Problems of development of the ACS of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The look of the automated control system for missile forces and artillery. The Russian concept of ACS has no analogues in the world

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1 PERSPECTIVES OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND AUTOMATED CONTROL SYSTEMS Russian Federation Armed Forces Eugene R. Metchick Starting LNIK the binding of armed FORCES RUSSIAN FEDERATION substituent Starting LNIK A ceiling elements generates headquarters 1. Place and role communication system and the set of control automation In modern conditions ensuring a high level of information combat operations of troops (forces) becomes a determining factor in achieving strategic and operational-tactical superiority over the enemy. Thus, equipping troops with modern automated weapons systems, electronic warfare systems, reconnaissance and navigation equipment, mobile and robotic equipment for various purposes, unmanned aerial vehicles operating in both autonomous and remotely controlled modes, has a direct impact on the main directions of development of communication systems. and complexes of means of automation of command and control of troops and weapons. At present, work is actively underway to create a unified information space for the RF Armed Forces. The implementation of this task should contribute to the effective use of troops (forces) by organizing timely planning and coordinating their actions, providing timely feedback with subordinate formations, units and subunits to obtain information about their condition, position and means that contribute to the fulfillment of assigned tasks. The creation of a unified information space of the RF Armed Forces implies: the creation of a global information environment that provides comprehensive processing of information in real time about the enemy, its troops and the surrounding area in the interests of supporting decision-making on the creation of groupings

2 380 about b O R O N N Y K O M P L E K S R F: S O S T O Y N I E and P E R S P E K T I V Y R A z V I T I I (forces) of the optimal (to achieve the goals) composition and their effective use in various conditions of the situation; improving the quality of perception of the current situation (a unified picture of the tactical situation is created); improving the quality of interaction of heterogeneous forces, increasing the degree of coordination and purposefulness of their actions, as well as the efficiency of management; increasing the efficiency of the use of forces and means. In this case, the basis will be a global (spatially dispersed) information network created on the basis of existing and future communication and data transmission networks based on the use of modern telecommunication technologies and having high operational and technical characteristics. Such a network should ensure a continuous and uniform exchange of information for all systems and means used in peacetime and in the conduct of hostilities. Another important area of ​​work is the provision of large-scale automation of command and control at all levels and the creation of tools that make it possible to form a single picture of the "battlefield" on the basis of information received from various sources, bring it to the leadership in a form convenient for decision-making, and also ensure planning of combat use. troops (forces) and weapons in close to real time. The successful implementation of our planned complex of work as a whole will allow us to ensure that a potential enemy is inflicted a lot of damage with significantly less losses of our forces due to a significant increase in the efficiency of control and the quality of decision-making, reducing the time between obtaining information about the target and delivering fire strikes. In addition, the availability of operational information about the current situation for all levels of command and control will lead to the emergence of new forms (methods) of tactical actions of troops (forces), acting as a single spatially distributed reconnaissance and destructive system. At present, the communication system and control automation systems are the main means and the material and technical basis for the control of the Armed Forces. Russian Federation and ensure the exchange of all types of information in the systems of command and control of troops and weapons. Modern communication and control automation systems (complexes) must have high combat readiness, stability, mobility, the required bandwidth, availability, reconnaissance security, controllability and ensure the fulfillment of the requirements for communication in terms of timeliness, reliability and safety. information exchange... Thus, the improvement of the forms and methods of armed struggle, the constant improvement of weapons and military equipment, and control automation processes significantly increase the role of the military communications system in modern warfare. We are confident that the ongoing modernization and development of new systems, complexes and means of communication and control automation will greatly increase the combat effectiveness of the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. 2. THE CURRENT STATE OF THE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND COMPLEXES OF CONTROL AUTOMATION MEANS Today, the most important feature of the development of the control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the extensive automation of the activities of military command and control bodies. So, for effective management activities, there is now a need to solve the assigned tasks in real time, widespread use computer technology, various electronic databases (banks) of data, complexes for

3 381 links VO R U Z E N N Y K H S I L R F clad programs, presentation of data in the form of images (images), workflow in electronic form, as well as the use of digital maps and video images of the area. In addition, officials of military command and control agencies are increasingly using information tools to support decision-making and various computer models to assess the situation, as well as to check and select a rational solution when planning combat operations. The consequence of this is an increase in the dependence of the control system on its technological component, the basis of which is formed by the communication system and complexes of means of automation of command and control of troops and weapons Command and staff vehicles 2.classes in special tactical training It should be noted that now, in general, the communication system and complexes of automation equipment management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are characterized by the following main features: the need to significantly reduce the development time and implementation of new promising systems, communication complexes and means and automation systems that meet modern requirements control systems of the RF Armed Forces; the objective need for the earliest possible equipping of formations and communication units with modern digital complexes and means of communication and control automation; an increase in the volume of delivery of new systems, complexes and means of communication and control automation to the troops; providing officials with a wider range of communication services. That is why now on the agenda are issues of large-scale reform of the communication system and complexes of control automation systems of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the basis of the introduction of modern information and telecommunication technologies. 3. MAIN AREAS AND PROPOSALS OF THE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND CONTROL AUTOMATION COMPLEXES Speaking about the main major directions of the communication system and control automation systems development, I consider it necessary to emphasize that they are closely linked with the creation of a modern control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

4 382 about b O R O N N Y K O M P L E K S R F: S O S T O Y N I E and P E R S P E K T I V Y R A z V I T I Thus, in our opinion, the main tasks of the development of a communication system and complexes of control automation equipment for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are: bringing the communication system and control automation systems in line with the structure of the control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; ensuring the proactive readiness of the communications system and complexes of control automation equipment in relation to the combat readiness of the command and control bodies of troops (forces); maintaining the combat and mobilization readiness of the communication system and control automation systems at the required level; creation and implementation of unified digital systems, complexes and means of communication and control automation, including those created using "dual-use" technologies, that is, telecommunication equipment used on the communication networks of the Unified Telecommunication Network of the Russian Federation, which, after certain modifications, according to the requirements of the Ministry of Defense of Russia , can be used in the signal troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; the use of new methods of organizing command and control and communications, ensuring the high efficiency of the combat employment of existing and emerging groupings of troops (forces), including on a territorial basis. In general, the procedure for the implementation of measures for the development of the system and communications troops, the KSA of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is determined by the main directions of the military-technical policy of the Russian Federation. President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev, in his Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation dated November 12, 2009, set the task of replacing obsolete analog communications with digital means by January 1, 2012. Thus, the transfer of the military communications system and the automated command and control system of troops (forces) and weapons to modern digital technologies and telecommunications equipment, the development and implementation of promising complexes of control automation means are relevant areas of military organizational development, on the decision of which the combat readiness and effectiveness of the use of the Armed Forces will depend. Russian Federation. Taking this into account, the main line of development of the communication system and complexes of control automation equipment of the Armed Forces is the transition to a more perfect form of its construction based on the use of modern information and telecommunication technologies. In 2009, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation approved the Concept for the Development of the Control System of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation until 2025 and the Concept for the Development of the Communication System of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the Period until 2020. The Concept for the Development of the Communication System of the RF Armed Forces for the period up to 2020 is based on the basic principles of the development of the communication system in modern conditions. For the first time, the basis of the communication system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will be formed by the united automated digital communication system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (OACSS of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation), built on the basis of modern telecommunication technologies, united by a single management and ensuring the provision of the required communication services to users of a given quality... The development of the OACSS of the RF Armed Forces is one of the priority tasks of military organizational development. The OACSS of the RF Armed Forces is being created as an integrated communications system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, designed for continuous and complete provision of communications services to officials of military command bodies, command and combat systems, groupings of troops (forces), formations and units of constant readiness and a mobilization reserve in strategic directions. The OACSS of the RF Armed Forces must meet the requirements imposed on it by the control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and provide technical infrastructure in order to:

