Teleseven magazine read this week's program. Telesem magazine: getting married is unbearable

Announcement of the 24th issue of the TV guide "Antenna-Telesem"

Read in the latest issue of the Antenna-Telesem newspaper


June 5th VALERIA and JOSEPH PRIGOGIN celebrated 15 years since the wedding. The couple shared the secrets of a harmonious and long marriage.

OLGA BUZOVA tried on the image JENNIFER LOPEZ in the new clip.

YULIA SNIGIR starred in the sequel to "Young Pope" with JUDO LOWE.

BRITNEY SPEARS told how she was admitted to the hospital and took away the children.


Singer ANNA SEDAKOVA She shared with Antenna-Telesem why she lacked $ 3,000 in alimony per month, which her ex-husband paid, and what lessons she learned from her difficult past.


How do the stars spend time with their children on vacation? JASMINE, for example, she sews dresses for dolls with her daughter, YULIA BARANOVSKAYA plays with children in association, and ANTON PRIVOLNOV takes his son to badminton ...


Popular singer VIKA TSYGANOVA answered the questions of the readers of "Antenna-Telesem" and told how she met her husband, how she relates to plastic surgery and what, in her opinion, defines a real woman.


Actor ANDREY LEONOV on the eve of his 60th birthday, he confessed why he did not want a brother or sister in childhood, but today he is a father with many children.


The actors told Antenna-Telesem how they spend their day.


“News is everywhere! - says the presenter of the ONT TV channel ELENA MIKHALOVSKAYA... - It is enough to go down the subway and watch people. Anyone can become a news creator or a participant. " Antenna-Telesem talked to the presenter about the news - in the frame and personal life.


Summer is associated with vacations, trips to the country, but not with illness. And yet, some of them lie in wait at this particular time of year. Which? And what to do?



Antenna-Telesem will tell you how to create a hedge on the site.


Do you want to know how noble princes lived in the Middle Ages, and at the same time feel like a child again and plunge into a romantic atmosphere? Then go to Ukrainian Lutsk! What to see there and how to spend your time?

In addition, in the new issue of the TV guide "Antenna-Telesem": a poster of concerts, performances, shows, as well as a fresh horoscope, interesting scanwords and funny anecdotes!

And, of course, the most detailed TV program for the next week!

"Antenna"- this is the most convenient TV program, news from the life of stars, a huge number of prizes for readers, crosswords and puzzles, tips on housekeeping.

Information about the TV guide "Antenna":
Release dayTuesday
FormatNewspaper, B4
General audience291 000
Circulation110 000
Geographic coverageAll Belarus

Yes, how quickly time flies and everything does not stand still and changes and changes constantly take place, the same can be noted with all of our familiar newspapers and magazines, which before everyone tried to buy and acquire at Rospechat or Soyuzpechat at a bus stop while they were going to work or return from it, also while taking the children to kindergarten, school and other ways of acquiring this magazine.

Yes, the magazine is called Teleseven Antenna, now, of course, you can order and receive it via the Internet for a preliminary surcharge, but what has changed in this magazine itself, but nothing is just for those people who are used to seeing and watching everything not through the screens of their computers , tablets and telephones, but in the usual owl depot way, through a magazine in which the main channels and hours of broadcasting on them are printed.

And also, of course, as without useful information, bitten by the stars of the Russian and foreign generation and time, that is, all the latest and interesting news are hidden in the latest issues of the magazine, which now goes on sale once a week.

If you promise the news of a new and new magazine of the current 2018 that has already arrived and has arrived, then we can say that Lera Kudryavtseva, who is never aging forever, will probably agree with me that she looks good for her age, when she works so much and is filmed on various federal channels. , and maybe not only. But the point is that this issue raised the topic of Lera Kudryavtseva and her husband. As she says that they are rabid at work, and at home the seals are calm, of course it sounds funny, but sometimes this is really so and one can agree with this statement.

The TV presenter really works a lot and perhaps any ringing and social event will not pass by her, she looks great with makeup, hair, dress, manicure and other subtleties that we watch and comment on from the screen. But she lives with her husband in marriage, who is 5 years old. And the program that she leads the secret to a million entered the final and became its finalist on the channel and almost became the winner. However, they gave more time so that they could do this. Clever and beautiful, of course, such successful women should be put on the cover of magazines.

