Scenario on traffic rules for beginners. Scenario of a holiday according to the rules of the road in an elementary school. methodical development (grade 3) on the topic. Game "Traffic signals"


  • To acquaint students with road safety rules, with the names of road signs.
  • To acquaint with the history of the appearance of traffic rules and traffic lights.
  • Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules and the prevention of child road traffic injuries among schoolchildren.


  • Familiarization of students with the history of traffic rules.
  • Consolidation of the knowledge of traffic rules that children have and the new ones that they learned at the holiday
  • Familiarization of students with road signs, their names and meaning.
  • Formation of sustainable cognitive interest among students in this topic.
  • Fostering a sense of responsibility in students for personal safety, value attitudes towards their health and life.
  • Develop memory and thinking in children (during games, singing songs, reading poetry)
  • To foster collectivism, the ability to empathize.

Equipment: projector, presentation, road signs, costumes for every child with road signs, Dunno costume, Traffic light, traffic police officer, costumes for dancing, banners with the inscriptions: "Traffic rules," Visiting a traffic light. "

Motto: - "Traffic rules, everyone is supposed to know!"

a stand with children's drawings on traffic rules, posters with traffic rules., a ball, a road with traffic signs, a traffic light (electric) that changes colors.

Expected results:

a) The guys will know:

The history of traffic rules

Road signs, traffic signals

Road traffic rules

b) learn: to navigate in traffic situations.

Assess your behavior on the road.

Explain to a friend the rules of behavior on the road.


The song "Forbidden-Allowed."

Host: Guys, today we have an unusual event with you. We have gathered with you to talk about something very important, but at the same time interesting!

And about what, you yourself will tell me now.

Listen to the poem and think!

The place where we live with you
It can rightfully be compared to a primer.
Here it is, the alphabet, - over the pavement.
Signs are hung over the head.
The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads
The city gives us a lesson all the time.
Always remember the ABC of the city
So that trouble does not happen to you!

Guys, what alphabet are we talking about? (children's answers)

That's right, today we will talk with you about the rules of the road. We will visit a traffic light.

Dunno runs out.

Once in a big and noisy city,
I am lost, I am lost ...
Not knowing the traffic lights
I almost got hit by a car!
Around cars and trams,
Then suddenly a bus is on the way ...
To be honest - I don't know
Where can I cross the road?
Guys! Help me!
And, if possible, tell us
How to cross the road
So as not to please the tram!

1st student: Dunno, don't worry, stay with us!

2nd student: We will help you.

1st student: Guess a riddle:

I blink my eyes
Relentlessly day and night.
I help cars
And I can help you!

- (Dunno does not know the answer. Traffic light comes out)

Traffic lights: It's a shame, Dunno, not to know a riddle about me. It's me - the Traffic Light.

Dunno: Why is it embarrassing? Just think, Traffic Light!

Traffic lights: I have three eyes: red, yellow, green. With the help of my eyes I give signals to move or stand.

And you, Dunno, do you by any chance know what my three colors mean?

Dunno: No.

Traffic lights: Guys! Tell Dunno.

2nd student:

The red light tells us:
- Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!
Yellow light - warning:
Wait for the signal to move.
Green light opened the way:
The guys can go over.

Traffic lights: And now we will play with you.

The game is called "Red, Yellow and Green."(A traffic light conducts the game.)

The traffic light names and shows the colors (red, yellow and green), and the children sitting in the hall get up and start listening to the poem that the traffic light reads. And after the traffic light has read them, they perform the actions.

Traffic lights:

Attention! Stares straight
We are facing a three-eyed traffic light.
Green, yellow, red eye -
He gives a decree to everyone!
Everybody claps at the red light
On yellow - they stand in silence,
On green - they run on the spot.
To everyone who was wrong, we say:
“There are traffic signals!
Obey them without dispute! ”

(As the traffic light conducted the game, the students sit down)


Traffic lights: Dunno, do you know where the traffic rules came from?

Dunno: No, I don’t know, but I really want to know .... Perhaps this is interesting.

Traffic lights: (listen, I'll tell you.) Guys, the law of streets and roads is strict. He does not forgive mistakes on the road. This law is very kind. He protects people from terrible misfortune, protects their lives. Therefore, only constant observance of traffic rules allows all of us to confidently cross the streets. Traffic rules are a special language of the streets that was created gradually. Traffic rules were born quite a long time ago. They, of course, were not the same as they are now, but much simpler. But even then everyone should have known them.

The first rules of the road appeared more than 2000 years ago, even during the reign of Julius Caesar. In those days, only carts, chariots and horse riders drove on the roads.

The first country to come up with traffic rules for car drivers is France. It happened in 1893. The first country to come up with traffic rules for car drivers was France in 1893. Modern traffic rules are almost 100 years old.

LEADING: - Guys, let's put together a memo now, which will be called "IF YOU A PEDESTRIAN"

1st student: Rule one: walk on the sidewalk and never walk on the road.

2nd student: Rule two: cross the street only where it is supposed to, and never cross (and do not cross!) In the wrong place.

3rd student: Rule three: cross the street only when a traffic light is green and never walk a red light.

Tell Dunno more about other road difficulties and how to overcome them.

Readers come out with road signs. (Each student reads a verse by heart and tells what his sign means)

1st reader:

Bore grief and does not dream,
He rushes along slippery leaves,
The sign was not put in vain:
"Carefully! It's dangerous here! ”

2nd reader:

“I am a connoisseur road rules,
I parked the car here. "
In the parking lot at the kindergarten
There is no need to stand in a quiet hour.

3rd reader:

Do you see the sign? Its meaning is
The intersection of two roads.
Two girlfriends are equal
Two rezvushki paths.

4th reader:

I did not understand the sign
And he fell, frightened.
And it's not difficult to understand it:
"Friend, come down carefully!"

