A script in a doe journey through fairy tales. Script quiz "travel through fairy tales" for parents and children of the older group. Game "Baba Yaga"

1 child.

All, all, all

Welcome to the good hour!

Welcome to our kindergarten, come in

Everything is ready for fun

Dance, sing, have fun

And let laughter reign everywhere!


Gather everything in a circle

We will play together

One, two, three, four, five

The game "Let's meet."


Look at the hut

One old woman lives in her

May be old and evil

Maybe a good young one.

That scares everyone and get angry,

That weakens and frolics.

Our grandmother is the Hedgehog.

Bone leg.

The game "Saw"

(if they agree, they say - they saw, if not - they clap)

Baba Yaga flies in a mortar

How a broom is controlled by a helicopter

A black cat lives in the house of the grandmother

A black cat sleeps without worries and hassle.

Baba Yaga will meet the traveler

In the bath, wash, feed, wash, greet.


Let's call Grandma Hedgehog to us for a holiday.


You hut twirl

Turn to us porch.

Come to us, woman Yozhka

We will play a little bit.

Baba Yaga.

What's that noise? What the hell?

And universal tararam.

I am an old lady quiet, meek

Timid, weak and peaceful

Again they do not give rest

Ile found a shelter

Songs, dances just horror

Now I will catch you

I will punish and scare

They should laugh at everyone


Don't catch granny

Game "Baba Yaga"

Baba Yaga.

Outrage, what kind of holiday is this so fun! What are not afraid of me? That's right, who has fun - he is not afraid.


Yagusya, look how many children are here, and how beautiful, let's listen to the fairy tale that the children will show.

The tale of the bun

The venturer.

All a moment of attention

I want to start a fairy tale

And like a fairy tale title

I ask you to guess

Everyone is ready to listen to the kids

There will be a fairy tale, give a deadline

Old man says old woman

Bake me a bun

Grandfather and grandmother come out

I wanted a bun

There is both butter and flour

You would knead the dough

I treated everyone today


With hunting I will get down to business

Although the task is not easy

What would make the dough lush, white

I need not only flour

Attention is needed and skill

Do not forget about salt and sugar

What would be better to make a treat

I'll start kneading the dough


I'll run away from the tub

I do not want to be a bun

I feel bad here, I feel stuffy here

Over the edge, and running

I’m very rich dough

I can’t sit here

In the basin I have little space

Closely - closely - y - be - gu!

Grandma, the dough ran away


Ay, ah, ah, where, where!

How did I overslept

What a misfortune, what a misfortune!

Dough, where are you dough?

In a fairy tale, you're a gingerbread man

You have a rosy side!

Wait, wait a bit

Hold on at the door

A knock is heard, but who is it?

The hare runs in

Bunny dear, are you this?


Must meet the bun

Where is he - one meal

Dough - the dough escaped

It didn’t become a bun.

They began to think, to grieve

Kolobok - where can we get it?


Oh, I was upset by my grandfather

I will run until noon

I will tell all the animals in the forest

Kolobok will not bring


A knock is heard, but who is it?

The bear runs in


Kolobok I was waiting in the forest

Met a red fox

Kolobok she was looking for

Loud, sob so loud


The dough, the dough ran away

It didn’t become a bun.

Began to think to grieve

Kolobok - where can we get


Punishment, here is longing

Lost without a bun

We will become sad in the forest

I do not know how to be?

A knock is heard, but who is it?

A fox runs in

A fox.

Well guys are you stuck

Have you met a bun?

I want to eat so much

Well, I can’t listen to you


The dough, the dough ran away

It didn’t become a bun.

Began to think to grieve

Kolobok - where can we get

A fox.

Here is resentment, here is trouble

Why did we come here

Without a bun, we disappear

And we won’t reach the house

Don't be sad beasts, be quiet

And we’re not afraid

Let's run and frolic

Songs to sing and have fun


Children, where is our Yagusya?

Where did she go, let's call her.


You hut twirl

Turn to us porch.

Enough grandma miss

Come out for a walk with us

Baba Yaga.

Here is a nasty hut

Tormenting the poor old woman

Everything is spinning like a yule

I’ve taken a habit

Baba Yaga.

Now i'm young children

But I'm insidious and harmful

And I will be able to destroy all

You have to forget about the holiday


What would grandmother Yaga become kinder

Not angry and not scared kids

We must call her affectionately

And her heart will be kind

(choice of affectionate words for Baba Yozhka)

Baba Yaga.

Was an old hag

Evil Baba – Yozhko

Becoming beautiful, young

I’ll dance a bit.

They dance together

Shabaeva Larisa Veniaminovna

Educator, MADOU "Kindergarten No. 6" Lukomorye ", Nefteyugansk, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, Tyumen Region

Shabaeva L.V. Entertainment script "Journey through fairy tales" // Owl. 2018.N3 (13) .. 07.2019).

Order No. 114975


summarize children's knowledge of Russian folk tales; activate and develop clear speech; enrich vocabulary; foster interest in reading; skill to work in team.


1. To expand children's ideas about folk tales. Improve the ability to recognize fairy tale characters.

2. To form the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher, with a peer; Be friendly and correct interlocutor.

3. Develop logical thinking, attention. Accustom children to independent judgments.

4. To nurture a culture of verbal communication, the ability to interact with peers, the ability to collaborate, and friendliness.

IN:Hello guys! Guys, do you want to be in a fairy tale now? Then I invite you to a fabulous journey, we will go with you to visit a fairy tale. And what is the fastest way to find himself in a fairy tale? That's right, you need to say magic words.

Let's say them all together soon:

Slam twice

Stomp three times

Turn around yourself

And find yourself in a fabulous country!

so we found ourselves in fairy-tale antiquity

Tell me guys, do you like fairy tales?

D:   Yes

IN:   Do you like to solve riddles?

D:   Yes

IN:   Do you know that riddles live in every fairy tale?

D:   children answers

IN:   Well then, let's move on to our first competition, which is called "Mysterious."

Mysterious contest

IN:   I will make riddles from fairy tales, and you have to guess what a fairy tale is. and call her in chorus ... listen carefully and to the end

1. A girl is sitting in a basket

Behind the bear’s back.

He himself, without knowing it,

Bringing her home (Masha and the bear).

2. The people are surprised:

The stove rides, the smoke goes

A Emelya on the stove

He eats big kalachi (In pike order).

3. The granddaughter went to grandmother,

Pies she suffered.

The gray wolf was watching her

Deceived and swallowed (Little Red Riding Hood).

4. Who did not want to work,

Did you play and just sing?

To the third brother then

We ran to the new house (three little pigs).

5. The girl is sleeping and does not yet know

What awaits her in this tale.

Toad will steal her in the morning,

An unscrupulous mole will hide in a hole (Thumbelina).

6. The red maiden is sad:

She doesn't like spring

She is hard in the sun!

The poor thing is pouring tears! ... (Snow Maiden).

IN 2:   Well, well done, you managed this contest. Let's continue our journey. And our next competition is called “Speak a word”

Contest "Speak a Word"

IN:   Many heroes of fairy tales have unusual and very interesting names, let's remember them. I will tell you the beginning of the name, and you will try to continue it. We answer in the same friendly manner ...

1. Boy ... (with a finger)

2. The Nightingale ... (Robber).

3. Sister ... (Alyonushka)

4. The fox ... (Patrikeevna)

5. Scarlet ... (Flower)

6. Geese ... (swans)

7. Tiny ... (Havroshechka)

8. Brother ... (Ivanushka)

9. Baba ... (Yaga)

10. Sivka ... (Burka)

11. Red ... (Riding Hood)

12. Sleeping ... (Beauty)

13. Zayushkina ... (Hut)

14. Winnie ... (Pooh)

Competition "Fairy-tale items"

AT 3:   You coped with this task again, well done! But it was a little workout, and now the tasks are more complicated. I have a magic bag, it has fabulous items. with whom we will play. and so ready

1. magic ball (the teacher in the center throws a magic ball to each child)

2. magic wand (pass in a circle and make a wish)

3. goldfish (jump to the fish)

4. the cap is invisible (to the music we transmit the cap in a circle, the music stopped in his hands the cap rises to the center and shows an exercise for children)

5. Carpet airplane (take seats on points, start the engine, remember that during the flight our planes do not collide and do not fly out of the white line)

Confusion contest

I will call you a phrase from the name of the tale, you will need to unravel it.

  • Ax Soup (Porridge)
  • In a hare order (Pike)
  • Green Riding Hood (Red)
  • Puss in Shoes (Boots)
  • Two Little Pigs (Three)
  • Wolf and five puppies (Seven kids)
  • Sister Tanya and brother Ivanushka (Alyonushka)
  • Boy with a palm (With thumb)

Competition "Memories"

  • remember the little kolobok’s song (I’m a kolobok, the kolobok on the sour cream is mixed up, I’ve got a cold on the window. I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather)
  • remember what words Ivan called the nibble — the burka (the nibble burka — the guardhouse, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of grass)
  • remember how to turn the hut (hut, hut, stand in front of me and back to the forest)
  • remember with what words the queen spoke to the mirror (tell my light to the mirror, let me tell you the whole truth, is the best of all in the world? all blush and whiter)
  • remember what the goldfish said when the old man caught her (let you go older than me in the sea, dear for me, I’ll give my own reckoning, I’ll redeem what you wish)
  • what words did Mashenka say as soon as the bear was about to sit on a stump (don’t sit on a stump, don’t eat a pie - bring it to your grandmother, bring it to your grandfather)
  • remember what phrase the cat Leopold repeated wishing to make peace with mice (guys let's live together)

IN:Well done guys, you love fairy tales very much, you know their heroes, but our fabulous journey ends, and it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

In order to be in d / s, let's all together say the magic words:

2 times slam, 3 times stomp,

Turn around yourself, Come to kindergarten!

Presenter: Did you enjoy traveling through fairy tales? Read fairy tales, love fairy tales and remember that fairy tales teach us to be friends, to be faithful and to live honestly. See you soon!

Sounds music from the cartoon “Win \u200b\u200b- Pooh and everything, everything, everything” (Composer M. Weinberg)

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet appears.

Winnie the Pooh: Where are we going with Piglet? Into the world of fairy tales and miracles.

Where adventures await us and many different meetings.

Piglet: Winnie, how many people, and why are they gathered?

Winnie the Pooh: I don’t know?

