The script of the ceremony Victory Day at the university. Scenario celebration of Victory Day in college. Solemn meeting dedicated to the anniversary of the Moscow battle

may 9 holiday script. script for May 9th. script for May 9th. script Script - February 23 - Victory Day. May 9 celebration script May 9 sketch

"A lesson in courage."

musical and literary composition

  The wall is covered with red cloth. Part of the fabric is painted in the form of an old brick wall destroyed by explosions, entangled in barbed wire. On bricks in black are the numbers of the dead, missing, and other data. In the center of the wall there is an image of the Mamaev-Kurgan monument - a hand with a torch pulling from the ground. At the top of the wall is a jamb of cranes. It is advisable to make them voluminous. Three large sleeves are installed in a row on the stage, where flowers are placed at the end of each thematic part as a tribute to the fallen.
  Throughout the scene, candles are placed at different levels.

Side view of a slideshow.

Phonogram by A. Rosenbaum “The Red Wall” I verse.

Host: Wait! Stop Freeze time! Freeze and look back. Look back at them, who are not there now, who are now looking at us from a stone from the heights of their monuments (the word “Soldier in Stone”). Wait! Stop Never pass by a granite wall on which are written in gilded letters the names of those who fell on the battlefield, tortured to the Nazi dungeons, burned, hanged, destroyed, but still not conquered. Stop at the red wall, stained with the blood of the dead, the red wall - the bloody wall.

The phonogram of A. Rosenbaum “The Red Wall” is a refrain.

Reader: Memory ... It has a beginning, but no end. For 55 years, everyone has been waiting and waiting for late letters from the war and mothers do not believe in funerals and brides are waiting, and sons have grown older than their fathers. And there is no peace for those who returned, for each of them repeats: "I survived because someone died for me." And their bodies laid in the earth have long become the earth, and thanks to one heart that has stopped beating, thousands of hearts are beating on our earth!

Presenter: It is reliably estimated that 10 people died in every minute of the war. Out of every hundred young men born in 1923, only 18 returned from the war of 18 years old.

Presenter: 16,747 people were killed, 33,782 were injured, 641,803 people died of starvation, 716,000 civilians were left homeless.

  Instead of soup -
Burda of wood glue,
  Instead of tea -
  Pine needles
  That would be nothing
  Only my hands go numb
  Only legs
  Suddenly they’re not getting their own.
  Only heart
  Suddenly shrink like a hedgehog
  And thuds will go out of place ...
  You gotta knock if you can't even
  After all, in our hearts
  Beat the heart!
  Knock despite fatigue
  Do you hear:
  The city swears that the enemy will not pass!
  ... The hundredth day is burning down
  As it turned out later.
  800 more to come!

Presenter: The Ladoga Road of Life has forever entered into the consciousness of every Leningrader. On November 22, 1941, the ice thickness on Lake Ladoga reached 13 cm, and the first cars went along the ice track. This route in the report was modestly called “Military Highway“ 101 ″. But Leningraders gave her a name in which they put all their hope and gratitude - the Road of Life. The Nazis continuously bombed and fired on the road. People died. Cars fell into the wormwood. 1,004 motor vehicles perished on the highway - many with people and cargo. But the legendary road of life acted smoothly.

  They lay in the snow
  Not far from the city.
  They brought flour here
  And starved to death.

Host: Time is the best doctor. When people came up with this saying, they did not know about the existence of the diary of Tanya Savicheva.

  This thick notebook is worth many thick books.
  Tanya Savicheva. Tanya, you are alive in our hearts,
  Holding his breath hears the world
  Your words.
  Zhenya died on December 28 at 12.30 in the morning of 1941.
  Grandmother died on December 25 at 3 p.m. in 1942
  Lenya died on March 17 at 8 a.m. 1942
  Uncle Vasya died on April 13 at 2 p.m. in 1942
  Uncle Lyosha died on May 10 at 4 p.m. in 1942
  Mom - May 13 at 7 hours 30 min. in the morning of 1942
  The Savichevs all died. Only Tanya was left.

  Breaking the sinister rumble of guns
  A thunderstorm swept through the war.
  But everything is also a memory of people
  Looks intently into the eyes.
  Birches stretch to the sun
  Grass breaks through
  But in the mournful Piskarevsky
  Burn the hearts of the words:
  Here are Leningraders:
  Here the townspeople - men, women, children
  Next to them are soldiers of the Red Army.
  We cannot list their noble names here.
  So there are many of them under the eternal protection of granite.
  But know heeding these stones.
  Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.

