Relaxed state of Thais. Why Thailand - "Country of Smiles"? Sanuk and Sabay. Kin - Kin.

Regardless of which country, the tourist arrives, it does not matter which tour operator meets it, the tourist will live in which city or province and how fashionable or economical will be his hotel, but everywhere welcomes the new guest will with the words "Welcome to Thailand! - Country smile!"

So why exactly the "country of smiles"? Are everyone here everyone is constantly smiling at each other? Yes and no. Unambiguously, you can only say what to smile in this country is inexperienced, a person who goes down the street and smiles (no matter, passersby, or himself) does not cause any negative emotions (remember other countries for comparison). It is impossible not to smile in response to always a sincere smile of Thai or Thai, and there is not a single person among Thais, who would not smile in response to the smile of another person. And this is not the on duty smile, which is adopted in Europe, and already in Russia, but the real, sometimes causing delight, man. What is the case, what is the secret or recipe?

What is "Sanuk" and what is "Sabay"?

Banal expression, but "everything is simple!". Most of the inhabitants of Thailand are preached by the national philosophy " Sanuk", in the exemplary translation (you can not pick up the exact word in Russian) This means that the type" live only with pleasure "or. What is clearer to" our "person," look for comfort in everything you do ". It doesn't matter how well lives well A particular Tapet or Thai, no matter what problems or troubles have happened to this or that day, they are always smiling and friendly. And they do it, of course, not for others, but for themselves.

If such a concept like " Sanuk"implies spiritual state, then for the designation of approximately the same state, but physical, in Thailand exists" Sabe"! Those. Life in pleasure without an application of special physical (extra) effort. There is something to eat today - Sabay! There is, where to spend the night - Sabay! Why strain? Thailand (especially tourist areas) has never been a country in which they would be starving People even considering the average earnings of Thai about 4,000 baht per month, they are spiritually, and physically always feel much more comfortable than, for example, Russian or European citizens.

If, in response to the question of how things are you, you wish to express the maximum degree of physical satisfaction, you can answer: " Sayba-Sabay.". Anyone will understand this expression and will bepsed by attention to his language and such words in particular. In fact, Sabay is more important for the residents of Thailand than" Sanuk ". You can live especially straightening, not seeking to achieve any material or public heights, in general, enough "comfortable" philosophy ... :)

Everyone knows that Thailand is called a country of thousands of smiles. And I was fortunate enough
Make sure that. In fact, resting in Thailand, rarely where you meet the gloomy, a tense face - Thai smile and always. Any emotion (and positive, and negative) is expressed with a smile. There are whole thirteen types of smiles expressing politeness, joy, friendliness, bad mood, insult, etc. For us - visitors who know only two states - we are either smiling or we are very serious and frowning, constantly smiling Thais - real exotic! If you want, you don't want, and gradually notice that instead of a curved face in response to a smile facing your address, sincere desire appears, even the need to smile in response.
A smile is a business card of Thailand and an integral part of Thai mentality, which is based on, the so-called "five C" - five concepts, all the names of which begin with the letter "C": Sabay, Suay, Sanuk, Supchap, Supchaphap.
The most important concept, or the state in Thai Mirroennation is the concept of "Sabay". Every day, Thais at a meeting with each other you are aware of: "Sabai Dimai?", What does the Thai mean "Do you have Sabay today?".
Sabay (convenience / ease) "This is a condition when you are comfortable, you are not worried about anything, you are fed, healthy, completely all satisfied and peaceful - you get pleasure from life, feel joy. Thais believe that if there is no subway, then there is no need to live, therefore, if Sayba is lost, then Tapet throws all the forces on his restoration.
The desire for comfort, beauty, lightness and convenience of thais in the blood. For the sake of conservation
The state of subway Tapet (according to the stories of guides) will even go to less paid work (the concept of ambitiousness and purposefulness is not entirely typical of the Thai mentality), only so that there are no tents.
Natural for Thai status is a state of relaxation. Thais live "here and now", attaching to the vital pleasures without the slightest oscillations.

