Modern trends in the development of the catering industry. The successes of modern natural science. Development and current state of public catering


Public catering is a branch of the national economy, the basis of which is made up of enterprises characterized by the unity of forms of organization of production and consumer services and differing in types and specializations.

Public catering development:

gives significant savings in social labor due to more rational use of technology, raw materials, materials;

provides workers and employees with hot food during the working day, which increases their efficiency, preserves health;

makes it possible to organize balanced rational nutrition in children's and educational institutions.

Public catering was one of the first sectors of the national economy to embark on the transformation rails, accepting the burden of the most acute problems of the transition period on market relations. The privatization of enterprises took place at a rapid pace, the organizational and legal form of public catering enterprises changed. A large number of private small businesses have emerged. In 1995. the RF law “On state support of small business in the Russian Federation” is issued. This law is one of the fundamental laws for the period when the course is sharply changing from one hundred percent state monopoly in the economy to market relations. He determines which of them can count on state support. Therefore, specialized enterprises that began to disappear in the first years of privatization are now gaining momentum in their development (barbecue, dumplings, pizzerias, bistros, etc.).

Many catering establishments are purely commercial, but along with this social catering is developing: canteens at industrial enterprises, student canteens, school canteens. Food factories and firms appear that take on the tasks of organizing social catering.

Catering establishments perform three interrelated functions:

production of culinary products;

sale of culinary products;

organization of its consumption.

Current state and development prospects of public catering

Currently, a rigid classification of establishments has not been developed on the market of public catering enterprises in Russia. In world practice, there are many principles for classifying restaurants: by assortment, by personnel qualifications, by target audience, by price level. In Russia, the most common is the simplest classification by type: restaurant, bar, cafe, canteen, snack bar. At the same time, there are still no clear requirements for one or another type of catering establishment in Russia. Therefore, usually the specialization of a catering establishment is determined based on its own positioning.

In the traditional classification, established by GOST R 50762-95, restaurants are divided into three classes: luxury, superior and first, each of which corresponds to a certain set of requirements. However, in modern conditions it is advisable to use a slightly different gradation; elite, middle class restaurants (democratic) and fast foods. In addition, in addition to the usual bars and cafes, in recent years there has been a special type of catering establishments - coffee shops.

In recent years, the restaurant business has begun to attract more and more investors from a wide variety of business areas. This is due, first of all, to the attractiveness of this market in the context of the country's economic growth and the well-being of the population, as well as the possibilities of obtaining stable profits during the entire existence of the restaurant with its competent management (public catering is one of the most liquid sectors of the economy).

At the same time, the restaurant business is fraught with many dangers for potential investors. In Russia, there is no serious market experience in the restaurant sector and many years of tradition. In addition, there is no established methodological base to help conduct business. Another difficulty is that for many investors the restaurant is viewed as a “toy” that should make money, but not require much attention. The review of the public catering market in St. Petersburg allows us to conclude that most of the catering establishments make their thematic focus dependent on the type of cuisine: hunting, sports, home, etc. An enterprise without a clearly traced subject matter risks remaining unnoticed against the background of a variety of competitors. The main mistake of investors who came to the restaurant market from other spheres of business is to bet on the cuisine that they know and understand. However, this is not enough. Many investors underestimate the complexity of the foodservice market. In order for a restaurant to start making a profit, it is necessary to build a competent marketing policy aimed at attracting and retaining the target audience. Therefore, you should inform the population in advance about the opening of the institution, and then maintain a constant interest in it, both attracting new visitors and forming the loyalty of old ones. If we are talking about a fundamentally new specialization of a restaurant (especially with exotic cuisine), it is imperative to adapt the cuisine for Russian consumers, taking into account their tastes, while maintaining the constant availability of products available for cooking. As soon as the culmination of fashion for a restaurant with an unusual cuisine passes (it takes about a year in the absence of powerful advertising), either there comes a period of stability if the proposed cuisine is accepted, or the restaurant is forced to look for new directions in the menu and tastes in order to maintain its attractiveness.

Currently, there are not enough restaurants on the market for middle-class customers with an average check of $ 10-15. Now this niche is developing due to the opening of democratic establishments - cafes, coffee shops and fast food restaurants. Japanese sushi bars account for a significant share of the opening restaurants. That is why there is a gradual transfer of investment activity on the market from the niche of expensive restaurants to the segment of restaurants and cafes of the middle price category, as well as fast food.

For catering establishments, it is of great importance to have a so-called “anchor” that ensures a constant flow of customers, since most of the competition among restaurateurs is for location, which is one of the key competitive advantages in this business. The fixed costs of maintaining a restaurant, on average, are 30-40% of rent per room. The range of rates in the restaurant rental market is very large. For an object in the most attractive place in St. Petersburg (in the area of \u200b\u200bNevsky, Vladimirsky, Zagorodny, Sadovaya, Liteiny, Moskovsky avenues, Malaya and Bolshaya Konyushenny streets), they can ask for up to $ 2,600 per sq. m per year. In residential areas, far from the metro and highways, in industrial areas, rent costs from $ 110 per sq. m per year. The average rate for a property located in a prestigious area with good roads and developed transport infrastructure is $ 1200-1800 per sq. m per year. Almost half of the investors demand that there were no catering establishments in the premises offered to them for the location of the restaurant, since it is sometimes very difficult to break the reputation of the predecessor. According to experts, at least 2-3 years should pass before the image of the establishment can be created from scratch. In addition, many restaurateurs are looking for premises based on the already existing concept of the future establishment, making certain requirements for the footage, the shape of the hall and the height of the ceilings.

The success of a restaurant depends to a large extent on the director (manager), on his ability to manage personnel, negotiate with suppliers, the ability to plan costs and make the right decisions on the strategic management of the restaurant in time; personal qualities of the restaurant manager also play a significant role. Some restaurant owners lose a profitable restaurant, only because they could not correctly assess their director, establish human relations with him, show their interest in the success of “their restaurant director”. Moreover, the duties of the director of a large restaurant and the director of a small cafeteria differ practically little.

In addition, great attention should be paid to the personnel policy in relation to the service personnel. According to expert estimates, 40% of St. Petersburg waiters and bartenders change jobs at least once a year. This is due to their dissatisfaction with wages and working conditions. That is why loyalty should be formed not only of visitors, but of personnel, which is an important strategic potential of any catering establishment.

Thus, summarizing the situation in the public catering market of St. Petersburg, we can confidently assert that the development is proceeding at a high rate, the market is not yet saturated and there is still enough room for a large number of players, but success in the competitive struggle largely depends on the location. pricing policy, concept and highly qualified restaurant.

Public catering (catering) - is a branch of the national economy engaged in the production and sale of prepared food and semi-finished products. These enterprises include: a restaurant, cafe, bar, canteen, pizzeria, coffee shop, culinary and confectionery shops, dumplings, pancakes, and various types of "fast food". All catering establishments are divided into: state and private. The above mentioned establishments are more typical for private sector establishments. The public sector includes catering establishments for children, schoolchildren, military personnel, elderly people, people undergoing treatment in a hospital and other similar establishments.

Term "public catering"Was used more in Soviet times, and today in most countries of the world the concepts of" restaurants "," restaurant business "," restaurant business "are used to denote this industry. But in any case, these are enterprises that provide catering services to the population through the production of culinary products, their sale and catering for various groups of the population.

All establishments of the restaurant industry, depending on the trade and production activities, the range of products, the forms of consumer service used, are divided into the following main types: billet, finishing, and having a complete production cycle.

To blank establishments include enterprises in which raw materials are processed and various semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products are produced from them for supplying them to preparatory establishments. These enterprises have at their disposal large warehouses, refrigeration and freezing chambers, specialized vehicles, both refrigerated and uncooled, high-performance technological equipment. Such production equipment is necessary for uninterrupted production, storage, transportation and sale of semi-finished products and finished products, which ensures high productivity and quality of products. These enterprises include various culinary, confectionery, flour shops, as well as specialized shops.

TO preproductionestablishments include enterprises in which most of the dishes and culinary products are produced from semi-finished products obtained from procurement enterprises, and organize consumer services. These include snack bars, cafes, bars, and individual restaurants.

To establishments with complete production cycle, include enterprises in which there are conditions for the processing of raw materials, the production of semi-finished products, dining, culinary and confectionery products and their sale to the population. These include enterprises that have both production facilities and serving sales areas (dining and banquet halls). These are large restaurants, cafes, pizzerias, etc.

A distinctive feature of restaurant business establishments is that they produce and sell products, as well as organize their consumption in dining rooms, combining them with cultural recreation and entertainment of consumers. This significantly complicates the work of restaurant business establishments and increases the responsibility for the service, both of the management and the entire service personnel.

Catering type- type of enterprise with the characteristic features of service, the range of culinary products sold and the range of services provided to consumers. In accordance with the classification of restaurant enterprises, depending on the forms of service, the interior of the dining and banquet halls, location, comfort, type and range of products, all restaurant business establishments are divided into the following types: restaurants, bars, cafes, snack bars, canteens.

Also, when determining the type of restaurant establishment, such indicators are taken into account: - the range of finished products sold, its variety and complexity of preparation, - production and technical equipment, architecture, interior design and layout, material base, - the quality of service and service, - the level of qualification of the service personnel , - methods and forms of service, - provision of related consumer services, - contingent of the serving population, - location of the institution.

A restaurant - a catering enterprise with a wide range of complex dishes, including customized and branded, wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, with an increased level of service combined with a stylish and original design and interior of the premises, as well as the organization of cultural recreation and entertainment for the restaurant visitors. The following restaurants are distinguished: - by the range of products sold: with national cuisine, with the cuisine of the countries of the world (Italian, French, Japanese), as well as a beer restaurant, fish restaurant, etc. - by location: a restaurant at a hotel, at a recreation area , at a train station, a dining car, at a sea vessel, etc.

The restaurant is the most comfortable catering enterprise with a wide range of complex dishes, including customized and branded ones. An ordered dish is a dish that requires individual preparation and execution after receiving an order from a consumer.

Specialties include dishes that are prepared based on a new recipe and technology or a new type of raw material. These dishes reflect the specifics of this food facility. They should be distinguished by their original design, successfully combine products in terms of taste. Service in restaurants is carried out by highly qualified waiters and chefs. The owner of a restaurant business is called a restaurateur; both words come from a French verb restaurer (restore, strengthen, feed).