5 383 Svyaz VO R U Z E N N Y K H S I L R F ensuring stable, continuous, operational, covert control of interspecific groupings of troops (forces) taking part in joint operations (combat actions); provision of state-of-the-art information and telecommunication services to control bodies and officials of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the exchange of information, including on a global scale; ensuring stability (survivability, noise immunity and reliability) of functioning under conditions of impact on the OACSS of the RF Armed Forces different types enemy weapons, dangerous factors man-made and natural and all types of interference; ensuring the safety, reliability and integrity of information circulating in the OACSS of the RF Armed Forces at all stages of its transmission, storage and processing. The deployment of digital communication systems will ensure high efficiency of interaction between the branches and arms of the Armed Forces, special forces and will serve as the basis for the creation of a single telecommunications space. An integrated systematic approach to the development of the OACSS of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will make it possible to successfully carry out a phased transfer of the military communications system to digital methods of processing and transmitting information, to develop not individual samples, but interconnected systems, complexes and communication facilities, taking into account their integration with the automated command and control system of troops (forces) and weapons. The implementation of the planned program measures is directly carried out within the framework of the State Armament Program in terms of the development of a communication system and complexes of control automation equipment. 4. MAIN WAYS AND AREAS OF DEVELOPMENT (MODERNIZATION) OF PERSPECTIVE systems, complexes AND MEANS of military communications and control automation. modern facilities communications and control automation, we make extensive use of the combat experience of using signal troops in wars, local conflicts and in the implementation of peacekeeping tasks, as well as the experience of conducting a number of international exercises with the troops of the CIS countries, India, China and other countries. We are carefully studying and analyzing the experience of the military operations of the coalition troops (forces) in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq. A deep analysis was carried out and the experience gained by us during the operation to force Georgia to peace was taken into account, where the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation had to face a well-trained, organized and technically equipped Georgian army, and communications units and subdivisions ensure communication in difficult conditions of an electromagnetic environment. and the impact of enemy electronic warfare. In addition, we actively research and take into account in our activities the trends and main directions of creation and improvement modern systems communication and automation of control of the armed forces of leading foreign countries. The knowledge gained is actively used by our specialists in the development of the main ways and directions for the development of the control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the substantiation of tactical and technical requirements for new models of communication technology and control automation, the development of technical specifications to create new samples, conduct state tests. January 18, 2010 Chairman of the Government of Russia V.V. Putin held a meeting on the issue "On providing the military-industrial complex with a new look for the Russian Armed Forces with modern weapons and military equipment in the field of command and control, intelligence and communications," where the creation of promising command and control systems, communications

6 384 about b O R O N N Y K O M P L E K S R F: S O S T O Y N I E and P E R S P E K T I V Y R A z V I T I I and intelligence are designated as one of the key priorities of the defense program, which, in turn, affects the development of the entire economy and its civilian sectors. At present, it is possible to single out the main directions of development of promising communication facilities and complexes of control automation facilities: expanding the functionality of communication facilities and complexes of control automation facilities; improvement of the architecture of automated control systems for the implementation of the principles of distributed data processing and its coordination with overall structure command and control of troops; standardization and unification of equipment, information and software; significant expansion of the range of communication services, especially for the transmission of multimedia information; using new ways digital processing signals and methods of noise protection; development of new areas of frequency ranges. I note that the above directions of development are already finding their practical implementation in new technology communication and control automation systems. Mobile and stationary satellite communication stations of the new generation are being widely introduced into the signal troops. State tests of digital low-channel radio relay stations were successfully carried out for use as part of complex communication hardware. The development of promising low-power radio equipment of the 6th generation is underway, as well as developments in the development of multiservice networks with broadband data transmission systems. The signal troops are supplied with unified digital channeling equipment for use on stationary and mobile communication centers. Now the signal troops are testing new field complexes for communications and control automation. In the interests of improving the tactical echelon control system, a complex of technical means has been developed, intended for the operational construction of a digital network of wire and radio communications in the field. At the present time, work has been widely launched to equip command posts of various command posts with modern complexes for automation of control. In addition, work is being actively carried out to introduce new information technologies into local and geographically dispersed computer networks (centers) of control points, as well as data exchange systems between various control links. I would like to note that in the very near future we will receive a whole series of new modern models of military communications technology and complexes of automation control systems for various purposes. On the whole, I believe that the directions of military-technical policy that we have developed and their active practical implementation will make it possible in the coming years to significantly increase the basic capabilities of the communications system and automated systems for command and control of troops and weapons. And this will ultimately make it possible to ensure the further development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, to increase the defense power of Russia as a whole.

Prospects for the development of the communication system and ACS of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation n s S i l R o s s i s k o y F eder


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To give the process of creating a promising automated control system of the RF Armed Forces the right direction of development, the Ministry of Defense needs to solve many organizational issues

The period from 2005 to 2014 is characterized by a significant increase in the attention of the country's leadership and the Armed Forces of Russia to the issues of increasing the effectiveness of their use through comprehensive and deep automation of the processes of command and control of troops (forces). For this purpose, dozens of research and development work have been carried out, significant financial resources have been spent, and a large number of specialists from various enterprises have been attracted to develop automated military systems. Certain successes have been achieved in certain areas; a sufficient number of automated control systems for various purposes have been developed. But to date, it has not been possible to create a unified automated system that meets the basic, most important needs of military command and control bodies of various levels and purposes in terms of increasing the efficiency of command and control of subordinate troops (forces), assessing the situation and making decisions. The readers of "VKO" are offered data that make it possible to identify the sources and reasons for the survivability of problems that complicate the development of an automated control system for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Main technological problems

Conceptual documents indicating the ways of development of the control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation refer to the main directions of its improvement, which, in particular, include:

  • unification of the description of information, data, information and protocols of interaction of elements of the control system in terms of the technical basis;
  • development of a system of formalized electronic documents (orders, directives, orders) for the commissioning of options for command and control of troops (forces) and issuing commands when conditions change;
  • development of a system for ensuring joint awareness of all types of situations and, on this basis, the implementation of distributed planning of the use of troops (forces);
  • creation of a unified information space based on the integration of generally applicable data and their descriptions by types of functional activities at all levels (links) of the Armed Forces command and control;
  • development of methods for communicating changes in the situation to the officials of control points in a timely manner.

They indicate that the automated control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation should be built according to a single concept and plan based on unified system-technical solutions. These documents define the vector of integration development of the automated control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (ACS of the RF Armed Forces).

In addition, they impose requirements for the creation of an ACS of the RF Armed Forces as an open system that provides the ability to quickly change its configuration based on the tasks to be solved, the use of unified hardware, software, mathematical, information and linguistic support.

GOST RV 52333.2-2006 also states that technical, informational, linguistic and software compatibility with other automated systems should be based on the implementation of compatible hardware and software platforms, a unified system for classifying and coding information, a unified system of information exchange and interaction protocols, and uniform algorithms for information processing and information exchange formats.

Customers of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and developers of automated military systems (AS VN) must be guided by the requirements set out in the listed documents, and their implementation must ensure the required level of functionality of the ACS of the RF Armed Forces and the possibility of its modernization. At the same time, the above requirements are only recorded in a number of governing documents, and their practical implementation in the creation of an automated control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is not observed. The reason for this is the lack of a mechanism for their implementation. The current mechanism for creating an AS VN does not ensure the fulfillment of the fundamental requirements of the governing documents for the ACS of the RF Armed Forces, and the practical activities of enterprises show that it is impossible to solve the problem of creating a promising automated control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation using existing methods and technologies that do not take into account the requirements of the above governing documents. The way to eliminate the discrepancy between the requirements for the automated control system and the mechanism for its creation lies in the field of methodology and technology for the development of automated military systems.

It is known that ACS design technology is a set of design tools and methods, organizational techniques and technical means used. The design of an automated control system should be carried out using the following principles of its construction: consistency, development, compatibility, standardization (unification) and efficiency.

However, research and production enterprises that develop automated military systems, the above principles and requirements for reasons beyond their control, underlying the problems of creating an automated control system of the RF Armed Forces, are also not fulfilled.

To identify these reasons, it is advisable to rely on the experience of R&D performers, which shows that the majority of specialists in the creation of automated military systems understand the essence of the problem, which lies in the discrepancy between the requirements of governing documents and the mechanism of their implementation. The developers of the AS VN understand that the problem lies in the field of methodology and technology for the development of automated systems.

However, they cannot solve this problem on their own. The main reason for this situation is that not a single performer of development work has the authority to organize the development of unified methods and technologies that should be used when creating an automated control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and the Ministry of Defense has not yet organized work in this direction.

For this reason, there are no uniform technologies and standards that allow all enterprises involved in the development of an automated control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to operate in a common methodological and technological space, and enterprises executing R&D are forced to apply different methods and technologies for creating automated military systems, which negatively affects the development process of the ACS of the RF Armed Forces as a single, integral system that meets the requirements of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, set forth in the current conceptual documents.

The main problems that complicate the creation and modernization of the automated control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:

  • the complexity and laboriousness of the implementation of the tasks of ensuring information and technical interaction of the developed automated systems due to the use of various data storage models, database management systems, general special software, information and linguistic support, geographic information systems, information and technical interface protocols;
  • the lack of entry-exit standards for automated systems and complexes for various purposes (fire engagement, anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense, reconnaissance, electronic warfare, hydrometeorological, navigation, temporary and topographic and geodetic support) and systems for automation of military command and control bodies and command posts of military formations;
  • low technological capabilities to ensure the modernization of automated systems and operational changes in its configuration;
  • significant costs required to ensure the interaction of automated military systems that are in supply and are created in the course of development work;
  • the complexity of keeping up to date a significant number of protocols of information and technical interaction of functioning automated control systems during their operation.

