Do-it-yourself rook mask made of paper. How to make a paper mask for the New Year's school competition: video. Spiderman mask

The dog is the symbol of 2018. At matinees in kindergarten and school, children put on costumes and dog masks on their heads. Masks are a universal accessory, suitable for girls and boys. You can make them with your own hands from improvised materials. The process will take 30-40 minutes.

To make a paper mask you will need:

  • Paper or cardboard. The thicker the paper, the stronger the product.
  • Felt for rag products.
  • Threads.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.
  • Elastic band for fastening.
  • Awl or sharp knife.
  • Pencil.
  • Colored and velvet paper.
  • Decorative beads.


Making from ready-made pictures is a simple way, schoolchildren can do it without the help of their parents. First you need to download and print the dog mask template on the head .

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Print out the pattern and carefully cut it out with scissors.
  2. Lay out all the elements on paper, circle the contours with a pencil and cut out.
  3. Glue the pieces together.
  4. Make holes for the eyes using a sharp knife.
  5. Make eyes, nose, tongue, eyelashes from colored paper.
  6. Carefully glue the listed parts or secure them with a stapler.
  7. On the sides, make holes for the elastic with an awl or a sharp knife.
  8. Insert an elastic band or rope and secure it.

To make the paper puppy's ears hang down nicely, they need to be bent at the base, and then glued.

There are color and black and white pictures of dog masks on the Internet. . Monochrome images are attractive because children can color them in any color, even the most unusual ones.


Felt is a soft and durable material, products made from it are strong and last longer than paper accessories. Work on the mask begins with a pattern.

  1. The printed template must be attached to the brown or black felt, circled with chalk, outlining the areas for the eyes, and cut out.
  2. Separately, you need to prepare blanks for the ears, a fragment for the mustache and nose. To do this, you need pieces of black and light material.
  3. When the blanks are made, the main blank must be processed with two decorative lines along the entire edge and around the eye sockets.
  4. Now, on the stitched base, you need to stick the details-ears, an element for the mustache.
  5. The black nose is glued to light felt in the center and decorated with black beads on the side. In the sample under consideration, there are three of them on each side.
  6. When the mask is assembled, it must be put under pressure for 2-3 hours so that all the details are securely grabbed.
  7. The final step is to sew elastic bands or fixing ropes on the sides.

Plastic plates

Original accessories for carnival and New Year's party are obtained from unexpected items. You can make an exclusive dog mask with your own hands from disposable plastic dishes.

For its manufacture you will need:

  • Disposable plate.
  • Cardboard.
  • Colored marker or marker.
  • Watercolor paints.
  • Wooden stick or rubber band.

First, the white plate must be tinted in gray or brown. For this, watercolors are used.

While they are drying, you need to cut out the ears, forelock, nose, eyebrows from cardboard and paint them in the appropriate colors. Experiments are welcome - a dog with an orange or green forelock will look bold and unusual.

Then holes for the eyes are cut in the base and the cut and painted elements are glued.

It remains to fix the wooden stick at the bottom so that it is convenient to hold the mask. The stick can be replaced with a rubber band.

Video tutorial on making a mask

The mouse as a character is often found in children's staged performances. For example, everyone's favorite fairy tales Repka and Teremok are hard to imagine without this modest but full of charm character. Therefore, if a child participates in such a production, parents face a problem: where to get a carnival costume.

The best solution would be a cute mouse mask made by your own hand for a child. You can make this little thing together with the baby, then he will be very proud that a muzzle made by his hands flaunts on his head.

Paper mouse

This master class is designed for those who want to save time. The mask is made very quickly according to the template:

In order to create a mouse, you will need a sheet of white or gray A4 cardboard and an elastic band. As well as auxiliary equipment and tools: a printer, scissors, glue and a hole punch.

How to make a mouse mask on the head:

  1. You need to save the template you like to your computer, and then print it at home on a printer.
  2. After that, cut out the muzzle of the animal along the contour and glue it to the cardboard base for rigidity. Cut out the animal from cardboard along the contour.
  3. Punch holes along the edges of the base on the head using a hole punch - an elastic band will be attached in this place.
  4. Measure the length of the elastic so that it is equal to the circumference of the child's head.
  5. Pass the elastic through the holes. The paper mouse mask is complete!

Felt mouse

Two-layer animal made of felt. Such a thing can be easily made at home, it requires gray, pink and black felt, threads of the corresponding colors, and an elastic band. The product is sewn on a sewing machine, if desired, this animal can be made manually.

To make an animal out of felt, you can use the template:

Manufacturing sequence:

  1. In this master class, all the details were made in one copy of felt, except for the muzzle. It must be cut in duplicate, leaving slits for the eyes.
  2. Sew pink details to the muzzle in the ear area.
  3. Sew on the nose in the appropriate place.
  4. Sew in the direction from the nose to the edges of the mustache with black thread.
  5. After that, connect the front part of the animal with the second, wrong side. Measure the length of the elastic to fit the child's head. Insert the edges of the elastic between the front and back sides. After that, stitch close to the edge, retreating 2 mm.

The product is ready! Your "home workshop" can also make masks of other cute animals from felt.

Examples of other masks

You can also try to bring to life other mouse masks:

  1. Crochet. Cute hat, designed in the shape of a blue mouse. On the Internet you can find diagrams and master classes explaining how such a product is made.

