URLs adsense channels. Earning money from Google Adsense contextual advertising. Beginning of work. Client channels in Google Adsense

Google AdSense Client Channels give you the ability to track the performance of groups of ad units for your site. As we'll see later in this course, the performance of each individual ad unit can be tracked in the AdSense reporting section. However, what if you want to track the overall performance of a specific group of ad units on your site? Let's say, for example, you have a banner at the top of the page and another banner at the bottom of the page, and instead of tracking the results of these two banners individually, you want to see how they perform together.

This can be done using customer channels. To create a customer channel, from the Google AdSense home page, navigate to the My Ads section in the top navigation bar. In the "My Listings" section, make sure the "Custom Channel" section is selected in the left sidebar. So, once you're in the Customer Channels section of your Google AdSense account, click the button at the top to create a new customer channel. In the window that appears, you can enter all the data necessary to create a client channel.

The first thing we need to enter is a descriptive name for our channel. This customer channel is for advertising on the Kinetico website, so we'll just call it "Kinetico". Now, from the list of ad units that appears in the next field, we must select the specific ad units that we want to track using this customer channel. In this example, we're going to track the first two ad units from this list, the top and bottom banners. So, I'll click the Add button to add them to the client channel. As you can see, as soon as I added them, they appeared in the box on the right.

The next step in creating our customer channel is to choose whether we want to make this customer channel available for targeting. In other words, you can make this channel visible to advertisers when they set up their campaigns in AdWords, the system in which they bid on Google AdSense ads. Once you do this, they will be able to bid for space within your channel. So if you are trying to increase your Google AdSense income, it is better to check this box. It will give advertisers more opportunities to advertise on your site.

So we'll check the Targeting box. A box will appear where we need to add some information so that when an advertiser views our feed, they can understand which areas of our site are included in that feed. So, for the Ad Display field, we can enter the value "homepage" because both of these ads appear on our home page. In the ad location field, you can select the option from the drop-down list that best matches that customer channel. Since we have banners both at the top and at the bottom, no specific location suits us here.

So we'll select "Many Locations". But you can choose any other option from this list. Then in the description field we can add any additional information we want to communicate to advertisers viewing this customer channel in their Google AdWords accounts. For this example, I'll enter "top and bottom banners on the Kinetico site." Make sure you enter your message in your site's primary language, and then click the "Save" button when you're done.

You will notice that as soon as you save a client channel, it will appear in the list as an active client channel, and as we will see later in this course, in the Reports section of your Google AdSense account, you can view combined statistics for these two banners in the client Kinetico channel.

Many novice webmasters face some difficulties when choosing a contextual advertising system and setting it up. Most people choose Google AdSense because of its democratic nature in terms of hosting and the number of unique visitors. In this system you can register almost any site that does not violate the rules for posting ads.

So, let's look at how to start earning money in our small guide.

Registering with Google Adsense

If you decide to work with AdSense, follow the link http://www.google.com/adsense/start/ to register in the system.

What follows is a fairly simple and standard registration, during which you will indicate the address of your site, its language, full name. and your place of residence. Please note that personal data must be real (otherwise there will be difficulties with withdrawing earned funds). After registration is completed, all you have to do is wait until your account is verified and confirmed. On average, the verification period ranges from two to five days. When the verification is completed, you will receive an email notifying you that your AdSense account has been successfully created.

Creating a new ad unit

So, your account has been created and activated. What's next? And then you need to create the actual ads and configure their placement. Create a new ad unit, select its type and size, as well as the type of ad itself.

Client channels in Google Adsense

In most cases, the optimal value of all advertising parameters for a particular site has to be determined by brute force. However, most often the greatest profit can be made by displaying both text and image ads. In order to understand which blocks are most effective, you need to configure the “Client Channels” item.

It is also very important to remember to enable targeting for all channels. After this, advertisers will be able to see your channel and adapt to it. Accordingly, the chances that a visitor will click on an advertisement increase significantly.

You can also set up display of a certain type of advertising on your resource:

When you click on the question mark, you will see a detailed description of each item.

