Phrases about travel and travelers. Aphorisms about travel. Mark Terentia Varon

Many, perhaps, will agree with the fact that the present education, which is certainly useful to a person in life, we get mainly outside the limits of stuffy training classes. No, this is not a passage in favor of revising the fundamental principles of the modern system of obtaining knowledge. But still, in addition to the usual schemes "School - Teacher - Class - Control" and "University - Teacher - Group - Examinations" There are more specific ways to know ourselves and the world and get a lot of necessary skills.
We also offer to see the site about traveling 7Daytravel.

In fact, travel is the best way to find out for yourself a lot of new things. Whether you walk through the streets of Paris, climb on the mountain peak in the Himalayas or spend the sunny day on the Dominican beach, travel will never let you down like a teacher.

Just below you will find 10 reasons why travel is the best form of education, no matter where you are going and what adventures you expect.

Study of foreign languages
In English they say almost in any part of the planet, and most often it will work for you. Nevertheless, it is always better to know the language of the country you are going to visit. Travels make you study different languages. After studying the basics with books, applications or video, you can improve your skills, talking to the native speaker.

Acquaintance with other cultures
Travels are not only to other countries, but even in other parts of their own country - the best way to learn a lot of interesting things. You begin to understand better how diverse the cultures of the whole world, notice the similarity and differences between the traditions familiar to you and seemingly alien to you to lifetime.

Studying history through acquaintance with landmarks
Yes, you probably studied the ancient civilizations and major historical events in the framework of the educational program, but nothing compares with a personal visit to historical attractions to the discovery of many interesting facts.

You understand what the world is similar today
Travel tell you not only about how the world was in the past, but also about what he is today. Surely this is the best way to truly assess the political situation, economic scenarios and the social structure of the world in which we live with you today.

You get acquainted with nature
When you leave the zone of your comfort in the midst of concrete jungle and begin to explore the most exotic natural phenomena of the world, you will understand the colossal strength of nature. The greatness of nature is important for solving the majority of global problems, such as climate change and air pollution.

You learn new things for yourself
Travels will experience you literally every second. Since you open the way to an unknown, travel will make you do a lot of things that, under other circumstances, would not come to your mind. It is important that you will do: tame the elephants in Cambodia, wander around the Appalach or dance Sambo in Brazil - During travel, you will learn many new things for yourself. You can be a fragrant and assume that you are not so easy to communicate with people. But traveling will change this position of things, since on trips it is almost impossible to do without communicating with unfamiliar people. What is not a personality development course?

You get communication skills
If you spend your life in counteraction, constantly reacting to the circumstances that you hang over you, and at the same time you want to change the current order, but do not know how to do it, travel will help you learn independence and the ability to control your own fate.

Travel teach us more decisive
During travel, you learn to be independent, especially if you go alone. You will learn how to make decisions on your own and manifest initiative.

You learn compassion
When you travel a lot, faced with many cultural features of people of the whole world, you begin to understand that, despite all the differences, we are still very similar to each other, and your prejudices about skin color, a field or religion will gradually disappear .

You recognize yourself
Probably, this is the most important aspect of education, which can be obtained by traveling. Covering out in unknown locations, in unfamiliar circumstances and in unusual cultural floats, we see themselves differently, noticing many important things in our character, behavior, habits and other components of our personality, which previously did not pay attention. You are aware of the real scale of your potential, you know what you are happy to enjoy, and what is sincerely annoying you, and finally approach an understanding of who you really are.

It is impossible to measure the value that travel gives a person. For each person in traveling huge benefits. We understand the article.

What is in reality give a person to a person?

I am constantly asked - why am I traveling? Why travel at all? Why do I want to leave home? Why spend money on travel when you can buy a car or something equal? Do I miss something and anyone? Do I feel like lonely? What do travels give a person?

The reasons for traveling a great set is a passion for traveling, love for culture, the desire to just leave it all behind, the desire to forget, or the need for new acquaintances. Travels become for people way to cope with various situations, experience a new experience, find yourself. That is why people love to travel.

