What is the difference between purebred budgies. Budgerigar. Training and breeding

This view show budgies have been known for a long time. It is believed that he was taken out in the Czech Republic. Although if you delve into history, then during the Second World War they were bred in Great Britain.

Surely you are wondering why this species of birds is called not otherwise than Czech show parrots or budgerigars. The fact is that the difference between parrots of different species, wavy and Czech, is not so significant. From afar, you may not even notice the differences, but if you look closely at these birds in more detail, then the characteristic differences will still catch your eye.

Czech show budgerigars have slightly larger body sizes. In addition, they have a peculiar appearance... Feathers on their head form a kind of hat and beard, skillfully hiding from prying eyes.

In addition to its unique appearance, the Czech wavy parrot is also distinguished by its posture. At the same time, this difference is too noticeable not to pay attention to it. If the posture of ordinary parrots has a slightly hunched over, then the Czech posture is like a gallant soldier. When he stiffens in any position, you will probably notice the chest baked forward.

However, the differences between similar bird species do not end there. The show budgerigar is calmer than the regular budgerigar. As a result, he spends more time not in aimless walks around the cage and singing songs that come to mind, but in studying the space around him. It is believed that it is precisely because of this trait of his character that the Czechs are more talented in learning and it is much easier to remember and parody the words spoken by a person.

general information

The length of the body of the described species of parrot can reach an impressive twenty-nine centimeters. However, most often there are specimens whose body length varies in the aisles of twenty-five centimeters.

If you compare these sizes with those of ordinary budgies, you will see that the Czechs are more than five centimeters longer. The average length of the bird is twelve centimeters.

As for the coloring of the plumage of this species, it is exactly the same as that of ordinary wavy ones. There are specimens in the color of the plumage which is dominated by both yellow and other colors and shades. For example, in pet stores, parrots are most often sold with a color called gray classic. However, the yellow-faced Czech is also popular.

In a number of cases, as a result of the selection of this species, truly unique and interesting specimens are born, the colors of which undergo certain mutations, popularly referred to as - spangl.

The life span of this bird species with proper care is about thirteen to fifteen years.

However, if you decide to get yourself not one, but a couple at once, or even more birds of this type, then you should think about ensuring that the cell you have acquired is as large as possible.

Moreover, after purchasing it, you will need to equip it with the necessary for any bird - and a bathing tank.

Czechs, just like ordinary budgies, willingly make contact with the people who tame them. However, if you have only one Czech, then try to devote more of your free time to him.

As for the food, the Czechs have enough of ordinary grain mixtures, which can be bought at any of the pet stores. If you want to pamper your pet, then offer him some berries or

Among the birds, unpretentious and sociable, is included. They are distinguished by bright plumage, learning ability, lively character. How many types of parrots made as pets, it's hard to count. Each owner has his own pet, unique and unique.

Bird watchers count more than 350 in nature species of parrots. This is one of oldest birds, which the Indians, the first to tame the bright birds, even considered sacred for their ability to speak.

Types of domestic parrots began to replenish from the time of Alexander the Great. His warriors transported birds to the European continent, parrots settled in the territories of various states.

In a large family of parrots, a variety can be determined by a number of signs:

  • body length;
  • the weight of the bird;
  • beak shape;
  • plumage color;
  • the presence of a tuft.

The description of all congeners can amount to several volumes. Getting to know the key representatives will help you imagine how many species of parrots in the world and what extraordinary colors nature has awarded them.

Types of parrots and their names


Homeland -. Large colonies of hundreds of birds inhabit savannas, eucalyptus forests, semi-deserts. In places where funny birds live, there is always a source of water nearby.

In wildlife, birds are small in size, graceful in shape, with bright green-yellow or white-blue feathers. The wavy dark lines on the head gave the parrots their name.

The character is inquisitive and friendly. It is no coincidence that they have become popular in families with children. They know how to play, amenable to training, the birds are sociable and unpretentious to home conditions. They live on average 10-15 years.

As a result of selection selection, many species of budgies by color. In addition to the natural green color, birds of purple, pink, anthracite, gray plumage and others were bred complex species color.

On the picture budgerigars


The homeland of birds is the territory of Madagascar. They settle in tropical forests near lakes and rivers. Medium in size and harmonious in body shape. Among different types of parrots you can recognize them by the contrasting color of the plumage on the head, neck, chest. The beak is large.

They got the name because of the affection of couples for each other throughout their lives. They move away only to the distance from which they hear their soul mate. They are looking for food nearby, sitting at a watering hole, resting.

Nests are made in old hollows. They transfer blades of grass, twigs between feathers on the back. At this time, they seem large and shaggy. By nature, they are lively and agile, they shout a lot.