Restaurateur- this is a person on whom the success and future of the restaurant depends, this is a manager who controls any event that occurs in the restaurant, and also is in charge of all the affairs of the restaurant such as:

Organization, planning and coordination of restaurant activities.

Provides a high level of production efficiency, the introduction of new equipment and technology, progressive forms of service and labor organization.

Monitors the rational use of material, financial and labor resources, evaluates the results of production activities and the quality of customer service.

Studies consumer demand for restaurant products.

Makes decisions on personnel issues of the positions of restaurant employees;

Applies measures of encouragement to distinguished workers, controls production and labor discipline, and much more.

Bar Is a bar-counter drinking establishment with a limited range of products that sells mixed, strong alcoholic, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, immediate consumption, snacks, desserts, flour confectionery and purchased goods. According to the range of products sold, the bars are subdivided into: dairy, beer, wine, coffee, cocktail bar, grill bar, fresh bar, etc .; by the specifics of service: - video bar, variety show bar, karaoke bar, etc .; by the time of functioning - day and night. Some bars may be part of a restaurant or hotel.

Term "bar" comes from the name of a specialized stand behind which alcohol is poured. Most often, behind the bar, out of reach of the client, there are decorative shelves lined with glasses and bottles of alcohol. Sitting right behind the bar, you can order various dishes from the menu, even if the bar is part of the restaurant and the main order is made in another area of \u200b\u200bthe establishment.

In Switzerland, for example, there may be bars such as:

The sports bar is visited by sports fans who come to watch sports games and meet other fans.

A cop-bar frequently visited by police officers on duty.

Vega bar for yogis, no alcohol.

Biker bar, frequented by bikers,

A cafe - an enterprise for catering and recreation of visitors with a limited range of products compared to a restaurant. Sells branded, customized dishes, products and drinks. Depending on the range of products sold, cafes are divided into general and specialized enterprises.

General cafe - a public catering facility with a wide range of hot and cold drinks, bakery and confectionery products, dishes and culinary products of simple preparation, dairy products.

Specialized cafes are created depending on: assortment of products sold: ice cream parlor, confectionery cafe, dairy cafe, coffee shop (hot drinks, mainly coffee), fast service bistro; by contingent - youth, children's, Internet cafes, etc.
Also, cafes are distinguished by the method of service: self-service, individual service by waiters.

Canteen - a public catering company or catering to a certain contingent that produces and sells dishes in accordance with a menu varied on days of the week. According to the assortment of sold dishes, canteens are divided into general type and dietary. By serving the contingent of consumers - school, student, worker, etc. By location - public, at the place of study, work.

Diner- a catering enterprise with a limited assortment of dishes of simple preparation, from a certain type of raw material and intended for quick service of visitors. According to the range of products sold, snack bars are divided into general and specialized enterprises: dumplings, sausages, pancakes, pies, donuts, cheburek, barbecue, tea, etc .; by type of implementation - diner, bistro, cafeteria, etc.

There are also the following types of catering establishments:

Complex catering enterprise: - unification in a single complex of various types of catering establishments, for example: a restaurant, cafe, snack bar and cookery shop; - catering establishments designed to serve the working of certain institutions and enterprises (so-called "Closed network).

Public catering establishments mass catering establishments available to all groups of the population, as opposed to catering establishments designed to serve the working of certain establishments and enterprises (so-called "closed network") ..

Catering network - a unified group of organizationally and technologically interconnected catering enterprises with the necessary accompanying enterprises (McDonald's).

Today in the public catering system there are extra-charge categories "luxury", "higher", "first", "second" and "third". Public catering facilities fall into the first three categories. Catering facilities of the third category include canteens of educational institutions and industrial organizations.

The first and second surcharge categories are assigned by the commission of the head office of the consumer market.

Currently, the priority development has been given to enterprises of the second premium category - these are public catering facilities, where the mark-up on their own production does not exceed 70%.

Catering class- a set of distinctive features of a certain type of enterprise, characterizing the quality of the services provided, the level and conditions of service. According to the level and methods of service, the range of services provided, technical equipment, the range of products sold and the qualifications of personnel, restaurants and bars are divided into three classes: suite, supreme, first.

Suite- sophistication of the interior, a high level of comfort, a wide range of services, an assortment of original exquisite customized and specialty dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom and branded drinks, cocktails for bars.

Higher- originality of the interior, comfort, choice of services, a varied assortment of original exquisite customized and specialty dishes, products for restaurants, a wide selection of custom and branded drinks, cocktails for bars.

The first- harmony, comfort and choice of services, a varied assortment of specialties, products and drinks of complex preparation for restaurants, a set of drinks, cocktails of simple preparation, including custom and branded drinks - for bars. Cafes, canteens and eateries are not subdivided into classes.

Before opening your own catering point, you need to determine exactly what kind of institution it will be. On this page we suggest you - get acquainted with the generally accepted types of catering establishments. Any restaurateur is simply obliged to perfectly understand not only the management of his cafe, but also all the intricacies of the restaurant business. And his excellent knowledge of the classification of alcoholic beverages and, accordingly, the ways of serving these drinks will greatly help him in this.

A restaurant

The restaurant is at the highest level of the catering system. The restaurant is a place of elite relaxation and delicious food. Excellent table setting, cutlery, napkins, flowers, quality service, a varied and original menu with specialties are required here.

The restaurant menu necessarily consists of several items: cold and hot appetizers, salads, first courses, second courses, specialties, dessert, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

The restaurant provides a table reservation service.

The restaurant's interior is designed in a certain style, which corresponds to the name. Exquisite furniture, unusual lighting, a variety of expensive dishes - all these are the essential attributes of a modern restaurant.


A typical bistro is somewhere between a small, inexpensive restaurant and a café. The word bistro is an institution where a visitor can have a good meal, without counting on the special sophistication of dishes and a variety of menu. They offer inexpensive, quick-cooked meals.

Among the drinks in the bistro, the emphasis is on non-alcoholic drinks: tea, coffee, juices, mineral water, milkshakes.

coffee house

A coffee shop is a type of bistro. Usually this is not a very large room, equipped in such a way as to create coziness and a relaxed atmosphere.

The main difference between coffee houses and other establishments is a wide selection of coffee. People come to the coffee shop with pleasure to drink their favorite drink, get into a cozy atmosphere, and chat with friends.

A good reason for the popularity of the "coffee" business is the small investment in equipment (compared to a regular restaurant). A coffee shop does not need expensive stoves, or complex devices such as a combi steamer, or a whole staff of chefs. The main equipment is a professional coffee machine, a coffee grinder, various additional small devices (mixer, blender, cups, etc.) and refrigeration equipment. That is why a small coffee shop can pay off in just one to two years.

In addition to pleasant communication and good customer service, a very important component for a coffee shop is the menu, which is called a coffee card or a coffee menu in a coffee shop. They provide a list of coffee and coffee drinks with detailed descriptions and prices.

The coffee and coffee drinks in the coffee shops are prepared by specially trained baristo.

Both traditional Turks and special coffee machines are used to make coffee in coffee houses.

Here are the main types of coffee drinks.

Espresso ... High pressure water steam is passed through the finely ground coffee.

Cappuccino ... It is made on the basis of espresso (1/3 coffee, 1/3 milk, 1/3 foam).

Latte. Espresso with a lot of hot milk.

Irish coffee. It's an espresso with chocolate and whipped cream. Chocolate syrup is often used for its preparation.

Americano. This is an espresso highly diluted with water.

Glace. This is an espresso with ice cream.

The coffee shop serves salads and hot dishes to complement coffee, but the main emphasis is on sweets, pastries and desserts.


Taverns are usually distinguished by their design. Whether they are old or antique, they are easily recognizable among the many modern bars, eateries, restaurants, cafes, pubs and so on. On the walls, there are usually objects of old utensils, weapons, old photographs and, necessarily, photos with autographs of famous bullfighters who once visited this institution.

A tavern is not only a place where people go to eat and drink. This is a place for pleasant meetings with friends, acquaintances and intimate conversations, including with the owner of the tavern, who usually not only gives advice on what to eat, but can also support any conversation.

A cafe

One of the most widespread catering establishments is a cafe.

Nowadays, the word cafe refers to establishments of various levels. The prices for dishes in the cafe are not high, which is achieved primarily due to the range of dishes offered: this is either traditional national cuisine, or instant semi-finished products, as well as inexpensive drinks and snacks.

Large cafes are designed for the general public: families come here, students and adults visit. Therefore, a cafe often has several rooms: a public hall, a children's room and a bar.

Instead of chairs in cafes, benches are sometimes used. The children's room may contain a playground with toys or mini-attractions.


A pizzeria is a catering establishment that necessarily has its own cuisine, since there is always fresh pizza, which is made quickly and efficiently.

Like any catering establishment, a pizzeria must be equipped with powerful refrigeration equipment.

However, the main equipment for a pizzeria is an oven. Today, pizzerias often use microwaves and microwave ovens, which are large and reduce baking times.

Also, the main equipment for a pizzeria can be called blenders, food processors, kneaders, etc.

Often all the necessary machines are combined into a single complex.


Barbecue is a common type of specialized enterprise. The barbecue menu includes at least three or four types of kebabs with various side dishes and sauces, as well as lula kebab, chakhokhbili, chicken tapaka, from the first courses - kharcho and other national dishes that are in great demand among visitors.

According to the nature of the establishment, it should have equipment for preparing these dishes.

To prepare a kebab from meat or fish, you need a skewer, a skewer, on which pieces of the raw product will be strung. The length of these items should depend directly on the size of the barbecue or some other equipment for cooking this dish. Firewood or charcoal is placed in the grill. Brazier in other words can be called a brazier. It is an iron stove that is filled with hot coals.

A skewer is a thin metal or hewn wooden bar. One of its ends should be sharpened in order for the pieces of meat or fish to be strung better. Most often, ready-made kebab is served on skewers. However, it is fashionable to remove it from skewers and serve it in a dish.

Shish kebab is prepared mainly from pickled meat. For the preparation of this dish, it is recommended to use the meat of a young animal, since the heat treatment on charcoal will not be too long, and the meat of an old animal may not be roasted enough. Barbecue meat largely depends on the time of soaking in the marinade.

After the preparatory stage is passed, the pieces of meat are put on a skewer, mixed with onions, cut into rings, and fried over coals burning without a flame. During the frying process, in the event that the flame begins to flare up, it is extinguished by spraying with water diluted with vinegar, or poured over with wine.