For each person on travels laid a specific charm. Holy Augustine is known for his quote: "The world is a book, and one who does not travel reads only one page." This quotation and one more about the lack of regret belonging to the brand of tween I constantly hold in my head.

In the world of all pages are different. All new, all changeable. It does not matter. You are going to look at the pyramid or get acquainted with the new culture, it does not matter if you want to escape from something or find out something, you are going to a month or for a year, we are all traveling because we are looking for change. We are looking for something new, changing everyday affairs or impressions about another culture, change - that's what journeys give a person.

Why do people travel?

Recently, people have traveled more and that's why - in the modern world of employment from 9 to 17, mortgages, loans and constant accounts, our days become similar to the eternal race, almost indistinguishable from each other and very boring. Under the weight of such a life, a person often forgets about what is really important for him, and what would he want from life. We become hostages, clamped between expensive to work and back, and the need to take children to the section that we forget what the sky looks like and in general, how to breathe.

When I am asked why I so want to travel, I tell about how I live at home and can plan my life for months ahead. Ask why? Because all the days are similar to each other - traffic jams, work, gym, sleep, repeat. At the time when in the journey every moment promises a new beginning. No day looks like the previous one. You can't plan in advance that it will happen to you today, because it is simply impossible. Neither plugs, no orders, no business meetings. Only you and your whim. Travels give freedom. That is why people travel.

Over the past few years, my life has ever changed. Places, culture, cities, countries are all dissimilar on each other. No day was similar to the previous one. In fact, every day is so different from others that sometimes it seems to me that I will live for 3 lives instead of one, so saturated my days. Your life will seem longer to you - that's why you need travel.

People may have many reasons to go on a journey, but everyone is looking for any changes. We want to see the world, see something else, something variable. The journey contributes to a person's change and gives her piquant. Bashed, completely different and adventure carrying - that's what journeys are given. Your day will not be subordinate to the work hour, only the otings of your heart.

In the ocean of freedom, without a compass, which would indicate the direction to us, without all that it is forced to do something, we all float forward.

We want something different from our everyday life, something that threw us a challenge. We always strive for something new, another other than what we already have (no matter how cool, it is seasoning to our life), this is an integral part of any person. No one jumps in the morning with joy and gratitude that he was sitting in a stuffy office today for 8 hours. Not. We are only talking about how to get out of it. Punch the walls of ordness and experience something else. That is why you need to travel.

A person is always looking for something new, something previously unprecedented - the next page in the book of the world, even if it is temporary. This makes travels such interesting, intriguing and desired for all of us. It is calling us to meet new places and impressions. Allows us to relax from office everyday life and touch the mysterious chaos. Shows us new places, people and cultures. Travels always give us a new experience - not necessarily outside, but within us.

This is the benefits of traveling for a person.

I live my life of the traveler and do not know what is waiting for me ahead, but I can read only one pointer, which is written "Change ahead" - and I don't have anything to smile. Looking around other travelers, I see that they are smiling. We smile together, knowing that the new experience is waiting for us by turning - an unexpected adventure, a useful experience, a bold challenge, a true friend or love of life.

Travel teach more than anything. Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home.
Anatol France

Live on Earth maybe expensive, but you get an annual free cruise around the sun.

Ashley Brilliant

Travel ... begins with one step.

Dae de Jing

Journey to a thousand miles begins with one step.

Lao Tzu (Li Er)

Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home. Anatole France.

Well, be afraid to send another on a false path, do you know what is true?

Never judge about the summer resort by postcards.

How good do nothing, and then rest!

Sometimes rest can be the whole of your life!

A person, a lot of traveling, similar to a stone, swept through the water. Many hundreds of versts: His roughness is smoothed, and all in it takes soft rounded shapes. -

E. Recle

Traveling as the greatest science and serious science helps us to regain yourself.

A. Kama

Miracles of air strikes: breakfast in Warsaw, lunch in London, dinner in New York, baggage in Buenos Aires.

Yanina Ipokhorskaya

Life is a book who does not travel, he reads only one page .

St. Augustine.

Travels develop the mind, if, of course, you have it.

Gilbert Chesterton

At my age, travel is developing ass.

