Famous versions about travel. What is in reality give a person to a person? Why we need travel

It is impossible to measure the value that travel gives a person. For each person in traveling huge benefits. We understand the article.

What is in reality give a person to a person?

I am constantly asked - why am I traveling? Why travel at all? Why do I want to leave home? Why spend money on travel when you can buy a car or something equal? Do I miss something and anyone? Do I feel like lonely? What do travels give a person?

The reasons for traveling a great set is a passion for traveling, love for culture, the desire to just leave it all behind, the desire to forget, or the need for new acquaintances. Travels become for people way to cope with various situations, experience a new experience, find yourself. That is why people love to travel.

For each person on travels laid a specific charm. Holy Augustine is known for his quote: "The world is a book, and one who does not travel reads only one page." This quotation and one more about the lack of regret belonging to the brand of tween I constantly hold in my head.

In the world of all pages are different. All new, all changeable. It does not matter. You are going to look at the pyramid or get acquainted with the new culture, it does not matter if you want to escape from something or find out something, you are going to a month or for a year, we are all traveling because we are looking for change. We are looking for something new, changing everyday affairs or impressions about another culture, change - that's what journeys give a person.

Why do people travel?

Recently, people have traveled more and that's why - in the modern world of employment from 9 to 17, mortgages, loans and constant accounts, our days become similar to the eternal race, almost indistinguishable from each other and very boring. Under the weight of such a life, a person often forgets about what is really important for him, and what would he want from life. We become hostages, clamped between expensive to work and back, and the need to take children to the section that we forget what the sky looks like and in general, how to breathe.

When I am asked why I so want to travel, I tell about how I live at home and can plan my life for months ahead. Ask why? Because all the days are similar to each other - traffic jams, work, gym, sleep, repeat. At the time when in the journey every moment promises a new beginning. No day looks like the previous one. You can't plan in advance that it will happen to you today, because it is simply impossible. Neither plugs, no orders, no business meetings. Only you and your whim. Travels give freedom. That is why people travel.

Over the past few years, my life has ever changed. Places, culture, cities, countries are all dissimilar on each other. No day was similar to the previous one. In fact, every day is so different from others that sometimes it seems to me that I will live for 3 lives instead of one, so saturated my days. Your life will seem longer to you - that's why you need travel.

People may have many reasons to go on a journey, but everyone is looking for any changes. We want to see the world, see something else, something variable. The journey contributes to a person's change and gives her piquant. Bashed, completely different and adventure carrying - that's what journeys are given. Your day will not be subordinate to the work hour, only the otings of your heart.

In the ocean of freedom, without a compass, which would indicate the direction to us, without all that it is forced to do something, we all float forward.

We want something different from our everyday life, something that threw us a challenge. We always strive for something new, another other than what we already have (no matter how cool, it is seasoning to our life), this is an integral part of any person. No one jumps in the morning with joy and gratitude that he was sitting in a stuffy office today for 8 hours. Not. We are only talking about how to get out of it. Punch the walls of ordness and experience something else. That is why you need to travel.

A person is always looking for something new, something previously unprecedented - the next page in the book of the world, even if it is temporary. This makes travels such interesting, intriguing and desired for all of us. It is calling us to meet new places and impressions. Allows us to relax from office everyday life and touch the mysterious chaos. Shows us new places, people and cultures. Travels always give us a new experience - not necessarily outside, but within us.

This is the benefits of traveling for a person.

I live my life of the traveler and do not know what is waiting for me ahead, but I can read only one pointer, which is written "Change ahead" - and I don't have anything to smile. Looking around other travelers, I see that they are smiling. We smile together, knowing that the new experience is waiting for us by turning - an unexpected adventure, a useful experience, a bold challenge, a true friend or love of life.

Sunrise in Taiwan

I gathered a large selection of aphorisms, quotes, status and travel statements for you.

Traveling is what every person begins to dream about or late. Tracting for a better life simply automatically converts to the desire to visit other distant shores, and if not to settle there, then at least see. Travels recommend from longing, Handra and love, as a faithful medicine. And of course, there is a huge number of aphorisms, quotes, statements and statuses about traveling.

About travel: Aphorisms, quotes, statuses and statements.

A person can climb the highest peak; But for a long time it can not be there.

Blind can go around the whole world and not notice anything.

During the sea, the people who are unfamiliar with the storms and people, in their experience knowing the means to salvation, are boldly.

Adventure seeker is nothing more than mythoman.

Who floats downstream, never reaches the source.

Hotel Crystal Lagoon, Chile

The most pleasant trip is that a disposable world surrounds you.

Tourist travels for a thousand miles to take pictures against the background of his car.

Miracles of air strikes: breakfast in Warsaw, lunch in London, dinner in New York, baggage in Buenos Aires.

Air travel: boredom clock interrupted by the moments of panic fear.

People, most, traveling only because they travel their neighbors.

I do not like to feel "how at home" when I abroad.

The person is most passionate about the journey when preparing for him. But it is worth going to the road, and disappointment will begin. That is why travels are always so fruitless.

Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home.

To get to the island, you need to cross.

In every wandering, there is a risk of getting lost.

The journey of a thousand miles begins from the first step.

Travel only with those who love.

Ice flowers Baikal

At the beginning of the journey, we cannot look too far to the future. You will be rejected that the first part of the path has passed safely.

How long is the same place to visit when there are so many unexplored corners in the world?!

Important journey, not destination.

Travel and live much more interesting if you follow suddenly emerging impulses.
Bill Bryson "Traveling in Europe"

Travels discover not so much curiosity our in relation to what we are going to watch how much fatigue from what we leave.

Travel teach more than anything. Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home.

I always believed that travel was the best time for memories, especially traveling through the water, because water is an image of time.

Travels develop the mind, if, of course, you have it.

My travel opinion is brief: traveling, do not come too far, and you will not see such that then and it will be impossible to forget ...

House under Edinburgh in Scotland

During the trip, it is important not to forget the main thing - when something one ends, something else begins.
Author: From the movie "Love happens" (Love Happens)

Many, perhaps, will agree with the fact that the present education, which is certainly useful to a person in life, we get mainly outside the limits of stuffy training classes. No, this is not a passage in favor of revising the fundamental principles of the modern system of obtaining knowledge. But still, in addition to the usual schemes "School - Teacher - Class - Control" and "University - Teacher - Group - Examinations" There are more specific ways to know ourselves and the world and get a lot of necessary skills.
We also offer to see the site about traveling 7Daytravel.

In fact, travel is the best way to find out for yourself a lot of new things. Whether you walk through the streets of Paris, climb on the mountain peak in the Himalayas or spend the sunny day on the Dominican beach, travel will never let you down like a teacher.

Just below you will find 10 reasons why travel is the best form of education, no matter where you are going and what adventures you expect.

Study of foreign languages
In English they say almost in any part of the planet, and most often it will work for you. Nevertheless, it is always better to know the language of the country you are going to visit. Travels make you study different languages. After studying the basics with books, applications or video, you can improve your skills, talking to the native speaker.

Acquaintance with other cultures
Travels are not only to other countries, but even in other parts of their own country - the best way to learn a lot of interesting things. You begin to understand better how diverse the cultures of the whole world, notice the similarity and differences between the traditions familiar to you and seemingly alien to you to lifetime.

Studying history through acquaintance with landmarks
Yes, you probably studied the ancient civilizations and major historical events in the framework of the educational program, but nothing compares with a personal visit to historical attractions to the discovery of many interesting facts.

You understand what the world is similar today
Travel tell you not only about how the world was in the past, but also about what he is today. Surely this is the best way to truly assess the political situation, economic scenarios and the social structure of the world in which we live with you today.

You get acquainted with nature
When you leave the zone of your comfort in the midst of concrete jungle and begin to explore the most exotic natural phenomena of the world, you will understand the colossal strength of nature. The greatness of nature is important for solving the majority of global problems, such as climate change and air pollution.

You learn new things for yourself
Travels will experience you literally every second. Since you open the way to an unknown, travel will make you do a lot of things that, under other circumstances, would not come to your mind. It is important that you will do: tame the elephants in Cambodia, wander around the Appalach or dance Sambo in Brazil - During travel, you will learn many new things for yourself. You can be a fragrant and assume that you are not so easy to communicate with people. But traveling will change this position of things, since on trips it is almost impossible to do without communicating with unfamiliar people. What is not a personality development course?

You get communication skills
If you spend your life in counteraction, constantly reacting to the circumstances that you hang over you, and at the same time you want to change the current order, but do not know how to do it, travel will help you learn independence and the ability to control your own fate.

Travel teach us more decisive
During travel, you learn to be independent, especially if you go alone. You will learn how to make decisions on your own and manifest initiative.

You learn compassion
When you travel a lot, faced with many cultural features of people of the whole world, you begin to understand that, despite all the differences, we are still very similar to each other, and your prejudices about skin color, a field or religion will gradually disappear .

You recognize yourself
Probably, this is the most important aspect of education, which can be obtained by traveling. Covering out in unknown locations, in unfamiliar circumstances and in unusual cultural floats, we see themselves differently, noticing many important things in our character, behavior, habits and other components of our personality, which previously did not pay attention. You are aware of the real scale of your potential, you know what you are happy to enjoy, and what is sincerely annoying you, and finally approach an understanding of who you really are.

Quotes of great people about travel

Cognition of the countries of the world - decoration and food of human minds.

Leonardo da Vinci

It is not necessary to live, travel- need.

W. Burrow

Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home.

Anatole France.

Life during the trip is a dream in pure form.

Agatha Christie

The tourist, as soon as he comes somewhere, immediately begins to want back. And the traveler ... he may not return ...

Paul Bowl

Only about two things we will regret on the mortal apparent - that they loved little and lived little.

Mark Twain

Like all the great travelers, I saw more than I remember, and I remember more than I saw.

