First knight contests. Competitive program "knight's tournament". Then the leader gives the task

extracurricular activity at the school camp "Knight's Tournament of Courtesy".

In a jousting tournament, there is a competition in the knowledge of the rules of courtesy, etiquette, in the ability to communicate, to behave correctly. This event can be held as class hour as well as at school camp.

Target: education of humane relations between girls and boys.


teach the rules of communication, the rules of cultural behavior;

give knowledge about the history of etiquette.

Preliminary work.

Familiarization with the rules of polite behavior. To participate in the tournament, the boys are divided into two teams, come up with names for them, choose the main knights (captains), prepare emblems, and external design (if possible). Girls act as judges and spectators. Places for the knights in the center of the hall, the chairs are set at an angle so that the boys can see each other well. The middle of the hall is free.

Event progress.

To the sounds of the march, teams of knights enter, greet those gathered and sit down in the allotted places. The teacher - the host of the tournament - addresses the children: - Once upon a time, in the Middle Ages (V - XVIIc.) tournaments were held - military competitions of knights. You saw them in films, met in history lessons. In heavy armor (sword, shield, armor), on horseback, the knights competed in speed, dexterity, accuracy, performed feats in the name of their own glory and a beautiful lady. Today we are also holding a tournament, but not a military one, but a tournament of courtesy, where the word "knight" is used in a figurative sense, in which - you will say yourself.

I tour - historical "What do you know about knights?". Teams answer questions that are given to them in turn. If a team cannot answer a given question, then their opponents answer. 1. Who were called knights in the Middle Ages?(Knights in the Middle Ages were called the feudal lord, a heavily armed warrior)

2. Who are now called knights? In what sense is this word used now?? (For a knight, norms were considered obligatory: courage, fidelity to duty, nobility in relation to a woman. Hence the figurative meaning of this word arose: a knight is a selfless, noble person. They also talk about a knightly attitude towards a woman, about knightly behavior.)

3. What were the knights taught? (Until the age of 7, they were brought up in a family. Until the age of 14, they were pages at the court of a seigneur (vassals). Until the age of 21, they were the squires of the lord. They were taught the so-called seven knightly virtues: riding, fencing, swimming, wielding a spear, hunting, playing checkers, composing and singing poems in honor of the lady of the heart.)

4. What rules of conduct have existed since knightly times?(The rule is to take off your hat when entering the house, and the custom, when greeting, is to take off the glove from the right hand)

If the children cannot answer some questions or answer inaccurately, incompletely, the leading teacher supplements by telling in a vivid form about the history of the emergence of customs and rules of cultural behavior.

Host:-In those distant times, people were constantly armed, since it was dangerous to walk along roads and forests. Leaving home on a long journey, they put on chain mail, heavy armor, and hid their heads under a heavy helmet.

But on the way there is a house where a kind person lives. Having crossed the threshold, the wandering knight takes off his helmet and carries it in his hand, as if saying that he is not afraid and trusts this person.

These harsh times have passed, .. but the custom to take off your hat at the entrance to the house remained. Taking off your hat, you show the owners that you respect the people living in this house.

Taking off the glove, the man showed the oncoming one that there was no weapon hidden in his palm. And, besides, in an iron knight's glove it was not so easy to shake an outstretched hand in a friendly way. And now you take off the glove from attention to a friend.

II tour - etiquette exam (etiquette - the established order of behavior somewhere)

There are tickets on the table of the presenter, on which various rules of etiquette are written. Teams must explain why it is necessary to act one way or another, what caused it.

Dry your feet well before entering the house. If it is raining or snowing outside, dust off your hat and coat while still on the stairs.

Don't enter the room without knocking.

Don't sit back, don't cross your legs, don't keep your hands in your pockets.

Try to get used to keeping your hands free - do not akimbo, do not fold them on your chest.

When meeting with friends, say hello first. Do not be offended if someone absent-mindedly does not answer your bow.

Making your way to the exit of the car, do not push the people in front and do not push them in the back. Use your voice, not your hands.

You should not jump out from behind the table until everyone has finished eating.

A well-mannered person will eat every dish offered by the owner.

The host concludes: each rule has its own meaning. Some are based on respect for the neighbors on the table, others on respect for the hosts. But no matter what rules we touch on, in the main they are the same: respect others, reckon with them.

III tour - a courtesy test.

