What will happen if a person lives indefinitely. What to do if you do not want to live What will happen if you live

  Living with someone in the same apartment, especially if this someone is not a girl, sometimes decently gets. A roommate can bring a girlfriend with him, and you will listen to how they play around the wall. Living with a girlfriend sometimes may also not be nice. For example, because your house turns into a warehouse of some jars, creams. In addition, your personal space decreases, and someone walks around your house.

In life, one has its pros and cons. Did you think that there are only pluses? You're wrong! Today we will tell you how wrong you are. Or is he right?

Behind:  walking naked around the house. If it’s not cold, this is the norm. No need to bathe how you look, because naked is quite comfortable and funny. No need to keep home clothes at home. Seriously, when I lived alone, I didn’t have a set of clothes for going around the house. I had a special T-shirt in which sometimes I slept when it was not hot, but in the summer it completely disappeared from my wardrobe. Someone greatly overestimated the clothes.

Against:  this is actually a serious bell, man. It may be more difficult for you to return to the company of people.

Behind:  you can make a mess and nothing will happen to you. You should not concentrate it on your room or be afraid that your girlfriend will again scold you for trimming nails scattered around the house. Full freedom!

Against:  cooking for one is a terribly tiring thing. Rather, I don’t have any desire to cook something tasty myself, although I want to try chicken under curry according to my signature recipe, but I'm so lazy to do it. So I ate stewed vegetables with sausages or legs.

Behind:  you can decorate the house as you wish. No need to put up with someone's grandmother's carpet, which hangs on the wall.

Against:  every day you come to an empty house. But what if it's forever?

Behind:  if you bring a person of the opposite sex home, you don’t need to be embarrassed, negotiate with someone, and in the morning no one will have to leave your room, mumble “Zdrasta” and run away, clutching your slippers in your hands.

Against:  sometimes it seems to you that you can never live with someone. Suddenly left alone forever? Do not say that you were not visited by such thoughts!

Behind: you have become completely independent. You can pay bills, you know how and what to wash, learned how to cook, repair some things, kill a cockroach, poison a cockroach, turn over a mattress. You got rid of adolescent infantilism and became a man.

Against:  there is no one to dump the burden of passive aggression on. There is no one to be quietly despised. Even the one who scatters things is not there either. And this is sad.

Behind:  there is no one who will drip on your brain!

Against:  your adulthood is not like series like “How I Met Your Mother,” or “Friends,” or any other comedy. She is much more boring.

Behind:  you can do whatever you need.

Against:  if it drags on, you start to feel like an analogue of an old maid. What is it called? By the way, if you really live alone for a very long time, then with great difficulty you can start living with someone. Someone comes into your personal space, someone touches your things, someone comes into your house with their girlfriends.

Behind:  You do not live with a bunch of random neighbors who come or go from your life. You don’t need to dump somewhere if you fight with a neighbor. And you can’t fight with a neighbor! You return home, there no one is waiting for you, no one says what to do. You can not wash the dishes immediately. And all this is cool!

In general, the verdict is this: living alone is vital for personal development. Joint rent of an apartment involves the separation of duties and responsibilities, that is, you do not fully take responsibility. Life alone will completely transfer responsibility for your life onto your shoulders. Even if your mother visits you once a week, you still remain independent. The only problem is that it really should not be delayed, otherwise it will be difficult for you to get used to living another person in your living space, who is not your neighbor. With a neighbor, everything is simple: there is something like a neighborly agreement. But what to do with a girlfriend? Her neighborhood agreement is blurry. It will be difficult for you to get used to it. In short, do not delay, although it is so nice!

It is not easy to be alone when everyone around us is in full swing. You may feel the need to find a new partner or just feel lonely. It doesn’t matter if you continue to be free or find a new partner, you should learn to take care of yourself and understand that a person can live a full life without a second half. Even if you do not have a relationship and you live alone, this does not imply isolation and loneliness!


Part 1

End a relationship

    Think of yourself. If a partner abuses you or you are not happy with him, then there comes a time when you should insist on your own and make the most correct decision.

    • People can maintain unhealthy relationships because of guilt, financial situations, or common children. It is important to realize that you are actually trapping yourself when you focus on such fears.
    • You can start small: develop your own ideas, make decisions that are beneficial to you and spend more time without your partner.
  1. Overcome the fear of the unknown.  Often people are in no hurry to end a long relationship for the reason that they are no longer used to being alone and are afraid of the unknown future after breaking up. In order to start living without a second half, you need to dare and accept the uncertainty in the future.

    • If you are not ready to end your relationship, then try to focus on compassion for yourself. If you make conscious efforts and do things that give joy, then later you will become stronger and will be able to make an important decision.
    • Do not force yourself if you have not yet gathered strength and can not end the relationship right now. Negative self-image will only shake self-confidence and complicate the situation.
  2. Learn yourself.  Loneliness gives other people more happiness than relationships, and there is nothing wrong with that. If you are comfortable living alone and without a partner, then do not force yourself to be with someone. And if loneliness is not to your liking, this is a great opportunity to understand what you really value in life.

    Part 2

    Take care of yourself
    1. Become independent.  If your relationship was long enough, then you probably relied heavily on your partner, whether it was lawn care, cooking, or paying bills. Now you will have to do it yourself. Make a list of the tasks that your partner did and learn how to do them in order of priority.

      • Independence inspires and spiritualizes! Stop feeling sorry for yourself and remember: you are quite capable of taking care of yourself. Even if in the future you start a relationship again, you can take care of yourself in any situation.
      • Do not be sad about the number of cases that have fallen on your head, and do not be afraid to seek help from friends, relatives or neighbors if you do not know something.
      • Financial independence can be difficult if you have previously lived on a partner’s income. Carefully study the affordable budget and try to find expense items that you can save on. For example, a small apartment is enough for one person. You can also learn how to cook on your own and stop eating in restaurants. You can rent an apartment with friends.
    2. Pay attention to other relationships.  The absence of a second half does not at all mean that nobody needs you. Moreover, single people usually have stronger relationships with friends, relatives, and neighbors than married individuals. Surround yourself with loved ones to avoid isolation and loneliness.

      Protect yourself from negativity.  It is widely believed that people are alone only because they cannot find a partner, but in many cases this is a conscious decision. If you live without a partner for a long time, then you will surely meet people who believe that something is wrong with you. You will not be able to change public perceptions of relationships, so it’s better to simply ignore such discrimination.

    Part 3

    Take advantage of loneliness

      Health care.  It has been proven that single people are more likely to exercise than family. The reason for this may be the presence of free time or additional care about your appearance. In any case, take advantage of loneliness to take care of your health and enjoy life.

Unfortunately, a period may come in the life of any person when he realizes that he has completely lost his interest in life. This condition can be preceded by many troubles and shocks. Sometimes unwillingness to live may even appear, at first glance, baseless. How to overcome this apathy?

Why you may want to die

Even if you believe that such a condition arose without a special reason, it cannot be - there is most likely a reason, but you are trying to ignore it or simply do not suspect it. In the first case, it can be stress that happened to survive a certain period ago: parting with a loved one, changing kind of activity, illness (one's or close relative), a certain conflict.

In the second case, it can be a disease. Visit an endocrinologist - problems with the thyroid gland can cause apathy and prolonged depression, and these troubles are often solved by a fairly simple method of treatment.

If for good reason - how to be

It is important to understand that almost any problem can be solved. Of course, there is something that cannot be solved, and, perhaps, this is only the death of a loved one. Unfortunately, the pain of loss can be cured only by time - everything else can be corrected.


If you have debts - find an additional source of income. You may have to change jobs or take on additional responsibilities. Also, in many cases, a consultation with a lawyer will be useful - he can advise you on how to get out of this situation. It is possible that debt restructuring will help you.


It is important to realize that millions of people daily learn that they are overcome by a certain ailment. This is not a reason to give up! Start a fight for your health, read on the Web similar to your story, which ended positively, and understand that in your case, with due persistence, everything will end well. Consult a doctor, and in no case do not rest on the opinion of one specialist - listen to different doctors. Make a plan to fight the disease and adhere strictly to it. Subsequently, this story will make you pay more attention to your health and better "understand" your body.

Nonreciprocal love

Almost always, people who have experienced non-reciprocal love and who suffer because of their unrequited feelings, later realize that they have wasted time devoted to suffering. If a person does not love you, you need to do everything possible to cross him out of life! Moreover, your main task now is to make your life bright and interesting and without an object of sympathy. Filling everyday life with interesting events and new positive impressions, you simply do not leave yourself time to think about unrequited love.

Subsequently, you will certainly meet a person with whom your feelings will be mutual, even if now you do not need anyone else. Then you will be sorry for the time spent thinking about failed love. Believe me, one day you will understand that such a development of the situation was only for the better.

I do not want to live or in other words lingering depression

What is it and how to overcome it

Protracted depression is a psychological disorder that is accompanied by some concomitant symptoms. Among them are apathy, severe physical weakness, poor mood and unwillingness to live. You are no longer interested in anything and you do not want anything - it seems that nothing is able to favorably affect your condition. If you do not start the fight against this ailment in time, then you can lose several years of your life!

Medical treatment

It is very difficult to cope with prolonged depression on your own - especially when you do not want to do this. This is a medical problem, and by visiting a psychologist, you can find out what treatment will help in your situation. The necessary psychotherapeutic help can completely get you out of a depressed state. It is highly recommended not to buy antidepressants on your own and to vary the dosage at your discretion!

Self treatment

If you do not want to go to the doctors, but you want to live a different life, then you can help yourself. However, even the fact that you are reading this article suggests that you are ready for self-healing.

First, you need to determine what caused the depression, and leave this situation in the past. You may return to thoughts about her later, but now it's time to think about your psychological state.

1.   First of all, you need to make fundamental changes in your lifestyle. It may seem to you that you do not have the strength and ability to enter something else into your everyday life, but you still need to force yourself to do it. Unfortunately, at this stage there is no other way - just force yourself.

Start with a new experience and go on a trip. If now you don’t want anywhere, buy a tour that you would like to go to at a time when you did not have depression. Add more activity to your lifestyle - sign up for classes with a trainer in the gym or go to group workouts. These two points will help you get started in the right direction. It is also important not to forget to observe the correct regimen of the day and consume the required number of vitamins.

2.   On the Web you can find a lot of videos in which psychologists give free recommendations on how to get out of depression. Take some time to watch these videos and get some important information out of them.

3. Share your feelings with a loved one (mom, husband or girlfriend). Even close people do not always understand that their relative or friend is depressed, attributing his behavior to a bad mood. Meet and chat with people you love more often.

4.   Find a new hobby for yourself. If now you are not interested in any activities, then remember what you liked before or what you planned to do. Sign up for the selected master classes, and give yourself the opportunity to attend at least the first two classes - not one, but two! Most likely, a new business will captivate you and allow you to significantly distract from your condition.

How to help a person who does not want to live

If you asked such a question, then it is probably a person who has special significance for you. It is very difficult for many people who have fallen into such a difficult psychological state to get out of it on their own.

Noticing that someone close has become depressed, you can help:

  • People suffering from this ailment often have little contact with others. Often it is during this period that they lose many friends who failed to understand that their refusals to meet are not at all indifferent to friendship, but a difficult moral condition. Noticing that such a person has signs of depression, do not pay attention to his desire to withdraw into himself and do not take his detachment into his own account. Take time to regularly inquire about his affairs, find out about his mood, tell him about yourself and encourage him. Even if others turn away from him, he will not feel the severity of loneliness, because he will know that he has one who is always ready to listen and talk with him!
  • Suggest a trip to an interesting place. You must be sure that this person will like the route you have chosen. If before he liked to visit museums and exhibitions, go to a similar place. To make it simply uncomfortable for him (or her) to refuse you, tell me that the tickets have already been bought, and that you no longer have anyone to go with, and you don’t want another company for yourself.
  • Make it clear to him (her) that your friendship or family ties are very important to you. Ask for advice, show interest in his (her) affairs. A depressed person often claims that nobody needs him - show that this is not at all!
  • If you see that the situation is serious enough - convince a person suffering from depressive moods to visit a psychologist. Ask him to consult a specialist at least once. Tell him that millions of people turn to professionals every day for help, and it only benefits them.
  • When communicating, emphasize that you are convinced of the temporality of this phenomenon. Periodically, your friend may have “enlightenment” in the state - tell him about it. Pay attention to situations that improve his mood, and try to keep them repeating.
  • Do not communicate with such a person as with a sick person and do not demonstrate “pretended gaiety”. A woman or a man in depression understands everything, but is in apathy. Remain in your natural state, but show, to a person who in every possible way demonstrates that he is tired of life, how important it is for you to cure him.
  • How to want to live when you want to die

    If at times it seems to you that there is no desire left to continue living, then this does not mean at all that you are seriously committed to suicide. It only means that you are not living the life you would like to live. Accordingly, there is only one way out - to radically change your everyday life.

    1. External changes

    • Start with a change in appearance. Since you feel a reluctance to live, then, apparently, you are at least tired of your current image. Go to a trusted hairdresser and tell the master that you would like to change your hairstyle, but don’t know which option to choose - a specialist will surely help you with a choice based on your type of appearance. Be prepared for the fact that on the first day you will not like the new look too much, but this is only for your benefit - now you can think about something other than reluctance to live. Most likely, the next day you will see all the charms of a new look. If this does not happen - go to another master, continuing the experiments.
    • Also review your wardrobe. If it is not possible to use the services of a stylist, then ask a friend with good taste for advice. If these options are not suitable for you, then simply find fashion bloggers on Instagram or in groups in VK and copy the style of those you like. It is important that you do not dress like this before.

    2. Set goals

    Surely, lately in your life there have been few changes, achievements or new impressions. You have the opportunity to change this. You should not make grandiose plans if you now barely have the strength to get out of bed, however, small steps forward are still useful. Start small - go to the park for a walk, go to the movies and the like.

    3. Communication

    Try to communicate with positive and kind people, from whom you seem to be “charged” with positive energy. And indeed, with all your reluctance, you should regularly make efforts to maintain your social activity. Do not concentrate on your mood - instead, call your friend and find out how she is doing. Visit your loved one. Try to initiate contacts with people you love at least several times a week.

    4. Pet

    Now you are completely immersed in the current state, so you should switch from your personality to something else. Get a pet that will need your attention - a puppy or kitten. Remember what animal you dreamed about before, and buy it or take it in a shelter now. Caring for a new friend will distract you from your own experiences. You can feel your need and give yourself a lot of joyful moments. It is difficult for many people in depression to communicate even with their families, but they note an improvement in their mood after contact with animals.

    5. Films

    On the Web you can find many sites that provide listings and descriptions of motivating films. Why don't you review at least some of them? Using the example of someone else's story, you will learn how life can change for the better.

    6. Healthy lifestyle

    Perhaps, in an attempt to escape from depression, you started using alcohol or drugs, thereby providing yourself with a new problem. Each drink of alcohol or illegal drugs only exacerbates your situation, and now your main task is to exclude this aspect of their life!

    7. Sports

    It is difficult for many to believe this, but practicing in a way really improves not only physical health, but also normalizes the psychological background. Buy a gym membership for personal training with a trainer or for group fitness classes, and after a period of training, you will notice serious changes in your life.

    Where to find a new incentive, a new dream, a new motivation for your own life

    Dreams Learn to follow an important rule - turn your dreams into goals for the fulfillment of which a certain period of time is allotted. Surely, in your childhood you dreamed of a lot, planning that you would do all this “as soon as you grow up”. How many of these dreams have come true? It seems that you have come a period when your life just needs a change! Remember where you dreamed of going, what kind of purchase you planned, and the like. Now all this is your plans for the near future. Write a wish list and start translating it into reality.

    Motivation.  How to motivate yourself for any changes or implementation of plans. Clearly imagine what your life will be like when you do what you want, but for which you lack the strength or determination. Think in detail how much you need it and what it can give you. Still, you can’t motivate yourself? Perhaps, in fact, you no longer need what you once dreamed about and that is why your motivation is so weak? Review the list of your dreams and determine what you really want from life in the future.

    Leave the fear behind.  We will be separated from many accomplishments and changes by the fear of condemnation, pain, criticism, and the like. Your fears are what prevent you from living a good life. If you want to achieve really high goals, you will have to understand that failure in this case is a natural phenomenon.

    If you are afraid of something on the way to the desired, then analyze the situation well. Resign yourself to the fact that your fears may not be unfounded, and you really have to go through some unpleasant moments, but it is they that separate you from what you really need! And when you get this, then all the uncomfortable or difficult situations that accompany this achievement will become small and insignificant for you. Give your dream a chance to fulfill!

Each of us sooner or later encounters the feeling that life is meaningless, everything goes in a circle, understanding comes: nothing will change in twenty or forty years, only health will let you down and more and more energy will be left for everyday affairs, and live , in fact, there is no need. What to do if you do not want to live? With doom to meet?

Everyone experiences this condition in their own way: someone will reconcile and continue to “pull the strap”, while someone begins to overcome the crisis by buying expensive cars, changing husbands or wives, and someone even starts to think about suicide.

Psychologists say that occasionally suicidal thoughts are quite normal and even typical of the same adolescents, the main thing is that their appearance is really rare and ends with an adequate assessment of the situation and awareness of the need.

The reasons for the lack of desire to live

Usually the desire to live disappears for the following reasons:

  • The onset of the stage at which, according to the prevailing opinion of the majority, a person should have accumulated luggage of goods or obligations.

A woman by the age of twenty-five is increasingly reminded of the notorious biological clock, which is ticking inexorably, and if she does not have a husband and a child and does not do anything for this, the pressure of the public circle can lead her to depression.

From thirty to thirty men, depending on their circle of contacts and social status, they expect a successful career growth, the presence of a car and other attributes of an “existing life”, and a lonely childless bachelor of an ordinary profession can become depressed simply because he has not reached the heights that he maybe he didn’t want to achieve it, but he seemed to have wanted to do it.

  • “Program completed” is the reverse of the above when the individual knows that in his years he achieved everything that he could achieve, and there was nothing more to want.

Such a situation and depression against its background is characteristic of a circle of wealthy successful people who have everything, there is nothing more to do, and nature requires further results, but in the family and in the professional sense, everything is so successful that there is nowhere to move - the life program has been completed .

The same is typical for retirees: after leaving work, they don’t know what to do with their free time, especially if their children have grown up, and grandchildren do not require regular help and supervision, and the circle of friends becomes impoverished.

  • A vicious circle is an option in which an individual develops a protein syndrome in a wheel.

Events are repeated day after day, nothing changes, striking incidents that make it possible to distinguish one day from another do not happen, and a reasonable question arises: why do I exist at all? For what?

The next step is the realization: I do not want to live. What to do in this situation, a person usually does not know, and if he or his relatives do not catch on time, everything can end in depression.

How to get out of clinical depression

The scariest prospect for those who are tired of life is the development of clinical depression.

Clinical depression is not a momentary melancholy sadness that can be successfully eaten with sweets among friends, but a serious medical diagnosis, and without help it will not work.

You can try to drive depression into it and survive it all yourself, but sooner or later it will hit you with tripled strength.

Clinical depression sneaks up imperceptibly - everything seems to be fine, only a person is a little sad, but it happens to everyone, and now he is sad for a month, two, three, the mood jumps, irritability, tearfulness appears, appetite and sleep disappear, the desire to communicate disappears, the desire to communicate disappears , the circle of communication narrows, he does not want to do anything ...

It would seem that you’ll think about the little things, but the oppressed state is growing, and without appropriate treatment, with the indifference of others, a person can reach suicide simply because he is sure that he doesn’t want to and never wants to.

If you suspect that you have latent depression, if attempts to distract yourself with sports, hobbies, reading and talking with people fail over and over again, you can only be saved in one way: consult a doctor immediately.

The lack of a “work of life” - how to fix it

If the psychiatrist after the examination confirmed that depression is not your case, think about what is the reason for the reluctance to live. Often the main problem is the lack of a goal, a certain lighthouse, into the light of which a person walks, overcoming obstacles.

  • expand the circle of communication, which for many is limited to work colleagues and regular friends;
  • get a pet - this will automatically open for you a new world in which there will be owners of other animals, you can communicate with them, share experiences;
  • look for yourself a fascinating occupation outside the walls of the office and at home: sports, floriculture, hobbies, everything related to communication with lovers of the same type of activity. This will expand not only the circle of friends, but also increase interest in life, develop a desire to learn something new, give small, but important goals, or even some kind of global dream of all life.

Pension and a completed program - how not to lose interest in life

Often a crisis catches a person in, and the reason for this is the feeling that the program of a lifetime has been fulfilled: the children have left the family nest, grandchildren are brought on weekends or on holidays, work as a life’s business has also disappeared, and the individual is left alone with depression. outside the usual circle of friends.

And then it turns out that he does not know how to live without work, but he just never was left alone and without the need to rush all the time. He does not know what to do with his peace of mind!
  As a result, the individual comes to the idea: I do not want to live, what to do - I do not know, it's time to gather in the grave.

This almost never happens in the lives of people who are active, socially adapted - for them, leaving work is not a step into depression, but an excuse to finally start doing everything: realize all your dreams and plans, go in for the garden, restore furniture, and study historical books.

For relatives who have been complaining during their late years, they say I don’t want to live, what to do, it’s worth considering an adaptation program. And to provide the pensioner with problems in the form of grandchildren and great-grandchildren is not a good idea, because sooner or later all children grow up, have hobbies, and the pensioner will again plunge into the depression of his life.