Customizing the appearance of the Adsense ad unit

There is still a little left to do - customize the appearance of text advertising (if one is displayed on your resource) and get the coveted embed code. You can create the design yourself or use one of the ready-made templates:

Insert the ad block code into the site

Then you need to get the ad code and paste it into the place of your choice on the site. This can be done manually or using a plugin. Most modern CMSs have dozens of plugins for working with contextual advertising. For WordPress Most Popular - New Adman, Easy AdSense. For Joomla! the most commonly used plugins MultiAds And MVGoogleAdsense.

How to insert contextual advertising code without a plugin in Wordpress

If you don’t want to burden your site with unnecessary plugins, you can do everything manually. All changes must be made to the file functions.php, which is located in the folder with the theme of your site. You need to open it with any HTML editor convenient for you and add a new function that implements the ad shortcode.

function test_function() (

return "Your AdSense code";

add_shortcode("googleads", "test_name");

Now you just need to add a shortcode to the location of your choice in the page source code to insert an ad. You can create several such functions for different ads by simply changing the function name and shortcode name.

The Google Adsense program provides the ability to collect statistical data about ad impressions on participant sites. Channels are designed specifically for analyzing show statistics. Here's what Google says about channels.

“Channels give you a more detailed view of how your pages are performing. You can create a channel for any set of pages, and this way you can constantly monitor the performance of pages across many parameters. You can monitor the performance of a horizontal banner against a tower or compare your car pages with your motorcycle pages. All you have to do is simply specify a set of pages as part of a specific channel, and then compare the results of the client channels. You can also create a channel
for individual domains to see where you're getting clicks from.
There are two types of channels: URL channels and client channels.
In total, you can set up to 200 channels.
Let's look at several examples of using channels to analyze statistics.
1. Let's say we installed Adsense codes on two sites. Naturally, we are interested in the question of which of these sites works more efficiently. The best way to do this is by using URL channels. To do this, go to our Adsense account and select Adsense for content. (Although channels can also be used in Adsense for search, it all works the same way there). Next, select the “Channels” tab. At the top of the page we find “Manage URL Channels”. After “http://” in the input field, enter the URL of the first site. Let's say this is www.site1.ru. Now click on the “Create new channel” button. All. The channel has been created. Next, we do the same with the URL of our second site. Enter site2.ru in the input field and click “Create”. Naturally, you enter your own URLs. Channels can be made inactive, then they do not participate in statistics reports.
Now, when we analyze work data, we will see information in the reports both generally for our account, and separately for channels, which are our sites. When URL channels are created, nothing is added to the Adsense codes that we place on the site pages. Therefore, there is no need to change anything after creating URL channels.
2. Let's say we have one website. We place two types of ads on every page - one at the top and one at the bottom of the page. Now we want to analyze which of these two ad types produces better results. Since the URLs for them do not differ, using the considered channel type does not give us anything.
But we can create customer channels. To do this, go to the same page where we already created URL channels, and just below we see the heading “Manage Custom Channels”. We choose arbitrary names for our channels (for example, “Up” and “Down”) and create two channels in the same way as we did in the first case. After the channels are created, click on “Continue to Ad Layout”. Then we get to the “Ad Layout Code” page.
Next, we need to get new codes for our ads. The fact is that in this case a line with information about the channel is added to the code. We perform all the same actions that we performed when receiving the code for Adsense, but only at the same time we indicate the different channels from those that we created. And in the code field we copy our new codes for installation on the site pages. This way we will get different codes for the top and bottom ads.
As a result, when issuing reports for an account, we will see statistics for the ad types we have selected.
Generally speaking, a lot depends on experimentation and analysis in Adsense. You can experiment with different ad placements, different types, colors of ads. And the channels will always give us the opportunity to analyze the results we have achieved.
In the beginning, Adsense had only one type of channel – customer channels. Channels for URLs appeared later. They are easier to create and use, so where possible, I recommend using URL channels. But in some cases, customer channels can also be very useful.

Hello to all site readers! Today I offer you detailed instructions on how to set up Adsense advertising in your account, including steps to select ad units, style them, and create client channels.

From the previous article you learned how to register with. I also noted there that the project is moderated within a week and as a result, a message will be sent to your E-mail in which you will be notified whether the website has passed the test. If the outcome is positive, an account will be created in which appropriate settings will be offered to optimize the monetization of the project with Adsense.

