path traveled and study time. For a person who is looking for a job for the first time, an emphasis should be placed on the education and skills that he can offer to the employer. For people who have a certain professional experience behind them, the highest priority item is career achievement. It is important for a recruiter to know exactly what benefits you have brought in your previous job and what can be expected of you in the future.

How to write a competent resume. Sample

A practical example of how to properly write a resume for a job can be considered on the example of the position of the restaurant administrator and marketer.

Solovieva Anna Vladimirovna

Restaurant's administrator

Salary: from 30,000 rubles

Relationship status: Single

work experience
1. Company name Pub "Junior Jack"
Work period 08.2013-11.2014
Position Administrator
Professional responsibilities

Monitoring the work of waiters;

Control of the work of bartenders;

Inventory of households goods.

Professional achievements - getting rid of constant shortages at the bar, through weekly inventory and the introduction of a system of penalties.
2. Company name Restaurant "Malta"
Work period 01.2015-02.2017
Position Administrator
Professional responsibilities - meeting and accommodation of visitors;

Acceptance of orders;

Work when ordering banquets and making table reservations;

Calculation of visitors;

Control of staff work;


Professional achievements - improving service by training staff on standards;

Increase in the total number of clients;

Increasing the number regular customers by introducing a flexible system of discounts.

the name of the institution Russian Academy of National Economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation
Period of study 2008-2013
Faculty and specialty Hospitality and catering
Marks of Excellence Honors degree
Online course about restaurant business from the "International Academy of Business".
Professional skills - knowledge of service standards;

Knowledge of the specifics of European cuisine;

1C program (confident user level);

Ability to take inventory of goods;

Team management skills (more than 10 people);

Additional Information Foreign languages: English - intermediate level; German - beginner.

Work schedule: ready for an irregular worker day.

Recommendations I will provide it upon request.
Andreev Mikhail


Salary: from 50,000 rubles

Marital status: married, have a child

work experience
1. Company name LLC "Klever" (building materials)
Work period 06.2012-03.2017
Position Marketer
Professional responsibilities - Market Review building materials;

Analysis of the competitive environment;

Formation of a competitive pricing policy;

Keeping monthly records.

Professional achievements - transition to an unoccupied niche of building materials due to high-quality market analysis (transition period - 1 year);

Increase in sales by 50%;

Attracting new customers through an effective advertising policy.

the name of the institution Moscow Polytechnic University
Period of study 2005-2010
Faculty and specialty Economy
Records of professional development, courses or trainings Training by Andrey Livanov "Promotion of goods and services on the Internet"
Professional skills - analysis of supplier markets and sales markets;

Promotion of goods and services via the Internet: website optimization, targeted advertising,;

Producing a presentation;

Working with business documents;

Additional Information Foreign languages: English - Advanced;

Foreign passport: yes.

Readiness for business trips: short-term only.

Recommendations I will provide it upon request.

Before inviting a candidate for an interview, the employer examines his resume. It is highly likely that by the time of a personal meeting, not only the HR specialist, but also the head of the department or the company as a whole will have read this file. Therefore, it is important to present yourself in a winning light in advance.

There are several types of resume

  • Professional (functional): focuses on the experience and specialization, skills and abilities of the candidate, and not on the companies where the labor activity was carried out.
  • Chronological: All previous places of work and study are listed in reverse chronological order.
  • Combined: combines the two previous types, at the beginning the skills, abilities and responsibilities in the same place are indicated, then the names of the previous employers are listed, indicating the periods of work with them.
How to write the right resume for work, sample, template

It is important to adhere to the generally accepted structure, which includes the following points:

  • the title of the document ("Summary" or "Curriculum Vitae");
  • personal and contact information;
  • photo (it is better to attach it as a separate file);
  • purpose (desired position / salary);
  • work experience;
  • education;
  • professional achievements and skills;
  • personal qualities;
  • weak sides;
  • additional Information.

Please remember that when sending of this document a cover letter must be drawn up, after reading which the employer draws conclusions about the advisability of further studying the received document.

Covering letter

A cover note is what the employer sees first when receiving an electronic resume. The further favor of the employer depends on the seconds spent reading the text of the applicant.