Host: Don't you know? Today, the Center for Continuing Education for Children hosts the “Journey into a Fairytale” holiday. Winnie the Pooh and Piglet let's say hello to the guys. First hands (shake hands). And now with shoulders (shoulders touch each other). And now with his little knees (with one knee touching each other). And now with the spouts (touching the spouts).

Piglet: And let's check who has come more - boys or girls? And which of them is more fun and kind.

Winnie the Pooh: Well, of course, boys, mischievous little naughty.

Piglet: And the girls are good! Everyone laughs heartily.

Glad you came here - Yes!
   Clap your fingers to make you tired.
   Who will shout louder! Girls, boys.

Presenter: Probably, there is no person in the world who would not like fairy tales. Do you guys like fairy tales? What fairy tales do you know? (guys answer)

And why do you think fairy tales are needed? What do they teach?

(Good, truth and justice, how to defeat evil, deceit, lies, etc.). And today we will go along with you in the footsteps of fairy tale heroes, recall some of them ... But first, in this picture, name those fairy-tale heroes, whom you know and the tales from which they came. (Children are offered a picture with various fairy-tale characters) “By the pike command”, “Princess Frog”, “Kolobok”, “Three Little Pigs”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “Geese-swans”, “Frost”, “ Rippled chicken ”,“ Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka ”,“ Turnip ”.

The music “Visiting a fairy tale” sounds

Presenter: The Queen Book came to visit us. Let's ask her to let us into the fairy kingdom to meet her beloved heroes.

Queen Book: Hello guys! I am very glad to meet you. But I did not come to you alone, but along with the Tale.

Tale: Guys, I came to you from a distant, beautiful country, where the sun never sets in the evergreen gardens, where the Queen Fantasy reigns, I need to return home, and I can not do this because I lost my magic wand.

Queen Book: How can we help you?

Tale: Guys who like to read fairy tales and know fairy tale heroes can help me. I have a map of the way, but the road home is hard and hard. I alone cannot handle the difficulties.

Presenter: Guys, we will not leave the fairy tale in trouble and help it? Yes - the guys answer.

And for this we will arrange the first competition.

(All participants are divided into two teams, emblems (bun and teremok) are distributed to the teams.

Represent teams (logo drawing attached)

1. Team - “Teremok” 2. Team - “Kolobok”

Tale: And who will be the best, who likes to read and knows fairy tales, surprises await those when you and I get to the Kingdom of Fantasy. (The winning team receives a token, based on the results of our trip, the team that receives more tokens will be the winner, there may be chips as tokens.)

Presenter: We have a long road ahead. Let's collect a little kitty road. You need to take with you the most necessary things, but not simple, but magical. What can you take in a fairy tale?

(Glomerulus, boots, boots, tablecloth-self-assembly, cap-invisibility, carpet plane) / possible answers /.

Queen Book: Guys, time to go. Let's look at the map together.

(Players gather around the leader who holds the card).

Presenter: Guys, close your eyes and with the help of imagination and fantasy we are heading on a journey into a dense forest. Open your eyes, look, that's the hut on chicken legs. It is not difficult to guess who lives in this hut.

Tale: Everyone knows who Baba Yaga lives there. She is evil, insidious, on the way she had better not come across.

(Baba Yaga appears). Sounds music G. Gladkova

I’ll heat the stove.
   I'm girls and boys
   I really, really love it.
   You are so rosy, so sweet.

Disgrace, well disgrace! How did you get here without my consent? They thought to pass quietly, right? Ha! That's why I Baba Yaga - smelled! (noses). I don’t have a nose, but a pump. Yes! (sneezes). A-bukh! Are you laughing? Above me. And not afraid? And we’ll check it now. (runs up to one then another, scares). Oh laugh! The cunning ones, you know, whoever has fun is not afraid! Rejoice, I just have a good mood today. I even want to dance! Who wants to dance with a beauty? (selects a partner for the dance). Young man, invite to dance!

Sounds music. (Music by A. Ivanov)

Baba Yaga dancing, singing.

Invite, invite, invite
   And to my dance, you invite me
   About two hundred years off the shoulders
   In the pool of dance with his head
   Young man
   Dance with Yaga!

Tale: Baba Yaga, how old are you?

Baba Yaga: (embarrassed), but I'm still young, the bride at least somewhere, just a flower - a seven-color flower. In general, who is asking such questions to a young lady? Here I’ll take and eat you all now.

Queen Book: Baba Yaga, Don’t Get Angry. The tale did not want to offend you. She wanted to ask if we could go through your forest.

Baba Yaga: Well, come along! I'll play a game with you first. Do you like fairy tales? (Coquettishly). About the beauty - Miss long-living, about Baba Yaga, even your mothers, fathers, grandparents liked to listen. Still would! Yes, without me your tales would become ... pah! Fresh, uninteresting, wonderful tales. Do you know those? I'll check it now. (recalls).

I don’t remember something ... Now, now.

So it was a hundred years ago, and that's forgotten. I will read the cheat sheet.

  1. In which fairy tale Ivan, the widowed son, put me in a furnace on a shovel? (FROZEN)
  2. In which fairy tale and who helped the girl spin while I was heating the stove? (MOUSE, “GEESE - SWAN”).
  3. How many teeth does Baba Yaga have? (ONE answer of children).

Baba Yaga: Wow, you are so smart! All questions have been answered. I don’t want to let you go. I'll play with you too.

The game is called “Baba Yaga”   (to the tune of “Little Pole”).

Course of the game: The player stands with one foot in a mortar (basket), the other on the ground. In his hand he holds a broom. In this position, you must go the entire distance to the chair, go around it, return to the starting place and pass the broom to the next player. This task is performed by all team members.

Baba Yaga: You fascinated me. I'll have to let you go. But next time you won’t get away from me (he threatens with a finger and leaves).

Tale: Guys, let's look at the map that lies ahead. We are approaching the kingdom of the Serpent Gorynych, the bloodthirsty cannibal.

Tchaikovsky’s music “Dance of the Little Swans” sounds. The Serpent Gorynych appears performing a dance.

Serpent Gorynych: How dare you come to my domain. I am the bloodthirsty 3rd-chief Serpent. Yes, I won’t let you go. Look what nimble. Yes, maybe I’ve been sitting here for a hundred years and waiting for people like you.

Serpent Gorynych (three heads in chorus): we, the Serpent Gorynych, will burn you, smoke, fire, heat. We three heads will incinerate you.

Tale: Dear, Serpent Gorynych! Help us get to the Kingdom of Fantasy.

Serpent Gorynych: Just like that, I won’t let you go. I will let go with that condition if you guess the heroes of fairy tales. So listen, I will sing to you.

He sings a song on the motive of Y. Nikulin, “But we do not care.” (Music by A.Zatsepin)

In the dark blue forest
   Where the aspens tremble
   In a wooden hut, where 4 corners,
   Grandmother with his grandfather
   Knead from flour
   And at the same time they sang
   Strange words:

The melody changes, sings to the motive of the song “The Solar Circle” (Music by A. Ostrovsky)

A yellow circle, dough around
   And the boy turned out
   Often naughty, I loved fairy tales,
   He told everyone and everywhere.
   May there always be sunshine!
   May there always be dough!
   May there always be a fairy tale
   May there always be me!

(Children answer the gingerbread man)

Guess the other hero: (sings a melody to the motive of the song “Crocodile Genes”)

(Music by V. Shainsky)

He plays the harmonica
  I came to your holiday
  Very kind and funny
  This is Gene _________ (Crocodile)

The melody changes (sings to the motive of the song from the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”, music by E. Krylatov.)

And I notice more and more (tink)
  That it was as if someone had replaced him
  Doesn’t miss nature
  TV replaced nature to him
  (Cat Matroskin)

Guys, dance with me, I really like you, in my realm it is gloomy and dark and very boring. Amuse me.

Host: Yes, now we will amuse you,

Guys, let's dance and cheer the Gorynych Snake. We will dance, “Dance of the Little Ducklings” to the modern music of Brack Dance.

Words of the Serpent Gorynych: But doesn’t Brake work for you either? Then we dance a twist.

And now I’ll sit, after the dance I’ll rest!

Well done guys, coped with the task. Amused the old man. Letting go of you. Farewell.

Tale: We continue our journey. On our map is the Snow Queen Castle.

(The Snow Queen appears)

And here she is.

Snow Queen: How dare you disturb my peace? Do you know what I will do with you?

Queen Book: Dear Snow Queen! We help the fairy tale get home and it’s not our fault that the road passes through your kingdom. Excuse us, please, we didn’t want to bother you.

Snow Queen: And you think that you just leave my possessions? First, I will arrange for you to test. Show your mind and ingenuity, let go.

Tale: We are listening to you Snow Queen.

The Snow Queen: Here are my questions

  1. Who wrote the fairy tale about me and what is the name of the country in which I live? (HK Andersen. Country Lopland at the North Pole).
  2. What kind of character is this from Russian fairy tales, about whom they say: “In the tongue of the honey, and on the mind - ice.” (Fox).
  3. In which fairy tale does an ax warm a coat better? (“Two Frosts”)
  4. What was the boy’s name and the decor from the fairy tale of HK Andersen “The Snow Queen” (Kai and Gerda).

Snow Queen: And now, guys, I'll see how smart you are, for this I will play with you the game for the “Association”. I will show things from fairy tales and you will need to name what fairy tales they are from.

On the tray are a feather, a needle, an arrow, a pea, a handful of flour on a plate. (Pen- “Little Humpbacked Horse”, egg, arrow, needle - “Princess Frog”, pea - “Princess on a Pea”, a handful of flour - “Kolobok” )

Snow Queen: You have stood the test, and I can only let you go.

Tale: Well done guys! Do not be afraid of the Snow Queen. And we continue our journey. From the icy and cold country of Lopland we got into hot Africa.

The robbers appear, friends of Barmalei. They sing on a melody (G. Firticha)

Small children,
   No way.
   Do not go to Africa for a walk, to Africa for a walk,
   There are robbers in Africa, villains in Africa.
   In Africa, the terrible Barmaley.

Barmaley sings:

I am merciless, I am the evil robber of Barmaley.
   And I don’t need any marmalade or chocolate,
   But only small, small children.

Tale: Barmaley, why are you scaring us?

Barmaley: How is this why? Who am I? I am an evil robber. So I rob on the roads. See, I have a black eye.

Queen Book: Barmaleychik, be kind, do not touch us, we help the fairy tale find the way to her country. Let us go, please.

Barmaley: HA! Where did you see the robber from the highway, who will let go of his victim. Who then will be afraid of me. I have to torment you.

