Parrot near the beak growths what to do. How to get rid of the growth on the beak of your wavy? Common signs of parrot disease

Budgerigars are the most frequent pets among domestic feathered pets. In addition to perky appearance birds have a sociable character, intelligence and great trust in others. Cheerful pet twitter is a great way to cheer up. The bird is almost always energetic and in excellent spirits. And if suddenly the appearance of a pet undergoes ugly changes (for example, a growth appears on the beak of a budgerigar), then trouble has happened to the pet.

Description of wavy parrots

The bird, which has become the most frequent feathered guest in a human house, is small in size. The body length of the parrot ranges from 17-19 cm. The size of the wings reaches 9 cm, the tail - from 8 to 11. The pet's body weight is 10 grams. Among the representatives of this breed there are also larger individuals.

The bird has a fairly massive beak, which allows it to carry out all sorts of vital actions. At the base of this organ is a cere with nostrils. It is this area that is most prone to the formation of growths in the budgerigar around the beak.

The name of the feathered breed (Melopsittacus undulatus) received from the Greek concepts melos - "singing", psittacos - "parrot" and the Latin undulatus - "wavy". Today, even many children know what this amazing bird is called. The Russian equivalent of the term is a singing budgerigar.

A smart and energetic bird native to Australia. It is in the eucalyptus forests of the southeastern and southwestern parts of the continent that whole flocks of sociable parrots live. Despite the huge number of tribesmen, there is a clear hierarchy in the bird community.

For many pet lovers, birds live at home and feel great. Budgerigars are full-fledged family members along with dogs and cats. The cheerful chirping of pets pleases their owners, and the ability to reproduce human speech can save the owner from feeling lonely. However, how long the life of a cheerful parrot will be will depend on the conditions of its maintenance.

For greater convenience, the bottom of the cage should be retractable and not contain a grid. Birds do not recommend placing filler in the dwelling. It is best to put a bath with sand, where the parrot will bathe with pleasure.

Diseases of birds

Budgerigars are prone to numerous diseases. The best prevention of the occurrence of many ailments is the observance of sanitary and hygienic standards and proper nutrition of feathered pets.

Among the diseases of parrots, the most common are:

  • Salmonellosis caused by the occurrence of bacteria and E. coli in the body of a bird.
  • Roundworms are roundworms in the small intestine.
  • Knemidocoptosis - causes a skin disease scabies. It is as a result of this disease that growths appear on the beak of budgerigars.
  • Gout is an inflammation of the joints of a bird.
  • Goiter disease.
  • Fractures of wings and limbs.

A special organ prone to diseases is the nose of a bird. Unfortunately, there are a number of beak ailments, due to which the pet undergoes changes in appearance. In addition to these troubles, the well-being of the feathered one worsens significantly.

Common diseases of the beak include:

The disease can occur under the influence of the following factors:

  • hormonal disorders due to improper diet;
  • ticks;
  • herpes virus;
  • mechanical damage.

As for the last factor, a growth near the beak of a budgerigar can form after the bird builds a family nest from improvised materials (seeds, blades of grass, wood chips).

The causative agent of the disease is a tick

There are situations when a feathered pet furiously combs greenish and whitish spots on its beak and paws. Such a nuisance can happen due to a disease caused by a tick. Also, growths of a green and white hue can be not only on the wax, but in the areas around the eye, cloaca and feet.

The scabies mite that budgerigars suffer from is absolutely harmless to humans. However, an infected bird may die if the disease is started.

Improper nutrition as the cause of growths on the beak

The hormonal background can even out due to the correction of the bird's diet. Food containing animal proteins can cause budgerigars to develop growths on their beaks.

It is most useful to give feathered vegetables and fruits that correspond to the season, lettuce, parsley and dill. You can also offer your pet young twigs of fruit trees and birches. All products should be carefully processed by washing with warm water and a special brush.

If a thickening has formed on the beak, this may be the result of not proper nutrition birds. This disease is called hyperkeratosis. Such formations are treated primarily through the selection of proper nutrition. To soften this kind of growth, the beak budgerigar Vaseline is recommended.

To prevent the disease, it is strictly forbidden to treat the pet with food from the owner's table. It is best that his diet consists of foods that budgerigars eat at home. Sprouted grain, fed in large quantities, can also become a provocateur of the formation of growths on the beak.

Papilloma as a result of herpes and the cause of the growth on the beak

Reduced bird immunity, as a rule, leads to viral diseases and colds. As a consequence of the disease, herpes may develop, which leads to the formation of growths near the beak in the budgerigar. An untreated papilloma can develop into a serious tumor, as a result of which the feathered pet may die.

At first, the growths look like small warts. They resemble thickenings caused by ticks or hormonal failure. The growth may be elastic or hard. It practically does not cause pain to the feathered one. The only inconvenience is that the thickening makes it difficult to use the beak in full. The tumor due to papilloma is benign. But if the bird is not taken to an ornithologist, her health may gradually worsen. The budgerigar becomes lethargic, inactive and prefers to sit ruffled.

To the traditional treatment prescribed by the veterinarian, you can add folk remedies that will help alleviate the suffering of the bird. The affected area is recommended to be treated with freshly squeezed juice of celandine or garlic, a decoction of potato peelings. Due to regular lubrication of the beak with these substances, the growth will disappear over time.

Advice from veterinarians. How to deal with a growth on the beak of a budgerigar

The photo captures a rather ugly picture. In addition to a spoiled appearance, the disease also causes physical suffering to a feathered pet.

Having determined why the budgerigar has growths near the beak, for the purpose of prevention, ornithologists recommend taking the following steps:

  • In the case of a collective keeping of parrots, identify and resettle a sick pet in a separate cage or cardboard box.
  • Treat the main home of birds for the purpose of disinfection with one of sanitary facilities: "Neostomozan", "Virkon", potassium permanganate, "Virotsid", "Ekotsid S".
  • Throw away all crossbars and decorations (decorative stones, swings, etc.) from the main cage.

  • In the apartment, especially in places where there was a sick chick, a thorough cleaning should be carried out.

The treatment of a growth on the beak of a budgerigar is as follows:

  • It is recommended to treat the affected areas with a thin ball of aversectin ointment (once every three days).
  • Treatment should be carried out until the complete disappearance of the build-up. At the same time, it is recommended to adjust the diet of the bird.
  • During illness, the parrot should receive vitamins to support immunity.

When a feathered pet's health and appearance worsens, its owner begins to worry and look for the cause of the disease. But not everyone has the opportunity to seek help from an ornithologist for a qualified diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, you should have information about the most common diseases of budgerigars and how to treat them. One of these diseases is a tick, which spoils the appearance of the bird and is the cause of the growth on the beak.

Knemidokoptosis in parrots has an incubation period. At this time, his symptoms do not appear, and you buy an apparently healthy bird. When the pathogen was somehow transmitted to her, the disease will manifest itself under the influence of provoking factors. This may be a decrease in immunity and stress, an imbalance in food and a draft.

If you notice such signs in your pet, of course, it is better to immediately seek help from a specialist - an ornithologist.

When you carefully examine the affected beak of your parrot with a magnifying glass, you will notice that this organ will look like a mesh. The beak will be dotted with small holes.

A logical question: what to do if there is no way to contact a specialist? So, if you are sure that your feathered pet has a tick, then you need to carefully examine the entire body of the parrot. Maybe his paws, cloaca, and not just the beak are already affected. If you have several parrots, then the patient must be urgently deposited in a cardboard box, which then will simply need to be thrown away.

Throw out the food of the wavy and its mineral stones, swings and perches from the cage. This is necessary in order to stop the further spread of the tick, because it can live in such objects for three months. After curing the parrots, you will need to buy new toys, swings, perches.

Then treat your pet's cage with a special preparation neostomozan. One of its ampoule is diluted in 400 grams of water and the cell is wiped. You can treat the cell with other drugs. It can be virkon, ecocide, virocide and even ordinary potassium permanganate. But remember that the treated surfaces then need to be washed off, because pets can simply be poisoned by the remnants of the drugs.

Next, you need to process the most feathered. And they do it, as a rule, with aversectin ointment. It should be applied thin layer only to the affected area. In no case do not smear your wavy completely, because this is fraught with its intoxication. It is necessary to process the beak of a parrot once every three days. If the disease is running, then once every two days. The ointment should be applied until the growths on the beak completely disappear and for a few more days in order to prevent them.

A healthy budgerigar has a smooth, evenly colored beak. The wax is slightly rough, even, without foreign inclusions. If growths form around the beak of a budgerigar, this is a signal of a disease. Abnormal formations often occur in those birds that live in cold and damp rooms.

Attention! Keeping several individuals close together is potentially dangerous, as one sick pet can infect all of its neighbors.

What causes tumor growth?

  • knemidokoptosis;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • avitaminosis.

Sometimes parrots get injured, resulting in growths on their beaks. Infection penetrates the wound, immune processes are activated. A neglected disease is difficult to treat, it only passes from the acute stage to the chronic one. The bird can suffer throughout life if appropriate therapy has not been carried out.


Ticks make passages inside the bird's skin, feed on the epidermis. Having reached the beak, pests penetrate the stratum corneum and corrode it. If you look closely, you will see small holes. A sick bird looks emaciated, itches constantly, mucus is discharged from its nostrils. Ticks choose non-feathered parts of the body: in addition to the fact that the parrot has growths on its beak, paws are the most vulnerable part. A significant number of tick-infested birds have limb problems. Joint mobility is reduced, and in the absence of proper care, the parrot may lose fingers.