Here you should focus on the details in a free form, unlike the laconic and formal style of the resume. You can indicate the motivation, leave comments on the "white spots" in the attached file. It is important to win over the employer by expressing admiration for the company's activities using emotions.

A cover letter should be compiled without fail, giving it no less attention and time than a resume. A template found on the Internet is not the best option, because the employer must understand from their content what personal interest the applicant pursues and what is motivated, what experience, special skills and abilities he has.

Here are some tips for writing a cover letter that will make a positive impression:

  • You should not turn the note into an autobiography and unnecessarily use the words "I", "mine", "me". The company does not yet know anything about the candidate for the position and has no interest, so it should not tell the story of its own life.
  • A pleading tone will make it clear that the applicant is spineless, weak and unprofessional. You should not start the text: "I apologize for addressing ...", "Let me turn to ...". You can write: "Please consider my candidacy for your vacancy ...". Best of all: "You need an economist with experience, and this is a great opportunity for me to apply my five years of experience and achieve financial success for the company ...".
  • The cover letter should convince the HR department to invite its author for an interview, the main purpose of drawing up such a text is to “sell” and advertise the specialist. Therefore, you should not use formulaic words: initiative, efficiency, stress resistance, and so on. Individuality and brevity are important. For example, if a job has a requirement for data analysis skills, you might write “analytical skills”; the best option: "five years of experience in preparing analytical reports on receivables and payables." The volume of the text should not exceed half an A4 page. If you get more, you need to re-read a few more times and delete the excess (what is less important).
  • You should indicate the specific position for which the applicant applies, because the addressee may be overwhelmed with a huge number of the same letters from people wishing to apply for other vacancies. A short text about the education, specialization, experience - this is enough for the recipient to understand that it is worth looking into the resume and find out more detailed information.
  • Since most often the applicant sends a questionnaire to several companies, you need to pay attention to whether the names of the companies, the names and positions of the recipients are confused in the letters. No self-respecting company representative will be happy to receive a note from an inattentive and disrespectful candidate.
  • There is no need to demand feedback from the addressee, it is worth taking the initiative and independently calling the organization in a few days, which should be indicated in the text with the presentation of the purpose of the call in approximately the following wording: “… to get answers to the preliminary questions”.
  • At the end of the letter, it is necessary to indicate the full name or first and last name (depending on the desired position), contact information by which the addressee can contact the candidate.
  • You should not immediately rejoice and send a letter when the text is composed. It is necessary to read it several times, slowly and carefully, correcting all errors and typos - usually at least two are found during such a check.

If you adhere to these tips, then the cover letter should focus on professionalism, motivation to obtain the desired position and awareness of the company - these conditions will contribute to a careful study of the resume and an invitation for an interview.

Personal and contact details

First of all, the full surname, name and patronymic, date and place of birth, address of residence (enough city and street) and the nearest metro station (if any) are indicated.

Then information about marital status is given. Do not hide your marital status - it will still be known. At the same time, one should not write about the family and children at the very beginning before indicating their own data - the recruiter will draw conclusions about the priorities of the applicant, because the main thing in the office is work, despite the fact that the family is the most important value for most.

It is no coincidence that information about marital status is part of the resume. However, it is impossible to say for sure what is more priority for the employer: diametrically opposite situations are welcomed in different positions. Depending on how the personal life of the candidate develops, an employee of the personnel department can draw the following conclusions:

  • Married (married). If the company has an irregular working day or frequent business trips, then the employer will give preference to a bachelor, because family people rush home in the evenings, and on weekends they want to be with their relatives, not wanting to immerse themselves in work.
  • Children. An employee with a small child will go on sick leave and often take time off. It is psychologically difficult to bring such an employee to disciplinary responsibility, dismiss, and reduce wages. At the same time, married people are less inclined to take risks and turn out to be diligent workaholics.
  • Civil marriage... It is not necessary to indicate that the candidate is. This can affect the employer's opinion about the reliability and stability of the employee on a subconscious level.