5th reader:

Walk across the street there pedestrian,
Where the sign shows you the transition!

SONG “IF THE RED LIGHT IS BURNING.” (Performed by the whole class)

LEADING: What do these signs mean. Name the guys, tell us about them.

LEADING: Dunno, do you know when the traffic light that we are talking about today appeared?

UNKNOWN: No, I don’t know ... tell me and I will listen carefully and remember.

It turns out that regulating traffic with a mechanical device began 140 years ago, in London. The first traffic light stood in the center of the city on a 6 meter high pole. It was controlled by a specially assigned person. With the help of a system of belts, he raised and lowered the pointer of the device. Then the arrow was replaced by a lantern that worked on lamp gas. There were green and red glasses in the lantern, and the yellow ones had not yet been invented.

The first electric traffic light appeared in the United States, in the city of Cleveland, in 1914. He, too, had only two signals - red and green - and was manually controlled. The yellow signal replaced the police warning whistle. But after 4 years, three-color electric traffic lights with automatic control appeared in New York.

Interestingly, in the first traffic lights, the green signal was at the top, but then it was decided that it was better to place the red signal on top. And now, in all countries of the world, traffic light signals are located according to a single rule: red at the top, yellow in the middle, green at the bottom. In our country, the first traffic light appeared in 1929 in Moscow. It looked like a round clock with three sectors - red, yellow and green. And the controller manually turned the arrow, setting it to the desired color. Nowadays, road users cannot do without a traffic light. Traffic light is translated from Greek as “light bearer”. It regulates movement by means of light signals. Most traffic lights use signals of three colors: red, yellow and green.

TRAFFIC LIGHTS: Dunno, do you know why these 3 colors were chosen for the traffic light?

Dunno: no, but I would very much like to know about this too. !!!

PUPIL: (tells and shows the act at a traffic light)

Red is the color of danger. It is clearly visible both day and night, and in rain and fog. He seems to be saying: “Stop! The way is closed! ”. Green is very different from red; they cannot be confused. Therefore, the green signal of the traffic light, unlike the red one, does not prohibit, but permits movement. He seems to be saying: “The way is open! Boldly forward! "

Another traffic light was placed between the red and green “eyes” of the traffic light.

He encourages drivers and pedestrians to be attentive, as if telling them: “Attention! Traffic will soon be either allowed or prohibited. ”

APPEARS TRAFFIC LIGHTS: Stands at a crosswalk and reads a verse:

Only me for a pedestrian -
Sign at the place of transition.
I'm walking in a blue square -
Transition indicator!

UNKNOWN: Guys, how great! I think I understood everything. Now I know everything about the rules of the road. I don't have a car, and I don’t know how to drive. BUT they gave me a bicycle.

Leading: Wait, Dunno, do you know about the rules of cycling?

Dunno: Yes. After all, a bicycle is a transport. It has the same driving rules as a car.

Leading: Guys, do you agree with Dunno?

Leading: Children: No.

Tell us about the rules for cycling.

1st student: Children from 14 years old are allowed to ride a bike.

2nd student: You can ride in courtyards, parks, stadiums.

3rd student: If you need to cross a road, get off your bike and drive it along the crosswalk.

4th student: You cannot ride a bike without holding the handlebars.

5th student: Do not ride anyone on a frame or trunk.

Dunno suddenly takes the ball and starts playing it

Traffic lights: Dunno, you can't play ball on the road.

Dunno(surprised): Where is it possible?

Traffic lights:

On the road, children
Don't play these games.
You can run without looking back
In the yard and on the site!

Dunno: Now I understand everything. Thank you. I will be very careful and attentive on the roads.


No matter how the driver slows down,
And the car keeps sliding
On wheels, as on skis-
Closer, closer, closer, closer!

For rescue there is an opportunity:
The best brake is caution.
Take care of your life
Don't run in front of the car!

We are girlfriends, girlfriends
We have eyes and ears,
We're walking along the road
We all read and sing.

Dear friends,
Our last advice to you:
After all, the road is not a reading room
And not a place for conversation.

We are good athletes
We love to play football
The pavement was turned
In our field, a stadium.

To me, undoubtedly, the conclusion is clear,
That the pass is dangerous for life,
not the road, but the courtyards-
A place for such a game.

MODERATOR: Guys, now I want to check how you learned the rules of the road. I will ask questions, and you, if you do this, say: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” Ready ?!

Which one of you is coming forward
Only where is the transition?

Who knows, red light
Does it mean there is no move?

Which one of you is in a close tram
Is it giving way to adults?

Who of you, going home,
Keeping track of the pavement?

Which one of you flies so soon
What does not see the traffic light?

DANCE: UNDER SONG V, LEONTIEVA "GREEN LIGHT" (a group of boys and girls is dancing. Boys have steering wheels in their hands, and girls have balls.)

Host: Guys, tell me, who needs traffic rules? (students answer)

That's right. They are needed by all road users, both pedestrians, passengers and drivers. 3 students come out.

A pedestrian is a person who walks along the road, and does not ride in any vehicle.

A passenger is a person traveling in any vehicle other than the driver.

A driver is a person who drives a vehicle.

Everyone - pedestrians, passengers and drivers alike - must follow certain traffic rules. Only in this case they will be able to maintain health, and even life.

TRAFFIC LIGHTS: Guys, let's summarize!

How to cross the road correctly?

How many colors does a traffic light have? Name them. Explain what each traffic light color means.

Traffic lights are needed on the street: after all, cars go in different directions, and people need to cross the road. In order to maintain order on the road, a traffic light is installed, which controls the traffic with its lights, and everyone must obey it or be in trouble. The traffic light works well: one signal is replaced by another.

What does red light mean?

Red light - danger is near!
Stop! Don't move and wait
Never under red gaze
Don't go to the road!

Never cross the road at a red traffic light, even if there are no cars nearby.

