Selling a franchise of your business: what, how, when? How to sell a franchise - instructions for pre-sale preparation and finding buyers How to sell a franchise to a clothing sales manager

I will not be cunning - franchising is another way to make money for those who already have an active and successful business. In this case, franchising is an additional source of income. However, this source of income requires additional investments. The point here is not so much in the creation of a franchise package and, as it is now fashionable to say, in the "packing" of the business into a franchise, but in the creation of a separate sales department and support department franchisee partners.

Naturally, when starting a franchise direction, the owner is often both the sales department and the support department in one person. However, as the network grows, a large number of existing and potential partners appear, it is necessary to systematize and delegate work. It will not work to let the development of the franchise network take its course - you will either have problems attracting partners, or you will have difficulties in further relationships. Up to litigation. But future franchisors, as a rule, do not think about these difficulties ... for the time being.

As a rule, starting sales of a franchise starts easily - the first franchisees come by themselves, especially if the business is new, offers a unique product or service, or has a well-known name and brand. However, intense interest and active growth are gradually decreasing - this is inevitable. This means that sales and growth rates begin to fall.

Usually, at this point, most franchise owners begin to actively search for channels to promote franchises. And of course, the first thing they do is turn to specialized Internet resources accumulating a potential audience of possible franchisees.

However, even the placement of information about a franchise and announcements of a ready-made turnkey business in franchise catalogs does not guarantee stable demand. Placing a franchise in the catalog is only the first step, but far from the only one. In order for such sites to bring an effect, and applications turn into discoveries, it is necessary to choose multifunctional and technically and professionally advanced aggregators and services that can facilitate the work of the franchise sales department, and sometimes even optimize it.

It is precisely along the path of optimizing and automating the process of selling franchises that BIBOSS follows.

We can say that BIBOSS to some extent even replaces sales department or at least helps to reduce the budget for its maintenance, allowing to keep on the staff only professionals who perform work that cannot be automated. For example, to negotiate on the merits, to determine whether a potential buyer of a franchise will be a successful and reliable franchisee partner in the future, can only be a professional franchise manager.

At the same time, the franchise seller needs not only to bring the client to the conclusion of the transaction - signing the contract, but also to determine whether it is worth leading each individual potential franchisee to this stage. The conclusion of the deal - the signing of the contract is only the successful completion of the first stage. Then the most interesting thing begins ... However, today we are not talking about this, so let's return to sales, or rather to the processes that precede them.

It will not be about the stage of negotiations with potential franchisees, and not even about the methods of processing incoming applications. We will talk about the processes that occur BEFORE the receipt of an application for the purchase of a franchise. Moreover, if you think that the work of the franchise sales department begins exactly from the moment the application is received, you are deeply mistaken.

You can easily set up the work of your sales department in such a way that it will process only those applications that lead to discoveries, without wasting time on empty conversations and negotiations with leads who are not interested in your offer.

It is on the system of collecting hot applications, opening applications that BIBOSS has been working for 10 years.

What is the BIBOSS system based on?

Before talking about a system that allows you to optimize the process of selling a franchise, I propose to understand what people decide to buy a franchise, and how they approach the choice of a particular franchise.

Working with "beginners": pros, cons, methods

As a rule, start-up entrepreneurs who do not have significant business experience (in the worst case, have no experience at all - neither in business nor in life) are interested in franchises. This deficiency is filled with a great desire to work for oneself and the dream of starting a business. Burning eyes and enthusiasm- traits characteristic of potential franchisees, which, nevertheless, must be feared.

Enthusiasm is, of course, a commendable and necessary business, but it tends to end and dry up at the most inopportune moment - when problems, difficulties, disagreements or discontent arise. Therefore, the franchise sales department faces an almost fantastic task - to determine during negotiations whether a potential partner has enough enthusiasm to survive all the difficulties and possible problems when starting a franchise business.

Lack of experience will affect in the future, after the conclusion of the deal - "newcomers" in business will attack the personal manager with questions that a more experienced entrepreneur would consider stupid. And nevertheless, when buying a franchise, aspiring entrepreneurs count on comprehensive assistance and advice on any issues here and now.

In addition, aspiring entrepreneurs are in limbo- they do not know what kind of business to open, and therefore they are studying completely different proposals from various business areas. Today they are confident that a kindergarten franchise is the key to success, tomorrow - that opening a clothing store under a well-known brand is their chance to become an independent businessman, etc.

In order to attract this category of potential partners - first of all, you need to convince them of the prospects of the business that you offer them, and then describe in detail what issues you can provide them with competent support and advice.

People are lazy by nature, which means that the more help you provide, especially free (included in the cost of the franchise), the more the potential franchisee will want to become your partner. However, you shouldn't go too far with promises and free consultations and materials - business is business, and a relaxed entrepreneur who was given a business on a blue border, most likely, will not be able to hold out on the market and work autonomously and independently. Therefore, when placing a franchise in catalogs, the description should indicate what your partner has to do directly, put forward requirements or outline the scope of responsibilities.

We work on visuals, audials and ... digital

It is better to see once than hear a hundred times - this is what most of the inhabitants of this country are guided by. Even if you place your franchise in all kinds of directories and specialized sites, if you don't provide the description with photographs, people won't believe you.

Photos are a kind of proof of the existence of you, your company, your business and everything that you write and talk about.

The same goes for videos. In this case, you will already be able to influence audials, convincing them of the profitability and success of the enterprise - buying a franchise.

Photos, presentations and videos seemingly additional and unimportant details that have nothing to do with the business as such. However, they nevertheless have their effect. Firstly, the very fact that the company conducts a special photo session and allocates a budget for filming a video about its franchise, not verbally, at the subconscious level, evokes trust and respect for the company itself, which, of course, is transferred to the franchise proposal.

Secondly, both photos and videos attract attention and are remembered. And even if the person who viewed your photos, presentation or video did not dare to buy a franchise for one reason or another, then it is quite possible that visual images will pop up in memory at the right time - when talking with acquaintances or friends. This way, information about you and your franchise is distributed completely free of charge.

However, any entrepreneur, starting or operating, is to some extent a digital, because the goal of a business is to make a profit. It is impossible to make a profit without a harmonious and clear financial model. Business is a strict sequence of actions that leads to profit. However, in order to put this sequence into operation, financial investments are needed.

Financial issue you should also clarify immediately, without hiding or concealing from a potential partner the required amount of investment, the size of the lump-sum fee and royalties, and also notify about all kinds of mandatory and additional payments. Thus, you will be able to immediately weed out entrepreneurs who do not have the necessary amount of free money and not waste time on empty negotiations with rogues.

The more transparent the financial model of the franchise looks, the more confidence you will create in a potential partner. Yes, by providing a complete and comprehensive business plan for starting a business for your franchise, you may face the emergence of competitors who took advantage of your business plan and opened their business without your help, on their own. However, then the question arises not about the effectiveness of placing a business plan in free access, but about as a franchise... If an entrepreneur can easily and simply open a business on his own and sees no reason to buy a franchise, most likely the point is not that you opened the data of your business, but that there are no visible benefits in cooperation with you. And if the potential partner does not see the benefits, then you did not talk about them or did not do it well enough.

Check for lice

However, do not think that you can get potential partners in the competition with other franchises only with the outer shell (description, photos and even a business plan).

Entrepreneurs with experience and more advanced "newbies" are interested in franchises, who approach choosing a franchise and starting a business with caution, analyzing and comparing. The main thing for this category of potential customers is to prove their reliability. And since most, if not the main, part of the negotiations takes place remotely - by phone, to do this using only empty words is not the best tactic. It's another matter if your reliability is confirmed by authoritative sources, for example, either profile or reviews of existing franchisees.

The company's transparent policy will be a powerful argument in favor of “believing” for those in doubt. If you are not afraid to disclose information about your franchise, participate in ratings and projects aimed at disclosing public information about franchises, disclose the contacts of existing franchisees ...