The above problems increase the development time of automated systems, do not allow for the deep integration of heterogeneous HV ASs into a single ACS of the RF Armed Forces, lead to irrational costs for the development of information and technical interfacing, which must be created anew with the advent of each new automated control system. In addition, there is a separation of specialists to work on providing information and technical interfacing of the automated systems being developed and in operation, which negatively affects the level of development of special software due to the involvement of a significant number of specialists in solving the problems discussed above.

It should also be noted that the interfacing of various automated military systems, as a rule, is carried out with great time costs, the lack of mutual interest of the developers of these automated systems in ensuring their interaction at the level necessary to perform tasks for the intended purpose, and other difficulties inherent in the work of this kind. In addition, the modernization of the software of the automated control system of one of the parties, leading to the emergence new version software, leads to disruption of information and technical interaction between them.

The practice of creating automated military systems has also shown the complexity of solving the problem of linking them into a unified automated command and control system of the Armed Forces. In the course of the implementation of work by scientific and production enterprises to automate the control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a situation has developed in which the existing and developed automated military systems are weakly or incompatible. The reason for this situation is the failure to comply with the above principles of their development, which can be implemented only on the basis of a single methodology and technology for R&D performers (hereinafter referred to as the development mechanism), developed on the instructions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Until it is created, automated military systems continue to be developed using the mechanisms owned by this or that enterprise that develops these automated systems.

It is known that each enterprise is guided by its own approaches to the choice of technical solutions when creating automated military systems. These solutions are not unified, which results in a large number of unique protocols for information and technical interfacing and the complexity of ensuring the interaction of automated systems. Each developer of the AS VN is his own head, supported by his customer, who forms the requirements for the product, as it is accepted in their department (type of armed forces, type of troops, troops that are not included in types and types). At the same time, the integration needs of the automated control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as a whole are not taken into account. Interaction between customers of the Ministry of Defense is poorly organized, and general requirements to a single development mechanism for the customers of this ministry, determined by the methodology and technology for creating automated military systems, no.

It should be noted that there were attempts at such a unification and they gave the impetus necessary for understanding the problem under consideration. The leading role in this issue is taken by the FSUE "TsNII EISU". At the same time, these attempts were not assessed at the proper level in the relevant structures of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, therefore, the practice, when in the development of their original general special software, the data storage model, information and linguistic support, and sometimes even a geographic information system, continues. The composition and format of the input and output data are set in each new job and are determined by the need to ensure interaction with other automated systems. These factors negatively affect the development of the AS VN and the formation of an automated control system of a given configuration: an automated control system for the type of armed forces, an automated control system for a theater of operations, an automated control system for a military formation ... methodological and technological foundations that are mandatory for all participants in the development process of the ACS of the RF Armed Forces, which determine the mechanism for its creation.

This situation has led to the fact that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation operate a large number of automated military systems based on various technical solutions. They were created using a single operating system, but with different common special software, a geographic information system, a data storage model, a database management system and information and linguistic support. Since the issues of ensuring information and technical interaction of automated systems for various purposes are not defined by the standards that are mandatory for customers of the Ministry of Defense and performers of development work, new means of information and technical interface were created in each work.

At the same time, a number of problems always arose: the need to develop a variety of unique protocols for information and technical interfacing, keeping the protocols of information and technical interfacing up-to-date during the entire existence of the interacting HV AS, reducing the speed of information exchange, increasing the time and cost of development, attracting a significant resource of specialists. development enterprises, etc.

In addition, there are problems in the sphere of relationships between customers and R&D executors. So, great importance in the creation of an AS VN should be given to the development of a tactical and technical assignment (TTZ) for experimental design work. At the same time, in a number of cases, this task is performed at an unsatisfactory level, hastily, without deep study of its content. The TTZ poorly takes into account the requirements of conceptual documents and operational and technical requirements in relation to automated control systems.

This significantly affects the quality of their performance. As they say, get what you ordered. In addition, when developing the TTZ for ROC and adjusting it in the course of the work, the customers of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation weakly interact with each other. This leads to unsatisfactory interaction between the performers of development work in the course of linking products in the ACS of the RF Armed Forces. The organization of work on the creation of an AS VN should provide for the competent implementation of the technical specifications for the development work, close interaction between the customers of the Ministry of Defense and the performers among themselves (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Scheme for ensuring the coordination of high-voltage power plants developed according to the TTZ of the customers of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Graphics by Julia Gorelova

It follows from this that in order to achieve a positive result in the creation of an automated control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and to reach the most expedient technical solutions, it is necessary to replace the existing mechanism for the development of automated military systems with another. Only with its help it is possible to form a unified methodological and technological space that sets the necessary direction for the development of the ACS of the RF Armed Forces.

The new development mechanism should eliminate the aforementioned systemic problems. Its uniform methodological and technological requirements for the development of the HV AS should become mandatory for all enterprises participating in the creation of the ACS of the RF Armed Forces. The creation of a mechanism should begin with the development of basic elements on which a single technological basis for an automated control system will be built. In addition, it is advisable to develop a single set of technical means intended for use in automated control systems for various purposes and levels - both mobile and stationary (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. A single technological basis is the most important component of the ACS of the RF Armed Forces. Graphics by Julia Gorelova

The development mechanism of the AS HV using uniform methodology and technologies will ensure harmonious information and technical interaction of various automated military systems and will allow them to be connected in the ACS of the RF Armed Forces. At the same time, a unified technological basis of the HV AS and a decrease in the number of developed unique protocols for information and technical interface will provide a significant reduction in the amount of work on information and technical interaction of various automated systems and will allow focusing the main efforts on the development of special software as the basis for the intellectual power of the RF Armed Forces ACS.

The basic elements for the development of automated military systems should be a unified operating system, general special software, an object data storage model, a database management system, information and linguistic support, and a geographic information system. In addition, it is advisable to develop "entry-exit" standards to ensure information and technical interfacing of automated systems and complexes for various purposes (fire damage, anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense, reconnaissance, electronic warfare, hydrometeorological, navigation-time and topogeodetic support) with the automated control system of military formations at various levels.

It should be emphasized once again that without providing R&D performers with a new mechanism for the development of an automated control system based on a unified technological basis for an AU VN and a methodology for its application, the creation of a promising automated control system of the RF Armed Forces that meets modern requirements defined in the conceptual and operational-technical documents of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it will be impossible, since the practice of developing compulsorily compatible, and not harmoniously linked (created according to uniform technologies and standards) automated systems will continue.

Thus, the creation of a unified technological basis for automated military systems is necessary condition for the development of a promising ACS of the RF Armed Forces. The development of the technological basis for the VN NPP should be started immediately within the framework of special experimental design work. In addition, it is necessary to develop a state standard or operational and technical requirements that introduce a mandatory set of input-output protocols for enterprises involved in the development of HV AS, defining the rules for information and technical interfacing of automated systems and military complexes with automated control systems of military formations of various levels management.

The development of a promising automated control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation using the mechanism proposed above can be implemented only if the corresponding bodies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation carry out organizational work, without which it is impossible to ensure the development of a unified technological basis for the AS VN and its use by enterprises creating the ACS of the RF Armed Forces. To give this process orderliness, to ensure the coordinated activities of enterprises in the course of the development of the automated control system of the RF Armed Forces, the Ministry of Defense needs to carry out a number of organizational measures that determine the policy in the development of automated control systems in the following areas:

  • improvement of the situation in matters of coordination of actions of customers of the Ministry of Defense, developing TTZ for R&D for executing enterprises in order to link them and coordinate actions in the course of work support (Fig. 1);
  • creation of state standards or operational and technical requirements that determine uniform requirements on the content and application of the technology for the development of HV AS;
  • improvement of work in terms of substantiation and correctness of the statement of technical specifications for research and development;
  • determination of cooperation between developers and the formation of a clearly defined field of activity of each enterprise in order to exclude unhealthy competition;
  • creation of conditions for the formation and development of scientific and industrial schools in the field of creating an HV AS with the possibility of sharing experience among the developers of the HV AS;
  • determination of the head enterprise for the development and maintenance at the required level of the technological basis of the ACS of the RF Armed Forces, which underlies its creation and development, support of its activities in this area;
  • formation at the customer of a body that develops and maintains up to date classifiers, normative and reference information and other components of information and linguistic support necessary for the operation of the ACS of the RF Armed Forces;
  • creation, within the framework of a separate development work, of a software and hardware complex, which should be used to develop and maintain up to date classifiers, dictionaries and regulatory and reference information.

Figure 3 shows a generalized structural scheme automated control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, made on the basis of a unified technological basis for an automated military system, which is the foundation for the creation of a promising automated control system of the RF Armed Forces. Special elements of this automated control system are the automated control systems of military formations of various levels, branches of the armed forces and combat arms, and the highest command echelon, which are interconnected by a single telecommunication system.

