James chase - hit where it hurts. Treatment of a cancer patient in another city

MOSCOW, August 17 - RIA Novosti, Maria Saltykova. Otkritie Bank, Binbank, Moscow Credit Bank (MKB) and Promsvyazbank are at risk, by autumn "the situation around them can be finally resolved" - about this Management Company Alfa Capital warned its clients in a letter sent out on August 16. Later, the bank's press service reported that "it was the opinion of a private manager of the company." Is it possible to consider this "unfair competition" and whether the four indicated banks have any signs of instability - in the material of RIA Novosti.

What risks were warned about in the letter to Alfa Capital

"We continue to receive more and more public and non-public information about problems within a whole group of banks: FC Otkritie, Bina, Moscow Credit Bank (MKB) and Promsvyazbank. There is a high probability that the situation around them can be finally resolved this fall , and not after the presidential elections in Russia in 2018, as many people think," the letter said, which was sent to their clients at Alfa Capital Management Company.

Under the risk in the first place are issues of subordinated bonds, "which in the event of reorganization" (of the issuing bank), most likely, will be written off completely, "it was specified in the letter, excerpts from which were quoted by Vedomosti. It was noted that the Criminal Code closed the limits on bonds these four banks and advised its clients to “distance themselves from risk by transferring their assets to more reliable participants in the Russian banking system.” The letter was sent on behalf of Sergey Gavrilov, Director of Wealthy Clients at Alfa Capital Management Company.

Representatives of all four banks denied reports of problems. The Central Bank asked the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) to check whether this is unfair competition. Gavrilov was summoned for a conversation at the Central Bank. Alfa Capital itself said that they would check the work of the author of the mailing list for compliance with internal procedures, company standards and professional competence. They also said that they do not have any non-public negative information regarding all four banks, and the letter about the risks is "the personal point of view of an individual employee and in this case does not correspond to the position of the company."

All four banks indicated in the letter are in the top 15: according to RIA-Rating, as of July 1, Otkritie bank was in sixth place in terms of assets, Promsvyazbank was in ninth (both banks are systemically important), MKB is in tenth place and Binbank is in 12th place. On the same day, August 16, Otkritie Bank published its financial statements, from which it followed that his liquid assets almost halved over the month: from 1.23 trillion to 721 billion rubles (most of the funds were taken from the bank not individuals, and state-owned companies). He eventually dropped to eighth place from sixth.

Alfa Capital called the statement about the banks "private opinion" of the employeeEarlier in the company's mailing list there was information about the difficulties of Otkritie, Binbank, MCB and Promsvyazbank. Clients were advised to transfer assets "to more reliable organizations."

Reporting of MCB, Promsvyazbank and Binbank showed no major problems: there were no significant capital outflows from them.

Can the letter be considered "unfair competition"

"Sending such letters is " pure marketing", - said RIA Novosti CEO Management Company "Sputnik - Capital Management" Alexander Losev. According to him, the management company "has the authority from clients to independently make certain investment decisions within the framework of trust asset management, so it never sends recommendations to its clients to sell, buy, run away, and so on."

"Any advice of a financier should be based on real figures and facts, on financial results activities of companies, data on debts and revenues, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about fair value an asset and a recommendation is given to buy, hold or sell securities of certain companies or banks," Losev explained.

Two more management companies - Aton Management Company and the BCS group declined to comment. Evgeny Malykhin, Director of the Investment Department of Aton Management Management Company, said that the story is "so sensitive for the market and for colleagues that the less you say, the better." Finam Management Managing Director Vladimir Tvardovsky, in turn, pointed out that the letter could not be considered "unfair competition" if it was sent to a limited number of clients who signed a non-disclosure agreement.

“But if such information could potentially be available to a wide range of people, this is an unpleasant situation for both the analyst and the management company, because you need to answer for your words,” Tvardovsky added.

The letter was probably sent by an employee of the sales department, and not by an analyst, Vyacheslav Putilovsky, junior director for banking ratings at Expert RA, believes. According to him, the tasks of "sales" include consultations on the acquisition, holding, sale valuable papers and other assets - the so-called trading ideas. “Within his competence, he could recommend anything to clients, this is his job, and clients could follow or not follow the recommendations,” the expert noted.