Not married (not married). The status of an unmarried woman and a bachelor affects the decision of an employer in different ways. Bachelors are not burdened with household chores and can stay in the office if necessary, they love corporate events and can attend training at company funds. An unmarried woman is perceived as an employee who, sooner or later, will start taking care of his personal life, will go on maternity leave, and will take sick leave to care for children. If a woman has reached the age of 35 and does not have a family, then an opinion may develop about her complex nature and difficulties in communicating with colleagues.

Further, the data for communication of the employee of the personnel department with the applicant are indicated: phone, e-mail. It is not forbidden to comment on a convenient time for feedback. Sometimes candidates receive an instant rejection immediately after familiarizing the employer with the resume, there are times when it does not even come to reading the letter. The fact is that a lot of letters come to the company's address, and an e-mail with a "non-working" name, as a rule, will go to the trash can. It is advisable to have a separate e-mail address for job search.

Example of a resume with an invalid address: head of the sales department ...; secretary-assistant ...; legal adviser ... - the list is endless. Correctly: the head of the sales department ...; secretary-assistant ..., legal counsel ...

The photo

There is no one hundred percent guarantee that, having seen a successful photo, the company's management will make a decision to invite a candidate. But a bad shot can reduce the chances of being invited for an interview and further employment.

Often employers believe that photography in non-business style (with the exception of those in the creative professions) is an indicator of a corresponding frivolity towards work. The ideal option is to order a photo from a professional, you can ask for help from a friend who can take into account all the existing nuances of the image when hiring. A classic photo for the profile must meet the following requirements:

  • the candidate may be in business attire or just look neat while sitting at his desk (an informal setting is not suitable);
  • the best option is a shoulder-length portrait photo, maximum - waist-deep (in no case in full growth or together with other persons);
  • the face should not be blurred, but clearly centered and in focus;
  • facial expression should be natural, but not necessarily strict and serious, smiling (just not rushing to extremes) is not prohibited;
  • you should not use a photo taken many years ago - the recruiter will lose credibility if he sees a lot of differences between the image on the resume and reality;
  • the photo should not be additionally processed using special programs or made in black and white;

do not send the image by fax - this will deteriorate its quality; it is better to send it by e-mail, having previously reduced its size to 100 kilobytes and attached as a separate document.

Target - desired position / salary

In this section, you should indicate the position for which there is a vacancy. It is undesirable to list several related positions, it is better to find time and correctly compose a resume for other companies.

Also in this paragraph, disclosure of personal motivation (intangible) for getting a place in the company, career plans, and job prospects is encouraged.

Most employers, choosing an employee from candidates who are not inferior to each other in experience and professional qualities, will take the person with lower wage requests.

It is necessary to analyze in advance the activities of the company, its capabilities, to study the boundaries of salaries for the selected vacancy from different employers, to personally choose the minimum and maximum possible wage limit for yourself. If these indicators do not coincide, then you should think about finding a place in another related area or get additional education.

Discussing issues wages, you need to ask the company representative what you can get in addition to the salary, besides bonuses, "thirteenth salary" or interest from transactions. For example, material motivation in the form of free food, payment for transport, mobile communications. There are well-known and prestigious companies, activities in which can give a good start in a future career - in this case, you can slightly revise the minimum value of the amount of acceptable wages.

work experience

The most important piece of information in a resume is work experience. It is this indicator that directly affects the decision of the employer whether to invite a candidate for an interview.

If you have experience:
  • indicate only those responsibilities at the previous place of work that overlap with the desired position;
  • listing responsibilities, describe specific results, preferably in percentages and numbers;
  • if there are a large number of previous jobs, you should describe in detail the work activity of the last three, pay less attention to the rest, simply listing their names, industries and periods of work;
  • if the duties at the previous place of employment do not correspond to the position recorded in the work book, it is allowed to indicate the position corresponding to the functions performed in the resume, but it is important subsequently, during a personal conversation with the employer, to adequately and clearly explain such a discrepancy;
  • if the positions and responsibilities in previous companies were identical, you should not write the same text, it is important to show the employer how you went professional growth in each of the organizations and what the employee learned there;
  • if during the period of work in the same company there was career growth, this should be reflected in the document, duplicating the name of the organization, but indicating the different positions and functions performed.
If there is no experience:
  • indicate data on the received specialization and education;
  • participation in international programs (for example, Work & Travel);
  • activity in an educational institution (for example, participation in KVN);
  • internship, study and internship indicating the periods of their passage;
  • computer knowledge;
  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • part-time work (experience of informal employment);
  • scientific activity, participation in seminars and conferences.