Sanuk (fun / pleasure) - This concept involves getting pleasure from merry and joyful pastime. Sanuk and Sabay are inseparable from each other's concepts, it is figuratively speaking, right and left hand of any Thai.
Thais love to smile, laugh and find in life funny, funny and bright sides. Sanuk is also the pleasure that Thais get from singing, watching TV, a feast with friends, participation in the lottery, dancing and much more.

Suay (beauty / desire for excellent). Thais love their beauty to be surrounded, but they will not really strain about this, so that Sabay does not leave.
Thai concept of beauty manifests itself in bright, sometimes screaming decoration of temples and palaces (houses of ordinary Thais look quite modestly), in bright and elegant national costumes with an abundance of all sorts of decorations, in the tradition of "meeting on clothes" and draw up an opinion about a person by how much Beautiful, neatly and well, he looks like.

Suphap (politeness).
For Thais, the level of courtesy is a reflection of human culture and civilization. With a person who leads himself impoligently, Thais simply will not talk.
Thais believe that refusing a person asking for something or to twist him and say "no" - impolitely and, in connection with these features of Thai mentality, Russian tourists often fall into very funny situations.
One of the Russian guides told us the following story that happened to her in one of Bangkok restaurants. The Russian company came to the restaurant, made an order - the Thai waiter he was recorded and left. Pass 10 minutes, then another 10 ... Then another twenty ...- From the waiter, not a response, nor lead! After forty minutes, patient and already a very hungry company calls the waiter again to ask when the order will still be ready ... In response, the waiter with a completely calm view re-records the order and goes out. Just at the previous time, he did not understand part of the order, and it was uncomfortable to ask him, as it was impolite, and he found a way out of the situation, pretending that the order was not at all ... That's how Thai politeness could come up to any extremes.

Supchaphap (Health)
Thais has great attention to maintaining personal hygiene and the use of methods and means of traditional Thai medicine (the so-called "Temple Medicine") in everyday life, as well as healthy nutrition (Thais count like this: "Everything that is useful, then and tasty").
The concept of Thai traditional medicine includes the mass of all: Thai massage ("Yoga for lazy"), herbal teas and drugs based on natural materials. These knowledge possess, mostly monks. The development of temple medicine occurs with the support and under the patronage of the royal family.
Huge attention to Thais is given to healthy nutrition. The dish, cooked without adding more than thirty items, the seasoning is not considered a meal at all. Bread and chocolate Thais do not use.
Thanks to this nutrition, most of the Thais remain thin and slender and under 60 may look at 25.
Another feature of the Thai nutrition is that the Thais is eating in Malu, but often about seven times a day. The benefit that the opportunity to eat literally at every step. On the streets almost everywhere, some food is preparing - an abundance of mobile cafes (they are called Makashnitsy, they are prepared there in the way around you) will not give to die with hunger.
Food for Thai is a way to maintain health, so thais can eat from morning to evening.

The mentality of Thai is different from European as heaven and earth. In most cases, Thais cannot understand Europeans, especially Russian-speaking, which are always in a hurry somewhere, they swear, quarrels, nervous, speak loudly, gesticulate. Such behavior of Faranga is completely not acceptable for Thais. This behavior of white is shocking them. Thais themselves are very loved so that everything around was comfortable, cozy and comfortable.

This state of the world of Thais is called Sabay.

And if sabay will be very much, then this state of their microworld will be called Sabay - Sabay. This word indicates that everything is in order, everything is comfortable and in general, there are no problems. According to Thais, if there are no problems, it does not make sense to create them. That is, the philosophy of Thais is: it is necessary to live without problems in his pleasure. Most Thais work where Sabay is there, if there is no subway, it is sooner or later, the Tapet will leave. At the expense of money they are simple. There is money, they need to be spent immediately. What can I spend today, do not spend tomorrow. Thais say - there will be a day, there will be food.

If Thais has no money, he will calmly take on friends or neighbors. Thai nation is not subject to storage. They do not worry about the future. Tytes usually spend money faster than they earn. Live here and now, but please yourself what you have.

Thais Buddhists and believe that their destiny and life cannot be changed, so it's easy to dare, and there is no point in striving for something.

And all the Thais are very loved to surround their beautiful and beautiful things. Thais famous aesthetes. After all, living in beauty is the state of the soul of Thais. Even the poorest tach will be dressed neat and gently.

