Steam turbine school project. Steam Turbine Presentation. Steam turbine development history

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Robotics in our life
Completed by: A.A. Sarvanov Head: Romadanov K.N.

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3 generations of robots: Software. Rigid program (cyclogram). Responsive. The ability to automatically reprogram (adapt) depending on the situation. Initially, only the basics of the action program are set. Intelligent. The task is introduced in a general form, and the robot itself has the ability to make decisions or plan its actions in an uncertain or complex environment that it recognizes.
A robot is a machine with anthropomorphic (human-like) behavior, which partially or completely performs the functions of a person (sometimes an animal) when interacting with the outside world.

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Intelligent robot architecture
Executive bodies Sensors Control system World model Recognition system Action planning system Action execution system Target management system

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Home robots
Orientation and movement in a confined space with a changing environment (objects in the house can change their location), opening and closing doors when moving around the house. Manipulation of objects of complex and sometimes unknown in advance, for example, dishes in the kitchen or things in rooms. Active interaction with a person in natural language and acceptance of commands in a general form
The tasks of intelligent home robots:
Mahru and Ahra (Korea, KIST)

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Household robots - PR2 (Willow Garage)
PR2 can insert a plug into an outlet
Scientists at the University of California at Berkeley (UC Berkeley) first taught a robot to interact with deforming objects. Oddly enough, but only now it was possible to teach the machine to work with soft and, most importantly, objects that change shape easily and unpredictably.

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War robots
DARPA Army Rearmament Plans: By 2015, One Third vehicle will be unmanned For 6 years from 2006, it is planned to spend $ 14.78 billion By 2025, it is planned to transfer to a full-fledged robotic army

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Unmanned aircrafts (UAV)
32 countries of the world produce about 250 types of unmanned aircraft and helicopters
RQ-7 Shadow
RQ-4 Global Hawk
A160T Hummingbird
Air Force and US Army UAVs: 2000 - 50 units 2010 - 6800 units (136 times)
RQ-11 Raven
In 2010, the US Air Force command for the first time in its history intends to acquire more unmanned vehiclesrather than manned aircraft. All helicopters will be unmanned by 2035.
UAV market: 2010 - $ 4.4 billion 2020 - $ 8.7 billion US share - 72% of the total market

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Ground war robots
BigDog transport robot (Boston Dinamics)
Fighting robot MAARS
Sapper robot PackBot 1,700 units in service
BlackKnight Robot Tank
Performed tasks: demining, reconnaissance, laying of communication lines, transportation of military goods, protection of the territory

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Marine robots
Underwater robot REMUS 100 (Hydroid) created 200 copies.
Performed tasks: Detection and destruction of submarines Patrolling the water area Fighting sea pirates Detection and destruction of mines Cartography of the seabed
By 2020, the world will have produced 1,142 vehicles totaling $ 2.3 billion, of which 1.1 billion will be spent by the military. 394 large, 285 medium and 463 miniature underwater devices will be produced. In the case of an optimistic development of events, sales will reach $ 3.8 billion, and in “piece” terms - 1,870 robots.
boat US Navy Protector

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Industrial robots
By 2010, more than 270 models of industrial robots have been developed in the world, 1 million robots have been produced. 178 thousand robots have been introduced in the USA In 2005, 370 thousand robots were operating in Japan - 40 percent of the total worldwide. There were 32 robots for every thousand human factory workers By 2025, due to the aging population of Japan, 3.5 million jobs will be occupied by robots Modern high-precision manufacturing is impossible without the use of robots Russia in the 90s lost its fleet of industrial robots. There is no mass production of robots.

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Space robots
Robonaut-2 went to the ISS in September 2010 (developed by General Motors) and will become a permanent crew member.
EUROBOT at the stand
The DEXTRE robot has been working on the ISS since 2008.

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Security robots
Street patrolling Indoor and building security Aerial surveillance (UAV)
SGR-1 (Korean border guard)
Security robot Reborg-Q (Japan)

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"Nanobots", or "nanobots" - robots comparable in size to a molecule (less than 10 nm), possessing the functions of movement, processing and transmission of information, execution of programs.

