Foreign freelance exchanges. How to start making money on foreign freelance exchanges? The best freelance exchanges

Hello friends!

Something incredible is happening in Ukraine and Russia now. The exchange rate of the ruble and hryvnia against the dollar is growing by leaps and bounds, so I decided to raise a really important problem in this article today.

Freelancers, as well as people who work offline, receive the same salary, but prices are rising, and there is no end in sight. As for me, now we need to think about our future. My opinion is this: we need to gradually master foreign freelance exchanges.

Naturally, you can’t go anywhere without knowledge of English, but this knowledge will always be useful to you. I advise you to invest money in yourself, because it is in a crisis that if you have knowledge, then you are always valuable as a person and a specialist.

Why do I recommend looking at foreign freelance exchanges? Elementary, there you receive money in dollars, and this is a definite benefit for you.

Observing now what is happening on freelance exchanges and in Russia and Ukraine in general, I see that employers want to get more for less. It’s understandable that the crisis is forcing them to tighten their belts, and the freelancers themselves, if they are not top 3-5 in their field, are already finding it harder to work, as competition in the market is growing. Naturally, people are ready to work for low prices, because there is no way out, but they need to eat.

So, in total, I personally counted 3 large foreign remote work exchanges:

My advice to everyone, just try to register, look around, look at the projects that foreign freelance exchanges offer. It is likely that there will be a job for you. Well, don’t forget that we and they have a different concept of dollars, and with such growth, earning money there, you can be a king here :)

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And according to tradition, at the end of the article there is a short video with an anecdote about freelancers:

Hello, dear readers and guests.

For those who have not yet worked with exchanges and do not know where to start, I advise you to read my previous article, in which I talk in more detail about.

Exchanges and freelance sites by category

The best freelance exchanges

Here are the most popular sites among freelancers and clients, where you can find tasks in all possible ways:

  • is the No. 1 freelance exchange in Russia and the CIS. More suitable for professionals with a good portfolio and experience; it’s difficult for beginners to get into it. To fully operate, you need to pay your account monthly.
  • is, in my opinion, the second most popular site for freelancers and offering their services. Currently there are more than 3 thousand open orders.
  • is an exchange for beginners, you can find thousands of different simple tasks and try your hand at freelancing. Read.
  • – remote work for professional freelancers with a good portfolio.
  • - the site allows you to offer and sell your services at a single price of 500 rubles.

Exchanges for copywriters and rewriters

If you can write and know how to type on a keyboard, then on these exchanges you can easily find tasks for writing texts, selling articles, translations, etc.

  • is a popular remote work exchange for copywriters, rewriters and translators. Order and sell articles on any topic. Check out the details.
  • is a large service for copywriters and rewriters. There is also an article store and various scripts for checking texts. Read.
  • is a website for selling texts, there is a rating of popular topics on which you can write articles and sell them at competitive prices.
  • is the No. 1 content exchange. Many different tasks for text authors, there is a store for buying and selling articles.
  • is a rewriting and copywriting exchange with low prices for articles.
  • is a relatively young project, orders for copywriting, rewriting, naming and other micro-tasks. See.
  • is a service with microtasks, you can earn money by writing comments.
  • is a bureau of professional copywriters, here you can sell texts from 100 rubles per 1000 characters.
  • is a very popular exchange, there are a lot of orders. To become a performer, you need to pass a test in the Russian language. Also on the site you can study several courses on copywriting for free. See.
  • – on this exchange there are 16 types of specialization, orders for articles, poetry, naming, resumes, etc.
  • is a simple and very convenient copywriting exchange. The main types of orders are copywriting, text rewriting, articles in a foreign language.
  • is a site that brings together webmasters and copywriters.
  • is a service for posting tasks and searching for remote work in the field of writing texts.
  • is a content exchange and article store.

Websites for 1C specialists and programmers

I didn’t find many specialized sites for IT specialists and programmers. Later, when we look at these professions in more detail, I will give many more examples of various forums and portals where you can find good remote work for programmers.

  •— an exchange for programmers and 1C specialists from all CIS countries.
  •— a service for IT specialists, programmers, startupers and other specialists that allows you to quickly create a team for your project.
  •— another site for 1C professionals.

Remote work on the Internet has many positive aspects, so an increasing number of users are interested in freelancing earning money not only in Russia and the CIS countries, but also abroad. The advantage of working for a foreign company can open up excellent prospects for moving abroad over time. Remote work is one of the simple and reliable ways to achieve this goal.

What services are there for finding remote work abroad?

Specialists of various professions are in demand abroad:

  1. Web designers;
  2. programmers;
  3. SEO specialists;
  4. Journalists.

Remote work is offered by many special sites. It is best to search on the following foreign freelance resources:


Similar resources have many vacancies, but for your first remote job abroad you can try your hand in start-up companies that do not have very high requirements for applicants for remote worker positions.

Such a start will provide an opportunity to adapt to work abroad and understand whether it suits distant work or not suitable. Over time, you can find a job in a more serious company and continue to work remotely already having some experience.