  It is always quiet here.
  Here the story tells.
  Here is a feat.
  It says the imperishable memory of the people
  About the heroes of the great battle
  ... A slow, harsh string of people go and go along the Piskaryovskoye cemetery. Day after day, year after year. As if they are carrying, replacing each other, an honor guard at other graves.
  Time is a healer.
And this role
  It repeats with everyone.
  But it happens
  Human pain
  Over which
  Not imperious time.
  Here again
  After few years!
  This woman
  Victory Day
  Not a wreath, not a flower, but bread
  I brought my grandfather to the grave ...

(A piece of bread is highlighted in 125 g.)
  The script for May 9 for students. A. Rosenbaum's song “Maybe there was no war”

You do not forget all the torment
  They went through.
  But after many generations
  Even kids know you.

And through the centuries your glory
  We know for sure it will fly by.
  With people like you then
  Russia will always win.

Host: I think of those who have not returned. And today again I will get old cards of my 20-year-old friends and comrades. And when the sunset completely burns out, I will not turn on the light. I will light white candles and remember them: and a bear-tanker, Katya-nurse, Ivan will sit next to me ...

Host: We will not talk about the war, except quite a bit. I will show them when and how she ended. And I will sit until the white candles burn out.

Host: Our sorrow for those who died in the war is endless. But she gives birth to strength, not weakness. A force admired by the feat of people. Thanks to the people who gave their lives in the name of our homeland:
  * the desire to be worthy of them
  * our debt to those who leave without time is unpaid
  * our duty to love the Motherland as they are
  * to do for the people everything that they did not have time.
  Heroes do not die. Today they are calling forward. Thank you, living in our memory, in our affairs!


Read on the topic:

Development of an extra-curricular event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War
  “Meeting of generations”

Explanatory note

Each year, it further and further moves us away from the Victory over a terrible ideology - Nazism, from the bloody and destructive Second World War. There are fewer participants in those terrible events every year ... in this regard, it is important to convey to the younger generation the oral stories of the surviving witnesses of those years. It is important to prevent the distortion of the facts of the Great Patriotic War and the diminution of the significance of the Victory.
  The material used in the development of the extra-curricular event reflects historically true facts and opinions, and is aimed at the formation of: ideals of humanism and justice, citizenship and a sense of responsibility for preserving the memory of the Great Patriotic War.
Goal:  to promote the patriotic education of the younger generation: fostering a sense of pride in Victory and respect for veterans and children of war.
  1) to introduce students to the historical past of World War II.
2) show students the brutality of the war, which brought huge disasters, the deaths of millions of people.
  3) contribute to the development of creative and communicative abilities of students, public speaking skills.
  Design: the hall and the stage are decorated with Soviet paraphernalia of the war years.

Technical means:  multimedia projector, laptop.

Event scenario

Gathering guests to the music and the clip "And all about that spring ...."
  On the projector, slide No. 1 Channel 1 screensaver for B. Okudzhava’s march from the movie “Belorussky Station”
   Hello guys and guests of our holiday! 70 years ago, the last gun salvos of the Great Patriotic War died out and the long-awaited Victory, which was so long-awaited, came.
   The date of May 9 fills the heart with pride in the feat of the Soviet people, who won the battle against fascism, and sadness about the millions of sons and daughters of the Fatherland who forever remained in their own and foreign lands.
  Today we will meet with you who fought on the battlefields, forged victory in the rear, who endured all the horrors of concentration camps and simply survived that merciless war. We learn the true truth about the war from our grandparents, front-line soldiers and home front workers. In preparing this meeting, we met wonderful people whose stories and memories touch the soul, cause pride and admiration for the generation of the undefeated.
  Let me introduce our distinguished guests - children of war:
  Kokhan Evgeny Kirillovich, Krolovets Kat Petrovich, Ermolaeva Albina Petrovna and Chumak Rioritta Frantsevna.

1st number *: Recall those distant years A first-year student performs the video clip and dance "RIO-RITA": Alexey Bratashov and Alina Pakhomova.
  * Next, the numbers in the script indicate the numbers of performances
  photo slide “Dawn over the river”
  June ... Sunset was declining towards evening.
  And the sea spilled white night
  And the loud laughter of the guys was heard
  Not knowing, not knowing grief.
  June ... Then we still did not know.
  Walking from school evenings
  That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,
  And it will end only in the 45th, in May
2. Video film “Luftwaffe Aircraft ...”
  (background - photo slide with farewell to mom)
  To reach you, forty-fifth
  Through hardship, pain and misery
  Guys left childhood
  In the forty-first terrible year.