What does the yellow traffic light mean?

Yellow light - warning:
Wait for the signal to move!


You cannot cross the road to the yellow light, at this time you can get ready to cross.

What does a green traffic light mean?

You can cross the road
Only when the green light is on
Will light up explaining:
"You can go now! There are no cars here! ”

You can cross the road only when the traffic light is green.

Traffic light: Well done guys! You have learned everything. It was not in vain that you listened.

And now the leader and I will give you riddles for relaxation. We answer in chorus.

Strange zebra: neither eating nor drinking,
But without drinking and food will not uret. (Pedestrian crossing.)

Hey, don't get in the way!
A car rushes on alarm
Why should she be in such a hurry?
Put out the fire!
(fire engine)

Itself does not go, does not go.
If you do not support it, it will fall
And let the pedals go
He will rush you forward.

Red circle, rectangle
Every student is obliged to know:
This is a very strict sign.
And wherever you are in a hurry
With dad in the car
You will not get through in any way.
(No entry)

You can find a sign like this
On the high-speed road
Where is the big pit
And it's dangerous to walk straight
Where the district is being built
School, house il stadium.
(No Pedestrians)

In a white triangle
Bordered in red
For schoolchildren
It is very safe.
This sign is road
Everyone in the world knows:
Be careful,
On the road...

Underground corridor
Leads to the other side.
There is no door or gate
It is too...

They walk boldly young and old,
Even cats and dogs.
Only this is not a sidewalk,
It's all about the road sign.

Day and night I burn
I give signals to everyone.
I have three signals.
What are my friends?
(Traffic lights)

TRAFFIC LIGHTS: Well done, you coped with this task.!

Dunno, what do you remember? (Dunno tells)

Well done! You did not come to visit us in vain today!

LEADING: Today, I hope you learned a lot of new and interesting. The rules of the road are very important. Every adult and student should know them. Remember them tightly. Do not break them, then we will not have accidents on the roads, and you will grow up strong and healthy.

Dunno: Let's sum up the results with the poem "FORBIDDEN-ALLOWED."

And avenues. And boulevards-
The streets are noisy everywhere.
Walk down the sidewalk
Right side only.
here to be naughty, to interfere with the people

Be an exemplary pedestrian

If you ride a tram
and the people are around you,
Without pushing, without yawning,
Come on ahead.
To ride a hare, as you know,
For-forbidden. (In chorus)

If you just walk
Look ahead anyway.
Through a noisy intersection
Come on carefully.
Red light transition-
FOR-PRE-SHA-ET-SYA (in chorus)

Even children are green

ALLOWED!!! (in chorus)

STSI. (Speech)

TRAFFIC LIGHTS: Guys, it was a pleasure to work with you. In conclusion, I would like to wish you success in your studies.




DANCING AND SINGING (then they get up in a round dance, and after that they distribute Balloons kindergarten children 333 and ‘Nest.’ kindergarten children.


The main musical theme (remix) from the TV series "Beware of the car!" Sounds in the recording. Children appear on the stage with road signs in their hands. The dance "Road signs" is being performed. After the number, the children begin to read poetry and play around with each sign.

1st child.

Here is a large green square,

On the contrary -

The letter "R".

Not a simple letter "R" -

Strikethrough "P".

Children shrug and walk around the sign.

2nd child.

I need a policeman

Call and ask ...

A siren sounds in the recording, a traffic police car appears on the stage. A policeman comes out of it.

Children. Is it really near the square

Can't you pronounce "P"?

3rd child.

I want to say "Hurray!"

And it will turn out "Wow!"

4th child.

How can I be without the letter "R"

After all, it is impossible without the letter "R"!

5th and 6th child. And they told me ...


The letter "R" - road sign.

All the cars are driving by

Because the sign is hanging:

The letter "R" stands for cars

In this place he does not order.

Not a simple letter "R" -

crossed out "R"!

The policeman salutes the guys, gets into the car and drives away.

1st and 2nd child.

A person is drawn.

Man is digging the earth.

The 5th child comes up and looks at the sign in amazement, then asks.

5th child.

Why is there no way?

Maybe they are looking for treasure here?

And old coins

Are they in a big chest?

Them here, probably old

Hid a very greedy king.

I was told...

Children(together). What are you, what are you!

Here Men at work!

Rhythmic music in the recording. Repairers appear on the stage, a performance imitating road works is performed. After that, the children walk in a circle, then they stop, one of the children stands in the center of the circle.

3rd child(in the center of the circle).

Why would it suddenly

Are the arrows in a circle together?

And cars one after another

They race merrily in a circle.



Like we're on a carousel!

Children with toy cars ride in a circle.

Children ( amicably).

We are in the square with you, -

There is no straight road here!

In the recording, a musical intro from the "Merry Carousel" m / s sounds, there is a dance of children with cars around the sign.

3rd child(admiring the sign). Wonderful


The 4th child runs out, he jumps and runs around the sign.

4th child.

So you can here

To be mischievous?

The 1st child joins him.

1st child.

If you run -

If you go -

With the wind!

2nd and 3rd child... People answer strictly ...

5th and 6th child(strictly).

This is a dangerous road.

Highly asks for a road sign

Drive quietly, carefully!

2nd child(excitedly pointing to the sign).

What is the bar in front ?!

Let's stand over the fast river.

What if weightlifters come to the bridge ?!

They will begin to lift the bar,

They will squeeze the barbell ...

Simulates the actions of a weightlifter.

3rd child(laughing). No!

2nd child... Laughing, my friend answered ...

3rd child(explains).

We will not meet athletes here.

It's just a sign like this

For a truck.

5th child.

In this place, the ground is weak, -

He speaks sternly, -

Carry a heavy load -

Damage the road.

4th child.

The load will press on the wheels -

It will leave a trace on the road.

There will be holes in the way -

Neither drive nor pass!

