For almost 200 years of photography has been. The ten most mysterious pictures in the world. The most mysterious photos

Over the nearly 200-year history of photography, several unique photographs have been taken, which until now no one can explain. (Next 10 mysterious stories)

In 2004, the rover Opportunity discovered curious spherical microscopic formations on Martian soil. However, an even more curious picture was taken by Opportunity in late 2012, which clearly shows a much larger number of significantly larger spheres.

These spheres, composed of hematite, could mean that there was water on the Red Planet in the past.

A sea monster off the coast of Hook Island (March 1965)

This well-known image is considered by many to be the result of working with Photoshop. But few people know that French photographer Robert le Serrec took this unknown giant sea animal back in 1965, and this photo became the subject of heated debate among zoologists.

For the first time a picture of an unknown object, dubbed the "Black Knight", was made in 1960 by one of the first satellites of the Earth. In polar orbit, an unidentified object is clearly visible, which could not have been either a satellite of the USSR or a satellite of the United States. Since then, this object has been seen many times - it appears and disappears at certain time intervals. The images below are photographs of this object captured by NASA's STS-88 mission.

Among these images was STS088-724-66. Enlarging the image makes it possible to examine the object in more detail. After careful study, scientists are inclined to believe that this is a piece of artificial origin.

On November 22, the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was shot dead in Dallas, Texas. In the course of analyzing the photographs taken at the scene of the murder, experts drew attention to a mysterious woman in a light brown raincoat and scarf. She appears in many photographs and almost always holds a camera in her hands. The FBI has been looking for this woman for a long time, but they could not establish her identity.

On the DVD of Charlie Chaplin's collector's edition of Circus, a short film about the 1928 premiere was added as a bonus. One of the frames shows a woman holding something very similar to a mobile phone in her hand. Belfast-based filmmaker George Clarke said he considered the footage as proof of the existence of time travelers. Many are inclined to believe that a woman holds an auditory tube in her hand. But then it is not clear why she smiles and says something to her.

In 1907, a group of teachers, students and scientists set up a scientific camp in Norway to study a mysterious phenomenon called the "Lights of Hessdalen".

On a clear night, Björn Hauge took this one using a shutter speed of 30 seconds. Spectral analysis showed that the object should be composed of silicon, iron and scandium. This is the most informative, but far from the only photo of Hessdalen's Lights. Scientists are still puzzling over what it could be.

This picture was taken during the Tiananmen Square riots in Beijing in June 1989. For half an hour, an unarmed man alone held back a column of tanks. The personality and further fate of this person remained a secret. But this photo was published in almost all major publications in the world, and the unknown rebel himself became a symbol of resistance to power.

In 1964, the family of Briton Jim Tumpleton took a walk near Solway Firth, where they decided to photograph their five-year-old daughter with Kodak. The Templetons assured that there was no one else in these swampy places except them. And when the pictures were developed, one of them showed a strange figure peeking out from behind the girl's back. The analysis showed that the photo was not subjected to any changes.

This is a group photo of Goddard's squadron that fought in World War I. It contains one intriguing detail: at the very top, behind one of the officers, you can see the face in which the squadron members recognized their former mechanic Freddie Jackson, who died two days before this photo was taken. And on the day the squadron was photographed, Jackson's funeral took place.

What you see above is a photograph of the lunar surface under the number AS17-136-20680, which was taken as part of the Apollo 17 mission. In the catalog of photographs, it was listed as "blown out". She has clearly suffered from excessive light exposure. However, after working with the contrast of this image, it turned out that in fact, structures that resemble pyramids are captured on it.

Unique pictures that no one can explain ...

Over the nearly 200-year history of photography, several unique photographs have been taken, which until now no one can explain ...

In 2004, the rover Opportunity discovered curious spherical microscopic formations on Martian soil.

However, an even more curious picture was taken by Opportunity in late 2012, which clearly shows a much larger number of significantly larger spheres.

These spheres, composed of hematite, could mean that there was water on the Red Planet in the past.

A sea monster off the coast of Hook Island (March 1965)

This well-known image is considered by many to be the result of working with Photoshop. But few people know that French photographer Robert le Serrec took this unknown giant sea animal back in 1965, and this photo became the subject of heated debate among zoologists.