3. Dance "Goodbye boys ..."
  (on the background of the photo snow pounded by mines)

  When they go to death they sing
  And before that
  you can cry.
  After all, the worst hour in battle is
  Hour of waiting for the attack.

Minami snow pitted around
  And turned black from mine dust.
  Gap -
  and a friend dies.
And, then death passes by.

Now is my turn.
  Follow me alone
  there is a hunt.
  Damn the forty-first year
  And the infantry frozen in the snow ...

4. Speech by the child of the war - Kat Petrovich
  Host: Thanks for the interesting story.

5. The song "You survived the soldier" sp. Khomyakova I.B. mathematics teacher KGB POU №16

6. Performance of the ensemble of children of the war "Leysya, song ..."
   The song "Clouds in Blue"

  And so that the soldiers smash the enemy
  They could tirelessly at the front,
  Of the forces of the latter at the machine
  Shells made over the plan!
  (background photo "Workers in the rear")

As part of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory, the school’s search team shot documentaries about the participants in the war, about home front workers and children of the war to participate in the regional competition “70 years under the banner of Victory”. And we will show you an excerpt from this film. He is about the rear worker E.A. Valtysheva.

7. Demonstration of a fragment of a documentary about a child of war - VALYSHEVU EA

8. Performance of the ensemble of children of the war "Leysya, song ..."
   Songs: “Birch Dreams”, “Little Blue Handkerchief”.

Leading:  (On-screen photo of a little girl and boy)
  June and all my life is ahead
  I was going to go to the garden for a walk,
  When mom pressed my brother and me to the chest
  And she said: "The war has begun ..."
  But I don’t understand - why is she crying?
  Where does father collect the rifle?
  "War" ... Explain to me what this means?
  “War” means the END.
  And I'm 8 years old from birth, -
  Sealed forever forever
  When in one moment
  The country shuddered by fire.
  And the sky with the earth has changed.
  That cry, hoarse from pain,
  Radio tears reported
  Silence over the first dead ...
  Fascist crosses are spreading by snakes,
  To shed blood rebellious Country.
  And I'm 8 years old. I dig a trench
  I am on a par with my soldier brother.
  Gotta make money on my piece of bread.
  And still strong and hard to understand:
  Who was disturbed by the Peaceful Sky?
  Who wants my World to take away my Soul ?!
  The Second World War left its mark on the fate of millions of families, claimed the lives of dear and close. She made even the smallest children grow up, endowing them with courage and great fortitude.
  The boys. The girls. On their fragile shoulders lay the burden of adversity, calamity, grief of the war years. And they did not bend under this weight, became stronger in spirit, more courageous, more enduring. Little heroes of the big war. The time came and they showed how huge a small children's heart can become.
10. Playing the violin Ave Maria, in the performance of a student of the children's music school (children’s music school) No. 1 of Khabarovsk, laureate of the New Names contest in the Asia-Pacific region, Irina Glukhova.
  (background - photo of the Salaspils concentration camp)

  Anchor: The floor is given to the prisoner of the fascist concentration camp in Dirschau (Poland), a member of the Writers Union of Khabarovsk, and a children's poet, Yevgeny Kirillovich Kokhan.
11. Kokhan Evgeny Kirillovich reads his poems:
"Bryansk forest"
  From roots to heaven
  Free and winged.
  Give me Bryansk Forest
  At least one grenade.
  From earth to heaven
  The streets are smoking
  Give me a grenade, Bryansk forest,
  I can fight.

  They tortured children and adults,
  Tried to use bayonets
  And fresh air, even air,
   They gave us like rations.

"Mom's scarf"
  Now no one will ask about her,
  But am I silent about this?
  I can't forget how angry at the interrogation
  She looked into the executioner’s eyes,
  In the basement is darkness, drops on the walls of blood
  “So the daughter in the partisans, then?” Answer me!
  And slashed mom like a saber
  With knots at the end of a twisted whip.
  Another moment - and in a chill hot
  I am torn to where my mother is beaten by enemies.
  A flash of a red shepherd rushed
  And I fell. In the eyes - circles, circles.
  As if in a brutal mouth the light was ending.
  And in memory then, as far away,
  SS man angry with a torn scarf
  In a fist.

  Happiness seemed to be wandering around.
  And how many days I called my mother and called.
  And mother came, bent over me,
  And I kissed her, kissed her.
  Smoothed out wavy hair to sag,
  And eagerly listened to every sound ...
  When they ask me about mom,
  “Many, many hands hug me.”

