Organizing conflict conflict management in the organization. Management of conflicts in organizations. Social conflict management stages: briefly

The conflict is one of the most common forms of organizational interaction and other relations between people. It is estimated that conflicts and personnel experiences occupy about 15% of its working time. Even more time spend on the settlement of conflicts and management managers - in some organizations up to half of working time.

Conflicts occupy one of the central players in personnel management not only by virtue of the significance of the time costs associated with them, but also due to the high organizational importance of their innovative, creative, and especially devastating consequences. At the same time, the constructive conflict is the only way to find ways to exit the crisis of a particular enterprise. Only his staff owns information on the internal interaction and the real capabilities of the team. The implementation of this potential, its materialization in the restructuring of the business, the development of innovations is unthinkable without conflict.

The skill of conflict management is based on the deep knowledge of the head about nature, technology and features of the appropriate toolkit. The initial stage of working with the conflict is to identify its nature.

Structure of adjustable conflict process

Analysis of literature on conflictology issues allows you to allocate the following, largely interconnected signs of social conflicts.

1. The existence of at least two sides that have contact with each other.

2. The interdependence of the parties encouraging them to participate in conflict cooperation, without which the parties cannot exit the conflict field.

3. Incompatibility (full or partial) goals and values \u200b\u200bof conflicting parties. It usually occurs when two subjects cannot occupy the same position, or if there are a deficit of resources, certain benefits, the general equivalent of which is usually the money.

4. Zero amount of conflict interaction. This means that in the conflict, the winning one side is equivalent to losing another and each of the participants seeks to acquire something for themselves at the expense of the opponent. From this point of view, the conflict is different, for example, from the discussion of experts with various and even incompatible views and estimates.

5. Actions directed against each other. This is a leading feature in a conflict diagnosis. It is distinguished by a real conflict as from not manifested in the behavior and actions of the psychological opposition (dislike, awareness of the incompatibility of goals and values, etc.) and from competition.

6. The concepts of conflict and competition are closely interrelated and sometimes identified. However, the conflict distinguishes the awareness of the contradictions and the focus of actions of its participants against each other. Competition (for example, rivalry in the market of goods of various firms or a competition for a leadership position) may occur without acquaintance of competitors with each other and awareness of incompatibility of their goals. In addition, in competition, parallel acts of the parties are possible, their unconscious rivalry mediated by other people (in the examples mentioned above, is a consumer indirectness or a competitive commission). Consequently, not any competition has a conflict. However, if the actions of competitors are conscious and directly directed against each other, their interaction is conflict.

7. Use of pressure or force as an extreme pressure option. Pressure can be different types: psychological, economic, physical, etc.; It can be carried out in the form of threats or practical actions. The use of pressure, especially forces, gives the conflict a pronounced negative emotional painting, which usually increases as pressure and use of more rigid forms.

The conflict is based on contradictions: objective, existing by people who are awareness, and subjective, associated either with the awareness of objective contradictions, or with consciousness, people's psychology.

Considering the noted signs of conflicts, they can be defined as an interaction based on real or imaginary contradictions, pursuing incompatible, mutually exclusive objectives of the Parties whose actions are directed against each other and exclude mutual benefits.

Stages of conflict

Conflicts are procedural, i.e. represent the beginning and completion process. Depending on the peculiarities of the conflict, the following stages are distinguished.

1. Narch, or occurrence. At this stage, the conflict has a character hidden for third-party surveillance and manifests itself as discontent expressed in verbal form, insulating person or ill-wishing behavior (closedness, distrust, rumors and pr.).

2. Formation. At this stage, the consolidation of the parties to the conflict and the nomination of the requirements for the opponent.

3. Flourished. The parties go to active actions by blocking each other the possibility of achieving goals and intentions.

4. Failure, or conversion. This is the stage of complete or partial resolution of the conflict, which occurs as a result of either the exhaustion of resources by one or both parties, or the achievements between them agreements or the "elimination" of one of the parties.

Conflict Management Strategies

The activity of the head or any other conflict management entity directly depends on the overall strategy on which it is focused. There are three main conflict management strategies.

1. Regulatory or moral and legal strategy. Her goal is to resolve the conflict on an administrative and legal or ethical basis. The rival parties refer to the laws and adopted in this organization. The ability to resolve the conflict directly depends on the adoption and compliance with all participants in the conflict of relevant standards and the general rules based on them. If the rules of the game are not respected or even rejected at least one of the parties, then the belief or power imposition of these rules of the game uses the threat and application of sanctions, which are considered legitimate in society. In general, this strategy is focused on peaceful rivalry for certain rules. And the respect of the rules and maintaining the spheres of consensus is ultimately more important than the victory in the conflict.

2. Realistic strategy. This strategy is based on the inevitability of the conflict due to the inborn desire of a person to domination and possession of scarce values \u200b\u200band is focused mainly on the temporary settlement of the conflict with the help of any means suitable in this situation. Conflicts are considered inevitable because in any organization objectively exist managers (management entity) and managed (management object). It is believed that universal equality is in principle unattainable. The obligatory presence in each organization of the soil for conflicts does not allow to hope for the achievement of the "universal world" and steadily trusting cooperation. Therefore, the most appropriate rate on the "truce" and the temporary settlement of conflicts. As part of a realistic strategy, the conflict is considered as a game with zero winnings, i.e. The winnings of one side is equivalent to lick the other. This strategy is widely used in enterprises with a high degree of operation and where management is committed to maximum benefit, including personal, by intensive "squeezing of sweat" with minimal labor, without thinking about the ethical and legal parties to the implemented policy.