This condition is called Suay.

According to Thais, it is necessary to be friends only with beautiful people, we need to dress too beautifully. This is all sui. Looks bad in Thailand - it is shameful.

The most interesting thing is that for Thai many tourists will be annoyed. After all, Faraga often dressed is untidy, and almost always go to shorts and shirts, and with an open body Thais does not allow themselves to walk.

Sanuk (pleasure)

This is the third principle of Thai philosophy. For Thais, the perfect sanoce is the food, and the best bathroom is the food in the society of friends. And, accordingly, the more the company and the more dishes are ordered, the more the sadoo.

Looking at them, you realize that it all gives great pleasure. Those who eat alone and does not get a nurse, Thais consider not normal people, that is, wrong.

On vacation with firmly compressed jaws and stress faces. But literally a few days later they become carefree and relaxed. And the reason for this not only the warm sun and the sea, and the special magic of this branch of Paradise on Earth. The case is also in Thai themselves: they are unobtrusive, friendly and polite, they are always ready to smile.

The basis of the worldview of residents Thailand Lying the so-called "five s": sabái., san Day, sýai, supach, sukhaphiap. These words are strangess and uncommitable principles that absorbs each Tapet with Mother's milk. The most important thing is that everything in life is the maximum sabái.. The concept does not have a single translation in Russian. Approximate its analogs - these are phrases "be happy", "be easy", "be comfortable", "be cozy", "be healthy", "experience satisfaction", "feel wonderful", "go smoothly (happening, to happen without problems and complications). " The state of "Sabay" is close to the concepts of "calm" and "peace". Here you tastyly attempted and sit on the seashore, looking away, is Sabay, and if your favorite football team wins, "Sabay" will not say too strict emotions. Saybai is usually told as Sabay Sabay, especially when they want to emphasize how well everything is. In other words, Taq walks in life easily, in every way trying to avoid anxiety, excitement and other tents. They are always ready to be preparing them for satisfaction, peace and pleasure.

Word " san Day"Thais indicate the" fun "," pleasure "," joy. ". Also say" Sanuk "when they spend time or when someone is funny, cheerful. Thais love to have fun, laugh at themselves and others, however, almost without malice. Any event should be a sadoo, that is, everything that Tair does, should not be boring, as it sings to national character. Sanuk is all the vitality: carnal joy, visiting the amusement park, watching comedian movies, dancing, fun feast and much more . Any event has to entertain: where the Tapet has come back, he is met by the phrase " Sanook Mai?" - "It was fun?"And if" not a nurse ", then it was not worth going.

Word " sýai" in Thailand Call both the most beautiful and aspiration for the beautiful. And this desire is erected into the vital principle. Suay must be: Temples with rich stucco and bright colors, parks with complex installations and abundance of flowers, national clothing, housing design. In each puddle, the lotus should bloom and swim goldfish, orchid in each shell from coconut. And every person should be beautiful or, at least, well and neat dressed. Thais has taken to make the impression of a person first of all in appearance. Therefore, even the poorest people are ready to spend on beautiful outfits.

"sUCHA"- A word meaning" politeness "," polite. "Politeness Even for a simple Thai is a ritual and cult. Naturally, the rules of behavior in Thailand They differ from European: for example, it is not customary to greet the hand (some may not even understand the gesture of an outstretched hand), it is not customary to touch the head of Thai (even a child) - this is considered very not polite. A person must behave in a fit in any situations. The level of courtesy for Thai reflects the level of civilization and human culture. Even the Faragam (Alien) cannot behave in Thai standards roughly, as such people can simply ignore.

Sukhaphiap - This is "health" under which physical health implies. Huge attention B. Thailand It is paid to the physical education of children, personal hygiene (Thais can take shower several times a day), traditional massage and medicine. The paradox is that the need for the purity of the body in Thais very peacefully gets around with the reluctance to make the space around: the street is not mine, but to strain and pick it up - not Sabay. At the same time, major tourist cities Thailand are considered one of the cleanest in

"Siamese on nature is not a very hardworking people. Most of them prefer peace of the feast of all honors, joy or material benefits that work can bring. "

Three very capacious and multivalued Thai words made in the title, a foreigner need to be learned first. Sanuk means "Pleasure", Sabay - Right "cozy", "comfortable", "pleasant". It is impossible to precisely translate this word, as it reflects typically Thai globility, it is unlikely to translate into other languages.
The word Sabay is often pronounced twice - Sabay-Sabay, which speaks of the highest degree of pleasure. Sabay Sabay - everything is fine, everything is in order, everything is wonderful, nice, convenient, no problems!