Only if you provide complete and comprehensive information about your franchise in one place, you will be able to receive applications from people who are not only knowledgeable, but also serious about buying a franchise, who no longer need to explain and prove anything, who weighed themselves all the pros and cons, studied the financial model up and down ... and now they just want to sign an agreement and open a business for your franchise. The only thing left for franchise managers to do is

do not miss the hot client and bring him to the conclusion of the deal.

A similar franchise sales system has been developed and implemented at BIBOSS. We have already been convinced of its effectiveness.

You can check the effectiveness and be convinced of the effectiveness of BIBOSS by leaving an application for the placement of a franchise, or continue to increase the sales department and spend your time and money on self-collection of applications, cold and ineffective calls and empty negotiations, instead of working on developing your business. ..

To stay afloat, you need to move forward. All successful businessmen know this. One of the ways to expand your own business is to create a franchise. Passing on the acquired experience to others, you remain the owner of the company, develop new markets and receive remuneration. How to sell a franchise, what is needed for this and what costs await the future franchisor?

This is what it is about selling a franchise: you share your right to use your brand with a buyer, and in return you receive income in the form of a flat fee and monthly royalties.

Compared to opening your own branches, a franchise has a number. Investments are required to create a network. Most likely, you will have to search, convince investors of the advisability of each of their actions and listen to their precious advice.

Well, a franchise seller is a person who gives advice himself and monitors their strict implementation, earning additional income. The funds received can be invested in training new franchisees. And they, in turn, will ensure you quickly expand into new markets. In addition, you remain the rightful owner of the business without losing control over it.

Preparation for sale

Before you start franchising and selling franchises, assess how well your business is for this. Answer the following questions for yourself:

  • is your business operating efficiently;
  • whether it will be easy for you to describe the main processes;
  • whether you will be able to teach other people about your business within two or three months;
  • whether your company is recognizable (brand presence).

If you have positive answers, you can start preparing for the sale.

How to start selling a franchise? The whole process can be conditionally divided into three components:

  • preparation of legal;
  • development of the actual instructions and conditions for the franchisee;
  • promotion of a ready-made franchise.

It is also necessary to secure your rights to the brand: the name and technologies that distinguish your business from many others must be patented in Rospatent.

Legal side

The sale of franchises in Russia is regulated. It is in it that the presence and size of the initial payment is prescribed - a lump-sum payment, and monthly royalties.

The agreement establishes further mutual responsibility between partners.

The franchisor must accompany the franchisee at the initial stage, conduct training and be available for consultation on any issue.

And the franchisee, in turn, must adhere to the instructions of the patron. In case of failure by the parties to fulfill their obligations, the possibility of terminating the contract should be provided.

The owner must think about how to sell the franchise of his business seriously and for a long time, so that partners remain in your network, and not leave for their own - similar - business, having received the necessary knowledge and experience.

Special conditions can also be negotiated, for example, is it possible to resell the franchise to a third party, whether the owner will supply goods and equipment, in which territory the agreement is valid.

Guidelines and standards

One of the costs for the person selling the franchise will be developing a manual for the franchisee. It should contain standards: a detailed description of the business, production technologies and customer service levels, as well as instructions describing how to achieve these standards.

The difficulty in compiling such a textbook is that an entrepreneur must analyze his own actions in retrospect and leave only those steps that led him to success.

Therefore, the owners of a ready-made business come to the aid of specialists in the "packaging" of franchises. They will create a clear algorithm, thanks to which it will be possible to copy a business by simply repeating certain actions.


Finally, you need to get busy preparing to promote your product. Selling franchises and ready-made businesses is a separate activity that requires both time and money. Calculate what will be more profitable for you: expand your staff by forming a special department dealing with the development of presentations, or contact an advertising agency.

Client search

Now about where to sell the franchise. Having a ready-made offer in hand, an entrepreneur is ready to demonstrate it to potential buyers. Usually, interested persons are willing to study the special catalogs of franchises posted on the Internet. However, not all successful firms are registered in them; the opposite is also true - the presence of a franchise in the catalog is not a guarantee of the franchisor's liability. Therefore, just posting information on such a site will not be enough.

One of the indicators of the company's success is the presence of its own website. A well-designed website on the Internet will tell about your business not only to clients, but also to potential franchisees.