In this section, it is necessary to provide information on the exact name of the educational institution, the period of study and the specialty indicated in the diploma. It also reflects data on academic degrees and second higher education. Do not hide the presence of an education that does not correspond to the vacancy - this will show the versatility of the personality. If the university is not finished yet, then you should write “unfinished higher education»Indicating the course, specialty and name of the institution.

It is not necessary to indicate information about the courses and seminars taken if they are not related to the vacancy. But if they are directly related to the desired position, then their display is mandatory.

Professional achievements and skills

Traditionally, this section includes the level of proficiency personal computer (in particular, popular office programs) and knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200b(if the work is related to their regular use). It is necessary to compactly list all the skills and abilities available that play an important role in the performance of labor functions. You should start with a description of the field of activity in which the employee is a professional, and the length of service in it. It is not worth listing all the responsibilities in the previous company, it is important to highlight the main thing: choose the leading features, state them beautifully and show the HR specialist that he is a person who knows his business.

The end of the section should be an indication of the current main achievement in the professional field (what kind of benefit was brought to the organization and what labor resources were spent on it). For an employer, specific percentages, facts and figures are important to understand the potential financial benefits after hiring a new employee.

Personal qualities

Often employers do not pay special attention this information, since in most cases it is represented by "hackneyed" phrases, and its veracity is not always possible to verify. The best thing a job seeker can do is write the truth about himself and show exactly those qualities that will be useful for the desired position. If the work is related to the client base, then the friendliness and communication skills - key points... Perseverance, punctuality and accuracy are important for a clerk. The leader should be conflict-free, organized, able to convince, think analytically, and find non-standard solutions. There is no need to "inflate" the resume by listing personal qualities, it is enough to indicate no more than 5-10 pieces.

Weak sides

There are no ideal job seekers, and writing a resume for a job without specifying weaknesses will be wrong and suspicious, which the employer will definitely pay attention to. A person who wants to develop and recognizes his shortcomings will appeal to the employer, because he will reveal his ability to develop as a person and strive for new horizons.

It is not worth overloading the resume with such information, but you can point out some weaknesses that are unlikely to negatively affect the employer's opinion, for example:

  • straightforwardness;
  • reliability;
  • excessive self-confidence;
  • workaholism;
  • fear of airplanes;
  • love to sleep on weekends until noon;
  • overweight;
  • the habit of chewing on pens and pencils;
  • scrupulousness;
  • the ability to defend your point of view;
  • meticulousness in the little things.

However, in different professional areas, the same quality can be viewed from a negative or positive side. It is important that these weaknesses do not relate to future job responsibilities and do not affect their performance. For example, pointing out his reliability, a job seeker for the position of head of department may not count on a positive result and getting a job in the company.

Also, you should not write a complete list of weaknesses. The employer must independently draw conclusions in a personal meeting, looking at the candidate and talking with him.

Additional Information

Here you can list all the additional advantages that the candidate has, for example: willingness to relocate and travel; lack of bad habits; hobby; availability of a driver's license and a personal car, a foreign passport and visas; recommendations.

Important points

The resume must meet 5 main criteria and be:

  • Literate: grammatical, spelling and other mistakes will spoil the first impression overnight.
  • Truthful: if deception is revealed later in the interview, the path to obtaining a position in the company will be forever closed.
  • Compact: take no more than 2 pages and contain the most important points without long, difficult sentences.
  • Energetic: steep phrases and passive constructions should be avoided.
  • Informative: everything that is written in the document must relate to the desired vacancy.

The resume is the main document when looking for a new job. Your chances of employment depend on the quality and literacy of this document.

The basic rule when writing a resume is to provide more detailed and complete information about your personal qualities and professional activities, which coincides with the requirements of the organization for applicants for a certain position. The first impression of a potential employer about your professional and personal data will depend on the resume, and it will depend on the resume that they will invite you for an interview or not.