For fans of the first channel, there is also information on one television project, which is called "Voice" under number 6, the whole truth and information about their participants and project winners, stars of other projects and countries really participated there, and there was also a participant in the position and expecting a baby. In a word, an interesting release for those who like to go through life with a song.

In their January issue, they will also tell you about no less interesting information about Nikas Safronov's apartment, Napoleon's table and even Maria-Antoinette's bed.

And there is also information about the artist's home at the world level, which is included in the ratings for the best houses in the world. According to the information, it consists of 3 floors and 17 different rooms and premises, it contains ancient furniture.

Thus, to summarize, if you have time and the main desire to buy a new issue of the newspaper tele seven antenna with the cover of Lera Kudryavtseva, then feel free to do it, read, watch and be interested in useful and secular information, just to be in the loop of all the latest news in the world show business and keep up with the modern generation and those that are of interest to many in Russia, as well as abroad.
It has become a real opportunity to order the latest numbers and through the Internet site a TV antenna, not directly from a sofa or an armchair, but it is mobile, convenient and simple.

Affiliate material

A dream woman, or How to become ideal for your man

It used to be that good housewives were led to the registry office, now this is not enough for a happy marriage. Together with the magazine "Antenna - Telesem" we understand what men want to see their chosen ones today.

Psychologists advise paying attention to six qualities that affect a couple's relationship. Following simple rules, you can live happily ever after with your loved one next to you. Material about this - in the magazine "Antenna - Telesem" (March 22).

The most beautiful and successful TV presenters in our country share their experience on how to succeed in their careers, combining work with their family. How to stay young, beautiful and full of strength, says Olga Shelest, mother of two little daughters: “DOES it happen that you can get up off the wrong foot? - Of course it happens. And I think that the mood does not need to be forced. It means that such a day has been given to feel other emotions, to analyze what annoys and what needs to be removed from life. And the bad mood is not endless. I heard my favorite song, met a friend on the street - and life is getting better. " All material - in the latest issue of "Antenna - Telesem"

The First Channel launched the Mata Hari series, which promises to become one of the top rated projects of the year. A dancer, courtesan, and spy is deprived of the right to raise her daughter; this circumstance makes her suffer and accept other people's rules of the game - the plot of the series is based on this line. But in fact, Margareta Zelle (the real name of Mata Hari) was not very interested in her daughter. To what extent the story shown in the film corresponds to the real one, the correspondents of the Antenna-Telesem magazine found out.

What else to read?

Valery Meladze: “I am a conservative father. Girls shouldn't wear makeup, boys shouldn't cry. " In the show “Voice. Children ”he is a new mentor, but dad is already experienced. Still would! He has three daughters - Inga, Sophia, Arina and two sons - Kostya and Luka. How does fatherhood help a singer perform in the program? A frank interview - in No. 12 of the Antenna-Telesem magazine.

"We did a great job"- this year the project, where everyone can show off their unique abilities, is 10 years old. "Telesem" found out how the fate of the winners of the previous seasons of "Minute of Glory" developed.

Who is the new darling Dmitry Tarasov? And is it true that "his girl", as the footballer calls his beloved, is similar to Olga Buzova, ex-wife? Details on the pages of the Antenna - Telesem magazine.

"In great shape"... Beautiful clothes are the best motivators to buy a gym membership. We choose the right one and start preparing ourselves for the summer.

Affiliate material

Telesem Magazine: It's Unbearable to Marry!

What is family: love, partnership or tragedy? Is there a good age for a relationship? Famous and successful media personalities talk about their experiences on the pages of the magazine.

Nastasya Samburskaya:“I am a self-sufficient person. If I needed a boyfriend, I would find him. I think that this period without love was given to me in order to pursue a career. Since I am an ambitious, vain infection, I will never be the wife of a Decembrist. I can do a lot for a loved one, but when there is a choice: he or a profession, I will choose the latter. There are few men who will agree to such conditions. " Read the interview with the actress in the Antenna - Telesem. Southern Region "No. 9.

Egor Konchalovsky:“Love makes you not free. I'm not sure if I want to blindly, furiously love someone. I have never experienced this, I am not sure that I want this and that I am capable of such things. " The director, who recently ended a long-term family relationship with actress Lyubov Tolkalina, gives his explanation to the family.