Host: The human conquered the non-human. And yet the war did not harden their hearts. Among the terrible events, people have not forgotten how to love.
  12. Now two lyrical compositions of the war years will be performed by the ensemble “Leysya Sesa”.
  - "Echo of love";
  “My dear, if there had not been a war.”

Leading:  (background - eternal flame)
  The war has long gone from us.
  The veterans became gray.
  Seventieth spring
  Heals your wounds until now.
  You defended the world in battles
  With the enemy cruel and treacherous.
  And forever in people's hearts
  Your feat will be legendary.
  And how many springs will not pass -
  One we will remember will be holy.
  Spring that people
  Great made in forty-fifth.
  In the postwar years, our heroes worked honestly, raised children and grandchildren, and now they are an example of liveliness and optimism, wisdom and spiritual support for you - the young generation.
70 years ago you defended the right of people to freedom, saved our country and the world from Nazism. The feat and life path of veterans, their great love for Russia should serve as an example to you - our youth.
  13. The ensemble "Leysya, song ..." will sing the famous song "Katyusha" along with the audience.
  The war died out, but ... We will never forget our brave heroes, those who brought us the great Victory! This Victory was a tribute to the fallen, a reward alive. Happy Victory Day to all those present! Please honor with a moment of silence all those who gave their lives for our future! Thanks! Please consider held our meeting of generations!
  This event contributes to the formation of pride in Russian history, the history of their ancestors. Allows you to educate a value attitude to the homeland, to the present and the past, to people living on this earth. Show respect for the culture associated with the theme of World War II, preserve the historical memory of generations.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Adygea

State budgetary professional educational institution of the Republic of Adygea

Maykop Industrial College


Conducting "Victory Day" for college students


Teacher add. education

E.A. Vorkozhokova

Maykop 2018

Events dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day.

1 Ved.   Human memory. Time has no power over her. And no matter how old and

decades have passed, the people of the Earth will again and again return to our victory, which marked the triumph of life over death, reason over madness, humanity over barbarism.

2 Vedas -June 21, 1941, everything was the same as always. We created, worked, loved, raised children .... But this day, June 22, fell upon the country, and divided the life and fate of each in two. Everything that happened on Friday, Saturday, was no longer “yesterday”, not “the day before yesterday,” but before the war.

1 unit   War. More severely there is no word.

2 Vedas   War. There is no sadder word.

The film the beginning of the war (video clip)

The word Bragunova A.M.

The poem about the war reads Vlasova Nastya.

Presenter 1:   Today is a day of remembrance

And in my heart is crowded with lofty words

Today is a day of reminders-

About the feat and valor of the fathers.

Presenter 2:   A lot of time has passed since the glorious date of May 9, 1945, but we know and remember the name of the winner - People!

Presenter 1: We gratefully recall our glorious warrior defenders who defended the world in a fierce battle. We owe to the soldiers, sailors, lieutenants, captains, generals, marshals that we now live under a clear, peaceful sky. Eternal glory to them!

The song sounds "And all about that spring"

The floor is given to history teacher Kat Marina Yunusovna

_______________________________ (word)

Accompanied by a sign translation, the song “cuckoo” sounds for you on the stage of Dinner Diana.

Presenter 1 : It’s difficult, very difficult when saying goodbye to your beloved husband, brother, son, “goodbye.” If you knew in advance what would become of them, your loved ones, there, in the war, in mortal combat with the enemy.

Presenter 2: Letters of relatives warmed a soldier in a cold trench,

defended against the death of the attacker and instilled hope for a meeting in the birthplace.

Presenter 1: It’s warmer at the front from affectionate letters. When you read, you see your favorite one on each line. And you hear your homeland like a voice behind a thin wall.

The song “Clouds in blue” sounds

Presenter 1: The Soviet army defeated fascism! And people believed in this victory! And they dreamed ... Dreamed of a peaceful life, made appointments after the war and believed in a happy future !!!

Presenter 2: Thank you soldiers YOU! For life, for childhood, for spring, silence, for a peaceful house, for the world in which we live. Together Thank you.

Preparing for the event:

  • Issue of newspapers devoted to the Second World War;
  • Selection of video and audio materials on this topic;
  • The invitation of the blockade and WWII veterans from the community.

Hall design:

  • posters dedicated to the Great Patriotic War;
  • newspapers issued by college students
  • On stage is an exposition dedicated to the Second World War.