How to set up Adsense ad units in your account and create customer channels

So, after you have received a notification that the website has been accepted into the system, you can go to your account, having previously passed authorization and entered the appropriate . You will immediately be taken to the main page, where general statistics will be displayed in the future. If you have just completed registration, then, naturally, everything will be normal for now.

But we are primarily interested in creating and setting up advertisements, after which we will receive a special code that we will insert into the pages of our resource. To carry out this task, go to the “My Ads” tab and click the “Advertising Units” link. If the account has just been created, naturally, there are no blocks there yet. Therefore, click on the appropriate button to create a new advertisement:

A window will open where you will find many options for creating an ad and its design. First you need to come up with a name, as well as determine the dimensions and configuration of the block. To do this, select the one you need from the provided samples:

Here the question arises, what type and size should I choose? Unfortunately, there are no ready-made recipes. Much depends on the type (commercial or non-commercial project, website or blog) and topic (sports, entertainment, medicine, SEO, etc.) of the resource. The degree of effectiveness is tested in practice for each specific web project; there is no way around it.

Still, I recommend that you first select “Full size banner 728×90” as the main banner if you have a standard WordPress blog. It can be edited at any time in the future. By the way, there is also a link to preview the selected banner, which is extremely convenient. Go ahead.

The size of the advertising block has been selected, now you can determine what type of advertisements will be on the pages of your web resource. There are three options here: text contextual ads only, text and graphic/multimedia (banners) or banners only.

The most effective in terms of income, and therefore the most profitable, is almost always a mixed option, that is, when text is combined with banners. This follows from the fact that the more advertisers offer their advertisements, the higher the cost per click will be, and, therefore, the more you will earn from the adsense context. Of course, this is just a recommendation and you can choose any other type. Here, too, it is desirable to identify the effectiveness empirically (using an experiment).

Next, it is advisable to immediately configure your customer channels. What is it and why is it needed, you ask? And then, to be able to track the effectiveness of Adsense advertising for various places on the site’s web pages and thereby increase earnings on the project from Google Adsense contextual advertising. Click on the “Create a new client channel” link and enter the name of the channel in the window that appears:

We add the required Google Adsense advertising unit to which this client channel will belong. Then check the “Targeting” option so that advertisers can customize their ads. This ensures the greatest relevance (compliance) of advertising with the content of the web page.

In principle, the more client channels, the greater the relevance of the ads, respectively, the more clicks from users, and, as a result, the greater the earnings on the site from contextual advertising. With maximum optimization of this option, you can install up to three client channels on each page! To do this, you need to describe in as much detail as possible the location of this or that advertising unit, following the example shown in the screenshot above.

Customizing the appearance of Adsense advertisements

In your Adsense account, you will find many options to customize the ad units that will be shown on the website. There are two options: choose from the available templates and create your own style, that is, edit the color and shape of the frame, font, color of links, etc. at your discretion. For example, here is the default sample:

To select a style from ready-made templates, simply click on it with the left mouse button. A sample of the selected design for the advertising block will appear below. After that, click the “Save and Get Code” button to copy the Google Adsense ad code and then paste it onto the site pages.

Please note that once you select a style, you can partially change it. For example, you generally liked it, but you would like to make cosmetic changes (say, just change the name or shade of the frame color). In this case, click the “Copy and Edit” button, as a result of which you will have the opportunity to make changes:

If you want to give an exclusive design to your advertisement, click on the “Create ad style” button:

Here you can experiment as much as you like and eventually get Adsense ad block, characterized by a special color design for the frame, title, background, text and link (URL). This is achieved with . Among other things, you can set the font and its size.

Please note that well-chosen design also contributes to optimizing revenue from Google Adsense advertising. For example, I noticed during testing that on most projects, a large font size in an advertisement increases its effectiveness.

I will definitely return to the topic of making money on Adsense more than once, since this issue is very relevant. In the following publications I will try to reveal some universal secrets of increasing efficiency and optimizing income from this type of advertising.