The recording contains a musical theme from the radio play "Road Adventures", music. A. Pinegina. Children dance with signs.

1st child(throwing up his hands). That's a sign! I can't believe my eyes:

What's the battery here for?

(He looks closer at the sign.)

Does movement help

Steam heating ?!

2nd child(assuming).

Maybe in a blizzard winter

Do the drivers need to warm up here?

6th child.

Why, in the summer heat

The sign was not removed from the pavement?

4th child.

It turned out this sign

Says to the chauffeur like this ...

3rd child... Here is a barrier - crossing!

Children(amicably). Wait - the express will pass!

The recording contains the theme of V. Shainsky's song "The Blue Carriage". Children line up in the form of carriages, in the dance they demonstrate all the signs that were discussed, and then, having circled the stage with a snake, disappear behind the curtains.

SCENARIOopen eventIN PRIMARY SCHOOL on traffic rules 2016, grade 3

"Know and observe the traffic rules!"


To form an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe rules of safe

behavior on the road;

Develop students' skills of responsibility, discipline,

to seek the application of the obtained theoretical knowledge for the implementation of practical tasks.

The development in children of coordination, attention, observation, qualities necessary for safe behavior outside;

To foster a sense of responsibility in students for personal safety, value attitudes towards their health and life

The course of the lesson.

1.Org. moment. Introduction.

Do you guys like to travel?

I invite you to travel, improve your knowledge.

And where we go on the journey, you will learn from the song.

(Children sing a song.)


I. Somewhere in this world, a miracle is a country,

Moms, dads, children all need her,

Machines can't live a day without her,

Without it, there will be nonsense on the tracks.

Chorus: La, la, la, la, la, la, la

Somewhere in this world there is a town,
Soon all roads will be flooded with transport,
Just don't be afraid, don't worry
Learn the traffic rules with us!
La la la la la!

Teacher: we begin our journey ……

1 student.

Take a seat, more comfortable, Tepikina P.

Take places soon

On a holiday to the country of Traffic lights

We invite friends!

2 student.

The city, the village in which you and I live Ovsenko G.

Can rightfully be compared with a primer

The alphabet of streets, avenues, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

3 student.

Here it is - the alphabet above your head: Kalmykov A.

We see signs everywhere with you.

The alphabet of the city, the village - always remember

So that trouble does not happen to you.

Teacher: Guys, tell me, where can we cross the road?

-We. on underground and overhead crossings, on pedestrian crossings such as "zebra" or where there is a signpost "Pedestrian crossing".

Students appear on the stage and show how to cross.

-Teacher: What rules must be followed when crossing the road?

-We. you must first look to the left, in the direction of the approaching Vehicle, and after reaching the middle, stop, then look to the right, and if there is no transport close, you can continue the journey.

Teacher: And if we do not have time to cross the road, then what should we do?

- You need to stop at the safety island, and if it is not there, then in the middle of the roadway.

Leading: And so the journey begins.

Guess the riddle!

I blink my eyes

Relentlessly day and night.

I help cars

And I can help you!

Traffic lights)

Traffic lights:

I have three eyes: red, yellow, green. With my eyes, I give signals to move or stand. And you, Dunno, do you by any chance know what my three colors mean?


The red light tells us: Kotlyarova M.

- Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!

Yellow light - warning:

Wait for the signal to move.

Green light opened the way:

The guys can go over.

-Guys, do you observe traffic rules?

4. The game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends».


I will ask questions, and you, if you do this, say: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends” Are you ready?

    Who among you goes forward only where the transition is? (this is...)

    How many of you goes into the light, saying: "There is no move!"?

    How many of you give way to adults on the tram? (this is...)

    Who flies ahead so quickly that they don't see the traffic light?

    If the yellow light is on, who is coming? Who's standing? (this is...)

    Who among you, walking home, keeps his way on the pavement? ( Pavement - for transport, For you - sidewalk!)

    Who runs out on a slippery road in bad weather?

    Who knows that the red light

    Does it mean there is no move? (this is...)

    Like a multiplication table

We teach traffic rules! (this is...)

    we are funny friends

We can't live without football

We better not find a field

Than the carriageways. (No)

Well done boys! You have coped with this task perfectly.

Leading My cheerful, ringing ball

Where did you rush to gallop?

Red, yellow, blue

Can't keep up with you!

On the road, children

Don't play these games.

You can run without looking back

In the yard and on the site.

Teacher: Why can't you play on the road?

student: Because cars are driving along the road, you won't notice

and you will fall under the wheels of the car.

student: Imagine that you are playing ball in your yard.

Suddenly the ball rolled onto the road. What should be done?

student: You have to ask an adult to bring the ball.

Let's listen to the guys and find out what is allowed and what is prohibited.

The game "Permitted - Forbidden"

Play on the pavement ... (prohibited)

Crossing streets with a green traffic light ... (allowed)

Crossing the street in front of a nearby vehicle ... (prohibited)

Walk in a crowd on the sidewalk ... (allowed)

Cross the street through an underground passage ... (allowed)

Crossing the street with a yellow traffic light (prohibited)

Help old men and women cross the street (allowed)

Cyclists cling to passing cars (prohibited)

Bypass vehicles standing at the sidewalk in front (prohibited)

Walk on the sidewalk to the left ... (prohibited)

Run out onto the carriageway ... (prohibited)

Riding a bike without holding the handlebars ... (prohibited)

Chatting and laughing out loud in transport ... (prohibited)

Respect the rules of the road ... (allowed)

Teacher: 1) Both avenues and boulevards -

The streets are noisy everywhere

Walk down the sidewalk

Right side only! (Cotton)

2) Naughty, play on the road (Foot stomp)


3) Be an exemplary pedestrian (Cotton)


5) Give the old woman a place (Cotton)


6) Red light transition (Foot stomp)


7) With green, even for children (Cotton)



Tell us more about other road difficulties and how to overcome them.