Rice. 3. Generalized block diagram of the ACS of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, made on the means of a single technological basis for the AS VN. Graphics by Julia Gorelova

The "entry-exit" standard provides information and technical interfacing of automated systems and complexes for various purposes (fire damage, anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense, reconnaissance, electronic warfare, hydrometeorological, navigation, temporary and topogeodetic support) and complexes of automation systems for command posts of military formations of various levels.

The unified technological basis of the military-purpose automated system should be periodically modernized, and its new version should be installed on the automation systems of the RF Armed Forces ACS that are in operation. The development of special elements of an automated control system based on a unified technological basis will ensure their organic inclusion in the automated control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the possibility of promptly changing its configuration.

Figure 4 shows an example of building an automated command and control system for a group of forces in a theater of operations, when an R&D executor uses the means of a unified technological basis and develops special software specified by the customer.

Rice. 4. Application of the technological basis of an automated military system and special software for the creation of an automated control system for a group of troops in a theater of operations. Graphics by Julia Gorelova

Thus, in order to give the process of creating a promising automated control system of the RF Armed Forces the correct direction of development, the Ministry of Defense needs to resolve organizational issues, set the development of a single technological basis for automated military systems, and oblige enterprises to use it when creating an AS VN.

This task can take up to five years. The measures considered in the article are of a preparatory, technological nature, and only after they have been carried out, it is possible to start work on the creation of a promising automated control system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The ACS of the RF Armed Forces, built using a single technological basis, will provide a through vertical shaft for controlling subordinate forces and assets from the highest to the tactical level of control, since it will use a unified document management system, a common data storage model and a geographic information system; a through horizontal trunk of interaction between military command and control bodies of various affiliations (for the same reasons); interaction with the control bodies of forces and means of other ministries (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSB) when distributing a mechanism on a single technological basis for creating an automated control system for these structures.

Quite recently, on November 2 of this year, the 11th International Exhibition "Interpolitex-2007", which was devoted to the issues of ensuring the security of the individual and the state in the broadest sense of the word, ended in Moscow. It was attended by 370 companies, including those from the USA, Denmark, the Netherlands and a number of other countries.

Among the many domestic enterprises JSC Concern Sozvezdie demonstrated its products at one of the stands. At one time, one of the reasons for its creation was the need to develop and implement a tactical echelon command and control system. new system, have already been mastered and are being created at the enterprises of the Concern.

In the interests of achieving this and other goals, the Concern, as a large integrated structure, has brought together well-known developers and manufacturers of military and civilian use and conducts a wide and multifaceted activity. Among the main directions of its final activity, one can single out such as the production of equipment and software for cellular and trunking communication networks, equipment and software for special open and closed high-quality duplex digital radio communications, equipment for laser, optical and digital communication networks, equipment and software for networks. communications for transport, multifunctional infocommunication systems and complexes.

Today, many samples of products of the Concern's enterprises are mass-produced and used to detect and recognize low-speed ground targets in the interests of protecting a given area in conditions of limited optical visibility, providing open and closed radio communications in tactical control link radio networks and solving other problems.

One of the issues that attracted the attention of specialists during the exhibition and, especially after its completion, was the announcement of a number of media outlets about the creation of the Sozvezdie Concern OJSC of an automated command and control system (ACCS) intended for use in tactical link... According to a representative of the Concern, in September 2006, the ACCS passed comprehensive and state tests, was put into service and is now actively preparing for its serial production.

What caused and justified the increased interest in this ACCS?
For a better understanding of this issue, one should turn to the history of the creation and use of ACCS in the practice of troops.

As the experience of recent and ongoing military conflicts has shown, in the confrontation with the use of traditional and, especially, new means of armed struggle, information interaction of all participants in a combat operation is of great importance. Realizing the importance of this factor in time, the United States and its NATO allies have sharply intensified their efforts to create a so-called network combat control system, subordinating the strategy of integration into this system today all the development of new weapons.

Already in 1962, four years after the first integrated circuit created with the funds of the American military budget, the US Department of Defense began regularly funding developments aimed at implementing inter-computer interaction and the development of network technologies. In the course of this development in 1969, the US military created the prototype of the Internet, which is the first local area network to improve the reliability of computers in the presence of nuclear weapons. In 1971, a microprocessor appeared, and in 1972 - the first Email... In the 90s, with the beginning of the use of conventional telephone networks and communication space vehicles as communication means, the potential of the Internet began to acquire a global character. The result of this process was the signing by the heads of the G8 states in 2000 at Okinawa of the "Charter for the Global Information Society", which states that "information and communication technologies are global in nature and require a global approach."

Today, issues of command and control of troops and combat operations using automation equipment are closely related to issues of information warfare.

For the first time, information technology as a means of warfare was used in the war against Iraq in 1991, and the term "information war" was officially used in the directive of the US Secretary of Defense dated December 21, 1992. In 1996, the Pentagon approved the doctrine of information warfare (the "Doctrine of Combating Control and Monitoring Systems"), and in 1998 the US Department of Defense enacted the "Joint Doctrine of Information Operations." According to the latter, an information war is defined as "a complex impact (a set of information operations) on the system of state and military control of the enemy, on his military-political leadership in order to make decisions favorable for the country initiating the information impact and complete paralysis of the enemy's command and control infrastructure in peacetime. during the conflict ".

According to the "United Doctrine ..." information weapons are viewed as an arsenal of means of unauthorized access to information and disabling electronic control systems. The effective use of information weapons is closely related to the use of space assets. Thus, the Echelon global system, created by the US National Security Agency, is based on an orbital constellation of electronic reconnaissance spacecraft. The Pentagon's "Combat Systems of the Future" project assumes that the US armed forces will achieve complete information superiority over any adversary by 2010. This is also facilitated by the rapid increase in the number of Internet users. According to experts in this field, a defeat in an information war can for a long time (if not forever) throw a losing country back in its development, and a winning country will receive unlimited opportunities to rule the defeated.

After the terrorist act of September 11, US Secretary of Defense D. Rumsfeld said that America must prepare for a new type of war, which will be strikingly different not only from the wars of the twentieth century, but also from the war on international terrorism. In foreign sources, the impending war, requiring new principles of operational art, was called "network-centric warfare". The concept of "network war" is the basis of the US military development program until 2010 ("Joint Vision 2010"), and for its conduct a new global information network of the Pentagon (the Defense Information Grid project) is being created, the first testing ground of which is Afghanistan.

"Network war "is based on the achievement of information superiority over the enemy, which is transformed into overwhelming combat power due to the connection of intelligent objects (networks of sensors, headquarters and execution units) into a single information space of the theater of military operations. "battle space", the concept of "network war" as virtual targets, in addition to traditional ones, highlights the emotions of people, the human psyche, etc.

In a "network war," the geographical concept of a theater of military operations loses its meaning, and the battlefield is transformed into a combat space, in which highly intelligent virtual warfare inflicts a destructive effect to a greater extent than direct fire contact. The final implementation of the tasks will be entrusted not so much to the commando units as to the non-governmental organizations and foundations that are being created or have already been created. It is they who must manipulate "public opinion" in those countries that, according to the US, hinder the maintenance of the existing world order.

Concluding this kind of historical excursion, it should be noted the attitude to the problem of command and control of troops and weapons of Admiral Edmund P. Gyambastiani, the first Supreme Commander of the NATO Strategic Command for Transformation of the Allied Forces (SKT), as well as the Commander of the United States Joint Forces Command (before that he was the main military assistant to Donald H. Rumsfeld). In his posts, the admiral is responsible for the transformation of NATO's military structures, forces, capabilities and doctrine; responsible for maximizing the current and future military potential of the United States, leading the work on transforming and improving the American joint forces and the concepts of their use, conducting experiments to develop requirements for joint formations, interoperability of forces and equipment, conducting joint combat training and providing the US armed forces with combat readiness formations and means.

According to him, “We now view the future through the prism of the information age, when hostilities are conducted in a combat space, not on a battlefield. a well-coordinated combat space in order to create conditions for coordinated actions of inter-service forces. " Admiral P. Gyambastiani believes that such forces will be able to concentrate their efforts in accordance with the situation, where it is necessary and within the required time frame. At the same time, "the need to concentrate personnel and military equipment taking into account geographical conditions and boundaries. "In my opinion, information, the means of its collection, analysis and dissemination for making the most important decisions in this multidimensional combat space will become the most powerful technological weapon ..."

The requirements and basic provisions of the above concepts and doctrines are fully met by the desire to automate the process of command and control of troops in an armed confrontation as much as possible.

In view of the above, the issues of reliable and effective management troops. The best option is considered to be the one in which this process is implemented in real time, which can only be achieved with the complex ("network") use of ACCS. This presupposes the presence of the necessary elements of automated command and control at all command and control levels, united into a single system. Otherwise, the absence (violation) of the relationship between the elements of the ACCS horizontally and, especially, vertically, violates the high-speed mode of information exchange and leads to the loss of the advantages that control with the use of automation tools has in comparison with the use of traditional means and methods of control.