Allocate 9 lovebird parrot species on the color of the head. Birds can learn 10-15 words and follow simple commands. Like their relatives, they are very fond of bathing.

Lovebirds parrots


Nestor's native places in New Zealand. It is comparable in size to. Strong constitution, strong long legs. Sociable and noisy birds. Some subspecies of Nestor live in mountain forests.

The parrot is threatened with extinction due to deforestation, predators, bird hunting. The well-known subspecies loves the highlands. The bird is accused of attacking, pecking out the backs of animals. But the main food of non-torus parrots is berries, fruits, seeds.

In the photo, the parrot nestor


The parrot is loved no less than budgerigars for sociability, although he does not differ in his talent for learning. But this pet is skillful in begging people for treats, opening the locks of cages.

It is easy to recognize by the funny crest on the head, gray plumage and yellow head color. The beak is short. The elegant birds are native to Australia. It is believed that they are actually called nymphs, and the second name is folk, according to their habitat.

Tufted feathers are sometimes understood to reflect the mood of the parrot. They do not show enmity towards relatives, they are even planted in cages for budgerigars.

Parrot cockatiel

Owl parrot

Parrot appearance reflects the similarity to the facial oval, the structure of the plumage with. In addition, they are nocturnal birds too. The second name of the parrot is. His homeland is New Zealand. Distinctive features of the parrot are in the weak musculature of the wings, so they almost do not fly, but lead life on the ground.

They live in the wild rocky corners of the island, among the bushes along the mountain rivers. They run and climb trees deftly, clinging to the branches with their claws and beak. Since ancient times, they have lived in areas where there are no predators.

The plumage is yellow-green. They feed on moss and berries. The birds have an unusual voice, reminiscent of a cry and a hoarse grunt. Parrots were almost exterminated after the invasion of settlers. Now the species is under protection and lives on the islands under the protection of scientists.

Owl parrot kakapo


Large bird, with a protruding tuft, the appearance of which brings a smile. The parrot is extremely sociable and cheerful. He is ready to demonstrate love and affection for the owner continuously. He shows his talent in the ability to cope with any lock. A sense of rhythm and the ability to dance willingly demonstrates at the first opportunity.

Refer to the kind of talkative parrots. Onomatopoeia allows a dog to melt. After training, the parrot can answer a question, give a name, even sing a short song. The voice is shrill and loud, but the singer's charm is boundless.

The most common cockatoo is white plumage with a bright contrasting crown on its head. The color scheme never contains the green and blue shades common in the color of other species. The peculiarity of the cockatoo is in its unusual strong beak, which will turn wooden rods, furniture elements into chips.

In wildlife, it lives in flocks in the Philippine Islands, Australia, Indonesia. They adapt well. They feed on plant foods and insects. They are distinguished by great affection for the chosen one, remaining faithful all their lives. The duration of their century is 70-90 years.

Pictured is a pink cockatoo


African parrot with amazing gray plumage and high avian intelligence. Speaking qualities are perhaps the most excellent among relatives. The vocabulary of this the kind of talking parrot reaches 1500 words. Although the bird requires careful and competent care, many dream of making such a feathered friend.

It can be red-tailed and brown-tailed. In nature, birds live in tropical forests. They fly long distances for food, but spend the night returning to their usual places. The oil palm is a favorite food for parrots.

Domesticated birds need constant communication. All the affairs of the owner must take place with the participation of the pet. He needs to be carried away with games, tasks, talking, bathing.

The bird experiences loneliness and lack of attention painfully, the character noticeably deteriorates. The parrot begins to self-destruct. Plucking your feathers is a sign of social and physiological problems in Grays.

Birds live for about 50 years, keeping the liveliness and energy of an intelligent and inquisitive child. The parrot answers for friendship with trust, sincere affection and affection.

In the photo is a parrot gray

Ara parrot

The most elegant and multi-colored shimmers with the colors of the rainbow. The large size of the bird is also impressive: the height with a tail reaches 90-96 cm. The beak in the form of a strong hook is remarkable. According to bird watchers, this is the strongest beak of a parrot.

There are 4 types of birds according to the variety of color, among which it is very rare. In nature, parrots live in Brazil, in America, Mexico, Peru. They fly well, cover up to 500 km a day. They eat a lot of fruits, so they can go without water for a long time.

Unfortunately, the macaw species is endangered. Hunters are trusted and destroy entire species of parrots. Macaws are monogamous. The loss of a partner is accompanied by the inconsolable state of the second parrot. At this time, he is very vulnerable.

They willingly go to communicate with a person, but not everyone will decide to take a pet home. The reason is not only in size and loud screams birds, but also in strong affection for the owner. Macaw will require constant attention and care, as Small child.