Tale: Our guys are not cowardly, they can fight with you.

Barmaley: then listen.

  1. Name the writer who wrote a book about me. (K. Chukovsky).
  2. What other works do you know? (Cockroach, Fly-Tsokotuha, Aibolit, Fedorino gora, Moidodyr).

Barmaley: Well done, you know fairy tales. But it's too early to let go. I will play with you robber friends. If the team of my friends wins, I won’t let you go.

Host: The guys will try to beat you. Come on Barmaley play the game.

Barmaley: The game is called “Chamomile”. I scatter the daisies with the name of fairy tales on the floor. You get the middle of the flower, the fairy tale is written in the middle. At my command, you have to lay down your daisy. The one who does it faster and more correctly wins.

Barmaley: You guys play skillfully. Nothing to do, I have to let you go. But another time you don’t fall on my road (leaves).

Tale: From hot Africa we will get to the Field of Miracles. Guys, do you know in which country there is a field of miracles, and in which fairy tale it is spoken about? (In the country of fools, “Golden Key”).

Queen Book: Look! (Pinocchio appears). Guys, Pinocchio is coming to meet us, but he seems sad.

Tale: Why are we, Pinocchio, not oars, from which we hung up our nose?

Pinocchio: (sadly) why should I have fun if I have such grief.

Tale: What happened?

Pinocchio: My golden key broke. And what Pinocchio am I without a golden key, I can’t open the secret door.

Tale: Don’t be sad, we will help you. Just say what to do?

Pinocchio: The key is magic, only then it will become whole when you answer the questions.

Tale: I am sure that the guys will definitely answer.

(Pinocchio takes cards and read out questions, riddles to the guys)

Pinocchio: Guys listen:

  1. Which door can be opened with a golden key? (The door to Papa Carlo’s dressing room behind the drawn hearth).
  2. In what other fairy tale was the key considered a symbol of power? (Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors).
  3. Name the heroes of the fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the adventures of Pinocchio” (Pinocchio, Pierrot, Harlequin, Karabas-Barabas, Malvina, Turtle Tordil).

Pinocchio: Guys, I’ll guess riddles for you, and you have to guess who they are talking about and what riddles are about:

  1. I knew it would all end this way. It’s painfully shabby and old, I've been standing in the field for so many years. I dreamed, of course, that someone settled in me - but there were so many of them that I just could not stand it and collapsed (Tale "Terem-Terem-Teremok").
  2. Well, the tail of this mouse! He can not be compared with the fist of Grandfather, nor with the fist of his grandmother. And it was necessary to run out this mouse at the most inopportune moment “now everyone would admire me, if I lay in the most visible place ...” (“Ryaba Chicken” - an egg).
  3. Honestly, it’s unpleasant when the Cat puts you on your feet. After all, he has claws. He scratched and tore all my insoles. Of course, I understand that all this is running around for the owner, but it hurts after all ... (“Puss in Boots” - Boots).
  4. I am pleased to be on the head of this girl. She cares for me. I am always clean. I like traveling with her along the forest, visiting my grandmother. But the trouble is: my mistress is very, very trusting. Because of this, all sorts of troubles happen to her. ("Little Red Riding Hood" - a hat).
  5. She is a good girl, kind, caring, but you need to know yourself. What you can and what you can’t. I'm hot by nature: I warm, burn, melt ... Why was it jumping through me? (“Snow Maiden” is fire).
  6. Of course, I was ready to fulfill any of her wishes. After all, her husband saved my life. But in the end I realized the more you give a person, the more he wants. So these people have to stay with nothing. (“About the Fisherman and the Fish” - the fish).

Pinocchio: Thank you guys guessed everything. Have a nice trip.

Queen Book: Guys, you are just great! We still have one last test on our way. This is a thin swamp, dense forest. There are many troubles waiting for us.

Kikimora appears.

Kikimora: this is who told you that I am a nuisance. I look pretty decent. (Pulls out a mirror, preens). Ah, what a beauty I am, well, just a super moped - oh, supermodel. And she is far from me. And you say trouble. I’ll lure you all into the swamp, you will stay here forever, then you will know who you are dealing with.

Queen Book: please forgive us, but we really don’t know who you are and what your name is?

Kikimora: How is this who? I am the most beautiful, the kindest ... of the inhabitants of this forest. And I have the most beautiful name - Kikimora!

Tale: Dear Kikimora! Pass us, please. We definitely need to go through the forest and swamp. I'm in a hurry to the Kingdom of Fantasy.

Kikimora: No matter how! Before I let you out of the woods, you must draw a portrait, even two portraits, to give me as a souvenir. And who will draw, we will now determine using this toy mouse. Guys, stand in a circle, to the music, pass the mouse in a circle. Music will stop periodically. Who at this moment has a mouse, goes into a circle. Thus, teams of 5 people are recruited. So, your task is to draw my portrait. Here is paper, felt-tip pens.

(Each member of the team draws one detail - this is how the portrait turns out).

Kikimora. Thanks guys for the portraits. Well, I'm flying out! They are very beautiful. I will definitely keep them as a keepsake.

Now let’s have a dance commotion. We invite all children to have fun and dance, guys, let's try to portray to music how some insects would dance like: Cockroaches, butterflies, grasshoppers, dragonflies, May beetles.

(The dance melody “Kamarinskaya” sounds)

Kikimora. Well done guys, dance from the heart. What a pity to part with you, but you have to let go.

Queen Book: So we got out of the forest, I’m very happy for you guys, you have adequately withstood all the difficulties of traveling, which means that you love to read fairy tales.

Tale: Thank you guys. Finally, I got to my own home, in the Kingdom of Fantasy.

(To the music of I. Nikolayev “Little Country” fairies, gnomes, elves meet her, dance).

Presenter: And now, guys, it's time to take stock of our holiday. Count all your tokens. Which team has more tokens, that team is the winner.

Sounds fun music. Winners are being awarded. Surprises are presented (books, sweets).

Presenter: So our meeting with you has ended. It's time to tell you GOODBYE. Each of you has visited a wonderful fairy tale.

Entertainment in the preparatory group “Journey into a fairy tale”


    Encouraging children to emotional responsiveness to the state of their peers, heroes of fairy tales;

    Activization and improvement of vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech.


    To form the ability to reveal a subject, to subordinate one's own fairy tale to the main idea. Contribute to the tradition of family reading.

    To develop the ability to enter a specific image, to represent it, to perform imitative movements.

    To educate children in their willingness to interact in the familiar environment of the group, offering fabulous situations, turning to the positive experiences of the characters that they can use in life.

The course of entertainment.

Speech therapist.   Do you guys like fairy tales?(Yes).

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, he lived and was ... But who lived there?(Answers of children).

Where is this fairy-tale kingdom, where is this unprecedented state? Maybe it can be found in our kindergarten? Let's try to do it! And the path to the fairy kingdom will be shown to us by magic tracks. This is the first trace. Where he indicates, there is the kingdom-state. Well then, go!(In the wake of the children reach the music room, they see and guess whose footprints (the human foot, the track of the iron, bird, animal paws)).

Oh guys, we are already at the very gates of the magical kingdom-state.(The voices of birds are heard, the door to the room of fairy tales opens.)

Hello forest, deep forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders!

Open it, don’t hide it,

You see, we are ours.

Guys, look how many paths there are in the fairy forest! Which fairy-tale heroes do you think ran through them?(Answers)

Good afternoon, the girls are red and good fellows. I am Vasilisa the Beautiful! I hasten to inform you that I have a magical casket, and there are innumerable riches in it. I will only give them to those who manage to pass all the fabulous obstacles.

Speech therapist.   - And where do we look for Vasilisa the Beautiful? And here are the magic balls. I think they will help us. Task: Who will rewind the ball and read the note.

"To see Vasilisa, you need to get into the distant kingdom, the thirtieth state."

Speech therapist. -   How? .. And what’s the fantasy? Close your eyes and count to three. One, two, three ... Here we are in the fairy kingdom.(Apple tree)

Speech therapist.   - Look, the apples are magic, something is written on them.

Apple tree.   - On my apples, proverbs and sayings. On one apple, the beginning, on the other end. If you find a couple of apples for each and say what fairy tale this saying is suitable for, then I’ll show you the way to Vasilisa. (Children compose sayings, read them.)

In crowded but not mad.("Mitt")

Whose mansions are bread.("Three Bears")

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.(Fox and hare)

An old friend is better than two new ones.(“Bubble, Straw, and Bast Shoes”)

AppearsBaba Yaga:

Well guys all gathered? Did everyone recognize me? Who am I? That's right, Baba Yaga. And who were you waiting for? Vasilisa the Beautiful? Ha, but I’ll take and not let you go to her. If you do not answer my questions, then you will not know what Vasilisa has in the magic casket.

What magical objects are in Russian folk tales?(Wand, comb, ax, hat - invisible, baton, self-assembled tablecloth, boots, boots, etc.)

What do fairy-tale heroes move on?(Geese-swans, stupa, boots-walkers, carpet-plane, etc.)

What words end many Russian folk tales?(There was a feast for the whole world. I was at that feast, drank honey and beer, flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth.)

What fairy tale does Baba Yaga live in?(“Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Frost”, “Geese-swans”, “Baba Yaga”, “Finist - the clear falcon”, “Tsarevna-frog”).

And why are you scaring children of me?

After all, you don’t know me at all.

I am very kind and I am beautiful

But only very, very unhappy!

How tired I am of being an evil old woman!

Speech therapist.   - Are you tired of being an evil old woman? Tired of living in a hut? Baba Yaga, did you send the children a letter?

Baba Yaga.   - Sent! Sent! I wonder if they fulfilled my request or not. I have a cherished dream: to become beautiful, educated and educated.

Speech therapist.   - So our guys will help you with this!(Children offer to put on a new costume for Baba Yaga and tell a new fairy tale about her life)

And also, Baba Yaga, we painted you.(Display of drawings).

Thanks guys for helping me become good. I will treat you with pies for this ... Oh, the pie ran away.(Baba Yaga runs backstage, catching up with a pie. A pie runs out from behind the curtains.)

Pie.   - Hello guys!

Speech therapist.   - Hello. And who are you?


I'm a funny pie

I have a rosy side.

Kolobok I am a younger brother,

You guys are very happy.

I heard everything. Are you looking for a casket of Vasilisa the Beautiful?

Speech therapist.   “Yes, we just don’t know where to go next?” Where to look for Vasilisa the Beautiful?

Pie.   “Guess my riddles first, maybe I can help you.”