And on the way soon we are going now

On the main road towards the dream.

To keep your hands safe

To keep the legs intact Byzova A.

You need to know these signs

Signs must be respected.

-Our stop at an intersection"Road signs"

Children enter with inverted road signs on the chest.

Who are you? (In chorus)

We are Road signs.


The road signs are all very good!

Both adults and children should respect them

5th reader:

Walk across the street there, pedestrian, Mutovkina Sonya

Where the sign shows you the transition!


6th reader:

The striped horse, K.

Her name is zebra.

But not the one at the zoo

People all walk along it.

She's on the street with us

Here at the crossroads

Like a zebra just right

Transition to stripes.

7th reader:

In the rain and in clear weather Byzova Nastya

No pedestrians walk here

The sign tells them one thing:

"You are not allowed to walk!"

8th reader:

Every pedestrian knows S.

About this underground passage

He does not decorate the city

But it doesn't interfere with the cars.

9th reader:

Here is the overground passage Agapova Dasha

Up and down the people go

Cars rush under you

You shouldn't be afraid of them.

Children are supposed to know Evtenko Vadim

Road rules!

You, my friend, trust them;

You will be safe and sound!

Leading The city is full of movement:

Cars run in a row

Colored traffic lights

And day and night are burning.

Walking carefully

Watch the street

And only where possible,

Go over it!

Student: And where there are trams during the day

In a hurry from all sides, Startsev M.

Walking carefully

Follow the street Sivak K.

And only where possible.

Go over it!

7. Game "Yes, no".

We arrived at the bus stop. Here awaits usgame "Yes! No!"

- Now I will check what kind of attentive pedestrians you are and whether you are ready to play.

I ask you a question, and you answer “yes” or “no”.

- What do you want - say, red light - no way? (Yes.)

- What do you want - say, every time we go home, we play on the pavement? (No.)

- What do you want - say, but if you are in a hurry, then run in front of the transport? (No.)

- What do you want - say, we always go forward only where the transition is? (Yes.)

- What do you want - say, we are running forward so quickly that we do not see the traffic light? (No.)

- What do you want - say, on the sign "there is no passage" is a person drawn? (No.)

- What do you want - say, on the round signs red means "here is a ban"? (Yes.)

Leading. Our guys have prepared ditties.

Caution on the road! Puchkova S.

Take care of your hands and feet.

Remember the rules everywhere

Otherwise there will be trouble!

Both the trolleybus and the bus of Tepikin P.

You go around from behind,

So as not to lose forever

Your wild head!

For the laughing talkers Kotlyarov M.

There is a special order:

Approaching any road

Shut up the same hour!

You have only two legs - Glushkov S.

Take care of their wheels!

And ride on the footpegs

Only centipedes can.

At the pants and at the car Kalmykov A.

There are rescue straps.

Them you your car

Fasten it tightly to yourself!

We sang for you N. Byzov's ditties.

about traffic rules,

and today we will ask you

Be careful


The world in which we live, A.

Sometimes it makes us sad.

Make our lives safe

We really need you and me.

Let's respect each other

Simple laws obey,

Then they will forget about sadness and pain

And everyone around will laugh.

Together: Always remember the ABC of the city,

So that trouble does not happen to you !!! 1

Always remember people!
There will be no other life!
The dangers of the street
Let's say in response:
Injury - no!
No accidents!
Children of Russia - the green light!

At the end of the event, all trainees received instructions on traffic rules.

Memo for students

1.Cross the street only at pedestrian crossings.

2. If not pedestrian crossing, cross at intersections, looking left, then right.

3. Do not cross the street in front of nearby vehicles.

4.Tam, wheretrafficregulated by traffic lights, cross the road part only with a green signal.

5. Do not suit games on the roadway, do not ride, clinging for the car.

6.If you have a bicycle, remember that riding it is streets and roads are allowed only from 14 years old. If you are under 14, can ride a bike in courtyards and on special areas.

Scenario of the traffic rules event for junior schoolchildren 2016-2017 academic year

Objectives of the event:

to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of the road and the prevention of child road injuries among schoolchildren. Promote the development of thinking, reaction speed, cognitive activity, creating an atmosphere of mutual assistance.


stimulating interest in the subject through play activities;
the formation of skills to apply the knowledge gained in non-standard situation;
the formation of skills to choose rational ways of doing work;
consolidation of traffic rules;
the formation of teamwork skills.
... Educational:
to educate a system of views on the world around;
to develop the ability to follow the norms of behavior;
educate norms social behavior children;
foster a respectful attitude towards the subject.
... Developing:
development of speech, thinking, memory;
development of the sensory and emotional-volitional spheres of the personality;
development of skills for identifying dangerous road zones and situations;
development mental activity, the ability to observe, draw conclusions, verify the results.


Slides on traffic rules.

Board design: children's drawings according to traffic rules.

Scenario progress:


We live in the beautiful city of Almetyevsk, with wide streets and big roads... Many cars move along them, trolleybuses and buses go. And no one bothers anyone. Cars do not go as they please, overtaking each other, turning in different directions.

- There was a time when only riders on horseback, chariots and horse-drawn carriages rode through the streets and roads. They can be considered the first vehicles. They drove without observing any rules, and therefore often bumped into each other. After all, the streets of cities in those days were usually narrow, and the roads were winding and bumpy. It became clear that it was necessary to streamline the movement on the streets and roads, that is, to invent rules that would make traffic on them convenient and safe.

The first rules of the road appeared more than 2000 years ago, even during the reign of Julius Caesar.

They helped regulate traffic on city streets. Some of these rules have survived to this day. For example, already in those ancient times, only one-way traffic was allowed on many streets.