Stephen Frey.

It is good to live in a good place to live, go well in new places that have long dreamed of. But it is best to be sure that they will not disappear when you are not.

Elias Koltyti

Truth in the way, and nothing will stop her.

Emil Zol.

Life - Mountain: Raise slowly, descend quickly.

Gi de Maupassan

In the dark times, the nations were best led by religion, because in full darkness blindly is the best conductor: it distinguishes the road and the paths are better in greasy. However, truly stupid when the day has arrived, still use the old blinders as conductors.

Heinrich Gaine

It is difficult only the first step.

Mark Terency Varon

We only feel the charm of your own speech when he heard her under strange heavens.

George Bernard Show

The sense of humor is a great thing. Walking in life without a sense of humor as ridiculous, how to go in a wagon without springs.

Henry Ward Biger

It's a simple thing to get a nurse in the laid trail; much harder, but even more honorable, lay the way .

Yakub Kolas.

No wind is passing, if you do not know where to float.

At the beginning of the journey, we cannot look too far to the future. You will be rejoicing that the first part of the path has passed safely

Only about two things we will regret on the mortal apparent - that they loved little and lived little.

Mark Twain

I now realized that the surest way to find out, like a person or not, is to travel with him.

Mark Twain

Going on vacation, take twice less things and twice as much money.

Susan Anderson

Travel only with those who love.

Ernest Hemingway

You can rush through the light and visit all sorts of cities, but the main thing is to go there, where you will have the opportunity to remember that a bunch of things that you see. You won't attend anywhere, until you come back home.

Terry Pratchett

Travel and live much more interesting if you follow suddenly emerging impulses.

Bill Bryson

My travel opinion is brief: traveling, do not come too far, and you will not see such that then and it will be impossible to forget ...

Daniel Harms.

But, in spite of everything, travels remain my great and true love. All my life, from the very first trip to Russia at sixteen years to the saved money (sat with neighboring kids), I knew that I was ready to sacrifice all for the sake of traveling that I would not regret them any money. I kept the loyalty and constancy of this love, unlike other hobbies. I treat travel as well as a happy mother to the terrible, suffering colic, around the clock wearing a babbit - I absolutely do not care what kind of tests are waiting for me. Because I love. Because it is mine.

Elizabeth Gilbert.

Long seabed not only reveals the main qualities of a person and enlarges them; It still helps to develop others, the existence of which he did not guess, and even creates new ones.


We were informed how much costs a boat on the Galilee Lake. Even the church elders who were half a hundred to ride through his sacred waves were stunned. Jack said: "Well, Denny, now you understand why Christ went on the waters on foot!"

During one of the Atlantic Travels, Mark Twain was played by a strong storm; Attacks of seaside disease completely vulnerable writer. Then, telling friends about it, he said: "First you are afraid that you are about to die, and then you start to be afraid that you will not die."

Love to ride - roll to the damn mother!

Rousseau touristo - however, Morale, Ferstein?!

If you can raw in complete darkness to get to your own bed, never bothering, it means to travel.

Sophie: Mark, yes, you take a guide, I myself want to find something, I want to go there where no one goes!

Mark: Well, I think no reason to go there, where no one goes. There is too expensive and poor service.

PIP Show

It does not matter a good hotel or bad, cheap or expensive. Go to the room, and there you see a disposable soap, one-time cups and you yourself understand that you are also disposable here. Maximum two.

Evgeny Grishkovets


Welaf law:

If the paddle can break, it will break.

Advanced Pandex Act:

Even if the paddle can not break, it will break.

The generalized law of oars:

The paddle will break in the most dangerous place of the threshold, regardless of whether you thought that it could break, or not.

The law of drying on the fire:

No matter how well you have followed things, they will still burn.

The postulate Fedorova:

A real tourist is the one who burned at least three pairs of shoes.

Campfire laws:

1. There are no firewood and matches.

2. If there is something one.

3. If there is also the other, then either the firewood is raw, or the latter match.

4. Where are you, there and smoke.

Shkrotra laws:

1. Food is always lacking.

2. If there is enough food, then not for the whole hike.

3. On the last day it is found that it is enough for another week.

The art of going to hiking is determined by the ability to use unnecessary things instead of the forgotten needs.