Just jumping over the threshold

And he went for a walk without legs.(Gingerbread man)

She bought a samovar,

Tarakanov invited.

“I celebrate the name day

Come have some tea. ”(Fly Tsokotukha)

Mom scares children

If their children are stubborn?

Answer as soon as possible

Who is this?(Barmaley)

He lives in a dense forest,

Dark, scary and prickly

As a villain, quite successful -

Bad hairy ...(Goblin)

Never believe him

Though he will say that he is immortal,

It consists of relics -


Well done.

Have you lost anything along the way? And then I ran along the path and that's what I found.

Speech therapist.   - Someone dropped a handkerchief. What kind of words are embroidered on it?(Children read “Vasilisa the Beautiful”)

Pie. “So whose is this handkerchief?” Is it possible that Vasilisa the Beautiful was in trouble, since she lost her handkerchief? What could have happened?(Children make their assumptions)

Speech therapist.   - And I think that it is Vasilisa the Beautiful that shows us the way.

Pie.   - And here is the magic casket. There’s some note here ...

" Well done boys. You have completed all my tasks. Found a magic casket. The chest will open if you answer the question "What are the tales?"(The pie opens the casket and takes out treats for the children)


In order not to offend the tales,

You need to see them more often,

Love them and play them.

Tales of all weaned angry

And learn to have fun!

Be more humble and kinder

Be patient and wiser!

Leading.   Where the blue sky is the golden city

With a wonderful gate under a bright star.

The heroes of fairy tales live among rainbow colors.

Are you, my friend, ready to go visit them?

(Answers of the children.)

But the way to this city

Not at all so simple.

Many tales

Must know the guest.

The game "Yes! Not!"

At the seashore all year round

A cat walks around an oak tree? (Yes!)

A casket hangs on an oak tree

Is there a golden crown in it? (Not!)

Near the river on a dry stump

Suddenly the flowers bloomed? (Yes!)

A yellow turnip sits

Is it very strong in the earth? (Yes!)

In the kitchen I asked Koschey

A huge pot of cabbage soup? (Not!)

To fly

Yaga bought a helicopter? (Not!)

Fox wanted to eat okroshka,

Didn’t she get a crumb? (Yes!)

The kids suddenly opened the door

And all disappeared somewhere? (Yes!)

Not simple, golden

She laid the Ryaba egg.

He was immediately sold

Jeweler woman. (Not!)

King undressing, light

Bathed in milk

And then in a pot of water ...

Yes, and suddenly became young. (Not!)

But the game has come to an end

Who answered, that is well done! (Yes!)

Leading.   The tale is very fond of children.

There is none more wonderful in the world

No prettier and sweeter

Always interesting with her.

The fox and the cat are friends here,

Ready for the wedding, a blind mole,

But the dawn appears -

The bride rushes over the sea.

Says the dog Totoshka,

A cat sits at the piano.

A stove goes around the village.

What kind of fairy tales are we talking about?

(Cat and fox, Thumbelina, The Adventures of Ellie and Her Friends, Cat's House, Pike Commandment)

Quiz "Tell a fairy tale."

· “The wolf went to the river, lowered its tail into the hole; business was in the winter. Already he sat, sat, sat all night, his tail froze; I tried to rise: it was not there ”

("Sister Fox and the Wolf")

· “The fox asked the bunny to warm up, but it drove the bunny away”

("Fox, hare and rooster")

· “The old woman took the wing, scratched it along the box, dabbled over the gutter, and gathered two handfuls of flour. Kneaded in sour cream, baked in the oven and put on the window to chill "

("Gingerbread Man")

· “The kids let the mother in and told her how the wolf came to them and wanted to eat them”

("The Wolf and the Goat")

· “Two eyes fell asleep, and the third looks and sees everything, everything - like a red girl climbed into one ear, got out into the other and picked up the finished canvases. All that I saw. The three-eyed mother told ... "

("Little Havroshechka")

· “A girl came, looking - there’s no brother!” I gasped, rushed back and forth, no! She clicked him, burst into tears, lamenting that it would be bad from her father and mother - the brother did not respond. "

("Swan geese")

· “And in the evening we met again in the open field. The elder brother Moroz - Blue Nose, chuckles and pats the mitten on the mitten, while the younger brother Moroz the Red Nose, groans and cringes ”

("Two Frosts")

· “The old woman brought a cauldron.

The soldier washed the ax, lowered it into the boiler, poured water and set it on fire ”)

("Porridge from the ax")

· “Crane knock-knock on the plate. Pounded, pounded - nothing gets!

And the fox licks herself and licks porridge, so she ate everything ”

("The Fox and the Crane")

· “They got scared, threw the buckets and ran home. "My grandmother fell on the bench, the granddaughter hid behind the grandmother, the chicken flew up onto the stove, and the mouse buried under the stove"

("Fear has big eyes")

Leading.   You know a lot of fairy tales.

There is a road ahead of us.

Will lead a ball on it

The key will open the lock for us.

And the lock is not easy,

Like the golden key.

Under the "Song of Pinocchio" (lyrics by Yu. Entin, music. A. Rybnikov), Pinocchio rushes in with a golden key. He performs a free dance.

Pinocchio.   The key, the key is golden,

Open the doors to us soon.

Brighter let the lights burn

The tale is already waiting for the guys.