In Russia, road traffic was regulated by tsarist decrees. So, in the decree of Empress Anna Ioannovna from 1730 it was said: “For cabbies and other people of all ranks to ride with horses in harness, with all fear and caution, calmly. And those who do not follow these rules will be whipped and sent to hard labor. " And in the decree of Empress Catherine II it is said: "On the streets, the coachmen should never shout, whistle, ring or strum."

At the end of the 18th century, the first "self-propelled carriages" - automobiles - appeared. They drove very slowly and aroused criticism and ridicule from many. For example, in England a rule was introduced according to which a man with a red flag or a lantern had to walk in front of each car and warn oncoming carriages and riders. And the speed of movement should not have exceeded 3 kilometers per hour; in addition, drivers were prohibited from giving warning signals. These were the rules: don't whistle, don't breathe and crawl like a turtle.

But, in spite of everything, cars became more and more. And in 1893, the first rules for motorists appeared in France. First in different countries there were different rules. But it was very inconvenient.

Therefore, in 1909 on International conference in Paris, the Convention on Road Traffic was adopted, which established uniform rules for all countries. This Convention introduced the first road signs, established the obligations of drivers and pedestrians.

The modern rules of the road are almost 100 years old.

Traffic light history

Do you know when the usual traffic light appeared?

It turns out that regulating traffic with a mechanical device began 140 years ago, in London. The first traffic light stood in the center of the city on a 6 meter high pole. It was controlled by a specially assigned person. With the help of a system of belts, he raised and lowered the pointer of the device. Then the arrow was replaced by a lantern that worked on lamp gas. There were green and red glasses in the lantern, and the yellow ones had not yet been invented.

The first electric traffic light appeared in the United States, in the city of Cleveland, in 1914. He, too, had only two signals - red and green - and was manually controlled. The yellow signal replaced the police warning whistle. But after 4 years, three-color electric traffic lights with automatic control appeared in New York.

Interestingly, in the first traffic lights, the green signal was at the top, but then it was decided that it was better to place the red signal on top. And now, in all countries of the world, traffic light signals are located according to a single rule: at the top — red, in the middle — yellow, below — green.

We have the first traffic lights appeared in 1929 in Moscow. It looked like a round clock with three sectors - red, yellow and green. And the regulator manually turned the arrow, setting it to the desired color.

Then in Moscow and Leningrad (this is what was then called Saint Petersburg) there were electric traffic lights with three sections modern type... And in 1937 in Leningrad on Zhelyabov Street (now Bolshaya Konyushennaya Street), near the DLT department store, the first pedestrian traffic light appeared.

Speech by children.

1 child:

There are traffic signals -

Obey them without dispute!

Yellow light - warning

Wait for the signal to move.

2 child:

Green light opened the way:

The guys can go over.

3 child:

The red light tells us:

Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!


Guys, continue the lines of S. Mikhalkov's poem.

If the light is on red

So, move ... (dangerous).

Light green says:

"Come on, the way ... (open)!"

Yellow light - warning -

Wait for the signal for ... (movement).

(The teacher reads a poem.)

Seryozha asked his father:

“What is a traffic light?

Why, why

I still don't know

Why is it a different color

Sends us greetings? "

The father replied to the son:

“You need to know these signals.

If the red light shines -

Transition forbids us

Traffic lights.

Yellow light - attention!

And the green peephole is shining -

Can be for adults, can be for children

Walk across the street.

Should you signals these

Remember firmly, know firmly

Never forget! "


And now, guys, we will consolidate with you the knowledge of traffic signals in the game "Green, yellow, red". Become all in a circle! Listen carefully to the assignment.

On the green light, we walk in a circle one after another,

Yellow - stop and march in place,

Red - squat. Ready!

Game "Green, Yellow, Red".(the teacher shows alternately green, yellow, red circles)

Well done, guys, you all know the traffic signals.


Is it possible to play on the road?

Imagine that you are in your yard playing ball. Suddenly the ball rolled onto the road. What actions will you take? What will you do?

Where can you ride a bike?

Children under the age of fourteen can only ride a bike in the courtyard or in the stadium. Even on the sidewalk, you can neither ride nor play. Who will answer why?

Right. Pedestrians walk along the sidewalk. Games and cycling will get in the way.

Guys, where on the roadway you can wait out the flow of the car?


Now we will see the scene "On the bus"

Students show a scene

1st girl.

There was a bus on the road

On the boulevard ring.

In it sat and stood

There are a lot of people.

2nd girl.

People come in and out

Moving forward

Ivanov Nikolay

The ride is very good.

1st girl.

It sits in the best place

Near the window itself

He has skates under his arm

He was going to the rink.

2nd girl.

People come in and out

Moving forward

Nikolay sits, misses

The grandmother is standing nearby.

1st girl.

Finally a stop

Near the rink itself,

Pleased from the bus

Nikolay gets out.

2nd girl.

To a vacant spot

Grandma wanted to sit down,

I didn't have time to look back -

The place is taken by another.

1st girl.

And Petrov Valentin

The ride is very good

He sits in the best place

Returns from the rink.

2nd girl.

People come in and out.

Moving forward

Valentine sits, misses

Grandma is standing nearby

1st girl.

This case is about an old woman

You can go on for a long time ...

But let's say in rhyme:

Elders must be respected


Did Nikolai and Valentin behave politely?

What were they supposed to do?

The game "When we are passengers".

Imagine that you are passengers. Who do we call passengers?

Let Bogdan be the driver, he will sit in front, and we are passengers and wait at the bus stop. We get on the bus and take seats. Which door do the passengers enter?


Remember, do not touch the doors while the bus is moving. You have to wait for the driver to open them.

Can I talk with the driver while driving?

Can I lean out of the window?

Why can't you stand with your feet on the seat?

Can I talk loudly on the bus?

Well, here we are, get off the bus, do not rush.

What door do the passengers go through?

Children rode nicely! Remember to wait until the bus leaves the stop before crossing the road.


Several guys from our class have prepared riddles for you.