For the first time a picture of an unknown object, dubbed the "Black Knight", was made in 1960 by one of the first satellites of the Earth. In polar orbit, an unidentified object is clearly visible, which could not be a satellite or satellite of the United States. Since then, this object has been seen many times - it appears and disappears at certain time intervals. The images below are photographs of this object captured by NASA's STS-88 mission.

Among these images was STS088-724-66. Enlarging the image makes it possible to examine the object in more detail. After careful study, scientists are inclined to believe that this is a piece of artificial origin.

On November 22, the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was shot dead in Dallas, Texas. In the course of analyzing the photographs taken at the scene of the murder, experts drew attention to a mysterious woman in a light brown raincoat and scarf.

She appears in many photographs and almost always holds a camera in her hands. The FBI has been looking for this woman for a long time, but they could not establish her identity.

On the DVD of Charlie Chaplin's collector's edition of Circus, a short film about the 1928 premiere was added as a bonus. One of the frames shows a woman holding something very similar to a mobile phone in her hand.

Belfast-based filmmaker George Clarke said he considered the footage as proof of the existence of time travelers. Many are inclined to believe that a woman holds an auditory tube in her hand. But then it is not clear why she smiles and says something to her.

In 1907, a group of teachers, students and scientists set up a scientific camp in Norway to study a mysterious phenomenon called the "Lights of Hessdalen".

On a clear night, Björn Hauge took this picture using a shutter speed of 30 seconds. Spectral analysis showed that the object should be composed of silicon, iron and scandium. This is the most informative, but far from the only photo of Hessdalen's Lights. Scientists are still puzzling over what it could be.

This picture was taken during the Tiananmen Square riots in Beijing in June 1989. For half an hour, an unarmed man alone held back a column of tanks.

The personality and further fate of this person remained a secret. But this photo was published in almost all major publications in the world, and the unknown rebel himself became a symbol of resistance to power.

In 1964, the British family, Jim Tumpleton, took a stroll near Solway Firth. The head of the family decided to take a picture of his five-year-old daughter with Kodak. The Templetons assured that there was no one else in these swampy places except them.

And when the pictures were developed, one of them showed a strange figure peeking out from behind the girl's back. The analysis showed that the photo was not subjected to any changes.

This is a group photo of Goddard's squadron that fought in World War I. It contains one intriguing detail: at the very top, behind one of the officers, you can see the face in which the squadron members recognized their former mechanic Freddie Jackson, who died two days before this photo was taken. And on the day the squadron took pictures, Jackson's funeral took place.

What you see above is a photograph of the lunar surface with the number AS17-136-20680, which was taken as part of the Apollo 17 mission. In the catalog of photographs, it was listed as "overexposed". She has clearly suffered from excessive light exposure. However, after working with the contrast of this image, it turned out that in fact it captured structures that resemble pyramids.


Secrets and mysticism always attract people. This is not surprising - the very existence of life on Earth, and even with intelligent beings, is a complete mystery and mysticism.

Here are 11 + 1 photos and videos that are not fully understood even by experts. True, while this collection was being prepared, it was possible to find a solution to one secret (with the “Black Prince”). Maybe you will be able to guess all the rest?

12. The Babushka Lady

On November 22, 1963, shots rang out in Dallas at 12:30. Most of the people filming the president's motorcade rushed to run. However, one of the women, whose face was hidden under a scarf, continued to shoot for some time after the shots. She then crossed Elm Street and merged with the crowd.

After the murder, law enforcement agencies asked the public to provide them with all the amateur videos made that day. But the video filmed by Lady Granny has not been found.

The police tried to track down the woman, in the hope that her footage would be decisive evidence, but to this day she has not been found, the nickname she received due to the fact that she was wrapped in a headscarf reminiscent of the headwear of older Russian women.

11. Astronaut from Solway Firth

In 1964, the family of Briton Jim Tumpleton took a walk near Solway Firth. The head of the family decided to take a picture of his five-year-old daughter with Kodak. The Templetons assured that there was no one else in these swampy places except them. And when the pictures were developed, one of them showed a strange figure peeking out from behind the girl's back. The analysis showed that the photo was not subjected to any changes.

10. Lights of Hessdalen

In 1907, a group of teachers, students and scientists set up a scientific camp in Norway to study a mysterious phenomenon called the "Lights of Hessdalen".

On a clear night, Björn Hauge took this picture using a shutter speed of 30 seconds. Spectral analysis showed that the object should be composed of silicon, iron and scandium. This is the most informative, but far from the only photo of Hessdalen's Lights. Scientists are still puzzling over what it could be. However, there is one version.