It is no secret that in the Russian troops this problem, especially in the tactical level, has not been resolved to this day. One of the main reasons for this situation is that it did not work to create a continuous, from a soldier to the leadership of a division, a continuous chain of command. Judging by the reports of a number of media outlets, today the specialists of JSC "Concern" "Sozvezdie" have managed to solve this problem.

During the Interpolitex-2007 exhibition, representatives of the Concern reported that at the end of last year, the new command and control system had successfully passed comprehensive and state tests, as a result of which it was put into service. Currently, preparations are underway for its serial production, some of its fragments, for which an order has been received from the RF Ground Forces, are already being introduced into the troops.

The basis of the new automated command and control system for military units is the sets of software and hardware that will be equipped with all command links - from a soldier to a division commander. The soldier's kit, presumably, will include a radio station and an armband display, with the help of which the soldier will be able to receive the necessary information from the superior commander and transmit the results of his actions to him. In essence, squad, company and battalion commanders will be equipped with similar, but with broader capabilities, sets of software and hardware tools designed for the exchange of digital and speech information.

It can be assumed that the regimental and divisional level will use sets of software and hardware, which will have significantly greater capabilities, and therefore weight and size characteristics. This, in all likelihood, will require placing them on a self-propelled vehicle or tracked base.

The composition of such kits and the system as a whole, in all likelihood, will include command and staff vehicles, communications and target designation systems, fire control systems, aircraft, helicopters, and unmanned aerial vehicles. It can be concluded that this system will have an open architecture, which will allow integrating specialized automated systems of combat arms into it and building it up both vertically and horizontally. At the same time, despite the openness, all information in the system will have a high degree of security against unauthorized access and meet the requirements of the military standard.

Information circulating in real time will be transmitted in the form that is optimal for perception - graphs, text, tables, television and video images. This will allow the division commander to have a complete understanding of the actions of subordinate units on the battlefield and make adequate decisions in accordance with the prevailing situation. The open architecture allows the system to grow while being protected from unauthorized access by military standards.

The new automated command and control system for combined arms formations, with its further development, will make it possible to implement the Battlespace concept - "Combat space" in the Russian armed forces. In reality, a situation will arise when all participants in this system will be able to receive any information they are interested in and use it in the interests of maximizing the potential combat capabilities of their forces and means of armed struggle. Moreover, each link covered by this system will be not only its consumer, but, and this is the main thing, its supplier to the "system". Only if this condition is met, according to experts, such a control system will be able to function continuously under conditions of active information countermeasures from the enemy.

Sources of

Historical overview

Over the past 30 years in the USSR, the USA and Russia, several automated control systems for combat operations of the Ground Forces (ACCS) have been created - "Maneuver", AGCCS, ATCCS, FBCB2, "Akatsiya-M", ESU TZ and "Andromeda-D". They had a different scope of implementation of command and control functions, but coincided with each other in the general approach to automation.

ACCS illustration

These systems were created in the image and likeness of the hierarchical organizational and command structure of the Ground Forces. From a technical point of view, software and hardware systems, automated systems multiplied the disadvantages of this structure:
- vulnerability of the entire system in case of failure of the upper level;
- lack of horizontal ties between various branches of the armed forces;
- reduced speed of information passing between units of the same level, forced to communicate with each other through the upper level.

The development of systems was also carried out in a hierarchical sequence - first, the functional composition of the upper level was implemented, then the middle and only then the lower, and the priority of the completeness of the implementation of functions was determined in the same sequence. As a result, ACCS were built on the basis of the same type of centralized architecture:

- top-level automated control center;
- middle-level automated control centers;
- automated control centers of the lower level.

It can be seen from this diagram that the fire control systems (FCS) of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled artillery and rocket launchers, air defense / missile defense systems, as well as information and control systems (ICS) of technical reconnaissance equipment were not included in the ACCS.

The development of ACCS was carried out with a lag in the development of the basis of command and control - communications. The creation of many multi-level automated control centers resulted in intensive information exchange between them, which significantly increased the need for bandwidth communication channels. The situation was aggravated by the mobile nature of the lower-level centers, which required a fundamentally new solution in the field of radio communications.

Initially, it was clear that the information exchange will consist not only and not so much of voice communication, but will include the transfer of data, graphic images and streaming video. Formats of digital, text, graphic and video information should be compatible with onboard control systems of numerous types of weapons and instrumental reconnaissance assets. At the same time, the method of information exchange in a combat situation must withstand the failure of part of the relay nodes and communication channels. These circumstances imposed stringent requirements for the unification of information exchange rules, which were not fully implemented in any of the ACCS.

This was due to the limitation of goal-setting at the stage of developing concepts, setting goals and determining priorities for creating systems. Since the automated control centers were to be located at the level of the headquarters of military formations, units and subunits, the capabilities of the automated command and control system were limited to information functions:

- planning of hostilities.

In contrast to the combat information and control systems of air defense / missile defense systems, ships of the Navy and weapon control systems of combat vehicles, the ACCU lacked the function of controlling the fire of subunits, units and formations directly on the battlefield. The implementation of the ACCS functionality within the automated control centers made the system extremely vulnerable to the failure of any of them. Even without taking into account this risk, the acceleration of the decision-making process at the headquarters level had too little effect on the direct control of hostilities in the form of a decrease in the reaction time to the changing operational-tactical situation of a military formation, unit or subunit.

Selecting the target of ACCS 2.0

The purpose of creating an automated system should be to reduce the time period between the moment the enemy is detected and the moment of his defeat. Interaction of direct participants in hostilities should take place on a two-way basis "forward subunit - fire support subunit" in real time. The main type of interaction is the transmission of coordinates and type of target via a communication channel and a response fire effect on the target.

ACCS 2.0 is built on the basis of a distributed service-oriented architecture without the formation of automated control centers. All combatants are equipped with wearable communicators with built-in transceivers. Communicators contain full-featured software and digital maps of the area. Onboard control systems of combat vehicles, aircraft and artillery, missile and anti-aircraft systems (hereinafter referred to as the FCS of combat vehicles) and I&C of technical reconnaissance equipment, also equipped with transceivers, contain specialized software and digital maps of the area. The hardware and software complexes (AIC) of the headquarters are equipped with transceivers and contain specialized software with limited functionality.

Communicators, OMS, IMS and AIC are connected to a single communication network as subscriber terminals. Information interaction between them is carried out in the form of an exchange of tactical data. Fully functional automated control at the company level and below is provided with the help of communicators, at the battalion level and above - with the help of communicators and remote access to the agro-industrial complex according to the "client-server" scheme

The source of tactical data is the infantrymen’s communicators, ICS of technical reconnaissance equipment, and the control system of combat vehicles. Tactical data processing is performed in the following order:
- primary target designation is carried out with the help of infantrymen's communicators and ICS of technical reconnaissance equipment;
- adjustment of the primary target designation (if necessary) is carried out using communicators of the command staff at the squad level and above;
- target distribution is carried out using the FCS of artillery, missile and anti-aircraft systems;
- the destruction of targets is carried out using the FCS of combat vehicles.

Generalization of tactical data is performed at each control level using communicators (squad-platoon-company), as well as communicators and agro-industrial complex (battalion and above). Generalized tactical data is transmitted to the upper and lower levels of command to provide situational awareness. Combat planning is carried out in a similar way to the process of summarizing tactical data.

As a result, the structure of ACCS 2.0 takes the form of a Grid-system, in the nodes of which communicators, OMS, I&C and AIC are located, connected to each other:
- vertically by the hierarchy of the organizational military structure;
- horizontally exchange of tactical data.

Grid system

Assignment of tasks for ACCS 2.0


Despite the fact that the military communications system is self-sufficient, the ACCS 2.0 project should be coordinated with the development of its new version, which has a large bandwidth and high fault tolerance.

Currently, in the military sphere, the main method of transmitting information is HF and VHF radio communications. The increase in radio communication capacity is achieved by switching to higher frequencies than those that are already in use. The decimeter range of radio waves is used for cellular telephony. Therefore, for ACCS 2.0, it will be necessary to use the centimeter range with a frequency of 3 to 30 GHz (microwave communication). Radio waves in this range propagate within the line of sight, but are characterized by strong attenuation when passing through vertical obstacles such as walls of buildings and tree trunks. To bypass them, microwave repeaters must be placed in the air on board the UAV. In order to minimize darkened areas, the maximum angle of inclination of radiation to the earth's surface should not exceed 45 degrees.

The air segment of the microwave communication network is intended for use in a combat zone. For communications services for reconnaissance operations behind enemy lines, it is necessary to use the space segment of the microwave communications. It is advisable to exchange information between stationary objects in its rear using a wired communication segment operating in the optical frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum. The presence of the air segment does not exclude the use of short-range portable ground-based microwave repeaters used in the conduct of hostilities inside premises with radio-tight ceilings.

