Will there be a salary increase for bailiffs? Reform of bailiffs in the year

2018 should rightfully be a year full of change. It is still very difficult to understand what they will be, because experts' forecasts change regularly in response to changes in the work of the economic system, but the issue of raising wages for representatives of the public sector requires careful and, importantly, regular discussion. Naturally, it is necessary to consider the income of state employees by category, and today it is worth discussing in 2018 those who perform very important functions in the state system and deserve a high level of income.

In modern times, bailiffs earn relatively a lot, at least when it comes to those representatives of this profession who are employed in the capital's representative offices of judicial institutions. However, the cost and quality of life in the country is constantly increasing, so it is quite logical that the incomes of the country's citizens also need to grow. The state authorities are well aware of this, but are they taking any action regarding this issue?

It should be said right away that monitoring the data provided by popular media gives a rather disappointing forecast, because the latest news that there will be an increase in the wages of bailiffs they say that, most likely, if it happens, then you definitely won’t have to rely on its impressive size.

Of course, salaries can be raised, because the elections are scheduled for 2018, and the current president is interested in fulfilling all his pre-election promises, namely those that are part of the “May decrees”. In the 18th year, the validity of these decrees is coming to an end, so all state employees are very much looking forward to the moment when the requirements that are written in them will be fulfilled. To be frank, the documented incomes of state employees changed regularly. However, the key word in this case is precisely the word “changed”, because it was the general system of payments that constantly changed, the rules changed, but in fact, the level of wages decreased, and salary for attendants is clearly no exception.

Presidential decrees and their implementation

The authorities today, most likely, will not be able to fulfill the May decrees of their president, because modern experts came to a similar conclusion, who considered the situation in the country from a rather skeptical point of view. Of course, everyone remembers the existence of presidential decrees of 2012, the legal effect of which ends this year, but if at the time of their signing the situation in the country was more or less stable, today it has changed significantly. It will probably not be possible to increase the income of public sector employees by 200% relative to the data that were in effect at the time of signing the decree, although this does not apply to all regions, because in Altai, for example, they were able to fulfill the president’s demand regarding the salary of doctors, but information about increase in the salary of bailiffs in 2018 in Russia is still very relevant.

It must be said that only doctors were able to raise wages to a normal level (although specially created, “cunning” mechanisms for calculating it do not allow a thorough understanding of the intricacies of such an issue) and judges. However, teachers, as well as various categories of employees in the cultural sector, cannot count on an excessively high increase in income. Official bailiff salary 2018, most likely, will not be increased either, because the budget does not include funds for such items of expenditure, because the presidential elections also require additional funding, and there is nowhere to get it.

Should we expect job cuts?

Recently, there has been a special policy to constantly reduce the number of employees in the public sector, because the authorities want to optimize the activities of state structures, and at the same time save, albeit a small, but still some amount of money.

To say exactly there will be a reduction in bailiffs in 2018 or not, unfortunately, today it will not work, because the budget for this year has not yet been planned. At the same time, it will be possible to accurately determine the financing of the work of bailiffs and the number of jobs in this organization only after it is signed. In general, while it is still very difficult to give any accurate forecasts regarding the events of the upcoming 18th year, you need to wait for its onset and see everything with your own eyes.

But the bailiffs themselves do not support such optimism of the authorities, because the reduction in staff will increase the number of cases of enforcement proceedings per employee several times, which will negatively affect the quality of work. It is planned to recruit young cadres who want to work and give their best. The authorities expect to give bailiffs additional powers, as well as increase salaries. What are the economic implications of the new reform? The government deliberately seeks to attract new personnel to work in the FSSP. In 2016, FSSP employees were assigned a special category of civil servants. This innovation allowed bailiffs to count on receiving allowances, additional payments to wages. So, in 2018, it is calculated that the salary of bailiffs will increase by 50%. Conditions will also be improved to allow employees to relax in the sanatorium.

FSSP reform in 2018

Employees are divided into three categories: bailiffs-investigators, bailiffs-executors and civil servants working in courts.

  • To reduce the budget for the maintenance of the system, it was proposed to reduce the staff in the regions by enlarging the territorial offices.
  • Bailiffs will be able to dispose of documents for vehicles. To suspend the validity of motor transport documents, no additional papers are now needed, it is enough to warn the owner and send a referral to the traffic police. The measure can be applied to violators with debts above 10,000 rubles.

    Later, the powers can be expanded: a ban on the registration of a car and a trademark.

  • Control over the collectors will pass to the bailiffs. The development of the necessary regulatory framework is carried out by legislators. To carry out these functions, the service will require new staff and budget allocations.

Increasing the salary of bailiffs in 2018 in Russia

In 2018-2019, 10 million a year will be needed. Increasing the qualifications of employees of the FSSP service According to the Ministry of Justice, innovations will attract young specialists to the service. Increasing the salary and prestige of work will change the attitude of society towards this profession. In 2018, it is planned to increase salaries by 50% -100% (up to 50,000 - 75,000 rubles).

See also: How to issue a postal envelope in 2018: rules, sample Cons of the 2018 reform The implementation of the proposed changes requires financial resources. Analysts suggest that salaries will increase gradually through annual indexation. Given the economic situation, salaries will increase only by 5.5%.

Vyacheslav Lysakov, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma for Legislation, believes that increased requirements for employees will lead to a sharp increase in personnel turnover.

Salary of bailiffs in 2018

It is noteworthy that here the service faced a certain kind of dilemma, on the one hand, the departure of employees, on the other hand, the need to reduce staff due to the fact that many employees do not meet the qualification and job requirements. It should be noted that many departments face the problem of personnel renewal. Perhaps this explains why many reports of increases in remuneration for professional activities are accompanied by talk about the possibility of layoffs in the department.
In other words, raising the salary of a bailiff threatens to increase the requirements for him. Such trends are observed in many organs. So, before starting to talk about raising the salaries of bailiffs, the Ministry of Justice raised the requirements for employees and job seekers in this department.

FSSP reform in 2018: latest news

This can lead to a slowdown in the pace of work of structures at all levels, to an increase in the workload per employee and, as a result, to an increase in layoffs.

  • The selective bonus scheme can provoke an increase in corruption within the ranks of the FSSP, as has been repeatedly observed with similar measures in other structures.

Despite all the possible disadvantages, it is clear that the time has come for the reform of the FSSP, since the old mechanisms of work and structural organization have lost their relevance and are becoming less and less effective. Most of the bills and decisions related to the reform are scheduled for 2018, after which the scale of innovations will become clear. The results will not appear immediately after the introduction of new schemes of work, but in a few years the overall picture will become clear.

Shortcomings will be corrected and eliminated already according to the first results of the application of reform actions.


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  • What is the reform of the FSSP in 2018
  • What are the shortcomings of the reform

Recently, the Ministry of Justice has taken on the Reformation of the executive branch in order to increase the efficiency of its functioning, since it has practically ceased to meet the demands of the modern world. Over the past few years, the bailiff service has undergone some changes, and according to the latest news from the State Duma, the reform of the FSSP in 2018 will take place at an even higher level, since the authorities decided to act more radically in the coming year. Innovative changes are planned for implementation in the near future.

First of all, all bailiffs will be required to confirm their competence and qualification level in the field of their position. Interesting.

Will the salary of bailiffs be increased in 2018

This will happen due to the fact that they acquire a special category if they successfully pass the test.

  • In the regions, the number of personnel will noticeably decrease, since in order to optimize the use of budgetary funds, many departments will be merged into interregional ones.
  • The powers of the bailiffs will be significantly expanded. Already, this structure regulates the collection markets, and in the foreseeable future, employees will maintain a register for debt collection, as well as punish violations of the law.
  • Based on the results of the innovations, the government plans to first increase the salaries of bailiffs by 50%, and then almost double them. In addition, they will be given the opportunity to relax in sanatoriums, as well as receive medical care under insurance.

Is there a salary increase for bailiffs expected in 2018?

Bailiffs who do not meet the new requirements will be forced to leave their position. An important criterion for selection is the presence of an economic or legal education. According to statistics, a quarter of employees have no professional education.

System optimization will also reduce the number of workers. It will mainly affect regional branches. Changes cannot but excite people working in this field. The news about the reforms worried the management: the increasing workload on the remaining bailiffs will affect the quality of work and lead to an outflow of employees from the service.
Emblem of the Federal Bailiff Service However, the authorities believe that there is no reason for excitement: high bonuses will attract highly qualified specialists. Let us consider the essence of the reform in order to understand its results.

The fact that the FSSP system should be reformed was known several years ago. This need is connected, first of all, with the fact that the work of the Federal Service does not correspond to current realities. That is why the last few years have been a time of change for bailiffs.

The main change, which was mentioned in the Ministry of Justice, concerns the fact that this year all employees of the FSSP must be tested in order to confirm their qualifications and a high level of training. The main criterion for choosing a candidate is an economic or legal education.

As for bailiffs who do not pass the test, they will either be demoted, or even reduced. The same will apply to those who will not cope well with their duties.

However, these innovations are far from complete. Touch innovation and wages. Moreover, it will be possible to visually see all the changes starting from 2018.

What is the meaning of the planned reform?

The changes planned by the Ministry of Justice will affect all aspects of the work of the FSSP. This may lead to the fact that approximately 5,600 people will lose their position, and, according to preliminary data, this is the number of employees who do not have a specialized education.

And all that remains for them is either to get it in a short time, or to say goodbye to their position.

There are considerable fears in the leadership of the service that a large amount of work will fall upon those who pass the test, and they will simply cease to cope with their duties.

However, the government itself is confident that the reform will bring exceptionally positive results. The FSSP will become more attractive to real professionals.

More about the changes

The main changes that are foreseen in the future will primarily affect:
employee categories. That is, the categories of employees will be divided into those who will work in the courts and executors.

Responsibilities will be clearly assigned and work will become easier. The same can be said about its results. Checking the result will be more convenient.

Salary. This moment is one of the key ones for FSSP employees, and it will also undergo changes. It will be possible to judge how much and how, after conducting checks on the level of qualification. Upon successful completion, the employee can count on an increase in salary, social guarantees.

The number of employees. As mentioned above, according to preliminary data, several thousand people work in the FSSP without the appropriate education. These are likely to be cut. And then, in order to increase the efficiency of work, small departments will be united into interregional ones.

Opportunities. In the future, plans are to increase the capabilities of the service. Thus, the FSSP can already act as a regulator of the collection market.

According to the reformers, the changes will help to make the work in the FSSP tempting for young professionals who are turning down opportunities due to low wages.

As a result of the reform, payments to employees are planned to be raised first to 50%, and then to 100%. In addition, employees will have access to recreation in sanatoriums, medical care and other benefits.

Are there any shortcomings in the reform?

Shortcomings in the reform are still observed, and this despite optimistic forecasts. First of all, concerns relate to staff reduction. Removing several thousand units is serious.

The second dubious issue concerns the budget. Thus, in order to organize activities, more than one and a half billion rubles will be needed, approximately 150 million will be spent on equipping offices and another 10 million to increase the salaries of employees, and this is monthly.

In addition, the bailiffs themselves do not believe that their salary can grow by 100%, at best - by 5-6%. The requirements for the qualifications of employees also raise doubts. It is expected that this will increase staff turnover, will not provide a guarantee.

At the moment, experts agree that it is worth raising the prestige of the service, and not starting with cuts.

Another point of contention is that employee bonuses will be paid out of a fund raised from the funds recovered, hence calling for even tougher decisions to be made. In some cases, it is even possible with a tangible excess of authority.

Taking into account all these nuances, the reform is treated with distrust, realizing that if at least some moment is missed, innovations can cause a number of difficulties. However, the government insists that reforms are long overdue.

It is still difficult to talk about exactly how the FSSP will work next year, but it is certain that changes are expected in the region.

A few years ago, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (MOJ RF) announced that the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) should take the path of reform. Therefore, in recent years, the government plans to launch a number of changes for representatives of the FSPP.