Suway is one of the most important words of the Thai language, it serves to design a beautiful, beautiful. After all, Thais - revealed aesthets and are judged about the value of the subject or man in its appearance. Purely external "beauty" is often more important than the functional utility of the thing or internal qualities of a person. Over time, Thais developed a real beauty cult, and it can be observed at every step.

It is clear that the foundations of Thai life philosophy - sanuk, Sabay and Suway - have sociological and historical roots. The mentality of each people is consisted as a result of long-term development, and in the history of Thais, a number of factors can be trained from which this kind of "light" lifestyle was formed.

One of the main things is definitely generous nature, which the country was gifted from the very beginning. She provided people with a huge assortment of fruits, vegetables, herbs, seasonings and freed from the need "in the sweat of the face to extract bread." Everything grew by itself. Heavy work was required only when sowing rice and with the collection of his ambulance.

Between these short periods, it was possible to indulge in idleness. Fishes that completed food was, according to the stories of old people, so much that she was caught with bare hands. So here it was not necessary to work. Long periods of idleness were carried out in pleasures and entertainment -, rowing races and endless conversations in rustic zucchini, where the time was measured at best by the number of valet. Maybe other nations would use free time to form complex scientific or philosophical theories, Thais was limited to a relaxed life in joy and fun. The idleness made of them aesthetes surrounding themselves for greater joy of beauty. Thais became talented artisans and artists, who tried their works to perfection. Often they were masters at the same time in several industries - Kamenotes, painter and architect. Or in some other combination. Live understanding of art has been preserved today. A vivid example of this is thousands of filigree decorated and wall paintings, admiring visitors.

Nature allowed Thai to live in idleness, and the development of society paralyzed their activity. In society, from the very beginning, existed, granted only very limited possibilities for career and advance upwards. Social mobility, penetration from the lower layers of society to the highest was almost impossible.

Everyone lived on a destined place and was obliged to obey the superior. Therefore, Thais did not see sense to divert at work, it was useless to strive for something. As a result, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fact that you need to live "here and now," can be content with what is. The man tried to extract the best of the proposed circumstances and little worried about the future.

And today a lot has remained. Until the 1980s, 65% of Tiskers were engaged in agriculture and fed on their own labor. Only in the late 1980s, due to rapid industrialization, children from poor peasant families went to the cities of looking for a job. But the mentality that has developed for centuries remained the same.
For example, Thais is almost not worried about the future. Psychiatrists who devoted themselves to such a pressing problem in the Western world will not find work here. The carelessness is expressed in different ways, for example in relation to money. Thaisy -Sdashnyh drives and spend salary faster than they earn. Money is a means to enjoy now, and not "Incomprehensible Stock" for some unknown "black day", which may come in the future. There will be more money, as in the village there will be more harvest. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Long queues for ATMs at the end of the month are suggested that people who spent everything hope that the salary has already arrived.

Thai can be called a hedonist, a seeker of joy trying to make his life as best as possible, but only here and now. Everything around should be a naunch and saba. In such a joyful attitude, aesthetics, "the beautiful" of the environment, people, things are occupied important place. After all, the beauty is connected and with the feeling of comfort - isn't the unpleasant spectacle of anyone?

In Thailand, the real beauty cult is reigning in all its manifestations. People are sharper than in the West feel the need to dress decently. Even the poorests will not appear in unfortunate people, because it will be perceived as "uglyness" (shifts). Women wear cheap decorations as precious works of art and move elegantly as a princess. In stores, any trifle will pack you in several packages, only to be "beautiful." Bring a purchase without packaging "ugly." Thai chefs who, by the way, are often the first prizes, the Master of Aesthetic Cooking. The dish of the plate is often - a delightful work of art, fruits are cut by fantastic configurations, vegetables are combined by a combination of colors. And it will be tasty in any case, since the gourmet is saba saba.