  The fox Alice and the cat Basilio appear.

Fox Alice.

Hello, good Pinocchio.

See you again.

What are you hiding behind your back?

Is there probably gold?

Cat Basilio.

Let's go to the tavern with us.

Pinocchio. Not on the way today with you.

I have a magic key.


I have to help the guys.

Fox Alice.

When the gold sparkles

My heart just melts.

She attributed it to a jeweler -

All would be in gold:

Bracelets, earrings and ring

And a pendant, like a heart.

Cat Basilio.

Yes, and I would have got a little

Provide old age.

Fox alice   (dreamily).

If we were rich then

Drove off to the Emirates.

Dear, good Pinocchio,

If you give us the key,

We will leave quietly.

Cat Basilio.

Well, if we don’t get it,

We, my friend, will beat you.

(He threatens his fist.)

Pinocchio.   Well, of course, so be it.

(Turns the key)

Try to catch me.

The cat Basilio and the fox Alice try to catch Pinocchio, but they fail. They collide their foreheads at the moment when Pinocchio slips between them. Forgetting the key, they begin to brawl among themselves, then leave.

Pinocchio.   The key, the key is golden,

Open the doors to us soon.

Let the colors shine brighter

And the guys meet fairy tales.

  A re-enactment of the fairy tale "Hare and the Hedgehog

Bouncer and know-it-all,

And to meet him Hedgehog,

It looks like a prickly ball.

Bunny appears on one side and Hedgehog on the other.

Hedgehog.   Hello, Zayinka, my friend.

Where are you going?

Hare.   To the meadow

I want a little walk

Frolic, play.

Hedgehog. Take me with you.

Hare.   What should I do with you?

You don’t know how to run fast.

Hedgehog. You won't keep up with me!

He immediately doubted.

Hare.   Well well! Here is a laugh!

I’m the fastest in the forest!

Hedgehog.   This is how else to say!

Hare. I can prove it right away.

Let's run with you soon

Let's have fun with all the animals.

Hedgehog.   No, Bunny, not now.

We will postpone everything for an hour.

I’ll come immediately to the meadow.

Hare.   I'm waiting for you there, my friend.

Diverge in different directions.

And the thick grass disappeared.

He ran home, panting

From the door he immediately shouts:

Hedgehog appears.

Hedgehog.   Hey hedgehog, help out,

A hedgehog comes in, holds a cup in his hand.

Set aside tea.

Hedgehog.   What happened, dear husband?

Then eat ripe pears.

Lunch has been waiting for you for a long time.

Hedgehog.   Oh, thanks, but no.

We have little time.

Meeting with the Hare in an hour -

The competition is coming

You’re the task from me.

Hedgehog whispering something to Hedgehog in the ear.

He turned, ran away.

  The hedgehog runs away, then the Hedgehog leaves.

The Hare comes out, on the other hand the Hedgehog appears. To the sound of music, the Hedgehog does a workout.

He stretched out a little

Steel together:

Hare and hedgehog stand together.

Hare and hedgehog.One two Three!

Hedgehog quietly side

Not forward - to your home.

The hare is running, the Hedgehog is slowly leaving.

A hare flies through the meadow

The wind whistles only in the ears.

And he runs without looking back

Only heels sparkle.

Here is the finish. Waiting for the Hedgehog

It looks like a thorny ball

And laughs:

Hedgehog.   Lost.

Zainka grunted under his breath:

Hare.   Oh, it's a shame to tears.

He did not notice the substitution.

Bow down, leave.

Child.   All children love a fairy tale very much,

After all, the fairy tale is good

What a happy ending in her

Already anticipates the soul.

And for any test

Brave hearts agree

Eagerly awaiting

Have a happy ending.

V. Berestov. "Fairy tale".

Leading.   The tale is very fond of children.

There is none more beautiful in the world

And of course not a mile

Always interesting with her.

In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. In this struggle, magical things sometimes help positive characters.

Competition "Magic things."

Two compete. They take turns calling magic items. One who cannot once again name a magic item loses.

Leading.   Along with the positive in the tale, there are also negative heroes. Listen to riddles about them.

At the forest edge

She lives in a hut.

Hut on the legs

Walks on the tracks. (Baba Yaga)

View an excerpt from the tale "Frost."

Suddenly an attack appeared -

Fire breathing mouth

The tail is huge on the ground ...

What kind of beast? Tell me. (Zmey Gorynych)

View excerpt from the cartoon "Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynich"

The river shines under the moon

Looks at the sky ... (Water).

Watching an excerpt from the cartoon Flying Ship

The skinniest of people

Who, tell us? .. (Koschey)

View excerpt from the tale "Koschei the Immortal."

Contest "Negative Hero".

tea + e + rod (sorcerer)

moon + poison + ko (witch)

Leading.   The sorcerer torments people

A witch on a broomstick flies ...

No matter what evil

Good ultimately wins.

The song “Good Tales of Childhood” is performed (lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky, music by E. Martynov.)

Leading.   So the time has come

On the way back to us, children.

The colors faded immediately

Goodbye, fairy tales.

Title: Scenario of a festive event in the elementary school “Journey to the City of Fairy Tales”

  Position: Daycare Teacher
  Place of work: Municipal state educational institution "Belovskaya secondary school"
  Location: f. Belaya Belovsky district, Kursk region


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