What is wrong with Otkritie Bank, Binbank, MKB and Promsvyazbank

According to the director of Finam Management, the recommendations of the Alfa Capital employee could be based on an analysis of the balance sheets of banks published before August 16. “You can see a lot in the dynamics, it’s another matter that many people prefer not to watch, some analysts believe that this bank is too big to fail (translated from English as “too big to fail.” — Note ed.), and some watch and they see: it’s bad here and here,” the expert noted.

Tvardovsky clarified that he himself did not analyze the balance sheet of Otkritie Bank, so he could not say anything about its prospects. At the same time, the information contained in the letter, according to him, for the participants financial market didn't add anything new. “But in fact, the Central Bank has a lot of leverage in its hands in order to prevent the development of negative dynamics,” Tvardovsky concluded.

"Each of the banks has certain difficulties. But Bean - everyone has been following him for a long time, his owner (Mikhail Gutseriev. - Ed.) has at least Russneft. And Otkritie has good partnerships with VTB and a number of other large banks, I think they don’t need Otkritie to collapse," Losev said. In his opinion, even if something happens to Otkritie, it will be in the nature of a smoother reduction in will move from the top 10 to the top 20. MKB and Promsvyazbank have a different business than the first two: they are universal banks, although they also invest in real estate and development projects. problems, but these banks also have serious clients and well-connected shareholders," he said.

Is it possible to judge the reliability of banks by ratings

In June-July, Russian and international credit agencies reported downgrading the ratings of all four banks or confirming their not very high level. Thus, in July, ACRA assigned Bank Otkritie a BBB- rating with a stable outlook. This deprived the bank of the opportunity to attract funds from the federal budget and NPFs. It was reported that this is the first time that the agency has assigned such a low rating to a private systemically important bank. For comparison: the rating of Alfa-Bank is at the level of "AA", the Moscow Credit Bank - "A-". Earlier, in June, the bank's major clients withdrew more than 100 billion rubles of deposits from it.

The international agency S&P in June confirmed the rating of Binbank "B" with a "stable" outlook. At the same time, analysts identified two main risks: the first is an interbank loan of 563 billion rubles, and the second is a high share of construction and real estate with a "significant risk" in the loan portfolio (18.4% at the end of 2016). At the same time, the National Rating Agency (NRA) in December 2016 assigned it a level of "AA" - reliable. Two agencies accredited by the Central Bank - ACRA and Expert RA - did not assign a rating to the bank.

In June, the Fitch rating agency downgraded the credit rating of Moscow Credit Bank (MCB) from BB to BB- with a stable outlook (the agency does not rate the other three banks). At the same time, the state of the institution cannot be called absolutely critical, the senior director of the analysis group explained to RIA Novosti financial institutions Fitch Ratings Alexander Danilov. “According to the ICD, I don’t see such risks. The bank has “sores”, like many others, but nothing that would require a sharp intervention,” he said. According to him, this is not the worst rating for Russia. As for quotes from the analyst's letter, "the conclusions are biting, harsh, but the evidence base is empty," he said.

In turn, the credit agency "Expert RA" withdrew its rating from MKB at the end of June without confirmation (before that, in May, it was assigned at the level of "ruBBB-" with a stable outlook). It was reported that the bank did not provide the necessary reporting for the assessment. Promsvyazbank received a rating of "ruA" a few days later. It was noted that the bank has a low quality of the loan portfolio, but its size speaks in its favor: indeed too big to fail.

According to Losev, the ratings of international agencies are "largely politicized", while at the same time the methodology of Russian rating agencies not too transparent. And to draw conclusions about whether it is worth using the services of a bank for a client, one can only consider the ratings of rating agencies in combination with other indicators.

As it became known to Business Class, when designing the second stage of the reconstruction of st. Revolution, including the area Central market and adjacent sections of roads, it is planned to use part of the territory of the infectious diseases hospital for the road network. Anatoly Dashkevich, deputy head of the administration of Perm, told this to bc. According to him, otherwise it will not be possible to organize traffic properly.