Thickening and growth of the cere are signs of hyperkeratosis. In parrots, this disease appears with a lack of vitamin A and hormonal imbalance. It is noted that this pathology is typical for females to a greater extent than for males. When a budgerigar develops a growth above its beak, it is impossible not to notice. The cere changes externally: it becomes spotty, grows to the sides, its edges are bent. There is no mucous discharge from the nostrils with hyperkeratosis, but the bird itches and wants to tear off the crust. A few weeks after the appearance of growths, the nasal passages may completely disappear under the neoplasm. This situation is very dangerous, death is possible.

Hormonal problems

Many processes in the bird's body depend on the level of hormones. If any of the indicators are too high, this can cause growths on the beak of the budgerigar, but treatment will significantly improve the condition of the bird. Changes in the functioning of the endocrine system lead to hormonal imbalance. The following factors may influence this:

  • long stay of a bird without a partner;
  • excess sprouted grains in the diet;
  • short breaks between laying eggs;
  • protein food on the menu of a single female;
  • additional vitamin and mineral supplements.

How does deviation manifest itself? The cere turns brown, the parrot has a growth above the beak that does not cause much concern. It does not itch, does not block the nostrils, does not peel off. However, in this form it is impossible to leave a feathered one. Diet adjustment is required, the addition of fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs.

Improper nutrition

A meager, monotonous diet is another reason why excess tissue grows on the cornea. If the growths form gradually and do not cause discomfort to the parrot, this is not a reason for calm. Rarely, the situation is fraught with only harmless neoplasms. With prolonged poor nutrition, the body does not receive useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of all systems. The lack of vital elements leads to general exhaustion, which will be difficult to cope with. When growths appear near the beak of a budgerigar, think about how to treat a feathered one.


Before starting therapy, it is necessary to determine for what reason the growth appeared. This cannot be done at home. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor will take scrapings from the beak and wax, conduct an examination and the necessary tests.

So, what to do if a parrot has a growth on its beak caused by a scabies mite? To get rid of scabies, all non-feathered areas on the body of the ward are treated. A veterinary drug is used in the form of a liquid substance, for example, aversectin ointment or vaseline oil. The ointment is applied once every five days, avoiding the area around the eyes and nostrils. When the crusts completely disappear, the course of treatment is stopped.

Hyperkeratosis is not permanently cured. You can achieve a good result if you lubricate the wax with vaseline oil every day. One medicine is not enough, you need to regularly add grated carrots to the feeder. Not all parrots are willing to peck vegetables. In this case, dry food is sprinkled with water and sprinkled with vitamin supplements.

The situation is more complicated with lonely parrots: incomprehensible growths in a parrot near the beak - how to treat them, will they disappear forever. You can adjust the hormonal background by sharing an individual of the opposite sex. If the birds create a pair, many problems will disappear without a trace.

A parrot with a growth on its beak needs a measured daily routine. The correct microclimate, light regime, good nutrition and treatment together give a positive effect. After getting rid of growths, preventive measures must be observed: quarantine for sick individuals, cell treatment, regular veterinary examinations.

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Unfortunately, from time to time, owners find a growth on the beak of a budgerigar. Faced with such a problem for the first time, they do not know what to do. After all, not in every locality There is a veterinarian who treats small birds.

Often the disease goes unnoticed by the owners, and they pay attention when the growth on the beak is already large enough. Needless to say, with an advanced form of the disease, you will spend more time, money and effort for the pet to fully recover.

Therefore, try to find time to inspect your pets at least twice a month.

In budgerigars, the growth on the beak can be caused by several reasons:

Consider what could be the causes of such diseases.

Hormonal failure is usually caused by an improper diet. The birthplace of these colorful beauties is Australia. IN wild nature they feed exclusively on grain, green parts of shoots and fruits. You should not feed your parrot with immoderate doses of green food and sprouted grains.

Most owners try to feed their pet with their favorite food, without thinking about the harm they cause. For example: protein food (cottage cheese, boiled eggs) can sometimes be offered to parrots that live in a flock or in pairs, but not to a female living alone. Her animal proteins will cause hormones to fail, and as a result, the base of the beak will be with a growth.

In this case, you should adjust the pet's diet, and the build-up will disappear by itself. Of course, the parrot will feel much more comfortable when you constantly lubricate its growth with Vaseline.

The diet should include: seasonal vegetables and fruits, shoots and young branches of fruit trees and birch, steamed oats with husks.

