Master of civil works is a profession. State professional educational institution “Syktyvkar Industrial College. Discount travel in city passenger transport

Compiled in ___ copies. I approve _____________________________ (initials, surname) _________________________________ _____________________________ _________________________________ _____________________________ _________________________________ _____________________________ (name of the employer, (the head or another person, his organizational and legal authorized to approve the form, address, phone, address of the job description) email, OGRN, TIN / KPP) "___ "____________ ____ year N _____" ___ "________________ ____

OFFICIAL INSTRUCTIONS of the master of general construction works

1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the master of general construction works "__________" (hereinafter - the "Organization").

1.2. The master of general construction works is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the Head of the Organization.

1.3. The master of civil works reports directly to the _______________ Organization.

1.4. A person who has __________ vocational education and work experience in the specialty _____ years (without presenting requirements for work experience) is appointed to the position of a master of general construction works.

1.5. General construction foreman should know:

The main types of materials, reinforcing steel;

Preparation of solutions, mixtures;

Installation and disassembly technology;

Tools and devices used in the installation of building structures;

Methods for punching holes and holes in masonry;

Rules for disassembling masonry foundations, walls and pillars;

Types of slings and grippers;

Main types of rigging equipment;

Rules for the movement and storage of light cargo;

Rules for the technical operation and maintenance of equipment, devices and tools;

Alarm rules during installation.

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the master of general construction works, his duties are assigned to _______________.


2.1. The master of general construction works carries out:

Cleaning reinforcing steel from rust.

Stacking of reinforcing steel in racks and stacks.

Carrying reinforcement and reinforcement structures manually.

Cleaning of rock foundations and concrete surfaces.

Transfer and descent of concrete mix along trays and trunks.

Laying brick posts for floor joists.

Manual preparation of solutions.

Cleaning brick from mortar.

Punching holes, grooves and holes in brick and rubble by hand.

Manual disassembly of rubble foundations, brickwork of walls and pillars.

Backfilling of channels or ducts with powdered materials or mineral wool.

Attachment of pallets, containers, reinforced concrete products and other goods with inventory slings for mounting loops, brackets, hooks, etc.

Hooking steel, concrete and reinforced concrete structures with inventory slings for mounting loops, brackets, hooks, etc.

Driving the threads of bolts and nuts.

Hand winch work.

Cleaning surfaces for insulation.

De-preservation of hardware.

Punching holes and furrows manually in concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

Installing and removing bolts.

Installation of metal temporary furnaces with hanging pipes.

Cleaning and mopping the front surface of the ovens.

Preparation of a red clay solution.

Dismantling uncoated stoves and kitchen fireplaces.

Cleaning bricks, tiles and stove appliances from mortar.


The master of general construction works has the right to:

3.1. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the master of general construction works.

3.2. Enter into relationships with subdivisions of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities that are within the competence of the master of general construction works.


General construction foreman is responsible for:

4.1. Failure to ensure the fulfillment of their functional duties.

4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of work.

4.3. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the Head of the Organization.

4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Organization and its employees.

4.5. Failure to enforce labor discipline.


5.1. The mode of work of the master of general construction works is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Organization.

