Vita Mom. Syrup to strengthen the immune system (in a jar in the form of a bear). Syrup for children for immunity: instructions for use and reviews Healing properties of syrup "Pomogusha"

Shilajit is the most perfect medicine "


Vitamama line- these are delicious dragees and syrups loved by all children, enriched with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and extracts of medicinal plants. All of them contribute to the full growth and development of children, as well as the strengthening of children's immunity and the prevention of respiratory and other diseases.

Since exclusively natural, completely safe and mildly acting biologically active components are used in the creation of these products, they can be recommended for children from a very young age.


stimulates immunity;

reduces allergenic background;

contains refined Altai mummy and vitamin "C"
granules are presented in the form of sweet dragees with chocolate flavor


Packaging in the shape of a fairy teddy bear turns the use of pills into a real game that children love so much

VitaMama "Mumieshka"

# 500006 150 g
Strong immunity

The word "mumiyo" itself is of Greek origin and means "preserving the body." It contains over 50 useful chemical elements and substances. Mumiyo, purified from impurities, is a homogeneous mass of dark brown color with a bitter taste.

"Mumiyoshka" - contains the mumiyo in the form in which it exists in nature. The product is created with all the preventive properties of natural mumiyo preserved and does not contain any additives. This is confirmed by environmental certificates and certificates of conformity.

Vitaminized dragee "MUMIYOSHKA" from the corporation "Siberian Health":

Stimulates the immune system;
provides prevention of colds;
promotes healthy growth of the child;
reduces allergenic background;
normalizes the processes of digestion and urination;
has a powerful restorative effect.

For children from 5 years old. Take 2-4 tsp daily. (10-20 g) early in the morning immediately after waking up, or at night (2-3 hours after dinner). The maximum effect is achieved with resorption.

Active composition

Vitamin C
- peeled mummy.

"VitaMama" syrup

strengthening the immune system (a can in the shape of a bear)

Immunity support
Anti-cold syrup "VitaMama" is the living force of fruits, berries and medicinal plants necessary for the health of every adult and child.

The syrup is created on the basis of natural extracts and berry juice, does not contain artificial preservatives and colors.

Take 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach 1-2 times a day; can be diluted in warm water or tea.

Active composition:- natural extracts of echinacea herb, rose hips, raspberry leaves, thyme herb, coltsfoot leaves
- cherry concentrate
- fructose.

Clinical researches:

Municipal educational institution kindergarten №58, Stavropol.

Objectives: Studies were conducted on the effectiveness of the products in a group of frequently ill children and children with diseases of the nervous system.


After carrying out rehabilitation measures using the above products, the children have improved sleep, the majority have decreased the threshold of aggressiveness, the children have become more balanced, the quality of education has improved. It is also important that during the study not a single child missed a childcare facility due to acute respiratory infections. It should also be noted that in children with intracranial hypertension, the intensity and frequency of headaches, nosebleeds decreased, symptoms such as tearfulness and irritability were absent.

Declaration of Conformity Syrup VitaMama
Certificate of Conformity Syrup VitaMama

Review: Vasilyeva Kristina, Ufa, Client Situation:

An endlessly ill child was my son (2.2 years old). 3 days after birth, he was sent to the hospital from the hospital with a diagnosis of pneumonia, a course of antibiotics was administered, and the diagnosis of CNS damage was added. A total of 21 days in the hospital for injections. At 1.2 years, pneumonia again. At the same time, constant colds, rhinitis, bronchitis and catarrhal sore throats.
Recovery results:
When my son was 1 year and 6 months old, I first started giving him Siberian Health products. The first was "Lymphosan", then Epam-900, "Vitamama" syrup, "PIK". Now every day there are pills of healthy growth, cedar and flaxseed oil, "PIK".

Nikita does not get sick at all, he eats well, he is developing ahead of his peers, he speaks perfectly, intraocular pressure has returned to normal, good and daily bowel movements. I'm just happy. All antipyretic syrups have disappeared from the house. All my friends and acquaintances began to give their children Siberian Health products. And even our district pediatrician, looking at us, also began to buy Vitamama and Epam-900 for her children.

07/04/2008 Prinamal:

Natural inulin concentrate
PIK (Jerusalem artichoke PIK)
Syrup to strengthen the immune system

Vitamama, "Topivit", dragee

# 500007
Strong immunity for children

"Topivit" contains in its composition a wonderful natural substance - inulin, which is obtained from the tubers of a rare plant - Jerusalem artichoke. In combination with vitamin C, inulin is very useful for a child - it strengthens the immune system, stimulates the growth of normal intestinal microflora, prevents the development of allergic reactions, helps prevent diabetes mellitus, and also improves mineral metabolism in bone tissue.


