Ready presentation on the topic of repetition of physics. Interesting facts about physics. How can I turn my headphones into a microphone? Download free physics presentations here and any day.

Physics is a very complex, but at the same time fascinating subject. It all depends on how the teacher gives students information. Even the most complex formulas and laws can be easily remembered if you use presentations in physics, where physical phenomena, the causes of their occurrence, laws and formulas, as well as biographies of famous scientists are described in a lively, accessible and interesting way. All presentations contain many illustrations and audio files, which are easily complemented and changed.

Presentations in physics were made in PowerPoint, here you will find a large assortment of presentations in physics, which can be downloaded absolutely free. To do this, go to the selected presentation and click on the download button. Before that, you can see each slide and view their description, you do not have to download files first and only then understand that this is not quite what you need. If you have difficulty finding the topic you need, you can use the search for all presentations, enter a keyword and we will find the most suitable work for you.

Here you will find presentations in physics for both junior and high school students. Thanks to the visibility, colorful slides, properly structured and broken down into blocks of information, the audience will be easier to perceive the subject and better concentrate on the topic.

Material abstract

Physics Presentations   They are an excellent accompaniment for the lesson, when the training material can be remembered and understood without much difficulty. Today, almost every open lesson is held using these visual aids. This is certainly good, but it’s time to conduct ordinary classes in the form of a presentation lesson in physics. You will say that this is impossible, since it is unprofitable to create one electronic product every day. Of course, it’s not easy, and even for those who are fluent in the Power Point program. But what about those who are still talking to “You” with her? There is a way out, and we are ready to offer it to everyone who loves their work and this difficult school subject!

Download free physics presentations here and any day.

So there was another section on the portal where everyone can download free presentations on physics on all topics of lessons for all classes. How much free time a teacher will now have who will use the material proposed by his colleagues for work! All interactive manuals collected from the expanses of the World Wide Web are sorted into classes. Moreover, each work has a short annotation article, on which you can get acquainted with the content of the electronic resource on the necessary topic.

The world of presentations in physics is huge. The collection will be constantly replenished, both with the work of teachers and with projects of students who are in love with this subject and are ready to make their first discoveries even within the walls of the school. It is they who are the author of some ready-made presentations in physics, which demonstrate the performance of laboratory work. Insanely interesting are the research projects that students carried out themselves or under the guidance of a teacher. Such work can be viewed in the classroom and in additional classes, and during extracurricular activities.

Many presentations in physics at GEF for conducting a modern lesson are offered with abstracts. All material can be obtained on the site for free, then why burden yourself with unnecessary work, creating your own resources for the lesson. Let physics never seem like a complicated science to a student, even when they have to learn complex topics from the fields of electrodynamics or optics. And not only a competent teacher who teaches his subject at the highest level will help them in this, but also ready-made presentations in physics, free download   which you can all!

Physics - Grade 7

Presentation in physics in the 7th grade is a small discovery of difficult truths. Students begin to study one of the most mysterious subjects of the school course. No wonder it is introduced in most schools precisely in the seventh year of study. To comprehend the secrets of kinetic energy, power, hydraulic processes is not very easy. One must have a special mindset to see ...

Physics - Grade 8

Presentations for physics lessons in 8th grade help a modern teacher to successfully and clearly explain the most complex topics and solve difficult problems. Using a wide arsenal of available electronic resources, you can achieve success in mastering a subject that is difficult for many students to master. The competent use of multimedia tools increases children's interest in learning ...

Physics - Grade 9

Presentation at a physics lesson in grade 9 becomes an integral part of the learning process. And it doesn’t matter, at the teacher’s desk on the table is Peryshkin’s textbook or other authors, each of the proposed section can download additional materials for free to make the new lesson interesting, and the material perception easy. Only in such cases, students will be able to deal with ...

Physics - Grade 10

Presentations are used in physics classes in grade 10 in almost all schools. This is the visualization that facilitates the work of the teacher when explaining a new topic, during verification, laboratory and control works, when summarizing the material, and even in working with individual students. Free download of electronic resources is offered for various teaching materials from this ...

  Presentation Mail A presentation on the topic "Mail" in English was made to conduct a lesson in grade 3 using the teaching materials Biboletova. Together with the electronic resource, the teacher can download ... Presentation Famous places of Russia Presentation in English offers a trip to famous places in Russia. You can use the electronic resource for any class, since its material is not tied to any ... Presentation Months The presentation in English on the theme "Months" was made perfectly. Thanks to the dynamic design of slides, vivid pictures and sound, students will not only get acquainted with the name of the months, ...