Objects of everyday need to first check for "beautiful" (suway), and then on functionality. Even weapons should be "beautiful", and this can not be in a sense of Europeans. The author of these lines was a witness to how a young couple standing in front of a weapon bent showcase, praised the pistol particularly liked to them as a suway magician ("very beautiful"). Unfortunately, people are often judged as superficially. For the usual question, whether a person is married, most often a question, "beautiful" whether the wife (Suway) or husband (LO). Soul qualities are far less important than external, Thais do not give themselves work to look behind the facade.

Nowhere is the Thai obsession with beauty not reflected as fully as in the beauty contests passing throughout the country almost every day. Each province asks his life with the elections of his own "Miss", during which thick painted beauties are fused on roughly incomplete. And the elections "Miss Ratbury" or "Miss Rosson" are broadcast live throughout the country. (These are relatively small provincial cities.) Beauty contests are often nothing but a kind of stray circus, the cohesive troupe of their participants travels around the country and today one of them is crowned as Miss Chiang Mai, and tomorrow - like Miss Phitsuanok.

Every girl at least once wins. It is natural, otherwise the skeptics would say that participants are similar to each other as two drops of water. A bright makeup is applied to faces, mainly to hide too dark skin, and the hair is whipped into the "crown" (Mont-ho), imitating ladies from the Thai higher society. During the Defile, the configuration of Delvito reports the size, weight and age of candidates, as in the local cattle market. Many Tisits were embarrassed when "the most beautiful widow" was chosen in Pattaya. But the organizers of the event argued that for them the most important was "integration" of the widows and the beauty contest seemed to them for this as the most suitable means. In 1999, the "most beautiful transvestite" () was chosen in Pattaya (), however, this event did not cause a large furore.

But all Thailand has been rejoiced, when in 1988, the young Thailand became Miss Universe. Newspapers wrote about this not one month, the winner became the national heroine and was awarded the audience of the Prime Minister. The joy was somewhat fed when it turned out that beauty from three years lives in the US and almost does not own Thai. In the first television interview after the competition, she was helped by a translator. But the cult of beauty was not damaged.

Life philosophy sanuk, Sabay and SuwayOn the one hand, it forms surprisingly fun and balanced characters, on the other - often turns into superficiality, optional, irresponsibility. Father of the family, planting his children and his wife on the hungry packs, as it is more pleasant to live, without sharing with them its earnings, is not at all uncommon. Another father can even send a teenage daughter to engage in prostitution so that she helps to make money on a pleasant, but dear lifestyle. And some resort to illegal methods of mining of money, then consumed in joy and fun.

Favorite way to extract money, or more precisely, attempts to get them - gambling, strictly prohibited in Thailand. For violation of the prohibition, you can pay a cash fine, and even in prison. Lists of criminal statistics have been heading the violators of this law for many years. Up to 100 LLC criminal cases are initiated annually, the courts are clogged with them to refusal. Gambling is a favorite fun housewives, grandmothers, boys and girls from GO-GO bars. Many prostitutes lose from 20 to 50 baht in one night. This hides hope someday without tension to achieve welfare, which would allow "conveniently" to live. In most cases, the girls the next morning take 20 baht on the noodle plate. Gambling passion has a long tradition in Thailand. Information about it is available in each era.

Englishman F.A. Neil wrote in 1852:

"Bangkok is filled with gambling tritons of all kinds. Every night here you can meet the richest and respected citizens, including government officials and representatives of the nobility that put huge states on a single card. "

National National Gallet wrote in 1890:

"In every village, at any end of the country, you can find a gambling junk ... At the end of the hall, there is often the" altar "with the figurine of the deity of good luck."

Then he lists a lot of Thai gambling of those days, the incredible variety of which indicates how the contribution was made by Thais in their arsenal.

The tendency to gambling is an indirect reflection of the life philosophy of Sanuk and Sabay - it's nice to strain, but unpleasantly without money. Maybe, after all, one day it turns out, and the lucky player will heal Sabay-Sabay. In society constantly run rumors about large winnings in the lottery, and the lottery seller trains always crowds are always crowded.