Benjamin Dizraelie

A good traveler is one who does not know where to go. And the perfect traveler does not even know where it came from.

Lin Yutan

Live on Earth maybe expensive, but you get an annual free cruise around the sun.

Ashley Brilliant

Journey to a thousand miles begins with one step.

Lao Tzu (Li Er)

Either I will find the way or put it.

F. Sydney

Give a man a goal for which it is worth living, and he will be able to survive in any situation.

A person makes a happy three things: love, interesting work and the opportunity to travel!

Ivan Bunin

Travels help to understand the beauty of space and the pricelessness of time.

G. Aleksandrov

Although in search of the beautiful we wander around the world, we must have it in yourself, otherwise we can not find it!

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Happiness eliminates old age. Who keeps the ability to see beautiful, he does not age!

Franz Kafka.

A man takes himself with him when he travels. Here he goes over his limits, becomes richer by a field, forest, mountain.

Ernst Simon Bloch

Not in some verses poetry: she is spilled everywhere, she is around us ... Take a look at these trees, this is the sky - everywhere blows beauty and life; And where beauty and life, there and poetry!

I. S. Turgenev

Surprisingly, it can make one ray of the sun with a man's soul!

F. M. Dostoevsky

The offer of unexpected travel is a dance lesson, taught by God.

Kurt Vonnegut

Traveling as the greatest science and serious science helps us to regain yourself.

Albert Kama

Never save on the fact that you will not be able to repeat.

Tony Willer

Nothing opens his eyes to the world and does not expand the horizons like traveling.

Charlize Theron

The traveler sees what he sees. Tourist sees what he came to see


Travel and live much more interesting if you follow suddenly emerging impulses.

Bill Bryson

Follow your dear, and let people say anything.

Dante Aligiery

I love to travel much more than I am afraid to fly.


If not to talk about love, most joy and comfort bring us travel.

Theodore Dreiser

- Okay, take care of him! With this suitcase, many memories are connected.
- What memories? Not a single trip ...
- About all the trips, in which we never went so ...

Jack and Jill: Love on the suitcases (Jusqu "à TOI)

Is it fair to reproach the traveling in the fact that he spends so much time on the road when overcoming the path and is it the subject of his wandering?

Goat rods

No matter how difficult is the path, it will raind the pioneer.

Georgy Aleksandrov

Happiness is not a station, but a way to travel.

There are only two ways to live life. The first - as if miracles do not exist. The second - as if there are some wonders around.

Albert Einstein

Traveling is needed so that there is no stagnation of the soul.

Anna Duvarova

My travel opinion is briefly: traveling, do not come too far, and you will not see such that then and it will be impossible to forget.

Daniel Harms.

The only way to travel in time is life.

Andrey Khavronyuk

The one who has not visited other people's edges does not know the price of a person.

Fate pave the way.

Vergiliy (Publi Virgil Maron)

Do not be in the world of travelers - there would be no roads.

Baurzhan Tyibyekov

The one who is directed to the stars does not turn around.

Leonardo da Vinci

The whole world is on the way, the route of which has not yet been determined anywhere.

Ernst Simon Bloch

The goal is the way in time.

Karl Jaspers

If your way to know the world leads,
No matter how much he is long and difficult - forward!

Abulkassim Firdusi

Life is a way to happiness, but not everyone can overcome all the stages of this path.

Ilya Shevelev

Free mind is not a place on the pier,
Let it be the way where there was no roads.

A. Malyshko

Sometimes a person look for his way in life forces off-road.

Boris Krutier

On every crossroads of his stone with information.

On the way you can forget the lover, dispel the mountain, to move away from yourself the ghost of death.

Theodore Dreiser

The world is a book. And who did not travel on it - read only one page in it.

St. Augustine

Salvation - In Westerns ... The inscription "Fondate straps" lights up - and you are disconnected from problems. Broken armrests take up over broken hearts.

Alexander Garlene

The journey is rated on friends found, and not on the miles passed.

Tim Kahille

Traveling lives four lives: in one he plans a journey, to another makes it, in the third - recalls, and in the fourth - lives, like all the rest of mortals.

Eastern wisdom

Have a good traveler there are no accurate plans and intentions to get somewhere.

Railway ticket excites more hopes than a lottery.

Paul Moran

Knowledge increases, strangers to visit the edges I consider it a good one.

Sebastian Brand

Of course, lying in a hammock, you risk getting a lumbar in the lower back, but those who have not tried such a lifetime worthy of only pity.

Frederick Begbeder

Wake up in perfect loneliness in an unfamiliar city - one of the most pleasant sensations in the world.

Freya Stark

I would like to express the sky now, and the plane appeared, and we would fly to the island with palm trees and corals, where no one knows what a passport is and residence permit.

Erich Maria Remarque

Travel only with those who love!

Ernest Hemingway

I now realized that the surest way to find out, like a person or not, is to travel with him.

Mark Twain

I'm leaving forever ... And in general, everyone is always leaving forever ... It is not possible to return - instead, someone else is always refunded.

Max Frey.

