What are the diseases of budgerigars? Common budgerigar diseases and their treatment How to determine if a parrot is sick

Parrots rarely get sick, but trouble can happen to them. There are symptoms that can accurately reflect a particular disease. In this case, the sooner you notice something is wrong, the greater the likelihood that you will have time to help your feathered pet in time. In order to notice the symptoms in time, the owner must know his bird well, namely, what is characteristic of it and what is not. Only human attention and care guarantee the bird a healthy and joyful life.

Signs of a healthy bird:

Active and cheerful

Sings and chirps

Smooth and shiny feathers

A good appetite

Not a long sleep

Sitting on one leg while sleeping

Symptoms of a sick bird:

poor appetite

Labored breathing

Cloudy eyes

Lethargy, immobility

Rapid and irregular breathing

lingering sleep

Sleeps on two legs

The reasons for the negative state of the bird can be very different. If you are a beginner among bird lovers, then it is better not to rely on your own opinion, but to seek help from a veterinarian, taking some droppings with you for bacterial research. The specialist will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Diseases of birds can be divided into three groups:


*Most often occur as a result of malnutrition of a parrot or poor-quality care for it. The most common disease in this section is beriberi. The reasons for them are the monotonous feeding of the parrot - one type of food (for example, only dry mixes or only cereals, etc.). The manifestation of the disease will be different - depending on which vitamin is lacking (they are divided in this way: avitaminosis A, avitaminosis B, etc.).

* Traumatic injuries. Fractures and sprains of varying severity most often occur when safety standards are not observed during bird flights around the apartment. Be sure at this time it is necessary to close the windows with curtains (tulle), cover mirrors, keep an eye on open doors and lockers. These injuries are then very difficult to treat, since the main medicine becomes some kind of ointment, which lubricates the damaged surface. Parrots begin to pluck out smeared feathers, inflicting new wounds on themselves. In addition, with their strong beak they tear off the bandages applied to tire fractures, thus causing complications. In general, indiscretion on your part will bring you a lot of trouble.


They arise as a result of the fact that specific infectious agents enter the feathered body. Most often, birds become infected with stale food (a musty grain mixture with mold) or by accidentally eating the droppings of a diseased bird (if not everything is organized correctly in the cage, otherwise it would be impossible).


There are a lot of diseases that are dangerous for the person himself, for example, salmonellosis. If you notice deviations in the behavior of your feathered one, if there are at least a couple of signs that we indicated above - do not wait, contact a specialist so that everything does not end sadly.

In Russia, the most popular among bird lovers are budgerigars. Consider the most common diseases of parrots using the example of symptoms in budgerigars. In general, wavy living in cages and aviaries have a fairly strong resistance, but they can also catch an infection. The disease manifests itself in them most often within one day. Birds become lethargic, lose their appetite, sleep a lot, stop chirping and singing songs, “talking” individuals stop “talking”. The pen becomes dull, ruffled, brittle; breathing becomes difficult. You should also pay attention to the beak: a healthy horny cover should be smooth without cracks and delaminations. The same recommendations for inspection apply to the horny surface of the paws.

Consider the most common diseases, their symptoms and treatments.


One of the most common diseases among budgerigars. Caused by chlamydobacteria. Symptoms:

Edema of the connective membrane of the eyes

Runny nose

Profuse discharge from anus

Loss of appetite


Treatment with antibiotics.


Caused by salmonella - intestinal rod-shaped bacteria. Most often, infection occurs through contaminated feed and water or through the droppings of already sick birds. The disease proceeds rapidly: severe dehydration occurs due to intense diarrhea. Even if the bird survived the acute stage, the disease becomes chronic and the bird becomes a carrier, and therefore potentially dangerous to others. The disease in most cases is incurable (there is only a small chance at the initial stage). IMPORTANT!!! The disease is dangerous to humans, so all precautions must be taken when dealing with a sick bird.


Alternating diarrhea and constipation

poor appetite

long sleep

Painful reaction to touch

Rapid weight loss

When treating a disease other than taking medication prerequisite is the disinfection of a cage or aviary, as well as everything that is inside: perches, toys, feeders, etc.


In other words, scabies. The disease affects the head, legs, beak and eyebrows. Symptoms:

The beak becomes as if dotted with small depressions

Inflammation of the skin around the beak and eyes

Growth of the horny cover of the fingers on the paws

Scales on the fingers grow to gigantic sizes

Lethargy and apathy

Labored breathing

Treatment occurs within one week. It is necessary to treat the non-feathered parts of the body with an oil solution and the feathered parts of the body with the Arpalit aerosol preparation. At the end of the treatment, it is necessary to remove the dead layer of the stratum corneum, carefully process all the tools, disinfect the cage / aviary.