As the name implies, the main product offered at the pancake is pancakes and crepes. The difference between pancakes and pancakes is primarily in the way the dough is prepared. The pancake dough is prepared without the use of yeast. The taste of the pancakes is more delicate, they are thinner, and even "crunchy" along the edges. The fine-pored surface of the pancake perfectly absorbs sour cream, butter, honey and any sauce, so they are lubricated with a brush.

Pancakes are prepared using yeast. They are thicker and more satisfying. Pancakes are often stuffed with meat, mushrooms, cottage cheese, red caviar or salmon.

One of the varieties of pancakes is a pancake pie, that is, several pancakes, layered in a pile one on top of the other and interlaced with various fillings. Such stacks of pancakes are greased on the sides with a mixture of eggs, flour and milk so that the minced meat does not fall out, and lightly fried in the oven.

There are special requirements for the pancake kitchen. Undoubtedly, a crepe shop should be equipped with good refrigeration facilities. In addition, the pancake must have a cool, clean, well-ventilated room for storing bulk products. To prepare pancakes, you need a hot workshop with high-quality ventilation. This workshop houses specialized equipment for making pancakes.

Fast food restaurant

Fast food is the fastest growing sector of the food service industry. They tend to concentrate on foods with a universal appeal such as hamburgers, chicken, poultry, and ice cream. Many fast food operators are expanding their standards, aiming for a wider range of choices and better prepared to meet changing demand, such as vegetable salads and snacks, french fries, Italian spaghetti, French croissants, etc.

Takeaway food packaging is distinguished by an excellent trade appearance, and the company's style is also expressed in napkins, containers and bags.

High traffic locations are very important for fast food establishments. In addition, they need ample parking and a wide, eye-catching entrance. Very often, such establishments are opened in large supermarkets and shopping centers.

Investment costs in fast food establishments are quite high due to a number of reasons:

- the design is part of an integrated product, including detailed specifications for decor style, equipment, uniforms:

- depreciation is high, the life cycle of equipment and furniture is very short (3-5 years);

- Specific equipment meets high standards with automatic control, fast recovery and high service requirements. Basically, computer control includes both production and accounting.


Trattorias are restaurants serving a variety of traditional and popular Italian cuisine. They often offer a wide selection of wines. The service is friendly and the atmosphere is informal and relaxed.


Ice cream parlors, grill bars, sushi bars, barbecues all belong to cafeterias and have specialized equipment and menus. It is customary here to use self-service from the counters, on which products with prices are located. To ensure self-service, the food line is positioned in such a way that it is convenient for service personnel and visitors to approach it, and the location itself is a noticeable characteristic of the design.

The pub takes over 40% of the customers' regular visits in the evening, compared to 15% during lunch. Men tend to have 2 to 2.5 times more pub visits than women, with a high percentage of clients from younger groups. In addition, the occupancy of pubs is not uniform in time: peak sales occur after 21-00, especially from Friday to Sunday.

The basis of the decor of pubs is Victorian or Edwardian style: dark warm colors, good lighting and exquisite glass. The personality of the pub is enhanced by wall hangers, ornaments and personal touches introduced to create a welcoming atmosphere.

The emphasis in bars is on alcoholic drinks. There are several types of bars. One of the most common is the beer bar. Beer is produced by fermenting grain. Malt (sprouted and dried grains of barley), yeast, hops and water are the main ingredients of any beer. Beer is categorized into ale, leger and stout. They differ in the technology of fermentation: with the help of the technology of "top fermentation" ale is obtained, "bottom fermentation" - a lager, which is lighter and more saturated with carbon dioxide than ale. Stout is the darkest and heaviest beer.

The bars serve hot and cold snacks with beer.

The wine bar focuses on the most varied and rich bouquets of wines. Wine is served in bottles, poured from barrels. In such a bar, the bartender (he is called a sommelier) has special requirements: he must be well versed in wines and be able to choose the right wine for the client.

Classification of spirits

1.Vodka. Russian drink, drunk before and after meals in piles or tumblers (100 grams). 38-40 gaduses.

2.Rum... An English drink made from sugarcane or Jamaican millet. They drink it from old fashion with ice or bacardi at room temperature. Rum is white, medium (yellowish) and dark. 43 to 75 degrees.

3.Gin... English drink. Drink from old fashion, used for cocktails. 40-53 degrees.

4.Whiskey. English, Irish, Scottish (scotch) drink. It is made from barley, corn, rye and wheat. Drinks from old fashion. Room temperature. Divided into aging: up to 12 and after 12 years. The cheapest with a red label, and the most expensive with a black one. 40-43 degrees. In America Bourbon(at least 51% corn alcohol).

5.Tequila. Mexican vodka. Made from agave pulp. Served in glass at room temperature with salt and lemon. From 20 days to 1 year - silver tequila. 2 to 4 years old - golden tequila. 40-43 degrees.

6.Ouzo. Greek vodka with aniseed flavor, with the addition of water acquires a milky color, served with cold snacks.

7.Schnapps. Strong German vodka, made from different fruits, served very cold.

8.Cognac. Brandy produced by double distillation of white wines. The alcohol obtained after the first distillation is re-distilled. Matures in aged oak barrels, where it can remain for up to 60 years. Only brandy produced in the vicinity of Cognac in the Charente department, in western France, is entitled to this name.

IN russian classification:

- from 3 to 5 years - by quantity asterisks;

- from 5 to 7 years old - Kv - aged cognac;

- from 7 to 10 years old - KVVK- cognac, matured, of the highest quality;

- from 10 years old - KS - old cognac

In the French classification:

- from 3 to 5 years old - VS

- from 5 to 10 years old - VSOP

- up to 10-12 years old - "Napoleon"

- up to 30 years old - XO.

9. Armagnac. A golden brown dry brandy produced in the Cher department in southwestern France. It owes its characteristic color to oak barrels, in which it matures from 3 to 50 years. The production process is the same as that of cognac. The age of the drink is marked on the label, Horsd'age (out of age) means at least 25 years old or with the indication of the harvest year.

10... Liquor. Alcohol or other strong alcoholic beverage with aromas of berries, fruits, flowers, etc., with sugar, cream.

strong 30 - 45 degrees, 32 - 45% sugar;

- dessert 16 - 30 degrees, 35 - 50% sugar (amaretto);

- creams 20 - 23 degrees, 50 - 60 sugar.

11. Mulled wine... A hot drink made from a mixture of grape wine, fruit juice and tea with spices.

12. Grog.A hot drink made from cognac, vodka or rum mixed with water and sugar.

13. Punch... A drink with 5 ingredients: rum (cognac), wine, fruit juice, honey (sugar) and spices. It is usually consumed hot.

Wine classification

Grape wine- alkogolny napitok, poluchaemy polnym or chactichnym cbpazhivaniem vinogpadnogo cucla (coka) vinogpadnoy mezgi (cmec coka, and gpebney dpoblenyx yagod) and tselyx yagod, kpepoct (cpiptuoznoct) kotopogo dolzhna coctavlyat ne menee 8.5% vol. Special wines are prepared with the addition of ethyl alcohol and a number of other substances, approved for use by the winemaker.

Classification of wine depending on the raw material and the way it is processed.

Grape wines are subdivided into single grapes, if they are prepared from one grape variety, and many , if their composition includes several copies. During the production of single-wine wines, the use of not more than 15% of grapes or wine materials from other copts is allowed. By the way of cooking, many wines are dry and blended. Septic wines are made from grapes, which are processed in the form of a mixture of grapes copulated in certain conditions. (fermentation together with a few copts.) Blended wines are prepared by mixing already prepared wine producers, (the wine grape is fermented).

Wine classification according to color wine

Distinguish white, pozovye and red wine wines:

White wine - their color is from light-strawberry with a green tint (young dry) to dark amber (sweet and mellow.). Over the course of time, white wines, with a long aging, change their color: the dry darkens and takes on a dark-golden hue, mid-midyear

Rose wines - color from pink-pink, tones to dark-pink, light-pink.

Red wines - their color from a dark ruby \u200b\u200bwith a violet-glaucous shade (young) to a dark-grape shade with a dark-brown shade of a dark brown With a long aging, the intensity of the coloring of red wines decreases and the higher wines are always brighter than young people.

Classification of wine depending on the quality and aging time.

All wines, depending on the quality and aging time, are divided into two groups:

Single wines (ordinary typical) - these are wines made from various grape varieties. For such wines, the production of grapes is not regionally regulated. The wines are produced according to the general technology. Such wines have not been stored for a long time and they are realized as a rule.

Ordinary wines, depending on the timing of the implementation, are:

- Young wine - natural table wines, sold until January 1 of the next year after the grape harvest.

- Wine without aging - they receive the same as the young, but they will be realized after 1 January of the next for the harvest of the wine of the year.

High-quality wines - these are the improved quality wines, which are produced in the most favorable year for the ripening of grapes. They poluchayutcya of oppedelennyx vycokokachectvennyx coptov vinogpada, ppichem ppoizpactanie vinogpada pegionalno peglamentipuetcya and OH kultivipuetcya in oppedelennyx pegionax (mikpozonax), Where ppipodoy cozdany optimalnye ucloviya for ppoizpactaniya konkpetnyx coptov vinogpada. When picking wine, for these wines, careful control and selection of raw materials according to the quality of the sugar content and the correct composition must be carried out, and it is necessary to use it. Wines are produced according to traditional or special techniques. Ocobennoctyu texnologii podobnyx wines yavlyaetcya THEIR dlitelnaya vydepzhka in kpupnyx (metallicheckix tsictepnax or dubovyx bochkax) or melkix (cteklyannyx butylkax) omkoctyax in pezultate chego cuschectvenno povyshayutcya THEIR opganolepticheckie cvoyctva. These wines are characterized by a permanent, high quality, preserved from year to year. The alcohol content (strength) of high-quality wines should be at least 10% vol.

Depending on the aging time and the high-quality wine used for this purpose, the wines are divided into 3 groups:

Matured wines - wine of improved quality with mandatory aging in large stationary containers, before pouring into bottles, not less than 6 months (starting from January 1) next

- Powerful wines - vina vycokogo kachectva, ppodolzhitelnoct vydepzhki kotopyx in kpupnyx ctatsionapnyx emkoctyax dolzhna be ne menee 1.5 goda mapochnyx ctolovyx for wines and ne menee 2 to let mapochnyx kpepkix deceptnyx wines and (c cchitaya 1 yanvapya cleduyuschego za upozhaem goda).