Before selling a franchise, responsible owners are willing to provide interested parties with the contact details of existing partners. Such communication is productive, first of all, for future franchisees. They will be able to find out in advance about the project, understand why this business is not suitable for them, or, on the contrary, will confirm their decision to conclude a deal with you.

You can ask for help from specialists - franchise brokers who know how to sell a franchise correctly and can help you both in the campaign and in negotiations with potential buyers.

Customer rating

How to sell a franchise and not damage your brand's reputation? It is in the interests of the owner to conclude contracts only with responsible and serious partners. Therefore, everyone who wants to purchase a franchise must provide you with information about themselves, for example, in the form of a completed questionnaire. And you will have to decide whether you can entrust him with the work under your own brand.

Promoted firms solve this problem by setting a solid initial payment for the franchisee. However, for newcomers to the market, this selection method may not be suitable. On the contrary, at first it is more expedient to reduce the amount of the lump-sum payment, provide payment by installments or sell the franchise for a percentage of the expected profit. The partner will be able to start a business on favorable terms, and you will be able to test your work in practice.

After signing the contract

When all issues are resolved, you can sign an agreement. But, of course, the process does not end there. After all, both the profitability of the new enterprise and the number of people willing to repeat this experience will depend on the quality of your support.

As a rule, the patron helps to select and rent a suitable premises for business, equip it, and arrange the supply of goods. But most importantly, he provides training for the partner in all the intricacies of the business. Whether you will do this personally or will you have a special support department depends on the type of activity and the scale of the enterprise.

How to Choose a Profitable Franchise: Video

Franchise is one of the most common and affordable forms of business development today. Having launched one trademark, in a fairly short time, the owner has the opportunity to expand it and distribute it throughout the country, using the franchise as a way to transfer the rights to the brand. But how do you sell a franchise? How to make it so that it is in demand among aspiring entrepreneurs? After all, why do this?


Cooperation in this form is beneficial for both brand owners and franchisees - buyers of rights. The former receive, first, a lump-sum contribution (a one-time payment that is made to buyers to “enter” the franchise ”). Secondly, the owner receives regular monthly payments from the buyer, which can be presented both in the form of a certain (fixed in advance) amount, and as a percentage of the franchisee's income. Thirdly, due to the franchise, the business owner gets the opportunity to expand his brand and distribute it. Initially, these may be additional retail outlets in their city, and in the future - a ready-made business throughout the country. In general, the popularity and prevalence of the franchise makes it possible to increase sales for the business, attracting new customers and increasing profits. Therefore, the growing popularity of a particular brand is a benefit for both business owners and buyers of rights to it. What does it mean to sell a franchise? This is to enable other businessmen to start their own business according to the business model you have debugged. Of course, not without a reward for you.

Where to begin?

Let's say you are a grocery store owner who is fairly successful under a certain brand name. Soon you realized that the business model you have debugged is quite successful, and therefore decided to develop this direction, attracting partners. You have chosen a franchise as a form of cooperation. Where should you start selling your brand? Roughly speaking, the question arises: "How to sell a franchise?" We will answer it in this article.

First of all, think over all the details of how you will work with your customers (franchisees) and on what terms. Determine how attractive your business might seem to them; find out how much you can charge partners for work under your logo in such a way as to enable them to earn money too. Decide on the terms of cooperation. To do this, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with how other sellers organize a franchise: read contracts, flip through brand books, instructions, etc. All this will give you some idea of ​​how the business processes in this area are arranged and where you should move to offer your services to the market.

Promote a franchise

Once you have a ready-made concept in your hands, you can think about how to sell the franchise. In general, this procedure is similar to the processes that arise when promoting any product on the market. In particular, first you need to promote your brand, then it is profitable to present it, and then make a sale.

With promotion, everything is simple. To turn to our example: if your store has been in the market for many years and still generates a high enough profit, this will be the best advertisement for your brand. As you can imagine, the main indicator of the quality of a franchise is its profitability.