This is a disease of the joints caused by the accumulation of uric acid salts. In addition to the joints, the kidneys and others suffer internal organs. In the absence of the necessary treatment, the bird may die within 3-4 days (it is customary to count from the day the first nodule appears). The reason most often becomes malnutrition, namely the abundance of human home food unusual for a parrot. Symptoms:

The appearance of white nodules on the paws with reddened veins around the joints and tendons (they cause severe pain to the pet)

General weakness, apathy, fatigue

Alternating loss of appetite and its sudden onset

Treatment begins primarily with the removal of painful nodules on the legs. The formation is pierced with a disinfected needle and the liquid accumulated there is removed (squeezed out). Proteins of animal origin are also completely excluded from the diet. In addition, the feather is prescribed drugs that help dissolve uric acid salts.

parrot diarrhea

Diarrhea most often causes the death of budgerigars, since the owner cannot always correctly determine the cause of diarrhea. Only when the bird does not lose its appetite and activity during diarrhea, it can be assumed that some kind of food became the cause of the malaise. Only in this case, you can self-medicate. If the bird has lethargy, drowsiness, incessant diarrhea, an urgent need to contact a specialist. Treatment for diarrhea caused by malnutrition:

crushed activated carbon

Branches of fruit trees

Ftalazol (in small doses)

Exclusion from the diet of cabbage, lettuce, plantain and other green fodder.

If you properly care for your pet, monitor nutrition and not engage in unjustified self-treatment, then your pet will live a long, happy and eventful life with you.

The budgerigar is one of the most popular pets. This is an active, cheerful bird that loves communication, and when good conditions Habitat also able to speak, can bring you a lot of positive emotions. Life expectancy can reach up to 15-16 years. But, whatever one may say, one will have to face such an unpleasant thing as illnesses and ailments. Of course, first of all, the health of a bird depends on painstaking care of it and maintaining a proper diet.

You should strictly monitor the hygiene of the cage, the presence of clean water in the drinker, feed it with high-quality food enriched with vitamins, do not keep the cage in the open sun, near heating appliances, in drafts, try to protect the parrot from nervous shocks and stress.

However, even if all maintenance standards are observed, a pet can get sick, despite strong natural immunity. To stop the disease in time, you need to know how to determine it. A healthy bird is easy to distinguish from a sick one. You just need to be careful and often look closely at her behavior and appearance. A photo of a sick budgerigar can be viewed in the gallery.

Disease symptoms in parrots

When a bird is healthy, it has good mood, she is sociable, has a good appetite, plumage is bright and shiny.

What should alert the owner:

It is extremely important to notice the symptoms of the problem in its initial stage.

What diseases are found in budgerigars

There are three types of diseases:

Consider each type, its signs and treatment methods in more detail.

A bird can get sick by eating contaminated food, pecking at branches brought from the street, and can also become infected from other sick relatives. Having started treatment with medications, be sure to simultaneously process the place where the parrot is kept: the cage itself and the interior.

Infectious diseases

These microbial diseases are the most difficult to treat. The disease can be prevented by strict adherence to hygiene standards when keeping a parrot, good nutrition with vitamin supplements for food.

  • ornithosis(psittacosis) - a disease caused by chlamydophila. Having picked up this disease, the bird becomes lethargic, loses its appetite, it becomes difficult for it to breathe. She has swelling of the eyes, sticking of the eyelids, severe runny nose, discharge from the anus. Treatment is with tetracycline antibiotics.
  • mycoplasmosis. This disease is characterized by wet feathers around the bird's eyes, blanching of the beak, loss of appetite, sneezing, shortness of breath. In principle, half of the parrots are carriers of this infection and in the normal state it does not pose a threat. However, when the disease becomes active, and this is usually due to a decrease in immunity, urgent treatment is required. It is done with Baytrill added to water or by injection.
  • giardiasis. When sick, the parrot stops cleaning its feathers, they quickly take on a dirty look. In the litter, incompletely digested grains are found. Diarrhea appears. The bird is thin. In this case, Emtryl is usually prescribed by veterinarians.
  • kidney infection. Signs of this disease are weight loss, paralysis of the limbs, a swollen belly of a parrot. Treatment can be carried out with ciprofloxacin for 10 days. A quarter of the tablet is diluted in 4 ml of water. The solution is injected into the beak 2 times a day, 2 drops (0.08 ml).
  • salmonellosis. Diagnosed by swollen joints of the wings and legs and persistent diarrhea. For treatment, give a solution of chloramphenicol. Important! This disease is transmitted to humans.
  • tuberculosis. When infected, the bird loses weight, often yawns and coughs. Tuberculosis in budgerigars cannot be cured.

Diseases arising from the improper maintenance of a parrot

Parrots should be given more greens, fruits, sprouted cereals, branches of deciduous trees. Add 5 drops of fish oil. It is also shown to stay outdoors, in the sun.