Amazingly intelligent and capable birds learn to ask for food, drink, express a desire to communicate, greet the interlocutor. The character of the pet is formed in relation to him.

Ara parrot

Collared parrot

In Australia, home of collared parrots, they can be found in parks, next to humans. They got their name from the colored stripes around the head. They are very active, variegated in color, love warmth and live in tall grasses, among bushes.

The peculiarity of parrots is that they feed on the ground. The diet includes grains, seeds, fruits, berries, insect larvae. They keep in flocks, show friendliness and trust. Locals believe that such parrots bring happiness. Life expectancy up to 30 years.

Collared parrot

Necklace parrot

They live in nature both in Asia and in Africa. Average size, up to 50-60 cm with a tail. The color is predominantly green, on the chest there is a pink rim, which gave the name to the species. Females and young without a necklace. The upper part of the beak is red, the lower one is black.

Breeding unpretentious birds comes from the ancient era. When walking, the bird rests on its beak. The characteristic mode of movement is associated with natural weakness of the legs. The bird's friendly nature and intelligence makes it popular with pet bird lovers.

Necklace parrot

Parrot amazon

A medium-sized parrot that lives in the savannahs of America, on the islands of the Caribbean. Among types of talkative parrots Amazons in the forefront. The talent for onomatopoeia is combined with playfulness and cheerfulness. You can prepare a circus performance with it. The parrot has an excellent memory.

They have been kept in families for over 500 years. Communicating with a bird brings a lot of positive emotions. An excellent companion in all fun, games, communication. Live up to about 45 years old.

In the photo amazon parrots

Grass parrot

Small birds, up to 20-25 cm long, native to the southern part of Australia. The landiness of these parrots is associated with tall grasses, thickets in the undergrowth, and steppe vegetation. They fly low over short distances. They run well in search of seeds, fruits and insects.

By color, in addition to natural varieties, parrots of various color combinations are bred. In captivity, the birds do not cause trouble, they sing melodiously, lead active life at home. Additional illumination is required at twilight time, which is most significant for birds. The cages must be long enough to move along the bottom. Live up to 20 years.

Grass parrot

Parrot monk

Birds live in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, South America. The peculiarity is in the construction of large nests and in the neighborhood with people. The prevalence of monk parrots in cities can be compared to the usual pigeons. Kalita and Quaker are varieties of monks.

They live in colonies. For the destruction of crops and garden fruits, monks are considered pests. They especially love apples and peck them on trees. Huge nests, up to 3 m in diameter, are built by several pairs of parrots, constructing a communal apartment.

All have separate entrances, nurseries and corridors. Males bring materials and construct dwellings, while females arrange substrates and exits inside. Monks often become favorites in the home. They adapt and communicate with the owners, distinguishing their names. They pay great attention to playgrounds. They love music and even sing themselves.

In the photo is a parrot monk


In Australia, these birds are not considered pests, although they feed on farmland. The feed contains seeds of weeds, larvae of harmful insects, and not only fruits and crops.

It is distinguished by an unusual scaly plumage in color. There are 7 types of rosellas according to their color characteristics. Their size does not exceed 30 cm. Motley birds move in short flights, quickly run on the ground. Birds are called flat-tailed for the appearance and structure of the tail.

At home, birds are selective for food, not always ready for breeding due to picky to a partner. But if the family has formed, then the parents are ready to care not only for their chicks, but also for strangers. They do not tolerate neighborhood with other parrots, they can show zealous aggression. They sing wonderfully, but they don't want to talk. They are friendly to a person.

Rosella parrot

Loria parrots

The name of the birds, translated from the Dutch language, means "clown". Lori is small in size, from 20 to 35 cm. There are many varieties within the species, with a common feature manifested in the form of a tongue adapted to the frequent intake of juicy fruits, tree sap, and plant nectar.

At home, it is important to feed your lorises properly. Flowers, fruits and vegetables, fresh juices should be in the parrot's diet. Birds show great abilities in training, memorizing words. Active, fearless, they themselves choose their favorite hosts, who are given special signs of attention. They don't like being kept in a cage.



Small birds, up to 35 cm in body length, live in America. Pet owners jokingly call them "gotchas". Lovely rainbow shades and communication with them is a pleasure.

Demanding for affection and attention. Conflict-free, trainable. Playful by nature, in need of entertainment, therefore rings, ladders, balls, bells and other toys are required in the cage.

In the photo, arating parrots

Parrots pionuses

The second name for birds is red-nosed parrots. They differ from the Amazons in their smaller size. The plumage, at first glance, seems inexpressively gray, but in the sun it shimmers with bright shades of green, red, blue. Common feature all types of peony - a red spot under the tail.