The adopted and new changes will affect all aspects of the work of the FSSP. At the same time, more than 5,000 people may lose their jobs due to the fact that, according to preliminary estimates, they are not competent in their field. The main point in assessing the education of an employee will be the presence of an economic or legal higher education. Because of this, management is worried, as it believes that all the work that the laid-off employees should have done will have to be done by the remaining employees, and they will not cope with it. In addition, it is possible to reduce not only the personnel department, but also the number of government agencies.

The main stages of the reform of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation in 2018

    For a clear distribution of the work of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, it was proposed to divide bailiffs into those who work in courts and executors. This will simplify both the work and the responsibility for it. There will also be a new position: bailiff-investigator.

    Those employees who can prove their competence will receive a salary increase, they will be provided with social guarantees and bonuses. It is planned to increase wages by 50% at the beginning, then by 100%. This increase in wages will be due to the fact that the staff will be reduced and incompetent employees will be fired.

    The staff of employees will be significantly reduced due to the fact that the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation plans to reduce “incompetent” employees. Therefore, the number of state structures in different areas will also be reduced.

    Increasing rights in the banking industry. So, the bailiffs have already been provided with the regulation of the collection market. Now the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation plans to allow bailiffs to maintain a register of organizations that collect debts, determine their requirements, as well as sanctions for violation of the law.

    Employees will be given the knowledge of a civil servant, which will greatly tighten the measures against those people who try to threaten or harm a civil servant. At the same time, the manifestation of excesses of authority on the part of bailiffs will be possible.

    Increasing the powers of bailiffs. To these powers is added the deprivation of the driver's license of debtors whose debt exceeds 10 thousand rubles, without appropriate court decisions. Since 2018, it is planned to introduce not only a ban on driving vehicles, but also a ban on re-passing the traffic rules exam, and, possibly, deregistration of a vehicle owned by the debtor.

Disadvantages of the reform of the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation

    There are many doubts that wages will be increased, as well as the methodology of advanced training due to corruption.

    Relatively high costs for the implementation of the reform, namely, about 10 billion rubles.

    Some major sources state that the premiums will be allocated from the debt recovery fund. This can lead to tougher actions of bailiffs, and as a result, abuse of authority.

    Selective bonuses are planned, and as practice in the field of other infrastructures shows, this approach increases the level of corruption.

Changing the structure of the department, job descriptions:

    Employees of the judiciary - their duties include monitoring the order of actions of the courts

    Investigators - conduct inquiries on the fact of a criminal case or crime. They carry out investigative and procedural actions

    Executors - enforce compulsory legal collections from debtors


The reform of the FSPP in the Russian Federation has been required for a long time, however, illiterate actions regarding the stages of reform can increase the number of problems with this infrastructure. Bailiffs, due to direct impact on collection agencies, will be able to increase their powers, but this also entails an increase in the number of excesses of powers. The reform does not add new effective methods of action on debtors, except for the deprivation of a driver's license. Such an option would be perfect - arrest with forced labor.

Over the past few years, the life of FSPP workers has been influenced by significant changes. The Russian Ministry of Justice announced that from 2017 they will need to confirm compliance with the highest qualification requirements, and employees who fail to pass such a test will be demoted or even dismissed from the ranks of bailiffs. Economic or legal education was named as the main selection criterion.

At the same time, only preliminary calculations showed that about 5,600 people, accounting for approximately ¼ of all FSPP employees, do not have a specialized education. Naturally, such information excited people working in this system. Fears were further fueled by information about the optimization of the number of FSPP employees - in some regions it is predicted that after all the measures, no more than three hundred bailiffs will remain in the local service.

What the authorities call “optimization” is in fact just an excuse to reduce the ranks of the Federal Bailiff Service

Reform initiatives immediately ran into fears of the leadership of the department. There is a high risk that with a reduced staff, employees simply will not be able to withstand the load. In addition, they promise to expand the powers of bailiffs. The government says that the measure will be extremely useful, and higher salaries and other social bonuses will help attract people of the highest qualification to the system. Let's see what the essence of the reform is, and also find out what innovations it will bring in 2018.