Collection wines - these are the best dark wines, which after the end of the aging period in oak tape or metal bottles are additionally poured into bottles and are kept warm in the season

Some wines, obtained in certain wine-making regions, differ in unusual aromatic and flavoring properties. The consequence of this in the winemaking was the need to isolate such wines in a separate wine category "with controlled names for the duration". To wines c controllable designation by origin classify wines of high quality, differing original orginal-leptic properties, Po poluchaemye cpetsialnym or tpaditsionnym texnologiyam from oppedelennyx coptov vinogpada, ppoizpactayuschix in ctpogo peglamentipuemyx mectnoctyax (mikpozonax) kotopye xapaktepizuyutcya naibolee blagoppiyatnymi pochvenno-klimaticheckimi ucloviyami for ppoizpactaniya dannyx coptov vinogpada. In the name of such wines, it is mandatory to indicate the name of the place in which the grapes are harvested, and these wines are produced. According to the law, such wines nowhere else have the right to be produced. ( Negro, Roshu de Purkar, Romanshty.)

Manufactured wine classification

Characterizes wine by theme or other physicochemical and technological parameters:

- wine classification depending on the content of carbonic acid.

One of the main aspects of wines is their carbon dioxide content. For this reason, wine wines are divided into two large groups: quiet wine - does not contain carbon dioxide or contains it in an unreasonable amount; playful or effervescent - having CO2 in excess.

Wines containing an excess amount of carbonic acid are divided into: tastefully saturated with carbonic acid - gassedsaturated with carbon dioxide by primary fermentation - natural games and saturated with carbon dioxide by means of secondary fermentation - playful produced classic method (fermented in a bottle) and playful produced by the traditional method (fermentation in large hermetically-closed tanks).

- by the content of alcohol wine is:

Table (natural) wines They receive a full or partial alcoholic fermentation of grapevines, pulp or wort and contain ethyl alcohol produced in the result of organic fermentation. They contain 8.5-14% vol. alcohol.

Fortified (special) wines (Kpepkie and deceptnye) vypabatyvayut putem nepolnogo cbpazhivaniya vinogpada, mezgi or cucla c dalneyshim dobavleniem etilovogo cpipta, a takzhe of vinomatepialov c ppimeneniem cpetsialnyx texnologicheckix ppiemov, ppidayuschix cpetsificheckie opganolepticheckie cvoyctva. Strong wine contains more alcohol (17-20% vol.) and less sugar (up to 14 g / 100 ml), a decepte, on the other hand, - less alcohol - 12-17% vol., and more caxapa - up to 35 g / 100 ml.

- classification of wines according to the content of the caxapa.

Table (natural) wines:

- table dry wines. Their main feature is the complete absence of sugar and low alcohol content (10-12%). Wine made after fermentation is never alcoholic. When making white wines, pre-brewed juice is harvested. By the same way, wines are made in the following way: they do not separate from the grated berries, but are harvested on the pulp, i.e. together with berries. And only then all this fermented mass is squeezed out before pressing.

- table rinse, wine mint. Thus they become from the fact that the fermentation process is deliberately interrupted by the harsh cooling of the fermenting wort. At this, 11-13% of alcohol is accumulated in it and 3-8% of caxapa remains.

Fortified (special) wines - The alcohol is added to the withering wort. With this fermentation, the fermentation ceases, and in the wort, there is still as much unfermented caxapa as is unnecessary. Fortified wines are divided into strong, deceptive and aromatic.

strong wine. The strong ones include porteine, madera, xepec, marcala

The drink contains, as a rule, 17-20% alcohol and 7-14% caxapa. About 10% of the alcohol is natural alcohol, the rest is the alcohol outside of the alcohol during alcohol. This drink was first received in Portugal, not far from the city of Porto. The characteristic feature of the wine is the tone of the dried fruit in the aroma. This is achieved due to the long aging of the wine in casks, in rooms (temokamepax) with a high temperature (up to 40 degrees), or on the street (on the whole). Duration of aging 1-2 years.

Madepa . It was first received at o. Madepa (Portugal). The peculiarity of the wine is the specific tone of the nutlet in the aroma. Wine is made as well as Portewine, the difference is in grapes coptax and in the aging period, which is 3-4 years. After aging, the content of the saxap and alcohol is brought to the desired condition. In Portuguese style 18-19% alcohol, in English about 32% alcohol and up to 2% caxapa.

Hepec . (By the name of the city of Hepec de la Frontepa in Spain). Alcohol up to 20%, caxap - up to 3%. VARIATIONS ppoizvodctve uzhe cbpozhenny and cpiptovanny vinomatepial vydepzhivaetcya in nepolnyx bochkax pod plenkoy of cpetsialnyx dpozhzhevyx kletok, kotopye, poglaschaya etilovy cpipt and kiclopod, vydelyayut in vino atsetaldegid, ppidayuschy napitku xapaktepny gpibnoy apomat, libo zapax kalennogo opeshka.

Mapcala was first received on the island of Sicily in the city of Marcala. For its transfer to the winemaker after fermentation, add ethyl alcohol and grape juice, which has been steeped in the open fire, which gives the wine a delicious brewing and drink. It may be for this reason that the wine used to be very popular among the seals of the ferry fleet (in particular in pirates.) Specifications: 15-70 dmax, capt / 18-20% g.

dessert wines. Fortified dessert wines are divided into dessert, sweet and liqueur... In sweet wines up to 20% caxapa, and in liqueurs up to 32%. The main types of dessert wines are kagop, muskat, tokayand little... The intense color of the mountain is obtained by heating the bristle to 60 degrees. Malaga- Spanish, liqueur wine, caxap 20-30%.

aromatic wines (vermouth) are also strong and decent. Strong vermouths are cooked with the addition of ethyl alcohol up to 16-18% vol., Caxapa - up to 6-10 g / 100 ml and in various plants, descendents - with the addition of hot water: with the addition of damp and caxap 16 g / 100 ml.

The most common bars are mixed bars, serving a more or less rich assortment of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Beverages are served with snacks, desserts, light meals.

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The development of public catering in modern conditions

The main direction of state and regional policy in the context of market relations in the field of public catering is currently the priority development of a public catering network, focused on various consumer groups. From the point of view of the public catering enterprises themselves, there is a need to increase profitability and reduce costs. That is why the relevance of the chosen topic is obvious.

At the moment the city of Chelyabinsk is experiencing a real boom: the number of hotels, canteens, restaurants, cafes, bars, and various clubs is growing. The catering industry is in the process of development - both the number of establishments and the quality of service are growing.

A promising direction for the development of public catering in the city is:

1) a public catering network targeted at various groups of consumers, including a fast food chain - this is facilitated by the construction of shopping centers and shopping and entertainment complexes;

2) development of a network of socially oriented enterprises that provide food for workers, employees, students, schoolchildren, children in preschool institutions;

3) the massive development of a public catering network in the areas of integrated trade, hotel services, along highways, at gas stations, railway stations;

4) the growth in the turnover of public catering is due to the development of an open network of public catering enterprises (restaurants, bars, cafes, canteens, snack bars). At the same time, social catering establishments remain: canteens for low-income citizens, catering units in schools, hospitals and kindergartens, etc.

At present, public catering is developing in various directions. A large number of restaurants with national cuisine appear, new types of catering establishments appear (pubs, sushi bars), today catering establishments are equipped with automated accounting systems, new professions appear (sommelier, hostesses) and, ultimately, a modern enterprise catering becomes a place of pleasant pastime.

Therefore, the topic of the thesis was the preparation of Russian cuisine with the organization of the banquet-tea service in the public dining room, because the income level of the population of our city is different. And Russian cuisine is traditional for our country and city, therefore it will be popular with the townspeople. Although the country is multinational, there are more Russians.

Based on the topic of the thesis, its purpose will be to study the features of organizing the work of a public dining room with Russian cuisine, the technology of organizing and holding a banquet at this enterprise.

In accordance with the purpose of the thesis, the following tasks will be solved:

1) study the history of Russian cuisine;

2) study the requirements for the production premises of the public dining room and the organization of workplaces;

3) consider the rules for serving visitors in the dining room;

5) to calculate the dishes for the banquet-tea;

6) draw up schedules for production workers and waiters to start work;

7) develop the production program of the enterprise and accept the order;

8) break down the dishes by assortment;

11) describe the main stages of preparation of the enterprise for the banquet-tea;

Features of the national Russian cuisine

The first scanty information about Russian cuisine is contained in the annals - the oldest written sources of the X-XV centuries. Old Russian cuisine began to take shape from the 9th century and by the 15th century it reached its peak. Naturally, the formation of Russian cuisine was primarily influenced by natural and geographical conditions. The abundance of rivers, lakes, forests contributed to the appearance in Russian cuisine of a large number of dishes from fish, game, mushrooms, and wild berries. It is rightly believed that by sowing a field, growing and collecting bread, a person first acquired his homeland. Since time immemorial, the Rus have grown rye, oats, wheat, barley, millet, and buckwheat on their lands. They were used to cook cereal porridge: oat, buckwheat, spelled, rye. Porridge was and remains a Russian national dish. She accompanies a person throughout his life: young children are fed with semolina cooked in milk, adults love buckwheat porridge.

From time immemorial, unleavened and sour dough has been known in Russia. Carols were made from simple unleavened dough, juicy, later noodles, dumplings, and dumplings. Black rye bread was baked from sour yeast dough, without which the Russian table is unthinkable to this day.

By the 10th century, wheat flour appeared, and the range of baked goods increased sharply, loaves, rolls, rugs, pies, pancakes, pancakes and other pastries appeared.

Russian oatmeal, rye, and wheat jelly should be attributed to the most ancient dishes. They are at least 1000 years old.

The story of how the jelly saved the city is recorded in the chronicle known as the Tale of Bygone Years. This is what the chronicler Nestor told about. Nowadays, grain jelly is practically forgotten. They were replaced by berry jelly on starch, which appeared almost 900 years later than cereals.

By the 10th century, turnips, cabbage, radishes, peas, and cucumbers were already common in Russia. They were eaten raw, steamed, boiled, baked, salted, pickled. Potatoes became widespread in Russia only in the 18th century, and tomatoes in the 19th. Until the beginning of the 19th century, there were almost no salads in Russian cuisine. The first salads were made from one vegetable, therefore they were called: cabbage salad, cucumber or potato salad. Later, the recipe for salads became more complicated, they began to be made from different vegetables, add meat and fish, and new names appeared: "Spring", "Health". Hot liquid dishes, they were then called brew, or bread, appeared in Russia also in the ancient period: first, soup, cabbage soup, stews, talkers, later borscht, pickles, then hodgepodge.

Among the drinks, kvass, honey, all kinds of decoctions from forest herbs, and also sbitni were widespread. Spices, and moreover in large quantities, have been used in Russia since the 11th century. Russian and overseas merchants brought cloves, cinnamon, saffron, black pepper, olive oil.

Tea first appeared in Russia in the 17th century. As for alcoholic beverages, in Ancient Russia they drank low-alcoholic beverages - fermented honey and fermented berry juices.

Vodka was first brought to Russia in the 15th century, but then it was banned for import and reappeared under Ivan the Terrible in the middle of the 16th century.

The originality of the dishes of the Russian national cuisine was determined not only by the set of products from which the food was prepared, but also by the peculiarities of their preparation in the Russian oven. Initially, Russian stoves were made without a chimney and were heated "in a black way".

Later, stoves with pipes appeared, and then stoves and ovens were added to the stoves. They cooked food in the Russian oven, baked bread, brewed kvass and beer, and dried food supplies on the oven. The stove heated the house, the old people and children slept on the stove.

The food cooked in the Russian oven was distinguished by its excellent taste. This was facilitated by the shape of the dishes, temperature conditions and uniform heating from all sides.

In the Russian oven, food was cooked in clay pots and cast iron. Both had a narrow neck, a small bottom and large convex sides. The narrow neck reduced evaporation and contact with air, thus contributing to better retention of vitamins, nutrients and aromas. Food in the Russian oven was cooked almost without boiling due to the fact that the temperature in the oven gradually decreased, because the oven was first heated and then cooked in it. Thus, food in the Russian oven was steamed more or, as they used to say, languished.

The Russian stove, having served with faith and truth for at least 3000 years, has now completely left the city life and is gradually leaving rural houses. It was replaced by gas and electric stoves, electric grills, microwave ovens. The dishes cooked in the oven in a ceramic dish under a dough lid preserve the taste and aroma of old Russian cuisine to a large extent. In ancient times, the cuisine of the upper class differed little from the cuisine of the common people. By the 17th century, the food of the royal family, as well as the privileged estates, became more and more sophisticated, differing not only in quantity, but also in the composition and method of serving dishes. It should be noted, however, that this applied primarily to the festive, ceremonial table. In the days of fasting, the tsarist cuisine still retained its common features.

It should be noted that over the centuries, along with the original dishes, much was borrowed from the neighbors.

The adoption of Christianity had a great influence on the entire Russian life, including the Russian cuisine. With the spread of Christianity in Russia, there was a sharp division of the Russian table into lean and non-fast, that is, modest. Observance of fasts from 196 to 212 days resulted in a wide variety of flour, vegetable, mushroom and fish dishes. During fasts it was impossible to have too much fun, to eat meat and dairy food, eggs and sugar, and on strict fasts it was forbidden to eat fish. The Old Russian speedy table was distinguished by the preparation of dishes from a whole carcass of a bird or animal, or a large piece of meat.

The turbulent events of the 20th century, which led to the migration of the population, the development and widespread introduction of the mass media, the emergence of a catering system with unified Collection of Recipes, to a large extent smoothed out regional features, but to a certain extent also enriched the nationwide Russian cuisine. Russian cuisine has come a long way in its development. On this path there were periods of formation, improvement and prosperity, but there were also periods of decline, there were bright original finds, successful borrowings, but also offensive losses.


1.1 Characteristics of the public dining room No. 1

The open-type dining room No. 1 is located in the Metallurgical District of the city of Chelyabinsk on Rumyantseva Street, 45. It is a service for the manufacture of culinary products, varied by days of the week or special rations for various groups of the served contingent (workers, schoolchildren, tourists), as well as for the creation conditions for sale and consumption at the enterprise. Public canteen No. 1 works to provide products of mass demand mainly to the population of the area and visitors. The canteen uses a post-pay consumer self-service method.

The dining room is decorated in Russian style. The dining room menu has an original design and is easily accessible. The dining room is equipped with dining furniture (tables and stools) with a coating that allows them to be treated with detergents and disinfectants. The dining room is provided with a sufficient amount of tableware and appliances (at least two sets per seat). Porcelain and glassware (plates, cups, glasses) are used that meet the safety requirements for materials in contact with food. The cutlery is made of stainless steel.

1.2 Organization of production of the enterprise

The essence of the organization of production in the dining room No. 1 is to create conditions that ensure the correct conduct of the technological process of cooking. In accordance with the technological process of product release, production units are organized, which form its production infrastructure.

The production infrastructure of an enterprise is understood as the composition of its production divisions: sections, departments, workshops, industries, forms of their construction, placement, production ties.

In terms of production structure, public canteen No. 1 refers to a full-cycle enterprise operating on raw materials. Therefore, the shop structure of the enterprise is organized in canteen # 1.

The canteen workshops are subdivided into cold, hot, meat and fish. There are several groups of premises:

1) Warehouse group - intended for short-term storage of raw materials and products in refrigerated chambers and uncooled storerooms with appropriate storage modes.

2) Production group - intended for the processing of products, raw materials, semi-finished products and the release of finished products; the production group includes the main shops: meat and fish, cold, hot.

The meat-and-fish shop is intended for processing raw materials and making semi-finished products (blank);

Hot shop - produces finished products, first and second courses, side dishes, sauces, drinks;

Cold shop - produces finished products, cold dishes and snacks, salads, drinks;

Also, the production premises include: washing kitchen and tableware, service room, production manager's premises.

3) Trade group - intended for the sale of finished products and the organization of their consumption. Commercial premises provide quick release of products and the creation of the necessary amenities for visitors at the maximum throughput of the enterprise. The trade group includes: a trading floor, a wardrobe, toilet rooms.

4) Administrative and household group - designed to create normal working and rest conditions for employees of the enterprise: the director's office, accounting, staff wardrobe with showers and toilets.

The director's office is on the same floor as the trading floor. The room has a connection with production facilities, a telephone.

The production manager's room is located near the kitchen block. There is a telephone, a desk, chairs. The chef's room is located in the kitchen itself and is insulated with glass walls. This makes it possible to monitor and control the work of all production personnel.

Sanitary facilities for personnel are used during preparation of personnel for work and at the end of work. Wardrobes for storing work clothes are separate from wardrobes for storing home clothes.

1.3 Requirements for the production premises of the canteen and the organization of workplaces

The industrial premises of the canteen are at least 3.5 meters high. The walls were painted with glue paint in light colors. The panels are faced with 1.7 meters of light ceramic tiles, which are easily sanitized, the ceilings are whitewashed, the floors are covered with metlakh tiles.

Lighting plays an important role in organizing workplaces. Therefore, in dining room No. 1, both natural and artificial lighting are used.

The air temperature in the production premises does not exceed 16 - 180 С in the blank rooms, and in the hot shop 22 - 250 C. The production facilities are provided with powerful supply and exhaust ventilation. The kitchen and sink are especially ventilated. The production premises are provided with cold and hot water and sewerage. Water is supplied to bathtubs, sinks, as well as stoves, boilers and other equipment.

An employee's workplace is a part of the workshop area, on which equipment, inventory, tools are concentrated, necessary for the employee to perform certain operations of the technological process. Public canteen # 1 is dominated by universal workplaces, where the employee performs several heterogeneous operations.

Dishes and implements are selected in accordance with the standards of equipment and capacity of the enterprise. The dining room is provided with porcelain and varietal crockery, cutlery in the amount required to organize customer service. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for inventory, utensils, tools are determined by SanPiN, according to which utensils, implements and tools are made of materials that are harmless and safe for human health and the environment.

1.4 Commercial premises of the public dining room

The commercial premises of the public dining room No. 1 include: a sales area with a dispensing line. The group of commercial premises also includes a cash desk, a bread slicer, utility rooms - a washing tableware.

Visitors to the public dining room No. 1 have the opportunity to take off their clothes, wash their hands, and correct their hair. Therefore, the dining room has a wardrobe and a toilet. Mirrors are available in the lobby and toilets.

The dining wardrobe is located at the entrance. The number of places in the wardrobe corresponds to the number of places in the dining room during the period of the greatest influx of visitors. The wardrobe is equipped with metal double-sided sectional hangers with sliding brackets, they are the most hygienic and convenient to work with. The distance between the hangers is at least 70 cm. The hangers are placed 1.5 m from the floor. Bags, briefcases are placed in cell cabinets. When accepting things from visitors, the cloakroom attendant immediately gives them tokens and only then hangs up the clothes. When a visitor leaves the dining room, a coat is first served, then a hat.

The toilet is located next to the wardrobe. High demands are placed on their sanitary condition: impeccable cleanliness, good ventilation, bright lighting. The toilet is supplied with hot and cold water, toilet soap, drying towels and mirrors.

The trading hall of the dining room is the main area where visitors are served. The hall is also designed in Russian style, there are both decorative elements and fresh flowers, which give a calmer and more pleasant feeling for a visitor to dine or just relax.

1.5 Preparing to serve visitors in the dining room

The purpose of preparing the sales area of \u200b\u200bthe dining room for serving visitors is to create ideal cleanliness, comfort, and a clear organization of service in it.

Preparation for service consists of daily cleaning of retail premises, arranging furniture, receiving dishes, cutlery, table linen and table setting. Commercial premises are cleaned in the morning and ends 1-2 hours before the opening of the enterprise.

When cleaning the premises, the established sanitary rules are followed. Cleaning of the premises: daily during the day, general 2 times a month. They wash furniture, refrigerators, windows, shop windows. Cleaning is carried out in a certain sequence depending on the type of cleaning. First they sweep and then wipe off the dust during wet cleaning, and vice versa during dry cleaning. For cleaning use washing vacuum cleaners, scoops, buckets, brooms. Lighting devices - chandeliers, table lamps - require special care. Dust is carefully removed from them, burned out bulbs are replaced. The room must be well ventilated.

Particular attention is paid to the care of ornamental plants that adorn the modern trading floor: they are carefully watered, yellow leaves are cut.