The fire is not a luxury, but to a means of achieving it.

Paradoxes of space:

The path length is directly proportional to the weight that you drag. The length of the path is inversely proportional to the number of beer (alcohol, vodka, etc.), taken to the group.

Corollary: The volume of the backpack is measured in liters

The most pleasant in the campaign is the privals.

I was always interested in how famous personalities, whether travelers, politicians, writers or scientists, clearly notice what is happening around us. I want to reread their great words and thoughts called the aphorisms many times, apply to yourself and share with others.

Collected their most beloved quotes and aphorisms about traveling famous people. I suggest your attention.

There is nothing more useful for nerves than to visit where there was never.
Anna Akhmatova

Travel - it means to discharge other people's errors about other countries.
Oldhos Haxley

Try to see the world. It is more beautiful than any dream created in the factory and paid money.
Ray Bradbury

Traveling lives four lives: in one he plans a journey, to another makes it, in the third - recalls, and in the fourth - lives, like all the rest of mortals.
Eastern wisdom

The traveler sees what sees; Tourist - what he wants to see.
Gilbert Keith Cesteron

No one comes back from the journey as he was before.
Chinese proverb

Travel teach more than anything. Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home.
Anatole France

I could spend my whole life, walking every day along the new city.

Travel as marriage. The main misconception is to think that they are under control.
John Steinbeck

But, in spite of everything, travels remain my great and true love. All my life, from the very first trip to Russia at sixteen years to the saved money (sat with neighboring kids), I knew that I was ready to sacrifice all for the sake of traveling that I would not regret them any money. I kept the loyalty and constancy of this love, unlike other hobbies. I treat travels just like a happy mother to the terrible, suffering colic, around the clock wearing a baby - I absolutely do not care what kind of tests are waiting for me. Because I love. Because it is mine.
Elizabeth Gilbert. Eat, pray, love

The world is a book. And who did not travel on it - read only one page in it.
Averalius Augustine

Human makes a happy three things: love, interesting work and the ability to travel.
Ivan Bunin

Cognition of the countries of the world - decoration and food of human minds.
Leonardo da Vinci

If you refuse food, ignore the traditions, afraid of religion and avoid people, you better stay at home.
James Midchener

Travels develop the mind, if, of course, you have it.
Gilbert Chesterton

The traveler sees what he sees, a tourist sees what he came to see.
J. K. Chesterton

Have a good traveler there are no accurate plans and intentions to get somewhere.
Lao Tzu

I now realized that the surest way to find out, like a person or not, is to travel with him.
Mark Twain. Tom Sawyer abroad

Travel only with those who love.
Ernest Hemingway. A holiday that is always with you

When you get into an unfamiliar place, it is not necessary to arrange excursions at all: go to the market Yes to the station - and you will understand everything ...
Anna Gavalda. Just together

Going on vacation, take twice less things and twice as much money.
Susan Anderson

It is very correct - come to someone else's city in the morning. By train, plane - anyway. The day begins as if with a pure sheet ...
Sergey Lukyanenko. Last Watch

When you travel, not knowing English, you start to understand what it means to be born deaf and slightly.
Philip Bouw

How long is the same place to visit when there are so many unexplored corners in the world?!
Mark Levi. Those words that we did not say to each other

Strange thing tourism. You fly to someone else's country, leaving homes at home, and then spend huge money and time for fruitless attempts to get those most convenience that would not have lost while staying at home.
Bill Bryson. Traveling in Europe

During the trip, it is important not to forget the main thing - when something one ends, something else begins.
From k / f "Love happens" (Love Happens)

Your planet is very beautiful, "he said. - Do you have oceans?
"I don't know this," said the geographer.
- Oh-oh ... - disappointed a little prince.
- Do you have mountains?
"I don't know," said the geographer.
- And cities, rivers, deserts?
- And I also do not know.
- But you are a geographer!
"That's it," said the old man. - I am a geographer, not a traveler. I'm terribly lacking travelers. After all, not geographers lead the cities, rivers, mountains, seas, oceans and deserts. Geographer is a too important person, he has no time to roam. He does not come out of his office.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Little Prince

I travel not to come somewhere, but to go. The main thing is the movement.
Robert Lewis Stevenson

Life during the trip is a dream in pure form.
Agatha Christie

After 20 years, you will be more disappointed by those things that you have not done than those that you did. So explicitly from the quiet pier. Feel a passing wind in your sail. Move forward. Dream. Open.
Mark Twain

I wonder if you have favorite quotes?