If you connect ordinary headphones to the microphone input, they can be used as a microphone. Simplistically, the design of the headphones and the microphone is the same: the membrane is connected to a coil with a wire located in the magnetic field of a permanent magnet. In headphones, during normal use, the current supplied to the coil is converted to membrane vibrations, and vice versa in a microphone.

If you find yourself in a falling elevator, the best strategy to increase your chances of survival is to lie on your back and try to occupy the largest possible floor area. In this case, the impact force will be maximally distributed over the surface of the body. It is widely believed that you just need to jump during a strike, but this is hardly a mistake, someone is able to accurately guess the time of a collision and jump at the same speed as the elevator falls

To look through the glass with a matte surface, just stick a piece of transparent tape on it. Due to the unevenness of the frosted glass, the light is scattered, but the adhesive side of the adhesive tape smoothes out these irregularities, and as a result, the light passes as if through ordinary glass. It should be added that if the surface is matte on both sides, this trick will no longer work.

There is an optical phenomenon that can be called an inverted rainbow, although it happens very rarely. Such a rainbow appears only when several conditions are met. In the sky at an altitude of 78 km there should be a thin curtain of cirrus clouds consisting of ice crystals, and sunlight should fall on them at a certain angle in order to decompose into the spectrum and reflect into the atmosphere. The colors in the rainbow "upside down" are also the opposite: purple at the top and red at the bottom.

A bird sitting on a wire of a high-voltage power line does not suffer from current, because its body is a poor conductor of current. A parallel connection is created at the places where the bird’s paws touch the wire, and since the wire conducts electricity much better, a very small current runs through the bird, which can not cause harm. However, if the bird on the wire touches another grounded object, for example, the metal part of the support, it immediately dies, because then the air resistance is too large compared with the resistance of the body, and all the current goes through the bird.

If the boiled egg is twisted on a smooth surface, it will quickly wrap in a given direction and will rotate for a long time, and the raw one will stop much earlier. This is because a steep egg rotates as a whole, and in a raw one the contents are liquid, weakly bound to the shell.

Knowledge of the designation of the elements of an electric circuit is an important condition for the formation of students' physical literacy. The school physics course offers a whole list of vocabulary words, symbols, formulas, notations for memorizing and writing them.
  The interactive simulator is designed to introduce the designation of the elements of an electrical circuit. The work was done on the basis of a template for creating interactive simulators with the “Screen” technology in the Microsoft Office Power Point program, as well as using a template made by N. N. Pokrovkova

These presentations are a small stage of the lesson where the teacher will show the designation, appearance and picture of the element being studied. I have two presentations for two different lessons.

Target audience: for grade 8

This presentation can be used in grade 10 when studying new material on the subject of "Equally Accelerated Movement" (RUD) at a basic level. The presentation of the training material is based on the textbook Myakishev, Bukhovtseva. Key concepts: average ground speed, average speed of movement, instantaneous speed, uniformly accelerated movement, acceleration (only with ore), speed with ore, acceleration and speed graphs. Thanks to the effects of animation, the teacher can give out the material gradually, conducting a conversation with the class. The presentation contains only theoretical material, the tasks for fixing the teacher can choose independently, focusing on the remaining time, class level and their experience. The sequence of presentation of the material is somewhat different from how it was done in the textbook, but generally corresponds to the logic of the paragraphs.

The purpose of the lesson: to get acquainted with the spectra of chemicals and the practical application of spectral analysis in astrophysics, chemistry and other industries.
  In the presentation, types of spectra are analyzed, examples and definitions are given.
  Developed on the basis of the CMC: Astronomy. Grade 11. Galuzo I.V., Golubev V.A., Shimbalev A.A.

Materials are offered for conducting a lesson in the 10th grade (profile level), relating to the chapter "DC Laws". The lesson contains a detailed discussion of the phenomenon of the flow of electric current in a circuit, its actions, direction, parameters and formulas for their calculation. The features of electrical measuring instruments and how to connect them to the circuit are considered. To consolidate the studied material, a test with a choice of answer is proposed.

Target audience: for grade 10

This resource is designed for the first physics lesson in grade 7. The lesson is held in the form of travel, during which students will be able to learn the concepts of physical quantity, body and phenomenon; learn to form intellectual skills to analyze and compare. The purpose of this resource: acquaintance with a new subject of the school course, with the concepts of physical phenomena and bodies; determination of the place of physics as a science; consideration of methods for studying physics

Target audience: for grade 7

Materials are offered for conducting a lesson in the 10th grade (profile level), relating to the chapter "Electrostatics". The lesson is built according to the classical scheme: testing knowledge on the topic "Electric field strength and potential", setting forth a new topic, consolidating knowledge. The lesson includes the section "Capacitor Connections", as well as the tasks of the Unified State Examination KIMs.

