Download a cafe business plan presentation. LLC Cafe "White Siren" This Business Plan is presented to familiarize potential creditors with the market, organizational and financial situation. VI. Market analysis

LLC Cafe "White Lilac" This Business– the plan is presented to familiarize potential creditors with the market, organizational and financial position enterprises. Postal address: Kostroma, Sovetskaya street 34/2 Contact telephones: (49453) , Fax: (49453) www. Café Director of LLC "White Lilac" Blinova Olga Sergeevna The business plan was drawn up Chief Accountant Chernova Lyubov Sergeevna Date of compilation: Moscow

The purpose of the business plan The creation of a business plan for the cafe "White Siren" is aimed at the main goals: 1. Making a profit 2. Development of production and its further growth 3. Expanding opportunities 4. Attracting suppliers 5. Occupying a market niche The purpose of our work is to create conditions for stable development, increase enterprise income. motivation, shareholders and investors - return on investment. Creation of conditions for the stabilization of the enterprise, profit from the main activity, fulfillment of obligations to shareholders. The achievement of this goal will be facilitated by the continuation of activities to strengthen financial stability and solvency of the enterprise, reduce costs, strengthen financial discipline. According to our calculations, our enterprise is profitable and very profitable. We took out a loan in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. we will be able to repay in a year without causing losses to the enterprise.

Description of the enterprise. Cafe "White Lilac" is an enterprise that provides services to the public. The cafe is located on entry level stage of development. Organizationally - legal form cafe "OOO" (Society with Limited Liability). Profit: We have authorized capital, as well as lending in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. The company was founded in the year. Opening hours of the cafe "White Lilac" from 8:30 to 22:00. In summer, the cafe will offer customers light snacks, a variety of salads, ice cream and cold drinks. And in winter, the menu will include hot dishes with a variety of side dishes and hot drinks.

Location of the enterprise. LLC Cafe "White Lilac" is located on Sovetskaya street 34/2 (location map attached). The premises are not rented, but owned. The degree of deterioration of the premises is insignificant, although the building is quite old. The footage of this room is 200 m2. Next to our cafe there is a cafe "Winter Cherry" and a pizzeria "Merano". We made a choice in the city center, because it is very beneficial for business. The location of the cafe "White Lilac" corresponds to its data and quality of services. In the center of the city there is a larger number of people, because in addition to relaxing, people work there, pass by or, if necessary, are in the center and even tourists will not pass by. Thus, our cafe will be visited more often than the cafe, which is located on the outskirts of the city. And also our address is easy to remember and find us. Our choice of location is highly competitive. Since the cost of renting in the city center exceeds the cost of renting on the outskirts of the city, and the amount will be much higher, we do not risk it. Because due to the large number of customer visits and profit, our enterprise will be able to recoup the cost of its location. Also, funds will not be spent on the construction of nearby roads, since the roads in the city center are paid by the city administration. Sovetskaya street

Products and services. Goods. The main products of our company are at the stage of development and introduction of goods on the market. Our highly skilled workers have developed new recipes for Spanish and Italian dishes, which are in great demand among potential consumers. The competitiveness of our goods is quite high, since in the preparation of goods we use high-quality products made by qualified personnel on high-quality equipment. Our prices are more acceptable to our potential customers. The company has a range of products for first courses, second courses, salads, drinks, desserts. Each consumer can choose goods to his taste from our wide range. New product analysis. Our calculations support profitability over the forecast period. life cycle, since the majority of our potential consumers will be interested in the new product, which will bring the bulk of the profit from the production of this product. Based on our target market research, some conclusions can be drawn. That there are two competitors in our target market - the pizzeria "Merano" and the cafe "Winter Cherry", which produce a similar type of product, which creates competition.

Market and marketing. Markets. We believe that target markets with the fewest competitors and the largest number of potential customers are most important for the commercial success of an enterprise. Our company is located in the central target market. And in the future, we plan to expand the number of target markets and create enterprises in the Panovsky target market. Buyers. Each of our company's target markets has the same potential customers. The main needs of consumers are quality, assortment, price of products and speed of preparation, quality of service. Marketing goals. The long-term goals of our company at present are: Planning the creation of an additional target market in Panovo. Short-term goals of our company: To provide courses to improve the skills of the main employees of our cafe. Achieving short-term goals contributes to the achievement of long-term goals. Our goals are consistent with the prestige and image of the company's production capabilities. Marketing program. The global structure is the capture of all target markets in the city of Kostroma. In accordance with the strategy, we have compiled an annual marketing plan. Regular research of the target market is carried out. Organization of marketing. We do not have a marketing director, but his functions are performed by a technologist. He is responsible for the implementation of all marketing activities.