The bird is calm in nature, does not require the owner of toys and special attention... But the bird needs companionship and physical activity. The learning ability of the pionus is average, quite sufficient to establish contacts and friendships with this wonderful bird.

Red-necked parrot pionus

Surely, every person who at least once met an exhibition budgerigar cannot forget such a bright and spectacular bird. Someone is amazed at the size of Czechs, others are delighted with chic beads and a crest, and the variety of their colors dazzles. One thing can be said for sure - it is impossible to remain indifferent at the sight of exhibition wavy parrots.

The history of the emergence of Czech parrots is quite interesting: during the Second World War, the inhabitants of London, fleeing the bombing, left for countryside... Unable to take all the pets with them, they handed them over to pet stores. In one of them, the visitor was attracted by a cage with unusual birds, they looked like budgerigars, but much larger in size. Despite the difficult period of time, the news about unusual birds became a sensation for the British.

Finding out the origin of large budgerigars, amateurs learned that a certain Mr. Sandwich, leaving London, took some of his birds to a pet store. With a few, he left for the countryside. Ironically, a bomb hit his village house, killing the posthumously famous breeder and his parrots. Fans only managed to find out that Mr. Sandwich had once acquired an ordinary green couple in a pet store, after a while offspring appeared, which were quite large with an unusual head shape, and subsequently, by closely related crossing, a new type of budgerigars appeared. The owner did not even suspect that thanks to his opening, the English Club would be founded, which would focus on consolidating the species and improving the most varied color options for the color of exhibition budgerigars.

In the post-Soviet space, such parrots are called Czechs. This name was fixed due to the import of these handsome men in the early 80s into the USSR from Czechoslovakia.

Today there is a huge number of colors and all kinds of variations of "caps" and tufts of exhibition budgies. Thanks to the Czechs, budgerigars quickly gained popularity not only in the circles of professional breeders, but also among amateurs, who happily took part in breeding and international exhibitions.

For the sake of fixing the type, breeders of Czech parrots carried out closely related crossbreeding, which helped to achieve stability in the genotype, but affected the health of the birds. Show budgies are more susceptible to disease and infertile. A couple of Czechs may have one or a maximum of four chicks in the nest, and after a thorough check it often turns out that some babies have congenital defects, while others turn out to be infertile in the future. Breeding show budgies by color is much more difficult than breeding by type. The hassle of creating a new color variation is complicated by the health of the Czechs. They are more demanding to care for and difficult to breed. These factors explain the high price tag for these birds.

If a breeder of Czech parrots is a member of the club, is registered and has a personal number, he buys non-removable rings for his pets. A year is assigned to each color of the ring, which allows you to know the exact age of the bird. This is a guarantee that you, having paid a rather big price, will get the bird of the age you need. The sale of Czechs, due to their capriciousness in breeding, is not as common as the sale of ordinary budgies. And the price, of course, for the high class of the breed will never be low, as well as the price for any animal or bird of the show class.

Pictures of show budgies:

Show budgies are very tame, this is due to the close attention of the breeder to them. From birth, the chicks are under constant control, often the couple loses interest in their offspring and breeders of parrots have to feed the babies themselves. Budgerigars Czechs do not have well-developed natural reproductive instincts.

The size of a sexually mature wavy parrot can reach from the crown to the tip of the tail 23-28 cm, the average size is 25 cm. Unlike the ordinary wavy parrot, the Czech has a lush “cap” on its head and a prominent beard, which is decorated with beads. Proud posture in combination with a spectacular "crown" and bright color give the bird a very important and aristocratic appearance:

The character of the Czechs is calmer in comparison with budgerigars, a large physique excludes excessive "nimbleness", their movements are smoother and a little awkward. But each bird has an individual character, therefore, as among the usual "wavy" there are lazy and phlegmatic people, and among the exhibition there are energetic and amusing specimens.

They are very curious, ready to make contact and are happy to have fun, they are excellent companions for a person. Czechs are very quick-witted and can easily learn to talk, they like to be close to the owner and participate in his activities.

Housing for one Czech should be more spacious than for an ordinary wavy one: the minimum cage size is 50 * 40 * 35, wooden perches with a diameter of 2.5 cm, drinkers and feeders a little deeper than usual.

You need to feed the exhibition budgerigar in the same way as usual: grains, vegetables, fruits, herbs, twigs, mineral stones, sprouted grass, water, a course of vitamins. Considering that the Czech is twice as large as the wavy, the amount of food should be given in a larger volume.

With careful care and observance of the correct conditions of detention, the Czech budgerigars will delight you with their chirping for many years.