In the middle of the class, each team plays out various life situations (the beginning of the situation is given on cards) and shows how to behave in a given situation. Judges and spectators evaluate the compliance of behavior with the rules of courtesy and the ability of the teams to come up with an interesting solution to the situation.

You are on the phone with your friend. His mother picks up the phone...

You were given a thing that you already have, or you don't need it, or don't like it. What do you say to the person who gave you a gift?

You tell a friend that your class is skiing in the woods on Sunday and you ask him for skis because one of yours is broken. What will a friend say if he also went skiing with his parents on Sunday.

The same guys meet each other at different times of the day: morning, afternoon and evening. How will they greet each other?

At recess, the teacher is talking to one of the adults, you need to contact him urgently. How will you do it, what will you say?

The teacher instructed the student to borrow a book from the library. The boy entered the library and said...

In order to relax, you can play games:

The game “Please”: at the sign of the leader, the guys perform various movements, but only at the command “please”.

The game "Continuation of the songs." One team starts, another team or spectators continue.

IV tour - creative "Poems in honor of a beautiful lady."

Leading. The knights knew how to compose poems in honor of the lady of the heart. How will the guys do it? Let's imagine that tomorrow is a holiday or our knights were invited to a birthday party. They need to congratulate their mother, grandmother, familiar girl, sister, teacher. There are postcards in front of them, it is necessary to make a congratulatory inscription on them, it is possible in verse. You have 5-7 minutes to complete the task.

While the boys are composing congratulations, the girls are also doing creative work - coming up with a greeting to the winning team.

V tour - "Fix the mistakes."

The teams are offered various situations where the actions of the guys who have made mistakes in behavior are described. We need to find these errors. The team that finds the most wins.

- Sergey, what will you give Kirill for his birthday?

Yes, I haven't thought about it yet. You need to look for something at home that you yourself do not need.

- Vasya, what will we give our sister for the New Year? - Come on, Mom, let's give her a soccer ball.

Aunt Klava came to visit us. She gave Denis chocolates and 2 oranges. Denis quickly coped with both. - Why didn't you leave anything to your mother? - She doesn't like it.

Hooray, I finally got a dog!

Congratulations. And who feeds her?


Who takes her for a walk?


Who cleans up after her?


What are you doing?

I play with her.

All the described situations can be staged as a task of one team to another. Then they must be prepared in advance. There may be other similar situations.

VI tour "Dance"

Music sounds. The boys must properly approach and invite the girl to dance. (The guys are prepared for this competition in advance so that it does not cause laughter and inconvenience).

Summing up, knighting the boys. The girls congratulate the knights, reading out the greeting they invented, and present the prepared orders of a real knight.

Annex 1. Awarding of knights (winners and participants)

Annex 2. Greeting girls (title page).

Knight Tournament

Teacher primary school

Alova N.B.

    Introductory speech of the teacher

Who is this knight?

A knight was a person who belonged to the military nobility. The knight had to have a war horse, expensive heavy weapons (sword, shield, armor). From the age of 7, boys were sent to study with experienced warriors. To deserve knighthood, a young man had to master horse riding, fencing, wielding a spear, swimming, hunting, playing checkers, writing and singing poems in honor of the lady of the heart. Only after a successful test was he awarded in a solemn atmosphere honorary title. The knight must have had courage, generosity, fidelity to duty, nobility in relation to a woman. So it was in the Middle Ages.

And what kind of person do we call a knight these days?

A person who is ready for a feat and self-sacrifice in the name of another person, who knows how to keep his word, be polite, benevolent, stand up for the younger, weak. He is ready to fearlessly rush to the aid of a person in trouble, he will not flinch before the onslaught of a bully. A knight performs many wonderful deeds, and a noble heart beats in his chest.

2. Congratulations girls

Our pugnacious half

We send our congratulations.

There are reasons for congratulations:

Hooray! Defenders of the country!

When to your brawls

We look at the changes

We believe: with your preparation

We will always protect the country!

Let it bloom under the eye

The bruise is purple-blue.

Teaching is hard.

The fight will be much easier.

Enemies will not be laughing there.

So the good fellows will treat them,

That, having picked up his armor,

They run all over the place.

And we are under your protection

We can live quite calmly.

As long as your muscles are strong,

We will have nothing to worry about.

So let's go friends

With all my heart, without further ado,

Protect us from all adversity

But only, chur, without bruises!

We know that you deserve

The titles of men are warriors.