Let's listen to the guys and try to solve the riddles.

(4 children)

I look out the window:

Antoshka is lying for a long time

If only he got up -

I reached the sky

He does not walk himself,

And he leads others. (road)

(5 children)

I had a cart

Yes, only there was no horse,

And suddenly she whinnied,

She blinked and ran.

Look, a cart has run without a horse! (truck)

(6 children)

Matvey is running, followed by 100 geese. (steam locomotive with carriages)

Food, food - no trace.

I cut, I cut - no blood (boat)

(7 children)

He has three eyes,

Three on each side

And although not once

He did not look at all at once

He needs all eyes.

It hangs here for a long time

And looks at everyone point-blank

What is this? (traffic lights)

(8 children)

They don't feed him with oats,

They don't drive him with a whip,

And as he plows - he drags 7 plows. (tractor)

(9 children)

I rule with a horned horse,

If this horse

I won't put it on the fence,

He will fall without me. (bike)

(10 children)

Past the grove, past the yar

Rides without smoke, rushes without steam

Steam locomotive sister.

Who is she? (train)

(11 children)

Long trunk, not an elephant,

But he is stronger than an elephant.

He replaces hundreds of hands,

He digs the load without shovels. (excavator)


Several guys from our class have prepared ditties for you.

Let's listen to the guys.

(12 children)

Traffic light, traffic light!

How are you doing?

Turn on the green light

So that the kids pass.

(13 children)

I'll turn on the green light

Just wait.

Road rules

Tell me.

(14 child)

Observe, children,

Traffic rules!

The arms are intact, the legs are intact -

No dizziness.

(15 children)

Our third grader Vasya is glorious,

He fights like Michael Tyson.

But he did not teach traffic rules.

I almost got into an accident.

(16 children)

Our Lyubasha - nothing!

Make up lips - and in the movies.

Lyuba got up at the traffic light -

I didn't know which light to go to.

(17 children)

Traffic light, traffic light

How are you doing?

Turn on the green light

So that the kids pass.

(18 children)

There is an opportunity for salvation

The best brake is caution.

Take care of your life

Don't run in front of the car!

(19 children)

The traffic light came on:

I don't run on red

I'm picking my nose

I'll go to the green one.

(20 children)

If suddenly under the crossroads

There is an underground passage

Along it across the road

Every pedestrian walks.

(21 children)

I'm running across the road

And a truck was on the way.

So you want to live, guys!

I'm not used to being dead.

(22 children)

Walk around the tram like a horse

In order not to kick.

And the trolleybus is like a bull

In order not to butt.

(23 children)

You only have two legs

Take care of their wheels

And ride on the footpegs

Only centipedes can!

(24 children)

Ride "hare", as you know,

This is prohibited!

Give way to the old woman

This is permitted!

(25 children)

Many cars are racing

Be ahead of the curve.

With the whole family we observe

Traffic rules.

(26 children)

My dad, my dad!

What are you doing, dear!

Don't drive a car

Like a mischievous wind!

(27 children)

Oh, daddy's driving

Today is a violation

I will repeat with him

Traffic rules!

(28 children)

Remember this rule

It is imperative,

On the road on the carriageway

You have to be careful.

Teacher (Mingazova T.V.)

Working with slides.

Now, guys, let's repeat the road signs again.

Information sign Underground pedestrian crossing, Elevated pedestrian crossing

Sign for special regulations Crosswalk

This sign directly indicates the place where you can cross the carriageway. In this case, a pedestrian must be guided by traffic signals, and also make sure that there are no cars nearby, and only then cross the road.

Prescriptive sign Footpath

Prescriptive sign Bicycle lane

Warning sign Crosswalk

It warns the driver that it is nearby. children's institution or a playground.

But it does not indicate a place to go.

Prohibition sign No Pedestrians Pedestrians must not walk where this sign hangs.

Remember, if there are no sidewalks and footpaths, you cannot walk where signs 5.1 "Highway" and 5.3 hang. "Road for cars".

Prohibition sign Bicycles are prohibited

You cannot ride a bike where this sign hangs.

Remember that you can only drive on public roads from the age of 14. In addition, on highways and roads for vehicles marked with signs 5.1 and 5.3, the movement of bicycles and mopeds is prohibited.


Today we have repeated the rules of the road. Every child should know them. Do not break them, then we will not have accidents on the roads and you will grow up strong and healthy.

MBOU "Secondary school number 25"

Game program

Teacher primary grades:

M.V. Borisenkova

Goals: to consolidate the knowledge of the rules of the road in the children; to deepen the knowledge of students about the rules of the road; to form the ideas of junior schoolchildren about road safety when moving along the streets and roads; to educate the skills of fulfilling the basic rules of behavior of students on the street, on the road, in order to prevent child road traffic injuries.

Equipment: road signs, traffic lights, pictures.

Game participants: two teams.

Game plan:

1.Warm up

2. Quiz "Green Sign"

3. Game "Three lights of a traffic light"

4. The game "Permitted - Forbidden"

5. "Draw the signs" game

6. Game with spectators "Crossroads of riddles"

7.Game "Collect the signs"

8. Game "Cyclist"

9. Summing up



Leading: Guys, today we are gathered here to remember the rules of the road. The law of streets and roads is strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian walks along the street as he pleases, not observing the rules. But this law is at the same time very kind: it saves people from terrible misfortune, protects their lives. Therefore, only excellent knowledge of the rules allows us to confidently cross the street. Today we will show you how we know these rules.
And so that none of you get tired, we will conduct our lesson in the form of a game. To do this, you need to split into two teams, come up with a name and choose a team captain. For each correct answer, the team receives a token. For violation of discipline, one token is removed. Whoever has more tokens will win.

1. Warm up

Now I will check what kind of attentive pedestrians you are and whether you are ready to play. I ask you a question, and you answer “yes” or “no”.