3. Idealistic strategy. This strategy is focused on the search for new common goals and values, which depreciate the former values \u200b\u200bthat served as a source of conflict, as well as on the cooperation of the parties to achieve new goals. This strategy provides for winning all sides of the conflict as a result of its permission. At the same time, the conflict is interpreted as a game, interaction with a positive winnings. It is believed that at the moment all conflict participants lose. When solving underlying the problem, all parties will be in winning. The implementation of this strategy translates the relationship between the parties to the new, unconfluous plane. She either eliminates the source of the conflict, or depreciates its importance, creating a new scale of goals and values, according to which the source of the conflict loses its former importance for its participants. The diversity of the targets and means of resolution of the conflict usually allows you to get a positive result. However, it all depends primarily from the hierarchy needs of the conflict member.

The success of an idealistic strategy is directly related to the culture of the subject, especially with the level of development of its conflict culture, and the subjective importance for it is humane, altruistic values. If all people proceeded from the humane biblical principle "Love your neighbor as yourself," that would generally eliminate all the soil for conflicts. However, the real behavior of people in organizations far from the level when only an idealistic conflict resolution strategy can be considered acceptable. In general, the idealistic strategy is considered preferable. In the process of such a resolution of the conflict, all parties are in winning, and in addition, the participants have a steady behavioral sample, allowing them to independently resolve problems in the future.

The biggest mistake that the head in a crisis situation can make is ignoring conflicts arising in the team. In this situation, the following erroneous actions are possible: Excessively critical evaluation of events, constant non-compliance with the interests of employees, presenting a huge amount of complaints.

There are also such an opinion: the problem of current labor conflicts in most firms is that potential opponents or partners are mistaken about the motivation of others and are not inclined to agree with the allies on the conditions of their participation in conflict and the conditions for resolving the conflict with opponents. Conflicts, as it may, may arise for various reasons and also influence the state of affairs in the firm. It warns managers of organizations from ignoring problems arising at the company, since the consequences of such inators can be destructive.

In terms of conflict, it is important to show interest in workers and care for them, never postpone the decision of disagreements for later, actively support cooperation within the company. At the same time, it is recognized that simple conflict resolution schemes are not always effective, and often even exacerbate it, translated from the category of vigorous and short-term in the category of sluggish, systematically sharpened without visible outlines of the full permission period.

Nowadays, conflicts in organizations are not only possible, but also desirable. The whole problem lies in the ability to manage them. The problem of the conflict is what position the leader is held in it, whether he knows the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. The biggest mistake of the manager becomes ignoring the problem. Conflicts can develop differently, therefore, various methods of their overcoming are possible.

To solve the conflict, it is important to know all its hidden and explicit reasons, analyze the positions and interests of the parties and concentrate attention on the interests, as they are a solution to the problem. There are no universal ways to overcome the conflict. The only possible is the complete involvement in the situation. Only by borrowing the situation in the organization, it is possible to study the problem of conflict and give the head of the recommendation on the optimal behavior strategy and methods of overcoming the conflict.

Conflict Management Process Structure

Consider the strategy of effective intervention carried out by the consultant or intermediary.

1. Conquesting authority at the parties. The parties should strive for a positive resolution of the conflict and act accordingly with the help of a consultant. For a consultant, it is very important to establish good relationships with both parties, without giving preferences by any of them, since otherwise its activity will not be effective.

The consultant must:

    install contact on both parties at an early stage of work;

    clarify their intentions regarding this conflict situation;

    provide support. Representatives of both parties and managers can clarify the intentions of the consultant to persons whose interests they represent, and help them realize the important moments of their activities.

If one of the parties does not see any sense in resolving the conflict, then the expediency of further activities of the consultant is in doubt.

2. Determination of the structure of the relationship of the parties. The consultant should clearly imagine the structure of the parties to the conflict participants. Unclear leadership, internal power struggle, acute rivalry between fractions and other factors can become a significant obstacle to the resolution of the conflict. It is very important to get acquainted with formal and informal leaders, to know their opinion, as well as the degree of their readiness for active participation in the process of resolving the conflict. This means that the consultant should not only establish the structure of the parties, but sometimes help them develop a more definite internal structure. In addition, he should coordinate the "Central Power" of the enterprise. Cooperation of the consultant with representatives of the "Central power" enterprise increases the likelihood of success.

An interview consultant is widespread from representatives of both parties as a method for collecting the necessary information.

Using these interviews, determine:

    distinction and internal structure of the parties;

    possible group of group that will support the consultant.

Interviews provide consultants with data on the following decisive characteristics:

    conflict intensity;

    symmetry level and power balance;

    nature, conflict nature (certain problems, complaints and reasons for discontent).

The main direction of the study is the creation of preliminary conditions to reduce tensions, intensity of the conflict.

3. Maintaining the balance of the parties. Without a certain symmetry in relations between the parties, the consultant will not be able to fulfill its duties. Actually, the invitation of the consultant may be evidenced by the presence of a certain equilibrium between the parties and the desire to resolve contradictions. A significant strength difference indicates a high probability that a stronger side intends to resolve the conflict by imposing its will and forcing the other side to recognize it.

The consultant should show activity primarily in hopeless situations. In fact, the hopeless situation (or the threat of its occurrence due to the fact that the parties are in one "weight category") turns out to be a moving factor for studying the nature, the nature of the conflict, its consequences and alternative solutions. The most important feature of the interaction of the parties under these conditions is the desire to preserve the balance of interests. In addition, the consultant must pay approximately the same time to each side and conduct separate discussions on the neutral territory.

4. Maintaining the "optimal" level of intensity of the conflict. The high intensity of the conflict greatly complicates the management of them and even in some cases does this control impossible. Such a situation is due to the fact that none of the parties exhibits readiness to communicate with the other party. Parties are frequent when both participants in the conflict do not see a lot of meaning in the activities of the consultant, especially if it is limited to certain conditions of one of the parties.