For a man - a matter of honor

Defend your Fatherland!

We congratulate the boys!

And we wish them good health

So that they grow big

And they were great!

Competition 1 "Warm-up" (teams take turns guessing riddles)

I walk, I wander not through the forests,

And in the mustache, in the hair,

And my teeth are longer

Than wolves and bears. (Comb)

The track says - two embroidered ends,

Wash yourself a little

Wash ink off your face:

Otherwise, you will dirty me in half a day. (Towel)

Do not forget to write two letters "K" in it,

Just like him, always be. (Neat person)

Escapes like a living thing

But I won't release it.

Foaming with white foam

Don't be lazy to wash your hands. (Soap)

Lie down in your pocket and watch

Roaring, crying and dirty,

They will wipe away the streams of tears,

Don't forget about the nose. (Handkerchief)

I've been wearing them for many years

And I don't know how to count them.

I don't sow, I don't plant.

They grow up on their own. (Hair)

Looks like a hedgehog

But do not forgive the food.

Run through clothes -

She will be cleaner. (Brush)

hairy head

it fits neatly into your mouth.

And counts our teeth

Mornings and evenings. (Toothbrush)

I'll get up early

I'll go to Roman

To the long nose

To an empty head (Wash basin)

Three calves, one tail. (Fork)

Little man, bone handle. (Knife)

I feed everyone willingly, but I myself am without a mouth. (A spoon)

Competition 2 "Decoder" (participants form words from letters)

ASCT (tank)

SALYOTMO (airplane)

KETARA (rocket)

SOTLDA (soldier)

UPYAL (bullet)

AVMATOT (automatic)

Competition 3 "Connoisseurs of female names" (in 1 minute, participants write down the names of girls)

Competition 4 "Young Artist" ( with eyes closed, team members draw a rocket)

Contest 5 "Guess!" ( eyes closed, recognize the girl by touch)

Competition 6 "Firefighters" (one representative of the teams participates. A jacket is hanging on the back of the chair, turned inside out. Team members sit on a chair. On a signal, you need to quickly get up, turn out the jacket, put it on, fasten all the buttons and sit on the chair)

Guys, you know that the lifeguard profession is very dangerous and responsible. The lives of other people often depend on people in this profession. What is very important in emergency situations? (Speed ​​reaction)

Competition 7 "Hosts"

Real men are also real masters in the house. And this means that he can and should help a woman at home. In the future, you will have to become the head of the family. And now you have to "cook" borscht. You need to write on a piece of paper the ingredients that you will need to make borscht. Time - 2 minutes. Girls also “cook” borscht.

Competition 8 "Savvy"

Our boys are smart, but we would like to see this again. Here are the words from which it is tedious to make a proverb. Time - 3 minutes. (General, bad, one, not who, soldier, become, dreams)

"The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad."

Contest 9 "Are you weak?"

3. Summing up, congratulations, presenting gifts

4. Sweet table













General, bad, one, not that, soldier, become, dreams

"The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad"

This holiday for boys is prepared by girls who are divided into pairs for competitions. All boys can participate in competitions. At the end of the holiday, the results are summed up and each boy is given a "Royal Decree" on conferring on him the title of "The most dexterous", "The most gallant", "The most economic", etc. Each "knight" receives a large chocolate medal on a ribbon with the appropriate inscription. The song "It's time-it's time-let's rejoice in our lifetime" sounds from the movie "D" Artagnan and the Three Musketeers. 4 boys appear dressed as musketeers, and while the song is playing, they fencing. At the end of the song, they take off their hats and bow to everyone present.

If you liked this scenario, then any of our animators will hold your banquet according to this scenario in one of the restaurants in Moscow, and a children's photographer and children's videographer will gladly organize children's photography and children's video filming. Also at your disposal are decorating the hall with balloons and decorating the hall with flowers, life-size puppets and magicians. All these services will be provided to you by our "Banquet-Moscow", the main task of which is and. 1st leader.
Good afternoon, dear beautiful ladies and courageous knights! Today there will be a jousting tournament in this class. Before starting the competition, let's remember some rules that have come to us from ancient times.
2nd leader.
You all know that the handshake originated in the Middle Ages, when the knights at a meeting, showing their peace-loving intentions, took off their glove and held out their hand forward, exposing their palm, thereby showing that there were no weapons there. Also, when they met, they took off their hats. The lady was never a knight, so these rules had nothing to do with her. However, today we notice that this rule is beginning to apply to the beautiful half of humanity: when shaking hands, women take off the glove and do not take off only the one that is very thin and tightly fits the hand; they also take off their headgear, if their outer clothing is removed. How do you explain the existence of such rules? Do they make sense? Pupils find ethical and hygienic meaning in the emerging rules of conduct. The situation can be played out. At the same time, attention is drawn to the fact that the boys first remove their headdress, after that - the top coat, girls - first the coat, then the headdress. 1st leader.
As you know, the rule to go ahead of your companion, going up and down the stairs, arose in the days of candle lighting, when a man walked in front, holding a candle in his hand, and lit the way for the lady. Currently, the lighting is electric. This need has disappeared. But the rule still remains. Why? Maybe it's time to cancel it? Students justify the need for this rule by the fact that if it is observed, you can help your companion or companion if he is weaker than you. This situation can be played out. 2nd leader.
And now we begin the knightly tournament. We ask the jury to take their places. And the beautiful half of humanity is starting to hold contests. Girls in pairs hold competitions, announcing their names.

Competition "The most dexterous"
(nails, hammer, wooden block). Each boy is given a chance to test his dexterity. It is necessary with the help of a hammer to hammer a nail into a wooden block with one blow. Competition "The most economic"(knives, potatoes, wooden boards, waste bowls). 3-4 boys at the same time participate in the competition at will. They must peel the potatoes and cut them into strips. Competition "The most enduring"(tape recorder, cassette tape). The recording of the sailor dance "Yablochko" is turned on. All the boys are dancing. Who will endure the dance to the end? Competition "The most calm"(balls). At the same time, 4 boys are invited at will. They are given a ball, which they calmly hit on the floor. The "lost" ball is out of the competition. Competition "The most gallant"(tape recorder, cassette tape). Participate 3-4 boys at will. A recording of a popular tune is turned on, the boys invite the girls to dance, dance and escort their partners to the place where they were sitting. Competition "The most courageous"(2 bananas, 1 onion). There are 2 people in this competition. They are invited to eat sweet and bitter at the same time (for example, a banana and half an onion). Competition "The most fearless and wise"(cards with tasks). 5 people are invited to participate in the competition. Each boy is given a card with a description of the situation, which he plays in response to the question posed.
Card 1. Without noticing that the bench was painted, you sat on it. Your actions?
Card 2. On the test, you need to use a cheat sheet, but you can’t find the right one. What will you do?
Card 3. You came to the store to buy a chocolate bar. The seller gave it to you, and you suddenly find that you do not have money to pay (although remember for sure that you received pocket money in the morning). How to proceed?
Card 4. You are walking around the city, three people come up to you and say: "Is there a change?" Your actions?
Card 5. You ended up in a madhouse; you know you're perfectly normal, but they don't believe you. Prove it! Competition "The most knowledgeable"(pencils, pieces of paper, spoons, 5 saucers with various jams). All the boys participate, who are given a small spoon, a pencil and a piece of paper with the name of the "knight". There are 5 saucers of jam on a separate table. Each saucer has a serial number. The boys taste the jam and determine what it is made from. On a piece of paper under the corresponding number write the name. It is good if an unusual jam is presented (for example, zucchini jam with lemon, watermelon peel jam, etc.). Competition "The smartest"(2 envelopes, 20 cards). 2 people participate in the competition. Everyone gets an envelope with 10 cards inside. On the first five - the beginning of proverbs, on the rest - the end. Need to "collect" proverbs. Who will do it quickly and correctly?
First envelope
1. They give two unbeaten for a beaten one,
2. at least quit!
3. The root of the doctrine is bitter,
4. there is no comrade.
5. Prepare the sleigh in the summer,
6. don't take it.
7. Maybe and I suppose -
8. but its fruit is sweet.
9. Taste, color
10. a cart in winter.
Second envelope
1. The careless drinks water,
2. no field jump.
3. Not having tasted bitter,
4. rather attention.
5. Spring is red with flowers,
6. and caring - honey.
7. Live a century -
8. you don't recognize the sweet.
9. Dear is not a gift,
10. and autumn - in sheaves. Competition "The most successful"(scissors, candy, rope). All the boys take turns in the competition. Everyone, blindfolded, must cut the candy from the string with scissors. Competition "The most charming"."The most charming" is determined by the girls. Each on a narrow strip of paper writes down the name of the "knight" who distinguished himself in the tournament. The winner will be awarded a special "People's Choice Award". 1st leader.
So the knightly tournament came to an end. The jury has already summed up the results. It remains to hand over prizes and gifts together with the "Royal Decree". I ask all the "knights" to line up! 2nd presenter reads the "Royal Decree".
We give you the title
"Most "
forever and ever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The girls who held the competitions give each "knight" a gift, put a chocolate medal around their neck and hand over a decree.

1st leader.
Our dear boys! Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! We hope that the beautiful half of humanity will always find valiant knights and defenders in you!

Scenario of the holiday "Knight's Tournament"

Medieval music sounds. Voice off stage.

Once, a very long time ago, in the Middle Ages, there lived glorious, strong people, noble warriors, brave in heart. They were called knights. Tournaments were the favorite pastime of European chivalry. Only in a tournament fight could one demonstrate to the public, and first of all to the ladies, one's ability to use weapons, the art of riding, courage, dexterity and ... quick wits.

Sometime in the Middle Ages
Knights lived everywhere.
And their life was not easy
In iron ammo.

The knights were proud of themselves
Swords and armor.
The knights played fate
And they went to tournaments.

But so many years ago
They were not in the world.
But that's just what they say
We do not agree with this.

The song "Oh, scarlet roses" sounds. Girls in beautiful medieval dresses dance with candles.

On the screen is a fragment from the film "The Story of a Knight". Trumpet music sounds 2 heralds come out.


Noble princes, counts, lords, barons and nobles! Most respectable audience! Today, at the behest of the king, we welcome the glorious knights of our kingdom! For a whole year we have been waiting for our valiant warriors to come from the six cities loyal to us.

Herold 2: And finally, that day has come. From early morning the square is filled with people. Look how the townspeople hurry here! Honorable spectators take their places on the podium. O! And here are the young mistresses of the souls of our glorious knights!

Herold 1: Greet, friends, beautiful ladies, whose beauty is worthy of the most exquisite words that we happen to hear from the lips of the knights themselves!

And now ….

Herold 2: Look! Look!!! The king himself, with his queen and three beautiful daughters, rises to his place of honor!... The inhabitants of the kingdom stand and greet their rulers! ….

On the screen is a fragment of the film "The Beginning of the Tournament". Calls sound.

Herold 2: And here comes the exciting moment.

Herold 1: Oh dear knights! Come to the call of the tournament trumpets!

Solemn music sounds, the heralds represent each of the participants.

Herold 2: Greetings representatives of the Order of Knights…..from the glorious city…….. Pronounced a short phrase that expresses life principles coat of arms owners.

Greetings to the king.

Herold 1: At our tournament, squires appear who represent the coat of arms of the Order of the Forest Knights.


The representation of each class.

King: Thank you, my glorious knights! Today's tournament is an opportunity to demonstrate your skills, courage, dexterity and ingenuity.

Only the best of the best will be able to win the winners' cups in a fair fight! I wish you all good luck! The tournament is declared open!
Trumpets sound

Herold 1: Dear audience! And you, glorious knights, as well as their faithful squires! As you know, a real knight must have special qualities and skills, being a true adornment of his time.

Herold 2: He must be not only a brave warrior, fluent in spear and sword. A true knight must shine with intelligence and eloquence. And that is why our tournament is opened by an intellectual duel!

Herold 1: Tour I Erudite duel! One representative of each order, together with their squires, we ask you to go to the lists! Now each of you will have to answer three questions regarding the history of chivalry. For each correct answer you can earn 3 points. So, be careful! First questions for the knights of the cities….. and………. The herald hands the squires scrolls with questions and "feathers".

A question for you, dear representatives of the cities ……, …….

And finally, a question for the remaining pair of knights. Time to think about the answer - while the sand is pouring in the royal clock! Knights write answers on the backs of their squires.

Herold 2: Dear squires! We ask you to hand over your scrolls with ready-made answers to the Chief Herald.

Herold 1 A: Get the following questions. …. Time has gone.

Herold 2: Look how fast the feathers flicker in the hands of our knights! But time is relentless, and now it is time for their answers!

The answers of the knights are read. The screen illustrates the correct answers read out by 1 herald. The winner is announced, the 3rd and 4th herald record the results in the tournament table.

Herold 1: And our final round. Be careful, the time has come ....

Herold 2: Dear squires, turn in your answers!

The answers of the knights are read. The screen illustrates the correct answers read out by 1 herald. The winner is announced, the 3rd and 4th herald record the results in the tournament table.

Herold 2: And our citizens will also be able to help their knights today! By answering the questions correctly, you can bring a whole point to your order. The answer is accepted only by a raised hand.

First question: What were the duties of the herald, besides proclaiming the participants in the tournament and directing the ceremonies?

(Hint (if necessary) - look for a root word)

Compilation of coats of arms and genealogies.

Second question: Explain the meaning of shaking hands when two men meet.

Lack of weapons in right hand- lack of hostile intentions.

Third question: This item, covered with legends, has become for the knights a symbol of a distant and lofty goal, for which it is not scary to go through any trials. What were the knights looking for?

Holy Grail.


Herold 1: So, in the first round, the knights won…….

Frames from the film with a spear fight. Callsigns.

Herold 2: Tour II. The Irresistible Spear is the name of our next test. And your task, dear knights, is now to prove this by hitting a visible enemy from a run with a spear. You have two attempts. For each target hit, you can get five points.

Herold 1: The first couple of participants of the tournament are invited. Sir…. and sir...

Thank you!

Second pair: ………………………………………

And the third pair of knights -………………………………….

Heralds, count the points earned by each Order.

Herold 2: Dear knights! Based on the results of the first two rounds, the leaders are………………….

The test of the squires.Playful music sounds.

Herold 1: Now allow me, noble knights, to test your squires. We ask you to come out here and demonstrate your promptness, dexterity and attentiveness.

Herold 2: Your task is to feed your master with these juicy apples. Imagine that you are in a magnificent garden with delicious fruits growing on the trees. One of you climbed to the very top. And now you have five delicious apples. And now you need to drop them directly into the basket held by the second squire. Each exact hit in the basket will bring your Order two points. First two pairs, ready?..........


Please record your results!

The sound of a horn. Music.

Herold 1: Tour III. Hunting! In the Middle Ages, hunting was a favorite pastime of the barons. However, only the knights who own their own forest lands had the right to it. There were several types of knightly hunting: dog baiting, draft hunting, falconry, driven hunting. And it is she who is waiting for our knights. We welcome ………………………………….

Music sounds.

Herold 2: Look! Two delightful deer have already been released from the paddock. Now they have already appeared on the horizon and are jumping right here! And here their graceful heads flashed in the crowns of trees ... Valiant knights! Your eagle eye and firm hand is the key to success in this tour. Each exact hit of the target will bring you three points. Get your bows and arrows ready, we're about to begin!

Herold 2: Invited to the lists…………………….

Ready? Started! ……………….. Second shot!..................................

Amazing! (comments on what he saw).

Herold 1: The next couple of participants in our tournament!

And the knights from glorious cities complete this test…………… and …………
The results are recorded on the tabloid.

Herold 2: (addressing the audience) And you, dear sirs, once again have the opportunity to help our knights by earning extra points for them. We invite here one representative from the city. Your task is to lay down as many boars as possible with the help of this simple weapon. You have four shots. Each head hit is worth one point. Please!........

Darts with inflatable balls.

Fabulous! And what is the overall result?

Reads results.

Screenshots from the film. Working with weapons. Demonstration performances.

Herold 2: Tour IV, called "Shining Blade"!
Herold 1: Each knight is, first of all, a professional warrior who is fluent not only with a spear, bow and ax, but, of course, with a sword. Are our glorious knights ready to compete in this test?!
Herold 2: Your task, oh, valiant warriors, is to hit as many targets located on these racks as possible in one minute. Each accurate hit will bring you two points.

Solemn music sounds.

We invite our glorious knights…………….. from the cities…………

Look, look! Our knights dedicate this duel to their beautiful ladies! However, don't be distracted. Act!.....

And now they are going to the lists………… Demonstrate your skills too!........

And finally, the knights of the cities……………………

The results of the tour are recorded on the tabloid.

Herold 1: Well, for our viewers, we also prepared fun that can bring two more points to your city.

Herold 2: This is real fencing, but only with inflatable long balls, on the tips of which buttons are attached. Your task, dear citizens, by striking, jabbing the enemy, is to disarm him, and at the same time, save your weapon.

Herold 1: So, we invite the first couple! To battle!