9. An unexpected guest in the Cooper family

The Coopers have just moved into their new home in Texas. In honor of the housewarming, a festive table was laid, at the same time it was decided to take several family photos. And when the pictures were developed, a strange figure was revealed on them - it seems that someone's body either hangs or falls from the ceiling. Of course, the Coopers did not see anything like this during the shoot.

8. "Alien" in Earth orbit

This is how this story is described on all Internet sites that publish collections of images and who like to fool readers for a couple of clicks:

“… For the first time a picture of an unknown object, called the Black Prince, was taken in 1960 by one of the first satellites of the Earth. In polar orbit, an unidentified object is clearly visible, which could not have been either a satellite of the USSR or a satellite of the United States. Since then, this object has been seen many times - it appears and disappears at certain time intervals. After a careful study of the images of the object, scientists are inclined to believe that this is a piece of artificial origin. "

This story is actually as simple as three kopecks. No, the picture is real. It was made during the flight STS-88 of the spacecraft Endeavor in 1998. Here it is, in high resolution.

During one of the astronauts' spacewalks, a thermal protective blanket was lost. One side is silver, the other side is black. It was slowly removed, taking on bizarre shapes, and several photographs were taken. Without knowing the origin of the object, you can name anything. But, fortunately for the astronauts and unfortunately for the mysterious story, it was not an alien satellite.

7. Sea monster, filmed off the coast of Hook Island

This well-known image is considered by many to be the result of working with Photoshop. But few people know that French photographer Robert le Serrec took this unknown giant sea animal back in 1965, and this photo became the subject of heated debate among zoologists.

6.Sir Goddard's Squadron (1919; published 1975)

Behind one of the aviators, another person's face can be clearly seen. Squadron members claim this is the face of Freddie Jackson, an aircraft mechanic who died in an accident two days before filming. His funeral took place on the day the group photo was taken.

5. Mobile phone in a Charlie Chaplin movie

On the DVD of Charlie Chaplin's collector's edition of Circus, a short film about the 1928 premiere was added as a bonus. One of the frames shows a woman holding in her hand something very much like a mobile phone.

The footage is considered by some to be proof of the existence of time travelers. Many are inclined to believe that a woman holds an auditory tube in her hand. But then it is not clear why she smiles and says something into her.

Curious if this is a cell phone, who is she talking to?

4. Another time traveler

This photo was taken in 1941 during the opening ceremony of the South Forks Bridge. The attention was attracted by a young man who was considered by many to be a "time traveler" - because of his modern hairstyle, a sweater with a zipper, a T-shirt with a print, fashionable glasses and a camera-soap dish. The whole outfit is clearly not from the 40s. On the left, a camera is highlighted in red, which was really in use at that time.

3. Ghosts of Watertown

In December 1924, the American tanker Watertown was heading from California to New Orleans via the Panama Canal when two sailors, Courtney and Meehan, were suffocated by oil fumes. Their bodies were buried at sea off the coast of Mexico.

The next day, the first mate saw on the waves two faces on the left side. He immediately recognized them as two dead sailors. The faces appeared again and again every day, and virtually everyone on the team saw them many times. Upon arrival in New Orleans, Captain Tracy reported the incident to the shipping company and was tasked to photograph them.

When the ghostly faces reappeared, Captain Tracy photographed them. In one shot, the faces were clearly visible. The Bureau of Investigation, which was asked to check the negative, did not find any traces of falsification.

2. Pyramids on the Moon

What you see below is a photograph of the lunar surface under the number AS17-136-20680, which was taken as part of the Apollo 17 mission. In the catalog of photographs, it was listed as "overexposed". She has clearly suffered from excessive light exposure. However, after working with the contrast of this image, it turned out that it actually depicts structures that resemble pyramids.

1. The mysterious death of Eliza Lam

This, as we say - mystics, is fresh. History rocked America in early 2013. Young Elisa Lam, a tourist from Canada, arrived in Los Angeles on January 26 and stayed at the inexpensive Cecile Hotel in the city center. The 21-year-old Chinese-Canadian was an exemplary daughter, calling her parents daily and talking about all her travel adventures in the United States.