Vitamama, dragee, dragee
# 500007
Strong immunity for children

This is one of the first children's products that appeared in the assortment of the Siberian Health Corporation more than 10 years ago as a children's analogue of the legendary PIK.

"Topivit" contains in its composition a wonderful natural substance - inulin, which is obtained from the tubers of a rare plant - Jerusalem artichoke. In combination with vitamin C, inulin is very useful for a child - it strengthens the immune system, stimulates the growth of normal intestinal microflora, prevents the development of allergic reactions, helps prevent diabetes mellitus, and also improves mineral metabolism in bone tissue.

For adults, take 5-10 pills, for children - from 2 to 6 pills a day in the morning and evening 30 minutes before meals.

Anti-cold syrup is recommended as a fortifying agent and a source of natural vitamins to increase the defenses of the child's body, improve the state of the respiratory system and prevent colds. Vitamam syrup is a delicious cherry delicacy, an invaluable help and strengthening of the child's health.

As a result of the research * in a group of frequently ill children and children with diseases of the nervous system, it was found that after taking VitaMama syrup, the children had better sleep, the majority of them had a lower threshold of aggressiveness, the children became more balanced, and the quality of education improved. It is also important that during the study not a single child missed a childcare facility due to acute respiratory infections. It should also be noted that in children with intracranial hypertension, the intensity and frequency of headaches, nosebleeds decreased, symptoms such as tearfulness and irritability were absent.

Cherry juice contains the highest levels of disease-fighting antioxidants among fruits and berries. The substances that make up cherry juice stimulate cell growth, improve metabolism, and also perfectly fight stress. Cherry juice increases levels of the hormone melatonin, which in turn regulates sleep. In addition, cherry juice helps improve memory function, which is extremely important for a growing body during training.

Echinacea recommended for the auxiliary treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, flu and colds. Echinacea helps to improve metabolic processes in the body (especially in the liver and kidneys), thereby fighting colds from the first days of use, providing an anti-inflammatory effect.

Rose hip, rich in vitamin C, has a stimulating effect on the immune system and helps fight bacteria in the body. Rosehip is a great antioxidant, completely natural and safe.

Raspberry leaves strengthen the body's defenses and are recommended as a high-vitamin remedy that has a general strengthening effect for colds and viral diseases, they also help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, fighting nervous disorders.

As part of thyme found organic acids, gum, carotene, flavonoids, resins, useful bitterness, cymene, thymol and tannins, vitamins A, C, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium and zinc ... Due to its rich composition, thyme perfectly helps to restore the body's strength and prevent vitamin deficiency.

Natural vitamin syrup VitaMama with an improved formula, it will be a welcome and useful treat for every child, and the daily intake of vitamins will turn into an interesting game with exciting stories that you can create with your baby. Caring for the younger generation is simple, vitamins from the VitaMama series are useful and exciting! In addition, adults can also take Vitamam syrup. VitaMama - useful things can be tasty!

* The research was carried out in a municipal educational institution kindergarten №58 in Stavropol.

The VitaMama product line for children consists of delicious pills and syrups that are familiar and beloved by all children, enriched with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and medicinal plant extracts necessary for the full growth and development of a child's body, as well as for early prevention of the most common childhood diseases.

It is also important that when creating the products of the VitaMama line, exclusively natural, completely safe and most mildly acting biologically active components are used, which makes it possible to recommend them for children, starting from an early age.

"TOPIVISHKA" (dragee, doy-pack).

For strong immunity

Price RUB 250 150 g

Ideal for the prevention of viral infections with Jerusalem artichoke and burdock extract, contains 46 mg of pure inulin per 100 g of product, as well as vitamin C. Strengthens the immune system, stimulates the growth of beneficial microflora of the baby and improves mineral metabolism in bone tissue. Pleasant sweetish taste and shape will not leave indifferent any child! "Topivishka" - pleasure and benefit for your baby from nature itself.

Mode of application: For children, take from 2 to 6 pills, for adults - 5-10 pills a day in the morning and in the evening 30 minutes before meals.

Composition: powdered sugar, sugar syrup (granulated sugar, molasses, water), whole milk powder, Jerusalem artichoke, cocoa powder, sugar nibs (nonparelle), burdock extract, ascorbic acid, gloss.

BAD VitaMama. "Goldfish" (capsule fish).

Omega-3 acid complex for children.

Price RUB 540 90 capsules.

