The main thing is not age, but a state of mind. Aphorisms and quotes about age What is important if not age

That the years go by, it would be nothing, but in which direction!
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Try to appear younger than you are, but not younger than you think.
Don Aminado

It's nonsense that a woman is as old as she looks. The woman is as old as she says!

As women get older, they rely more and more on cosmetics, and men on their sense of humor.
George Jean Nathan

I don't know how old she is, but she looks older.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?
Wayne Dyer

Within ourselves, we are all the same age.
Gertrude Stein

The secret to eternal youth is to live virtuously, eat slowly, and lie about your age.
Lucille Ball

Four human ages: infancy, childhood, adolescence, aging.
Art Linkletter

Three human ages: youth, middle age and "You look wonderful today!"
Cardinal Francis Spellman

Life is divided into three parts: when you believe in Santa Claus, when you do not believe in Santa Claus, and when you are already Santa Claus yourself.
Bob Phillips

Age is a disgusting thing, and every year it gets worse.
Diana Cooper

At any age, their nasty things.
Henri Bataille

It would be very easy to get used to your age if it did not change so often.
Zhanna Golonogova

Sadly, but after ten fifteen years even the most beautiful women will be five years older.

He has already lived to that dangerous age when all women seem attractive.

When your friends start to wonder how young you look, this is a sure sign that you have grown old.
Washington Irving

He who constantly hides his years, he finally begins to think that he is as young as he wants to appear.
Jean La Bruyere

Do not hide your age, otherwise you will be given more.
Konstantin Melikhan

Middle age is when you still believe that tomorrow you will feel better.
Lawrence Peter

Middle age is when you can still do the same thing as before, but you prefer not to do it.

It seems to everyone that he reached his fortieth birthday too early.

Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age.
Victor Hugo

You begin to understand old age after forty, and then you cease to understand youth.
Kazimierz Brandys

If a man and a woman are the same age, the woman always looks a little older, because she is ten years older.
Sasha Guitri

A man is as old as he feels, a woman is as old as she looks.
Mortimer Collins

A man is as young as a woman feels him.
Groucho Marx

It's nonsense that a woman is as old as she looks. The woman is as old as she says.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

A woman never stops talking about her age and never names him.
Jules Renard

To find out my age, you have to cut me and count the layers.

The only thing a woman remembers firmly is the age of other women.

Thirty is the best age for a forty-year-old woman.

All women are young, but some are younger than others.
Marcel Ashar

Every woman has the age she deserves.
Coco Chanel

You cannot trust a woman who does not hide her age. Such a woman does not hesitate to say anything.
Oscar Wilde

If a woman admits her age to you, then she has already left it.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

A woman ages one year every three years.
Maurice Donne

The years that a woman takes from her age are not wasted: she adds them to the age of other women.
Diane de Poitiers

Not only don’t say how old you are, but don’t even tell how much you look!
Yanina Ipohorskaya

We enter different ages of our life, like newborns, with no experience behind us, no matter how old we are.
Francois La Rochefoucauld

Age is a classic example of impermanence.
Sylvia Cheese

Nobody believes that he looks for all his years.
Edgar Howe

Love and age cannot be hidden.

It is not my age that terrifies me, but the age of my peers.

Count your years into money and you will see how little it is.
Magdalena the Pretender

A man's age can be judged by what he says; about a woman's age - by what they say about her.
Maurice Druon

Nothing ages like a face.
Semyon Altov

Nothing ages a woman like her age.
Don Aminado

In humans, we live in our real age; alone - at all ages.
Matthews Brander

Sadly, but in ten fifteen years even the most beautiful women will be five years older.

A woman under 18 needs good parents, from 18 to 35 - good looks, from 35 to 55 - good character, and after 55 - good money.
Sophie Tucker

Everything is good side: no matter how old you are, you are younger than you will ever be.
"Readers Digest"

Until a certain age, a person does not notice his age.
Arkady Davidovich

No matter how long you live, the first twenty years is the longest half of your life.
Robert Southey

Twenty years old - a boy, another twenty - a young man, another twenty - a young man, another twenty - an old man.