However, shortly after her arrival in the City of Angels, the calls stopped. On January 31, Eliza was seen for the last time - she went to a bookstore near the hotel to buy souvenirs for her family, returned to Cecile, took an elevator ride - she was captured by a camera in the cab - and ... disappeared without a trace.

Eliza's tracks came to light on February 19, when hotel guests began to complain to staff about the quality of the water. The liquid in the taps darkened, the pressure weakened, and a strange taste appeared ... The employees went up to the roof, where the water supply system is located in American high-rises. There, in a tightly closed tank, a naked Eliza was found, which at that time for two weeks, together with the police, were looking for by her parents.

The biggest mystery in this case is the January 31 video of Eliza in the hotel's elevator. She presses the same combination of buttons several times in a row, runs out of the elevator, hides, wringing her hands, talking to someone out of view of the camera - or to herself. Leaving on the fourteenth floor (her room was located on the fourth), the girl does not return to the elevator.

Interesting results came from the pathologist. According to him, no known drugs and hallucinogens, alcohol were found in the tissues of the tourist. Also, no traces of any violence against her were found: blows, abrasions, traces of a struggle are absent. Moreover, it was established that death occurred in the water - she choked, but did not try to avoid it.

Based on the autopsy results, a decision was made - the case was closed, death was declared an accident. How Eliza got on the roof, how to explain her strange behavior before her disappearance - and apparently death - all these questions are no longer of interest to the police.

Hollywood also took an interest in this story and announced in early 2014 that a movie based on the mysterious death of Lam would be released in 2015.

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Over the nearly 200-year history of photography, several unique photographs have been taken, which until now no one can explain.

The father photographed the child and did not notice anything unusual, but when he showed the negatives, he saw ...

In 2004, the rover Opportunity discovered curious spherical microscopic formations on Martian soil. However, an even more curious picture was taken by Opportunity in late 2012, which clearly shows a much larger number of significantly larger spheres.

These spheres, composed of hematite, could mean that there was water on the Red Planet in the past.

2. Sea monster, filmed off the coast of Hook Island (March 1965)

This well-known image is considered by many to be the result of working with Photoshop. But few people know that French photographer Robert le Serrec took this unknown giant sea animal back in 1965, and this photo became the subject of heated debate among zoologists.

For the first time a picture of an unknown object, dubbed the "Black Knight", was made in 1960 by one of the first satellites of the Earth. In polar orbit, an unidentified object is clearly visible, which could not have been either a satellite of the USSR or a satellite of the United States. Since then, this object has been seen many times - it appears and disappears at certain time intervals. The images below are photographs of this object captured by NASA's STS-88 mission.

Among these images was STS088-724-66. Enlarging the image makes it possible to see the object in more detail. After careful study, scientists are inclined to believe that this is a piece of artificial origin.

On November 22, the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was shot dead in Dallas, Texas. In the course of analyzing the photographs taken at the scene of the murder, experts drew attention to a mysterious woman in a light brown raincoat and scarf. She appears in many photographs and almost always holds a camera in her hands. The FBI has been looking for this woman for a long time, but they could not establish her identity.

On the DVD of Charlie Chaplin's collector's edition of Circus, a short film about the 1928 premiere was added as a bonus. One of the frames shows a woman holding something very similar to a mobile phone in her hand. Belfast-based filmmaker George Clarke said he considered the footage as proof of the existence of time travelers. Many are inclined to believe that a woman holds an auditory tube in her hand. But then it is not clear why she smiles and says something to her.

In 1907, a group of teachers, students and scientists set up a scientific camp in Norway to study a mysterious phenomenon called the "Lights of Hessdalen".

On a clear night, Björn Hauge took this picture using a shutter speed of 30 seconds. Spectral analysis showed that the object should be composed of silicon, iron and scandium. This is the most informative, but far from the only photo of Hessdalen's Lights. Scientists are still puzzling over what it could be.

This picture was taken during the Tiananmen Square riots in Beijing in June 1989. For half an hour, an unarmed man alone held back a column of tanks. The personality and further fate of this person remained a secret. But this photo was published in almost all major publications in the world, and the unknown rebel himself became a symbol of resistance to power.

But we hope that one day, thanks to research and science, it will be possible to unravel them.

But there is a high probability that many questions will remain unanswered.

Here are some pictures that can be confusing.

The most mysterious photos

1. The woman in the brown coat during the Kennedy assassination

A woman in a brown coat or " Lady Granny"as the FBI later called her, was very close to President John F. Kennedy when he was assassinated in Dallas.