Solemn event

Invited guests, teachers and college students gather in the assembly hall; on the screen there is a demonstration of the film "Victory Parade", excerpts from films with songs of the war years: "Katyusha", "In the dugout", "Dark Night", etc.

At the entrance to the hall blockade and war veterans college students present flowers.

The grand event opens, the presenters go on stage and begin the performance; quietly, the background sounds "Moonlight Sonata"

Presenter 1:The Great Patriotic War. Now they argue and argue a lot about her, write and film, question many facts and expose fictions.

Presenter 2:Yes, the time has come different, the country has changed, the ideology has changed, but one thing has remained unchanged - those people who on their shoulders endured all the hardships of the war, who were afraid, but who walked, who hated death, but burst into the arms of death in order to save life .

Presenter 1:These people do not need to explain and prove anything, they were there, they know this firsthand, and only faith in a just cause gave them strength.

Presenter 2:You can count how many years, months and days the war lasted, how many were destroyed and lost, but how to count the amount of grief and tears that this terrible war forced to shed. We as a nation are alive, as long as our memory is alive, while we want the memory to be alive!


Not burnt forties,
   Hearts rooted in silence
   Of course we look with different eyes
   To your sick war.
   We know from inconsistent, difficult stories.
   About the bitter victorious path
   Therefore, at least our mind should
   Dear suffering pass.
   And we must figure it out ourselves
   In the pain that the world suffered.
   Of course we look with different eyes
   The same, full of tears.

The melody "Rio Rita" sounds. Dressed-up young people (three couples) are dancing on the dance floor, they are talking quietly, laughing. On the faces - an expression of serene joy, in the eyes - a happy glow.

The melody suddenly breaks off, giving way to a growing howl of air bombs, a burst of shells. Horrified girls cover their heads with their hands. Young men try to block them from terrible blows. A group of people is listening intensely to the message while standing by the speaker. The voice of Levitan sounds. Couples on the stage are quiet, stop. The recording of the song "Get up, the country is huge!" Sounds. After the first verse, the music fades, it sounds in the background. (Annex 1)

Presenter 1:  The peaceful life of people was interrupted. Dreams, love, happiness - everything was seared by the fire of a brutal, bloody war.

Presenter 2:

War! More severely there is no word!
   War! There is no worse word!
   And on the lips of everyone else
   It can no longer be and no!

On the stage there are seeing off the recruits: the girls, still in white dresses, cry, hugging young soldiers going to the front. Soldiers are being built, are on the stage.


: Both Kama and Volga escorted to the battle of sons,
   And mothers waved their handkerchiefs for a long time.
   Brides said goodbye - pigtails girls crumpled,
   For the first time, they kissed their loved ones as women.
   The wheels rattled, the alloy wheels rattled,
   And the soldiers sang, they sang in a very boyish way
   About the white huts, about the faithful Katya-Katyusha:
   And they tore those songs of the father’s battalion commander

A video of Okudzhava B. "Goodbye Boys" (


The station was quiet
   Small and sad.
   Chewed oats with a crunch of a horse.
   But under the crossroads, gravel cracked sharply,
   And the tracks shook from the wheels.
   And teplushki floated to the stop.
   Birches at the platform got into operation.
   And the ditty gasped belatedly,
   Filled with pain and longing:
   Darling is going to fight
He put on a white shirt.
   I will wait all the time
   I won’t do any changes.
   And tension instantly burst
   Washed in the heart hot and tight,
   And a woman's voice sobbed with trembling:
   - Zhenya!
   But what about us: Take care of yourself! -
   And he went, already a soldier of Russia,
   To the carcasses, to the sad countrymen,
   And sons are barefoot with him
   In an adult walked on the sides.
   And the woman remained small, -
   With her sadness would write Russian!
   She fumbles fussily in her pockets
   And all the scarf can not find.
   And in the crush she managed to peer -
   The husband of tearful guys kisses:
   And through the village, as if through the heart,
   The train went into a blazing sunset.

The video “Oh, roads” ( )

Presenter 2:  How many of these roads were covered, how many were experienced on the roads of war:

While there is a message from the host, the scenery is brought out onto the stage: in front - several logs for seating.

Reader:quietly, the background sounds "Moonlight Sonata"

We know what lies on the scales
   And what is happening now.
   The hour of courage has struck on our watch,
   And courage will not leave us.
   It's not scary to lie under the dead bullets,
   Do not bitterly stay homeless
   And we will save you, Russian speech,
   Great Russian word.
   We will carry you free and clean
   We will give it to our grandchildren, and save it from captivity forever!