Here are some videos to help you make sure you need this particular budgerigar type:

Show budgerigars chicks:

Exhibition in Canada:

A whole film about Czechs:

Melopsittacus undulatus) is a species of birds from the order of parrots, the family of parrots, the only representative of the genus of budgies ( Melopsittacus).

The Latin name of the species is formed by 3 words: the Greek word “melos” meaning “singing”, the word “psittacos” - “parrot” and the Latin word “undulatus”, which means “wavy”. Therefore, literally translated, the name of the bird sounds like a singing wavy parrot. A number of bird watchers suggest calling the bird the wavy singer.

Budgerigar - description, appearance and characteristics

All of the above names absolutely correspond to the truth: budgerigars are really very noisy and talkative, they perfectly remember and imitate individual words and phrases that are repeated many times, often without much meaning.

Budgerigar- a beautiful and slender bird, which, due to its long tail, looks much larger than it actually is. Body length wavy parrot, excluding the tail, reaches 17-19.8 cm with a body weight of about 40-45 g. Domestic birds participating in exhibitions often have a body length of 21 to 23 cm.

Wings Budgerigars with a length of 9.5 to 10.5 cm are used by birds exclusively for flight and are completely unsuitable for support when walking or sitting.

The flight is beautiful and arched, similar to the flight of a swallow, and when landing, the wings of the bird bend downward, like that of a quail. Thanks to this structure, the budgerigar flies quite rapidly and is able to cover considerable distances in search of food.

Budgerigar has a long enough tail a stepped shape, growing up to 8-10 cm in length, and in young individuals the tail is much shorter.

Limbs birds are developed and tenacious, ending in 4 long fingers: 2 of them are directed backward, 2 are looking forward. This design allows the birds to grasp various objects, food with their paws, as well as deftly climb trees and walk on the ground. Strong curved claws of dark blue, black or almost white color grow at the end of the fingers.

Budgerigar paws can be colored gray-blue, reddish, bright scarlet and pale pink.

Budgerigars that live in nature eyes dark blue, and the color of the iris is yellowish or almost white.

These birds are capable of distinguishing colors, and a sufficiently large viewing angle allows you to observe 2 perspectives at once.

The budgerigar is distinguished by its strong beak protected by a strong horny substance, and its curved shape resembles a beak birds of prey... At the base of the beak of the budgerigar, the wax with nostrils is clearly visible. The bird's beak is quite mobile, the upper jaw is not spliced ​​with the bones of the skull, but is held by the ligamentous apparatus, while the lower jaw is much shorter than the upper one.

Due to its peculiar morphology, the beak of these birds serves as an excellent mechanism for breaking off and crushing shoots, foliage and plant seeds, and at the same time, it is a convenient tool for carrying objects, eating and climbing tree branches. In the event of an enemy attack, the budgerigar's beak acts as a reliable object of protection.

Budgerigars have a small, short and thick tongue, and its rounded tip is protected by keratinized epithelium. In almost all individuals, the inner surface of the beak is equipped with special horny teeth, which act as a file that sharpens the beak, help clean the grains, and also pluck and break fruits.

The chicks' beak is dark in color, but with age it becomes intense yellow, with a slight greenish tint.

Due to the natural color of grassy green, budgies are invisible to enemies against the background of a natural landscape. Cheeks all individuals are decorated with symmetrical purple markings of an elongated shape, and below, on both sides of the goiter, there are specks of black color - special signs inherent in all representatives of the species.

Typically, the markings partially overlap the throat spots.

Goiter and head surface budgies that live in nature are painted in an intense yellow color, in the occipital region, a thin and light dark brown waviness passes to the back, where it becomes much wider and brighter against the general yellow background.

In young parrots, the waviness is not so noticeable and starts right from the wax, and as it grows up, it is replaced by a characteristic yellow mask.

Feathers wavy parrots on the forehead of males have a unique feature: under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, they fluoresce, due to which females in nature choose a partner for nesting.

Moreover, the human eye can catch this radiation only at night, and budgerigars see the glow even in daylight.

Determining the sex of a bird is not difficult. To find out the sex of the budgerigar, you need to look at its wax, which is located at the base of the beak.

  • Young males have a purple-colored wax, in a young female it is intensely blue with a light border around the nostrils.
  • In mature males, the wax is dark blue or purple (in albinos). An adult female can be distinguished by the beige-blue or brown color of the wax. By the way, the brown color of the beeswax in females appears during nesting.

Male on the left, female on the right

Types of budgies, photos and colors

Today the budgerigar is considered the most common and favorite decorative bird for home keeping. Over the years of breeding work, more than 200 varieties of these birds have been bred with a wide variety of plumage colors, including recessive varieties that do not have a characteristic waviness.