In this regard, if the resume is sent to several organizations for different positions, adjust the resume in each specific case in accordance with the vacancy for which you are applying. In the resume, you should try to draw the employer's attention that the biography of your work activity fully corresponds and coincides with the desired and stated position.

If the resume is written to the address of a specific employee of the organization, then the title must indicate, for example, "Ms. Ivanova" or "Mr. Ivanov".

We emphasize once again that the main purpose of a resume is to present your personal data, professional experience and knowledge to the employer as best as possible, and he wanted to invite you personally for a conversation. If, after sending the resume, there is no callback, then the information specified in it did not work. In this case, it is necessary to analyze the information provided in the resume and make changes to strengthen your image in the eyes of the employer or change the resume to better match the vacancies of interest.

Usually, personnel officers spend little time on reviewing the resume. Therefore, the information in the resume should be presented in such a way as to immediately attract attention. Based on this, the maximum resume size is two pages. The best option is one page.

In the case of employment in a foreign organization, the resume is sent in Russian and a foreign language, knowledge of which is an advantage of the applicant for a position in this company.

The design of the resume should be strictly in a single, business style, that is, no frills in fonts, colors, or any effects.

Resume structure

Now let's take a closer look at the required fields and blocks, which no resume can do without:

Personal data: Full name (where without it;))
Date of Birth;
contact information (all kinds of telephones, e-mail);
marital status.

The purpose of providing a resume: Indicating the position or vacancy for which you are applying. Usually they write (for example): "seeking the position of a system administrator".

Applicant education: basic education (secondary, specialized secondary, higher, incomplete, academic degree, second higher), indicating the name of the educational institution, faculty, specialty and years of study;
additional education (internships, courses, trainings, etc.), indicating the period of study, name and specialization of additional education.

Work experience: Description of your employment. Previous places it is customary to indicate works in reverse chronological order, starting with the last one. The syntax is as follows:

  • month and year of starting work - month and year of dismissal;
  • name of the organization;
  • the scope of the company - this item must be described in detail, that is, for example "Telecom LTD" - telecommunications "will be wrong. It is imperative to disclose what types of telecommunications she worked with this organization and what kind of telecommunications you worked with.
  • position held (or positions), with a list of performed duties.

A big mistake when describing work experience in a resume is verbatim copying of entries from a work book. This is unacceptable if the real work activity does not coincide with that described in the work book. The potential employer is interested in real experience, not formal experience. He needs to clearly understand your possibilities for performing this or that work.

Professional skills: Here is a list of your knowledge and skills acquired in the course of work. If, having changed your job, you have not changed the field of activity, this item must be selected separately. Otherwise, it will be sufficient to provide a short list of the main responsibilities for each job.

Knowledge of foreign languages: It is necessary to indicate the languages \u200b\u200band the corresponding degrees of proficiency in them (basic, spoken, fluent, perfect).

Computer knowledge: The degree of proficiency in computer, programs, operating systems, programming languages, databases is indicated.

Additional Information: This section contains information that you think should be known to the employer. For example: having a driver's license, car, personal qualities, hobbies, interests, the desired level of salary, and so on.

If every job seeker knew that he has only 3 minutes to “hook” the employer, then the resume would be made more efficiently, responsibly and concisely. Self-presentation should look so that the personnel officer wants to meet with you and discuss prospects further cooperation.

What is a resume

Many candidates underestimate these career life sheets, and in vain, because the employer, without seeing you, can judge by your skills whether you are suitable for a particular job. A resume is a real document, so it should be drawn up accurately, meticulously, and also include a number of mandatory points. An experienced recruiter will identify a useful document in 2 minutes. How to write a resume so that you do not fall into the list of outsiders, but win the competition for the main prize - face-to-face interview?

Resume rules

Start working with a document with name, purpose, contact information, age and marital status... Refine your key qualities, skills, work experience, education, achievements. Your intuition will not tell you how to write a resume correctly - you need to follow certain business rules, the knowledge of which will also be assessed by the HR department or the head of the company.

What a resume should look like

Visually, this document should look concise, strictly, businesslike. Try not to experiment with fonts, text colors, backgrounds, highlights (underlines, bold letters, italics). The volume of self-presentation should not exceed 2 pages; ideally, the recruiter should have 1 sheet on the table.