If a person on a journey remains unchanged, it's a bad journey.

Ernst Simon Bloch

Travel is a great salvation from solitude

Michelle Williams

Do not think about what you will tell when you come back. Time is here and now. Catch the moment!

Paulo Coelho

Two things fill the soul always new and morestary surprise and reverence, the more often and longer we reflect on them, is the starry sky with me and moral law in me.

Immanuel Kant

The sea is all! His breath is pure, life-minded. In his boundless desert, a person does not feel lonely, for he feels the beating of life around him.

Jules Verne

Dangerous this case is to go beyond the threshold. It is worthwhile to give the will of the legs, and it is not known where you will be brought.

John Tolkin

Half of the journey enjoyed the aesthetics of lost.

Ray Bradbury

Here, they say, the journey is the best tool to form yourself in everything: the truth is exactly true! How many learning here.

Oscar Wilde

I generally love to leave, because without having left one city, it is quite difficult to come to another, and I like to come most about the world.

Max Fry. Big cart.

Trust Life. Wherever the fate threw you, the journey is necessary. You have to cross the field of life experience and check ourselves, where the truth, and where is a lie. And then you can return to your inner center - the soul, cleaned and overreach.

Louise Haye

Most of our classes spend ourselves. He spends its life - irrevocably. Only one thing does not wake, does not spend life, but builds it. This is a trip.

Igor Sakhnovsky

And on the road, the pulse is expensive, because in the way the life goes faster.

Ernst Heine

In life there is always a wide field for activity, but sometimes you want a little cleaner for rest!

Alexander Garlene

Rest, without waiting for fatigue, and you will add an hour a day to your active life!

Dale Carnegie

Ideal - feel at home anywhere, in general everywhere.

Jeff Dyer.

We only feel the charm of your own speech when he heard her under strange heavens.

George Bernard Show

The only way to achieving the strong stability of life is an unceasing movement forward.

Henry Welis

Only when we come to the goal, we decide that the path was faithful.

Paul Valerie

How long is the same place to visit when there are so many unexplored corners in the world?!

Mark Levi.

If you can imagine it, you can do it.

Walt Disney

A person does not live with reality, but images stored in memory.

Igor Stravinsky

I traveled a lot and came to the conclusion that even angels speak English with a foreign accent.

Mark Twain

Do not tell me what your education is, tell me how much you travel.


When I'm long in one place, I feel like a flea on the mirror.

Vasily Shukshin

Be picking up in choosing a satellite, it is possible that you will have to eat it.

Wider open your eyes, live so greedy, as if you die in ten seconds. Try to see the world. It is more beautiful than any dream created in the factory and paid money. Do not ask for guarantees, do not look for peace - there is no such beast in the world.

Ray Bradbury. 451 degrees Fahrenheit

Travels are a flirt with life. This is how to say: "I would like to stay with you, I would like to love you, but I need to go out, this is my stop"

Lisa Saint-Oben de Teran

In search of adventures, the main role is played not the head ...

A young man when he is not yet afraid to do nonsense.

Peter Kapitsa

Adventures begin with refusal of common sense.

Alexander Minchenkov

Hide your gold, your faith and goal of your journey.

Ernst Heine

At times, especially in the autumn, he suddenly began to be sad about some wild edges, and strange vision of strangers filled his dreams.

John Tolkin

On weekdays think about the future, on weekends - about the past ... And only on vacation - about the present!

Vladimir Borisov

I am not a tree born to always stand in one place and not to know what is behind the nearest mountain!

Jack London

Exciting travels inspire not only great, but also absolutely ordinary people on beautiful bright thoughts, interesting, witty, sincere and deep, certainly worthy of seeing the light: inspired quotes of travelers

  • Travels are devoting for prejudice, fanaticism and limitations, which is why they are so acute many. © Mark Twain
  • If I realized something during my travel, this is the following: the only way to do business is to take and make it. No need to rant about the trip to Borneo. Buy a ticket, get a visa, collect a backpack - and this will happen. © Alex Garland
  • Travel teach more than anything. Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home. © Anatol France
  • Preparing for the journey, lay out all your clothes and all the money. After that, take half of clothes and twice as much money. © Susan Heller
  • The time is constantly surprising us, it is impossible to get used to its practices. Vacation ends, hardly time to start: only you settled in the hotel, as it is time to return. But it is worth returning, the feeling arises, as if you were not at home for a whole eternity. © Claudia Hammond.
  • Traveling means living much more interesting if you follow suddenly emerging impulses. © Bill Bryson
  • In twenty years you will regret more about what you did, but about what they did not. So throw off the nodes, spawn out of quiet harbors. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Open. © Mark Twain
  • A wonderful feeling is to sit down on far surgery without luggage. As if, coming out of the house to walk, suddenly you get into the spark-time space - and find yourself in the cockpit of the picking bomber. And there is nothing more. No visits to the dental, painted for a week in the calendar. Neither problems puzzled on the table in anticipation of your arrival. Neither all these "social relations", of which risk not to get to the end of life. Neither false friendliness on the physiognomy to conquer the trust of others ... I just send all this for some time to hell. Only these old tennis shoes with full soles remain. Only they - and nothing more. They looked fixed to the legs - Oshmotki obscure memories from another space-time. Well, yes it is no longer scary. Such memories easily expelled a pair of beer cans and a sandwich with ham. © Haruki Murakov
  • Journey for a thousand miles begins with one step. © Lao Tzu
  • If a person on a journey remains unchanged, it's a bad journey. © Ernst Simon Bloch