Omega-3 acids and vitamins contained in golden fish capsules are essential for the harmonious development of a child. They contribute to the correct formation of the retina of the eye, the strengthening of memory, the full development of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The original form of the capsule allows you to dose the contents and add it to food, reliably protects the product from oxidation.

Omega-3 complex for children is necessary for:

  • Correct formation of the retina and visual acuity.
  • Proper maturation of the immune system and resistance to allergies.
  • Correct development of the central nervous system and mental development.
  • Correct development of the respiratory system and resistance to asthma.

Mode of application: children from 3 years old take 1 capsule 2 times a day with meals (whole or by separating the tail of the capsule-fish and squeezing out the contents).

Composition: 75% concentrate of ethyl esters of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), flaxseed oil, vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin D3.

VitaMama syrup to strengthen the immune system.

The syrup for strengthening the immune system "VitaMama" is the vital force of fruits, berries and medicinal plants necessary for the health of every adult and child. The syrup is created on the basis of natural extracts and berry juice, does not contain artificial preservatives and colors.

Price RUB 270 150 ml.


Composition: natural extracts of echinacea herb, rose hips, raspberry leaves, thyme herb, coltsfoot leaves; cherry concentrate, fructose.

Mode of application: Take 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach 1-2 times a day; can be diluted in warm water or tea.


11 essential vitamins for healthy growth.

This multivitamin product contains all the most important biologically active substances necessary for healthy growth and harmonious development of a child. Due to its composition, it contributes to the full development of the bone, nervous and muscular systems, strengthening the body's defenses and normalizing metabolism, as well as full-fledged hematopoiesis and strengthening of the heart and blood vessels.

Thus, Dragee "Vitaminka" VitaMama contributes to the harmonious development of the child, softening the influence of an unfavorable ecological environment, seasonal hypovitaminosis and increased school load.

Price RUB 180 100 g

Recommended: as a general tonic for children from 3 to 12 years old. Contributes to the normalization of growth and development processes, prevention of colds, increased mental and physical performance.

Composition: powdered sugar, whole milk powder, sterile Jerusalem artichoke, crumbled sugar (nonparelle), granulated sugar, pure water, starch syrup, rose hips, vitamin premix (A, E, C, D3, K1, B1, B2, B3, B6 , B12, folic and pantothenic acids, biotin), burdock extract, gloss.

Mode of application: children take 4 pills a day, adults - 8 pills a day, morning and evening, 30 minutes before meals.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Dragee "Loputop".

Delicious pills for immunity.

Lopoutop with strawberries or currants is a natural dragee for adults and children. Useful substances from burdock and Jerusalem artichoke to guard your immunity. 6 tablets contain 39 mg of vitamin C - 43% of the recommended daily intake for children.

Price RUB 250 75 g

Recommended: as a fortifying agent and a source of natural vitamins to increase the body's defenses, improve the state of the respiratory system and prevent and treat colds, as well as acute and chronic respiratory diseases in children from 3 to 12 years old.

Composition: powdered sugar, whole milk powder, granulated sugar, granulated sugar nonparelle, strawberry (currant) powder, Jerusalem artichoke, burdock extract, pure water, ascorbic acid, gloss.

Mode of application: CHILDREN take 2 to 6 tablets a day, ADULTS take 5-10 tablets a day.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Based on materials from the Siberian Health Corporation.

This is an excellent product of the Siberian Health Company for strengthening the protective functions of the child's body. Includes only natural berries, which are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Vitamam syrup to strengthen immunity: composition

Echinacea herb extract
- rosehip fruit extract
- raspberry leaf extract
- thyme herb extract
- extract of leaves of coltsfoot
- cherry concentrate
- fructose

Vitamam syrup to strengthen immunity: properties

Vitamam syrup has the following properties:
- provides excellent support for the immune system;
- fills with vitamins and minerals;
- has antiviral functions;
- improves joint mobility;
- normalizes metabolism;
- during illness lowers body temperature and relieves headaches;
- removes toxins and toxins from the body;
- increases appetite;
- has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal system;
- protects the body from adverse environmental influences.

Vitamam syrup to strengthen immunity: indications and contraindications

- with cystitis;
- with flu and respiratory tract infections;
- with pneumonia;
- with bronchitis and sore throat;
- with arthritis;
- for children who often suffer from ARVI;
- to strengthen the immune system;
- for better liver and pancreas function;
- to protect against viruses and bacteria.
- intolerance of the body to certain components.

Vitamam syrup to strengthen immunity: instructions for use

Apply one teaspoon 1-2 times a day. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Vitamam syrup to strengthen immunity: price and how to buy

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