Presenter 1:presentation is shown on the screen (Appendix 2)

And there were many terrible battles
   In which the damned enemy was defeated.
   The great battle of Moscow,
   In which we told the enemy menacingly: "Stop!"

Presenter 2:Under the capital, the shaft of fascist aggression was first stopped. Moscow has not lost its splendor even in the most difficult war years due to the steadfastness of the soldiers who announced the world "Great Russia, and nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow."

Presenter 1:  The battle in the area of \u200b\u200bKursk, Orel and Belgorod is one of the greatest battles of World War II. Here, not only the selected and most powerful German groups were defeated. But the faith in Germany’s ability to withstand the power of the Soviet Union was irrevocably undermined in the Nazi troops. 50 days and nights there were fierce and bloody battles on the Kursk Bulge

Presenter 2:  The long-suffering Stalingrad land. How much did you have to endure! In all places where there were fights, it is literally plowed by explosions of shells, covered with a layer of metal. And in the first years after the war it was impossible to plow it. What was more in it - metal or earth? For Germany, the battle of Stalingrad was the gravest defeat in its history, for Russia - its greatest victory.

Presenter 1:The most terrible milestone of that war is the blockade of Leningrad. 900 days of heroic resistance. Hunger, cold, disease; thousands of dead: As early as September 8, 1941, the Nazis broke through to Lake Ladoga and captured Shlisselburg, cutting off Leningrad from the country.

Presentation is shown on the screen (Appendix 3)

Presenter 2:Communication with him was maintained only by air and through Lake Ladoga, through which an ice track was laid in winter - the legendary Road of Life.

Students perform the song "Ladoga"

Presenter 1:quietly, the background sounds "Moonlight Sonata"

Difficult years fell to the lot of people: Everyone stood up to defend the Motherland: not only men had to fight, but also the girls went to the front

Reader:Girl Soldier.

I left childhood
   To the dirty carriage
   Into the echelon of infantry;
   To the sanitary platoon.
   Long breaks
   Listened and did not listen
   Used to everything
   Forty first year.
   I came from school
   The dugouts are raw.
   From the Beautiful Lady -
   In the "mother" and "reel."
   Because the name
   Closer than Russia.
   I could not find.

Presenter 2:  The war went through Russia through every family, through every fate, clearly dividing Time into "pre-war" and "military", dividing all of us into "front" and "rear".

Presenter 1:  The rear is women, old people, children. The rear lived according to the law: "Everything for the front, everything for the Victory!", Selflessly endured all the hardships, endured, loved, believed, waited!

Presenter 2:  Between the front and the rear there was a field post, with triangles of letters, as if by thin threads connecting what was broken by a ruthless war.


Front letter, do not be silent, tell me
   About the brutal war and the time
   How the soldier fought, how he lived in the trenches,
   How he suffered and dreamed, how he loved his father’s house.


Warmer at the front
   From affectionate letters.
   Reading behind each line
   You see your beloved
   And you hear your homeland
   Like a voice behind a thin wall.

Soldiers sit by the fire, light a cigarette. One of them is in harmony. video is shown on the screen (

Reader:Sounds a poem by Simonov "Wait for me"


My dear relatives!
   Night. Candlelight trembles.
   This is not the first time I remember
   How do you sleep in a warm stove.
   In our little old hut
   What in the deaf lost the forests
   I remember the rivulet field
   I remember you again and again.

Leading1: The soldiers write letters home and hope that they will reach relatives, but in life everything went differently: the Nazis did not spare either women, old people, or children:

Reader To the sounds of "Moonlight Sonata", the poem by I. Selvinsky "I saw it!"

Presenter 2:  And again the battle and again the loss and again the battle to the last drop of blood, to the last breath, for every inch of the native land.


And now at the walls of the Reichstag
Fierce battle is in full swing
   Soviet warriors of courage
   In the last battle will win.
   And over the fascist capital,
   Piercing the blue through
   Like a messenger of glory, a free bird
   Victory flame ascended.

Presenter 1:Victory in war is glee and sorrow. Time does not muffle them. And you and I must pass this memory of the most terrible war that affected every family from generation to generation. Victory Day was, is and should remain the holiest holiday. After all, those who paid for it with their lives gave us the opportunity to live now. We must always remember this.

Presenter 2:  The memory of the fallen and not survived to this day with a minute of silence:

A moment of silence.