In order to avoid various types of injury, it is necessary to monitor the safety of the parrot. Try to feed properly in order to avoid constipation and obesity, to protect him from stress and boredom. If you provide the bird with proper maintenance and care, it will not get sick.

In conclusion, I would like to say that any change in the behavior of the bird is a signal for an immediate visit to the veterinary clinic, since only after laboratory tests can the specialist correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe the correct treatment for your pet.

Delay in this case is fraught with death, since diseases in parrots develop rapidly due to rapid metabolism and, in critical cases, lead to their death. Why is responsiveness important? You are entrusted with the life of a living being. Try to justify this trust.

Vision is the main sense that helps any bird to correctly navigate in space and get food. In addition to the fact that parrots have eyes arranged so that the coverage angle is equal to almost 360 degrees, their vision is also colored.

Due to this, parrots perceive objects in the world almost like people. Unlike cats or dogs, these birds are able to see their reflection in a mirror.

Imaginary friend

But no matter how much the parrot looks at himself in the mirror, he will never understand that this human invention only reproduces his own reflection.

The highly developed intelligence of the bird, coupled with excellent eyesight, gives the parrot the illusion that its relative is sitting in the mirror. Therefore, the further relationship of the parrot and his "imaginary friend" depends only on the nature of the bird itself.

parrot behavior

Parrots, like many living creatures, need care and constant attention. By nature, they live in packs and constantly communicate with their family. If the owners do not have the opportunity to devote a lot of time to their pet, then a mirror can help out in such a situation.

Seeing his relative in the mirror, the parrot in any case will begin to “establish communication” with him. The outcome of such contact may be different.

The bird may recognize in its reflection a new friend or girlfriend. In this case, the parrot will begin to look after his "passion" and talk with her for hours: tweet, whistle and even growl.

There is another scenario: the parrot will perceive the reflection as its rival and start fighting with it. This is especially possible if there are two parrots in the cage - a female and a male. In this case, the mirror can cause an unsuccessful "marriage" of parrots.

You need to carefully monitor the behavior of the parrot after a mirror appears in its cage. In case of conflict, the accessory should be removed, otherwise it may cause the bird to get sick and begin to pluck its own feathers.


Thus, a mirror for a parrot is not an ordinary toy like a swing and bells, but a living bird: friend or foe.

The only unexpected moment for the owners may be the reluctance of the parrot to communicate with them. Some individuals are so addicted to communicating with their own reflection that they do not leave the cage, even if the door is constantly open.

Therefore, it is recommended for the first time (1-2 months) to spend as much time with the bird as possible, allowing it to get used to your hands, voice and learn a few words with it. After that, you can not be afraid that the bird will prefer a "mirror friend" to its own owner.

Proper maintenance and feeding is the key to his health. After all, everyone knows the fact that the disease is easier to prevent than to treat it. Distinguishing a sick bird from a healthy one is not difficult even for a beginner. A healthy pet has a smooth, bright plumage, shiny, wide-open, expressive eyes. The bird cheerfully reacts to the environment, plays and sings. Resting on one paw, hiding his head under the wing. A sick parrot trembles, hoofs, often sleeps a lot sitting on two legs, touching the perch with its belly, does not respond to sounds, does not want to clean its plumage and swim. With proper care and good care, a budgerigar can live 16-18 years. But such cases, unfortunately, are rare. Often, the owners of parrots either neglect the health of the bird, or seek medical help too late, when it is already difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to help the parrot.

We draw your attention to the fact that appearance and behavior are indicators of health. Some of the most common signs of illness and illness in your pet include:
- The parrot sleeps almost all the time, does not follow the plumage, does not play.
- Depletion: can be identified by the protruding keel. If the bird is severely emaciated, then before the arrival of a specialist, it needs to be provided extra food and warm.
- The bird is panting or sniffling, and the bird may appear to be in good health. As a rule, the disease has already passed into a chronic form in a bird, and a more detailed examination is required for the purpose of treatment. Discharge from the nasal passages of mucus and sneezing.
- The bird sits on a perch, the tail is directed perpendicular to the floor - an alarming symptom that speaks of possible problems with lungs.
- The parrot drinks a lot of water - a symptom that speaks of problems with gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. From additional studies - litter for bakposev.
- Growths on the legs, as well as inflamed joints, sores and redness. There may be a tick or bacterial infection.
Here are just some of the signs by which you can judge that your feathered friend is not feeling well.

Tick ​​(knemidocoptosis)

As a rule, a tick infects a bird with a weakened immune system, since with good immunity, the bird's body is able to cope with this disease on its own. tick can long time be present in a latent form, manifesting itself in stressful conditions for the bird, for example, with beriberi, malnutrition, against the background of other diseases or after them, with prolonged violation of the light regime.