It’s better to teach him how to use a computer, go to a local district club or leisure center, discuss everything that he would like to collect to fill his life. In no case should he focus on his family and relatives; on the contrary, he should expand the circle of his interests and communication so that a pensioner does not live from a meeting to a meeting with children and grandchildren.

If everything seems to be done, if life in poverty is frightening without family and children, if you don’t know what to want, just look around and understand what prevents you from having an interest in life. You may have run into a fence of depression near the place where the gate is installed, just turn your head to see it.

What to do if you do not want to live - Where do such thoughts come from?

- Why does a person get bored with life?
  - 8 reasons why you don’t want to exist
  - What to do when life is painful: we take up the analysis
  - What to do if there is no desire for life: 4 tips from a psychologist
  - What to do if a loved one is tired of living?
  - What if there is no strength to continue living?
  - Conclusion

To begin with, almost everyone who wants to take their own scores with life is engaged in self-deception. Death will not solve all the problems, but only add them to loved ones and loving people. But on the other hand, if there is no energy to live, what to do, and where to look for a source of solution to all problems? Often, the words "I want to die" or "I do not want to live" actually mean the subtext "I do not want to live like that."

That is, without which a person could not imagine his existence, it was lost and instead of the usual plans, hopes and desires, a void was formed. Or vice versa, negative events put so much pressure on a person that he is on the verge of his physical and mental capabilities.

Very often, against the background of a depressed state, depression occurs, and the one who pronounces the phrase: “I do not want to live” unconsciously begins to develop psychosomatic disorders in himself.

In other words, thoughts are attracted, become material, and a person can really get sick and die. To prevent this, you need to be careful about your thoughts and the behavior of your loved ones, especially in crisis situations. The slightest manifestation of at least one thought of suicide should be an alarming bell, prompting urgent action.

- 8 reasons why you don’t want to exist

According to official statistics, about a million people commit suicide every year, and it is worth noting that the number of suicides is increasing every year. Those. obviously: at the moment there is no effective solution to this serious problem of mankind, the premises of which are hidden in the field of his spiritual life.

Studies conducted in different countries divided the million who voluntarily lost their lives as follows:

1) 300 thousand Chinese,

2) 160 thousand Indians,

3) 37 thousand Americans

4) 30 thousand Russians

5) 30 thousand Japanese

6) 16 thousand French ...

7) 10 thousand Ukrainians

And this data is only official statistics, i.e. counted cases in which it was proved that there was a suicide. One can imagine how many similar precedents were classified, for example, as an accident.

Unofficial estimates suggest that the number of suicides is at least four times greater. Shocking is the official (underestimated for the same reasons) figure, behind which are hidden those who have made unsuccessful attempts to settle accounts with life, and this, as many as 19 million people annually!

WHO voices the causes of suicide as follows:

1) 41% - unknown
  2) 19% - fear of punishment
  3) 18% - mental illness
  4) 18% - domestic chagrin
  5) 6% - passions
  6) 3% cash loss
  7) 1.4% - satiety with life
  8) 1.2% - physical illnesses.

It is proved that men are four times more likely to make “successful” suicidal attempts. At the same time, women commit them four times more often than men, but due to the fact that they choose more gentle ways to take their own life, they are less likely to die.

It is interesting to note that almost half of those who die are leaving suicide notes. This illustrates that, it turns out, not everything in this life of these people is finished, as they imagine, even if it is just a desire to say “sorry” to my family or “to blame for my death ...”, i.e. to find out relations with those who, in your opinion, should say “forgive” you.
  In fact, suicide is a cry that is expected to be answered.

Probably, each of us at least once in childhood, when relatives or close people offended him, imagined that he had died and that everyone would feel bad, and they would understand who they had lost. Usually this consists in the phrase “Here, I die, then you will cry” - i.e. crying is the expected answer, crying is evidence that they needed you. A childish way to attract attention, sometimes leading to the end of adulthood.

The main reason for suicide is not depression, as is commonly believed, but egoism, although doctors will not say so. You will not see the person who committed suicide because of the pain of others, only because of his own. At first glance, it might seem that people who have come to such a line do not like themselves. But analyze the reasons, even those that are known - there is only about yourself.

This is also proved by the fact that approximately 80% of those who think about leaving their lives independently let others know their intentions to one degree or another. Attract attention at all costs. Disliked children, those who lack attention, at the very youngest age often begin to attract this attention with negative actions.