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Robots for medicine
Hospital services Patient monitoring
Dispenser of medicines MRK-03 (Japan)

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Medical robots - surgical robots
Robot surgeon Da Vinci Developed by INTUITIVE SURGICAL INC (USA) 2006 - 140 clinics 2010 - 860 clinics In Russia - 5 installations
The operator works in a non-sterile area at the control console. Tool arms are only activated if the operator's head is correctly positioned by the robot. A 3D image of the operating field is used. The operator's hand movements are accurately translated into very precise movements of the operating instruments. Seven degrees of freedom of movement of the tools provide the operator with unprecedented possibilities.

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Medical robots - prostheses
Bionic hand prosthesis i-Limb (Touch Bionics) can hold up to 90 kilograms of load. Serially produced since 2008, 1200 patients worldwide.
The prosthesis is controlled by myoelectric currents in the limb, and for a person it looks almost like controlling a real hand. Together with the "pulsating grip", this allows the disabled person to make more precise manipulations, up to tying laces or fastening a belt.

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Exoskeletons (Japan)
HAL-5, 23 kg, 1.6m 2.5 hours of work Increases strength from 2 to 10 times Serial production since 2009
The adaptive control system, receiving bioelectric signals taken from the surface of the human body, calculates what kind of movement and with what power the person is going to make. Based on this data, the level of required additional power of movement is calculated, which will be generated by the servos of the exoskeleton. The speed and response of the system are such that the human muscles and the automated parts of the exoskeleton move in perfect unison.
The Robot Suit Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) by Cyberdyne

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Exoskeletons (Japan)
Honda Walking assist - released since 2009, weight - 6.5 kg (including shoes and lithium-ion battery), operating time on one charge - 2 hours. Application - for the elderly, facilitating the work of workers on a conveyor belt.
Farmer Exoskeleton (University of Tokyo agriculture and technologies)