  • Travels help to understand the beauty of space and the pricelessness of time.
  • Travels develop the mind, if, of course, you have it. © Gilbert Chesterton
  • Cognition of the countries of the world - decoration and food of human minds. © Leonardo da Vinci
  • We are traveling not to escape from life, and so that she does not run away from us.
  • It is very correct - come to someone else's city in the morning. By train, plane - anyway. The day begins as if with a pure sheet ... © Sergey Lukyanenko

  • A person can change his life by changing only his point of view. © William James.
  • Although in search of the beautiful we wander around the world, we must have it in yourself, otherwise we can not find it!© Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Whatever you wish for yourself, give it another ...If you wish to be happy, do a happy one. If you want to be lucky, help achieve success to another. If you wish to get more love in your life, make it so that another it has more. Do it sincerely - not because you are looking for personal gain, but because you really want the other person all this is, and all that you gave will come to you.Why is that? How it works? The act of the presentation makes you feel that you have that you have something to give. Since you can't give what you have no, your mind comes to a new conclusion, a new thought about you, namely: you have something, and otherwise you could not give it. This new thought becomes part of your life experience. You begin to "be" such. And since you are starting to "be", you drive the most powerful machine of creation in the Universe - Your Divine Ya. © Neal Donald Walsh

  • I could spend my whole life, walking every day along the new city. © Bill Bryson
  • The world is a book. And who did not travel on it - read only one page in it. © St. Augustine
  • Travel only with those who love. © Ernest Hamingway
  • Traveling as the greatest science and serious science helps us to regain yourself. © A. Kama.

  • Everyone in the soul wants to suddenly gather and leave ... where? What for? And what it matters. Just go and be far from this noisy, constantly somewhere running society.
  • Travel is a great remedy for loneliness.
  • I travel not to come somewhere, but in order to go. The main thing is the movement. © Robert Lewis Stevenson
  • There are only two ways to live life. The first - as if miracles do not exist. The second - as if there are some wonders around. © Albert Einstein
  • Travel only with those who are equal to you or better than you. If there are no such - travel one. © Dhamapada

  • Never late, or, as in my case, never early to be the one who you want to be. There are no temporary limit, there are no rules: you can change or stay as you are. I hope you make things scare you. I hope you experience feelings that have never experienced before. I hope you meet people with different points of view. I hope you live the life you deserve. If not, I hope you have sufficient courage to start first.
  • Half of the pleasure of travel lies in the aesthetics of lost. © Ri Bradbury
  • We only feel the charm of your own speech when he heard her under strange heavens. © © George Bernard Show
  • Regarding the lost time - time loss.© Mason Kuli.

  • Travel has its advantages. If the traveler visits the best countries, he can find out how to improve his. If fate brings him to the worst countries - he can learn to love his country. © Samuel Johnson
  • If a person confidently moves towards his dream and seeks to live such a life that he imagined himself, then success will come to him at the most ordinary hour and completely unexpected.
  • Travels are a flirt with life. This is how to say: "I would like to stay with you, I would like to love you, but I need to go out, this is my stop." © Lisa Saint-Oben de Teran
  • Well, where we do not. In the past, we are no longer there, and it seems fine. © A. Chekhov
  • Freedom will begin when you stop limiting yourself by the framework of someone's ideas. © AMU MOM
  • While we are young, we must arm a toothbrush and go there, where the eyes look. Laugh, make insane actions, to go against the system, read as much as it seems, does not fit into the head, to love that there are strength, feel. Just live. © Stanislavsky

  • Trains are delightful; I adore them still. Traveling by train means to see nature, people, cities and churches, rivers, - in essence this is a trip throughout life. © Agatha Christie
  • If you are young, healthy and crave to recognize a new one, then I spell you - travel. And leaving so far as possible. Sleep on bare earth, if you have, but be true to this idea. Learn from people's life, learn from them everyday life, how to cook and in general, wherever you have visited. © Anthony Bordian
  • No one is aware of the beauty of the journey until he comes home and does not attach his head to the old familiar pillow. © Lin Yuitan
  • The pleasure of life draws away from our meetings with the new, and therefore there is no greater happiness than to constantly change its horizons, meeting every day under the other sun. © John Krakauer

  • He went to conquer new lands only with what was dressed on him, because nothing wanted to carry with him from Chester Mill. In addition to a couple of pleasant memories, but for them he did not need any suitcase, nor even a backpack. © Stephen King.
  • The highest goal of travel is not to see a foreign country, but to see his country as someone else's. © Gilbert Chesterton
  • On travel, you re-open yourself.
  • I now realized that the surest way to find out, like a person or not, is to travel with him. © Mark Twain