The cleaning is finished, the production manager inspects the sales area in the dining room and gives further instructions on the arrangement of tables. During the day, if necessary, cleaning is carried out (current - with a scoop and a broom).

Tables are arranged in a checkerboard pattern, forming groups-zones from them, separated from one another by main aisles with a width of at least 2 m and auxiliary aisles with a width of 1.5-1.2 m.Each table is placed at such a distance from neighboring ones that would provide free passage visitors to it when the hall is fully loaded. Tables are not covered with tablecloths.

After arranging the furniture, the foreman receives the necessary dishes, cutlery, trays on receipt, and puts them in the hall on utility tables, stacks of spoons and forks. When preserving, salt, pepper, a vase of flowers are placed on the tables at a distance of 10-15 cm from the edge. Napkins are an indispensable element for table setting. Most canteen # 1 uses paper napkins for table setting and serving visitors, but linen napkins are also allowed.

A folded table napkin is placed on the table for visitors to use and to decorate the table setting. Many different forms of napkin folding are known. But it should be remembered that the less hand touches the napkin, the more hygienic it is.

1.6 Customer service in the dining room

In the public dining room No. 1, visitors are served independently. During the course of the dining room, visitors first go into the wardrobe, take off their outerwear, those who wish can wash their hands, put themselves in order.

The self-service method consists of two stages: the sale of finished products and the organization of their consumption.

Careful preparation of the handout for work, the release of finished products and settlement with visitors are carried out by the service personnel: cook-distributors and cashiers.

In the process of self-service, visitors are given the opportunity to independently take cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and drinks, pastries and other products, cutlery from the dispenser (showcase). Distributors portion hot dishes just before the holiday.

Visitors place the selected dishes on trays, move them to the settlement unit along the dispensing line, and after calculation they are transferred to the dining tables.

After eating, visitors take their dirty dishes to the washing tableware on their own.

1.7 Banquet service

In the public dining room No. 1, a banquet tea is organized, and mainly for women. Banquet tea is held in the afternoon from 16 to 18 hours. The banquet lasts no more than 2 hours.

Round four-seater tables and chairs are placed in the center of the banquet hall, and one side table for waitresses is also placed along the wall. Use round colored tablecloths.

When serving tea tables, dessert plates and cutlery are used, followed by glasses for Madeira with a capacity of 75 g, behind glasses - fruit cutlery. Next to dessert plates are dessert spoons, a fork or a spoon (depending on the dessert dish). Napkins are placed on dessert plates. Fruit plates are placed in stacks of 4-6 pieces, near the fruit bowls on either side of it.

The banquet tea menu consists of flour confectionery (cakes, pastries, sweet pies, cookies), chocolates, sugar, cream. The banquet menu also includes a sweet dish - jelly, ice cream.

Guests are welcomed by the hostess of the banquet. She invites them to the table, the waitresses help them to sit down, paying the most attention to the older women. After making sure that all the banquet participants are seated comfortably, the waitresses offer them sweet dishes and wines. Sweet dishes are served in bowls, which they set on a side table on counter plates covered with paper napkins. Teaspoons are also put here. The dish is served to each guest on the right with the right hand. You can place dummy plates on the table, and set bowls from the tray in front of each guest on the right. Then hot drinks and pastries are prepared for serving.

After that, the used dishes are removed and clean dessert plates and cutlery are placed in front of each guest. Tea is served with hot cream, milk and lemon on the table.

Tea is served in topping teapots, along with tea cups, saucers, teaspoons, and stirred at the edge of the tea table or separately on the side table.

Hot drinks in cups and saucers are placed on the table to the right of the dessert plates. When serving hot drinks, spoons are placed on a saucer in front of the cup with the handle to the right, and the handle of the cup is turned to the left of the guest.

Tea is poured by the waitress or hostess of the celebration, but the waitress still serves.

If during a banquet tea is served from a samovar, the hostess of the banquet pours the tea and offers it to the guests. In this case, the waitress helps the hostess in serving tea to the guests, and also brings clean cups and a teapot with tea leaves. At the request of the hostess, the waitress can pour tea from the samovar and offer it to the guests.

After hot drinks are served, waitresses offer cabernets and liqueurs to the guests. All these drinks at a tea banquet are usually served not in bottles, but in decanters.


2.1 Development of the production program, acceptance of the order

The production program of the enterprise is the assortment and quantity of prepared dishes per day, which are sold through the sales area.

The development of the production program of the enterprise is carried out in the following order:

1) Determination of the capacity of the sales area, the number of consumers

2) Drawing up the menu of the settlement day for the trading floor, for the staff.

3) Calculation of the total number of dishes by groups in the assortment, assortment and quantity of purchased products.

The development of the production program in the public dining room No. 1 is carried out on the basis of current regulatory documents, an approximate range of products, Technical conditions, Technical instructions, for semi-finished products and confectionery. When determining the number of consumers according to the schedule of loading the hall with basic data, the operating mode of the halls of the enterprise serves; the duration of a meal by one consumer; loading of halls in%; by the numbers of their work.

Development of the workshop production program.

Number of consumers:

where Nch is the total number of consumers, hour;

Р - the capacity of the hall;

tsch - turnover of seats in the hall within an hour;

Acceptance of an order for serving a banquet in a public dining room No. 1 is taken by the director, production manager. When placing an order, the date of the celebration service, the number of participants, the start and end time of the service, an approximate menu and the preliminary cost of the order are agreed with the customer. The banquet menu is compiled at the request of the customers, depending on the capabilities of the enterprise. After agreeing on the menu, the customer pays 50% of the order value, the cashier issues an incoming cash order and a receipt for it, which is handed to the customer. The order is registered in a special order book.

In the future, no later than two days before the start of the celebration, the production manager draws up an order-invoice with the customer.

The order-invoice is issued in five copies, approved by the head of the enterprise and transferred to the cashier. The cashier accepts an additional payment for the order from the customer, certifies the order-invoice with his signature and puts a stamp “paid”. The first copy of the Order-invoice is transferred to the customer, the second remains with the cashier, then it is transferred to the accounting department, and the third and fourth, fifth are sent respectively to the foreman of the waiters.

2.2 Calculation of the breakdown of dishes by assortment

The breakdown of dishes by assortment in a public dining room is made in accordance with the standards given for the total number of cold, first, second, sweet dishes, as well as for each coefficient separately. Before drawing up a plan - the menu, you need to refer to the assortment of dishes and drinks of this enterprise. To break down dishes by assortment, approximate food consumption rates are required for 1 person, for a public dining room No. 1. The table "Approximate assortment of dishes and drinks" is also taken into account when compiling the assortment

The total number of dishes planned for release is determined by the formula:

where n is the number of dishes sold per day;

N is the number of consumers served;

m is the coefficient of food consumption by one consumer at various types of catering establishments.

2.3 Plan-menu, banquet menu of the public dining room No. 1

In the public dining room No. 1, a production program for the day is drawn up, based on the turnover plan for the day.

Operational planning of production includes several stages. The main stage of operational planning is the preparation of a plan menu.

The menu plan is drawn up by the head of the canteen on the eve of the planned day and approved by the director of the enterprise. It contains the name, recipe numbers and the number of dishes, indicating the timing of their preparation in separate batches, taking into account consumer demand. The main factors that must be taken into account when drawing up the menu include: the approximate range of products, the availability of raw materials and its seasonality recommended for the production of a public dining room.

An approximate assortment of dishes is a certain number of cold appetizers, hot appetizers, first and second courses, beverages typical for production in public dining room 1. When drawing up a menu plan, it is necessary to take into account the availability of raw materials in pantries and its seasonality. Dishes and snacks included in the menu should be varied both in the types of raw materials and in the methods of heat treatment, the qualification composition of workers, production capacity and equipment of its trade and technological equipment, as well as the complexity of dishes, that is, the time spent on preparing a unit of production ... The plan is approved - the menu, the director and the production manager, are responsible for ensuring that the dishes included in the menu are available throughout the day of the enterprise's trade.

Free choice menu. A menu is a list of snacks, dishes, drinks, flour confectionery products available for sale on a given day, indicating the output and price. The menu must be signed by the director, production manager and the calculator; in the public dining room, a free choice menu is used. It presents a list of dishes, written in a specific order, indicating the output of dishes, side dish and main product, price.

Calculation of the number of dishes: the total number of dishes is broken down into separate groups and the distribution of dishes within the group.

Branded snacks, meals and drinks are broken down into main groups. Calculation and number of places in public catering establishments; standards for calculating the network of catering establishments.

The calculation of the required number of places in catering establishments located in a residential area is made according to the formula:

where Nzh.z. - the number of the population living in the area, people;

Rn. - the norm of places for 1000 inhabitants.

Rzh.z. \u003d \u003d 5784 (4)

The banquet menu is made taking into account the nature of the banquet and the time of the event. It differs from all other types of menus in that the customer takes an active part in its preparation.

Along with the menu in the dining room, a wine list is drawn up for the banquet. The content of the wine list is directly related to the banquet held in the public dining room No. 1.

2.4 Calculation of the number of production workers and waiters

The number of cooks in the hot and cold workshops in the public dining room No. 1 N, people, is calculated using the time norms, according to the formula:

where n is the number of dishes (products); dishes made per day in hot or cold shops, pcs., kg;

t is the time standard for the manufacture of a unit of the product, s .;

T is the duration of the working day, h;

l is the coefficient taking into account the growth of labor productivity l \u003d 1.14.

where K is the coefficient of labor intensity.

100 - the norm of the time required for the preparation of the product, the labor input coefficient of which is 1, s.

The time rate is the time required to perform a certain operation or manufacture a unit of production under certain organizational and technical conditions.

Labor intensity coefficient - represents the ratio of the actual expenditure of working time, for the preparation of a particular dish, to the time required to prepare the dish, taken as a unit of labor intensity.

Having calculated the number of production workers in the hot and cold workshops of the public dining room No. 1, we determine the total number of production workers, taking into account weekends and holidays, vacations and sick days No. 2, calculated by the formula:

where a is a coefficient that includes weekends and holidays. We take into account the fact that the working hours of the public canteen No. 1, 7 days a week.

Calculation of the waiters: serving the banquet tea is entrusted to the waitresses in order to create a relaxed atmosphere. Let's take two waitresses for this banquet to serve 15 guests.