Target audience: for grade 10

A presentation of the physics lesson in class 11 “Mechanical vibrations” is proposed, which contains a supporting synopsis and a concise disclosure of the main provisions of the oscillatory motion.

The material corresponds to the basic course of physics and allows you to cover the main provisions of the chapter in one lesson, without going into the details of the process. The time dependences of variables and the corresponding process schedules are given. The presentation includes two videos demonstrating the oscillations of the spring and mathematical pendulums.

Target audience: for grade 11

This resource was developed for a physics lesson in grade 8, section "Light phenomena."

Purpose: to create conditions for the formation of students' ideas about lenses, types of lenses, focal length, lens focus, lens optical power.

  • educational: to form a concept about lenses, their main characteristics;
  • developing: Continue the development of logical thinking, cognitive activity and creative abilities of students, the ability to independently formulate conclusions when solving tasks.
  • educational: to instill a cognitive interest in the subject through examples of the use of physics in everyday life.

Key concepts: lenses, focus lenses, types of lenses, optical power of the lens, thin lens, focal length, optical center of the lens, the main and secondary optical axis.

Slide captions:

What is physics studying? 7th grade

Why study physics?

What physicists do you know?

Physical phenomena

Physical phenomena

Physics is one of the sciences of nature that studies various physical phenomena.


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Slide captions:

The first radio was completely different from modern radios

The message was transmitted using Morse code.

The first message consisted of only 2 words "Heinrich Hertz"

Heinrich Hertz is a German physicist who experimentally proved the existence of electromagnetic waves. A unit of measurement of frequency 1 Hz is named after him.

“I am proud that I was born Russian. And if not contemporaries, then perhaps our descendants will understand how great my devotion to our homeland is and how happy I am that it is not abroad but in Russia that a new means of communication has been discovered. ” Popov A.S.

Soon, the invention of A. S. Popov began to apply in the Russian fleet

In the wake of Popov was the Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi. He improved the Popov radio and received a patent for it.

Marconi increased the communication range to thousands of kilometers and organized the industrial production of radios. It was with the help of his radio that the SOS signal from the Titanic was given

In 1909, Marconi received the Nobel Prize for his work in the field of radio communications. A.S. Popov had already died by then.

Years passed, the appearance of the radio changed ...

There were televisions, radars ...

The time has come for radio telescopes, cell phones ...

Modern information technology would not have been possible without the invention of A. S. Popov

Radio Day is our common holiday. Congratulations !!!


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Electric current class 8

Electric current is the directional movement of charged particles. In metals, these particles are electrons.

The movement of electrons through the wires is impossible to see, therefore, the presence of current in a conductor can be judged only by its actions on surrounding objects.

The effects of electric current: thermal and light, chemical, magnetic, mechanical.

Thermal action of the current The thermal effect of the current is based on the fact that any conductor through which current flows is heated and gives its heat to the environment. This principle underlies the operation of any electric heating device.

The use of thermal current in everyday life

Light effect of current Light action of current is associated with thermal. If the metal body is heated to a certain temperature, then it will begin to glow. This principle underlies the operation of an electric incandescent lamp.

Chemical effect of current A chemical effect is due to the fact that current passing through solutions and melts of substances can cause a reaction. As a result of the reaction, one of the electrodes will release pure metal.

Application of the chemical action of current Since the mid-19th century, the chemical effect of current has been used to deposit thin layers of silver on a cheaper base.

Magnetic action of current The magnetic effect of current is due to the fact that a magnetic field is created around any current conductor that can affect some bodies.

Application of the magnetic action of current Electromagnets are the main component of electromagnetic cranes, magnetic locks, electric bells, loudspeakers and telephones.

The mechanical action of the current The mechanical action of the current is due to the fact that a force is applied to the coil with the current placed in the magnetic field, which causes the turn of the coil. This principle underlies the operation of all electric motors.

Application of the mechanical action of current Electric motors are most widely used in everyday life, industry, and transport.

The magnetic action of the current underlies the operation of electrical measuring instruments (ammeters and voltmeters).

Thanks for attention. We wish you success in further studying physics!


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Slide captions:

Law of light reflection

The incident beam, the reflected beam and the perpendicular to the point of incidence lie in the same plane. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

Reflection is specular and diffuse.

Reflection of light can occur from the surface of water, glass.

The image in a flat mirror is direct, life-size, imaginary.

In addition to flat mirrors, there are spherical mirrors

Mirrors - the main component of the Kaleidoscope toy

This is how a kaleidoscope works

In the mirror maze

Flat mirrors are used in many optical instruments: periscopes, binoculars, etc.

Spherical mirrors are also widely used: in telescopes, spotlights, etc.