You can submit your concept of the transfer of rights to use the brand by creating a public offer to everyone, which consists in creating your store under your brand name. You can attract people by describing all the benefits of your brand, as well as advertising it in terms of profitability and recognition in the eyes of buyers. Plus, you need to take care of the distribution of your offer: for example, submit an advertisement for the sale of the rights to work under TM on specialized sites that have catalogs of franchises. At the same time, you will need to describe how your store is profitable, which means that the franchise buyer's store will be profitable, as well as describe the terms of cooperation (lump-sum fee, royalty rate, requirements for the buyer and the total approximate investment amount for starting a business).

Franchisee support

It is necessary not only to know how to sell a franchise, it is necessary to think about another important point - about helping the franchisee. The fact is that your success also depends on whether your customer's business will go or not. If the venture is successful, your partner will take care of expanding the business, and royalties will increase. At the same time, others will appear who want to start their own business. You will have new ways to sell franchises.

In order for your buyer to succeed, you need to provide him with support. It consists both in the development of instructions and in indicating errors. Think of what you will advise the buyer, preferably before selling the franchise.

Further development

Finally, take care of the further promotion of your brand. Submit more ads on the Internet, run an advertising campaign. Come up with some special "chip" for your brand! In general, if you are looking for how to sell a franchise for a business, turn on your own creativity - and the solution will come!

Selling franchises Is a great way to expand the sphere of influence of your own business, attract investments and get additional profit. In this regard, many successful entrepreneurs are concerned with the question of how to sell a franchise of their business. The article describes the process of creating and packaging a franchise, and also discusses the features of advertising and selling franchises over the Internet.

Who can franchise their business

Before you start creating and selling your own franchise, you should familiarize yourself with the specifics of this business, as well as the existing types and types of franchises. You can find detailed information on all these issues.

An organization or an individual registered as an individual entrepreneur can sell a franchise for their business. The type of activity is not limited by law. In Russia, the services and catering sectors are more popular, but no one will prohibit putting up for sale a franchise of a manufacturing enterprise or trade organization. Thus, in theory, absolutely any organization or individual entrepreneur can become a franchise seller.

In practice, things are a little more complicated. The main condition for the expediency of selling franchises is the interest of potential buyers. So that aspiring entrepreneurs think about purchasing your franchise, the business must meet the following criteria:

  • The company has been operating in the market for several years and brings stable profits;
  • The brand is popular with consumers, well-known and easily recognizable;
  • The scheme of work is debugged and tested in practice. It can be described in the form of techniques and step-by-step instructions;
  • The company has proven suppliers from whom it purchases the necessary equipment, goods and materials;
  • The work does not require highly qualified personnel. Employees must be trained in a short time;
  • The business can be easily adapted to different regions of our country;
  • The size of the initial investment, the payback period and the approximate value of the profit received can be calculated;
  • The franchisor is ready to provide support and advice to the buyer of the franchise at the initial stage of business organization.

The franchise seller must have a fully legal business. If special permits and licenses are required to carry out activities, the franchisor must have them.

Why selling franchises is profitable

For the buyer franchise - this is a great opportunity to start working for yourself with minimal costs under a recognizable brand, using the experience and many years of experience of a well-known company. When it comes to selling franchises, it is beneficial for the business owner because:

  • The franchisor expands its business, makes the brand more recognizable and improves its reputation;
  • From each new franchisee, the seller receives a lump-sum fee for the right to work under his trademark;
  • Every month, a percentage of the profit received by the franchisee is transferred to the franchisor's account.

Thus, the franchise allows the seller to generate additional profit and expand their sphere of influence without actually making any effort.

How to franchise your business

Before starting a franchise for your business, you need to register your brand, logo and trademark rights. This can be done in the patent office (Rospatent) online or by direct contact. To register a brand, you need to submit an application and pay a state fee, having previously checked the uniqueness of the logo in the unified register. It can take from 4 to 12 months to register the rights, so it is better to take care of this in advance.

If the rights are registered and the company meets the above criteria, the business owner proceeds to create and package the franchise. To do this, you can contact specialized agencies or use the step-by-step instructions below.

Market analysis

Before creating a franchise for your business, it is worth conducting a market analysis and determining the target audience, that is, those who will be interested in buying a franchise. Knowing which category of people to focus on, you can prepare a proposal taking into account their needs, doubts and financial capabilities.