For the treatment of ticks in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores, there is a fairly large selection of drugs. However, be careful when choosing, as many of them are toxic to birds and can cause allergic reactions or poisoning. Most experts recommend aversectin ointment as a remedy for ticks. The benefits of this drug include: low cost, rare allergic reactions in birds when used correctly, very low recurrence of the disease, ease of use, and rare procedures. Aversectin ointment is applied to tick-affected areas with a cotton swab. thin layer, avoiding contact with the plumage, eyes, nostrils and beak of the bird. The procedure is performed once every five days. As a rule, three or four procedures are enough to complete recovery. It is better to apply the ointment in the late afternoon, when the bird is less active, sleepy, and it can be easily picked up. It is more convenient to carry out these manipulations together: one person holds, the other smears.

If there is no aversectin ointment on sale in your region, do not be discouraged and do not waste time: start treating the areas affected by the tick with vaseline oil. Vaseline oil blocks the access of oxygen to the tick, and it dies, however, vaseline oil cannot affect the eggs of ticks, so a relapse of the disease is possible. For the same reason, when using vaseline oil, the healing process takes much longer. Unlike vegetable oils, vaseline oil is not absorbed in the bird's gastrointestinal tract, which means it does not put a load on the liver, which is important, and does not cause poisoning and allergic reactions. The oil is applied twice a day every day until complete recovery. This is also done carefully, avoiding contact with feathers, eyes, nostrils and beak of a bird. However, in the advanced stages of the disease, aversectin ointment should be used.

Downy eaters

Symptoms of this disease: the parrot behaves restlessly, itches nervously, shakes often, sleeps and eats poorly. The plumage goes from smooth and shiny to ruffled and matte. In some places, mainly under the wings, on the stomach, on the head, bare spots form, often covered with a crust, the so-called scabs. There is evidence on the forums that Frontline Spray is a good remedy for downy eaters. Though this remedy Designed for cats and dogs, it has been used successfully for many years in birds.

Consider diseases caused by improper and content.

Food poisoning.

Poisoning of parrots can occur when they eat poisoned grain, table salt, if it is given in its pure form. When poisoned, the parrot experiences intense thirst, convulsions or diarrhea appear, wings fall. In addition to food poisoning from poor-quality food, water and other products, there are a number of possible poisonings for budgerigars at home. Therefore, all medicines, household chemicals, cosmetics should not be in places accessible to parrots, since budgerigars, due to their natural curiosity, taste everything. The evaporation of acetone, chlorine, as well as paints, varnishes, and other chemicals with a pungent odor are also very harmful to them. Various sprays, powders from moths, cockroaches, mice, and ants are also dangerous for budgerigars. With signs of such poisoning, the cage with the parrot urgently needs to be taken out to a clean room. Severe poisoning of birds is observed with improper use of veterinary disinfectants such as "Stomozan", "Neostomozan", "Butoks". With these funds in given time it is practically forbidden to process birds, they can be used to disinfect cages and equipment.

If food poisoning is suspected, the first thing to do is to give the bird an absorbent to reduce the level of toxins in the body. It can be polyphepan, smecta, filtrum, enterosgel / enterosgel-paste, enterodez, activated carbon. The sorbent is given separately from other drugs and decoctions. After taking the sorbent, it is necessary to withstand the time before taking another drug. In acute intoxication, the sorbent is given three times a day, in severe cases every 2 hours, 3-5 days. Enterosgel / enterosgel-paste should be squeezed out about 4-5 mm, diluted in a small amount of water, to a consistency that can be dripped, and give 0.3-0.5 ml of the resulting solution into the beak using a pipette or syringe without a needle. Pros: does not affect microelements and vitamins, normalizes gastrointestinal motility, normalizes microflora within 10-12 days. For the treatment of uncomplicated dysbacteriosis, a weekly course is sufficient. Smecta is diluted as indicated on the package and diluted with water 1: 1, from which 0.5 ml is given through a syringe without a needle. A tablet of activated charcoal should be crushed into powder and sprinkled with one half of the moistened food, and the other half of the powder should be added to the drinker. If food poisoning has indeed taken place, an improvement in the condition with the use of an absorbent is observed within 1-2 days. Activated charcoal does not make sense to give more than 3 days - it means that the cause of vomiting or liquid droppings lies deeper. Since it is often necessary to give an absorbent forcibly, a crushed charcoal tablet is mixed with a small amount of water and, using a pipette or a syringe without a needle, is instilled into the bird's beak in the side slit in the amount of 0.2-0.5 ml. Other absorbents are diluted with twice as much water as required by the instructions, and the resulting solution is given to the bird in the beak in an amount of 0.2-0.5 ml. Other drugs for diarrhea and vomiting (probiotics, antibiotics) are given at intervals of 0.5 - 1 hour before or after taking the adsorbent, otherwise the adsorbent removes the drug from the body.