Prices. The price structure reflects production costs and % profit. The price of our goods expresses competitiveness. It also stimulates demand for our product. Our consumers react positively to changes in the price of our product. When the price of competitors changes, we try to optimally change ours. Merchandising. Organization of trade. Our company has no intermediaries in the organization of trade. We conduct training and retraining of personnel through advanced training, through the organization and assignment to professional courses. Formation of demand and sales promotion. Advertising of our company is organized in the form of articles in newspapers, on radio and television. The purpose of advertising is to showcase your organization from the very beginning. better side and attract customers. To disseminate information about the product, the company uses the following types: Radio, Newspapers, Television, Exhibitions. Our firm is pursuing the mass demand of the buyers using the media. Package. In our cafe, the packaging of goods meets all requirements and passes all inspection tests. His appearance packaging attracts the attention of buyers, and its tightness and strength, saves the goods from damage. The originality of our packaging helps consumers to recognize our branded product against the background of other products.

Competitors and competition. Our competitors are the cafe "Winter Cherry", the pizzeria "Merano", which is located next to us. But since our company is developing at a fast pace, the prospects for the development of competition are unlikely. In relation to the pizzeria "Merano", the company operates more successfully, as our cafe has a varied menu, high-level service and affordable prices for clients. Cafe "White Lilac" has studied some aspects of the activities of competitors and we know their production technology, profits and losses, as well as advertising methods. Our agents have studied the supply of raw materials and components, as well as other, commercial results of the activity. Organizational structure and management. Accountant Technologist Bartender (2 people) Waiters (3 people) Cooks (4 people) Cleaning lady Driver Director

staffing Cafe "White Siren" The salary of our employees directly depends on the profit. As profits increase, bonuses are given. The average age of our employees will be 30 years. Work force, not related to management: Since the projected enterprise belongs to the service sector, the planned work schedule is from 8.30 to Thus, in accordance with the Labor Code, the working hours of bartenders, waiters and cooks are set two through two, without breaks, from 8.00 to administrative and management personnel from to with a lunch break five days a week. The driver works from 8.00 am to lunch break five days a week, the cleaning lady works in the morning (before opening) and in the evening (after closing) of the store. The equipment and nature of the work determines the following qualification requirements to employees: Position Number of workers Salary, rub. Annual payroll, thousand rubles Director Accountant Technologist Driver Bartender Waiter Cleaner Cooks TOTAL

Qualification requirements for employees PositionEducationQualityExperience Accountant Higher education and courses Mobility, decency, PC knowledge, sociability, psychological stability, attentiveness. Mandatory, at least 5 years Technologist Higher education and courses Mobility, decency, PC knowledge, sociability, honesty, attentiveness, persuasive skills Mandatory, at least 5 years Bartender Secondary specialized or courses honesty, decency, integrity, good knowledge of the wine list, computer knowledge, cash register. Desirable, but not required. Waiter Specialized secondary or courses honesty, decency, conscientiousness, knowledge of a computer, cash register. Desirable, but not required Cook Secondary specialty honesty, decency, conscientiousness, the ability to cook deliciously and quickly. Mandatory, at least 5 years Driver No matter honesty, decency, conscientiousness, personal car. Mandatory, at least 5 years Recruitment of employees will be carried out on a competitive basis, taking into account personal qualities and work experience.

Need for fixed assets Name of equipment Number of units, pcs. Price per unit, rub. Minimum program Basic equipment Refrigerator Air conditioner Mixer Kettle Microwave oven Stove Coffee maker Auxiliary equipment Cash register Computer Bar counter Music center (TV) Furniture: * chair * table * wardrobe * hanger Crockery: * spoons * forks * knives * plates * cups * glasses TOTAL:

Need for material resources Name of the type of material resources Need for the 2008 program Quarter I Quarter II Quarter III Quarter VI Year Suppliers "LLC" Natur. expression Amount rub. Natur. expression Amount rub. Natur. expression Amount rub. rub. Flour Ruskhleb Sugar Optroduct Salt Optroduct Mayonnaise Cheese Company Ketchup Bulgarian spices Egg Poultry farm Butter grows Gena Cream butter Milk Meat Cosby - M Fruits: * Frutti oranges * Frutti tangerines * Frutti bananas * Frutti pears * Frutti kiwi * Frutti pineapple * Frutti apples * Frutti lemons