If the budgerigar tries to comb the growths on its beak all the time, or the wax of the beak and legs begin to become covered with whitish or greenish spots, then most likely it has become infected with a tick. For humans, this tick is not dangerous. It does not live on people's skin. A parrot without treatment can die.

The herpes virus in birds can be treated with remedies for humans. Just keep in mind that your pet is very small and the ointment must be applied in a very thin layer. Quite often, a budgerigar develops a wart or papilloma (benign tumor) around the beak and near the eyes.

What to do if the cause of the growth on the beak is a tick?

If you are sure that the cause of the growths near the beak of your pets is a tick, then the following steps must be taken:

Such comprehensive measures will help you cure a sick bird, prevent other pets from getting sick and get rid of the nasty tick forever. After your parrot has recovered, you should pay more attention to his diet in order to balance it and eliminate harmful foods. But don't overfeed your pet. Moderation is important in everything!

Read in this article

The growth on the beak of a budgerigar is not the norm, but a symptom of some kind of disease or mineral imbalance. Another question is what is considered an outgrowth, and what refers to the anatomical features of the appearance of the wavy? These issues should be dealt with not only by a person who breeds parrots, but also by every ordinary owner of such a charming bird. We will conduct a small educational program and understand the pathological growths in parrots.

The structure of the beak

On the forums on the Internet, you can easily identify an inexperienced breeder whose wavy appeared recently. Such users panic, posting photos of perfectly healthy birds on the network. It’s just that they take the wax for their budgerigar - the base of the upper beak, which has thickened skin. On it are the nostrils of the bird. Every wavy has a cere, and the fact that it hangs over the beak is normal.

In a healthy budgerigar, the surface of the beak is smooth and has an even color. The tip may be slightly split, but this is a natural process of weaving and renewing fabrics. The wax can normally be slightly rough, but symmetrical about the center. The nostrils are open and allow air to pass freely. Any growths that change the normal appearance of the budgerigar and interfere with it (the bird can constantly rub its beak on the perches or bars of the cage) is a pathology that needs to be dealt with.

Causes of growths and their treatment

The disease begins with scabies, but since the parrots constantly itch, the owner may not notice the changes. When growths appear on the beak, this is already an average degree of cnemidocoptosis. In addition to itching, the symptoms are also accompanied by a breakdown and mood of the wavy: it is more active, less active.

Hormonal problems

Violation of the endocrine system of the budgerigar can also lead to the formation of growths on the beak or wax. Hormonal disruptions occur in sexually mature birds that live without a pair. Also, such a problem sometimes occurs in wavy, which are fed from the master's table. Not all human food can be eaten by parrots, because some minerals and vitamins just provoke disruptions in the functioning of certain systems and organs, in particular, the thyroid gland (yes, budgerigars also have it).


Sometimes a budgerigar can catch on a sharp object with its beak and be injured. An infection enters the wound, and growths develop. Sometimes the principle of their formation is also autoimmune. The built-up tissue is designed to protect the body from additional infection. Timely treatment of the wound with an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine can help the parrot.


This is an ailment that a person can suffer from. With hyperkeratosis in birds, growth and discoloration of the stratum corneum of the cere are observed. Moreover, growths can form even on the nostrils, which prevents the wavy from breathing. This can be dangerous, because as it progresses, the bird will simply suffocate.

The main cause of hyperkeratosis in budgerigars is a lack of vitamin A, which is found in:

  • germinated wheat;
  • rice bran;
  • oatmeal;
  • peas;
  • carrots, bell peppers and other red or orange vegetables.

Therefore, if growths on the beak began to form on the wavy, but at the same time it does not itch, and its paws are clean and smooth, the listed products should be introduced into the diet.

First aid for growths

If you can’t get to the vet yet, but you see that the growths are very large and interfere with the parrot, lubricate them with sea buckthorn oil or petroleum jelly. Do this every 12 hours so that the overgrown layer softens. So it will be easier for the bird to comb it on the bars of the cage or perch.

"Attention! In no case should you try to cut the growths on the beak or wax with a nail file or cut it off with a blade! You can make the wavy hurt or severely injure him.

Any illness is stressful for a budgerigar. Therefore, during its course and treatment, the bird needs calmness and additional vitamins. Also, a sick parrot should be separated from healthy ones, especially if a scabies mite is suspected. Although knemidocoptosis is usually infected quickly, therefore, most likely, the rest of the birds are also already sick, but so far at the initial stage, without the formation of growths.

In middle-aged budgerigars, the beak and wax lose their former smoothness, become rough and sometimes covered with an additional horny layer of insignificant thickness. This is not a pathology, because the body of old birds (like the elderly) wears out; the work of systems and organs slows down. The owner only needs to properly feed his budgerigar so that he receives all the necessary minerals and vitamins and feels good even in old age.


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