“We have worked out pre-project proposals for organizing traffic. The designers prepared about ten options, but none of them suited us. Therefore, a consolidated decision was made: to wait for the development of the situation with the quarter where the Regional Infectious Diseases Hospital is located. He will still be dispersed. With this in mind, we will continue the design of the second stage of the reconstruction of the street. Revolutions. By using part of the vacated territory for the road network, it is possible to effectively organize traffic,” Mr. Dashkevich explained.

Earlier, he noted that difficulties arise in order to. “There are nine options for organizing traffic on the square, and for none of them the calculations show the desired results. “The traffic flows on the square itself are superb, but then either the street “stands up”. Pushkin, or st. Lunacharsky, or st. Kuibyshev. The goal of the design is to find an option that actually solves the problems with traffic on the market square,” Anatoly Dashkevich reported in June 2017.

By the first stage of a large-scale reconstruction of the street. Revolution, an exciting plot from the street. Kuibyshev to st. Siberian, city authorities intend to start at the end of this year. Ilya Denisov, Head of the Department of Roads and Transport of the Perm Administration, notes that the project provides for extraordinary solutions, the need for which is due to the active development of the adjacent territory.

“The development of the quarter on the site of the former psychiatric hospital, which was supposed by the General Plan, and what is now are two completely different things in terms of the load on the street and road network. The project to be implemented takes these changes into account. Initially, wide sidewalks and a roadway in the current dimensions were planned along Revolution Street. In the current situation, the road needs to be widened. In the project, we were able to provide throughput transport and bring tram tracks there,” he said.

A lane for trams and buses will be allocated in the center of the roadway. This is a unique transport solution not only for Perm, but also for Russia, experts say. Now the project is undergoing state expertise.

To date, the territory of the quarter No. 179, limited by the streets of G. Uspensky, Kuibyshev, Revolution and Komsomolsky Prospekt, is actively developing. A new residential complex is being built at the site of the old buildings of the psychiatric hospital. The developer intends to build more than 175.895 thousand square meters. m. of housing. Until 2020, it is planned to build eight houses here: six twin residential buildings of variable number of floors from 20 to 34 floors and two objects with a height of 6 to 10 floors.

For a long time on suitcases

The transfer of the infectious diseases hospital from the quarter bounded by the streets of the Revolution, Pushkin and Kuibyshev has been going on for a long time. The project of transferring the medical institution was being prepared more than 10 years ago under Governor Oleg Chirkunov. For a medical institution, a site was allocated in the Industrial District of Perm and a project was developed. However, it was not implemented. Other major medical construction projects were prioritized - the center for cardiovascular surgery and the regional perinatal center.

In 2016, the Infectious Diseases Hospital was co-financed for 2017-2019. It was assumed that, taking into account funding from the federal budget in the amount of 1.9 billion, the share of the regional budget's expenditures would be 1.3 billion. The application was approved by the Russian Ministry of Health, but. The officials then proposed reducing the number of beds in the hospital from 650 to 200 beds in order to reduce the cost of the project.

In the current list of capital construction, the infectious diseases hospital has just such a capacity. The cost of designing and building the facility is estimated at 2.66 billion rubles. The project is planned to be implemented in two stages, from 2018 to 2021.

Random pain makes kind people even kinder. Even more carefully. Even more sympathetic to others. They remember that everyone hurts. Absolutely everyone. And they try to spare the best they can. Even those who unwittingly caused suffering...

sore spot many have. Only people behave differently if they inadvertently hit a sore spot. Some aggressively rush at an unsuspecting person. He did not even understand what he said or did wrong. Or wrote. And they already cursed him, pushed him away, ordered him to get out. Although the man did not want anything bad. Actually he was talking about something else. About mine. But hit the sore spot.

Everyone has a sore point

Others behave differently.

My mom went to medical school. I took an oral exam - I don't remember which one. She handed over, but she got scared, got nervous, lost her thoughts and fell silent. Sits in front of the examiner and is silent. He's so dark and stern. Everyone said that it was extremely difficult for him to pass the exam. He is angry. He overwhelms everyone. Bad and evil examiner.

Mom is pale and silent. I forgot everything - it happens. And this angry gray-haired man for some reason asked who her mom and dad were. And who else is in the family? Mom whispered: they say, sister and younger brother Volodenka. And the teacher somehow looked strangely and turned away. He probably didn't like the answer.