Communication diagram

To maintain constant radio contact in the air segment of the microwave communication network, it is required to abandon the existing trunking scheme “one base station- many subscriber transceivers "and go to the zonal scheme" many nodal stations - many subscriber transceivers ". Node stations - repeaters should be placed at the vertices of a topological network with triangular cells (cells). Each gateway must provide the following functions:

- channel switching at the request of subscribers;
- retransmission of signals between subscriber transceivers;
- retransmission of signals between network zones;
- retransmission of signals from / to stationary subscriber transceivers serving as gateways of the wired segment of the communication network;
- retransmission of signals from / to the space segment of the communication network.

Depending on the UAV class, the height of the nodal stations above the earth's surface will be from 6 to 12 km. At the maximum angle of inclination of the radiation, the communication service radius will be in the same range of values. In order to overlap the service areas, the distance between the nodal stations should be halved from the maximum. Thus, a high network fault tolerance is achieved by sevenfold redundancy of nodal stations. An additional degree of fault tolerance of microwave communications is provided by deploying repeater UAVs only over their own territory and covering network nodes using short-range air defense / missile defense systems.

DarkStar - UAV repeater with microwave HEADLIGHTS

Noise immunity is achieved through the use of wideband bandwidth coding technology in accordance with the CDMA standard, which is characterized by a noise-like signal spectrum, support for dedicated data / voice channels, or combining multiple channels for streaming video. Signals reflected from natural obstacles are summed with the main signal, which increases the noise immunity of the system. Communication with each subscriber is supported by at least two beams, allowing the subscriber to move between different nodes and zones of the network without losing communication. The use of narrow beam radiation makes it possible to reduce the radio signature of transceivers and to determine the location of network subscribers with high accuracy.

Technologies, protocols and formats of information transfer

All information in the communication network serving ACCS 2.0 is transmitted in digital form. In order to ensure a multiservice mode of operation, it is proposed to use the MPLS technology, based on the assignment of unified labels to information packets, regardless of the transport protocol that supports the transmission of information of a certain type. Tags address information on an end-to-end channel and allow you to prioritize transmission depending on the type of information and the message address.

The microwave communication network uses the WCDMA channel protocol with code division and spread spectrum of signals, the power of which can be less than the power of the radiophone, which, in combination with the broadband nature of the signals, makes it possible to reuse the same frequency band in neighboring areas of the network.

CDMA spectrum

In the wired network segment, it is proposed to use the code division multiplex Ethernet channel protocol, the latest version of the standard of which ensures the exchange of information in a full-duplex mode of operation without aggregation over one optical fiber at a speed of 25 gigabits per second, with aggregation over four optical fibers at a rate of 100 gigabits per second ... In this case, the distance between communication nodes / signal amplifiers can reach 40 km.

As switches in the nodes of the network, you must use routers that control the composition of the network using the dynamic routing protocol OSPF. The protocol supports automatic reconfiguration of zones, nodes and channels in case of failure of a part of the routers.

At the network-wide level, the IP protocol is used, which ensures guaranteed delivery of information messages, consisting of individual packets, along any of the possible routes passing through network nodes and connecting two or more subscribers. Communication is interrupted only in the event of failure of all network nodes.

Transport protocols for transferring information of a certain type are standard solutions tested on the Internet:
- TCP data transfer protocol;
- Voice over IP protocol;
- RTP video streaming protocol.

It is proposed to use HTTP with the MIME extension as an applied data transfer protocol. Data presentation formats include HTML (text), JPEG (still images), MID / MIF (map data), MP3 (sound), and MPEG (video).

Functional composition of ACSV 2.0

ACSV 2.0 should ensure the transition from an information system to a control system that implements the following functions:
- situational awareness of the operational-tactical situation;
- planning of hostilities;
- combat control.

Situational awareness is provided by real-time integration of all available information about the deployment of military personnel and military equipment that are part of their own unit, neighboring units, as well as into the composition of the enemy forces:

- the location of the military personnel of its own unit, equipped with communicators, combat vehicles equipped with an OMS, and technical reconnaissance equipment, equipped with an I&C, is guided by UAV repeaters;
- the location of troops and weapons of neighboring units is transmitted from the upper level of the ACCS 2.0;
- the location of enemy firing points and combat vehicles on the battlefield is determined by the infantrymen in the process of target designation using communicators, as well as by the crews of combat vehicles using the FCS;
- the location of enemy troops and weapons in its rear is recognized by operators of technical reconnaissance equipment using the IMS.

Digital battlefield

Combat planning is carried out according to one of two options:
operational planning requirements for ammunition, fuel and food according to actual consumption during military operations;
- long-term planning of hostilities with the definition of the deployment line, offensive zone, final object, fire support forces, etc.

Operational planning of needs for material and technical supplies is carried out using communicators, long-term planning of military operations - using the agro-industrial complex.

Control of the actions of subunits directly during the battle is carried out in real time by receiving voice and video information, issuing voice instructions to subordinate military personnel, as well as using:
- adjustments to the primary target designation of advanced units with a change in the priority of hitting the selected targets;
- adjustments to the primary target distribution of fire support units with a change in the type of weapon, type of ammunition, sectors of fire, etc.

In addition, the software of the infantryman's communicator must provide the functions of the wearable weapon control system to minimize the amount of equipment that is part of the equipment of military personnel. The communicator serves as a control system for assault and sniper rifles, machine guns, rocket-propelled and automatic grenade launchers. Aiming the weapon at the target is carried out by combining the line of sight of the sighting devices with the virtual projection of this line, calculated by the processor, taking into account the coordinates, range and speed of the target.

Infantryman communicator ASUV 2.0

The infantryman's communicator is designed to individually equip privates, sergeants, officers and generals of the Ground Forces. It is made in the form of a pocket device with a sealed case, inside which there are a processor, RAM, read-only memory, battery, radio modem, ports for connecting an external antenna and information display device, an input for a fiber-optic communication line and an electrical connector for recharging the battery. In addition, the communicator contains modules for a global positioning satellite system and an autonomous inertial orientation system.

Dome antenna

The communicator is equipped with an external antenna in one of two versions:
- omnidirectional whip antenna;
- a narrowly directed active phased antenna array (AFAR), which forms a tracking radio beam in the direction of a repeater UAV of an air segment of microwave communication or the orbit of a satellite relay of a space segment of microwave communication.

The whip antenna is installed directly into the port connector of the communicator and is designed for wireless communication inside a shielded room. Complete with a whip antenna and an onboard microwave repeater of low power, the communicator provides distributed work for unit commanders and headquarters operators located at mobile command posts and on board command and staff vehicles, helicopters and aircraft.

AFAR is made in the form of a domed shell formed by a flexible printed circuit board, on the front side of which there are radiating elements, on the back side - a shielding metal coating. The dome cover is embedded inside the infantryman's polymer helmet and is connected to the communicator using a fiber optic cable that connects bi-directional optoelectronic converters. AFAR is intended for mobile radio communication with automated control centers, other communicators and control systems of combat vehicles.


The AFAR tracking beam makes it possible to reduce by an order of magnitude the radiation power of the antenna, eliminate the radio signature of the transmitters and provide for the microwave repeaters the possibility of spatial selection of radio beams and sources of interference created by the enemy using electronic warfare equipment.

The display device consists of projection glasses, vibrating speakers / microphones that transmit sound through the bone tissue of the skull, and a fiber optic cable that connects the communicator port to the projection glasses. The port houses bi-directional optoelectronic converters. Projection glasses are composed of a frame, protective lenses, prismatic projectors, external and internal lenses.

Vibrating speakers / microphones contain bi-directional optoacoustic transducers. The image is transmitted in three ranges of the optical spectrum - visible from optoelectronic converters to projectors, near infrared from optoelectronic converters to internal lenses and vice versa, and far infrared from external lenses to optoelectronic converters. Sound is transmitted in the form of modulated infrared radiation between optoelectronic and optoacoustic converters.

Projection glasses

The thermal image of the terrain, taken by external lenses and processed by the processor, is converted into visible and projected onto the inner surface of the protective lenses of projection glasses, including with magnification. At the same time, the thermal image is combined with a digital topographic map stored in a permanent storage device for orientation on the ground and determining the coordinates of targets. Tactical signs, reticle, virtual buttons, cursor, etc. are projected on the surface of the protective lenses. Infrared radiation reflected from the pupils of the eyes serves to position the cursor in the field of view. The communicator is controlled using voice commands and hand gestures.

The crew members of combat vehicles are also equipped with communicators that connect to the onboard control system via an internal wired communication line. Outside the combat vehicle, crew members' wireless communication is provided using domed AFARs built into protective helmets.

Digital terrain map

Hardware and software ACSV 2.0

Information Security

Information protection in communication channels should be ensured using symmetric encryption and private key technology, which are regularly replaced with new ones using asymmetric encryption and public key technology.