Let's solve the problems: Light the bottom of the well. The height of the sun above the horizon.


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The law of refraction of light

Refraction is a change in the direction of the light beam at the interface between two substances.

The incident beam, the refracted beam and the perpendicular to the point of incidence lie in the same plane. The ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is equal to the relative refractive index of the two media.

Refraction of light on a spherical surface of glass is used in lenses.

Lenses are collecting and scattering

The course of the rays in the lenses

Lenses are used in various optical instruments.



Projection apparatus


Human Eye - Collecting Lens

Myopia and hyperopia are treated with glasses.

Light of different colors refracts differently, so after passing through a prism, white light is decomposed into the spectrum.

Rainbow - a grandiose natural phenomenon associated with the decomposition of white light into a spectrum in drops of water.


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Slide captions:

The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction grade 9

What is a magnetic field? What are its main features? What creates a magnetic field? What is the effect of a magnetic field? What is the experience of Oersted? How can a magnetic field be depicted in a drawing? What is magnetic flux? What does magnetic flux depend on?

Energy Saving Lamps and Bear Bernard So why is the light on? And where else have you met with a similar phenomenon?

“Science Wins When Its Wings Are Unwrapped by Fantasy” Michael Faraday

The experiments of Faraday Helmholtz once said about Faraday: "A little wire and a few old pieces of wood with iron give him the opportunity to make the greatest discoveries."

The principle of operation of the electric current generator

Power Generator

The rotor of the generator can be driven by steam

Generator rotor can be driven by wind water

... or maybe a hamster.

Induction cooker

Metal detectors

Homework: § 49, 50, answer questions 1 to 7 in writing after § 50, exercise. 39.


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Energy-saving lamp Ogorodova Valeria 8th class "B"

An energy-saving lamp is an electric lamp with a significantly greater ratio between the luminous flux and power consumption compared to incandescent lamps. Due to this, their use contributes to energy savings.

Types of energy-saving lamps Fluorescent lamps LED lamps

Fluorescent lamp Fluorescent lamp - gas-discharge light source. It consists of a tube coated with a thin layer of crystalline powder - phosphor. The tube is filled with an inert gas or a mixture thereof. A metered amount of mercury is introduced inside, which, when the lamp is in operation, goes into a vaporous state. The tube is hermetically sealed. At the ends of the lamp there are plinths with contact pins for connecting the lamp to the circuit.

Types of Fluorescent Tubes Compact Fluorescent Tubes Linear Fluorescent Tubes

LED lamps LED lamps use LEDs as a light source. LED is a semiconductor device that creates light when an electric current is passed through it.

Key Benefits Energy Saving Weak Heating Longer Service Life Energy Saving Lamp Warranty

Who invented the lamp? The main inventors of incandescent lamps are T. Edison and A.N. Lodygin. But in fact, this invention is the result of the long work of many people, such as P.N. Yablochkov, V.D. Coolidge, D.U. Swan, and many others.

Light emission People have noticed for a long time that metals with strong heating begin to emit light, the color of which depends on the heating temperature. The principle of an incandescent lamp is based on this principle, as was said earlier. RED ORANGE YELLOW BLUE WHITE

First successes The main problem when trying to invent an incandescent lamp was the melting of many metals with strong heating. To do this, the bulb thread had to be created from such metals, the melting point of which is very high. Therefore, the thread of the first lamp (Delarue, 1809) was made of platinum (melting point \u003d 1750), but even this was not enough for normal lighting of rooms. In 1838, Jobard invented the first lamp, using a carbon rod as the filament.

Edison In the second half of the 1870s, American inventor T. Edison conducts research work in which he tries various metals as a thread. In 1879 he patented a lamp with a platinum thread. In 1880 he returned to carbon fiber and created a lamp with a life time of 40 hours. At the same time, Edison invented the household rotary switch. Despite such a short lifetime, his lamps displace the gas lighting used until then.

Lodygin A.N. Lodygin in the 1890s invented several types of lamps with filaments of refractory metals. Lodygin proposed to use tungsten filaments (these are the ones used in all modern lamps) and molybdenum in lamps and twist incandescent filaments in the form of a spiral. He made the first attempts to pump out air from the lamps, which saved the thread from oxidation and increased their service life many times. The first American commercial lamp with a tungsten spiral was subsequently manufactured according to Lodygin's patent. He also made gas-filled lamps (with carbon filament and nitrogen filling).

Modern lamps In modern incandescent lamps, the thread is made mainly from tungsten. The bulbs of these lamps are filled with heavy gases, which many times increases the light output (in the first lamps there was a vaakum). Incandescent lamps have changed a lot in their history and experienced a lot, it is possible that soon humanity will invent new types of lamps that will displace modern ones.


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