Photo from the site budgerigar.com

Budgerigar yellow is the first mutation color and was developed in Belgium in 1872, and later all modern color variations, based on a yellow or white base, appeared. Below are some of the colors of budgies:

  • Natural, traditional color plumage of a budgerigar - light green(color Light green)

with a glossy sheen that covers the breast, belly and lower back of the birds. The traditional mask is light yellow, the points on the throat are black, and there are purple markings on the cheeks. The head, wings and back of the parrots are decorated with pronounced black waviness. The long tail feathers are dark blue, the wing bearing surface is colored black with a minimal light yellow edge.

  • Dark green budgies (color Dark green)

painted especially smartly, they appeared in France in 1915. The chest, belly and lower back of these parrots are dark green, the mask is light yellow, the points on the throat are black, slightly overlapped by purple zygomatic spots, on the body there is a characteristic waviness. The feathering of the wings is identical to the classic variety, but the tail feathers are darker.

  • Olive green budgies (Olive green)

descended from dark green individuals and were bred in France in 1919. The predominant color of the plumage of birds is olive green, the mask is bright yellow. Black waviness is highlighted in contrast on a yellow base. The wings of budgies are black with a green tint, the tail feathers are darker in comparison with the dark green specimens.

  • Sky blue budgerigar (Skyblue color)

was bred by the Belgians in 1878. The chest, belly and bottom of the back of the parrot are blue, and the bird's mask is pure white. The characteristic waviness is clearly expressed on a white base, the tail is blue, the primary primary feathers are black with a minimal white edge.

  • Cobalt budgies (color Cobalt)

were first demonstrated at the London Exhibition in 1910. Their breast, belly, back and tail are blue, the bird's mask is pure white, bright waviness is well pronounced against a white background. The wing color of the budgerigar ranges from black to blue. The tail feathers are darker in comparison to the sky-blue parrots.

  • Lilac budgies (color Mauve)

appeared as a result of a mixture of 2 dark factors, giving a deep lilac color without the presence of a gray tint.

  • Gray green budgie (Gray Green)

the fruit of the labors of Austrian breeders, which was received in 1935. The front, lower body and lower back of these birds are distinguished by a very light mustard or gray-greenish tone. The parrot mask is bright yellow, the spots on the throat are black, and the cheeks are gray, the clear waviness contrasts well with the yellow background. The tail is colored black, the primary primary feathers of the parrot are black with a minimal light yellow edge.

  • Gray budgerigars (gray)

appeared in Austria and England at the same time, in 1943. In representatives of the variety, the breast, lower body, cheeks and lower back are gray in color, the mask is snow-white, the marks on the throat are black. The characteristic waviness is clearly marked on a white base, the tail is black, and the plumage of the wings is black or grayish.

  • Purple budgerigar (color Violet)

first appeared in Germany in 1928. The breast, abdomen and lower back of the bird are distinguished by a deep purple color. The mask of the budgerigar is snow-white, the throat markings are black, the tail is dark purple, the primary flight feathers are black with a minimal white edge.

  • Yellowfaces budgerigars are of two types:
    • The first type of univariate assumes the presence of a lemon-yellow mask in the bird, which rarely extends beyond the occipital region and onto the chest. A lemon yellow hue can cover the white tail feathers and other white areas of the bird's plumage. The rest of the feathers do not have a yellow tint. In two-factor birds, the yellow mask is absent.
    • The second type of yellow-faced parrots also includes two varieties: one-factor and two-factor. Both those and others have a yellow mask. At the same time, the yellow color extends not only to the white feathers of the budgie, but also to the main plumage of the bird, making it from light green to turquoise, from cobalt to dark green, from mauve to olive.

  • Lyutinos(Lutino)

a very unusual variety of budgies with a bright yellow plumage of a shade of egg yolk. These parrots have red eyes with a light iris and pearlescent zygomatic markings. The tail and wing feathers of the budgerigar are light. Males are distinguished by a pink or purple shade of wax, in females the wax is brown. The paws of birds are red-brown or deep pink.

Albino on the left, lutinos on the right

  • Albino(Albino)

were first obtained in Germany in 1932, and at once by two amateur breeders. These budgies are distinguished by pure white feathers and red eyes with a white iris. The wax and paws of albinos are the same as those of lutinos.

  • Crested budgerigars

are presented in a wide variety of color variations, but differ in the type of crest. Some individuals are decorated with a pointed tuft of feathers growing on the forehead or on the crown of the head. In others, the crest has the shape of a semicircle formed by feathers that grow to the very beak in a kind of shield. The third variety of budgerigars is decorated with a double or round tuft growing from 2 points, while the feathers are symmetrically arranged and can form tuft of different shapes and lengths.

Where do budgerigars live in nature?