But since to win, as a rule, fails, you have to occupy. Thais take constantly: friends, acquaintances, neighbors, among members of their own family. Many Thais stand on the threshold of bankruptcy, but almost everyone knows someone who can "intercept." From the permanent launcher of Thai won, of course, countlessly real-winners and pawnshops, which can be found almost at every corner. Rostovists are usually Indian immigrants. For 20% per month, they give small loans, so they are called "Roy La Yisip" ("The one who takes 20 percent). Lombards keep mainly Chinese, descendants of immigrants who have Thai citizenship today. So the picture is clear - Thais spend money (in search of "pleasant"), Indians and the Chinese have them. Profitably devoid of Ambitions Tapet makes it possible to earn money to others.

Only therefore, Indian Sikhs after just a few years after the mass immigration of 1947 in Thailand became very wealthy entrepreneurs. The same can be said about Chinese, in the hands of which today is almost all the entrepreneurial and financial spheres of the country. Rarely meet a large enterprise who owns Tapet. The kind of treasures, as a rule, are hired workers, and from morning to night the Chinese are bosses.

Financial successes of Hindus and the Chinese lead to an important conclusion - an easy life and big money are incompatible in Thailand. But it is likely that the careless lifestyle of Thai attracts thousands and thousands of tourists annually into the country.

To better understand Thais, read about what is the sadoo, Sabay and Suway, and that is not:

  • Food: Perfect Sanuk. Thais constantly think about food, and short pauses for digesting food between numerous meals are used to draw up further gastronomic plans. Naturally, incredibly great. Eating usually, fully focused on the process to get as much pleasure as possible. The best Sanuk - a meal in a wide circle. The more participants, the greater the pleasure. After all, you can order more dishes and try everything. After such feasts, someone is usually paid, unpleasant calculations for each participant of the feast are considered "ugly." Attention! If among the guests there is, everyone else often comes from the fact that he is "rich", and pays. However, who, because of this perspective, prefers to dinner alone, Thais, in all likelihood, will find "gloomy" or some other "wrong". Alone, Thai food and half is not so tasty.
  • Purchases: This is a sadoo, especially for female representatives. Thais often buy spontaneously, under the influence of the moment that more economical people are likely to consider thoughtless. At the same time, do not pay attention to the price. What do you like, then buy (if there is money). The pleasure of the purchase itself is the act of purchase, and the remorse of conscience due to the missed money here is not known here. What is the money if they cannot be spent? On the streets of Bangkok at the end and beginning of each month, traffic jams regularly arise, since almost the entire population of the city is committed to shops to leave their earnings there.
  • Walking: This is not a naunch. Very few Thais love to move on their own legs. F. Neil wrote that no tapet would walk even at the most close distance if he had a boat. And since most Tispers live in water or on the water, it means that no one walks on foot. Apparently, this explains the reluctance of modern Tists to walk. Even small distances, they overcome with the help of urban buses (or taxi, "Tuk-Tuk", if it allows a wallet). The pedestrian is beginning to suspect that he has no money or that he is too gracious to lay out even such a trifle. Faragov, which overcome on foot long distances, for example, inspecting attractions, consider eccentrics or again greedy. Healthy physical movement Most Thai is incomprehensible. In addition, no one wants to fall on the sun once again so that the skin does not darken. The dark color of the skin is undesirable, because it is characteristic of peasants in the sun. Light leather is a sign of status.
  • A television: Very sadook. No matter what is shown. The TV is considered to be an easy entertainment, and any entertainment is already good. Analysis of programs or critical comments are not practiced. Thais still admire this miracle of technology, and sincerely rejoice that there is such a thing as a TV. In many houses, it is almost praying at him, the TV works from the beginning to the end of the programs. It is even difficult to imagine what kind of clogging you need to show to push the audience. True, it is common that the state 11th channel, which is mainly scientific or cultural transmissions, instructive, but "uninteresting".
  • Deep-minded conversations: This is not a naunch. Serious conversations do not give pleasure. The conversation should be relaxed, friendly and humorious. For the deep disputes in Thailand there is no place. Serious conversations can be guided in those countries where not so much the sun, not so tasty food and everything is not so "beautiful." In addition, Thais claim that from a large number of thoughts begins to "hurt a head" (Puat Hua). (Obviously, the brain is considered a muscular body that can get sick from overvoltage.) Disputes and quarrels avoid preferring the world. Criticizing people or the circumstances "Ugly," do not think badly about whom they criticize, but about the criticism. Related friendly conversations require overall benevolence.
  • Reading: This is a sadoo, but only if it does not overvolt. Favorite Chivo - comics. Serious literature is suitable only for intellectual minority. Comics "Funny". Works of world classics are often sold in an adapted Thai version. Multi-degenerate criminal magazines, describing in detail the murders, many consider a sanuk, without taking into account the crime itself.
  • Travels: This is a sadoo, but under certain conditions. Thais are more readily traveling by groups or families - from grandfather to nephews and grandchildren. Individual travel is rare, it is likely that these are considered "single". This is especially true for women who, with the exception of visiting relatives, practically do not go alone. The desire to "see the world" is also unknown in Thailand, and not only for financial reasons. Thais in nature is little prone to adventurism and thirst for discovery. They are very attached to their homeland and patriotic. Even if anyone went somewhere or worked abroad, he still considers Thailand the most "pleasant" country in the world, a place where it is best to live. In addition, Thais are very tied to the "Malny Motherland" (provinces, the city). It is best for Thai not to give away from home farther than one hundred meters. This again, first of all concerns women who have a very developed family feeling. If all the same Thais goes on the journey, it should be "comfortable" (saba) and not too adventurous. The perfect journey consists of tireless sightseeing sights that are constantly interrupted by generous trapes. Merry talk to a fair amount of alcohol is an additional pleasure that can be obtained from vacation. There are almost no ecological consciousness in Thais, so that Picnic participants tend to leave the mountains of bottles and polyethylene packages behind them.
  • Death: This taboo in the West does not scare thais at all. Death is considered to be saba-sabai - a complete liberation from suffering. A similar representation is undoubtedly rooted in the teaching of the Buddha, considering life as a path of suffering from which only liberating Nirvana displays. If Nirvana is not so easy to achieve, then death is seen as the desired heap, before the soul is born again in another body and again will begin another circle of suffering. If you look at the dashing Thai drivers, especially buses and motorcycles, you might think that some not tolerate on the light. Sabe saba! The bodies of the victims of the car accident often accompanies the grinning crowd of curious, as if nothing terrible happened.
  • Mud It is considered ugly and unpleasant. Therefore, Thailand belongs to the cleanest Asian countries. With special attention here belong to personal hygiene. Thais wash several times a day, and no self-respecting Tapet will wear clothes on the second day. If someone is noticed in the same clothes for two days in a row, a person will be very shameful.
    Therefore, Thai is so strange to see Western travelers in Noshen-stated clothing. For us, this is natural and comfortable clothes on vacation, and for Thai - like Belmo on the eye. In addition, there is a kind of public coherence to dress better than in principle the income and status allow. No one wants to seem poorly, and good clothes creates an illusion of carefree existence. The fact that in the West most dress up is much poorer than the condition, the Thais is not able to understand. It is worse in the field of public hygiene, since here the Thai taste for aesthetics is mixed with carelessness. The public sector does not belong to everyone, this is a kind of "drawing land", from which you can do anything, - and the bushes often flies a blank package or a bank from under Coca-Cola. Nevertheless, the streets and cities in Thailand are much cleaner than in most Asian countries. In the struggle between the desire to live in cleanliness and sluggishness, the first is most often defeated. True, it was not always.

In 1977, a study was conducted, as a result of which Bangkok received a dubious title of the "dirty city of the world." And this is in the "competition", in which the metropolis such as Cairo and Calcutta took part in this regard. And only after the campaigns to guide the purity under the leadership of the long-term governor of Trimlong Si-Myang Bangkok became quite tolerant from the point of view of hygiene.

Historical data suggests that his acute aesthetic feeling of Thais suffered on hygiene only recently. In the middle of the XIX century F.A. Neil wrote that "The inhabitants are so rusty, so terriblely indifferent to their own interests and their own health that they are unlikely to sweep their shacks and floating houses". Today it has changed radically.


Perhaps it will be useful to read: