Script type from the bottom of my heart. Scenario of extra-curricular activities "From the bottom of my heart" for children and teenagers. " Heartily"

Olga Malkina

Scenario concert program

dedicated to International Women's Day

"From whole soul...»

Vedas: - While the snow is still whitening in the fields

And the river depth is hidden under the ice,

Vedas: - But winter leaves in all calendars

Broken off already...

Spring has come to the country!

Vedas: - Good evening, dear friends!

Vedas: - Good evening our lovely ladies!

Vedas: - Why does spring come in March,

The snow is melting, hearts are beating harder?

Why is it hot in winter clothes

And the icicles are crying at the porch?

Vedas: - Very simple - female smiles

They warm everything with their warmth,

Became international women's day.

Vedas: - Today, on the eve of this wonderful holiday, we want to give you a piece of our love and kindness.

Vedas: - And please you with your talent!

Vedas: - And they open our today's program students of the studio "Through the Looking Glass". (Awakening)

Music number.

Vedas: - The sun will touch very low

Good faces, beautiful female eyes

And give strong hope

That everything will come true for you.

He brings beautiful flowers.

He fulfills old hopes

And the most cherished dreams.

He gives joy, happiness, inspiration,

Love and holiday spirit!

Vedas: - Meet the soloist of the vocal ensemble "Joy" Ilina Alisa - "Song of Traces"

Music number.

Vedas: - Folklore has become very fashionable,

He touches everyone's soul.

We remember the old days

Russian song congratulations.

Vedas: - with his gift for you, the so-called. P. "Rejoice" - "Like a river, a river"

Muses number

Vedas: - Mom is kind gentle hands,

The warmth and radiance of the eyes,

Mom - waiting in a long separation

And pray to God for us.

Vedas: - Mom is a friend - the best and most faithful,

What will give us a shoulder in trouble,

Mom is the heart that beats so hard

And he knows how to love passionately.

Vedas: - Studio congratulates all women "Through the Looking Glass" and gives you his dance composition "Talk to me Mom"

Muses number

Vedas: - Dear women, the smile on your faces brings a lot of warmth and light to the atmosphere of our holiday.

Vedas: - we want you to smile always, not just in women's holiday March 8.

Vedas: - And to make your faces shine even brighter, we give you the following gift from v. but. "Joy".

Vedas: - Meet Maxim Ravaev with a song "A princess".

Muses number

Vedas: - March is coming! Did you notice

What happens to people in the spring?

Vedas: - Women have all become unusual -

Glorious...delicate...every one!

Vedas: - Fashion theater gives its piece of beauty to all guests "Charm" (Jungle)

Music number.

Vedas: - Grandmothers, wives, daughters and mothers,

To everyone who celebrates the holiday of spring dedicated,

Vedas: - Your knights are men programs.

Send congratulations and low bow!

Vedas: - let's greet the knights from d.o. "Russian accordion"

Vedas: - Andrey Nenashev and Vlad Slepushkin

Music number.

Vedas: - To our dear mothers, beloved sisters, gentle girlfriends, kind grandmothers, sweet daughters and charming granddaughters.

Vedas: - Vlad Temlyantsev from d. "Pop Vocal" (Lada)

Music number.

Vedas: - Native grandmothers and mothers,

We are always so proud of you!

From children give you all their hearts

This is a simple gift!

Vedas: - Meet "Variety ballroom dancing" - "Star Rain"

Music number.

Vedas: - The sun is shining joyfully,

Wonderful, wonderful beauty!

Flowers are blooming.

Vedas: - From smiles, congratulations

Everything around is good!

Let luck smile

And the circle of happiness will close!

Vedas: -Family ensemble from the so-called. P. "Rejoice" - "In the forge"

Music number.

Vedas: - Mom was busy for a long time

All things, things, things...

Mom is so tired for the day

She lay down on the sofa.

I won't touch her

I'll just stand by

Let her sleep a little

I'll make her some porridge.

Vedas: - Meet the studio "Hummingbird" (Kashka).

Muses number

Vedas:- From souls sing now

A song, mothers, about you.

About beautiful, dear,

Dear, kind and dear.

Vedas: - Let the whole world know

There is no kinder mother!

Vedas: - in. but. "Joy" with a song “Mom, I can’t look at you enough”

Music number.

Vedas: - Our mothers, grandmothers and aunts,

It's good that on this day and hour

You are not in the service, not at work,

Not in the kitchen at home, but, on the contrary,

In this hall, look at us!

Vedas: - For you Shcherbinina Irina from d. "Pop Vocal" - "Me and the Sun"

Music number.

Vedas: - We love you very, very, very,

Infinite is not a secret;

However, in short:

You were not loved, and no!

Vedas: - Our mothers are our joy,

There is no word for us relatives,

So be grateful

You are from loving children!

Vedas: - Studio "Through the Looking Glass" closes our festive concert.

Vedas: - And we, in turn, say goodbye to you and want to wish you to always remain beautiful and kind.

Vedas: - After all, as they say, beauty will save the world!

Music number.

Related publications:

Scenario of the children's concert program dedicated to the International Women's Day. Presenter: Spring has come again. She brought a holiday again. Holiday joyful, affectionate, gentle Holiday of all our dear women.

Scenario of the concert program "Mother's Day" Kalyuzhnaya Evgenia Anatolievna Musical director mdobu No. 31 "sun" Krasnodar Territory, Novokubansky district, x. Lyapino Concert script.

Scenario of the concert program for Teacher's Day: "Congratulations!" Authors: Skryagina V. V., Vedeneeva T. V. Host: Every year on October 5 we celebrate the holiday, which was established in 1994 as World Day.

Scenario of the concert program for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland in the boarding school of the 8th type "Russian guy" Scenario of the concert program for the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland "Russian guy" Venue: boarding school of the 8th type. Assembly Hall. Prepare:.

OAU S (K) O boarding school 3-4 types.

Scenario of literary and musical evening

" Heartily".

(dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the school, with the invitation of labor veterans).

Prepared and conducted:

Lipetsk 2013

Meeting of veterans: "With all my heart" dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the school.

Conduct form: literary - musical composition.

Goals: upbringing, respect and love for the school - the small Motherland;

Preservation and development of school traditions;

Uniting the school community of educators, students, parents;

Formation of a high civic position.

Tasks: contribute to the formation of a culture of communication, emotional control skills;

To promote the development of communicative, intellectual and creative abilities of pupils;

Contribute to the development of attention, memory, imagination, vocabulary expansion.

Decoration and equipment:

1. Decoration of the assembly hall

2. Musical accompaniment.

3. Musical instruments for the performance of creative numbers, a computer, a projector and a screen for showing a presentation.

4. Gifts for veterans (cutting boards, flowers, letters of thanks).

5. Preparation holiday program.

6. Making costumes and decorations for the holiday.

Event progress.

(background, music).

1st presenter

Good afternoon, our dear veterans, students, guests and, of course, all the employees of our native school.

2nd host

We know that you put aside all your business and came to us to celebrate this event together - the birthday of our school.

1st presenter

She turns 50 this year. She was in 1963.

2nd host

Today we have a holiday. Day of love, dreams, childhood and youth. What is a school?

1st presenter

This is a fairy tale without end. Because graduates are replaced by new students .... And meets them kind... Exciting.... Fairy world. And it's called a school!

The song sounds:; School years".( Alina Asyutina, Katya Volkova, Irina Krutskikh, Rustam Sungurov, Nastya Laeva)

1st presenter

The school is children, teachers and parents. She lives by the burning of children's and teachers' hearts. And today you will see how, from the warmth of our hearts, the flame of candles will light up on the stage, which will flare up at our holiday and will warm us!

2nd host

It is said that with the first cry of a child, a divine fire ignites in his soul. And the strength of this fire then determines his whole life.

1st leading ( background)

This is how it is in the world:

According to the law of beauty

Children come into our lives

Like beautiful flowers.

Our children are our strength

Extraterrestrial worlds lights!

If only the future was

As bright as they are!

2nd host

It seems that only yesterday girls in white aprons were running around, and today they are already bringing their babies to us. We offer to light the first candle on our holiday a symbolic candle - childhood candle because the beginning of all beginnings is children. The right to light the candle of childhood is granted Guest Taisiya Gavrilovna(word provided).

The song sounds: "And the years fly like birds." (

1st presenter

How quickly time flies. Today it is impossible to list all the teachers who have given the school more than a dozen years.

Years flicker, and pages rustle,

But we have no right to forget

Familiar and young faces

That the school brought honor and glory.

2nd host

I really want the next candle- candle of wisdom- you lit, because wisdom involves experience, professional excellence and the eternal pursuit of perfection

2nd host

We remember everyone who devoted their entire lives to school, gave to the most beautiful thing on Earth - raising children, shaping the future in which we all live!

A romance is being performed : "White acacia." ( Shpanagel Ksenia, Dolgikh Oksana)

1st presenter

Please tell me what people are called who have lived on earth for many years? (viewers answer: “long-livers, old-timers”)

2nd host

Quite right. Among the teachers sitting in this hall, there are many long-livers who devoted most of their lives to work in our school.

We welcome all veterans of pedagogical labor present at our holiday.

.(we give flowers, letters of thanks, souvenirs!)

1st presenter

You are considered, you are respected

And they call you veterans

For experience, for being faithful to the school,

For the fact that they are full of spiritual strength

We also remember those who could not come to today's anniversary evening and those who are no longer with us. They left a good, bright memory of themselves.

2nd host

I suggest you, on behalf of the veterans, ignite memory candle - Shatalov Galina Alekseevna.(answer word).

Performed by Ivan Orlov sounds :» School waltz».

2nd host

School years are like a carousel

Joy and happiness will surround us.

There are no separations at school. There are no losses in the school.

School years love will warm the soul forever

Our school, you are not just a building

You are like a home to us

Every day early in the morning carefully

We are preparing for a date with you

1st presenter

We invite you to light the enchanting candle of Love: Vlasov Lyudmila Yakovlevna(her word).________________________________________________

Dance performed by students of group 4a 4b

Ensemble: "Lozhkari" group 4a 4b.

1st presenter

Our school is a temple of science. In this temple of science, an extraordinary, wonderful, amazing soul man is working. – Gorbunov Viktor Nikolaevich. You have a word.

2nd host

For all those present in the hall, the school will be a second home for many years.

1st presenter

Dates flicker on the calendar

One is more wonderful than the other.

We are rich in common youth

And forget your age.

2nd host

One is to become even younger,

Others - to get older,

And together, what is most precious,

Tell us about our school.

1st presenter

A kindergarten was opened on the basis of our school. We want to provide the teacher kindergarten the right to light a candle - candle of hope.

The song sounds: "Waltz of parting."

2 leading

Dear our guests, the official part of our holiday has come to an end and we invite you to the festive table.

Music from the film sounds: "Seventeen Moments of Spring" performed by Ivan Orlov.

Scenario of the event "With all my heart" on the day of gratitude for the 60th anniversary of the city of Ekibastuz. Goal: Formation of moral values ​​of the individual, love for hometown , acquiring experience in civic engagement. Tasks: To cultivate feelings of gratitude and respect for fellow countrymen-first builders, involvement in the history of their native city. Event progress. Lyrical music sounds - the screensaver of the TV show "From the bottom of my heart." Dear friends, we welcome you to the program "With all my heart" as part of the 60th anniversary of the city of Ekibastuz and the day of gratitude in Kazakhstan. Introductory speech of the teacher. The 60th anniversary of our city is approaching. His biography is, first of all, the biography of people. The city has always been distinguished by talented and hardworking workers and their deeds. Thousands of young and old people, replacing each other, built it, creating a good name for it. It is hard to imagine that 60 years ago the city practically did not exist. How much human effort has been invested in every corner of our city. The first builders... Who are they? What are these people? They are simple and inconspicuous and at the same time interesting and wonderful. Let me introduce our guests Kabysh Maria Grigoryevna labor veteran, Dieva Valentina Savelyevna labor veteran, Uteubaev Marat Toleutemirovich museum employee. Today, on the day of gratitude, we thank you very much for your honest and conscientious work. The music “time ahead” sounds, girls in red scarves come out, boys in helmets holding a poster with mining photos of the old city in their hands. Historical information from photographs. The music “mother” sounds from the program “From the bottom of my heart”. Leading. It was September... Heat, silence and endless steppe... All the time I was thirsty, but the water was salty... It seemed impossible to live here, but our heroine Maria Grigoryevna Kabysh did not think so. After all, she is from the generation that we now call "children of war." Maria Grigorievna, do you remember how you came here? How old were you? How did the Ekibastuz land meet you? Tell us about yourself. The word of Maria Grigorievna. Host: In the Archive, Marya Grigoryevna has a letter of thanks from the akim of the city of Nabitovsky on the 50th anniversary of the city of Ekibastuz and letters for conscientious work. May there be a lot of joy and happiness in your life, let health not fail, And never know worries, fatigue, we sincerely wish you and with love! Hood numbers. 1. The song "Berkut" performed by Karipbayeva Madina 2. Playing the dombra. The music “mother” sounds from the program with all my heart. Leading. 1962 Do you guys think television existed at that time? Yes, it was, but it was not publicly available. And despite this, the whole country, the entire Soviet Union knew that in the distant Kazakh steppe a city was growing - our Ekibastuz, coal was being mined. Valentina Savelyevna, where did you come from? And how did you find out about the Komsomol construction site? Guys On March 1, Valentina Savelievna was celebrating And it is not difficult to guess that Valentina Savelievna is also from the generation of “children of war”. Word to Valentina Savelievna. Presenter: Being retired, Valentina Savelyevna continues active life, she sings in the choir, for many years she worked as the chairman of the council of veterans of the Northern Municipal District, where we met, for more than ten years she has been our regular and frequent guest. I wish you good health, success, warmth, never get sick. No need for rest - it's too early. Have an active life now and always! Hood. Number. Song "Stork on the roof". Dance. Leading. Ekibastuz has a rich history and every inhabitant is involved in its chronicle. And we are pleased to note that the memory of the glorious deeds of Ekibastuz is carefully preserved by the city museum of history and local lore. Meet Uteubaev Marat Toleutemirovich, custodian of the funds of the Ekibastuz Museum of Local History, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Academy of Psychological Sciences. Corresponding Member of the International Due to your specialty, you, like no one else, are at the center of important events, which descendants will remember with gratitude. Marat Toleutemirovich, you are the custodian of the museum's funds... And who better than you has something to tell about Ekibastuz. Word to Uteubaev M.T. I would like to note that the guys from the yard clubs visit the museum for free. Thank you for many years of cooperation. Artistic number Handing over to guests thank you letters and souvenirs. Host: In the anniversary year for Ekibastuz, every resident, regardless of the type of activity, feels his involvement in great achievements and victories. We endlessly bow to all those who, in their daily work, won back the wealth of the subsoil from the harsh steppe, gaining glory and success for Ekibastuz.

The teacher is the organizer.

Holiday program script" Heartily!"

for the Day of the elderly in a club with games and competitions

Target holding the Day of the Elderly - drawing attention to the problems of the elderly, as well as to the possibility of improving the quality of life of the elderly.

The script of the holiday Heartily! » designed for the Day of the elderly. While preparing for the holiday, the children got acquainted with the history of the holiday, learned dance, songs and poems, prepared gifts for grandparents.

Preparation for the event involves the selection of costumes and props for scenes and games, thematic design of the hall. The scenario uses ICT.

Target : Strengthening the link between generations;


1. To form a kind, respectful attitude towards the older generation;

2. Develop artistry, expressiveness in the performance of poems;

3. Create a positive, festive mood among the audience;

Equipment : Balloons, flowers, posters, cap, costumes for scenes, colored paper, cardboard, scissors, glue.

Event progress:


Leading Good afternoon, our dear guests! For many years now, it has become a good tradition to celebrate October 1 - the Day of the Elderly.

How we have been waiting for this day is beyond words.

  • Ksyusha reads a poem

Leading "The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication" - said Antoine de Saint-Exupery. With these words we open our festive fellowship." Heartily!" - we called our program and ask you all to take an active part in it.

Each family rests on the love and memory of the older generation. These people pass on to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren the experience of many, many years, unite decades of history into one continuous chain. Today we congratulate all of you, our dear elders, and wish you happiness and understanding in the family, daily joy and good health!

  • Song

Leading Today, on this beautiful day, we sincerely congratulate you on this holiday! You, hardened, hardworking, devoted to the family, children and grandchildren, devoted to their native land. Health to you, well-being and attention. We bow low to you, live under the motto: "we live up to a hundred years without old age." Accept from us an autumn musical gift.

  • Dance
  • Poems about grandma and grandpa

Leading Yes, our life is running, the days are flying by. It becomes sad in the soul from the thought: “How long have you been young?”, But let's just smile in moments of sadness. After all, a smile is the youth of the soul. And now let's all smile together and remember the joyful moments of the past - remember about childhood. And a good song will help us.

  • Song


Believe me, being elderly does not mean living.

After all, you still have years ahead of you to be happy.

You can turn up the calendar of the days that have passed.

And sigh about past sorrows - bad weather.

Well, you can look there with a smile

To spend what was: everything has a time to end

And without sadness light and free to breathe

And dream of a well-deserved future happiness

Leading One wise man said:“Youth is like a lark, it has morning songs, old age is like a nightingale, it has its evening songs.”


  • Dance

Leading Life does not stand still, and it does not matter that the gray hair has silvered the whiskey, and the cobwebs of wrinkles lie near the eyes. The main thing is that you are always young at heart. And let you become warmer from this musical gift.

scene (rejuvenating apples)

Don't Look for Too Much Complexity

In our restless atomic age

Age is just a faux pas

If a person is young at heart.

Scenario of the evening with all my heart "Age of leaf fall" - page No. 1/1

Scenario of the evening with all my heart "Age of leaf fall",

dedicated to the day of the elderly
Soft music plays before the start.

Fanfare sounds

Years fly by, you can't keep up with them -

Hours are rushing, changing day after day ...
But I know I won't stop wondering
In the meantime, we are calling in the fall.

Everything in him is high, wise and beautiful:

And the gold of the foliage, and the purity of the snow.
In it, the wisdom of mature years will suddenly call out,
Gray hair brightens in crafty mirrors...

October is a rainy month in anticipation of snow

The result of work, love, fun summer days
As a sign of admiration for human life
We are given the holiday of the elderly.

  1. AT "Inspiration", hands. Z.Zigangirova

Good evening, our dearest and honored guests! There is an unusual date in the autumn calendar when the heart overflows with a feeling of deep gratitude, when you want to say words of gratitude, to be especially sensitive and attentive to people. This day is known as International Day of Older Persons.

Until now, disputes about how to relate to this holiday have not ceased. Is there a limit that a person crosses to become old? After all, age is not a criterion at all, but a measure of experience.

Look at the faces of everyone in this room! How much light, joy, energy, kindness they have! Somehow I don't want to call today the day of the elderly ... let it be the day of the wise people, or rather the holiday of the wise people. Happy Holidays to you, our dearly beloved grandparents, keepers of the hearth of every home, because every family rests on the love and memory of the older generation.

Dear friends! The most tender, warm wishes, today sound only in your honor. The deputy head of the administration of the city of Langepas is invited to the stage - Ivan Semyonovich Zhidenko

And let the feeling of a holiday give our next musical gift performed by Gennady Khlystov.

  1. Gennady Khlystov
Presenter: Each time has its joys, its colors. Spring - pleases with the first greenery, freshness, and winter - with white fluffy snow and invigorating frost. Autumn pleases us with its generosity, summer with an abundance of colors and flowers. Each season is beautiful in its own way, and the age “seasons” of our lives are just as unique.

In the life of each of you, as in nature, there are 4 seasons: winter is a snow-white childhood, spring is a talkative youth, summer is a violent flowering of strength, autumn is rich and wise. So let your life Golden autumn gives us all the wisdom of the soul, the richness of life experience and the unfading warmth of your hearts.

This day has become another occasion to say kind and warm words to the older generation, to thank them for everything they have done for all of us.

Dear friends, accept the following congratulations, the Head of the Department is invited to the microphone social protection population in Langepas and Pokachi - Irina Ivanovna Drobova


Our dear mothers and fathers, grandparents, today all congratulations, musical gifts and many surprises are just for you. A tea table is organized for you, come up, pour tea, help yourself. And if someone wants something stronger, you can go up to the second floor and there you will be offered everything that your heart desires. Today is your holiday, relax, have fun, communicate. And we will try to make this evening bright, interesting and memorable for you. Our dear ones, accept the next musical gift

  1. "Lonely Accordion" Spanish. VA "Kupavushka"

  2. "Chamomile white" Spanish. VA "Kupavushka"

Presenter: People with different destinies, characters, different life circumstances. Everyone present in this hall has his own "song" of life, his own life experience, sometimes very difficult and heroic. A wise man once said: “Youth is like a lark that has its morning songs. Old age is like a nightingale, it has its own evening songs. Therefore, each age is good in its own way. And what do you think, old man he is what?
Auction of the word "OLD"

  1. sl. Viennese poem "The Beggar" isp. Galina Eremenko

  2. vocal group "Sibiryachki" A. Kozlyuk

Presenter: And we continue our evening, we continue to congratulate all the people dear and dear to our hearts - the older, wiser generation. People without whom our own existence would be impossible.

Our dear ones, your talents, enthusiasm, optimism, your good mood can only be envied, please tell me how you manage to look so good? Share with us your secrets, open the recipe for your youth.

How do you manage to look so good?

How do you manage to always be in shape?

Maybe there is some kind of cocktail - the elixir of youth.

And one more component of the recipe for youth, because, as you know, laughter prolongs life, and this has been scientifically proven. For such people, the motto is: "Shine always, shine everywhere, shine - and no nails."

How to make life more fun, who will tell us?

What do you do when you are sad?

Tell funny joke so that we all laugh together and prolong our lives.

And we were once again convinced that in order to live a full, rich life, neither age nor problems can be an obstacle.

And I, in turn, want to wish you, live under the motto: "you will grow up to a hundred years without old age." Health to you, well-being and attention. Accept the following congratulations.

  1. "Let's straighten our tired backs" Spanish. Tamara Agalakova

  2. AT "Inspiration"

  3. "White Gardens" Spanish. Anna Kuzminich and Lidia Kuzminova

Presenter: Every summer, according to tradition, we are happy to go to our grandmother in the village. Well, you know, fresh air, cucumbers from the garden, grandmother's favorite pies and shangs, games, dancing until the morning, and, of course, grandmother's excessive care, guardianship, attention ...
Humorous theatrical performance "Morning in the village at Grandma's"

(Spanish: M. Miller, I. Shcherbak, A. Litvinenko, S. Gazaliev, V. Prokopovich)

  1. "The sky in half" Spanish. Uliana Korobeynikova and Sazida Galimov

  2. "Naughty" Spanish. Galina Kim

Presenter: Your life is a huge era, filled with strength, energy, tenderness, dignity and faith, despite all its difficulties. Let's take a break and remember, if not everything, but a lot: created, sung.

I think that it's time for you and me to sing, but we will not sing just like that, but for a start it will be necessary to guess the song in a few words. Who guesses, then sings a song.

  1. Clouds - violin - river - smile
(And then, for sure, the clouds will suddenly dance, And the grasshopper will sing on the violin. The river begins from the blue stream, Well, friendship begins with a smile)

  1. Magician - helicopter - cinema - congratulate - popsicle
(Suddenly a magician will fly in In a blue helicopter, And show a movie for free. Happy birthday, and probably give me a gift of 500 popsicles)

  1. Grasshopper - cucumber - was
(A grasshopper was sitting in the grass, I saw a grasshopper in the Grass, Just like a cucumber, it was green.)

  1. Grandma - geese ( My grandmother lived with two cheerful geese, One is white, the other is gray, Geese are my geese.)

  2. Dogs - neighbor - fights - no
(If you don’t have a dog, The neighbor won’t poison it, And there won’t be a fight with a friend, If you, if you, if you don’t have a friend, you don’t have a friend.)

  1. Rustles - mornings - roads - evenings (Not even rustles are heard in the garden, Everything here froze until morning. If only you knew how dear Moscow evenings are to me.)

  2. My - with myself - distant - wife (You are my dear, Take me with you! There, in a distant land, I will be your wife.)

  3. The plane - save - sings - taiga
(And you, a plane flying away into the distance, save in your heart... Under the wing of the plane, the Green Sea of ​​the taiga sings about something.)

  1. Hid - buttercups - words - love - love
(Daisies hid, buttercups drooped, When I froze from bitter words: Why do you, girls, love beautiful, Their love is fickle.)

  1. Entic - surprise - stupefy - sober
(A sweet berry will beckon to the forest, Surprise with generous ripeness. A sweet berry will intoxicate, a bitter berry will sober up.)

  1. Bent - was - a couple - until the morning
(The reeds rustled, the trees bent, and the night was dark. One beloved couple walked all night until the morning ...)

  1. Joy - tower - high - no one
(My joy lives in a high tower, and in that tower there is no way for anyone)

  1. Floats - a star - understands - forever
Lilac fog floats above us, a midnight star burns above the vestibule. The conductor is in no hurry, the conductor understands that I say goodbye to the girl forever)

  1. Did not come - believed - bells - doors
(And you didn’t come again today, but I waited so, hoped and believed that the bells would sound again, and you would enter the open doors)

  1. My - forest - with you (My dear, the sun of the forest, where in what regions Will we meet with you)

  2. Sultan - wives - surrounded (If I were a Sultan, I would have three wives. And I would be surrounded by triple beauty)

  3. Water - tin - swamp
(I am a merman, I am a merman, no one associates with me. And my life is a tin, but let it go to the swamp ...)
Presenter: The leaves rustle quietly outside the windows, nature comes to a state of peace and tranquility. It is probably not by chance that your holiday fell at such a time - the peak of golden autumn. Indeed, in the life of people there comes a time when the turbulent years of spring, youth are left a little behind.

Tell me, please, are there people born in autumn in the hall? (September October November)

Competition "Magic bag"(tasks to music)
Presenter: We congratulate everyone who has already had a birthday and those who are just about to celebrate it. We wish you good health, happiness, enthusiasm and always remain so young, cheerful and active. Accept the next musical gift.

  1. "Mistress" Spanish. Male Ensemble "Orpheus"

presenter: Age of wisdom, For some reason it seems to me that this is the same as the wisdom of nature. What exact wise customs and rituals have been preserved by our grandparents. Many of them live to this day, and many are gone.

Tell me, please, is there any tradition in your family that you observe?

Family celebration?

What holidays do you celebrate with your family?
presenter: What a wonderful hairstyle you have.

Do you remember what hairstyles you wore when you were young? What were they called?

And although there was probably little time left for rest, you were probably interested in fashion anyway.

What styles of dresses did you sew?

What color was in fashion?

And the style of trousers, what was in fashion?

Did you wear hats? Which?

What dances did you dance?

presenter: Now I suggest you play a dance chamomile to remember all the dances that you have just listed me.
dancing chamomile
presenter: I just want to say a lot of kind words to you: fighting, fervent, wise, experienced, cheerful, beautiful, our dancing! Thank you.

And I remind you that a tea table has been organized for you, come up, pour tea, help yourself. And if someone wants something stronger, you can go up to the second floor and there you will be offered everything that your heart desires. Today is your holiday, relax, have fun, communicate.

12. "Maple blossoms" Spanish. Anna Kuzminich
presenter: I think that each of you have favorite old films. You can talk about films for a long time and a lot. And how many favorite phrases, the so-called "winged" phrases, are in these films. I suggest you remember them. I say a phrase, and you name a movie.

Auction "Catch phrases"

You will be served, but you do not steal - "Beware of the car"

And you will be cured... - "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession"

To live well! A good life is even better! - "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

You will be with us in Kolyma, you are welcome - "Diamond Hand"

Stole, drank - in jail! Romance! - "Gentlemen of Fortune"

I demand the continuation of the banquet! - "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession"

Announce the entire list, please! - "Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik"

It's always like this: you work, you work, and then - bam! - and the second shift - "Big change"

Whoever takes a pack of tickets will get a water pump! "The Diamond Arm"

Beauty is a terrible force! - "Spring"

Lepota! .. - "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession"

Down with prejudice! A woman is a human too! - "White Sun of the Desert"

Yes, because without water - and neither there, nor anywhere! - "Volga, Volga"

In vain sit, until next spring apartments are not expected! - "Girls"

Hey citizen! You don't go there, you go here! Snow head will fall ... - "Gentlemen of Fortune"

Everybody is dancing! - "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession"

There were kind people... Warmed up, robbed. That is, they picked it up, warmed it up ... - "The irony of fate ..."

Komsomol member, athlete and just a beauty! - "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Today, all the ladies present, well, just karsavics, aren't they men? And it is the next musical composition that is dedicated to you, dear women.

13. "Rowan" isp. Ludmila Skochilova
presenter: In the 50s and 60s, a large number of musical comedy films were created. The songs that sound in them become, one might say, "folk".

Let's go over the songs. I name the phrases of the songs - you are the film in which it sounds.

Auction "Winged Songs"

And a smile without a doubt will suddenly touch your eyes - "Carnival Night"

In a dark blue forest where aspens tremble - "Diamond Hand"

Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence - "Iv.Vas"

When spring comes, I don’t know - “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”

Somewhere in the world - "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Your Honor, Lady Separation - "White Sun of the Desert"

What were you like - "Kuban Cossacks"

If you don't have an aunt - "The Irony of Fate"

Rise and Shine - "Gentlemen of Fortune"

There are so many golden lights - “It was in Penkovo”

Fatigue Forgotten - "New Adventures of the Elusive"

On the river sand I met Marusya - "Wedding in Malinovka"

In pink stockings, waist - in a corset!

14. "Like 1000 years ago" Spanish. Hope Prigoda

15. "______________" Spanish. Tamar Eliseeva

Presenter: A person who has already lived and seen a lot will always give right advice. And the more a person lives, the more he knows and knows how. These are our grandparents. They are with us wise people. And they are very modern...
Humorous theatrical performance "Like grandmothers going to the disco"(Spanish M. Miller, I. Shcherbak)

And let a smile light up your face

You tell your age - do not rush!
We wish everyone happiness and health,
We wish this with all our heart!

Our dears, we invite you to a disco. I remind those who want something stronger for you on the second floor there is a bar.

Retro disco 60s-70s.

Scene No. 1 "Grandmothers at the disco"
Playing retro music

Two grandmas come out

  1. Natasha! Natasha!

  2. What?! What?! I don't hear anything!

  1. You can't hear, put on your hearing aid.

  2. What to wear? What to wear?

  1. As if you've had anything else to wear for the last 20 years. Hearing aid or jaw.

  2. Can not hear anything. I'll go and put on my hearing aid.

  1. Well, dress up. Do you hear?

  2. Yes. I hear.

  1. Che got dressed up.

  2. I went to the disco.

  1. Where?

  2. I went to the disco.

  1. No where are you going.

  2. But Mom! (pause)

  1. I have been a mother for 106 years!

  2. But Mom!

  1. Well, where did you go? Natasha! Where did you go! Well, look at the skirt somehow covers the ankles.

  2. Well, look at yourself, you exhausted all the beets at home.

  1. What are we going to cook soup with? With your lips.

  2. Mom, why did I go to salons for 2 weeks in vain ?!

  1. What salons?

  2. By bus. I'm a conductor. I collected babosy for a dance.

  1. Wow, I got scared.

  2. But Mom!

  1. Don't go, I said.

  2. She probably went to the dance

  1. Went. Once.

  2. Well, tell me at least how it is.

  1. Well, what, what to tell. Went once and (shows) you! Okay, young people still can’t keep you. Go.

  2. Thank you mommy (goes to kiss)

  1. Don't scratch me with your lips. Come on go.

  2. Mommy, will I wear your shawl?

  1. Why do you need a shawl.

  2. Today we have theme party"Halloween".

  1. "Halloween"?

  1. Then you go naked. (pause) And don't put on your jaw. You will be the worst.

  2. Okay, I'm gone mommy ( passes by)

  1. Where did you put my red shoes on?

  2. Beautiful!?

  1. So I took care of these shoes. To the funeral.

  2. Whose funeral?

  1. Whose before! I put on my favorite slippers.

  2. Well, I'm careful. I will not strip dance.

  1. What are they dancing to right now?

  2. Wait there, mostly sausage under the "trendenhouse" (shows).

  1. Yeah. And the brass are present.

  2. There are no wind instruments.

  1. And it's time for you Natashenka to get used to wind instruments.

  2. Okay, mom, I'm going. (with shawl)

  1. You are - Natasha do not catch a car on the road.

  2. What is this?!

  1. Well, they will catch you and take you away (pause) to the sauna. You'll be there for a month.

  2. Okay, mom, so I'm not alone, I'm going with Petka.

  1. With Petka? Who does not know your Petenka, has not worked anywhere for 20 years. Sitting in retirement. Parasite. Natasha come here. What will I say.