The most pleasant age is the one that goes downhill, but has not yet rolled into the abyss.

I'm 28, like many women my age.
Mary Schmich

Thirty is a wonderful age for a woman. Especially if she's forty.
Phyllis Diyer

A woman is as old as she looks in the eyes of a man who likes her.
Finley Peter Dunn

Forty years is not the end of the world, but from here it is already visible.
American dictum

My best years were my forties.
Elizabeth Taylor

Life begins after forty - as well as rheumatism, hyperopia and the desire to tell the same story to the same person three or four times.
Helen Rowland

In a woman's life, sooner or later, there comes a moment when she must finally decide on her age and adhere to it to the end.
Maria Chuvashek

A man of Balzac's age.
Nikita Bogoslovsky

Until I was fifty, I thought I'd always be eighteen.
Arkady Davidovich

After fifty days are already counting!
Coco Chanel

At fifty the world starts to tire you, and at sixty the world is tired of you.
Axel Oxensherna

I'll be sixty soon. Almost a third of my life is over.
Woody Allen

At sixty you begin to realize that your grandfather, who lived to be 80, died not so old.

Being over 70 is like being in a war. All your friends are dead or will soon die, and you live surrounded by death, as if on a battlefield.
Myurtl Spark

Our days are seventy years old, and with a greater fortress eighty years; and their best time is work and illness, for they pass quickly, and we fly
Psalms 89:10

We would live incomparably happier if we could be born at eighty and gradually approach eighteen.
Mark Twain

After eighty, everyone is friends.
Quotable Business (1999)

Round dates make a person zero.
Arkady Davidovich

People are like wine: if they get better over the years, then they are of very high quality.
Philip Bouvard

Age is the best medicine for love.
M. Genin

Middle age is when you can still do the same thing as before, but you prefer not to do it.
author unknown

Middle age is when you stop criticizing the elders and start criticizing the young.
L. Peter

Middle age is when you are too young to retire and too old to get another job.
L. Peter

Sixty is the age when you finally have enough experience to get fired.
author unknown

Middle age - when you start repeating what a fool you were before.
author unknown

The old man believes everything, the middle-aged man suspects everything, the young man knows everything.
O. Wilde

And now, out of the blue, you become a middle-aged woman. You are anonymous. Nobody notices you. You gain amazing freedom - the freedom of the invisible man.
D. Lessing

What we sin in youth has to be redeemed in old age.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

In youth, you want to live more fun, in maturity - better, in old age - longer.
E. Sevrus

Excessive care is the same curse of old people, as carelessness is the grief of youth.
W. Shakespeare

Critical age: the age of the woman who criticizes everyone.
Don Aminado

Work For You, 13-02-2006

Losing a job in pre-retirement and retirement age becomes a tragedy for most people, because if you are not an exclusive specialist in any field, in the future you will have a half-starved existence and, at best, a part-time job as a concierge or night watchman. And where else should a middle-aged person go, when even 40-year-olds are faced with the age limit everywhere? What should such applicants do? - says Tatiana Grishneva, a consultant of one of the largest recruiting agencies in the capital.

Can a middle-aged person find a job in their specialty? The answer is yes, but it depends on the profession. Let's immediately define: there are areas where age-old applicants have nothing to look for. These are areas of activity such as PR, marketing, active sales, HR (excluding office work) and IT. Why? Yes, because either soviet times there was no appropriate education, or technologies in these areas are developing so rapidly that even younger specialists sometimes do not have time to keep up with the times.

But engineers, designers, technologists, food workers, chemists, machine builders, production workers are those people who have a good chance of finding work in their specialty. These spheres are reviving today, salaries in them are gradually becoming competitive, and there are practically no young specialists due to the "kickback" from technical universities in the 90s. In these areas, the notorious age limit has been significantly relaxed, and even a person over 60 has a chance of finding a job.