Do you like quotes? I know - I know, now say that they all sentenced themselves due to social networks like "Vkontakte", where they are placed with packs, spit phrases, hollow. But I love all the same beautiful quotes. Relevant use of quotes can turn the dialogue on the head.

As for the quote about travel - it is really a very motivating thing. Often even when there is no mood, remembering them you find the strength and you have a second breath. I want to go again for positive emotions and adventures for three nine lands.

Below I brought an example of the 23 best quotes about travel, which in my opinion it is worth reading everyone!

1. No one is aware of the beauty of the trip until it comes home and does not apply the head on the old familiar cushion © Lin Yuitan - it's hard to disagree with this expression. We often overfill themselves with emotions during a trip that we do not have time to comprehend them. And only at home, dropping on the bed and experiencing a pleasant fatigue in the body. You begin to realize - behind your back incredible adventures. Ahead - even better!

2. There is nothing more useful for nerves than to go where there has never been © Anna Akhmatova - Deliver nerves? Do not know how to get rid of depression how to get rid of depression, heal a broken heart and find a re-meaning of life? Then just take and go. There, where there was never before .. New countries, cities ... new impressions, people, atmosphere!
3. Never save on the fact that you will not be able to repeat © Tony Willer - There are such things that can be done in life. And only at a certain period of time. Or only in a certain place. And you should never save in this case. Want to go to the US to work and travel on the Work and Travel program? Dare! Have you arrived in New York and can fly by helicopter over the city? Take the most prolonged program! We write 50 dollars, but get a maximum of pleasure!
4. Everyone says that you dream to get out of here, see the world, but how it comes to the case, the beak is not dried on, the beak does not stick out © the cartoon "Mahni wing" - how often I hear from my friends and acquaintances that they also want to travel. What they envy me. That they will gladly make up the company. But it is worth come to them with a specific proposal - how they all come up with 1000 and 1 reason why they will not be able to this time. It turned up to the fact that I offered some not just to save, but there was an opportunity to travel for free for them! And they refused.

5. We are traveling not to run away from life, and that life does not run away from us © Author unknown. - I have to hear any traveler at least once in my life - that we run from life and from yourself, from responsibility, from adult life. This quote is a worthy answer.

6. After 20 years you will regret that you did not do about what you did© Mark Twain - In my understanding, this phrase is very intertwined with the one that was in 3 points. There is an opportunity - dare! Do not think once again. I just 23 years old, but looking back, I get scared because I missed the opportunities for ignorance or doubts. For example, I can go for a year in the USA under the Flex program or move to live in the Czech Republic. Look at your life. Perhaps it is now before you there is a question in which you doubt?

7. Life begins outside your comfort zone © Neal Donald Volsh - probably everyone already knows what the "comfort zone" is, but not many are ready to accept the fact that life begins exactly there outside this zone. Do you know how many people do not want to stay sleeping in a tent in the open sky in the mountains, because they see themselves only in the hotel? But they never understand what to wake up at night, go out on the moon-eyed meadow, lift their head and see the Milky Way over himself ... breathe fresh night air ...

8. When you get into an unfamiliar place, it is not necessary to make excursions at all: go to the market Yes to the station - and you will understand everything ... © Anna Gavald - When I make a meeting plan with a new place, looking for sights, then I will first pay attention to the bazaars, flea Markets ... There really is another atmosphere. There are the real people.