In case of poisoning, it is recommended to warm the bird with a lamp. You can heat with an ordinary table lamp, put the lamp next to the cage, heat 3-5 hours a day. The bird should not be heated in case of injuries, bleeding, strokes, with heart problems, if there are neoplasms and tumors. Lemon juice, grapefruit juice drip into the drinker. But these actions are only the first aid to your pet until you contact the avian veterinarian.

Drugs used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Chamomile: used for diarrhea, poisoning, colds (both inside and in the form of inhalations). For oral administration, a decoction is prepared according to the instructions, which is diluted one to one with water. It is given instead of water in a drinking bowl for at least a week. The broth quickly turns sour, then during the day it should be changed at least 3-4 times, and at night it should be replaced with plain water. Store the decoction for no longer than 3 days in the refrigerator. Karsil - a herbal preparation (milk thistle herb) for long-term use, can be used if necessary throughout the life of a budgerigar. It is given to support liver function in case of poisoning, and also in parallel with long courses of other drugs for the same purpose (for example, a course of antibiotics). The brown and white shells are washed off the tablet, and the remaining beige part is crushed and sprinkled with the daily norm (2-3 teaspoons) of the grain mixture / cereal (at the same time, the grain mixture is slightly sprinkled with water so that the preparation particles stick). That is, the daily dose of Karsil is 1 tablet, the minimum course is one month. Probiotics: This is a group of drugs that are specially processed live microorganisms that help to establish the work of their own beneficial microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as suppress the negative microflora. They are used for poisoning, disorders in the gastrointestinal tract of various etiologies, dysbacteriosis, without fail after a course of antibiotics. The selection of a probiotic is carried out individually: one helps someone, the other helps someone. Most often for budgerigars they use: from “human” - Linex, bifidumbacterin, from veterinary - lactobifadol, lactobifid, Vetom 1.1, bifitrilak, etc. The course of probiotics is 14 days, the break between courses is at least 30 days. Vetom 3 is active against a wide range of pathogens. It is used for the prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis, gastrointestinal diseases with diarrhea syndrome and immunodeficiency states. Increases the body's resistance, normalizes metabolic processes. Cerucal ampoules - Antiemetic. It has an antiemetic effect, soothes hiccups, eliminates nausea. Regulates and normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerates the emptying of the stomach, accelerates the movement of food through the intestines. Application: - nausea, urge to vomit; - prolonged vomiting of various origins (with diseases of the liver and kidneys, injuries of the skull and brain)

goiter inflammation

Reasons: feeding the parrot poor-quality grain and easily fermenting feed, poisoning with poisonous plants or inhaling toxic substances (smoke, paint), monotonous feeding, infectious diseases, diseases of the pulmonary system and complications after them, not clean drinking water.

Symptoms of the disease: regurgitation of food from the crop sac several times a day, while the parrot makes it noticeably difficult (do not confuse the element of mating regurgitation of food by males during the courtship period), lethargy, refusal to feed: the bird is hungry, but cannot eat when viewed from the side there is an increase in goiter, possibly with a shift to the side, the walls of the goiter sac are dense and elastic, filled with food or liquid from the beak, an unpleasant putrefactive odor can be emitted.

Inflammation of the goiter, as a rule, very quickly leads to the death of a parrot if measures are not taken in time. The use of antibiotics is permissible only in the event of a disease caused by a number of pathogenic microorganisms, and for this it is necessary to conduct the necessary examinations. The treatment is accompanied by the intake of homeopathic preparations with the use of Karsil (to maintain liver function) and the fight against the phenomena of increasing exhaustion, since the bird cannot eat for quite a long time. In case of inflammation of the goiter, it is washed with a 5% solution of soda, a 3% solution of boric acid. A decoction of flaxseed (budgerigar - 0.5 ml) and gastric juice of a horse (budgerigar - 10 drops) are injected into the goiter. They monitor the freshness of soft food; in summer, soft food is offered to birds 2-3 times a day.

Consider diseases of budgerigars of a traumatic nature and their treatment. It can be bruises, fractures, ruptures, wounds, paresis and paralysis.

The bird is very easy to injure, in addition, it can accidentally injure itself during flights or play. First of all, you need to examine the wavy and understand the nature and severity of the injury. If necessary, try to stop the bleeding as soon as possible. It is best to use betadine or hydrogen peroxide for this. You can not use ordinary iodine or brilliant green, as well as potassium permanganate, to stop bleeding in birds, except when a manganese crystal is applied to a bleeding claw - it also causes severe burns, and if it gets into the beak, poisoning. Bruises and abrasions are best treated with trauma gel. This drug has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antiseptic and regenerative effects. But it is better not to self-medicate - it requires considerable experience and knowledge. Timely access to a doctor is the key to the longevity and well-being of your pet. Therefore, for any ailment of the bird, it is best to contact a specialist who practices the treatment of birds. On your own, you can only provide first aid to your pet.