There is another danger. The conflict, which is in a state of fast escalation, may be, as practice shows, beyond the sphere of the influence of the consultant. In addition, a moment may occur when the parties do not show the desire to make changes, since the conflict state has become familiar to them despite its destructiveness and they do not want to make another attempt to achieve a compromise. Own positive image is combined with a negative idea of \u200b\u200banother participant. The parties of the conflict no longer want to listen to other points of view, as it only contributes to the emergence of doubt in their rightness, and adhere to their own idea of \u200b\u200bthe situation.

Such protracted conflicts can represent a much greater problem for a consultant than suddenly arising sharp crises.

5. Conflict detail, confrontation, synthesis. Practice shows that the activities of the consultant are successful only in cases where the consideration of the subject of the dispute and the confrontation of the parties pass in stages. This is a repetitive process, each time an analysis of a certain part of the conflict. The best results are obtained when this method is supported by both conflicting parties.

The direct goal of the discussion is not decision-making, but an explanation of the prospects for both parties. What are the prospects, depends on which form of relations dominates: when solving business issues, this will mainly discuss and controversy, in solving issues of a socio-emotional nature - representation of themselves in the place of another.

The result of opposition to perspectives may be synthesis: Development of solutions, understanding and achieving a compromise.

The confrontation of the parties can end and the occurrence of a hopeless situation. Beneficule situations encourage the parties to further detail the subject of the dispute, followed by confrontation again.

7. Definition of compromise achievement procedures for each side, orientation for constant progress. The important task of the consultant is a clear definition, clarification, justification and indication of the procedures that the parties must fulfill. The clarity in determining the roles and the working algorithms of the parties creates a relaxed atmosphere necessary to continue work, and uncertainty, indecision and ambiguity cause soundness and distrust. Often the parties believe that disoriented and exposed to pressure. If the consultant is not able to regulate the interaction of the parties, the hostile atmosphere easily arises, which makes it impossible to make a constructive discussion of anything, puts the feasibility of negotiations.

8. Control over the procedure for promotion to resolve conflict. Among other things, the success of the consultant's activities is influenced by the structure of the conflict management process, i.e. The degree of change in the nature of the confrontation of the parties. The process, as experience shows, can easily take the form of cyclically repeated discussions on the same issues. In these cases, the quality of the management of such a management function is played a special role as control. In other words, the consultant, in fact, acts as a regulator of the mention of conflicting groups towards the final resolution of the conflict. In this role, the consultant as a manager under its authority should create conditions for constant progress in the negotiations. We are talking about such possession of conflict resolution technology which will allow the consultant to manage the change in the positions of the parties in the dispute, which will lead to resolving conflict for a certain time. Under the crisis, the minimization of conflict resolution time is one of the most important requirements for its successful overcoming.

Table. Methods of successful intervention in conflict in the stages of its analysis

Aspect of relationships

Expert method

Manifestation and demonstration of independence, explaining their intentions

Determination of the structure of the relationship of the parties

Understanding the internal structure, structuring of the relationship between "central power" enterprises and conflict participants

Maintaining the rational level of conflict intensity

Definition of the effects of protracted conflicts, the study of the readiness of the parties to make changes

Differentiation of intervention by conflict type

Selection of intervention form corresponding to this classification

Detailing controversial issues, confrontation, synthesis

Phased consideration of the conflict, confrontation and research of hopeless situations for further detail of controversial issues

Definition of compromise achievement procedures for each side

Establishment of clear procedures, termination of cyclical repetitive discussions

Vladimir Alexandrovich Barinov- Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Management of the Russian Economic Academy. G.V. Plekhanov

The article will tell about four basic methods of conflict management and share tools that will help repay the confrontation. Bonus: examples of typical conflict situations and their practical solutions.

From the article you will learn:

These tools will help repay the conflict.a team

What conflict management methods are used in the work of HR-s

Conflicts are different types. For example, they are classified by the number of participants, the status of conflicting, the intensity of emotions, the form of confrontation or color of claims.

Recipes, how to manage conflicts, even more than the classifications of disagreements. Understand the manifold, techniques, techniques and techniques are not easy. But manage conflicts in the team - the priority task of HR-A.

Conflict management methods are:

  • intrapersonal;
  • structural;
  • interpersonal;
  • conversation.

Conflict management intrapersonal methods

You are influenced by the consciousness and emotions of the employee who entered into the conflict. In other words, try to "talk" first. An example of an intrapersonal method - technique "Verbalization of feelings." Ask each employee to formulate what emotions it causes a conflict. Ask " Why do you feel exactly what?" Employees will speak out, splash what they tried to keep in themselves and after that calm down.

Structural conflict management methods

You are impact on the participants of the organizational conflict. The reason for this confrontation is incorrect setting of tasks, the incorrect distribution of functions, an unjust system of motivation and stimulation. Excellent example of the structural method - sMART technology.

Smart - Method of accurate setting of tasks. Each letter of this abbreviation denotes the name of the criterion of the quality of the target. S (Specific) - Specific, M (Measurable) - measurable, A (Assignable) - non-random, necessary company at the moment,. R (Realistic) - achievable, T (Time-Related) - defined in time, with specific periods and control points.

Convert a conflict situation in tasks that formulate SMART technique:

  • Make sure that the actions that employees take to eliminate the confrontation are performed.
  • To accurately specify the essence of the task.
  • Indicate, in what time frames, conflicting should take concrete steps and eliminate disagreements in principle.
  • Word the criteria for which you appreciate that there is no more confrontation.
  • Describe opponents, what advantages they will receive if conflicts stop.