Herold 2: Dear audience! You hear?! Helmets buzz from terrible blows, fragments fly with the force of broken spears, shields, parts of chain mail weave fall, here the fasteners on helmets are torn and helmets fall off their heads! And finally, we welcome the winner! The award point goes to the order ...

Herold 1: The next pair of participants are representatives of the brotherhood ... .. and ... .. Squires - swords to the gentlemen! ........

Competition program

for day camp

"Knight Tournament"


The song "Non-Children's Time"

Presenter 1. Good afternoon, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome everyone gathered in this hall.

In fairytale castles, beautiful, large

Often there were knights in them.

The cloak fluttered and the armor shone

Everyone wanted to make friends with the knight.

Presenter 2. And today we have gathered for a competitive event, which we called the “Knight's Tournament”. Tell me, please, who are the knights?

The knight is a medieval warrior. In the Middle Ages, brave, courageous warriors were called knights, who wore heavy armor, were armed with a spear and a sword. And to become a knight, one had to undergo special training. At the age of 7, the boys were sent to be raised by experienced warriors who taught them to ride, "shoot with a bow", throw a spear, and wield a sword.

And besides military sciences, the boys were taught something else: to keep a given word, to help each other out of trouble, to stand up for the weak and offended, to treat a woman nobly and sublimely.

Presenter 1. What do you think, and who can be called a knight in our time? (A person who is ready for a feat, who knows how to keep his word).

So, we found out who the knights are, and now we invite such brave, strong and brave knights to the competition.

Exit participants

Presenter 2. And now, according to tradition, before the competition, the knights take an oath. Knights, are you ready? After each of my lines, you add the word "we swear."

We swear to win the knightly tournament,

We swear to be brave, we will be brave.

Do not hide behind shields, do not be afraid of sharp swords.

Be faithful to your lady, get the title of knight!

We swear to be knights.

We swear! We swear! We swear!

Presenter 1. Dear friends! Dear, charming and charming ladies, who organized the COUNCIL OF DEAR LADIES, kindly agreed to judge our competition.

Presentation of the COUNCIL

Presenter 2. But they will be assisted by a recognized specialist and authority in these matters, Konstantin Ivanovich Soroka, to evaluate your strength and dexterity.

Now let's move on to our tests.

Presenter 1. TASK "ACQUAINTANCE". (1-2 min.) is homework. Each knight should introduce himself and tell about himself, what qualities and skills he possesses. So, let's start the knightly contest. The first participant is invited to the stage.

Holding the 1st competition

Presenter 2. Over the years of training, knights must master the seven knightly arts: fencing, horseback riding, archery, fisticuffs, falconry, addition of verses, knightly etiquette. We will also try to go through all these stages of a difficult knightly upbringing.


In order to skillfully fence, constant training exercises for the hands are needed. And today our knights will show their skill in fencing. The task is as follows: carry the balloon as quickly as possible to its destination on the palm of your hand and not drop it.

Holding the 2nd competition

Presenter 1. The next competition is the HORSE RIDING COMPETITION. A knight is first and foremost a professional warrior. Of what he had, the most important were his weapons and horse. Often he himself made sure that the weapon was in order, did not rust, and the horse was fed, watered and did not stagnate in the stable. Your task is to ride a balloon (ball) and ride on it as quickly as possible (a certain distance).

Holding the 3rd competition


Each knight must be strong not only on land, but also at sea. Let's see how our knights can drive ships. Each knight receives his own paper boat. At my signal, you begin to blow on your ships. Whoever crosses the line first, through the line indicated by me, he won. So, to the start, attention, march!!!

Holding the 4th competition

Presenter 1. And now we invite the knights to compete in the fieldfine arts.You have to draw a portrait of a blindfolded lady of the heart. By the way, about the ladies. In the old days, knights always carried with them a portrait of their beloved lady, which they often drew themselves. Your task is to draw a portrait of a lady, at least a sketchy drawing. And then each drawing will be appreciated by your ladies. You need to draw blindfolded and strictly on my command!

Hosting the 5th competition

Presenter 1. So the knightly tournament has ended. Knights! We ask everyone to come out. An exciting moment is coming. Now we will find out to whom the Council of Lovely Ladies awards the high title of KNIGHT.

Jury word. Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.

Presenter 1. We thank all the participants for the active game. Today there are no winners and losers,

Presenter 2. There are MEN worthy of our love and respect.

Presenter 1. Thank you all for your active participation in the jousting tournament!

Presenter 2. See you soon!


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