Budgerigar leg injuries

Injuries to the paws of budgerigars are various kinds: bruises, sprains, dislocations, open and closed fractures. Their causes are falls and blows of the parrot during flights, especially during the molting period, when the amount of calcium in the body decreases and flight and tail feathers are partially absent, as well as during the period of illness of the parrot, when the body is weakened by infection, colds, poisoning and other ailments. Also, the paws are injured in cases where the bird is caught by its claws (for a curtain, tablecloth, etc.) or due to the negligence of the owners (pinched by a door or cabinet door).
In case of serious dislocations and fractures, when the limb of the bird is in an unnatural position, it is necessary to make the correct fixation, otherwise it may remain inoperative and die, and the bird in this case will remain crippled for life. Perhaps redness, swelling of tissues, pain occurs, the bird becomes lethargic. In some cases, x-rays are taken to correctly determine the extent and type of injury. In addition to fixation, special treatment is expected. A parrot with a serious injury needs to be urgently shown to a specialist so that he can diagnose and prescribe treatment. Bruises and sprains should also not be ignored.
The nutrition of a budgerigar during the period of treatment and rehabilitation should be varied and contribute to the speedy recovery of the body after an injury. In the diet, in addition to high-quality grain feed, additionally include canary seed, vegetables, fruits, mineral supplements, vitamins (not for all diseases). In the first days after the injury, sometimes you have to feed the bird yourself, for which you can use liquid cereals without milk, starch, sugar.
If the parrot cannot sit on the perch, but is at the bottom, food and water are placed as close as possible to the bird, in an accessible place. If, after an injury, the bird cannot move around the cage, but sits on the perch, it is necessary to provide it with access to food and water up to the installation of an additional feeder so that the parrot can eat and drink on its own in the absence of the owners. It is strictly forbidden to let a sick bird out of the cage, it is necessary to provide it with peace and a minimum of movement.

infectious diseases.

Parrot has a cold

A cold bird is inactive, sleepy, ruffled, often sneezes (there may be discharge from the nose), often scratches the wax or eyes, trembles, may refuse to drink and eat. The mucous membrane of the nose and mouth is inflamed red, the bird can often swallow, breathe heavily (seen by the movement of the tail in time with breathing), and regurgitation of wet grain can also be observed due to irritation of the inflamed mucosa.

Birds are very sensitive to drafts, sudden changes in temperature. The recommended room temperature should be on average 22-25 degrees and not fall below 20C. As well as cold water in a drinking bowl or bathing bowl, which serve as common causes of a cold. Sick birds lose heat very quickly. The bird trembles all over and should be kept warm. To do this, place an ordinary table lamp of 60 watts (and preferably red, if any) at a distance of 20-30 cm above the place where the bird usually sits. Darken half of the cage with a thick cloth so that the bird has the opportunity to go into the shade if it becomes hot, since overheating is also undesirable, it can lead to disastrous consequences. You can heat from 3-5 hours a day, depending on the reaction of the bird to the lamp, dosing the heat with hourly switching on of the lamp.

Chamomile infusion is poured into the drinker, you can add a drop of lemon and honey - this will help maintain strength. With a severe cold (with cough, severe sneezing, nasal discharge and heavy breathing), inhalation is done. To do this, use chamomile, menthol oil, eucalyptus or the usual Asterisk balm. 1 tbsp chamomile pour a glass of boiling water; 0.5 ml of oils are added to a 100 ml bowl and poured into 2/3 with boiling water; placed next to the cage and all together covered with a tightly dense cloth. Balm "Asterisk" in the form of a pencil can simply be placed between the bars of the cage next to the bird. Inhalations are carried out 1-2 times a day for 15-30 minutes in a course of 4-5 days. Be sure to watch the bird during inhalations: if you see that your pet is breathing heavily, spread its wings wide and half-closed its eyes, reduce the inhalation time and slightly open the fabric covering the cage a little more.

Dog-rose fruit. A decoction of rose hips is used as a source of vitamin C for colds and in the off-season to increase the body's defenses of the budgerigar. Like all decoctions, it changes 3-4 times a day, it is replaced with water at night and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. For colds, you can add a few drops of honey to the decoction until it has a slightly sweet taste.

Budgerigars can often be found in houses and apartments. Many people think that they are unpretentious birds that do not require special care. But still, their well-being and good health depends on providing the necessary conditions for living. Do not forget that there are various diseases of budgerigars that can cause serious harm to the health of a pet, and some of them can lead to the death of a feathered pet. To avoid fatal ailments, it is worth studying their types and features of treatment.