  • Teacher: Kryventsov Leonid Alexandrovich,
  • highest qualification category
  • Lesson topic:
  • Asino - 2014
  • Municipal autonomous educational institution -
  • secondary school №4 city of Asino, Tomsk region
Robotics is
  • (from robot and technology; eng. robotics) is an applied science engaged in the development of automated technical systems.
  • Robotics draws on disciplines such as electronics, mechanics, computer science, radio engineering, and electrical engineering.
Types of robotics
  • Construction
  • Industrial
  • Household
  • Aviation
  • Extreme
  • Military
  • Space
  • Underwater
A bit of history
  • The word “robotics” is based on the word “robot”, coined in 1920 by the Czech writer Karel Čapek for his sci-fi play “R. W. R. " ("Rossumskie universal robots"), first staged in 1921 in Prague and enjoyed success with the audience.
  • In it, the owner of the plant arranges the production of many androids, which at first work without rest, but then rise up and destroy their creators.
The premiere screening of the play Robot is
  • (Czech robot, from robota - forced labor or rob - slave) - an automatic device created on the principle of a living organism.
  • Acting according to a predetermined program and receiving information about the external world from sensors (analogs of the senses of living organisms), the robot independently carries out production and other operations, usually performed by humans (or animals).
  • In this case, the robot can both have a connection with the operator (receive commands from him), and act autonomously.
  • Android (from the Greek root ἀνδρ - the word ἀνήρ - “man, man” and the suffix -oid - from the Greek word εἶδος - “likeness”) is humanoid.
  • IN modern meaning usually refers to a humanoid robot.
Robot classes:
  • Manipulation
  • An automatic machine, consisting of an actuator in the form of a manipulator with several degrees of mobility, and a program control device, which serves to perform in production process motor and control functions.
  • Stationary
  • Mobile
  • Such robots are produced in floor-standing, suspended and portal versions. They are most widespread in the machine-building and instrument-making industries.
  • A manipulator is a mechanism for controlling the spatial position of tools and objects of labor.
  • Manipulation robots
  • translational motion
  • angular movement
  • Movement types
  • The combination and mutual arrangement of the links determines the degree of mobility, as well as the scope of the robot's manipulation system.
  • To provide movement in the links, electric, hydraulic or pneumatic drives can be used.
  • Manipulation robots
  • Gripping devices are part of the manipulators (although optional). The most versatile grippers are analogous to the human hand — the grip is done with mechanical "fingers".
  • To grip flat objects, grippers with a pneumatic suction cup are used.
  • To capture many similar parts (which usually happens when robots are used in industry), specialized structures are used.
  • Instead of gripping devices, the manipulator can be equipped with a working tool. This can be a spray gun, a welding head, a screwdriver, etc.
Robot classes:
  • Mobile
  • An automatic machine which has a moving chassis with automatically controlled drives.
  • Wheeled
  • Walking
  • Tracked
Robot classes:
  • Mobile
  • Crawling
  • Floating
  • Flying
Floating robot
  • Insert Video Clip
Modern robots
  • Asimo
  • NAO (Nao)
ASIMO (Asimo), HONDA company
  • Insert Video Clip
  • NAO (Nao)
  • Insert Video Clip
Modern robots Robot components
  • Actuators are the "muscles" of robots. Currently, the most popular motors in drives are electric, but others are used that use chemicals or compressed air.
Actuators Laws of Robotics
  • A robot cannot harm a person or, by its inaction, allow a person to be harmed.
  • A robot must obey all orders given by a human, except when these orders are contrary to the First Law.
  • The robot must take care of its safety to the extent that it does not contradict the First and Second Laws.
  • Isaac Asimov, 1965
The laws of robotics
  • In his 1986 novel Robots and Empire, Asimov proposed Zero Law:
  • 0. A robot cannot harm humanity or, by its inaction, allow humanity to be harmed.
  • 0. A robot cannot harm a person, unless it can prove that it will ultimately be beneficial for all of humanity.
List of sources used:
  • The material is taken from the textbook - E.I. Yurevich, Fundamentals of Robotics.
  • Presentation background -
  • Photo by Karl Chapek -
  • Photo of the play show -
  • Photos of NAO, wheeled and tracked robots - copyright
  • Manipulation robots -,
  • Swimming robots -
  • Walking robot -
  • Robot Chef -
  • Robot Violinist -
  • Photo by Isaac Asimov -
  • Robot drives -,
  • Lumberjack Robot -
  • Photo Aibo -
  • Photo by Asimo -

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A steam turbine (fr. Turbine from Latin turbo vortex, rotation) is a heat engine of continuous action, in the blade apparatus of which the potential energy of compressed and heated water vapor is converted into kinetic energy, which in turn performs mechanical work on the shaft.

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The turbine consists of three cylinders (HPC, HPC and LPH), the lower halves of the bodies of which are designated 39, 24 and 18, respectively. Each of the cylinders consists of a stator, the main element of which is a stationary housing, and a rotating rotor. Separate rotors of the cylinders (rotor of HPC 47, rotor of HPC 5 and rotor of HPC 11) are rigidly connected by couplings 31 and 21. The half-coupling of the generator rotor is connected to the half-coupling 12, and the exciter rotor is connected to it. A chain of assembled individual rotors of the cylinders, generator and exciter is called a shafting. Its length with a large number of cylinders (and the largest number in modern turbines - 5) can reach 80 m.

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Principle of operation

Steam turbines work in the following way: steam generated in a steam boiler, under high pressure, enters the turbine blades. The turbine revolves and generates mechanical energy for use by the generator. The generator produces electricity. The electrical power of steam turbines depends on the pressure drop of steam at the inlet and outlet of the unit. The capacity of steam turbines of a single unit reaches 1000 MW. Depending on the nature of the thermal process, steam turbines are divided into three groups: condensing, heating and special-purpose turbines. By the type of turbine stages, they are classified as active and reactive.