Vegetables: * potatoes Vegetable tale * carrots Vegetable tale * onions Vegetable tale * cucumbers Vegetable tale * tomatoes Vegetable tale * cabbage Vegetable tale * greens Vegetable tale Cheese Cheese company Sausage Cosby - M Dairy products Milk Bread Bakery Coffee Juices Brazilian region Tea Zelenogorsk Wine * white Arbat * red Arbat Fish Total:

Forecasted sales per month portions; l Price per month Per year portions; l Price per year Monthly porc;l Price per month Per year porc; l Price per year Per month portions; l Price per month Per year portions; l Price per year Salads Max Avg min Cold appetizers Max Avg min Hot dishes Max Avg min Soft drinks Max Avg min Alcoholic drinks Max Avg min Sales forecast

Second courses Max Avg min Meat slices Max Avg min Fruit slices Max Avg min Dessert Max Avg min Fish slices Max Avg min Total rub rub rub. The market growth data was determined by constructing 3 scenarios: the maximum market growth is calculated based on the population size being unchanged. Forecast sales volumes can vary significantly depending on socio-economic, demographic and other factors.

Indicator December1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q1 1. Receipt of proceeds from sales 399.5 2. Receipt of credit funds Total receipts,5 4. Payments to third parties, total including, 5317 Payment of supplier invoices Salary less deductions Settlements with contractors Advertising Rent payment Depreciation Other expenses 1.5 22, Interest on the loan 22, Taxes, total 107, Repayment of the loan BALANCE of payments and receipts, 5 + 135.5 + 65.5 + 66.5 + 23.5 + 160.5 6. THE SAME cumulative total, 5 Financial plan . The amount of investment in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. 18% per annum for a period not exceeding 1 year with quarterly repayment of financing costs. Credit funds and expenses on them are repaid at the expense of own funds remaining with the enterprise after settlement with suppliers and state and local authorities. Motion cash flows(payments and receipts) is presented in the table. The indicators are given without discounting the cost due to short term lending with a large margin of safety. The company has already reached a positive balance in the 4th quarter of 2011, which can compensate for unforeseen price hikes for materials, energy, and services. Financial plan (cash flow for the period of capacity development and loan repayment), thousand rubles

According to financial plan return of a part of credit funds in the amount of 80 thousand rubles. it is expedient to carry out in the 4th quarter of 2011 in order to reduce the interest fee for the loan and make a reserve Money before the end of the financial year (in the 4th quarter of 2012) Profit statement, rub. Name of indicator 2011 2012 Balance sheet profit Taxes from profit Net profit Loan repayment and % for loan Profit allocated for the development of production Profit to be distributed The same, on an accrual basis Dividends - Total The same, on an accrual basis Including: Dividends to the investor (guaranteed) the same, cumulative total Profit balance

Investment loan repayment schedule, rub. Name of indicator 2011 2012 Total 1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q4 % for the loan 22, Repayment of the main debt (body of the loan) Total 22, Calculation of break-even and financial safety margin. Name of indicator 2011 2012 Sales volume, rub Conditionally – fixed costs, rub Specific gravity conditionally – variable expenses in sales volume, % 37,838.4 Break-even point, rub Financial safety margin, rub weight of conditionally variable expenses in sales volume

Sales volume Conditionally variable expenses 2012 817.8 825.6 2,218,440 (2012) 0 Profitability threshold In 2011 Profitability threshold In 2012 RUB 2,218,440 Deemed variable costs 2011 Sales volume Costs Deemed fixed costs 2011 Deemed fixed costs 2012 1,327.4 1,314.9

Summary The location of our cafe "White Lilac" is economically advantageous, due to its location near the city center. The quality of our products meets all the requirements of GOST. With the intensive development of our company, there is a fairly high growth in sales. Profit, which amounted to RUB. Our company employs highly qualified workers, specialists and personnel. With an increase in sales volumes, the profit of the enterprise will increase, which will expand it and make it more competitive. According to our calculations and the analysis carried out, our cafe "White Lilac" is economically viable, sustainable and profitable. When concluding contracts (agreements) with us, you will come to the conclusion that cooperation with us is beneficial for your company (organization) and in the future we will develop intensively, which will please you and our customers.