How to make a bird mask?

The article today will be very short, because the answer to this question can be fit in one sentence and a couple of pictures, because making a bird mask is very simple.

What do we really need? - Make a beak, think of a way to fix it on the face. You can do this with domino glasses, or you can use a half mask. I prefer the second option. Here is a universal pattern for the mask of any bird-bird. Basic, so to speak.

Pattern of a universal bird mask

For an adult, the width of the mask will be exactly the width of an A4 landscape sheet. We cut the tucks on the forehead, slightly wind it up and glue it. In real life, the beak of birds consists of the upper and lower parts (jaws), but we will only do the upper half, because the lower "jaw" would prevent the actor from breathing and speaking.

We cut out the beak (note that the flaps on the sides do not reach the bridge of the nose), bend along all the fold lines (try on without a mask, adjust) and, having put the flaps on the sides of the part inside the mask, paste:

Everything! This is a universal bird mask, based on which you can develop options for specific birds. For example, we already have, as well as.

One of these days I will write articles on the masks of an eagle, a cockerel and a parrot. If you need any other (exotic) mask... marabou, for example, then write in the comments, and I will definitely figure out how to make it.

And now, to prove to you that the mask model proposed here is indeed very versatile, I will turn it into a sparrow mask. Sparrow bird mask (not Jack))).

The sparrow has a brown beret on its head, a dark black-gray beak, and eyes outlined in black. The cheeks are white, and where there should be a blush - black spots. There is still a black beard, but - alas - it will have to be abandoned.

We take our universal mask and color it. Here - I reproduced the approximate distribution of color, and it obediently turned into a sparrow mask:

sparrow mask

Color the universal mask in yellow - there will be a canary.

Black beret and white cheeks - and it will be very:

are simply necessary in families where small children grow up. Such masks will come in handy for the New Year, and for a birthday, and for a children's performance.

In the spring of this year, our youngest daughter participated in a children's play. She was a goat. Since the New Year celebrations were behind us, we had a problem with buying a costume. We had to make the costume ourselves. Our daughter is a lover of complete reincarnation, and therefore she needed a goat mask.

Here is the best goat mask we have found. I printed out a picture from a computer, pasted it on cardboard and inserted an elastic band to attach it to my head.

We had cats, and dogs, and bears, and hares, and mice.

The children dressed up in animal masks and put on a fun show.

Our bunny jumped, jumped and gnawed a carrot 🙂

The dog barked and searched for hidden treasures.

The mouse ate cheese and crackers and teased the cat.

The cat tried to make friends with the mouse.

The bear cub climbed the rope like a tree, getting "honey" from the beehive.

Regarding this mask, neither children nor adults came to a common opinion. For some it was a mask of a cat, for someone a cougar, a tiger. And one girl saw a fox in this mask 🙂

Some of the masks were taken away by the guests, and some remained at our house. And periodically, the daughter puts on herself mask some animal and gives us a home show.

A rather unusual and beautiful crow mask. It can be New Year's, carnival, besides, the crow mask is made in different ways. Some of them are suitable not only for children, but also for adults.

A beautiful and stylish crow mask is easy to make, but at the same time it will be a great accessory for the New Year or other holiday.

Feather variant

The question of how to make a crow mask should be answered: what should it be? After all, using feathers, convex elements in your work, you can make chic options. You can choose absolutely any color, it does not have to be predominantly black. The important thing is that such a thing is suitable for both a matinee and a Halloween party, especially if you want to create an image, as in the Crow and the Fox fable.

Process of creation:

  1. You need to take the paper that will form the basis of the product. It should be tight. A sheet of paper needs to be bent in half and create a mask template with scissors and a pencil. Such patterns can be found on the Internet, but it is easy to draw them yourself.
  2. Next, you need to draw holes for the eyes. Determine where the beak will be and draw a slit. It will need to be attached separately.
  3. Then the product is cut along the contour, as well as the intended holes inside. The distance between the eyes should be small. This can be done with children too.
  4. Feathers need to be cut out of cardboard. No need to be lazy, cut them out a little more, so the crow will be more beautiful.
  5. An elastic band is attached to the wrong side of the craft, with which it will stay on the face. For this, a simple sewing gum is suitable. For its fastening, you can use a stationery stapler.
  6. The beak is made of thick cardboard, bent in half.
  7. Leave a couple of centimeters in order to glue the beak to the mask itself.
  8. Glue the beak well to the base of the product.
  9. Let's start decorating. Feathers will appear voluminous if you bend the lines in the middle.
  10. A few small feathers will gently mask the area around the eyes.

Other options

A carnival raven mask can be created not only from paper, it can also be made from foamiran with your own hands or from foam rubber.

Another way is to use fabric. To do this, a hat is sewn, preferably black. Any pattern will do. The main thing here is to use a smooth fabric that will shine like crow feathers. After that, you can use real pens or cut out paper. If the feathers are real, then with small stitches of black thread they cling to the fabric, paper feathers can be glued with glue. The beak, made of paper, is attached to the hat in the same way.

An easier option is to download the face of a crow from the Internet, cut it out, stick it on an elastic band and you're done. It all depends on the time and material available.

From now on, no mother will have the question of how to make a crow mask, as in the fable "The Crow and the Fox". All of the above methods are simple and affordable.


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