What wording to use when you put the SMART technique task, suggested by the experts of the journal "Personnel Director"

Interpersonal conflict management methods

You help conflicting choose a style of interaction, which will help them minimize the loss of confrontation. The method is based. According to the model, a person in conflict chooses one of 5 strategies:

  1. Evasion.
  2. Device.
  3. Confrontation.
  4. Compromise.
  5. Cooperation.

To determine which strategy one or another employee will choose in the situation of confrontation, the Tomas test will help.

Test of Thomas "Assessment of ways to respond to conflict" in the "System of Frames"

Negotiations as a conflict management method

You use a set of techniques to find a solution that will suit all conflict participants.

An example of a negotiation method

Daniel Dan method "Solve conflict for 4 steps"

Step 1 . Assign time for negotiations. Thus, you confirm your intention do not avoid conflict, but stop it.

Step 2. . Prepare. Limit time - no more than two hours. Choose a place: calm atmosphere, neutral territory, confidentiality.

Step 3. . Discuss the problem. Express the opponent's appreciation: "I am glad that you agreed to discuss the situation. I am sure we will find the decision that both us will arrange. " Word your vision of the problem and invite opponent to the discussion.

Step 4. . Enclose the contract. Find a compromise solution that reconciles the conflicting parties. The task of HR-A in this step is to configure opponents to search for a compromise, to change the relationships that have developed between them. Most often, at this stage, the parties will already find a solution to the problem. If not, then psychologically and emotionally will be prepared for this.

In what situations HR-y should manage conflict

Disputes and disagreements between employees are often based on personal hostility, low culture of one of the participants in the confrontation, envy. In such conflicts, HR is better not to interfere. Let colleagues will figure it out in the problem themselves. But if the conflict has become the property of the whole team, the HR specialist needs to be resolved.

HR-A participation is most often required in conflicts:

  • between the structural divisions of the company;
  • employees;
  • subordinate and supervisor;
  • supervisor and division.

Resolve the confrontation that broke out between colleagues, head and subordinate or between two leaders will help interactive "Absolution of Conflict".

An interactive "preliminary conflict" was developed by experts of the journal "Personnel Director".

Three typical conflicts at work and solutions

Consider three typical conflict situations that may occur in the workplace. This conflict between employees, confrontation between the head and subordinates, disagreements between the two leaders.

Situation 1. Conflict between employees or staff groups

A plank employee flew in the HR service. She kept a declaration of dismissal in her hands. With difficulty managed to calm the girl and find out what's the matter. It turned out to be sharp in the language of the colleague brought it out of himself with a caustic remark: "What kind of dress on you? From the market? And again without makeup! Therefore, I won't marry anything, but has long been time. "

Option Solutions

Use the technique of V.A. Laughter. To solve the conflict between employees, attract the head - "meaningful third". It is important that both participants in the confrontation trust him. Let the managers alternately specify each subordinate issues such:

  • How did you behave in this situation?
  • How would you like to behave?
  • How did your opponent behave?
  • How should he behave in such a situation?

Answering questions, employees will understand where misunderstanding occurred. So, they will be able to eliminate it and eliminate the confrontation.

Useful memo from experts magazine "Personnel Director", which will help you communicate with colleagues-ham

Situation 2. Conflict between the head and subordinate

The head of the sales department is rude with subordinates. An employee regularly complains of personnel managers on his boss.

Option Solutions

Apply the personality dissociation technique and role. Explain the head and subordinate that in the situation of the conflict, their roles differ from roles at work.

Tell member: "The manager has claims to you as an employee, but not as a person." If the conflict is personal, specify the thought differently: "The manager for you has personal claims, but as an employee you arrange it." Your task is to separate your personal from professional.

Ask each side to talk phrase out loud. The essential part of the negative will leave. Each conflict participant will understand where to look for the cause of the problem and how to eliminate it.

Cases that will help determine the conflict of the future employee

Situation 3. Conflict between two managers

The company constantly conflict chiefs of two departments. It prevents their employees to work.

Option Solutions

Use the tactics of alternate listening. Ask conflicting: " Why do you think the conflict arose?" Let us first express one participant in the confrontation, then another. Require them to respond in turn, did not interrupt each other. Every participant in the confrontation will see how his opponent looks at the situation, and will understand what is misunderstanding.

The organization is the association of people for joint activities. Organizations differ from each other by the nature of their members, the level of cohesion, quantitative composition. The first attempted to classify the Organization Sociologist Obsemov A.G. and divided them for five species: economic; educational and medical; government agencies and legal structures; information; Public associations of various types.

Domestic relations in organizations depend on the specifics of their activities.

The conflict in the organization is an open form of existence of contradictions of interests arising in the process of the interaction of people in solving issues of industrial and personal order.

The main types of conflicts in organizations: organizational, industrial, labor, innovative.

The organizational conflict is a clash of the oppositely directed actions of the conflict participants caused by the discrepancy between the interests of the behavior and value orientations. They arise due to the incomprehension of the formal organizational principles and the real behavior of the team members.

Production conflicts are a specific form of an expression of contradictions in the production relations of the labor collective.

Labor conflicts are a clash of interests and opinions, estimates between representatives of different groups about labor relations (conditions, content, labor organization and payment).

Innovative conflicts are contradictions between supporters and opponents of innovation. Innovation is a targeted change aimed at improving and creating any new product, technology, organizational form of management, etc.

Objective - conflict arising from the circumstances outside the will and desire of its participants.

Subjective - when a specific material or spiritual value is becoming a collision (s / board, vacancy), which are striving for conflicting parties (employees of the organization).