In addition to foreign freelance exchanges, you can look for work on Russian sites, which also have enough offers for remote earnings abroad:

  • Free-Lance;
  • Weblancer et al.

What are the features of getting remote work abroad?

Remote freelance work obtained on a foreign exchange has its own characteristics. It is necessary to have excellent command of a foreign language not only in writing, but also orally, and have a high level of professionalism.

You need to understand that you won’t be able to earn a lot of money in a foreign company; the work of specialists from the CIS abroad is valued lower, but it will be enough for bread and butter.

A feature of foreign freelance exchanges is very high competition, significantly exceeding the level of competition on similar domestic resources. This situation is explained by the huge number of specialists from Pakistan, India, and China offering their services abroad.

An important nuance that must be constantly remembered during searching for remote work abroad - the presence of not only decent employers, but also a large number of scammers. The system by which schemes for deceiving freelancers are built is very simple: they provide work, but do not pay money.

To be on the safe side and have guarantees of payment of earnings, when receiving work abroad, you need to sign a contract, indicate in it the date of signing, the amount of payments, details of the parties, the rights and obligations of the contractor and the customer.

Benefits of remote work abroad

Remote work obtained abroad provides the opportunity to independently manage your time and not depend on restrictions imposed on office employees. Its advantages lie in the possibility be anywhere, not only in the CIS countries, but even abroad, in the USA or Bali.

The main thing is that Internet access is available. This way of earning money is available to everyone, the main thing is to have the abilities and skills to work in the chosen field. You can combine remote work with your main job. This type of work also provides the opportunity to gain vast experience and decent earnings.

In which countries are remote workers most in demand?

Most often, for good specialists, there is no difference in the geographical location of the company that provides remote work. But during your search, you need to pay attention to the countries that have the greatest need for remote workers. The United States ranks first on this list, followed by Europe, Asia and Australia..

There is nothing strange in the fact that the USA is in first place. This country is considered the economic and financial center of the planet. The United States has the best job recruiting remote workers.

Today, more than 20% of all ordinary employees working in the United States provide their services to the employer remotely, and the trend of replacing office employees with remote workers in the United States is increasing every year: there is no need to organize workplaces, costs for renting premises, etc.

An alternative way to get a job abroad

Many of our compatriots moved to the USA, to Bali, and can conduct their activities from there, expanding it also to the CIS countries.

The most in demand in the USA and among remote freelance specialists living in Bali are Front-end specialists, experts, mobile application developers, SEO/SMM marketers, designers. Europe needs motion designers and SEO specialists.

We recommend a course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money freelancing

How does the popular project “Work from Home 2” help you find a job abroad?

The project “Work from Home 2” has gained popularity on the Internet. The creators of the project, Alexander Redkin and Igor Poltavtsev, live in Bali and help other users from the CIS countries find remote work abroad with the prospect of moving to any country. But most of the project participants want to settle in Bali, where many of our compatriots engaged in freelance activities already live.

Freelancing project “Work at home 2” is intended not only for those who have excellent knowledge of foreign languages. It is enough to have good knowledge of the Russian language. Project students from the CIS and other countries are taken by the hand (conditionally) and led step-by-step through a proven training scheme from the first money earned remotely to receiving a permanent, stable income.

No one is offering millions here, but you can earn a living this way. Life in Bali is accessible to everyone with perseverance and initiative. During the training program, several groups are created, they are provided with a mentor who teaches, monitors the process and corrects it. Over the course of a couple of years of the project’s operation, more than 1,000 people from the CIS countries took part in it. Some of them have returned to their previous lifestyle, but the majority now live and work remotely in the CIS, and many have moved to Bali, Europe and the USA.

Watch the video - How to go live abroad. Freelancing and remote work

In Bali, children from the CIS countries stay close to each other, celebrate holidays together, and spend time in games and entertainment. But this does not mean that they only have fun in Bali; seminars, training courses and communication on remote work issues are held here in other countries - the USA, in Europe, and also in the vast expanses of LICs. You can take part in the project by visiting its website, which is called “Work at home 2”.

For everyone who is not afraid to change their life, gain new experience by earning money remotely on the Internet, there are quite interesting and simple ways. The main thing is to set clear goals, have a desire and show some persistence.

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It’s no secret that the difference between Russian and foreign freelance exchanges is simply huge. They started doing remote work much earlier, so it is in demand and trusted much more than here. What are the other differences between Russian and foreign exchanges?

Where to settle? How much does the average worker earn? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

So, foreign Freelance. What are its advantages?

High wages. Western mentality is significantly different from ours. If our people want to get as much as possible for less money, then Americans and Europeans treat the work of freelancers with more respect.

Security of transactions. Despite the fact that recently Russian and have been taking various measures to secure transactions, there is a high probability that they will be left in the cold. On foreign exchanges there is practically no such probability; all work is carried out within the exchange.

Hourly payment method. In many countries, there is a tendency to pay not for the actual completion of the project, but for the time spent on it. Agree, this is convenient and well deserved.