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Steam turbines - benefits

operation of steam turbines is possible on different types fuels: gaseous, liquid, solid high unit power free choice of coolant wide power range impressive resource of steam turbines

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Steam turbines - disadvantages

high inertia of steam plants (long start-up and shutdown times) high cost of steam turbines low volume of electricity produced, in relation to the volume of heat energy expensive repair of steam turbines reduction of environmental performance, in the case of heavy fuel oil and solid fuel

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The Parsons jet steam turbine was used for some time mainly on warships, but gradually gave way to more compact combined active-jet steam turbines, in which the high-pressure jet part was replaced by a single-stage or double-crown active disk. As a result, losses due to steam leaks through the gaps in the blade apparatus decreased, the turbine became simpler and more economical. Depending on the nature of the thermal process, steam turbines are usually divided into 3 main groups: condensing, heating and special purposes.

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The main advantages of PTM:

Wide power range; Increased (1.2-1.3 times) internal efficiency (~ 75%); Significantly reduced installation length (up to 3 times); Low capital costs for installation and commissioning; Lack of oil supply system, which ensures fire safety and allows operation in the boiler room; The absence of a gearbox between the turbine and the driven mechanism, which increases the reliability of operation and reduces the noise level; Smooth regulation of the shaft rotation speed from idle to turbine load; Low noise level (up to 70 dBA); Low specific weight (up to 6 kg / kW of installed capacity) Long service life. The operating time of the turbine before decommissioning is at least 40 years. With seasonal use of the turbine unit, the payback period does not exceed 3 years.

  • Introduce students
  • with device and principle
  • steam turbine operation.
  • Introduce the concept of thermal efficiency
  • engine.
  • Identify problems
  • environmental protection.
  • Objectives:
  • it is a heat engine of continuous operation, in which the potential energy of compressed and heated water vapor is converted into kinetic energy, which in turn performs mechanical work on the shaft.
Turbo (lat.) - whirlwind mid 19th century
  • Turbines
  • Steam
  • Gas
Steam turbine device diagram
  • 1 - nozzle
  • 2 - scapula
  • 3 - steam
  • 4 - disk
  • 5 - shaft
  • It is used as a drive for an electric generator in thermal, nuclear and hydro power plants, as engines in marine, land and air transportas an integral part of hydrodynamic transmission.
  • A device similar to a turbine, but having a drive for rotating the blades from the shaft - a compressor or a pump.
  • The world's most powerful power plant is located in South America, on the Parana River. Its 18 turbines generate 12,600 million watts / hour of electricity.
  • work disadvantages
  • steam turbine
  • rotation speed cannot vary widely
  • long start and stop times
  • high cost of steam turbines
  • low volume of electricity produced, in relation to the volume of thermal energy.
  • advantages
  • work
  • steam turbine
  • rotation is in one direction;
  • no jolts, as when the piston is working
  • operation of steam turbines is possible on various types of fuel: gaseous, liquid, solid
  • high unit power
  • Working body
  • Heater
  • Refrigerator
  • A p \u003d Q1- Q2
Efficiency formula
  • Ap - Useful work;
  • Q1 - Amount of heat,
  • received from the heater;
  • Q2 - Amount of heat
  • given to the refrigerator.
Coefficient of performance (COP)
  • Cannot be more than 1 (or 100%)
  • Steam engine efficiency ≈ 8–12%
  • Steam or gas turbine\u003e 30%
  • ICE ≈ 20-40%
  • Ways to improve efficiency
  • steam turbine
  • 1) creation of more perfect boiler thermal insulation;
  • 2) an increase in the temperature in the boiler, as well as an increase in steam pressure
    • The rise in the average temperature of the atmosphere
    • Changing of the climate
    • Formation of the "greenhouse effect"
    • The disappearance of certain species of animals, birds, plants
    • Acid rainfall
Alternative energy sources
  • Heat engines:
  • 25.5 billion tons of carbon oxides
  • 190 million tons of sulfur oxides
  • 65 million tons of nitrogen oxides
  • 1.4 million tons of chlorofluorocarbon
  • Lead, cadmium, copper, nickel, etc.
  • Solar energy
  • Electricity
  • Magnetic field energy
  • Wind energy
Developments by Gustaf de Laval
  • In 1883, the Swede Gustaf de Laval managed to overcome many difficulties and create the first working steam turbine. Laval had received a patent for a milk separator several years earlier. In order to drive it, a very high-speed drive was needed. None of the engines that existed at that time satisfied the task. Laval became convinced that only a steam turbine could give him the required rotational speed. He began to work on its design and in the end achieved what he wanted.
From the history
  • The Laval turbine was a light wheel, on the blades of which steam was induced through several nozzles set at an acute angle.
  • In 1889, Laval significantly improved his invention by adding conical expanders to the nozzles. This significantly increased the efficiency of the turbine and turned it into a universal engine.
Developments by Charles Parsons
  • In 1884, the English engineer Charles Parsons received a patent for a multistage jet turbine, which he invented specifically to drive an electric generator.
  • In 1885, he designed a multistage jet turbine, which was later widely used in thermal power plants.

  • 1. Steam turbine
  • 1.1 History of invention
  • 1.2 Principle of operation
  • 1.3 Application
  • 2. Gas turbine
  • 2.1 History of invention
  • 2.2 Principle of operation
  • 2.3 Application
  • 3. Efficiency of steam and gas turbines
  • 4. Conclusion



Steam turbine (French turbine from Latin turbo vortex, rotation) is a heat engine of continuous action, in the blade apparatus of which the potential energy of compressed and heated water vapor is converted into kinetic energy, which in turn performs mechanical work on the shaft.

The flow of water vapor enters through the guide vanes onto the curved blades, fixed around the circumference of the rotor, and, acting on them, drives the rotor into rotation.


shoulder blades


Developments by Gustave de Laval

The Laval turbine was a light wheel, on the blades of which steam was induced through several nozzles set at an acute angle. In 1889, he significantly improved his invention, supplementing the nozzles with conical expanders. This significantly increased the efficiency of the turbine and turned it into a universal engine.


In the nozzles, the potential energy of the steam is converted into kinetic energy; in the blade channel under the influence of the steam jet, a centrifugal force arises, acting on the blades and causing the turbine rotor to rotate. When the shaft is connected to a power generator, mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy.


It is used as a drive for an electric generator at thermal, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants, as engines in sea, land and air transport, as an integral part of hydrodynamic transmission.


A gas turbine (fr. Turbine from Latin turbo vortex, rotation) is a continuous-action engine, in which the energy of the compressed and heated gas is converted into mechanical work on the shaft. The main structural elements are the rotor and stator, called a nozzle apparatus.


The Norwegian Egidius Elling built the first gas turbine that could produce more power than needed to run it, which was seen as a significant advance at a time when knowledge of thermodynamics was limited. However, only at the end of the 19th century, when thermodynamics, mechanical engineering and metallurgy reached a sufficient level, Gustaf Laval (Sweden) and Charles Parsons (Great Britain) independently created industrial gas turbines.


High pressure gas enters through the turbine nozzle into the low pressure area, while expanding and accelerating. Further, the gas flow enters the turbine rotor blades, giving them part of its kinetic energy and imparting torque to the blades. The rotor blades transmit the torque through the turbine discs to the shaft.


Gas turbines are used in ships, locomotives and tanks. Many experiments have been carried out with vehicles equipped with gas turbines... Most often, a gas turbine is used to drive generators. They are also used in gas turbine engines, stationary gas turbine units (GTU) and combined cycle gas turbine units (CCGT).


The efficiency of a steam or gas turbine is 20–40%. To improve efficiency in many power plants, heat from a steam turbine is used to heat water. Hot water enters the domestic and industrial heat supply system.


The search for the best option led to the creation of combined active turbines with speed stages. The temperature drops on the steps, so the step blades can be made of cheaper material, which gives an economic benefit. Steam and gas turbines are very relevant in our time and contribute to human life. However, they have a harmful effect on the environment and human health.


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