Budgerigars live in most of Australia, Tasmania and other nearby islands and are the most common and abundant species of Australian parrots.

V natural conditions budgerigars live in flocks of from 2 dozen to several hundred individuals and roam the mainland all their lives in search of food. Usually birds keep semi-desert and steppe landscapes with light forests, therefore they inhabit the entire eastern and western coasts, as well as the central part of the mainland, with the exception of the northern regions with dense forests.

The composition of a flock of budgerigars is constantly changing: some individuals fly away, others join, small groups can gather in giant flocks of up to a million individuals, which is an unforgettable spectacle in beauty.

Birds usually wait out the hot time of the day in the shade, hiding on the branches in the dense foliage of trees. At night, budgerigars sleep, and with the first rays of the sun they gather in small flocks and go to the watering hole and feeding areas, located a few kilometers from the place of their lodging.

Some birds drink at the water's edge, others sink to the very surface and quench their thirst on the fly. Often the company at the watering place is a cockatoo and zebra finches.

What do budgies eat?

According to the observation of scientists, the basis of the diet of budgerigars in nature is the seeds of terrestrial plants, to a greater extent these are the seeds of kangaroo grass. Due to human intervention in natural biotopes, birds are forced to rebuild their diet depending on changes in conditions the environment... Today the main crop of Australia, grown everywhere, is, but the grains of this cereal are too large for small birds. In addition to grains, budgerigars eat young shoots and leaves of plants, various berries, vegetables and fruits, and occasionally feed on insects and other invertebrates.

Budgerigars nest in their natural habitat all year round: the northern part of the population begins to reproduce immediately after the end of the rainy season; in the south, nesting begins in November and December. Nesting pairs occupy hollows, stumps with crevices and any other hollow niches.

Mating games of budgies consist in various courtship, an important part of which is “kissing” and regurgitation of food by the male. Thus, he demonstrates to the female his ability to feed future offspring. In the chosen place, practically without any litter, the female budgerigar lays from 4 to 12 white eggs, their incubation lasts about 3 weeks.

During the entire incubation period, the male budgerigar feeds the female, being nearby in a tireless search for food.

Budgerigar chicks hatch from eggs naked and blind, weighing about 2 g, the mother warms up the offspring, and both parents are engaged in feeding. 10 days after birth, the chicks open their eyes, at the age of 1 month they fully fledge and can leave their native nest, although some juveniles stay near the nest for some time.

At the age of 3 months, grown individuals are already able to reproduce.

Breeding budgies at home is a rather laborious process.

Male and female, unlike most birds, should grow together and feel great sympathy for each other, and artificially created pairs, as a rule, do not give offspring for several years.

How long do budgerigars live?

In nature, budgerigars live for about 7 years, and at home, with decent care, birds can live up to 10-15 years. The life expectancy of some individuals in captivity can reach 22 years.

Budgerigars at home: maintenance, care, feeding

It is better to stop the choice of a feathered pet for home keeping at 3-4 month old individuals: at this age budgerigars easily get used to the owners and a new home. But before you bring the bird home, you need to stock up on everything you need for decent care and maintenance of the budgerigar at home.

A rectangular cage is considered the best option. The size of the cage for the budgerigar should be such that the bird can flip from one perch to another without touching the walls with its wings. A cage 25x40x40 cm in size is enough to keep one budgerigar. A cage with frequent vertical and sparse horizontal rods will ensure unhindered movement of the bird and prevent slipping. The best material for a cage is unpainted stainless steel... If the rods are painted, the bird will chew on them and may eat paint particles.

Show parrots are popularly called "Czechs". This is due to the fact that at one time they were imported from the territory of Czechoslovakia. Beautiful parrots are able to attract attention from people. This is facilitated by their appearance. What are they really like? This will be discussed in the review.


Distinctive features

Show budgies reach 29 cm, the standard is 24.5 cm. They have a fluffy cap on their heads, a long beard and beautiful beads. But this is if the pet is of a standard color. The beak hides the beard. The feathered posture is proud, the chest is put forward, and the head is held in such a way as if the winged friend is wearing a crown.

Plumage colors

Colors can be very different. Moreover, in this direction selection is carried out regularly. Show budgerigars can vary in type. These amazing, graceful birds are constantly being improved. Every day appear different types parrots.


Feathered exhibition species of parrots are more calm in nature. They chirp little. However, they are able to speak a lot and clearly. In the morning, their activity is quite low. They calmly wait for the owners to wake up. Possessing a large body mass, show budgerigars fly very little, as they get tired quickly. But they are fun to play with and interact with. Sometimes they can show their restless nature during exhibitions. In this case, the judges use special sticks, with the help of which they manage to distract the bird's attention and make it sit quietly for a while.