For direct reasons, conflicts are:

Organizational - taking place within a certain organization due to changes in external circumstances or violation of the regulated procedure;

Emotional - associated with personal perception of what is happening around, with a reaction to the behavior of other people, etc.;

Socio-labor - caused by the inconsection, confrontation of private and common interests, incompatibility of the objectives of individuals and social groups.

For the forms and the degree of collision, conflicts are: open (dispute, quarrel), hidden (sophisticated), spontaneous, that is, spontaneously arising, deliberate or simply provoked. Such conflicts can be either inevitable or forced, and sometimes unreasonable, that is, devoid of any expediency.

By communicative orientation, conflicts distinguish:

Horizontal, that is, in which people are not involved in submission;

Vertical when participants are connected by those or other types of subordination;

Mixed, that is, representing the relation of subordination and non-obstinate.

Scales and duration conflicts distinguish:

Local when part of the enterprise personnel is involved;

General, that is, all (or most) are drawn into confrontation.

Usually such conflicts are protracted, as they arise due to deficiencies in the organization (payment, working conditions, etc.).

In terms of the composition of the conflicting parties, conflicts distinguish:

Intrapersonal, i.e. Internal struggle with himself;

Interpersonal, i.e. the discrepancy of the personal goals of employees;

INTERGRUPOVOE - between rival employees inside the group or between the leaders of the groups on the issue "who is important in the department or in the enterprise?"

Intergroup - conflict between co-owners of enterprises.

By ways of settlement (permission), conflicts are divided into:

Antagonistic, i.e. accompanied by the intransigence of the parties;

Compromise - allowing differences in overcoming discrepancies, interconnections of views, goals.

Conflicts are also distinguished by functional significance, i.e. By perceiving results.

All organizations in their development are held through a series of internal conflicts, because They cannot exist without internal tensions and collisions.

And, according to Zvezdlyov A.G. In each organization, you can allocate at least three conflicts:

a) between managers and manageable;

b) adaptation when the newcomer is not aware of the rules existing in this organization;

c) related to the development of various organization's behavior strategies for the effectiveness of its activities.

Miscellaneous conflict backgrounds:

Failure to fulfill the management of its promises;

Corregation of the circumstances unfavorable for the activities;

Discontent workers of the work, content and prestige of work;

Emotional bursts;

Incitement of informal leaders, etc.

In the classification of conflicts, we found out that in direct reasons for the occurrence of conflicts distinguish: organizational, emotional and socially labor, i.e. Three possible sources of conflict: an objective situation, personality and communication.

The organizational reason relates to the weakening of the functional interdependence of the members of the organization, which arises where there is no tasks and functions of employees, where there are no growth prospects where labor assessment is not enough, where information is important to work in a non-time.

Emotional conflicts arise most often as a result of the personal perception of what is happening in the team. Personal causes of conflicts are often rooted in the predisposition of a person to conflict, which has either situational prerequisites, or characteristic.

Situal prerequisites are the psychological states of the person in which he is most inclined to conflict response (increased excitability, sense of uncertainty, etc.).

Characteristic prerequisites - character traits that predispose to a collision with others, cause a feeling of antipathy, counteraction (intolerance to the disadvantages of others, impulsiveness, a tendency to aggression, egoism, borestolube, etc.).

At first glance, it may seem that emotional conflicts do not have a direct connection with the work, the performance of official duties, but it is not. In life, any psychological perturbations affect staff, reflected on business relationships, lead to misunderstanding, mutual resentment, stress, conflict and, as a result, the efficiency of the enterprise is reduced.

Socio-labor conflicts arise as a result of incomprehension of individuals or social groups about labor relations (conditions, content of labor and payment).

Today, the main causes of labor conflict are:

Delay in paying salary;

Lack of wage indexing due to increasing inflation;

Dissatisfaction with the amount of remuneration;

Mutual non-payment between enterprises manufacturers and consumers;

Violations related to the implementation of labor legislation;

Systematic delays of budget allocations;

Worsening labor protection and the growth of industrial injuries;

Disadvantages of informational relations between employees and managers of individual structural divisions.

The conflict management is the ability of the head to see a conflict situation, comprehend it and carry out guide actions for its permission.

The conflict management contains the following steps:

Perception of conflict and primary assessment of the situation;

Conflict research and the search for its reasons;

Search for conflict resolution paths;

Implementation of organizational measures.

Prevention of conflicts - the management of the organization of preventive measures to prevent destructive, dysfunctional development of conflict clashes.

The methods of conflict prevention in the organization include:

Nomination of integrating purposes between administration and staff, i.e. The guides of the goals that the Office sets the Office must be the heads of divisions, but at the same time, these goals should contribute to the goals of personnel;

Clear definition of communication types in the organizational management structure, i.e. establishing the composition of links and subordination between them, the formation of all necessary structural ties between divisions and posts (organizational structure with a clear distribution of obligations);

Balance of rights and responsibilities when performing official duties, i.e. control over the development of regulatory documents in which the responsibility and rights of employees are determined to fulfill their official duties;

Performing rules for the formation and operation of temporary units, i.e. Formation based on the personal characteristics of the participants (the group must include people who perform such professionally psychological roles as: "Idea Generator", the organizer of work, performer, an experienced employee), the achievement of the consent between the participants of the Labor Organization;

Implementation of the rules of delegation of authority (transfer of part of official duties) and liability between hierarchical control levels, i.e. determining the degree of participation and responsibility of the employee in the decision-making process;

The use of various forms of encouragement (premiums, special benefits, sale of shares to employees).

If the conflict failed to prevent or resolve at an early stage of development, then you need to be able to manage them.

Conflict management is a targeted impact on the behavior of people in conflict situations; Activities for the prevention, settlement and resolution of conflict clashes, disagreements of individuals and social groups.

Allocate two main types of conflict resolution in organizations: authoritarian and affiliate.