  • Westerns - the best occupation in the world. When you wander, it rapidly grow, and everything that I saw is postponed even on appearance. People who went a lot, I recognize from a thousand. Wandering cleans, intertwine meetings, century, books and love. They relate us to heaven. If we got another unproved happiness to be born, then you need to see the land at least. © Konstantin Georgievich Powest
  • Not excursions with a guide come to God, but lonely travelers. © Vladimir Nabokov
  • Travel - the ability to gather, move and not be afraid.
  • For those who just went out of the door, the hardest part remained behind. © Dutch Proverbs
  • Tomorrow will be what, it must be, and nothing will be from what should be not - do not fuss.

  • The journey is the thing that you will only become richer.
  • Human makes a happy three things: love, interesting work and the ability to travel. © Ivan Bunin
  • 93% of people have a dream that can be performed until the end of the week, and they make the dream of all their lives out of her.
  • Railway ticket excites more hopes than a lottery. © Paul Moran
  • Sometimes so you want to become a hedgehog, gather all garbage in a rag, hang on a stick, a wand on my shoulder and slowly go to the fog.
  • Life is like delivery service: we get what they ordered. © Stephen Kovi.
  • I think everything is in life - art. That you do. How to dress. How do you like someone and as you say. Your smile and your personality. What you believe and all your dreams. How do you drink tea. How to decorate your home. Or both having fun. Your shopping list. Food cooking. What your handwriting looks like. And how you feel. Life is art.

  • I want to quit everything and just travel the world with someone who wants it as much as me.
  • I'm so closely under the spring sky,

What, hoping to catch a wave,

I once will come out of bread

And accidentally abandon the country.

  • All travels go in a circle. I rode asia, prescribing a parabola on one of the hemispheres of our planet. In short, the circle is just a way of a curious person back home. © Paul Tero.
  • A person, a lot of traveling, similar to a stone, swept through the water. Many hundreds of versts: His roughness is smoothed, and all in it takes soft rounded shapes.
  • If you do something beautiful and sublime, and no one notices - do not worry: the sunrise is generally the most beautiful sight in the world, but most people are still sleeping at this time. © John Lennon
  • My travel opinion is briefly: traveling, do not come too far, and you will not see such that then it will be impossible to forget ... © Daniel Harms
  • I am so angry because I do not have your own wine cellar and a small house in Italy.
  • Life taught what to combine extremes. Love people, but be indifferent. Create good and wait for evil. Hope for the best, but expect the worst. Believe in people and not trust anyone. Be an optimist with realistic glances. To live with an open heart and not to let anyone in it. Part of you should love the world and admire them, the other to wait for the blow and be ready for war. © A.Soloviev

  • Travel benefits is an opportunity to adapt your imagination for reality, and, instead of thinking, how everything should be, to see everything as it is. © Samuel Johnson
  • A simple cheese sandwich, eaten on a picnic, on the top of the cliffs overlooking the raging sea, seems to us tastier and more important than any restaurant delicacies. © Alen De Botton
  • You yourself put the borders. And they are only in your head. And no more. You yourself choose where you will work and how to learn. What evaluations get and what color will be your diploma. Your work is your choice. You care about the city of dreams. And only you choose your way. What do you want - a light carefree life or a narrow road, complete adventures?If you do not have a dream, then you work for someone else's. Do you want this? The choice is yours. You put a plank of your risk. You put the boundaries of your ceiling, above which you are not in force jumping. You choose where you develop and what to delve into. What is important and what is not worthy of your attention. You choose how to think about people or not at all think about them. Every day is a choice. And he is yours.
  • "You don't seem beautiful to leave and leave there, where no one knows you?" Sometimes it's so I want to do.- I want unbearable.© Haruki Murakov
  • Do not tell me how much you are educated - just tell me how much you traveled. © Mohammed.

  • There is nothing more useful for nerves than to visit where there was never. © Anna Akhmatova
  • Many are not shifted from the place, because they are important to feel a sense of reliability or because they are generally frightened by the idea that they will have to do something unfamiliar. Changes lie outside the zone of their comfort and scare them. But the reality is as follows: all the living rewards are outside the comfort zone. Commemorate this. Fear and risk - mandatory stages, if you want to live successfully and interesting. © Jack Canfield
  • Often, it turns out to be easier for yourself somewhere in the way or in someone else's city, but not at all at all. © Alen De Botton
  • Each trip has its secret destination, which traveler himself has no idea. © Martin Buber.
  • For him, there were only two favorite moments in their lives: when he approached the Big city and when he left him. © Peter Hyog.
  • All who are going two days before the trip should turn to a psychiatrist. Normal people stuff their belongings in a bag when you already need to leave the house. © Tony Hawks.