2.5 Schedules of the exit to work of production workers and waiters of the public canteen No. 1

A properly developed and observed work and rest regime in the public dining room No. 1 ensures an increase in the productivity of workers, an improvement in the quality of products significantly reduces industrial injuries, and reduces the incidence of diseases, increases the culture of production. Physiologically, it has been established that with an 11 hour working day, the lunch break should be set 3-4 hours after starting work. The pre-developed work and rest regime at the enterprise ensures an increase in labor productivity, an improvement in the quality of products, and reduces industrial injuries. In order to establish the order of work in the public cafeteria No. 1, a timetable for starting work was drawn up. Distinguish between daily, monthly, and annual charts. The daily charts reflect the length of the working day, its beginning and end, the time and duration of the lunch break. Monthly charts indicate the total number of hours per month, the alternation of working days and days of rest.

In accordance with the labor law, the working week lasts 40 hours. Public canteen # 1 uses a line chart. With this schedule, 1 brigade is organized, one composition. They work 7 hours a day. 20 minutes, five days a week with two days off. The advantage of the schedule is that the composition of the brigade is constant throughout the day, this increases the responsibility of employees for completing the production task.

The work hours of the waiters are set taking into account the production and trading activities of the public dining room No. 1.

In the public dining room No. 1, self-service is used, but during the banquets the waiters are singled out from among the employees of the enterprise.

2.6 Calculation and selection of mechanical equipment, heating, refrigeration, auxiliary

Mechanical equipment in hot and cold workshops is used to perform various operations - wiping, cutting. The defining parameters in the calculation and selection of equipment are: the amount of product processed per shift, the productivity of the machine.

Calculation and selection of mechanical equipment

where, Q is the number of products processed per shift, kg;

Ty is the conditional operating time of the machine.

The conditional operating time of the machine ty, hours, is determined by the formula:

where T is the duration of the workshop, h;

nv - conditional utilization factor of mechanical equipment;

Based on the production calculation, according to the current reference books, a rubbing machine is selected that has a performance close to the required one.

After that, the actual time of the machine tf h is determined, and the coefficient of its use: nf according to the formulas:

where, Q is the number of products processed per shift, in kg;

G - productivity of the adopted rubbing machine, kg / h;

T is the duration of the workshop, h.

Calculation and selection of heating equipment

The calculation of the required volume of cooking equipment in the public dining room No. 1 is carried out taking into account the timing of the sale of dishes, it includes the determination of the volume of boilers for cooking soups, sauces, second hot dishes, side dishes, sweet dishes, hot drinks. The number of portions sold during the billing period is set according to the table of the sale of dishes. The number of portions that are prepared for the batch is taken according to the cooking schedule. For dishes that are cooked several times a day, the volume of the cauldrons is calculated initially for the hours of maximum realization.

The calculation of the volume of boilers for cooking broths in the public dining room No. 1, VK, dm3, is carried out according to the formula:

where Q, is the amount of the main product for cooking broth, kg;

W - water rate per 1 kg of the main product, dm3;

Q 2 - the amount of vegetables for cooking broth, kg;

k - boiler filling factor.

First, calculate how much of each type of broth is required to prepare V, dm3, according to the formula:

where, n - the number of soups that are prepared for this broth;

q - broth rate for one soup portion, dm3.

Determine how much broth needs to be prepared: where, n is the number of soups that are prepared from this broth q is the broth rate per 1 serving of soup, dm3.

Calculation of the volume of dishes for cooking side dishes and main courses

The estimated volume for cooking second hot dishes and side dishes is determined by the formula:

where, Vpr - the volume occupied by the product, dm3. ;

1.15 - coefficient taking into account the excess of the volume of liquid,

The total is:

1) Solid-drawn aluminum boiler 40L

solid-state boiler made of stainless steel 50l

6L stainless steel saucepan

4) aluminum cylindrical pan 10l

5) 8L cylindrical aluminum pan

6) aluminum cylindrical pan 10l

Determination of the boiler utilization rate. The boiler utilization factor nph is determined by the formula:

Calculation of frying pans for frying piece products

Frying pans and deep fryers are calculated by the area of \u200b\u200bthe bowl and its capacity. The basis for their calculation is the number of products or products sold in fried or stewed form.

For frying piece products, the area under the pan of the pan F, m2, is calculated by the formula:

where n is the number of products fried for the estimated period, pcs;

f is the area occupied by a unit of products, m2;

c is the turnover of the pan pan for the maximum hour of the billing period, which is calculated by the formula:

where T is the duration of the settlement period, minutes T \u003d 60;

t is the duration of the heat treatment cycle, minutes.

The total area under the bowl F total, m2, is calculated by the formula:

where 1.1 is a coefficient that takes into account the non-adherence of products.

Calculation of the frying surface of the plate

The size of the required frying surface of the stove for the public dining room No. 1 depends on the type of enterprise, the working hours of the dining rooms and the degree of equipment of the hot shop with other types of heating equipment. Plates are selected for the maximum hour of loading, taking into account the required area of \u200b\u200bthe frying surface. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe frying surface of the plate, required for cooking products per hour, is calculated according to the formula:

where, Fp - calculated frying surface of the slab m3;

1.3 - coefficient taking into account the non-tightness of the fit of the dishes;

n - the number of dishes required for cooking a certain type of food for the billing period;

f is the area occupied by the dishes on the frying surface of the plate, m2;

t - duration of heat treatment of products, min.

Calculation and selection of refrigeration equipment

The selection of refrigeration equipment is made on the basis of the required capacity, which is usually calculated by the mass or volume of products to be simultaneously stored during the billing period.

The calculation of the capacity of the cabinet E., kg, or V, dm3, is made according to the formula:

where Q is the amount of products to be stored in the cabinet for the billing period, kg;

q - coefficient taking into account the weight of the dishes, 0.7-0.8.

Calculation and selection of auxiliary equipment

The calculation of production tables is based on the number of people simultaneously working in the workshop and the standard length of the workplace per worker.

The total length of the tables L, m, is determined by the formula:

where N is the number of cooks, people;

I is the length of the workplace per employee, m.

For public canteen # 1, in the hot shop:

in a cold shop:

The number of tables n is determined by the formula:

where L is the total length of workplaces;

Lst is the length of the accepted standard production tables, m.

For a banquet tea we choose round four-seater tables. Since there are 15 guests, you need to take 4 such tables, one side table for waitresses. Sizes of round tables: diameter - 950 mm, height - 750 mm, dimensions of auxiliary tables: width - 600 mm, height - 740 mm.

Round tablecloths are used. Their size is calculated: table diameter plus side slopes, 60cm.

900 + 60 + 60 \u003d 1020 mm.

The number of napkins for guests is calculated:

The number of napkins for waitresses is calculated according to the standards - three pieces per one waiter:

The number of handbrakes is calculated according to the standards - four pieces per one waiter:

The number of towels is calculated according to the standards - two pieces for one waiter:

2.7 Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe enterprise and workshops

The area of \u200b\u200bproduction premises is calculated by the formula:

where S total. - total area of \u200b\u200bthe workshop, m;

S floor. - useful area of \u200b\u200bthe workshop occupied by the equipment, m;

Ksp. - area utilization factor, 0.3-0.5.

Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bhot and cold workshops in the public dining room No. 1

Hot shop area calculation:

Stot. \u003d 18 / 0.3 \u003d 60 m.

Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe cold shop:

Stot. \u003d 5.7 / 0.3 \u003d 19.5 m.


3.1 Standardization of food service products

Standardization of public catering products - activities aimed at establishing norms, rules and characteristics in order to ensure: safety of products, works and services for the environment, life, health and property; technical and informational compatibility, as well as product interchangeability; the quality of products, works and services in accordance with the level of development of science, technology and technology.

For the catering establishment, the "Procedure for the development, consideration and approval of enterprise standards (STP)" and the Temporary procedure for the development and approval of technical and technological maps for dishes and culinary products were approved. (Letter of the Department for Regulation and Coordination of Internal Trade of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the Russian Federation dated 23.10.1997 No. 23-310 "On regulatory documentation".).

The procedure for the development, consideration and approval of STP standards was approved by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the Russian Federation dated 06.07.

Enterprise standards are being developed for culinary products prepared using non-traditional methods of cold and heat processing of food products, as well as new technical and technological processes. The construction, presentation and execution of enterprise standards must comply with GOST 1.5-92. The draft standards of the enterprise are coordinated with the sanitary-epidemiological service, on the territory of which the developer is located.

The head of the enterprise approves the enterprise standard. The term of validity of the STP is determined by the enterprise approving the standard.

The technological process for the preparation of culinary products contained in the standards of enterprises must ensure compliance with the indicators and safety requirements established by the current regulatory state acts.

Enterprise standards must not violate mandatory government standards. Responsibility for compliance with the requirements of the standards of business entities by the mandatory requirement of state standards is borne by the business entities that approved them.

Changes in the standards of enterprises are developed in case of replacement, exclusion and introduction of additional requirements for the mode of preparation of products or the trade and technological process of providing public catering services.

The enterprise standard contains sections in the following sequence:

1) the name of the product (trade and technological process), scope;

2) a list of raw materials used for the manufacture of dishes (products);

3) requirements for the quality of raw materials;

4) norms for laying raw materials with gross and net weight, output of semi-finished product and finished product;

5) technological process of product preparation and trade services;

6) requirements for registration, filing, sale and storage;

7) transportation;

8) packaging and labeling;

9) indicators of quality and safety;

10) test methods;

11) requirements for environmental protection;

12) information data on nutritional and energy value.

The Technical Committee for Standardization "Trade and Public Catering Services" (TC 347) - a public association of interested organizations, enterprises, representatives of the subjects of the Federation and municipalities - was created in accordance with Order No. 426/467 of 13.10.1999 (no longer valid). The current order No. 3069 dated 08.11.2007.

In accordance with the order, the TC 347 secretariat maintains the department for standardization and certification of services of OJSC VNIIS.

The TC Chairman is the General Director of JSC VNIIS V.G. Versanne. Executive Secretary - Leading Researcher of the Department of Standardization and Certification of Services E.V. Kamenetskaya.

As part of TC 347, 2 subcommittees are organized: PC 1 "Catering services" and PC 2 "Trade services". TC 347 developed and approved standards.