What do you want - say, sweet water in the sea? (No)
- What do you want - say, red light - no way? (Yes)
- What do you want - say, every time we go home, we play on the pavement? (No)
- What do you want - say, but if you are in a hurry, then run in front of the transport? (No)
- What do you want - say, we always go forward only where the transition is? (Yes)
- What do you want - say, we are running forward so quickly that we do not see the traffic light? (No)
- What do you want - say, on the sign "there is no passage" is a person drawn? (No)
- What do you want - say, on the round signs red means "here is a ban"? (Yes)

2.Quiz "Green light"

- What is the name of the pedestrian path?

What does red, yellow, green traffic light mean?

What should you do before you start crossing the street?

Where can you cross the street?

Can I play on the pavement?

How should you walk on the sidewalk?

Why is it forbidden to cling to trucks and their trailers?

Where should a pedestrian stop if he did not have time to complete the crossing?

Where can you ride a bike?

3. Game "Three lights of a traffic light"

Teams are given homemade traffic lights.

Do you know how to execute traffic light commands? Now we will check it. I will read you poems from Oleg Bedarev's "Alphabet of Security", and you show the necessary light with your traffic lights.

1. There are traffic signals,

Obey them without argument.

The pavement rages in motion

Cars are running, trams are in a hurry.

Tell me the correct answer:

What kind of light is there for a pedestrian?

Right! The red light tells us:

Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed.

2. Special light - warning!

Wait for a signal for movement.

Tell me the correct answer:

What kind of light is on at the same time?

Right! Yellow light - warning!

Wait for the signal to move.

3. Go ahead! You know the order

You won't get hurt on the pavement.

Tell me the correct answer:

What kind of light is there for pedestrians?

Right! Green light opened the way:

The guys can go over.

4. The game "Permitted - Forbidden"

Play on the pavement ... (prohibited)

Crossing streets with a green traffic light ... (allowed)

Crossing the street in front of a nearby vehicle ... (prohibited)

Walk in a crowd on the sidewalk ... (allowed)

Cross the street through an underground passage ... (allowed)

Crossing the street with a yellow traffic light ... (prohibited)

Help old men and women cross the street ... (allowed)

Cyclists cling to passing cars ... (prohibited)

Bypass vehicles standing on the sidewalk in front ... (prohibited)

Walk on the sidewalk on the left ... (prohibited)

Run out onto the carriageway ... (prohibited)

Riding a bike without holding the handlebars ... (prohibited)

Chatting and laughing out loud in transport ... (prohibited)

Respect the rules of the road ... (allowed)

5 draw the signs

The players are invited to draw traffic signs for a certain time.

The winner is the team that not only draws the signs correctly within a certain time, but also explains them.

6. Game with spectators (fans) "Crossroads of riddles"

This horse does not eat oats,

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit astride and race on it.

Only better drive.


What a miracle this house is!

There are many passengers in it.

Shoes wears made of rubber

And it feeds on gasoline.


Runs and shoots

Grumbles rapidly.

The tram can't keep up

Behind this chatterbox.


Does not fly, does not buzz -
The beetle runs down the street.
And burn in the eyes of the beetle
Two shiny lights.

To help you, friend,
The path is dangerous
The lights are on day and night -
Green, yellow, red.
(Traffic lights)

What horse plows the land,
Doesn't he eat hay?

Runs into the distance - does not grieve,

Friends with legs.

For harvesting

I go out to the fields

And for a few cars

I work there alone.


Four brothers are running -
They won't catch up with each other.

It will oblige us to drive quietly,
A close turn will show
And remind you what and how,
You are on your way ...

(Road sign).

What kind of zebra is on the road?
They all stand with their mouths open.
They are waiting for the green blinking
So this ...


Auto Multi

Questions from cartoons and fairy tales that mention vehicles.

What did Emelya ride to the king to the palace?

(On the stove)

Favorite two-wheeled mode of transport for Leopold's cat?


How did Carlson, who lives on the roof, lubricate his motor?


What gift did Uncle Fyodor's parents give to the postman Pechkin?


What did the fairy godmother turn into a pumpkin for Cinderella?

(Into the carriage)

What did old man Hottabych fly on?

(On the carpet - an airplane)

Baba-Yaga's personal transport?

How did the person scattered from Basseinaya Street go to Leningrad?

What did Baron Munchausen fly on?

What did Kai ride from the tale of G.H. Andersn?


Spectators (fans) can give the earned tokens to the team they support.

7. Game "Make up the sign"

Very often traffic offenders spoil road signs, and now we have to repair some of them. You need to assemble a road sign from the proposed components and name it correctly.

8. Game "Cyclist"

There are two teams involved. Each team has a 3x3 playing field, divided into 9 numbered sectors. The teams take turns choosing a sector and receiving questions from the facilitator regarding the rules of cycling. If the correct answer is given, then the sector is turned over, and on back side a cyclist is drawn in the field (i.e., if the answer is correct, a part of the picture appears). The team that collects the cyclist faster on the playing field wins).

Options for questions:

At what age can you cycle on the road? (From 14 years old)

What should you check on your bike first before riding your bike?


How far from the curb can you cycle on the road?

Players are shown a sign “Bicycle path”, they must name the sign and explain what it means.

Can a passenger be transported on a bicycle? (Only small children, with a special extra seat).

Which sign prohibits the movement of a bicycle?

Should a cyclist stop at the No Stop-Over sign? (Yes)

How should a cyclist give a warning when making a right turn? (Outstretched right hand or bent at the elbow left)

Should a cyclist stop at an intersection at red lights if there are no vehicles and he is not creating emergency? (Yes)

Is the bicycle classified as animal-drawn transport? (No)

Why can you ride a bike in the dark without a flashlight on? (A trick question, you can't ride in the dark without a flashlight, even on a bicycle).

9. Summing up



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