Budgerigars are strong birds, which are easily adapted to the conditions of a house or apartment. If you take care of him properly and give him everything the necessary conditions for a normal life, he will be able to live 13-16 years. His state of health can be easily determined by his appearance.

Healthy birds look clean and tidy. They have an expressive look that is full of joy and interest in everything. They normally perceive external stimuli, make ringing sounds, chirping, do not forget to clean their feathers and wash themselves.

But still it is worth remembering about the diseases of budgerigars and their symptoms. They can overtake every bird. It is enough not to remove the cage in time, not to close the window or not to change the food, and after a while the condition of the feathered pet may worsen.

Each owner of budgerigars should be alerted by the following manifestations:

  • The parrot suddenly becomes inactive, depressed;
  • The pet has a strong thirst;
  • Difficult and difficult breathing activity;
  • The formation of growths on the surface of the beak and legs;
  • Disorder of coordination of movements;
  • Vomiting and liquid droppings;
  • The parrot sits at the bottom of the cage for a long time;
  • Plumage deterioration;
  • There may be discharge from the eyes and beak.

If the parrot does not fly, disheveled, ruffled, does not show interest in others, then the owner should be wary. He probably had a dangerous disease that could provoke serious complications.

Common diseases

If a parrot suddenly falls ill, then you should be wary. Some diseases can go away on their own, but most can become severe and cause complications. Therefore, the owner must have an idea of ​​what diseases can occur in birds and how budgerigars should be treated.


It is important to remember that budgerigars are highly sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, so even a draft can cause the development of a cold. For this reason, carefully monitor the vents and windows, they must be closed.

How can you tell if a parrot is sick? It is worth carefully examining his appearance, he will look unhealthy and inactive. The bird can sit in one place for a long time, and mucus may be released from its eyes and nose.

If a budgerigar is sick with a cold, then he will experience symptoms:

  • lethargy;
  • Apathy;
  • He may sneeze;
  • poor appetite;
  • He sleeps constantly;
  • The plumage becomes ruffled.

Before starting treatment, the bird must be taken to an appointment with veterinarian. The specialist will conduct the necessary examination and establish the presence of a cold. Based on the data obtained, he will be able to choose the appropriate treatment therapy.

At home, you can warm up a feathered pet with a lamp. Additionally, inhalations can be carried out using tea tree oil. To improve the condition and speed up recovery, you can add a decoction of chamomile to the drinker.


When they appear, the bird begins to itch constantly. She has severe itching, which worries her and causes discomfort. When these manifestations appear, it is worth pushing the plumage apart, ticks can be found between the feathers. They can also be observed on the paws, near the eyes and beak.

It is important to remember that mites cause serious harm to the health of the bird, they can cause growths on the surface of the paws or beak. Vaseline or vegetable oil has a good effect, it will block the air and the pests will not be able to breathe, as a result they will die. For treatments, you can use aversectin or novertin ointment.

goiter inflammation

Every owner of feathered pets should remember that many budgerigar diseases can occur without any symptoms, so they can be ignored. Just one of them is inflammation of the goiter. This pathological process cannot be detected on initial stage, so it often goes into a complicated form.

The following factors can cause:

  • Various toxic substances that a bird can inhale;
  • The use of feed mixtures with low quality;
  • Deficiency of useful elements;
  • Use of dirty water;
  • Various complications after diseases with an infectious nature.

It is important to first study the symptoms and treatment of budgerigar disease. Usually, with inflammation of the goiter, the bird does not eat food, it has lethargy, practically does not drink. Over time, she develops vomiting, which may contain mucus.


Poisoning is a common ailment of birds. They can occur when using feed mixtures of poor quality and untreated water. These diseases in budgerigars can manifest themselves with malnutrition.

How to determine that the parrot is sick? The main symptoms of poisoning include:

  • The appearance of liquid litter;
  • severe lethargy;
  • Frequent vomiting;
  • poor appetite;
  • Drowsiness.

In case of poisoning, the parrot should be given an absorbent. Smecta and Polysorb have a good effect. They are injected into the bird with a syringe. Dairy-free cereals are suitable for feeding. Additionally, it is worth warming the pet, a table lamp is suitable for this.

Paw injuries

Diseases of parrots can be associated with paws, namely with injuries to the limbs. They may experience dislocations, fractures, bruises, sprains.

If a sick parrot has a deterioration in its condition, then it should definitely be taken to an appointment with a veterinarian. It must be urgently delivered to a specialist if the damaged foot is immobilized, reddened and swollen. In the hospital, perform the necessary examination, take an x-ray and select the appropriate treatment.