ELECTRONIC WORKBOOK PROFESSION "MASTER OF CIVIL WORKS" FOR INDUSTRIAL TRAINING FOR THE I COURSE REMINDER Dear friends! An electronic workbook will help you replenish and consolidate your knowledge of the basics of the theory of stone technology. It contains questions and assignments on 17 vocational training topics that characterize the features of stone work. The proposed tasks are designed for your independence in educational activities and provides for work with a textbook and additional literature. You are given the opportunity to express your own opinion on the studied problem. In search of answers to these questions and tasks, you can better understand the main thing, control yourself, find out what you know and can do, and what else needs to be repeated. I wish you interesting work! Legend - Question for reflection, recollection and consolidation t - Test, consolidation of theoretical knowledge † - Working with a book, reference literature Y - Exercise - Research and creative tasks - Solve the problem K - Guess the crossword H / E - Erudition task CONTENTS 1. Topic: “Introduction to the profession. Labor safety rules, fire safety and electrical safety in training workshops "2. Topic:" Excursion to a construction site and industrial enterprises for the manufacture of building structures "3. Topic:" Excursion to a construction site and industrial enterprises for the manufacture of building structures "4. Topic:" Introduction with the organization of a bricklayer's workplace "5. Topic:" Tools, devices and inventory "6. Topic:" Setting orders, pulling moorings "7. Topic:" Preparation of masonry mortars of a given brand "8. Topic:" Preparation of masonry mortars of a given brand " 9. Topic: "Types of masonry, cutting rules" 10. Topic: "Working out techniques for laying bricks close-in" 11. Topic: "Working out techniques for laying bricks back-to-back" 12. Topic: "Working out techniques for laying bricks back-to-back with cutting mortar" 13. Topic : "Working out techniques for laying bricks in a half-line" 14. Topic: "Orderly method" 15. Topic: "Step method" 16. Topic: "Mixed method" 17. Topic: "Verification work on the results of the 1st half diya "1.1. Introduction to the profession 1.2. Labor safety rules, fire safety and electrical safety in training workshops 1. Topic: “Introduction to the profession. Labor safety rules, fire safety and electrical safety in training workshops "2. Topic:" Excursion to a construction site and industrial enterprises for the manufacture of building structures "Click on the brick 3. Topic: "Excursion to a construction site and industrial enterprises for the production of building structures" Click on a brick Click on a brick Organization of a workplace 4. Topic: "Introduction to the organization of a bricklayer's workplace" 5. Topic: "Tools, fixtures and inventory" Click on a brick Production tool Control and measuring tool Scaffolding and scaffolding 6. Topic: "Setting orders, pulling moorings" Click on brick 7. Topic: "Preparation of masonry mortars of a given grade" Click on a brick 8. Topic: "Preparation of masonry mortars of a given brand" Click on a brick 9. Topic: “Types of masonry, cutting rules” Click on a brick Rules for cutting masonry 10. Topic: “Working out techniques for laying bricks in a press-in” Click on a brick Instructional and technological map Masonry in a press-on method 11. Topic: “Working out techniques for laying bricks in a flush” Click on the brick. Instructional and technological map. Masonry by means of adjoining method 12. Topic: "Working out the techniques of laying bricks adhering to cutting the mortar "Click on the brick Instructional technological map Masonry using the in-line method with cutting the mortar 13. Topic:" Working out techniques for laying half-bricks "Click on the brick Instructional technological map 14. Topic:" Orderly method "Click on the brick Instructional technological map 15 Topic: "Stepwise method" Click on the brick Instructional technological map 16. Topic: "Mixed method" Click on the brick Instructional technological map 17. Topic: "Verification work based on the results of the first half of the year" Click on the brick

Over the thousands of years of development of modern civilization, the appearance of a person's dwelling has repeatedly changed. From natural structures, such as a cave, man moved on to earthen structures (dugouts), then to wooden and wooden-earthen structures, and, finally, to stone structures. In different parts of the world, we can find stone structures that are more than one thousand years old.

In the process of development of construction technology, during the construction of stone buildings and structures, there was a transition from the use of natural stone elements (boulders, pebbles, slabs) to hewn and molded stone elements of buildings.

In modern construction, work related to the production of masonry occupies significant volumes. Currently, over 50% of all buildings are erected with brick walls.

To meet the requirements currently imposed on the quality of construction and installation work, highly qualified personnel of construction workers with a high level of theoretical knowledge and professional training are needed. Such specialists are general construction works masters. General construction foreman performs assembly work in the construction of all types of buildings and structures from prefabricated reinforced concrete and metal structures.

The profession of a master of civil works involves obtaining qualifications in several professions, the most popular of which are bricklayers and concrete workers. The main profession that accumulates knowledge and skills in the production of stone works is the profession of "bricklayer".

A bricklayer is a specialist who is engaged in the construction of buildings made of brick or stone. A bricklayer can produce different types of masonry: under plaster, with jointing along the masonry, with simultaneous facing with colored bricks according to a given pattern. When erecting stone bridges and hydraulic structures, a bricklayer lays foundations and bridge supports, during repairs, he changes or strengthens brick foundations of existing buildings, and repairs cracks in the masonry.

Bricklaying teams carry out masonry of various designs for industrial and residential buildings. Highly qualified professional bricklayers carry out the construction of buildings and structures made of bricks, natural and artificial stone, glass blocks. The bricklaying team can also carry out renovation and restoration work.

Concrete is one of the oldest building materials. The history of concrete existence goes back millennia. Back in the II century. BC. the Romans used concrete masses in the construction of port facilities near Naples.

In 1885, the first reinforced concrete structures appeared.

A concrete worker is a specialist who is engaged in construction using reinforced concrete structures.

The concrete worker performs reinforcement and preparatory work in the production of concrete work, performs concrete work of varying complexity.


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