How to become happier and more successful. How to subjugate fate and attract success. Why some people don't get lucky

Do you want to quickly and radically change your life? Do you want to become a lucky and successful person? I think yes. Today I will tell you how in five steps and twenty days.

We all know about positive psychology, but not everyone understands its essence. When people hear about enjoying life and focusing only on the good, they often take it as just empty words. But nothing in our world happens just like that, and behind these words there are always facts. And today I want to tell not only about what and how to do it, but also to explain why it should be done.

At least I will try to explain without going too far into the jungle of various scientific terms. The article turned out to be quite large, but I really hope that you will read it to the end, and read it as a reasonable person, that is, consciously.

How to become a lucky, successful and happy person

First, let me explain that people are controlled by two powerful emotions- this is fear and love (and various derivatives of them). When a person constantly experiences fear and anxiety, his body is clamped, various blocks appear, energy cannot flow easily and calmly. When a person experiences love and joy, the body receives a signal that everything is fine and relaxes, and, accordingly, heals and heals. In addition, a person begins to sound at a certain frequency and radiate positive energy, thereby attracting good events. But people often cannot cope with fear and anxiety, since our mood is controlled by the hormonal system and it depends on the release of certain hormones into the blood.

Now a lot is said about working on yourself, about working on your own, about childhood traumas, but in fact, all these blocks are not in your difficult childhood or mental trauma, but in the organics of your body and the inability to live in this organics, which, in its own way, essentially universal.

For our brain there is no such thing as time, for it there is no past and future, time for it is linear and for it there is only a concept. There is no point in endlessly digging into the past or dreaming about the future, this only leads to the fact that our consciousness wanders somewhere and is not in the present moment.

Today I want to present you five steps by which you can change your biochemistry, your mood and attitude towards life. If something is not clear, do not get hung up and do not think, but simply do everything that is written here for 20 days.

How to radically change your life

Our brain has an amygdala, ruled by the limbic system, and scientists believe that this is the seat of fear in the brain. The reaction of the brain works only in two directions - it is "attack and run away."

In fact, this is a place of human power, and with the special development of this area, instead of attacking or running away, there is a conscious perception current moment which completely changes the way you feel about yourself in this world.

You can set up this part of the brain for conscious perception on your own, at home. To do this, you need to work on yourself for 20 days.

How to Become Lucky and Happy: 5 Steps

1 step

Scientists say that a person has a blind spot in the eye (this is the optic nerve that goes deep into the skull and shuts up with a kind of protein tissue like a plug). This blind spot covers three quarters of spherical vision. But a person thinks that he sees absolutely everything, since with such a vision he lives in a three-dimensional dimension, which is rather rigid, uncomfortable and limited. Or it can live in a different, more liquid and plastic space, thanks to ordinary vision. To do this, you just need to remove this white spot. We must learn to look inside the head, directing the gaze not outward, but into the skull, then the white spot will dissolve rather quickly.

When you look at some object (table, cabinet, tree, pole, etc.) in front of you at a distance of, for example, two meters, turn your angle of vision inward and look at the original of this object, which is formed inside your cranium. That is, you look at the pillar in front of you and at the same time turn your vision not only outward, but also inside the skull, looking at this object and from there too. The human eye is open 180 degrees and he can see the original of this pillar, located inside the skull. The image from the inside will be smaller, but clearer, since this is the original, which reflects the signal about itself to the outside.

Thus, one can look at all objects of material origin. After 20 days, the white spot will lose its density, and you will be able to see the world with all its possibilities and your own abilities in it!

2 step

This is a micro-memory loss technique. It is needed to disrupt the usual supply of rhythms of electrical signals with which your brain processes information.

To do this, you need to freeze in a sitting position three times a day and completely “turn off” the brain, in a word, do not think. It should be the complete detachment that a person experiences when looking at fire or water. It is advisable to use video recordings of a burning fire or slowly flowing water. Reaction to external stimuli should be completely absent. This should also be done for 20 days without a break, and then - at will.

When you follow these two steps, a phenomenal effect occurs. If, at the moment of dissolving the white spot, micro-memory loss is stimulated, your neural connections break, which have been fetters for you all your life. Autopilot disappears and new neural connections are created. You don’t need to think about it specially, the brain itself will create them and turn on the functions of self-survival and self-healing.

It is quite possible that during these days it will seem to you that you partially forget some moments and you have inconsistencies in the chronological series of your past, but there is nothing to worry about - this is the effect of fading old neural connections, habits that you are no longer needed at the moment. At the right moment, if you need this knowledge, you will remember it. But you will remember just the information you need, which does not carry any emotional charge. Saves time for life, mental and physical energy.

With this option of creating new information in new connections, you will begin to see situations not limited, only from one side, as it was before, but from several sides at once. And you will see it not for the purpose of analysis or condemnation, but simply for the purpose of obtaining information, so it will not irritate your nervous system. This information will not burden you and strain you, there will be other connections in the brain, other nerve impulses and axons.

All this leads to a change in the metabolism of the cell - this is key moment. You literally change biochemically and your DNA reveals itself in a completely different way when a person becomes receptive, perceiving himself as a complete being. Biochemically, you become a different person. Everything in life becomes natural, everything is simple, everything is easy.

3 step

Pretty simple and easy to make. You need to laugh as often as possible, at least twenty times a day (just do it on the record). Laughter changes consciousness. This produces a special hormone oxytocin. The brain doesn't care if you're laughing naturally or deliberately. Moreover, when you force yourself to laugh, it will be difficult at first, and then everything will go by itself. This starts the process of tissue regeneration, there are six great scientific discoveries on this topic.

It used to be that oxytocin is more of a female hormone, but this is not entirely true, it also manifests itself in men. When you smile, whole biochemical cascades are launched in our body. Endrophins remove anxiety and depression, and serotonin at this moment simply launches a biological perpetual motion machine, due to which the body self-heals. No wonder the Chinese sages are so fond of simple. Nothing in our world happens just like that, and this seemingly simple advice contains age-old wisdom.

4 step

Each of us has our own small hadron collider. Cells, atoms produce their own light. Recent discoveries have proven that the heart is a thinking organ and it has a brain (I wrote about this in an article, I advise you to read it), and it should be active in a reasonable person. A reasonable person is able to think with this brain. There is also a brain in the stomach that works on internal processes. In spiritual currents, this is called differently, but one way or another everyone knows about these three main, vital points of our body - this is the head, heart and stomach. In China, for example, these points are called dan tians (read more about the activation of these points in the article, the walking technique is also given there).

It is important that all three of these brains work at full capacity and are connected to each other. By itself, the brain is on a very high vibration, which is similar to the vibration of the state of creation (in art, you need an altered consciousness, a state of inspiration). A person is able to open the brain codes that connect the brain of the heart and the brain of the abdomen. If you are a woman, use your body. Lightly touch your cheeks and lips at least 30 times a day. If you are a man, then find the place where you have the thinnest skin (usually in the groin), touch this skin with a feather. If it seems to you that something feminine is manifesting in you, do not be alarmed, it just starts to produce the hormone oxytocin.

5 step

I recommend doing this step not only for twenty days, it is advisable to make it your habit. Do you want to know how to quickly go from a loser to a lucky position? There is exactly as much happiness in the world as there is grief, and this gives a person the right to freedom of choice. It's all about the focus of attention, so we need to learn how to control our consciousness. Our brain is very dependent on the hormonal mixture that is there. A person who is used to living according to a certain scenario is very dependent on the hormones that are being released at the moment. And all our tastes and preferences depend on hormones, and not on personality and character.

Believe me, we are very much dependent on the hormonal background. And these hormones are stimulated by our attention! A person who is always lucky keeps his focus on what he likes and what brings him pleasure, despite some inconvenience, unpleasant people, some expenses, bad weather.

Success and happiness leave a person when his consciousness leaves attention. Therefore, the maximum amount of attention should go to positive things. Yes, sometimes you have to do something unpleasant, but you don’t have to focus too much on it. Lucky people are always optimistic, they know how to see the good in any situation. And these are not just empty words! The nervous system of such people always works on calm biorhythms, on such electromagnetic radiations that send a certain signal to the brain, due to which there is a constant release of serotonin, oxytocin and melatonin. All this together automatically makes a person see more and more success and joy.

As a result of this 20-day work on yourself, your cellular mechanism will become different, the cells will begin to function differently.

20 days of intensive attention to necessary processes will lead you to such an ability that even under the most severe stress, you will simply say: “well, it’s okay” and your brain will not collapse into a box of fear. And the body will not be clamped, and the energy circulating through it will not stand in one place, provoking illnesses. This will mean that changes have taken place in your brain and your body. You will have a full space, you will see what you have not seen before, you will be more energetic and joyful. Life will become much easier and more enjoyable! Don't think, don't analyze, don't meditate, just Try! Just live these 20 days that will change your life. After all, in fact, everything is simple! Sometimes look at objects from the inside, freeze three times a day and look at fire or water, laugh a lot, lightly touch your cheeks and lips and look for joy in every minute of your life.

It is likely that something seemed incomprehensible to you. I just tried to explain the essence of positive psychology and show how it all works. If you think that you can’t be happy when so many bad things happen in the world and you don’t like this information, then I won’t insist, because it’s your choice! Well, if you want change your life in 20 days and go through these five steps, it means that my work on writing this large article was not in vain. I hope that there will be many more such people!

Be joyful, lucky and happy!

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Rituals, rituals and conspiracies are effective means that allow you to radically change your life. That's just luck itself just does not fly into the hands. To be lucky and happy man It is important to follow certain rules.

We have known since school days that a problem can be solved when the question is understood. In this regard, bioenergetics is no different from algebra or geometry. To become successful and happy, first of all you need to decide on the main goal in life. It is difficult, but without it, nowhere. A person must understand what he wants from life, because luck is the embodiment of the inner intention to be happy. You can’t want to get rich, voice your desire and get rich. This is a gross mistake. First you need to answer what brings you pleasure in life, and then move on to rituals.

How to become a lucky and successful person

Fortune is changeable and capricious, no one argues. It is very difficult to attract her to you. She may be frightened by a random thought or a harsh word and leave you forever. However, Lady Luck loves and constantly enriches many, while others are trying to understand why she is indifferent to them. From the point of view of esotericism, everything is very simple - fortune hates aggression, negativity. She runs away from negative and angry people in a panic. Maybe it's true. But, on the other hand, among successful people there are a lot of not the most positive personalities. Most likely, they unraveled the secret of luck and managed to subdue it to themselves. For life to develop successfully, it is not enough to conduct a ritual, to read a conspiracy. Luck is getting joy out of being. It is the enjoyment of life here and now. It is in the non-material sphere, in feelings and sensations. To become a successful person, you should learn to control your thoughts and focus on the most useful and productive of them.

What scares off luck and luck

Each person is the creator of his own happiness. This assertion is difficult to dispute. From childhood, parents, teachers, and grandparents tried to lay this down for us. True, they all meant something completely different. It turns out that the events of the future are laid down by our emotions in the present. For example, a child is afraid to fail test, get a deuce - and as a result, he "conjured" it for himself. This is a very simplified and primitive example, which only allows you to understand how to become a successful and successful person. First of all, you need to remember what luck is afraid of. This includes:

  • anger, hatred, envy;
  • doubts and low self-esteem;
  • lack of love.

How to attract good luck: the first ritual

The first step on the path to success is the rejection of negative programs, thoughts and forecasts. As soon as you give it up, you will begin your path to success and prosperity. But that's not all. Agree, even the purest and brightest dreams have not yet made anyone happy. You need to stop thinking negatively about other people. Wish others what you want for yourself. In the energy field, we are all one. Therefore, if you are angry with the boss, then you wish trouble for yourself, if you envy a more successful person - you refuse money, despise the poor - you take away his problems. This rule applies to every area of ​​life. Successful people never gossip, they just have no time to get into other people's problems.

Ritual Two: Gaining Confidence

The second enemy of luck is doubt, fear and hesitation. Such negative thoughts take away an enormous amount of vitality. Luck is happiness. And you manage to squander it on empty doubts and worries. This must be discarded, thrown into the trash can, like old worn galoshes. Bioenergetics are advised to read affirmations. The main thing to remember is that in order to attract good luck, you first need to gain self-confidence. Learn to control your thoughts. To become a happy person, you need to learn how to filter information, especially the one that pops up in your head every time. In addition to the fact that you fight external enemies daily, you still have to defeat the chaos in your head. Have pity on yourself.

Third Ritual: Finding Love

It's about loving yourself. Are you good with self-esteem? Why then are you trying to figure out how to become lucky and successful? Love is the ability to be happy in any situation. If you learn to accept yourself the way nature created you, then learn to love, and most importantly, value yourself and your time. No need every time to stoop to self-criticism, condemn yourself, scold, regret. In such ways, you only scare away luck, which roams the world and is looking for people in whose hearts the fire of universal love burns. Love yourself and luck will love you back.

Now you know the three most important rituals that will help you become a lucky and happy person. They must be practiced until you learn to love yourself and others and believe in own forces. There is one more important lesson left for you to learn. Mastery successful person consists in not expecting a result. No need to concentrate your thoughts on whether you are lucky or not. These are extra energy costs, and destructive ones. They direct your vitality to unnecessary work. He who expects nothing gets everything. Be happy, success in everything, and don't forget to press the buttons and

– it is often difficult to explain it with the rational mind. Otherwise, as magic, the magic of luck, this cannot be explained. Especially such lucky ones can be seen from the outside, since you rarely consider yourself one of them.

How does it happen - that one is lucky, so lucky, especially according to the saying - with a low IQ, and others, for example, me, with several educations, and in general: “ I know about life" - No. Not fair?!

The magic of luck, but was there any magic?

Do you know what to do to become lucky? Recipe from grandmother Nyurka: go out into the field to catch a black cat, go to a neighbor - take a black trigger, make them live together. When the egg blows the trigger, smash it on your forehead with the words: so that the accidental does not happen to me by chance ....

The more exotic you find, the greater the chance of success in a magical sentence of luck.

And now seriously (or not, the paragraph above was serious, but now I'm dabbling in letters).

Wraps of consciousness or why the random seems random to us

Eminent masters of psychology say that this human consciousness wraps each event in a corresponding wrapper. Wrapper - emotions, feelings, thoughts regarding the event. It directly depends on our beliefs.

Those. if a person believes in karma - the magic of luck is the law of the consequences of our actions in past lives, a believer - in luck will see God's grace, a pragmatist - explain luck with the filters of consciousness ....

But here's how to be ordinary people- I don’t want to delve into all these “theological disputes”, but I really want to be lucky in life.

It is not a noble thing to please everyone, but there is an answer for everyone ...

The magic of luck and personality

Lucky and unlucky people have one thing in common - they are active in life. If you lie down on the sofa and lie like this all your life, then nothing bad will happen, but nothing good will happen either ... Our actions put us in an awkward position or vice versa in a successful one, don't they?

Luck and luck often accompanies. One of the qualities of the latter is activity.

Yes! I'm leaning towards this: To become lucky, you must first become active.

It's like the lottery. Is there a chance to hit the big jackpot with one lottery? Of course there is, but it is very scanty. And from two ... and from three ... and from a hundred? Chances increase, don't they?

  1. Watch a movie starring Jim Carrey Always say yes!". By some happy coincidence - before I watched this film for the first time - I read a book that exactly reveals the meaning of this phrase ...
  2. When life offers you something, ask yourself: “ Is this something that can help me?» If the answer is yes, go to the question below.
  3. « What is being offered to me can harm me?» If what is proposed does not harm your finances, health, or another person in any way. And your “no” to such a proposal is only connected with the unwillingness to change, laziness, “breaking”. Speak: Always say YES!

Perhaps at such a moment: when you said yes- you pulled out your lucky ticket, you just don’t know about it yet. This is how the magic of luck works!

TOWhat do you think, dear friends, is luck an accident or a pattern? And why are some lucky all the time, while others only dream about it?

We all want good luck to accompany us always and everywhere. And rightly so, because it's nice to be lucky. “The bird of luck does not fly on schedule,” says folk wisdom. But if she flies, then most often to those who are already waiting for her and have opened their windows and doors to meet her. After all luck is not only a happy coincidence of circumstances, but also a willingness to take advantage of them.

open up to the world

Surely each of you in the environment has a person who, as you think, is lucky all the time. Everything is easier for him, he often finds himself in the right place in right time, and his mood is always better than the rest. "He's lucky!" you think.

And you watch him. Most likely you will find that this person has a large circle of acquaintances, many hobbies, always perceives new information with interest. He is in constant motion, both external and internal. In other words, he is open to the world.

“Opening up to the world is the main condition for good luck to be firmly established in your life.”

Opening up to the world is the main condition for good luck to firmly settle in your life. After all, only an open person is able to maximally perceive everything that happens around him, notice the chances, see the possibilities and prospects for a new acquaintance.

He has an inner attitude towards attentiveness and a conscious attitude to life. Life gives us dozens of opportunities every day and it is in our power to see and accept them. Turn on the "wake mode" - this will greatly increase your chances of being considered "lucky" in the near future.

And do not delay it, because if you regularly reject opportunities to earn more money, their flow will dry up. If you do not let new people into your life, they will stop appearing. If you ignore the chances to change your life one by one, they will simply stop coming.

To have a break

Rhythm modern life sometimes too fast even for modern man. Find opportunities to pause to talk to yourself.

Not with friends, not with colleagues, not even with children, but with oneself. Listen ... and hear the inner voice. We are used to relying solely on our minds in everything, and for many, intuition is a true adviser.

“The mind is a tool of man, and through intuition the Universe speaks to us.”

Those who are endowed with intuition have only to listen to themselves, as a way out of a predicament will immediately be discovered. Find the best solution to a difficult problem. Everything that people around you will certainly call luck will happen!

The mind is a tool of man, and the Universe speaks to us through intuition. So what do you think, who knows better?

Become conscious

Routine and automatic thinking are one of the main enemies of luck. To let good luck into your life, you need to open up to the new or look at the old with a fresh, conscious look.

“Life gives us dozens of opportunities every day and it is in our power to see and accept them”

Thinking in patterns makes this process so difficult that it almost completely eliminates it. If you have an answer ready for everything, if you have an opinion on every question, and you are not ready to question it in the slightest, you close yourself to the world.

And what this leads to is probably clear to you: missed opportunities, complete "calm", when nothing new happens and, ultimately, annoyance at yourself for not being able to let something important and interesting into your life .

“Next time, before answering “no,” think about it, what if this is your chance to catch luck by the tail?”

Each of your "yes" or "no" should be meaningful, dear friends. Do not allow yourself automatic reactions, do not allow yourself to sleep awake. Try to avoid habitual patterns in behavior, reactions and judgments. And next time, before answering “no”, think about what if this is your chance to catch luck by the tail?

Summing up, I would like to note that there are two types of luck: accidental luck and natural luck, which arose as a result of a conscious choice, a person’s personal position. The good news is that the last kind of luck is available to absolutely everyone! In addition, it is much more reliable and durable.

And one more thing: the more often you wish good luck to others, the more you attract it into your life. Wish you luck!

Even more self-confidence and self-esteem exercises in my Privilege Club! Constant support and assistance of like-minded people in solving life and psychological problems. Come, we always have something to talk about!

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All reviews are provided by our students - real people. We do not guarantee that you will achieve the same result. Everyone has their own individual characteristics and their own path, which you need to go through yourself. We will help you with this!

It is necessary to study the principles of a successful person and follow them.

1. Thoughts in the mind affect life

First of all, you need to believe in your own luck. There are individuals who pre-program themselves for failure only because they have established themselves in their own bad luck. If you keep repeating to yourself that you are never lucky, your brain will eventually believe it and will work on a given program. And the one who does not even doubt that everything will work out in the best way often wins.

2. Change is for the better

Lucky people try to do everything so that energy constantly circulates around them. They diligently avoid all sorts of stagnation, routine and regularly go out of their comfort zone. This should be expressed even in small things. For example, it is worth changing the usual route or daily routine from time to time.

3. The past cannot be returned

To let a lot of good things into your life, you need to make room for it - in the house and in your head. Tidy up your apartment. Throw out all the junk that you have not used for several years, stop keeping a lot of unnecessary in reserve. Create comfortable conditions for good luck, and it will not take long. Release negative memories. If any unpleasant thoughts or resentments bother you for a long time, let them go.

4. Events do not carry information load

You can't live. They are neutral and practically do not affect human life. Such incidents include all the little things and trifles to which a person independently assigns a certain assessment.

5. When you're in a good mood, you don't notice the little things.

And laugh at petty annoyances. And in a negative state of mind, it doesn’t even occur to you to translate everything into a joke. You can be irritated by any trifles. If you learn to control your attitude to what is happening, monitor your own mood and see more positive things in life, luck will be on your side.

6. Fortune loves those who appreciate what they have.

This does not mean that you should no longer strive for anything and that you need to start being content with little. The point is to remember the good things you already have in life, no matter what the circumstances. For clarity, you can even make a list of all the main benefits and re-read in those moments when you are ready to give up.

Bring some practical magic into your life. Front important event engage in visualization and imagine how everything is going well. Imagine every little thing, then you can even feel. In addition, you should trust yourself and your intuition more. In fact, this, of course, is not magic at all, but proven psychological tricks. However, the effect they bring is really fabulous.


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