Even if the decision is made from fatigue and inability to cope with pain, to survive it - it is still selfishness that won. It is said that egoism should motivate us to live, it is true, the truth is that egoism leads a person to die, because he does not like to live. Otherwise, the pain of loved ones following this act, even if it would have restrained. Most often, suicides have at least one person who will cry about him.

- What to do when life is painful: we take up the analysis

The first thing to do is analyze the situation.

You can understand the "tragedy" alone, but better - in the company of a true friend.

Try following a simple algorithm:

1) Speak the situation.

2) Clearly state what exactly happened.
  For example: “I lost a well-paid job”, “I owed a huge amount to the bank”, “I can’t survive the breakup by my loved one”;

3) Imagine an even worse scenario.
Imagine that what happened could be even worse: “I was fired from work and my reputation was destroyed”, “I owed the bank several times more money”, “my beloved died”;

4) Think about why all this happened?
  Maybe you were fired from work because you were neglecting your duties, and your beloved left because you gave him horns?
  Find the root of the problem so that you don’t make mistakes in the future!

5) Take a look around and compare your tragedy with the grief of other people.
  What is job loss amid disability in general?
  Is parting with a loved one worse than a terminally ill child?
  When asking what to do if you don’t want to live, understand that others are worse than you!

6) Find a positive moment.
  Losing a job is a chance to find another, even better and more promising.

Why continue a relationship that initially has no future?
  And now, when the whole situation is “laid out on the shelves”, you can look for ways to solve the problem.

1) Focus on the children.
  Pure souls and immediate beings need you.

Remember how long you promised your daughter to go to the cinema with her, and your son expects you to make a boat together.

Come up with a simple joint business, for example, bake pies.

Children's laughter, jokes and an excellent result are the potion that will make you forget about the bad and begin to enjoy life. And try something else tomorrow.

2) Go headlong to work.

Nothing distracts from sad thoughts more than business. It is possible that after some time you will be surprised to notice your own career growth and improvement in material well-being.

3) Find a hobby for yourself.
  It will help fill the void formed in the soul. You will open new horizons of your capabilities, and the result will bring emotional satisfaction.

4) Change yourself and your environment.
  Change your hairstyle, buy a new coat, move the furniture, throw out the trash. Tear yourself out of images and atmosphere that remind you of past failures.

- What to do if a loved one is tired of living?

Imagine that you heard from a loved one the phrase: "I do not want to live anymore." What to do in this situation and how to behave? Follow these guidelines:

1) You need to listen to him carefully.
  Not interrupting, not showing their emotions, and not condemning. Even if you are impressed by what you hear, try not to stop the narrator from completing the story;

2) Check if there is a real risk of suicide.
For example, a person may say that he plans to commit suicide or say that he has already made attempts. Warn that you will not keep this information with you;

3) In no case do not answer the person with simple on-duty phrases.
  Such as: “You just overworked”, “You need to take a vacation and relax”, “Go, buy yourself something tasty”, “Go, take a walk”, etc. ;

4) Take the situation very seriously and support it with all your might.
  If a person does not want to live, this means that he is in a state of extreme despair. Recall that any situation sooner or later comes to an end, and the state of depression will also pass. If the situation is very difficult, it is important to immediately seek the help of a therapist.

- What if there is no strength to continue living?

4) Whatever happens in your life, remember: time heals, life goes on, and it belongs only to you!

Any tragedy will be forgotten over time, most of the problems will be solved by themselves, and fate sends us only those tests that we can do. Think about what lesson you can learn from those circumstances that almost deprived you of such a wonderful and amazing life.

Be yourself and do only what you like. Then you will learn to value your life and see it only on the positive side.

- Conclusion

In the life of almost every person, a moment comes when he does not want to live anymore. And even thoughts of suicide arise. Some quickly throw such thoughts out of their heads and continue to live. Others constantly think about it until their life comes to an end.

The reasons why people don’t want to live thousands more. Everyone has her own. However, it is always worth remembering that what would not be the reason, it is not worth it to lay hands on yourself. As long as you are alive, you can still become a happy person, so that you do not happen. After death, it is not a fact that it will be within your power.

You can’t say for sure. There are many theories on this subject. But you can never know for sure. Therefore, it is better to spend your thoughts on how to improve your life, and not on how to end it.

Material prepared by Dilara specifically for the site


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