What to write about yourself

The visual perception of the document often drives the decision to call for an interview. You need to structure the information correctly. How to write a resume and fill out each block correctly to make a good impression:

  1. Surname, First name, Patronymic, Date of birth - according to the passport. Avoid nicknames, abbreviations, false information.
  2. goal for you - applying for the position "...".
  3. "Contact" includes current personal number phone, active email and address (if applicable).
  4. Family statusmust be stated after the fact. There are 3 possible options that need to be written in the resume: married, single, civil marriage.
  5. Education- in chronological or functional order. It is advisable not to take into account seminars and "circles" that are insignificant for a given vacancy, so as not to visually overload the document and not waste the time of a recruiter. Stop at the main occupation required for the job.
  6. work experience is indicated in the order that will be of interest to a particular employer. If you worked as a chief accountant for 3 years, after which you got a job as a sales manager, and now decided to return to the financial field, then more important experience will be located at the top. How to create a resume that is not overloaded with "extra" companies? The employer is interested in work experience over the past 10 years, the maximum length of service in one company, the last place of employment. In this paragraph, the following data should be laconically indicated: time range, name of organization, position.
  7. Achievementsinclude functional information: "developed", "trained", "mastered", "supervised (number of people)", "saved", "developed". This is how the recruiter will assess your potential usefulness, so it is important that he can quickly find your key skills in the canvas of the document.

Field of activity in a resume - what to write

The "Additional Information" block is a section of your skills. Describe your knowledge of languages, computers, additional level of knowledge in any area, personal qualities. What to write about yourself in your resume to stand out among thousands of faceless self-presentations? The form of a perfectly designed letterhead is never replete with information about the applicant's hobby, if it is not in addition to his professional skills. Think about how to present yourself correctly and interest the employer in your person.

How to write a resume for a student

Immediately after graduation, your work experience is diversified, and an adequate employer understands this. How to write your resume to make it short but meaningful? Students and graduates of the “Work experience” block are often omitted altogether, compensating for the “gap” with common information in the “Education” part. The knowledge acquired at conferences, international seminars, courses is much more important for the organization than a month of part-time work as a waiter in a cafe. You can also list your awards and distinctions and indicate the topic of the diploma.

How to fill out a resume if you are writing such a document for the first time? The easiest way is to use a template from job search sites, but then you will hardly be able to pretend to be individual. A smart way out of the situation is to study the rules, find out more information on how to write the right resume, and follow it. If you are preparing a self-presentation for sending to a branch large company, and the key skill of the applicant for a vacancy is linguistic knowledge, it is better to print and arrange the document in 2 copies - in Russian and in a foreign language.

Sample of a good job resume

When you create a document, your checklist will look like this:

  • concise presentation;
  • the severity of the design;
  • no frills in the form of a bright background, patterns, underlines;
  • the presence of all the necessary blocks;
  • competent, concise and meaningful presentation of the material.

For clarity, an example of a successful resume:

Sidorov Petr Valerievich

Resume Purpose: Applying for an Accountant Position

Phone: +7 (…) -… -..- ..

Marital status: single


RSSU, 1992-1997

Specialty: foreign regional studies (specialist)

MGUPP, 2004-2009

Specialty: accounting, analysis and audit (specialist)

Training Center of Accountants and Auditors, 2015-2016

Professional development - seminar "New VAT taxation"

Work experience:

  • February 2003 - December 2016, Prosenval OJSC
  • Position: Accountant
  • August 1997 - January 2003, JSC "Magistral"
  • Position: regional expert


At Prosenval OJSC he optimized the tax base, due to which the company's expenses were reduced by 13%.

Additional Information:

Foreign languages: English (fluent)

Computer knowledge: confident user, knowledge of Office, 1C Accounting, Dolibarr

Personal qualities: punctuality, composure, ability to analyze, mathematical mindset.

Head of the financial department of OJSC "Prosenval"

Avdot'ev Konstantin Georgievich, tel. +7 (…)… -..- ..

Ready to get started on 02/01/2017,

Desired salary: from 40,000 rubles


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