On the other hand, not everyone likes the fact that they will be strictly controlled. For example, the oDesk website has a program that the contractor must install on his personal computer. The program tracks work on the project: the number of mouse clicks, keyboard presses, etc. Once every 10 minutes, she sends the employer a screenshot of the performer’s desktop. This way the customer can make sure that you are really working and the money is not going to waste.

More work. To counter this, you can put more workers. If 15 performers respond to a project on, then on the famous oDesk and - all 150, or even 200. It is very difficult to compete in such conditions, especially for beginners who do not have a reputation and reviews from customers. However, a good specialist will always find plenty of work.

And now a few words about the shortcomings

The language barrier. If you want to work on foreign exchanges, then knowing English at the proper level is simply necessary. It is advisable to be able not only to write competently, but also to speak well, since some customers prefer to negotiate via audio and video calls on Skype.

High competition. It is very difficult for beginners to get used to it and find their first customer. It’s not surprising, because hundreds of performers from all over the world are responding to the project. You need to be the most creative and enterprising among everyone to get noticed.

Methods of receiving payments that are inconvenient for Russian audiences. While most Russian freelancers are accustomed to using electronic payment systems Webmoney and Yandex.Money, foreign exchanges pay money to cards, PayPal, Payoneer accounts, as well as bank accounts.

Which exchanges should you pay attention to first?

The largest international remote work exchange is Specialists here are evaluated based on the results of various tests, which everyone is recommended to take. Tests reveal the level of knowledge of performers in a variety of areas and are displayed in the profile.

On oDesk, as on other exchanges, experience and reputation are most valued, so at first you will have to work for them. Leave your dreams of sky-high earnings and vacations in Miami until better times. The website provides a counter for hours worked. You will have a chance to start serious projects only if you successfully work the first 100 hours in the lower price segment. However, it is strongly not recommended to take the lowest paid job, since all this will remain in your profile, and an order for $5 will look undignified. Once you have worked 100 hours, your customers' trust in you will increase significantly, and you will be able to work at rates that suit you. The ceiling is $50 per hour. This is exactly what qualified specialists with a good reputation receive here. is quite a bit inferior to oDesk. At one time, the company bought out almost all of its main competitors (,, etc.). The project interface has been almost completely translated into Russian, so you can find many more Russian-speaking customers and performers here. Performers are very often chosen based on the results of competitions. is less interesting than the above giants, but it is also worth paying attention to. Nothing special, average rates here are 10-12 dollars per hour. In 2013, the exchange announced a merger with oDesk, but for now it exists independently.

Is it possible to combine freelancing with your main job?

Foreign freelance exchanges require a serious approach. If you really want to achieve results, then you will have to work tirelessly from morning to night, seven days a week. Do you still think that you can combine freelancing with your main job? Well, some people succeed. It all depends on your specialty and the projects you plan to take on. You can spend your entire life working on half-hourly tasks, earning pennies but having a stable job, or you can take a risk and devote yourself to remote work.

To be honest and unvarnished, the Russian economy is in deep decline. Oil prices are falling, which, of course, is noticeably reflected in the ruble exchange rate, which is depreciating by leaps and bounds. This affects prices and wages of the population, of which a fairly large part is occupied by freelancers. It becomes more and more difficult for them to work, because employers begin to demand the same amount of work at a reduced price, wanting to save money.

Freelancers are most often not satisfied with this arrangement. Adding fuel to the fire are endless commissions for transferring honestly earned funds.

Foreign freelance exchanges as an alternative to the remote work crisis in Russia

And here foreign exchanges come to the aid of the domestic freelancer. The question may arise, how can they help?

Is it possible to make money online without investment?

The answer is simple: all payments on foreign exchanges are carried out in dollars, euros or pounds, which are not subject to such exchange rate fluctuations. So, let's figure out what needs to be done to become successful and find work in foreign networks?

What to do as a foreign freelancer if you don’t know English?

  • Firstly, write honestly that you are not a native speaker and that you work from Russia
  • Any objections from customers before starting to work with you regarding the quality of work are covered by your portfolio - if you have one. You're not going to work as a translator or copywriter on a foreign freelance exchange without knowing the language, are you?
  • In all other cases, what is important for a foreign customer is, first of all, the quality of work - layout, programming, design, etc., and not your academic English.
  • And finally: among the English-speaking population, only a small part are real native speakers, and the rest are just like you, with a second language at the level of the first year of college.

Major foreign remote work exchanges

The largest and most popular exchange in the foreign environment, previously called Getafreelancer. The number of both customers and performers here is simply huge.

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There is work for every taste, but the main demand is for web design, illustration creation, programming, and SEO copywriting. Prices for projects start at $30 and can go up to $100. There are one-time projects, and there are also long-term projects with hourly or one-time payment.

This exchange is very popular on the world wide web. Physically located in America.

We recommend a course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money freelancing

Basically, its users require remote assistants to perform simple but well-paid tasks.

An exchange that provides work for web designers, programmers, mobile application developers, and, in general, IT specialists.

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True, competition can come from Indians who have probably already flooded all exchanges, but sometimes employers don’t even want to get involved with them.


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