  • The tourist, as soon as he comes somewhere, immediately begins to want back. And the traveler ... He may not go back ... © Paul Bowle
  • Only roads can move old age. When we ride all the time and go to bed, knowing that the alarm clock will wake you up at night, to catch the plane, who goes the hell knows where and in general it knows why you are flying on it, then time is freezing. © Julian Semenov
  • Win yourself. It is better to defeat yourself than win thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It can not be able to take away the angels or demons, nor the paradise nor hell. To defeat yourself, you need to defeat your mind. You must control your thoughts. They should not be raging like sea waves. You might think: "I can't control my thoughts. Thought comes when she is thinking. To which I answer: you can't forbid the bird fly over you, but undoubtedly, you can prevent her to reject the nest on your head. " © Buddha Gautama
  • To live, you need to go, get confused, fight, mistaken, start and start starting again, and throw again, and forever struggle. And calm is spiritual cowardice. © Lion Tolstoy
  • The wagon window is the main entertainment for the traveler. In it, both in a kaleidoscope, films, villages, forests fly, fly bridges under a metal whistling beams, fields, changing their color from white to black and from green to yellow.

In motion, everything seems so cute and a little toy, as if unreal. Looking out the window, the passenger becomes a little child, with surprise that opens for himself, how much the world is huge, like a lot of space and air in it, and not just familiar streets and houses.

There is a secret charm in the wagon window, when you look at the cradle of the wheels and do not delay anything. Pictures fly, like a brush-lubricated, and from this measured movement and permanent change of impressions, immerse yourself in the light dormant, and thoughts come to mind themselves and also easily disappear.

Sometimes you want to leave nowhere. Just ride and listen to your favorite music, look at shimmering lights, look at all this city bustle. Forget about all the problems and just enjoy.

  • These are not people create trips - trips create people. © John Steinbeck
  • I dream to travel so much so that I was recognized by workers of the airports and asked:- Where this time?

  • Our doubts are our traitors. They make us lose the fact that we may might win if they were not afraid to try ...
  • The true purpose of your journey is not a place on the map, but a new look at life. © Henry Miller.
  • Have a good traveler there are no accurate plans and intentions to get somewhere. © Lao Tzu
  • Tell me, what changes in a person's life after a hike in the mountains? Worldview. He begins to look at life differently. Change values. There is no money, there is no usual amenities. Returning home, newcomers begin to understand and appreciate the charms of simple things, people begin to treat the benefits of civilization in a different way. After all, there, upstairs, away from home, everything that was before the campaign seems like a fairy tale. In the mountains there are completely different requirements for people than in the city.
  • There are three traps who steal joy and peace: regret the past, anxiety for the future and ungratefulness for the present.
  • Never save on the fact that you will not be able to repeat. © Tony Willer
  • - Why you immediately refuse people as soon as they make a mistake. You will spend all my life alone.

- You know, I'm used to hunger, but there is no bad food.

  • Travel - it means to discharge other people's errors about other countries. © Aldos Haxley
  • Only about two things we will regret on the mortal apparent - that they loved little and lived little. © Mark Twain
  • You will never cross the ocean if you don't get courage to lose sight of the shore.
  • In life, everything is temporary. If everything goes well - enjoy, it will not last forever. Well, if all the lousy is not a kitty, it is also not forever. © F. M. Dostoevsky
  • When you travel, not knowing English, you start to understand what it means to be born deaf and slightly. © Philip Bouw
  • It happens to me too. I look at the map - and suddenly there is a wild desire to go unknown where. As far as possible from the amenities and benefits of civilization. And with your own eyes see what landscapes are there and that in those edges at all happen. Before the fever, to the tremors. But where in you this desire appeared, you can not explain to anyone. Curiosity in pure form. Not explained by inspiration.
  • Remind yourself more often that the purpose of life is not at all to fulfill everything scheduled, but to enjoy every step made on the life path.
  • Love life is easy when you abroad. Where no one knows you, and you are alone, and your whole life is in your hands, you're like ever you feel the owner.
  • Alone is also getting used to solitude. It is even possible with a completely harmonious union with him: you live alone with you, you are preparing dinner on one, fall asleep to the TV and do not expect the appearance of the Savior, which still happens only in books and films. Yes, this loneliness is painful, frosty, but it is honest - it is better to be one than who with whom. © Elchin Safarli

  • Once a year, go there, where you have never been.
  • I decided to go on a journey, at the present, a great journey, which one of what he dreams, probably, everyone, but never time to decide. Every day, everything more clearly felt the need for this, and not because I wanted to see new interesting places, but because I did not feel attachment to any place. Andrei Sidorenko.
  • To get off the way during the trip - it is unpleasant, but to lose the point of going further - even worse.
  • Life is a way. Someone has a way to bakery and back, someone has a world journey. © K. Khabensky
  • You know, waking up this morning and looking back to your life, I thought: "Do I have to be afraid to risk and do what I really want to do without paying attention to someone else's opinion and criticism in my address? Without paying attention to the imaginary fears, which draws my "smart mind", giving me from implementing my desires? ". Death happens with a hundred people from one hundred, not ninety-nine, and with a hundred people. Is it worth worrying because of it, if the moment comes when she knock me and says: "Well, it's time!"? I think the worst of all this when she knocks me, and I, looking around for my life, I will be very strong that I had the opportunity, but I did not risk. That I could go to the girl and meet, but I was afraid that she would send me. What I did not have time to say to my parents how much I love them and I do not want that they would swear. That I did not quit with the boning and uninteresting work and I did not even venture to open my job. I will regret that I traveled a little and did not care about my health. Etc. Now that I have any doubts, I ask myself one question: "Why am I afraid?" And doubt no longer remains. © Alexey Deedov
  • Each Great Dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember that you have power, patience and passion to reach the stars and change the world.
  • Each of us probably wanted to take and leave. Leave an old life, sit in the first train with a ticket to one end.