Appendix. 1.Report on credit operations 2.Certificate of tax registration 3.Copy of the contract 4.Certificate of ownership 5.Charter 6.Order on the appointment of a director and chief accountant; data of the director and chief accountant; personal card with a sample signature of the seal imprint 7. Agreements and a license for the purchase of a cash register 8. Loan agreement 9. Balance sheet of the enterprise 10. Medical certificates of professional fitness of all personnel 11. Form 2 about financial results

Name of the dish ExitPrice Salads Asian Oriental Fruit Mosaic Russian Beauty Naples Monomakh's Hat – – – – – – Cold Appetizers Stuffed Tomatoes Kholodets in Ukrainian Aspic Lecho 1/ /80 35 – – – Hot Dishes Pilaf with Chicken Fried Chicken Fillet Fried Pork Rassolnik Bulgarian borscht 1/200 1/ / – – – – Main dishes French fries Pork in wine sauce Veal with prunes Marinated tongue Deep-fried pink salmon – – – – Meat cuts: Bacon Smoked sausage Salami Carbonate Brisket – – – – – 00 Fruit cuts: Citrus paradise Exotics Jolly tropics – – Sliced ​​fish: Pink salmon Salmon Trout – – – 00

Name of the dishExitPrice Desserts: Ice cream: "Luntik" "Squirrel" "Gourmet" "White Bear" "Forest Tale" "World of Exotics" Cake: "Queen of the Night" "Chocolate Girl" "The Bronze Horseman" "Star" "Eclair" – – – – – – – – – – Soft drinks Natural juices: Orange Tomato Cherry Peach Grape Apple Tea: Black with sugar Green with sugar Red with sugar Coffee: Aladdin's Lamp Arabic coffee Brazilian coffee Ammaretto – – – – – – – – – – – – 00 Alcoholic beverages White wines: Lotus Tender Sets Snow Queen Zemfira Korovella Red wines: Cahors Cabernet Bear Blood Isabella Obligaten 1/50 25 – – – – – – – – – – 00

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Description of the project Customer service in a cafe is very profitable business. Our cafe is located in the city center, it gets a large number of visitors and this makes a big profit. The cafe is open seven days a week, around the clock. Serving customers in a cafe is a very lucrative business. Our cafe is located in the city center, it gets a large number of visitors and this makes a big profit. The cafe is open seven days a week, around the clock. Only we prepare fragrant, refined, rich real coffee and cocoa from selected beans, as well as freshly made confectionery. Only we prepare fragrant, refined, rich real coffee and cocoa from selected beans, as well as freshly made confectionery.

Subject area Our cafe actively uses global network Internet, through which it will be possible to place an order at home. We never have a shortage of items or products, as we cooperate with a chain of stores where we buy everything we need in advance. Our cafe actively uses the global Internet network, with which you can make an order at home. We never have a shortage of items or products, as we cooperate with a chain of stores where we buy everything we need in advance.

Classification and characteristics of the target audience Children, youth and middle-aged people are frequent visitors to our establishment. Children, youth and middle-aged people are frequent visitors to our establishment. The cafe dominates marketing ploy to find your own in the general stream target audience The cafe is dominated by a marketing move in order to find its target audience in the general flow

Competition In order for us to bypass competition with other establishments, we try to expand the assortment, arrange recreational activities for visitors (mainly children), regular visitors receive a 15% discount, as well as various promotions and lotteries. In order for us to bypass the competition with other establishments, we are trying to expand the assortment, organize entertainment events for visitors (mainly children), regular visitors are given a 15% discount, and various promotions and lotteries are also held.

Project prospects We will open other branches in Moscow and St. Petersburg, we will open a special store with products that we use in our cafe, so that people can cook such products at home. We will open other branches in Moscow and St. Petersburg, we will open a special store with products that we use in our cafe, so that people can prepare such products at home.

Risks Risks can arise from the lack of confidence in the honest work of employees in the kitchen (so that there is no spoiled food, that sanitary standards are carefully observed and checked, etc.). To do this, you need to hire an experienced director who is well versed in this particular area. Risks may arise from the lack of confidence in the honest work of employees in the kitchen (so that there is no spoiled food, that sanitary standards are carefully observed and checked, etc.). To do this, you need to hire an experienced director who is well versed in this particular area.

Feasibility study and implementation features Opening an enterprise - 170 thousand rubles Repair of the premises - 4 million rubles Outdoor advertising- 200 thousand rubles Rent - 35 thousand rubles / month Equipment - 35 thousand rubles Goods - 20 thousand rubles / month Marketing - 10 thousand rubles / month Fund wages- 15 thousand rubles / month

Equipment Dishes Dishes Furniture Furniture Music center Music center Decoration Decoration Cash register Cash register Hygiene products Hygiene products Wardrobe Wardrobe Complete set that depends on the design of the room Complete set that depends on the design of the room Attractions. Attractions.

Staff Cleaner Cleaner Waiter Waiter Salesmen Salesmen Cooks Cooks Administrator Administrator Advertiser Advertiser CEO CEO CFO CFO Accountant Accountant Young people to entertain visitors Young people to entertain visitors Cashier (bartender). Cashier (bartender).


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