How to get an advertisement code for subsequent placement on the site

After you have finally decided on all the settings, click the corresponding “Save and Receive Code” button at the very bottom. Next, copy it:

But you can familiarize yourself with the algorithm for inserting this code almost anywhere on the web pages of a WordPress blog, without using plugins that bring additional load to the server, in publications. That's probably all for today. Do not refuse the courtesy of slapping some social network button for the health of the author.

But I was immediately asked a question: what are customer channels and how to create them.

So I’m answering the practically leading question asked so that the information about Google AdSense is as complete and understandable as possible.

Client Channels is a Google AdSense tool that allows you to track the performance of individual groups of ad units located on your site.

You create your own customer channels and use them for tracking
the effectiveness of existing advertising units in a way that is convenient for you, as well as by creating new advertising units, you create new customer channels. Google AdSense allows you to create only 500 client channels per account.

There are several possible ways to group ad units into customer channels for tracking. These are like this -
1. by size and color of advertisements;
2. by the location of the ads on the page: on the right or left, inside (top, center, end) of the post or only on the main page;
3. and by page topics.

You can also use the customer channel as an ad placement that advertisers can target.

How to still create useful customer channels.

We are given the opportunity to set up a client channel to track ad units in two ways.

First way:
1. Log in to your account in order to add a client channel to track an advertising block when creating or editing a block.

2. Go to the My ads tab.

3. To add a channel for an existing ad unit, you must select that ad unit. To create a new ad unit, click “New Ad Unit”.

4. In the “Client Channels” section, click “Create a new client channel”.

5. Enter a channel name that clearly describes the types of ad units being tracked. This will help you find this channel easily later.

7. If you want the customer channel to be available to advertisers as a targetable ad placement, select the Targeting checkbox and provide the required information. And you don't have to check the box if the client channel is intended only for tracking.

Second way:

1. Log in to your account to create a customer channel, and later add ad units for tracking.

2. Go to the My ads tab.

3. In the sidebar, select Client Channels –> “New Client Channel”

4. Enter a channel name that clearly describes the types of ad units being tracked. This will help you find this channel easily later.

6. If you want the customer channel to be available to advertisers as a targetable ad placement, select the Targeting checkbox and provide the required information. Leave the checkbox unchecked if the client channel is for tracking purposes only.

So, you've created a customer channel to track the performance of individual ad units. It is very important to know how to view reports on them.

To do this, log into your account and go to the tab Performance reports. Then in the sidebar select Client channel and click on the client channel in the table to view detailed statistics.

You can also select an option from the View drop-down menu above the table to perform segmentation in the channel.

What is ad placement? How to create it?

An ad placement is a specific group of ad units where an advertiser can place their ads using placement targeting. The placement of ads can be either a website or a separate advertising unit.

Advertisers see two types of placements:
Placements automatically generated by our system. All publishing websites that are part of the AdSense network are automatically included in the list of placements that advertisers can target. When advertisers target these types of placements, their ads can appear anywhere on a website.
Placements determined by publishers. You can determine your own ad placements using customer channels. At the same time, you choose the method of grouping the ad units that need to be opened for targeting. Typically, ad units are grouped into customer channels based on topic, ad format, or location on the page.

When advertisers target ad placements defined by publishers, ads are only allowed to appear in ad units selected by the publishers.
Let's create a place to place ads.
To create a customer channel, which is also an ad placement that advertisers can target, you need to do the following:

Sign in to your AdSense account as usual. Go to the My Ads tab and open the Client Channels page.

Select the name of the channel you want to allow targeting, or click “New Customer Channel”. Check the box in the “Targeting” section. And enter the requested data:

“Ad Display”: Specify whether this ad placement will be on the home page or on other types of pages.
Ad Location: Select the location on the page where ads from this placement will appear. For example, you can create a placement to display ads at the top right of pages.
“Description”: Advertisers will only see the title and description of the placement, so the description must be accurate, informative and well reflect the site's features.
“Site language”: the main language of the site content. Don't forget to save all changes. And after a while, your placement will appear in the list of available ad placements for advertisers.

Important to remember:

If a customer channel spans multiple sites, it will appear to advertisers as a group of ad placements across multiple sites.
If you choose to change the channel name in the future, all advertiser bids for that placement will be forfeited.


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