According to witnesses, the woman filmed the entire murder process. It was at a very important point of view and could answer the question of what exactly happened that day.

However, the FBI was never able to track down the woman or identify this mysterious observer.

Not a single photograph from the scene of the murder captured her face, and the video she filmed was never recovered, despite requests from law enforcement agencies.

2. The death of the Dyatlov group

In 1959, nine Soviet tourists mysteriously died in the Ural Mountains. The photo you see was taken by the rescue team. According to rescuers, tourists cut up the tent and ran barefoot into the snowtrying to run away from something.

Six tourists died from hypothermia, two from fractures of the sternum, and one from severe head injury. In addition, one tourist had no language. Another strange fact was high radioactivity of clothing Dyatlov group.

3. Phoenix Lights

The Phoenix Lights are a series of bright, stationary lights that were observed by thousands of people over Phoenix, Arizona, USA, and Sonora, Mexico on March 13, 1997.

The United States Air Force explained that the lights were flares dropped during the exercise. However, experts have denied this. Moreover, they reappeared over Phoenix in 2007 and 2008. An explanation for this phenomenon has never been found.

4. Solway Firth astronaut

Englishman Jim Tempelton (Jim Templeton) took this photo of his daughter on a walk in 1964. When he took the photo, he did not notice anything strange in the swampy area where the two of them were.

However, when he developed the photographs, he noticed that something was captured in the photograph behind his daughter, astronaut-like... But no one was around at the time Tempelton photographed, and Kodak confirmed that the photo had not been altered.

5. Mysterious thumb

In this photograph of four children, the boy in black has a thumb on the right near his ear, which does not belong to any of the children.

6. Satellite "Black Knight"

According to some assumptions, there is an ancient dark object called the "Black Knight" satellite, which is located orbiting the Earth for the last 13,000 years.

Nobody knows how he got there, and his purpose. This photograph was taken by the American space shuttle mission to the International Space Station in 1998.

These photos show the gaping hole that formed when the plane crashed into the South Tower of the World shopping center On September 11, 2001, a woman can be seen standing at the edge of the hole and waving her hand for help.

The woman was identified as Edna Cintron, but no one could explain how she was able to survive after the plane crashed into the building.

Strange pictures

8. Falcon Lake incident

May 20, 1967 Stefan Michalak (Stefan Michalak) was in a forest near Falcon Lake in Manitoba, Canada when he saw two UFOs in the form of cigars... When the door of one of the objects opened, Michalak heard voices and tried to talk to the beings inside. But when he approached the door, he could not distinguish anything but a "maze of lights."

Suddenly the door aircraft closed and the object rose, throwing hot air at the man through the grill opening, which caused his clothes to catch fire.

At the hospital, the doctors were extremely surprised lattice pattern of burns on the chest the victim, which can be seen in the photograph.

9. Time Traveler

This photograph was taken in 1941 after the reopening of the South Forks Bridge in Canada. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing unusual in the photograph.

But if you look closely, you will notice that one the man in the photo is dressed quite modern, he is wearing trendy sunglasses and holding a modern camera.

For comparison, in the circled circle on the left we see a man with a camera typical of that time.

10. Madonna and Saint Giovannino

This is one of the most famous unexplained images of all time. While the attention in the painting is directed towards Maria, something strange can be seen hovering over her left shoulder.

The object is very similar to a UFO, and below is a man with a dog looking up at a flying saucer.

11. Skunk monkey

In 2000, an unidentified woman took two photographs of a supposedly skunk monkey and sent them with a letter to the Florida sheriff's department. In the letter, she wrote that she photographed a monster in her yard, which came three times at night for apples, which she left on the back porch. Bigfoot hunters called the creature the "skunk monkey" because of its external resemblance and the unpleasant smell coming from it.

12. Mobile phone in Chaplin's film

In the tracks on the DVD of Charlie Chaplin's "Circus", people could watch a short film and photographs of the film's premiere in 1928, where one can see a woman who appears to be on her cell phone.

Director George Clark stated that this is proof of the existence of time travelers. Some have suggested that the woman was using a hearing tube, but this does not explain why she is using the hearing aid.

13. UFO at the bottom of the Baltic Sea

In 2012, a Swedish research team discovered a mysterious 18-meter disc at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. This object, apparently created by intelligent beings, looked like spaceship from Star Wars.


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