Accountants and HR clerks are a separate article. These are specialties where you need to constantly keep your finger on the pulse, because labor and tax laws are constantly changing. And if a specialist is aware of the latest trends, owns the necessary computer packages and does not have a significant break in experience, then the age of the applicant practically does not matter. Moreover, it can be perceived positively, because adults more often demonstrate the perseverance and concentration of attention necessary for these professions.

Now let's talk about how "age" candidates should behave correctly in an interview. It is better to dress strictly and elegantly. Shoes with small heels will not hurt women. The gait is light, the back is straight, so that appearance did not accentuate the interlocutor at a respectable age.

It must be remembered that your experience and vast experience is the main advantage over young applicants. It is worth "pushing" on this in a conversation, smoothly leading the interlocutor to the idea that the correct personnel policy is to have a professional and non-conflict person in each position. And you are exactly that. But remember: in no case should you make the impression of a lost, unsettled person on the personnel officer, pityingly look into his eyes. Behave with dignity, just don't confuse it with aplomb. Smile, be benevolent, cheerful, leave the impression of a living, interested person, and then your chances of success will increase significantly.

Good day))

My blog has interesting article about women who, upon reaching retirement age, began to do what they dreamed of throughout their lives. In the comments to her I was asked: “But where are the men? Are they all extinct before the age of 60? "

No, they not only did not die out, they also delight and infect others with their example, once again confirming the conventional wisdom - age is not the main thing, the main thing is in the head.

And if the previous collection was devoted to amazing women, then today's article is about no less extraordinary men, for whom an active, real life is not "tied" to age.

Academician Uglov was included in the Guinness Book of Records due to his professional activity as the oldest practicing surgeon.

He performed his last operation at the age of 99.

And in his entire life, the surgeon performed more than 6500 operations, can you imagine the number of lives he saved!

To be able to achieve such professional results, Uglov took care of his health, in his words "you shouldn't drink or smoke, otherwise all other recommendations will be useless." He believed that his normal weight must be maintained at all costs, therefore he always left the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

Other advice Uglov includes: - sleep at least 7-8 hours; - do not take negative information to heart; - to love, to laugh more.

Although, I think, it must have been difficult for him to follow all these recommendations. In addition to him, the family had five children, they lived very modestly, and when Fyodor announced that he wanted to be a doctor, his father gave him 30 rubles for the trip, a ticket for the ship, saying that they could not help him anymore. And he traveled to his future place of study in Irkutsk for three weeks, by two steamers, by boat, by car and horses.

During World War II, Uglov served as chief of a military hospital surgical department, where it was necessary to carry out operations in extreme conditions - without sufficient lighting, in the bitter cold. Uglov survived the 900-day siege of Leningrad all this time working as a surgeon in the besieged city.

Besides its main practical work he has written many articles and books.

The youngest child of Fyodor Grigorievich was born when he was 66 years old.

2. And now about another doctor, a surgeon-oncologist from London, Roger Allsopp

His achievement, entered in the Guinness Book of Records with professional activities just not connected.

One fine evening sitting in the pub "White Horse", where all the walls from the inside are decorated with paintings who managed to swim across the English Channel, he decided to try to do the same. Roger was a good swimmer, but he had never done anything like that before.

Nevertheless, already in retirement, at the age of 65, he decided to contribute to the cause to which he devoted his life, to the fight against cancer, and with the help of a single swim across the English Channel, raise money for a cancer research center.

To do this, he had to swim 64 kilometers of restless waters of the strait, after which he felt absolutely exhausted, so much so that he decided never to repeat this again.

But time passed, the fatigue after the swim was forgotten, the oncology center needed money for equipment, and, despite the fact that Roger did not get younger, and just by that time he was already 70 years old and 4 months old, he repeated his swim ... At the same time, he broke the record held by George Bronstad, who swam the English Channel at 70 years and 3 days, whose autograph was also adorned on the painted wall of the White Horse pub.

After waiting for good weather, Allsoppé came to the shore of the strait to set another record in a funny pink hat. (Look how good Roger looks, it's hard to believe that this is where he is 70).