At the same time, the following methods are used:

1) conviction and suggestion;

2) an attempt to coordinate irreconcilable interests;

3) Method "Game", i.e. for example, when one of the parties is trying to attract the organization's management to its side, and the other is a trade union.

The advantage of this method, according to the head, is time saving. But the conflict is not permitted, but only crushes, so it is possible to return.

Partner type - conflict resolution through the use of constructive ways. This type is considered to be more successful. Allows you to find unifying factors, i.e. Satisfy the interests of the parties. Here a compromise is possible, a mutual search for solutions, the perception of the arguments of the opponent, the interaction of the head with the conflicting parties.

There are also such conflict resolution methods in organizations:

The "care" method from the conflict is ignoring or denial of the presence of a conflict;

- "adaptation" to the interests of the opposite side;

Compromise, i.e. The sides of the conflict go to mutual concessions;

Cooperation, i.e. Rapid point of view and interests for receiving mutual benefits.

Important condition for successful conflict resolution is legal support, which is based on various legal (legislative) acts (from the Constitution of the Russian Federation to separate orders and orders of the organization's management).

When resolving the conflict, it is also important to prevent extreme situations.

Organizations are very important seeking to rapid and complete resolution of conflict, because Excessive aggravation of conflict disagreements and a long-term confrontation of the parties can lead the organization to a universal crisis and decay.

St. Petersburg

Institute of Business and Law

Nizhnevartovskoye department


In oh r and n and z and c and i x


student 4 courses


Yuri Aleksandrovich


S.I. Belyaev


C o d e r and n and e

1. The nature of the conflict in organizations .................................. 2

1.1. What is conflict............................. .................. ............................. 2.

1.2. Types of conflict ................................. ................. ................................. 3.

1.3. The reasons for the conflict ................................................ ...........................four

1.4. Model of the conflict process ................................................... ................ 6.

2. Management of conflict situation .............................. 8

2.1. Structural methods of resolution of the conflict .................................... 9

2.2. Interpersonal styles of conflict resolution ................................ 10

CONCLUSIONS............................................ .................................................. .fourteen

List of references used ........................................ 15

1. Nature of conflict in organizations

1.1. What is conflict

As in many fundamental concepts, the conflict has many definitions and interpretations. From the position of the management of the organization, the conflict is defined as the lack of consent between two or more parties, which can be specific persons, formal or informal groups. Each party does everything to be accepted by her point of view or purpose and prevent the other party to do the same.

The concept of conflict is often associated with aggression, threats, quarrels, war, etc. As a result, it is an opinion that the conflict is always unwanted that it is, if possible, should be avoided. This attitude towards the conflict is traced within the framework of the School of Scientific Department, in the classical school and the adherents of the Concept of Bureaucracy on M. Deber. As part of these schools, it was believed that the presence of a clear hierarchical system, the rational distribution of tasks between divisions and employees in the organization, the development of procedures and rules will eliminate the conditions for the emergence of conflicts.

As part of the School of Human Relations, the conflict was also considered an undesirable phenomenon. It was considered as a result of an ineffective management organization. It was believed that good relationships in the organization could exclude the emergence of conflicts.

The modern point of view is that the conflict in the organization is not only possible, but often and desirable. Conflicts, of course, are not always positive. For example, a person can argue at a meeting just because he cannot argue. Members of the group can take a dispute point only to avoid conflict, which can reduce the satisfaction of their needs and involvement, as well as the effectiveness of the organization as a whole. But in many situations, the conflict helps to identify different points of view, gives additional information, helps to identify a greater number of alternatives, etc. This makes the decision-making process more efficient, and also gives people the opportunity to satisfy their needs in respect and power.

Thus, the conflict can be functional and lead to an increase in the efficiency of the organization, or it can be destructive and lead to a decrease in personal satisfaction, group cooperation and efficiency. The role of conflict depends on how effectively it is managed.

1.2. Types of conflict

There are four types of conflict: intrapersonal, interpersonal, between the person and the group and the intergroup conflict.

Intrapersonal conflict. This type of conflict does not correspond to the definition of the given above. However, its potential dysfunctional consequences are similar to the consequences for other types of conflict. It can take various forms. One of the most common forms is a role conflict. Most often, he arises when conflicting or mutually exclusive requirements are imposed on the employee. For example, the head of the department in the store requires the seller to be in the department all the time. Later he places claims to him that the seller spends all the time on buyers and does not care about the replenishment of the goods. Similarly, from the master of the site, his immediate boss requires an increase in product output, and the head of the firm for quality at the same time requires improving the quality of products.

The intrapersonal conflict may also arise due to the fact that personal needs are not consistent with production requirements (the need to work on weekends, when a family event is planned, the need to move to another city, when other family members lose work, etc.).

Interpersonal conflict. This type of conflict may be the most common. In organizations, it is manifested in different ways. Most often it is the struggle of managers for limited resources: capital, premises, labor, etc. Each of them believes that since resources are limited, he must convince the higher authority to allocate these resources to him, and not another leader.

The interpersonal conflict may also arise, for example, between two candidates for an increase in the presence of one vacant position. In this case, the conflict can be thin and long. The interpersonal conflict may also appear as a clash of personalities. People with different features of character, looks and values \u200b\u200bare sometimes not able to get along with each other. As a rule, the views and objectives of such people differ in the root.

Conflict between personality and group. As the experiments carried out by E.Miaio in Hawthorne, production groups establish the norms of behavior and production. Everyone must be observed to be adopted by the informal group and, thereby satisfying their social needs. However, if the group's expectations are in contradiction with the expectations of a separate personality, a conflict may arise. For example, someone wants to earn more, overweight norms, and the Group considers such a behavior as a negative phenomenon.