3.2 Processes shaping the quality of foodservice products

Diffusion. Rinsing, steeping, boiling and passing foods come into contact with water and can extract soluble substances from them. This process is called diffusion, and obeys the Fix's law. According to this law, the diffusion rate depends on the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe product. The larger it is, the faster diffusion occurs.

Osmosis. Osmosis is called diffusion, where the movement of solvent molecules occurs in the presence of a semi-permeable septum. This partition in plant and animal cells is a membrane.

Swelling. Some dried jellies are capable of swelling - absorbing liquid, while their volume increases significantly. Swelling should be distinguished from the absorption of liquid by powdery or porous bodies without an increase in volume, although the two processes often occur simultaneously.

Swelling is either the purpose of processing (soaking dried mushrooms, vegetables, cereals, legumes, gelatin), or accompanies other processing methods (cooking cereals, pasta and other products).

Adhesion (from Latin as Shaezu) - adhesion of the surface of two dissimilar bodies. In culinary practice, the phenomenon of adhesion is manifested when frying meat and fish semi-finished products, that is, when frying, they stick to the frying surface, which is extremely undesirable.

3.3 Primary processing of food

russian kitchen dining room industrial

Food processing at catering establishments is carried out in accordance with GOST R 50647-94.

The primary processing of vegetables consists of sequential technological operations: sorting, washing, cleaning and cutting.

Potatoes. During the initial processing, the potatoes are first sorted, then peeled in potato peelers of periodic or continuous action. Then the vegetables are thoroughly washed and cleaned.

Roots. Roots are usually sorted by hand; use them depending on the shape and brightness of the color for various purposes.

Beets, turnips, small and medium-sized and even short carrots are peeled in a potato peeler, and then cleaned with a flute knife, then washed thoroughly.

Cabbage. When processing white cabbage, remove the top contaminated leaves, then the cabbage is washed. The stumps are cut out after cutting the head of cabbage into four parts.

Onion. When processing onions, the bottom is cut off, the onion is cleaned of dry scales and cut into rings, half rings, slices, cubes.

Cucumbers. The vegetables are washed, the stalks and a thin layer of the skin are cut off. In greenhouse and early ridge cucumbers, the stalk and the skin around it are removed.

Tomatoes. Tomatoes are washed, sorted and cut out the dense pulp along with the stalk.

Fruit and berry processing: consists of: sorting, washing, cleaning and slicing. When sorting, they remove impurities, rotten and beaten specimens, distribute fruits and berries by size and quality. Fruits and berries are washed by hand in order to remove residues of earth and sand from their surface. Fruit and berries are cleaned and cut by hand.

GOST 1368-91: Fish of all types of processing. Length and weight. This standard specifies the subdivision of fish for all treatments by length or weight.

Fish processing. Mechanical culinary processing of fish includes the following operations: cleaning from scales, removing the head, fins, humerus, gutting, washing, cutting and cutting semi-finished products.

The fish are cleaned from the scales manually or with mechanical scrapers. The cleaned fish is washed. After removing the scales from the fish, the fins are removed (starting from the dorsal). The trimmed fin is pressed with a knife and, holding the fish by the tail, is taken to the side, while the fin is easily removed. The head is removed along the contour of the gill covers. After the fish is gutted: not by cutting the abdomen, but by removing the insides along with the head; cutting the abdomen from the head to the anus. The insides are removed carefully so as not to damage the gallbladder. The inner cavity is cleaned from the dark film. After evisceration, the carcasses are thoroughly washed with cold water, dried on grates for 20-30 minutes.

GOST 18157-88. Slaughter products. This standard applies to boneless and boneless cuts of beef intended for sale in the trade, public catering network.

The primary processing of meat consists of the following processes; thawing, washing, drying, culinary cutting, boning, stripping, sorting, production of semi-finished products.

Carcasses, half carcasses, quarters of meat are thawed in a chamber at a temperature from 0 to 6-8 ° C for 1-3 days or at 20-25 ° C for 12-24 hours. To avoid loss of nutrients, meat is not thawed in water. After thawing, the brand is cut off, the meat is washed with water (20-30 ° C) using brushes, rinsed with cold water (12-15 ° C) and dried in air or with cloth napkins.

Beef processing: The beef half is divided along the contour of the last rib into a forequarter and a hindquarter. As a result of cutting and deboning the forequarter of the carcass, the following is obtained: shoulder blade (shoulder and back of the shoulder blade), neck, thick edge, hem, brisket, subscapular part. The hindquarter is divided into a tenderloin, thin edge, hem, flank, inner, upper, lateral and outer parts of the hind leg. Parts of the flesh are cleaned from films and tendons, resulting in large lumpy semi-finished products: tenderloin, thick and thin edges, parts of the hind leg (upper, inner, lateral, outer), brisket, edge, shoulder blade (shoulder and shoulder parts), subscapular part and cutlet meat (neck, flank, stripping).

Pork processing: a half-carcass of pork along the contour of the hind leg between the sacral and lumbar vertebrae is divided across into two parts: front and back. After chopping, get: shoulder blade, neck, loin, breast, ham. The resulting lashes are rolled (separate the meat from the bones), cleaned from films and tendons, and lumpy semi-finished products are isolated: shoulder blade, ham (weighing up to 5 kg), neck pulp, loin (with rib bones), brisket (with rib bones), cutlet meat. The amount of waste during processing during the processing of pork - 13. The remaining food waste in the form of tendons, vertebrates, rib and pelvic bones, tubular bones of the extremities is used to prepare broths. The best are the long bones. Before heat treatment, the stripped bones are cut, and the heads of the tubular ones are sawed off.


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Public catering, which has become an important branch of the national economy, is closely linked with the development of the entire economy of the socialist state, with the solution of major social problems. In 1977, the turnover of public catering amounted to 21.1 billion rubles, 2,333 thousand people were employed in the industry, 97 million people used the services of enterprises every day. Many new enterprises were opened, especially the work, school and student meals were strengthened and improved. Progressive forms of service have been introduced and widely approved (set meals, food delivery to workplaces, subscription payment system, mechanized lines for the distribution of set meals), improved nutrition for people working in the evening and night shifts.

By 1980, the turnover of public catering reached 24.4 billion rubles, which was 25% higher than in 1975. Domestic production output increased by 27%.

The industry has increased the production of fast frozen meals. In this regard, electrophysical methods of food processing are introduced, devices of periodic and continuous action with infrared and microwave heating are created and produced. Automated washing departments are being created, including a number of specialized machines and transport means. Particular attention was paid to rational nutrition, to the introduction of set meals, compiled on a scientific basis. Diet rations were developed for various professional groups, depending on the nature of work, taking into account the energy consumption and physiological needs for basic nutrients (for example, in the research institute of public catering using computers).

Industry leadership is exercised by the USSR Ministry of Trade, the Trade Ministries of the Union and Autonomous Republics, and the administration of trade and public catering of the executive committees of the Soviets of Working People's Deputies. In cities with a wide network of public catering establishments, there are trusts of canteens, cafes, and restaurants. Ministries and departments develop and implement measures for the development, placement and specialization of a network of enterprises, introduce progressive forms of service, improve the culture of production and the quality of dishes, train personnel, monitor compliance by enterprises with sanitary rules, prices and margins, the standing of scales, etc.

At the end of the 1980s, many public catering establishments began to operate on the basis of cost accounting, i.e. has an independent balance. Many cooperative public catering establishments were opened, although most of them continued to be part of state trade associations. They supplied enterprises with raw materials, semi-finished products and items of material and technical relations, directed the work of all enterprises to fulfill the instructions of higher echelons, engaged in the selection and training of personnel, set the opening hours of enterprises, introduced new equipment and progressive forms of service, new technology, organized equipment repair and washing linen.

In the main directions of economic and social development of our country outlined in 1986, noticeable attention was paid to improving the public catering system. It was planned to further comprehensive automation of the processes of cooking and serving the population, the introduction of large procurement enterprises and the centralized supply of semi-finished products to enterprises, the introduction of new progressive technologies.

However, the change from planned relations in the economy to market ones in the early 90s determined a sharp turn in the development of public catering enterprises. It took the path of creating small, compact, self-sustaining enterprises with a high level of service and quality of food preparation, so the priority was not quantity, but quality. Large catering establishments exist today, but the level of their equipment, quality of food preparation, culture of service enter into increasingly fierce competition with the McDonald's that have appeared in our country, various cafes, snack bars and other enterprises opened here by foreign firms.

The creation of public catering enterprises in Russia with high quality of prepared products, level of service, as convenient as possible for visitors is one of the most important tasks facing the public catering system today.

1.2. The current state of catering.

Public catering is playing an ever-increasing role in the life of modern society. This is ensured by a change in food processing technologies, the development of communications, means of delivery of products and raw materials, and the intensification of many production processes.

According to international documents, the term "catering" characterized by such different definitions as “methods of preparing large quantities of food, performed without prior agreement with consumers”, or as “types of meals organized outside the home”. All over the world, catering establishments belong to either the public or the private sector. The public catering sector includes catering facilities for children, preschoolers, schoolchildren, military personnel, prisoners, the elderly and those in hospital treatment, as well as canteens for people employed in the public sector. The private sector can include many of the businesses listed above, restaurants and other types of income generating outlets. This sector also includes businesses that produce ready-to-eat foods that are sold through any of the above channels.

Public catering is one of the most important factors that provide an integral assessment of the socio-economic level of society and an understanding of its state is necessary for the formation of long-term plans for representatives of the industry and for organizations supervising the facilities of this industry.

The need to comply with the relevant sanitary standards in the public catering system is now generally recognized in relation to catering enterprises and government agencies involved in food quality control.

Currently, the structure of public catering enterprises is represented by the following segments:

Gastronomic restaurants;

Corporate food;

Fast service;

Social food.

There is also another classification, which is determined by the functional affiliation of enterprises. Food on airplanes, trains, sea and road transport is allocated to a completely independent group. At the same time, catering in hotels is a type of activity that covers various market segments. The field service and culinary production have a certain specificity. There are stationary establishments and street kiosks in the fast service system. The social sector is heterogeneous in terms of its primary activity - schools, universities, hospitals, food in the army, food in correctional institutions. All this requires individualization of methodological approaches in organizing business and in exercising supervision over such a heterogeneous environment. For example, in Russia, up to 80% of students use catering services, which makes it natural to choose canteens in educational institutions as places to eat for students. According to various materials, a significant part of students, especially in large cities, use fast food enterprises that are not related to their place of study.


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