The processors of the infantrymen's communicators, the control systems of combat vehicles, the ICS of technical reconnaissance means and the agro-industrial complex of the headquarters must have unique identification numbers, which are taken into account in the information encryption algorithms that allow blocking communication in the event of equipment falling into the hands of the enemy.

The ACCS 2.0 equipment must maintain a radio monitoring mode for its location (by taking direction finding of emitted radio signals using repeater UAVs) and the physical condition of military personnel who carry the equipment (by monitoring breathing using vibration microphones). In the event that the equipment falls into the hands of the enemy or the carrier of the equipment loses consciousness, the communication is blocked.


The hardware of the ACSV 2.0 should be produced on the basis of domestic components using certified imported components. In order to minimize the power consumption and heat dissipation of the hardware, it should use multi-core processors and solid-state storage devices.

To protect against the effects of high-power electromagnetic pulses, electronic equipment and external power supplies are placed in sealed metal cases with conductive cooling. The power cables are shielded with a metal braid. In external electrical connectors, fuses are mounted in the form of avalanche-flight diodes. Wire communication lines are made of optical fiber. External recording devices are equipped with bi-directional optoelectronic converters that are connected to the equipment in the same way as wired communication lines.

The sources of electricity are high-capacity lithium-ion batteries rechargeable from on-board generators of combat and transport vehicles.

The computing power of the equipment should ensure its multiple redundancy according to the following scheme:

- when the communicator of the commander of a top-level subunit is out of order, his functions are automatically transferred to the communicator of the deputy commander of the subunit (in the case of an infantry subunit, to one of the infantrymen);

- when the communicator of the deputy commander of a subunit is out of order, his functions are automatically transferred to the communicator of one of the commanders of the lower-level subunit;

- when the AIC of the headquarters is out of order, its functions are automatically transferred to the AIC of the headquarters at the reserve command post;

- when the AIC of the headquarters is out of order at the reserve command post, its functions are automatically transferred to the AIC of the headquarters of one of the lower-level units.


ACCS 2.0 software should be developed in accordance with computer and communication technologies, data transfer protocols and information presentation formats that meet international standards.

The system software, including the I / O system, operating system, file system and database management system, should only consist of domestic software products in order to exclude unauthorized access to information, interception of control and disablement of software and weapons.

Application software can contain both domestic and imported components, provided that the latter are supplied with open source code and a description of the block diagrams of the algorithms used.

Design and putting into service of ACCS 2.0

Creation issues Russian production the element base and interstate cooperation in the production of ACSV 2.0 components belong to the competence of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Concept development, task setting, approval of a single list of technologies, protocols and data transfer formats, it is advisable to entrust the project group under the leadership of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

To coordinate the activities of organizations-developers of regulations, equipment, algorithms and software for communication systems and computing technology, as well as to ensure the subsequent functioning of the ACCS 2.0 subordinate to the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, it is necessary to create an operational command modeled on the United States Cyber ​​Command.

When ASUV 2.0 is put into service, its functionality should be provided at the C4ISR level (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance). At the same time, the level of automated control in the tactical echelon must correspond to the technology of the Digital Battle Field.

/Andrey Vasiliev, specially for "Army Bulletin"/

Colonel V. Masnoy;
Colonel Yu. Sudakov, Cand. technical sciences

With the deepening of the processes of informatization of society, the possibilities for increasing the efficiency of management processes in various spheres of human activity have expanded. The military area is no exception. Moreover, the real need to reduce defense spending does not allow for a decrease in the combat capability of troops (forces). Therefore, the issues of increasing the efficiency of command and control of combat formations in the leading Western states are currently given top priority.
Another important factor in the intensification of management processes is the desire to achieve an all-encompassing superiority over the enemy by preempting him in actions and making decisions. This approach is based on the need to achieve information superiority based on global and scalable situational awareness in real time. In the opinion of many American military experts, the formation of forces of the 21st century should not take place on the basis of existing weapons systems, as at present, but on the basis, first of all, of information that allows commanders to fully realize their potential capabilities. Information about the evolving situation on the battlefield becomes the basis for the integration of various automated systems, which allows you to achieve maximum effect and make optimal decisions. Thus, Admiral A. Owen, former deputy chairman of the KNSH, identified three categories of technical innovations in such areas of military activity: intelligence and surveillance; control, communication and automation systems; high-precision weapons. According to him, these three innovations together will form a "system of systems", which is reflected in different concepts construction of a promising military information infrastructure in the United States.
The most significant of them is the strategic concept "Interfacing and functional integration of control systems, communications, computing equipment and intelligence for combatants" - C4I FTW (Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence for the Warrior), developed in the US Department of Defense in 90 -s of the last century. It was aimed at creating a single information space of the battlefield for all its participants by 2010. At the same time, the C41 systems mean the systems necessary for the technical support of the control process. The concept outlined the outlines of the global information infrastructure of the 21st century, designed to meet the needs of the US military for information processing and transportation, and consists of a chain of computer-controlled networks that span industry, media, government, military, private and other bodies and institutions.
Since the mid-1990s, the leadership of the US Armed Forces has sharply intensified tendencies towards achieving real unity of the Armed Forces, as well as to the widespread use of various operational formations. In 1996, a conceptual document of the United States Chiefs of Staff, United Perspective 2010, appeared. Its key attribute is information superiority, which provides troops with new opportunities for conducting a highly organized and high-precision battle (combat), targeted logistic support, dominant maneuver and comprehensive protection. The new version of the document - "One Perspective 2020", published in 2000, also indicated that the ongoing "information revolution" creates not only quantitative, but also qualitative changes in the information environment, which by 2020 will lead to huge changes in the conduct of military operations. The decision of the US Congress on the numerical reduction of the US Armed Forces increased the requirements for information technology... Therefore, in the "Unified Perspective-2020", the concepts of the development of architectures of control and communication systems of the Armed Forces, which appeared earlier, were clarified (SV - N-Terprise, 1993; Naval Forces - Copernicus, 1990; Air Force - Horizon, 1993).

The information infrastructure of the US Department of Defense is based on a set of various interconnected information systems of various levels of control, both vertically and horizontally, since the US Army will be used as part of the joint forces, consideration of the vertical of command of various formations in the armed forces is of greatest interest.
So, at the operational-strategic level, the central command and control system of troops (forces) is the global system operational management- GSOU (GCCS - Global Command Control System). According to the unified charter 0-2 of the US Armed Forces ("Activities of the United States Armed Forces"), the GSOU is a system that provides the means for operational control and administrative support of the US Armed Forces. Its equipment provides communication between the top military-political leadership, the joint headquarters of the KNSh with the headquarters of the Armed Forces, directorates of the central subordination of the Ministry of Defense, the joint commands in the zones and functional commands, the commanders of the joint operational formations, large service and support formations. In coordination with it, a global logistics management system GCSS (Global Command Support System) is being created. The specific components of the GCCS are the global command and control systems for the ground forces (GCCS-Appu), the navy (GCCS-Maritime, formerly called JMCIS - Joint Maritime Command Information System), the support ACS of the Air Force in the zone of military operations TBMCS (Theater Battle Management Core System), and in perspective - an integrated ACS of the Air Force (code name IC2S - Integrated Command and Control System). It is connected to the global intelligence information system GRIS (Global Reconnaissance Information System), the closed information infrastructure of the US intelligence community, and the automated control systems of other departments. GCCS officially entered service in August 1996 and continues to improve, gradually replacing the outdated WWMCCS system. In contrast, the GCCS will become a partially highly mobile C41, rapidly deployable system, providing:
- new functionalities of automatic exchange of information through the headquarters information-control and operational-tactical systems with any subscriber, up to an individual soldier;
- a unified picture of the operational situation formed by automation means in close to real time to ensure the situational
awareness of the commanders of the combined forces. In addition, commanders will have access to a more detailed unified picture of the tactical situation (combat space) in the areas of responsibility of subordinate commands.
From a technical architecture point of view, the use of commercial standards open systems will significantly reduce the large number of specialized split systems previously used in WWMCCS in GCCS.
At the operational-tactical level, the basis of the control system is made up of the standard means of the GCCS ACS (command and control bodies of the OOF) and its specific components (command and control bodies of the specific formations), the standard specific ACS of the operational-tactical level. All of their elements are mated so that a single combat control system is created, optimized for specific tasks and a specific military operation.
In 1992-1993, the development of the ABCS (Army Battle Command System) ACS concept began. It includes the interconnected systems of the GCCS-A, Army Corps ATCCS, Brigade Level and below FBCB2, the WIN-T (Warfighter Information Network - Tactical) communications network, which will replace the existing TRI-TAC communications system (corps and above) and the MSE mobile communications system - Mobile Subscriber Equipment (corps link and below), combat radio communications network Tactical Internet (TI - Tactical Internet). Ultimately, the ACS must ensure the continuity and speed of control processes from the strategic echelon down to the individual soldier and interaction with joint systems in the entire spectrum of possible conflicts. By improving situational awareness and allowing its forces to share a single operational environment (its fragments, taking into account the eligibility of access), it will provide combat control, contribute to the development of optimal options for forecasting the situation, determining requirements and capabilities, developing options for action, distributing instructions from commanders and combat orders. ABCS will reduce uncertainty in the assessment of combat actions, shorten the cycle of making informed decisions and increase combat capabilities, survivability and operational pace while reducing the potential for firing at its units.