  • Life is a way. Choose with whom to go! © Peter Soldatenkov
  • Personally, I do not travel to be somewhere, I travel for the sake of movement and travelers. Movement is the most beautiful in life. © Robert Lewis Stevenson
  • We still have to live on this earth only a few decades, and we lose so many irrevocable watches, thinking about the resentment, about which in a year we will forget, everyone will forget about them. © Dale Carnegie
  • Salvation - in the wanders. The inscription "Fasten the belts" lights up - and you are disconnected from problems. Broken armrests take up over broken hearts. © Alex Garland
  • If you are crazy enough to do business that you love - you are doomed to live life, complete sense.
  • - What do you need to enjoy life?

- Start traveling!

  • Live joy, smile, do not worry on trifles, love life, then she will love you. Do not think about time, do not count the days, do not listen to other people's opinions, and do not think that it may be happy then, and you think that "then" may not come, there will be no happiness. Be happy now.
  • Do not be afraid of change - otherwise dreams will remain dreams.

Life swears like one moment,

Her appreciation, in her draw pleasure.

How to spend it - it will pass,

Do not forget: she is your creation.

  • Do not forget that the land gives pleasure to feel your bare feet, and the winds seek to play with your hair ... © Khalil Jebrran.
  • Do not sit at home, move more, travel. The world is gorgeous and beautiful, you should see much more than the monitor screen.
  • And in my head one thought: "You live only once, only once"

Top 10 quotes about traveling from movies

    1. See the world around, experience danger on yourself, overcome them, look through the walls, be closer, finding each other, feel. In this purpose of life. © k / f "Incredible life Walter Mitty"
    2. Everyone says that you dream to get out of here, see the world, but how it comes to the case, the beak will not be dried on, the cartoon "Mahni wing"
    3. To change the world, you need to see it © t \\ with "Missing"
    4. - Will you go to America with me?

      Yes, even in Africa. © Brother-2

    5. - If you had a lot of time on the clock, so you did?

      I would stop watching. I can say one thing, if I have time - I would not waste him. © Time (In Time)

    6. Life is a tango, in which the main thing is to move. If you stop - the dance stops, if you stop - life will stop. © Smell Women (Scent Of A Woman)
    7. Important journey, not destination. (From the movie "Step Forward 3-D")
    8. The most pleasant time of travel - fees. Lai dog is terrible to the dog itself. And the woman is often more beautiful from the back. My kind can destroy your dreams. (From the animated film "Wolf and Spicy" (Spice and Wolf))
    9. During the journey, it is important not to forget the main thing - when something one ends, something else begins. From the movie "Love happens" (Love Happens)
    10. People with whom you travel together are not less important than the place you are going. These people can make your journey unforgettable. From the movie "Lost In Translation)

Proverbs and sayings about travel, road and tourism

  • Who travels, he knows.
  • Volnoy will, walking - the path.
  • The eyes do not see and the soul does not know.
  • Want to know a person - take a journey with him.
  • If you love your son, send him to travel.
  • Not he knows more who lived longer, and one who went further.
  • Dunno lies, and Zica runs away.
  • Do not be afraid of the road, there were healthy legs.
  • Who visited the sea, that puddles are not afraid.
  • The road is asset going.
  • Go to the path - there are satellites.
  • If it does not get strength, then commendable, at least desire.
  • On the road and the spell you call the native father.
  • Krasnaya Road Ries, and lunch - pies.
  • If the sail remains without wind, it becomes an ordinary cloth.
  • If he does not go, then who will go with me?
  • If you sit in the boat, do not touch the boatman.
  • If you can climb up the mountain, do not stay in the valley.
  • Want to go far - start with a loved one.
  • It is better to see once than to hear than a thousand times.
  • Who saw a lot, he knows a lot.
  • The road isolaidist - the truth is straight.
  • Each step of the path adds a particle of wisdom.
  • What people come to, taku and the cap wear.
  • First, bounce a horse, and then pretend the road.
  • You go for a day, and Bread take a week.
  • Do anything you can, but otherwise put on fate.
  • Homemade Duma on the road is not suitable.
  • We will leave with a rather warmth.
  • Smart comrade - half of the road.
  • Tongue to Kiev will bring.
  • Where the road is there and the path.


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