An adult girl, like, seventeen years old, enters such a serious institute, she wants to become a doctor. And he babbles like a child: "Brother Volodenka" ... What a shame. Even the teacher shed a tear and lit a cigarette. Then everyone smoked. Right on the exam, can you imagine - maybe he shed a tear from the smoke. It was so smoky.

And then he affectionately began to talk to his mother. And she passed the exam perfectly - from a kind voice and good relationship she remembered everything! The stupor passed. And passed on "five". And she did.

And then they told my mother, only a few years later. This examiner had a son, Volodenka. And he got hit by a car. The truck drove into the arch - and pressed the little boy against the wall. The driver didn't notice him. And that's it. Volodenka, The only son died like this. Such a tragedy.

And involuntarily, my mother hit the sore spot. With a living heart. Reminded me. Hurt. Caused pain.

But the occasional pain of kind people makes them even kinder. Even more carefully. Even more sympathetic to others. They remember that everyone hurts. Absolutely everyone. And they try to spare the best they can. Even those who unwittingly caused suffering...published .

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

Hit on the sore spot Express. Cause moral pain, recalling something unseemly, shameful, reprehensible. Nicknames are directly hit on a sore spot and left as a keepsake to posterity and in the coming times, people's tormentors and unkind people ... They began to call the accursed robbers - Vanka Cains; traitors and traitors - Mazepas(S. Maksimov. Winged words). And she again, with even greater force, fell upon Varvara. She shamed her, scolded her, appealed to her conscience ... In general, she beat her in a sore spot, in Barbara's pride(F. Abramov. Two winters and three summers).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .

See what "To beat on a sore spot" is in other dictionaries:

    Hit on the sore spot- to whom. Razg. To inflict moral pain, to remind of what l. dishonorable, shameful, reprehensible. F 1, 23 ...

    PLACE- Hit the seats. Arch. Until now, up to this point. SRNG 18, 128. To be near the place and near the body. Arch. Have permanent job, occupation. AOC 10, 453. To places not so distant. Razg. Iron. In exile, in prison. BMS 1998, 374. Jump out of place. Kar. Turn out to be... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    Lopukhina, Natalya Fyodorovna- State lady of the Empresses Anna Ioannovna and Elizabeth Petrovna. Genus. November 11, 1699, d. March 11, 1763 Lopukhina, nee Balk, was the native niece of Mons: Anna and Vilim, daughter of Modesta Mons. Both by origin and upbringing, she ... ...

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    TALK - BESTOLOL- Cross yourself and get some sleep! Bow to Makar, and Makar to seven sides. Started with the spirit and ended with the belly. He sits in trouble, and smokes trouble. Conceived for health, and brought to rest. Not out of the box, not in the box. It does not fit into the box, it does not come out of the box and does not give the box. Neither san ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Sailing the Nile from Cairo to entering the Bahiuda Desert- On September 28, in the afternoon, we, together with the missionaries and their retinue, got into a large comfortable Nile barge, which was already loaded with all our supplies and stood at the Bulak pier. At the usual hour of departure, among the Arabs ... ... Animal life

    The family of aspid snakes, or asps- In the first family of aspids, we connect snakes with an elongated body, a small head, a valky, moderately pointed body at the end. It is rounded or appears obtusely triangular in cross-section due to a protruding ridge on the back. Nostrils ... ... Animal life

After antitumor treatment, which is carried out in courses with periodic admission to the hospital, the patient is discharged under the supervision of an oncologist and a therapist at a polyclinic at the place of residence.

It is necessary to undergo an examination during the first year - once every three months, during the second year - once every six months, in the future - once a year.

How can a cancer patient get medicine at their place of residence

Prescriptions for medicines are usually written by the patient's attending physician at the clinic at the place of residence. The medicine must first be prescribed by a doctor, and then a subsidized prescription must be written for it.

Often, clinics refuse to issue a preferential prescription in the absence of drugs in the pharmacy. Such actions are illegal. By current legislation the absence of a drug in a discount pharmacy should not be a reason for refusing a prescription, on the contrary, a prescription is needed to put it on deferred service.