The main task is to provide general situational awareness (taking into account the differentiation of access) and the interaction of units and units. The deployment of the elements of the ABCS system was supposed to be carried out in three stages. In the first (before 2000) it happened in one automated division, in the second (until 2004) it will cover one automated corps, in the third (in 2008) it should be fully implemented. However, the plans for the deployment of the automated control system have already been repeatedly adjusted taking into account the technical constraints and breakthroughs achieved, the availability of funds and other factors. This process, according to the views of foreign experts, will continue in the future.
The ABCS ACS is connected to the global operational control system of the US Armed Forces through the GCCS-A system. GCCS-Army provides a set of modular applications, information support and decision support for planning combat operations at the operational-strategic level, conducting and supporting military operations for their entire duration. For example, the system prepares software for analyzing the state and location of troops (forces), combat assets at points of deployment and on the march, assessing the time of arrival of subunits at destinations, as well as lists of weapons and military equipment that need to be delivered, notifications of their delay by delivery routes. The application for planning and monitoring the progress of redeployments allows you to assess the predicted time of arrival of units and the state of their combat readiness. GCCS-A is slated to be deployed from the level of individual formations in the link above the corps to the level of the division. It will include the standard ground control system in the theater of war (in the zone of operations) STACCS (Standard Army Command and Control System), the global ground information system AWIS (Army Worldwide Information System), and part of the CSSCS rear control system in the link above the corps.
The global ground control system of the ground forces, together with GCCS-A, performs the functions of escorting the moving forces, providing support from the host state and resolving emerging civil conflicts, logistics support (supply, technical, medical, personnel and other types of support, transportation, military police, combating illegal drug trafficking and others). It converts the segmented standard information processing systems STAMIS (Standard Army Management Information Systems) for the corresponding levels of logistics management into a single three-tiered (tiered) automated system, which ultimately either replaces or will interact with all existing ACS and information systems of the rear. GCSS-A consists of a series of functional modules (supply, supply, repair and maintenance, ammunition, administrative) associated with a relational database. Each module will work at any level of the organization, where personnel perform the appropriate tasks. Deployment in the troops of the first tier, which includes the functionality of the existing STAMIS rear information systems operating on individual orders, began in the 1999-2000 financial year (starts October 1).
In the operational-tactical echelon of the ground forces, an automated control system of the army corps ATCCS was put into operation with limited capabilities, the equipment of which is deployed from corps to battalion combat control centers (CDC). Its main components are:
- ACS by the troops of the MCS (Maneuver Control System) corps.
- ACS of field artillery AFATDS (Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System) and fire support.
- ACS of military air defense FAADS С I (Forward Area Air Defense System for Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence). Recently, in connection with
the growing threat of the use of cruise missiles, it is sometimes called the air defense and missile defense planning and control system - AMDPCS (Air and Missile Defense Planning and Control System).
- ACS intelligence and electronic warfare ASAS (All Source Analysis System).
- ACS for the rear of CSSCS (Combat Service Support Control System).
- ACS of the brigade level and below FBCB2 (Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below System).
Additional special support systems, the list of which may be increased and modified in the future, are:
- an air command post based on a helicopter for command and control of military actions of army aviation of the NE and on the ground A2C2S (Army Airspace Command and Control System);
- the system for planning flight missions of army aviation AMPS (Aviation Mission Planning System);
- Integrated Meteorological System IMETS (Integrated Meteorological System);
- digital topographic support system DTSS (Digital Topographic Support System);
- control system for integrated ACS ISYSCON (Integrated Systems Control);
- channels and switches of local area networks;
- servers of combat control centers (TOC - Tactical Operation Center).
Information exchange is provided by the combat information network WIN-T and the Tactical Internet network.

MCS is the main control system of the enclosure. Through it, the main exchange of information with the ACS GCCS-A is carried out. Its first version was introduced in Europe in 1981. Since then MCS has been constantly evolving. The system equipment is used in command posts and command and staff vehicles. Its main task is to control the formations and obtain a unified picture of the operational-tactical situation (EK UTO). MCS ensures the coordination of the combat use of all functional ACSs in the areas of responsibility of command and control units in the interests of the formation and distribution of the EK OTO, assistance in decision-making, automated, with minimal operator intervention, the construction of graphical representations of the situation in close to real time based on information from the corps databases. and divisional level, filled with all functional and auxiliary ACS.

These views may include: digital map operational (tactical) situation SITMAP using information from the central directorate of specific reconnaissance and cartography, intelligence on planning fire support, information on the location of its forces, instructions on interaction in areas of responsibility, information on the management of air defense forces and assets. They (their fragments) are distributed in digital form and displayed against the background of topographic maps in the form electronic cards on the displays of commanders and officers of the headquarters of military formations. Thus, situational awareness is realized.
MCS contains general application programs for various functional purposes, necessary for organizing access to a single database of ABCS ACS, searching in it the information you need and its extraction, as well as a number of functional software modules, in particular the terrain assessment module for presenting the current situation, planning and graphical display of the situation map. MCS will satisfy the requirements of commanders for information support for specific operations, accompany resources, facilitate timely and effective combat control during offensive, defense, trench warfare, while ensuring combat operations, rapid development and distribution of plans, orders, assessments of the situation and results applied to the enemy strikes, their losses in the course of hostilities. It is planned to deploy it at a level from combined arms battalions to an army corps.
Among the components of the ACS of the army corps ATCCS, a special role is played by the ACS of field artillery and fire support equipment AFATDS, which provides automated decision-making for the functional subsystem of fire support for both ground forces and marines, as well as joint operational formations (POF) and united combat arms (for example, fire naval artillery, coordination of close air support). This fully integrated control system carries out planning, coordination, combat control of firing with close fire support, suppression of enemy artillery, air defense weapons and others. It ensures the implementation of all operational functions of fire support, including automated target distribution and target designation based on an analysis of the importance of strike targets. The ACS will be deployed from fire platoons to the corps, transfer data to a single ABCS database, interact with ACS and weapons systems of other types of the Armed Forces.
The FAADS C31 automated air defense command and control system integrates air defense fire units, information assets and command posts into a single system capable of countering air threats (UAVs, helicopters, aircraft, cruise missiles, and others). In addition, the ACS provides automated control of military air defense units.

The deployment of FAADS C31 began in 1993, and by 1999, 8 out of 10 US Army divisions were equipped with it. In the ACS, workstations in the link from the battalion to the corps provided tracking of air targets, displaying the picture of the air situation, and timely distribution of target designation data to fire units. Data from the Air Force radar, AWACS and Hawkeye AWACS systems, long-range and medium-range air defense missile systems came through communication channels and combined with data from divisional radars, such as AN / MPQ-64 or P-STAR (small-sized radar for light divisions and special forces operations), in the interests of forming a unified picture of the air situation with the display of the location of their units. Initially, the picture of the air situation was distributed between the command post of battalions, brigades and divisions. Then the possibility of receiving, if necessary, radar data can be directly received by weapon systems through wearable (for MANPADS) and mobile (SAM and ZAK) radio and computer terminals was implemented, which increases the efficiency of weapon systems and ensures their operation at any time of the day and at any weather.
The KP of the short-range air defense missile system battery can be placed on two vehicles with a carrying capacity of 1.5 tons with identical equipment and capabilities. Its equipment allows to combine radar data and identification / classification data from several sources, as well as to carry out their distribution, threat assessment, target distribution, maintain data exchange and control continuity during redeployment. With a typical architecture of military air defense, the equipment of such a command post may include a transportable computing unit with peripheral devices TCU (Transportable Computer Unit), communication equipment for EPLRS, SINCGARS systems, and a HF radio terminal. A voice command communication network is used between units. The volume of speech information has been reduced due to the use of electronic distribution of data and orders in the EPLRS system. Detection, identification and tracking of air target tracks are carried out by standard AN / MPQ-64 radars with an information update rate of up to 2 s. A unified picture of the air situation in close to real time is distributed through the EPLRS warning network, while all radars and command posts always allow you to get a complete picture of the air situation in the division's area. In the presence of data from several radars, the rate of updating the trace data increases, the size of the "dead zones" due to the closing angles of the radar is reduced, and a continuous radar field is preserved when the information sensors are relocated. All surveillance sensors distribute trace data to individual weapon systems in the battery via the EPLRS system.


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