A conflict may arise between a separate personality and a group if this person will occupy a position that differs from the group's position. For example, at a meeting when discussing the possibility

increase sales, when the majority will assume that the problem can be solved by reducing the price, one of the participants of the meeting will be firmly convinced that such a policy will lead to a decrease in profits and create the opinion that the company's products are worse than the products of competitors. Although this person can sincerely hurt for the interests of the organization, it will still be considered as a source of conflict, because it goes against the group's opinion.

A similar conflict may arise on the basis of the performance of official duties. For example, when the head undertakes unpopular disciplinary measures. The group can respond to these measures with a decrease in labor productivity.

Intergroup conflict. The organization consists of a variety of groups both formal and informal. Even in the best organizations between such groups, conflicts may arise. A typical example of intergroup conflict is the confrontation of the administration of the organization, on the one hand, and the trade union, on the other hand.

Another example of intergroup conflict may be the confrontation of linear managers and employees of functional services. Staff workers are usually more young and better formed than linear leaders. Linear leaders (heads of workshops, heads of sites, master) can reject the recommendations of staff professionals and express discontent about their dependence on them in everything related to information. In extreme situations, linear managers can intentionally choose such a way to fulfill the proposals of staff professionals, that the entire undertaking will end with failure. And all this in order to "put in place" of specialists. Staff staff, in turn, may be resentment that its representatives do not allow themselves to implement their decisions themselves, and try to preserve the informational dependence on them of linear personnel. These are bright examples of dysfunctional conflict.

Often due to the difference in targets begin to conflict among themselves functional groups within the organization. For example, the sales department is focused on the buyer, and production units are more worried about the ratio of profit costs.

1.3. Causes of conflict

All conflicts have several reasons. The main causes of the conflict are the limitations of the resources that need to be divided, the interdependence of tasks, the difference in order to distinguish between ideas and values, differences in behavior manner, in the level of education, as well as bad communications.

Distribution of resources. Even in the largest organizations, resources are limited. Management should decide how to distribute materials, people, finance and other resources between different

groups to effectively achieve the objectives of the organization. To allocate a large share of resources to one supervisor or group - it means to allocate a smaller share of the rest. People always want to get more resources, not less. Thus, the need to share resources leads to the possibility of conflict.

Interdependence of tasks. The ability to conflict exists everywhere where a person or group depend on the task of another person or group. Since organizations are systems consisting of interdependent elements, the failure to comply with any specialist or group of their tasks can cause conflict.

Some types of organizational structures and relationships contribute to the conflict arising from the interdependence of tasks. Above the intergroup conflict between linear managers and staff personnel. The cause of this conflict is often the interdependence of production relations. On the one hand, the linear staff depends on the staff, as it should use the knowledge and skills of specialists. On the other hand, the staffing staff depends on the linear, as it needs its support at the moment when finding out the problems in the manufacturing process or acts as a consultant. Moreover, staff staff in the introduction of their recommendations usually depends on linear.

Certain types of organizational structures increase the possibility of conflict. Such an opportunity increases with the matrix structure of the organization, where the principle of unity of disposal is intentionally violated. The possibility of conflict is also large in purely functional structures, since each major function pays attention mainly to its own area of \u200b\u200bspecialization. In organizations where the basis of the organizational scheme are departments, (for no matter how signs they are not created: products, consumer or territorial), managers of interdependent divisions are subject to one general chief of higher level, thereby decreasing the possibility of conflict for purely organizational reasons.

Differences for purposes. The possibility of conflict increases as organizations become more specialized and divided into divisions. This is because specialized units themselves formulate their goals and can pay more attention to them than to achieve the goals of the whole organization. For example, the sales department may insist on expanding product range to fully satisfy customer requests and increase sales. For the production department, such a policy leads to an increase in the cost of products, which contradicts its main goal - the high efficiency of production. For the production department with

positions ratio costs profitably produce large parties of homogeneous products.

Differences in ideas and values. The idea of \u200b\u200bsome situation depends on the desire to achieve a certain goal. Instead of objectively assessing the situation, people can only consider the views, alternatives and aspects of the situation, which, in their opinion, are favorable for their group and personal needs.

Conflicts B. organizations.......................6 reasons conflict in organizations.......................................... 10 Chapter 2. Activities for management conflict in organizations......... ... 14 2.1. Stages office conflict ...

  • Control conflict in organizations (7)

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    Work on the discipline: "Management" Subject: " Control conflict in organizations " Performed: M., student c. T-201. Checked ...

  • Federal Agency for Education

    Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort

    Institute of Economics and Management

    Department of Management


    under the discipline "Organization theory"

    on the topic: "Conflict in the organization and management of conflicts"


    Kovalenko A.N.

    Conflict in the organization and management of conflicts

    Organizational conflicts.

    The reasons for the occurrence of the conflict and its flowing.

    Conflict management in the organization.

    Organizational conflicts. Probably, each of you have been faced with conflict situations. Everyday life is literally permeated with them. The practice of organizations of organizations shows that deep leaders need deep knowledge and conflict management skills, their forecasting. The manager as a person who is constantly working with people should be able to prevent the emergence of conflict, to bring people from the state of hostility, resolve disputes.

    Modern science management recognizes that the conflict is an integral part of the vital activity of the organization. What is the conflict?