Where to complain if medicines are denied at the place of residence

  • the head of a polyclinic whose doctors refuse to issue a preferential prescription;
  • with a complaint about the actions of doctors, you can contact the drug supply department of the Ministry of Health of the region;
  • A complaint against the actions of the Ministry of Health can be submitted in writing to territorial authority Roszdravnadzor, which exercises control over the provision of medicines to people with disabilities;
  • to the prosecutor's office with a complaint about non-compliance with the above regulations on the right of a cancer patient to receive preferential medicines.

How to choose a clinic for a cancer patient at the place of residence

As a rule, patients receive medical care in the territorial polyclinic, according to the place of residence, but according to the law, the patient has the right to choose a medical organization and a doctor. You can choose a polyclinic in another area of ​​the city - if the patient does not live by registration or it is more convenient for him to undergo treatment near work.

Step 1. To attach to a new polyclinic, the patient submits an application addressed to the head physician to the polyclinic where he wants to be treated, presenting his passport and compulsory medical insurance policy. The application shall indicate the place of actual residence, place of registration. Therefore, it will not hurt (but not necessarily) temporary registration or a housing contract in a simple writing with the owner of housing or a certificate from the place of work.

Step 2. The new polyclinic and the one that the patient wants to change start a correspondence, as a result of which the patient is informed about the change of health facility with notification of the insurance company.

In practice, it often happens differently. If the answer to the application for attachment is positive, then the patient either writes an application for detachment to the old clinic, or picks up his medical card and brings it to the new health facility himself. And maybe even simpler - the patient is simply recorded for an appointment with a doctor at a new place of residence.

If the patient is registered in one district, but wants to be attached to the clinic at the place of work, then it must be borne in mind that the doctor may not come to the house on call.

Therefore, the issue of visiting a patient at home should be clarified in advance with the head physician of the new clinic and with the insurance company that issued the patient's compulsory medical insurance policy.

What to do if a cancer patient is denied attachment at the place of residence

They have the right to refuse attachment due to the workload of the clinic, which is the case. In this case, you need to ask the head physician for a refusal in writing and apply with it to the health authority (Ministry of Health or the Department of Health), the insurance company, TFOMS. They will check whether there really are no more places in the clinic and whether it is permissible to make an exception. In some cases Insurance Company may influence the decision of the head physician.

As for specialized medical care - an oncology dispensary for inpatient treatment - you can choose it only with a referral from a doctor. In other words, you will have to go to be treated where they will give you a referral in the clinic. However, when issuing a referral, the attending physician is obliged to inform the patient about all medical organizations that participate in the implementation of the Territorial State Guarantees Program, and the patient has the right to choose any of these organizations.

The choice of cancer patients by a doctor at the place of residence

The patient can choose a doctor, subject to the consent of the doctor, by submitting an application addressed to the head medical organization and an indication of the reason for the change. And the leader is obliged to assist in this.

Treatment of a cancer patient in another city

The right to receive medical care - both outpatient and inpatient - free of charge at the place of their actual residence and work in any city is provided by the law and the CHI policy, which is a document certifying the right of the insured person to free medical care throughout the territory Russian Federation. Especially often the rights of such patients are violated in Moscow.

For example, a non-resident patient will receive planned medical care in a hospital, but he will not be able to do some types of complex planned operations under the policy, since they may not be included in the basic CHI program. A non-resident patient can learn about the scope of the basic CHI program at the Territorial CHI Fund.

Attaching a cancer patient to a polyclinic in another city

They do not have the right to refuse to attach because of the workload in the health care facility of another city, otherwise the patient will not be able to receive medical care at all. You need to complain about the refusal to attach to the representative office of the medical insurance company in the city of temporary residence, to the TFOMS, to the regional health authority.

In order to receive planned treatment in a specialized oncology dispensary at the place of actual residence in another city, it is necessary, after attaching to the clinic, to receive a referral from a general practitioner, oncologist or surgeon of the clinic.

Then the operation and all subsequent treatment in the oncology dispensary will be free of charge. compulsory medical insurance policy. In addition, being attached to a polyclinic will give a disabled patient from another city the opportunity to receive prescriptions for painkillers, including narcotic drugs, which is necessary when a lone cancer patient moves to live with relatives in another city.


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