Tina Kandelaki:“WHO IS IN THE FAMILY? According to the classic Georgian cliché, I have to answer that my husband. But we are still a non-trivial couple. Were partners in business. There are areas in which the spouse is interested in making decisions. And there are those in which he is happy to delegate this right to me. We are still partners, although in marriage this word is dangerous: such a relationship can end badly ... " Continued in the printed version of the Antenna - Telesem. South Region".

Lolita:“If I had been so smart at 27, I would not have had so many marriages, unnecessary relationships, which are now even inconvenient to remember ... I have never been so persistent, I came to this at a“ big ”age. Self-sufficiency is a rare occurrence and extremely necessary. " The singer and TV presenter answers readers' questions in each issue of the magazine. You can ask your question by writing a letter to the address [email protected]

What else to read?

  • Gift ideas for March 8 from psychologist Pavel Rakov, author of the famous training "I am a Girl, and I want a lot of gifts." You can choose a gift based on your temperament.
  • How the stars pamper their furry pets. On the eve of the Day of Cats, we get acquainted with the pets of the stars and are surprised at their conditions of keeping.
  • "Attention, scammers!" In a crisis, criminals exhibit miracles of ingenuity. They keep up with the times, coming up with ever more perfect deception schemes. In the magazine "Antenna - Telesem. Southern region ”the lawyer gives recommendations on how to avoid the tricks of the scammers.
  • "He's a nice guy, but a pedant." Your husband is fixated on order and rules. Is this a gift of fate or a real punishment? It turns out that getting along with a neat spouse is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Psychologist's advice in the printed version of the Antenna - Telesem. Southern Region "No. 9.

Affiliate material

Ilya Glinnikov about the chosen one: this woman is from another planet

The fifth season of the show "Bachelor" has ended, and the main character of the program told the magazine "Antenna - Telesem" about his girlfriend and plans for life.

Keanu Reeves came to Russia last week. The actor tried to secretly visit St. Petersburg, but the mission failed. The Hollywood star was spotted on the plane. He modestly sat alone in business class, without security or attendants. The plane had not yet had time to turn off the engines after landing, and the first selfies with Keanu were poured into Instagram. In the latest issue of the Antenna - Telesem. Southern Region ”(dated June 7) material about the visit of a Hollywood star to our country.

“There are very few women who like their appearance. I know fellow artists of incredible beauty and talent, but on the set they behave like this: "I have ears, a nose - a disaster, so you can't take pictures of me close, or even better, I'll play everything with your back." I am not dissembling for a second when I say that I am not afraid to be ugly in the frame. " Actress Yulia Snigir frankly answers questions from readers during a direct line. The entire text was published in the printed version of the Antenna - Telesem. South Region".

Ekaterina Nikulina became the chosen one of the bachelor Ilya Glinnikov on the TNT channel project. “The only reason I stayed was Ilya. Towards the finale, the intensity of passions went off scale, and for a moment I doubted him, his feelings for me. " An interview with Katya and Ilya reveals the secrets of the show, how the girl got on the project, why Ilya chose her, how he proposed to her and whether there will be a wedding - all this is covered in No. 23 of the Antenna - Telesem magazine. South Region".

Now on the First Channel there is a musical show "Winner", the winner in it receives 3 million rubles. For this, the participant needs not only talent, but also luck. And what about the fate of the winners of the quiz shows? We found them. Read the material in the latest issue of the magazine.

Buy the magazine "Antenna - Telesem. Southern Region ”every Wednesday in shops and kiosks in the city of Krasnodar and Krasnodar Territory!

What else to read?

"In great shape": in the summer, beauty salons organize massage promotions, promising to correct the figure and improve health. Let's figure out which procedures are better to choose.

"Marriage is unbearable." Are you made for each other, but the sweetheart pulls a marriage proposal? There are ways to help him become more determined.

"Parent-teacher meeting". How to teach your baby to understand the comments of mom and dad. At one and a half to two years, the child begins to show character, to be mischievous, to say "I myself", "no." He finds out the boundaries of what is permissible, fights for power, tests parents for strength. It is important not to restrict the baby in development and not to infringe on his freedom, because the word "no" should refer to the safety of the child.

"The deal is more valuable then money". During the holidays, many are looking for additional income. Schoolchildren and students get a job in the summer. But not every work is then paid for. Finding out what to remember when choosing a temporary vacancy.

  • Also in this issue:
  • detailed TV program of terrestrial and satellite TV channels with program announcements
  • game tasks
  • detailed poster of events in Krasnodar
  • horoscope from Pavel Globa


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