Vomiting, diarrhea and constipation

The occurrence of vomiting, diarrhea or constipation is often manifested in a budgerigar with a poisonous disease. When poisoned, the bird often begins to burp after eating food. This may be the result of the following phenomena:

Many infections in budgerigars are accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea at the same time. All this quickly leads to dehydration of the bird and subsequent death. In these cases, you should immediately contact a veterinarian, he will be able to save the feathered pet and prescribe an effective treatment.


Lipoma is a tumor formation on the abdomen of a bird. It is located in the lower part of the abdomen, but can sometimes be found on other parts of the body. The tumor is benign. To the touch, a ball can be felt under the skin that moves.

If a budgerigar falls ill with this pathological process, then many owners may have a question - what to do in this situation? How to help him? You can’t do anything on your own, otherwise you can harm the pet. It is important to visit a veterinarian immediately.

The treatment of this disease in budgerigars is accompanied by a special diet, which is aimed at weight loss. Lipoma causes obesity. The menu should include more cereals, vegetables and herbs. Also, periodically the pet should be released from the cage to fly.

Inflammation of the cloaca

Studying what ailments parrots have, you should pay attention to the inflammation of the cloaca. This disease develops as a result of malnutrition, with a lack of vitamins, as well as during the consumption of hard-to-digest food by the bird. Inflammation can develop due to poor-quality cleaning of the feathered pet's cell.

The following symptoms of the disease in a budgerigar are observed:

  • Diarrhea;
  • Gluing and sticking of feathers around the cloaca;
  • Inflammation of the skin around the cloaca, signs of swelling;
  • Strong weight loss;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Decreased activity;
  • The appearance of blood and mucous secretions.

If symptoms occur, contact an ornithologist. Only a doctor will be able to conduct a qualitative examination and prescribe the necessary examination.

Causes of diseases

Everyone knows that budgerigars are unpretentious birds that are suitable for keeping at home, but you still need to know their main diseases and methods of treatment. Many of them are dangerous and can be fatal. And in order to avoid them, it is necessary to study the main factors that provoke them:

  • Incorrect content;
  • Lack of hygiene;
  • Non-compliance with the feeding regimen;
  • Carrying out poor-quality cleaning of the cell;
  • Use of poor quality feed;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • Drafts and dampness;
  • Hypothermia, sudden changes in temperature.

Important! If you have identified the first signs of illness in a budgerigar, then it should be separated from other birds, otherwise it may infect them. You also need to contact a veterinarian or an ornithologist.

How to cure a parrot

If a pet has a disease, then a specialist can tell you how to properly treat a parrot. First, he will conduct the necessary examination, and after that he will be able to choose the correct and effective treatment therapy. He will tell you what to do if the parrot is sick.

Veterinary clinics

Treatment of parrots in a clinic is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. He usually prescribes drugs and antibiotics that can suppress the development and eliminate the disease. The types of medicines depend on the disease:

Many owners of feathered pets are often interested in what and how to treat a parrot at home? At home, treatment can be carried out only in cases where the disease has just begun and it is not serious. But in case of complications, it is better to consult a doctor.

At home, you can do the following:

  • Improve nutrition;
  • Ensure regular cleaning of the cage;
  • Vitamins should be included in the diet;
  • Closely monitor the hygiene of the bird;
  • From time to time, the parrot should be released from the cage so that it can fly.

If a pet has a cold, it is recommended to warm it over a table lamp. It is also necessary to drink it with decoctions of chamomile, teas with lemon and honey. Inhalations based on eucalyptus and menthol have a good effect. If the bird has wounds or sores, then they can be treated with iodine or brilliant green. Strong drugs should be given under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Diseases dangerous to humans

When studying questions - what budgerigars get sick and how to treat them, you should also pay attention to diseases that can be dangerous to humans. Do not think that all ailments cannot be transmitted to people, this is not so. For this reason, ornithologists do not recommend getting parrots for people who have allergic reactions, various chronic diseases.

So, you can get infected from a budgerigar if the bird has the following pathologies:

  • Salmonellosis. This is an intestinal infection that occurs as a result of poor-quality and malnutrition of a parrot. Accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, deterioration of plumage;
  • Chlamydia. This is a dangerous disease that is quickly transmitted to humans from a sick bird. During it, the parrot has diarrhea, cough, discharge from the nose, eyes. A person has chills, headaches, discomfort in muscles, joints;
  • Encephalitis. This disease is transmitted from mosquitoes to parrots and then to humans. During it, dysentery, pain in the abdomen, fever, vomiting, muscle cramps develop;
  • Tuberculosis. Occurs in parrots with a weak immune system. In humans, it is accompanied by inflammation and enlargement of the lymph nodes.

Diseases in budgerigars are different, but many of them are quite dangerous. It is important to know their types and features of the course, this will help to detect the pathological process in a timely manner and take the necessary measures. In any case, you should immediately consult a doctor so that he can perform an examination and choose the appropriate treatment.


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