The main provisions of the reform

For a long time, enforcement proceedings were regulated by Federation Law No. 118 (1997). In the past few years, questions have been raised in the government and the highest circles of the department itself regarding the need to amend the law on bailiffs, which has long been out of touch with modern realities. The initiative was supported and, after a long discussion and debate, the changes affected the following points:

  • Since 2016, employees of the executive service have been assigned a special category of civil servant, which is accompanied by appropriate titles, social guarantees, salary supplements and other types of incentives and incentives. However, privileges and incentives will be available only to those who meet the basic qualification requirement in the form of specialized education as a lawyer or economist. The rest will, at best, be content with the role of technical assistants;
  • Within the system itself, the Federal Service of Executors is proposed to be divided into several subcategories with different specializations, highlighting among them those who provide work in the courts and bailiffs. It is also proposed to introduce a new position of an interrogating bailiff;
  • The third innovation concerns the reduction in the number of FSPP representative offices in the regions. All small services should be combined into inter-territorial divisions so as not to inflate the budget of this system;
  • The powers of bailiffs have been revised. Now they have the opportunity to dispose of documents for driving a car. Particularly malicious debtors can be deprived of their rights, and no additional papers from the court are required for such an operation - the bailiff simply needs to notify the violator, and then send a direction to the transport inspectorate to suspend the rights. In 2017-2018, this measure may apply to those who have debts of 10,000 rubles or more. In the future, the rights of bailiffs may be expanded - for example, they will be able to issue bans on passing exams in the traffic police and prohibit the registration of cars and trademarks;
  • Separately, it is worth mentioning the expansion of powers to control collectors, which will be transferred to bailiffs from 2017. The Government has already commissioned the development of appropriate regulations that will provide the functions of control, supervision and registration of such agencies. The FSPP has already stated on this occasion that for the period from 2017 to 2019 they will need additional funds in the amount of 1.6 billion rubles, since additional employees will be needed to work with collectors. Calculations voiced by representatives of the FSPP of Russia say that 42 more people will be needed in the central office alone, and 862 new employees in the regions. Another item of expenditure will be the purchase of computer equipment and peripherals, which will cost 147.5 million rubles in 2017. For 2018 and 2019, financing in the amount of 10 million annually will be required.

FSSP employees have the right to dispose of driver's documents

Representatives of the Ministry of Justice said that such innovations should lead to an influx of young professionals who will work in the service from their student years, thereby bringing the prospect of getting a bailiff position closer. Indeed, in recent years, such work has not been particularly popular due to the lack of a decent reward and not too high prestige.

An increase in salary and additional benefits for the bailiffs themselves and their families will make this profession a status one. For example, if the current average salary in Russia is estimated at about 27,000 rubles, then already in 2018 service employees are promised an increase from 50 to 100%. Among the declared benefits are vouchers to resorts, sanatorium treatment and insurance.

Pitfalls of reform

Naturally, the implementation of all the declared measures to increase the prestige of the work of bailiffs rests on the financial issue. Most experts say that you can hardly count on an instant increase in salaries. Most likely, the authorities will limit themselves to only a modest indexation of current salaries. Some sources say that the increase will be made in the amount of 5.5%, because, according to estimates, in order to introduce a new reform, it will be necessary to find about 9.5 billion rubles.

Some lawyers have concerns too. According to Vyacheslav Lysakov, who holds the post of First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma for Legislation, the implementation of measures to increase the requirements for the qualifications of bailiffs can lead to the most negative consequences. There is a huge turnover in the bailiff service, so the reform should begin not with a reduction in their number, but by increasing the prestige of work and payment for it.

It is not yet clear whether the state is ready for the promised injections into the FSSP

Lysakov's opinion is also supported in the departments for security and anti-corruption. They say that there have been no direct orders to reduce the number of FSPP employees. The president only voiced the idea of ​​the need to reduce inefficient spending items, and the Ministry of Justice decided to deal with the problem in the simplest way by firing "extra" employees.

To date, it is not known for certain how the issue will be resolved. It was rumored that in 2017, if the draft law developed by the initiative group is adopted, bailiffs will be able to receive bonuses from special funds formed at the expense of penalties. However, such an initiative is controversial. After all, it is far from a fact that the employees of the FSPP, knowing that they will receive a large bonus for a larger penalty, will not allow excesses in the performance of their duties.


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