    Like many concepts in the theory, sociology and psychology of management, the conflict has many different definitions and interpretations. Many specialists give him such a definition: "Conflict - (from Lat. Conflictus - a collision) - a clash of the parties, opinions, forces, the process of conflict in an open clash; The struggle for values \u200b\u200band claims for a certain status, power, resources in which the objectives are neutralization, damage and destroy the opponent. "

    But here the conflict is associated with hostility and confrontation. Meanwhile, the conflict is not necessarily a negative phenomenon. Many sociologists and political scientists believe that society cannot exist without conflict. The most clearly this approach is presented in the works of the city of Zimmel, R. Duddorf, L. Kozer. Domestic sociologist I.D. Ladanov believes that the conflict helps participants in the employment process when they fall into conflict situations, it is better to realize the goals of the organization, contact their unused reserves and make a lot for what seems impossible under normal conditions. According to K.A. Radugina, the conflict is not an anomaly or dysfunction in the activities of organizations, but the rate of relations between people, the necessary element of life, which gives the yield of social and psychological tensions and generating changes in the organization's activities. Therefore, two theoretical approaches to the concept of conflict distinguish.

    1. The conflict is a clash, contradiction, struggle, opposition (personalities, forces, interests, positions, views). Accordingly, the conflict is social - an attempt to achieve remuneration by subordination, imposing his will, removal or even the destruction of the enemy seeking to achieve the same remuneration. From competition, the conflict is distinguished by a clear orientation, the presence of incidents, harsh struggle. Thus, supporters of this approach describe the conflict as a negative phenomenon. Most of the work on the work technology in the conflict within the framework of this approach give recommendations on manipulation, which is called "conflict management", "controlling the conflict". The main goal of such management is to eliminate the conflict with the maximum benefit for themselves.

    2. The conflict is a system of relationships, the process of development and interaction, asked by the differences in the subjects participating in it (for interests, values, activities). Supporters of this approach consider conflict with a natural condition for the existence of interacting people, a tool for the development of an organization, of any community, although having destructive consequences, but in general, at a long time, not so destructive as the consequences of eliminating conflicts, their information and social blockade.

    The second approach implies the impossibility of conflict management and optimization of interaction, theoretically justifying the development of the conflict as a self-regulating mechanism. Instead of "solutions", "permits" and other similar terms apply the term "overcoming", implying that the conflict is not liquidated, but ensures development, intensifying the differentiation, primarily professional, and in society - social stratification, which lies at the heart social and organizational stability. It is transformed into other conflicts, less destructive, in other areas, other social dimensions. This approach does not deny the possibility and even the design of political and administrative manipulation (not everyone) in the initial phases of the conflict, but is based primarily to ensure the information completeness of the interaction of subjects and the necessary risk, ensuring the possibility of transition to its last phase.

    Conflictology has developed two models for describing conflicts: procedural and structural. In the procedural model, the focus is on the dynamics of the conflict, the emergence of a conflict situation, the transition of the conflict from one phase to another, forms of conflict behavior, the outcome of conflict interaction. The structural model describes the conditions underlying the conflict determines its pair of meters and the main features.

    Most of the sociologists converge on the fact that the conflict is the lack of consent between two and more parties. Subjects of conflict interaction in the organization you step by both individual individuals and social groups. They are usually denoted as "opponents". At the same time, each of the parties seeks to be taken by her point of view or its goal, preventing the other party to do the same. The conflict is a special type of interaction of subjects of the organization (opponents), the collision of opposite positions, opinions, assessments and ideas that people are trying to resolve with the help of conviction or actions against the background of emotions. The basis of any conflict is the accumulated contradictions, objective and subjective, real and apparent.

    The most conflicted in social interactions is the management of management and management relations. In the process of carrying out management functions in various areas of social reality, conditions in which conflict objectively and subjectively is formed. Management as one of the most complex types of social relations is associated with a large number of problems and contradictions that create a system of conflict prerequisites in this area. Objective prerequisites for the occurrence of conflicts in the field of management are rooted in subjective differences in the perception of social norms, in their individual uniqueness of relations to the processes of targeted, coordinated work and joint work. In the process of such relations, the motivation and interests of the subjects do not always coincide, often come opposite and are aware of times. This leads to the formation of conflict.

    So, under the conflicts in the field of management it is necessary to understand conflicts arising in the systems of social interaction of subjects and management objects. Sources of any conflicts in the field of management are contradictions that are moving to a conflict, as soon as certain conditions and opportunities are formed. Each type and type of conflict correspond to their own contradictions. These contradictions are ultimately due to the structure and content of social interaction - the specifics of management.

    The essence of the conflict in the modern organization. The organization is a complex integer, which includes not only individuals with various statuses, social attitudes and interests, but also various social entities, seeking to take a higher place in the rush of the organization's tour, change the existing standards of activity or system of relations inside the organizational jet of tours. In addition, various divisions of the organization may be subject to managerial effects to varying degrees. Thus, there are inequality in the distribution of resources, as well as differences in the possibilities of top management to implement power functions.

    As an essential cell of society, the organization connects and coordinates the behavior of people specializing in different types of activities, includes them in a single labor process, decides not only production tasks, but also creates conditions for the development of its members. Here, in the medium of direct communication, initial representations of people are laid, opinions are formed, the habits are enshrined, the inconsistencies appear, the public reputation of employees is approved.

    Mutual relationships and relations are developing not only on the basis of production activities, but also under the influence of real living conditions: political, psychological, moral, etc. People share common interests, ideas, goals, moral standards and principles. However, along with solidarity in the labor team there are conflict situations.

    The conflict in the organization is an open form of existence of contradictions of interests arising in the process of interaction between people in solving issues of industrial and personal order; This clash of the oppositely directed actions of the conflict participants caused by the discrepancy between the interests of the behavior and value orientation. They arise due to the incomprehension of the formal organizational principles and the real behavior of the team members. This mismatch occurs:

    1) When the employee does not fulfill, ignores the requirements imposed by him from the organization. For example, absenteeism, violations of labor and executive discipline, poor quality fulfillment of their duties, etc.;


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