9. It is very correct - come to someone else's city in the morning. By train, plane - anyway. The day begins as if from a pure sheet © Sergey Lukyanenko - I recently wrote that early, before dawn, often the arrival of lawsuits are their lack of. But, as you can see, Sergey Lukyanenko has a different look at these questions. And somewhere with him you can agree. Day with pure sheet. Sometimes - a whole life. You live all day with a pride. You become part of it. You are a molecule in its road arteries.

10. Travel and live much more interesting if you follow suddenly emerging impulses © Bill Bryson - you had that you kind of carefully planned the journey, but some impulse pushes you to do another? Bentally recently I was going to go to learn a non-existent subway Belgrade, and then I just turned around and headed for a zoo where he spent a wonderful evening. Often you need to listen to such impulses.

11. Why is the same place to visit the same place when there are so many unexplored corners in the world? © Mark Levi - People are managed from year to year to ride at the same time. For decades, rest in the same hotel ... But what's the point? The world is so huge! Why not open in it a few more unprecedented corners?

12. Only about two things we will regret on the mortal apparatus - that they loved little and traveled little © Mark Twain - and again Mark Twain. And again "not in an eyebrow, but in the eye." Love and travel. These impressions will be with you always. These feelings will not leave you ...

13. Travel only with those who love © Ernest Hemingway - one of the main reasons why I travel myself is an understanding that I am ready to go on a journey only with the most close people. Such may be parents, brothers, sisters and of course spouse \\ spouse, children.

14. Do not people create travel, but traveling people © John Steinbeck - and indeed. Often we think that you are planning the trip that it all depends on us. But circumstances are stronger. The journey itself draws itself on the canvas of life, adding paints into our consciousness and our worldview!

15. Railway ticket excites more hopes than a lottery © Paul Moran - I played sometimes in the lottery. And even won. And betting on the sport was bottled. And poker. But I have never been so excited, as before buying another ticket for the train. Or when I found a cheap ticket (well, a more modern version, so to speak)

16. I now realized that the surest way to find out, like a person or not, is to travel with him © Mark Twain - I heard from my parents that you need to repair a joint. But for myself I understood another. If I once decide to marry, then I first go with a girl in a campaign. For a week. With backpacks and away from civilization. I have long noticed - it is at such moments that all masks are broken. People become themselves and you can consider all their maritous.

17. The ship is safer than in the harbor. But it was not built for © Grace Hopper - on travels We can wait and trouble. Unfortunately. You have to pray to God and believe in the best. But what to do, it still rarely stops real travelers.

18. The world is a book. And who did not travel on it - read only one page in it © Saint Augustine - in the world more than 200 states with their nature, climate, political and public build, language and architect. In each country, dozens of regions, no less than different than the countries themselves. The world is huge and grandiose. So why some sense one page to the holes, not wanting or afraid to turn it over and read all this fascinating book entirely?

19. To change the world, you need to see it © T \\ with "Missing" - this phrase as politician and diplomat. I perceive in my own. For me, this is primarily an understanding of what to change anything in my country I can only emphasizing the positive experience in others. Although the meaning of this quote for the majority will be different and there is no reason to argue. How many people are so many opinions.

20. I am not a tree born to always stand in one place and not to know about what is behind the nearest mountain © Jack London - Statistics says that more than 10% of people did not go beyond their area \\ region \\ autonomy . About 30 - did not leave the country's limits. And over 60 - did not leave Turkey and Egypt. And this is a century of technology, airplanes and trains! It is for those who want to fix this lack, but does not know how - I am leading this blog.

21. Man make happy three things: love, interesting work and the opportunity to travel © Ivan Bunin - I would definitely added that you still need health and money. However, I can't deny the previous three things. Although with interesting work without money it is difficult to stay, and with money and travel become much closer to most people.

22. To become men, boys should be watched, always, all life to wage © Ray Bradbury is one of my favorite writers and such a luxurious quote. I had no right to not put it in this selection. After all, travel is ordered, raising. They make a boy from a boy.

23. Travel teach more than anywhere. Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home © Anatol France - Yes, travel is a lesson. Returning from it we change. We will learn a lot of new things, we receive information and life lessons that will be useful in life. You just need to have time, like a sponge, absorb this knowledge.

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