This time it was not only difficult to swim, but practically unbearable. At this time, the currents of the English Channel turned out to be especially active, the water temperature was 16 degrees, nevertheless, after swimming non-stop for almost 18 hours, Roger was able to set a new record.

The swim was difficult, in 18 hours Allsopp lost 6 kg of weight, and practically does not remember how he got ashore, now he assures that he will never dare to repeat this alone again. Therefore, now Roger simply swims in the sea every day for 20-30 minutes, even in winter, when the water temperature does not exceed 9 degrees.

3. John Lowe, who dreamed of doing ballet

This story is especially surprising due to John's age. He dances on the professional stage despite the fact that he is 92 (!) Years old.

But even that is not all. The fact is that he first took up ballet only when he reached the age of 80.

Every time John watched the ballet he secretly envied the dancers, and at 79, finally making up his mind, he came to a ballet studio in his city of Ely (this is Great Britain) asking if he could learn to tap dance, he was ashamed to ask about ballet classes занятия

After a year of complete dedication to tap dancing, Lowe began studying ballet in the same studio, which, in fact, he dreamed of all the time. Apparently, Lowe felt his extraordinary abilities, because after nine years of training, that is, when he was almost 90 years old, John began performing on stage. Now he has his own part in Prokofiev's ballet The Stone Flower.

John trains three times a week in a ballet studio, plus daily classes at home, sometimes, for a change, rollerblading, and every day he hangs from a trapeze suspended from the ceiling to strengthen his muscles.

Lowe must look great on stage, because his four children and eleven grandchildren come to his performances)))

4. Charles Eugster, who puts on wonderful experiments

“We confused illness and age. Diseases are not at all required condition old age! " - so says Charles himself, after thirty years ago he decided to put on an amazing experiment, proving that you can grow old without getting sick. And then he was 60 years old.

It is curious that up to 60, he was, in his words, an absolute "mattress", constantly lying on the couch, which is why he started having health problems - his blood pressure dropped, he was worried about varicose veins.

One really fine day, Eugster found out about rowing competitions that were held for the people of his age category... And since in childhood he was engaged in this sport, he decided to try it and got so into the taste that he continued to practice for two years. Then Charles noticed - the illness stopped bothering him.

He continued training, changed his diet and became interested in the processes leading to aging. According to him, the cause of most diseases in age is not so much aging as the replacement of muscle tissue with adipose tissue, and so that this does not happen, it is necessary to give constant loads to the body. Which he did in the following years.

But as he approached the age of eighty, Charles began to notice that, despite the exertion, it became more difficult for him to achieve results, he quickly gained fat, and lost muscle mass. Therefore, he turned to professionals who know how to quickly and correctly build muscle.

So 87-year-old Charles became a bodybuilder))

Having started to exercise and changing the principles of nutrition, in a year he lost 12 kilograms and returned to his lost shape again.

Now Charles Eugster is 93 years old, he is absolutely healthy, is in the same weight in which he was drafted into the army and does 50 push-ups in 45 seconds. At the same time, despite training, participation in regattas and competitions, he continues to work.

Until the age of 75, Charles worked in his main specialty - a dentist, up to 82 as a publisher of a dental bulletin, and until 92 - as the "face" of a network of fitness centers.

Now Charles is looking for new job, and not only ... Since he was widowed many years ago, and he was tired of being a bachelor, Charles would gladly meet a nice girl of about 70 years old 😉

5. Ramjit Raghava is just a father ...

In principle, there is nothing special about this, except that the first-born of the Indian peasant Ramjit was born when he was 94 years old, and at the age of 96 the second appeared.

Raghava met his wife at the age of 86 (his wife is half his age), before that Raghava was a bachelor and practiced abstinence.

The couple lived in such a way that, according to Ramjit, all the neighbors envied them, only they did not have children, and they constantly asked for a child of God. The first son was born 8 years later.

These are such extraordinary stories, but this is only part of the documented stories about men who surprise with their character, actions and achievements.

And in who have achieved everything from scratch.


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