  2. What's up mommy!

  1. He is no match for you.

  2. What?

  1. Well, he's old. You are my youngster, I have 2 more teeth. How will you get back?

  2. So this is Petka on wheels.

  1. Yes, I know that it is on wheels.

  2. By car, mommy will fly with the breeze.

  1. By what car?

  2. On the ambulance!

  1. You can go now.

  2. Went.

  1. Stop!

  2. What!

  1. Go!

  2. Let's go!

  1. To stand

  2. What!

  1. I will not let you go alone, I will go with you.

  2. Why are you a mother, this is a youth party, are you cheking a little or something.

  1. I don't mind a little soo. Let's go together, I took the yarn, I won't be bored.
Music is playing and everyone is dancing.

Scene No. 2 "Igor"
It's dark everyone is sleeping

Grandma comes out looking at the clock.
B: 5.20 already. It's morning outside. It is not visible not a fig.

Misha (grandson): Granny, let me sleep.

B: Misha, Misha why are you not sleeping?

Misha: I'm sleeping grandma.

B: Mm. Well, sleep, sleep. comes to the sofa and sees a cat) Oh Barsik, (strokes) Snow leopard, snow leopard, snow leopard, snow leopard is a good cat. Barsik, Barsik, do you want to eat? Why are you silent? Barsik!

Edik (grandson): Barsik, tell her something already.

B: Edik, Edik!

Edik: What about grandma?

B: what lesson do you have?

Edik: To the second. Dad, let me sleep.

B: Sleep, sleep. Misha, Misha.

Misha: Mm?!

B: Edik and I didn't interfere with you.

Misha: No!

B: And with Barsik?

B: Mish, can you make pancakes?

Misha: No need, grandmother, you will make noise with a mixer.

B: I won’t make noise with a mixer that I’m some kind of announced (takes a pan and starts stirring in it)

Misha: Grandma, I don't need pancakes. You are making noise.

B: I'm not a mixer. What will you do?

Misha: I don't want anything.

B: Will you have a chop?

Misha: No, I don't.

B: What will you do?
Igor: Misha DO NOT talk to your grandmother.

B: Igor! Igor! Igor! Igor! Oh my God. Igor! Igor! (picks up the phone) Hello ambulance, we have a bad person, I call him, he does not respond. Maybe it's a lethargic dream.

Igor: Well, what?

B: Better, sorry. (hangs up) Igor! Igor!

Igor: What, what?

B: Are you today in the day or in the night?

Igor: Me In the morning! Why did you jump up so early, mom, lie down, sleep a little more. ( lay down on him) Well, don't come to me. My God.

Cell phone vibration ring

B: What is this? Someone's phone! Bzdykaet! Whose phone is it, someone's phone is flashing? Whose phone?

Daughter: Mom, he stands on silent on purpose so that he does not disturb anyone.

B: Why are you crazy, you will wake everyone up with your ass. ( gives phone)

Turn it off, I'm also not crazy at all, right?

Phone call. Domash.
B: Che is the city calling. Yes? The city is calling! Who is interested. Grandpa? So they can’t call him, he’s been gone for a long time. His last call was 37. Who are they calling? Maybe they call me?

Igor: Yes to you! Who else gets a call at five o'clock in the morning.

B: Whoa! Hello who are you calling? To me? Valya are you? Why are you up so early?

Oh, you haven't gone to bed yet? I will not congratulate you on March 8. Because you still have 7th. Hey, you call, if anything, call, if anything (yelling) call, I say. Call anytime call, even after 5 minutes. Don't wake anyone up (yelling) don't wake anyone up, I say. That deaf grouse that called! Unclear (takes a bag of garbage and begins to crush it). Must be trash...

Daughter: Mom let me sleep!

B: Marinka, you littered here! Everything must be removed! (to all) You pancakes what will you be with? With condensed milk? With raspberries? With gooseberries?

Daughter: Yes, with gooseberries, gooseberries.

B: Iigor get up, go to the garage for gooseberries. Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor, Igor

Misha got up

B: Misha, where did you jump?

Misha: To the garage for gooseberries.

Edik: Mish you are a hero, we will never forget you.

B: Here are the keys to the garage, the sled, the money for the train to the garage. Here you throw garbage out of the train window along the way. You are an eye opener ... (Misha leaves)

Igor: And take your grandmother with you.

B: Igor, Igor, I can’t go to the garage, I’ll make pancakes in a minute. I'll make pancakes for you. What am I going to fry, they will sizzle, wake everyone up. I'd rather heat yesterday's pancakes in the microwave. ( timer sound)

alarm clock

B: Igor, Igor, Igor get up. Igor wake up Marinka, Marinka wake up Edik, Edik wake up Barsik. Sleep badger. Everyone get up, get up.

Edik: Let's get up grandmother.

B: Is grandma okay? We slept.

Igor: Yeah, slept until 5.20.

B: Come on, get up while you eat warm pancakes, eat. In the meantime, I'll lie down, otherwise I've been tormented with your pancakes all morning. Oh good.

Music is playing and everyone is dancing.


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