Training and breeding

Show bird species are usually sold by hand. Accordingly, it will be easier to teach them how to talk. For training, it is worth taking a chick that has recently left the nest. Its age should be equal to 40-50 days. It is necessary to understand that the longer a bird has lived in a flock, the less chances it is to make it tame, while teaching it to speak.

Show parrots are less fertile. If you decide to start breeding them, you need to prepare separate enclosures for each pair. Parents can stop feeding their chicks. This responsibility falls on the owner of the birds. Chicks must be ringed without fail, using European standard rings for this. You will need to indicate the serial number, the year of the brood and the country. This is required for breeding and exhibition work.

The video will demonstrate how the domestication of a parrot takes place.


Show parrots require spacious cages with thicker perches. The feeders should also be large. In ordinary parrots, they can get stuck and die from suffocation. The distance between the rods should not be more than 1.5 cm. Otherwise, the curious chick will stick its head in, but will not be able to stick it out. The bottom of the cage should be high so that the parrot can flex its wings.

To feed the show parrot is required only with high-quality dry food, vegetables, fruits, mineral stones, fresh water and vitamins. You can use honey sticks. Be sure to give the germinated wheat, filling it with water beforehand. Calcified cottage cheese will bring benefits.

Varieties of parrots

Speckles can be dominant or recessive. They differ in that the colors (there can be about 6 of them) are distributed randomly throughout the plumage.

Harlequins differ in that the color on the chest and abdomen is well differentiated. For example, if the sternum is blue and the belly is yellow, then this parrot is called a blue-yellow harlequin. In males, the skin is red, while in females it is shiny waxy.

In penguins, the upper part is separated from the lower. The name of the bird will depend on the colors.

Tufted birds

Crested speakers differ from parrots of another breed in that they have a crest on their heads. It can have a different shape and degree of tufted. The colors are also different.

Amazing and bright colors

Most often, parrots are light green in color. In 1972, a bird was bred, the feathers of which were painted yellow. A few years later, a blue tint was obtained. Work is underway on the present stage... Now there are birds, the plumage of which is painted in a purple or black shade. The main colors prevailing in the plumage of feathered friends should be highlighted.

Combinations with green

Light green is the original color. Parrots of this particular color were first introduced to Europe. Over time, it was possible to make sure that the green hue was combined with other very different shades and patterns. Therefore, now you can find birds, the plumage of which includes green, yellow, blue, purple, gray, black colors and various patterns.

Blue color with various shades

The body of the feathered one can be painted blue. At the same time, there will be a mask painted in a white tone on the head. Blue and purple colors can be combined in plumage. There is also a gray tint. There are parrots that have a dark blue, purple tummy, chest or back. In this case, the flight wings are painted black.

Blue and purple feathers

There are species of birds, the back and chest of which are colored blue. The plumage can be white, black and gray. The waviness of the pattern in this species of feathered friends is practically absent. Often there are parrots, the plumage of which is half colored in a blue tint. The other half is white.

In parrots, the lower back can be colored purple. The chest, belly can be of the same shade. Even the cheeks can have a purple tint. Some species have black spots, bluish feathers, a blue-green mask, etc. There are many variations. Black drawing is able to settle on the wings or head.

White and yellow pets

There are budgerigars, the plumage of which is completely yellow. The photos presented in the review serve as proof of this. There are also some parrots, in the plumage of which there is a pink color. There are also birds that combine yellow, gray, white and blue shades with each other. There is also purple in various designs.

There are parrots, the plumage of which is completely white. The tail may have a light gray tint. The cheeks can turn pale gray. Birds can have wavy patterns on the back, as well as on the head, neck and cheeks.

Feathers can be different

There are birds, the plumage of which is painted in a light green shade. The mask can be yellow. The cheeks are colored purple, and the tail is dark blue with a brownish tint. A wavy pattern can be found on the neck, head, cheeks. Males have brown wax, while females have blue.

Albinos and lutinos: what are they?

There are breeds such as lutino and albino. The lutino color allows any shade of plumage, both light yellow and bright yellow. White is present in the flight and tail feathers. In some cases, they may have a yellowish tint. In the cheek area of ​​lutino, a pearly white hue prevails.

The beak with paws is light. There is a red tint in the eyes. The iris is also light. Males of lutino differ from females in shades of wax. In females, it is brown. The wax of males has a pink tint.

Albinos emerged when it was decided to cross breeds such as lutino and budgerigars, which were dominated by blue. The result is albinos with white feathers. A distinctive feature should be considered red eyes with light paws. Males have pink wax. Albino females are distinguished by their white wax.

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Video "Exhibition parrots"

By watching the video, you will learn how the show birds look and behave.

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