The video of M. Cranes "Cranes" is shown on the screen

Reader:Sounds "Requiem" by R. Rozhdestvensky

Presenter 1:

The whole globe under the feet.
   I live. I’m breathing. I sing.
   But always in my memory
   Dead in battle.

Presenter 2:

I won’t name all the names,
   No bloodier relatives.
   Is it because I live
   What did they die?

Presenter 1:

What I owe them - I know.
   And let not only verse,
   My life will be worthy
   The soldier's death of them.

Presenter 2:Today, on the eve of May 9, we congratulate everyone on the Great Victory Day, we say our thanks to all veterans and always remember those who did not come from this brutal war.

The video "Victory Day" is shown on the screen

Presenter 1:Once again, all a happy holiday and a deep bow to you.

MDOU Kindergarten No. 3 "Mosaic" Petrozavodsk.

Raising respect for the defenders of the motherland on the basis of vivid impressions, specific historical facts available to children and evoking strong emotions in them, pride in their people, love for the motherland.

“I remember, I'm proud!”

1 Vedas:It was the summer of 1941. June is the month. The citizens of our country rejoiced on warm days, solved everyday affairs, and rested. Nothing boded ill.

2 Vedas:  So the war came to our land. Early in the morning of June 22, Hitler's troops crossed the border of the USSR. The fascist leaders wanted to enslave our people, seize the natural wealth of our country, plunder and destroy its cultural values.

1 Vedas:  A deadly threat looms over our homeland. Your great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers went to the front. The rest helped the army in the rear, providing it with food, clothing, and ammunition. In factories, teenagers stood up to the machine tools, replacing the older ones. Old men and women worked on collective farms and on farms. Everything, from small to large, helped our soldiers-defenders of the Fatherland to fight the enemy.

1 child:

Get up, people, hearing the cry of the earth!
  The soldiers of the homeland went to the front.
  Courageously, they boldly rushed into battle,
  Fight for relatives, for you and me!
They wanted to take revenge on the enemy,
  For old people, for women for children!

Dance "Scarlet Sunsets"

2 Vedas:  Many battles took place in the vastness of our homeland. But only in 1944 managed to expel the invaders. And on May 9, 1945, our whole country celebrated Victory Day with glee!

1 Vedas:Our holiday today is a token of gratitude to all those who defended our country from fascist invaders. This is a declaration of love to our great Motherland - Russia!

Dance "Homeland, Karelia"

2 children:

There is no edge more beautiful in the world

No homeland in the world is brighter!

Russia, Russia, Russia, -

What could be sweeter to the heart?

3 child:

Who was equal in strength to you?

He suffered any defeat!

Russia, Russia, Russia, -

We are in grief and happiness - with you!

4 child:

Russia! Like a blue bird

We cherish you and honor you

And if they break the border,

We will protect you with your breasts!

  5 child:

And if we were suddenly asked:

"And what is the country dear to you?"

- Yes, because Russia is for all of us,

As a mother, one!

1 Vedas:  In recent years, shortly before the Victory Day, we see orange-black ribbons on the streets, on people's clothes, in cars. What do you guys think, what do they mean?

(The presenter explains that such a two-color ribbon is called St. George’s ribbon. It refers to the Order of St. George, which has traditionally been the highest military award in Russia. The ribbon colors - black and orange - mean “smoke and flame” and are a sign of the soldier’s personal valor on the battlefield) .

2 Vedas:  today we, like soldiers, also pinned St. George ribbons to our clothes.

But to become a soldier, you need to learn a lot!

And now, guys, we will find out if you are ready to be soldiers? Do you well know what the Great Patriotic War is? And for this we will conduct a small quiz “It is hard to learn - easy in battle!” You will be divided into two teams - the senior group and the preparatory team. Each team will be asked five questions. Ready? Then we begin!

1 question:

For the elder: What is the name of the war, the victory in which we celebrate May 9? (The Great Patriotic War.)

For preparatory: How many years did it last? (The war lasted 4 years.)

2 question:

For the elder: What was the name of our country at that time? (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of the USSR)

For the preparatory: Which state attacked our country? (Fascist Germany.)

3 question:

- Different types of troops took part in the war (aviation, navy, infantry), different weapons were used (airplanes, ships, tanks, anti-aircraft guns), military personnel of various specialties (pilots, sailors, tankers, snipers). The battles were fought on land, and on water, and in the air. Do you know where you fought:

For the elder: navy? (At sea, on water.)

For Preparatory: Aviation? (In the sky, in the air.)

4 question:

For the elder: For what merits did some cities receive the title of a hero city after the war? (This is the name of the city, whose inhabitants showed courage, courage and courage during the war.)

For the preparatory: Which city during the war was blockaded for 900 days (almost two and a half years)? (Leningrad - now it is called St. Petersburg.)

5 question:

For the elder: What do we call people who went through the war and survived to this day? (Veterans.)

For the preparatory: How can I find out a veteran? (This is an elderly man, in uniform, with rewards).

1 Vedas:  Well done boys! And what other qualities should a soldier have? (children's answers)

2 Vedas:  In the lull between the battles, the soldiers rested. You could sit by the fire, sing your favorite song, remember relatives and friends, write them a letter. The soldiers were never discouraged, because at home their beloved and native mothers, wives, sisters were waiting.

  Potpourri Carers

6 child:

My great-grandmother didn’t fight, she helped soldiers in the rear,

Plants worked in our rear, tanks, planes were assembled there,

Shells were made and bullets cast, clothes, boots made,

For aircraft, bombs, guns for soldiers, guns, and of course, provisions.

7 child:

Without courageous home front workers,

Our country would never win!

1 Vedas:  Well done, our guys and girls! All-all know about the Great Patriotic War. Both are suitable for soldiers, and for workers of the rear. And now I want to ask the guys from middle groups: are you fit into the defenders of the motherland? (children: yes!)

1 Vedas:  And now we’ll check you! Listen to my riddles!

Growing up and following my brother
  I will also be a soldier
  I will help him
  Protect your ... (country).

The brother said: “Take your time!
  Better at school you study!
  Will you be an excellent student -
  You’ll become ... (border guard).

You can become a sailor
  To guard the border
  And to serve not on earth,
  And on the military ... (ship).

A plane soars like a bird
  There is an air border.
  At the post both day and night
  Our soldier is a military man ... (pilot).

The car rushes into battle again
  Cut the ground caterpillars
  That car in a clean field
  Managed ... (by the tankman).

Any military profession
  You must learn,
  To be a support for the country,
So that there is no world ... (war).

Praises children for their answers.

1 Vedas:  So the long-awaited peace has come! Every year on a memorable day on May 9, a festive salute in the honor of the great victory over fascism flashes over the capital of Russia and the heroes of the city!

2 Vedas:The sun blows a golden trumpet:
  “Glory to the hero-fighter!
  The enemy is defeated, destroyed, defeated,
  Glory to the hero-fighter! "

The song "Defend your country"

1 Vedas:  But not all soldiers returned from the war ... Every spring, people carefully plant flowers on mass graves.

2 Vedas:Each flower is the souls of soldiers, those who are in mass graves.
  Grow flowers on planet Earth, in the name of peace, love and goodness!

  Dance "White Birds"

8 child:

Bow to those great years
  The very commanders and fighters,
  And the marshals of the country, and the rank and file,
  To all those whom we cannot forget,
  Worship, bow, friends!

1 Vedas:In memory of all those who did not return from World War II, a minute of silence is declared. I ask everyone to get up.

Minute of silence

9 child: (preparatory group)

Victory Day is a holiday of the whole country,
  brass band plays marches.
  Victory Day - a holiday of gray hair,
  our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and who are younger.

10 child:

Even those who have not seen war -
  because everyone was hurt by her wing,
  Congratulations on Victory Day!
  This day is important for all of Russia!

  Waltz of victory

11 children: (older group)

National holiday - Victory Day
  Will remind us for a long time
  About war. Losses. Terrible woes
  What the people had to experience.

12 children:
  About work to exhaustion,
  About the battles for a span of the native land,
  About those bloody battles
  What led to victory in May!

13 children:
  That war fire is a thing of the past.
  This day we bring flowers
  To those whom it’s impossible to return,
  To whom you and I are indebted.

14 children:
  Among us, fewer veterans ...
  They are people with a difficult fate,
  Protecting the future zealously, -
  Take care! Peace be upon them!

15 child:
  Let them live and live longer.
  Happiness to them, smiles and kindness!
  May there be more light in their life
  Let the fireworks thunder in their honor. Hurrah!

16 children:
  I don’t hide my tears on this day -
  On Victory Day, I am not ashamed of them.
  Joy interspersed with sadness mean
ALL:What I REMEMBER and what I AM

2 Vedas:  So our sad, but bright holiday came to an end! Guys, we hope that you will never forget the feat of our people in the name of peace on earth! That you will always love and protect our Motherland!

The final song "Veterans are Coming"

To the music of Victory Day, the children leave the room.


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