The study of the target audience is carried out by analyzing competitors, using logical methods, social surveys. The more accurately the needs of buyers are determined, the higher the chance to sell the maximum number of franchises and secure a sustainable profit in the future.

Preparation of a contract

A commercial concession agreement is concluded between the buyer and seller of the franchise. It is better to entrust the development of his project to professional lawyers or order it on the Rospatent website. You can, of course, use the contract form downloaded on the Internet, but in this case, you must carefully check all its points. Particular attention should be paid to the following points:

  • The size of the lump-sum fee and monthly payments to the franchisor;
  • Requirements for doing business, compliance with corporate standards and the ability to introduce innovations and your own ideas into the strategy;
  • Restrictions on location and volume of sales;
  • The procedure for resolving disputes and conditions for the extension and termination of the contract.

The contract must be tailored to a specific business and include all significant points in order to avoid misunderstandings in the future.

Franchise preparation

Franchise preparation- this is the most responsible and laborious stage. Before starting it, you need to conduct a full analysis of the financial and economic activities of the company, identify its strengths and weaknesses. Direct preparation of the franchise includes:

  1. Execution in the form of instructions of all financial and economic processes of the company, from the purchase of goods and equipment, ending with the collective charter, customer search scheme and advertising companies.
  2. Drawing up a guide for using the corporate identity of the company.
  3. Development of a system for hiring, training and adaptation of employees.
  4. Formation of a training and support system for franchisees.
  5. Preparation of accounting documents and draft business plans.

Ideally, instructions should contain descriptive graphs, charts, and tables. It is even better if the material is designed in the form of presentations and videos.

Franchise packaging

The packaging of the franchise includes the development of a short concept and a franchise book.

The short concept is a kind of business presentation. This is what we see when we click on the advertising banner of the company selling the franchise.

This is a commercial proposal that fits on 1-2 sheets, which reveals the main features and benefits of the business. Its purpose is to interest a potential buyer, to induce him to request additional information about the company. The success of sales depends on how well the concept is drawn up.

If the goal is achieved and the buyer wants to get more in-depth information about the business, a franchbook is sent to him. It is a presentation that answers all possible questions of a potential franchisee.

The aim of a franchise book is to convince the buyer of the profitability of the business, to show its advantages over competitors and to allay possible concerns and fears. The franchise book must be attractive, convincing and contain complete and accurate information.

Franchise sale

After the franchise is created and packaged, you can proceed to the most important stage - selling the franchise. To do this, you need to organize a high-quality advertising campaign and not disappoint the buyer at the stage of the transaction.

Franchise advertising

Selling a franchise starts with building your own website. It must be fully adapted to the sale of the franchise. On the site, a potential buyer can find out all the information he is interested in about the business. The site is the “face of the company”, and therefore it is necessary to carefully consider its design and content.

You can search for partners willing to buy a franchise in one of the following ways:

  • Participation in franchise exhibitions and events dedicated to the development of entrepreneurship. At such meetings, you can present your franchise and communicate directly with potential buyers. The advantage of participating in events of this kind is the ability to interact with the maximum target audience. After all, if a person comes to such an exhibition, he is initially interested in buying a franchise;
  • Advertising in the media and the Internet. This is a fairly costly way to attract franchisees, but very effective. Advertising can be placed on social networks in thematic groups and communities, as well as through Google and Yandex advertising networks through contextual delivery to interested users;

  • Advertising at points of sale and services. Information that the company is looking for business partners can be posted directly in offices and retail outlets. People who turn to the firm as clients can clearly see the success of the business and want to try themselves as a franchisee.

For a faster sale, it is better to use all possible channels for promoting the franchise at the same time.

Making a deal

It is very important not to miss a potential partner who is interested in buying a franchise until the transaction is completed. To do this, you need to constantly keep in touch with the buyer, promptly answer all questions that arise. The franchisee must feel support from the business owner and be sure not to lose it after buying the franchise.

The transaction can be completed remotely, or the parties meet in person to sign the franchise sale and purchase agreement. In the first case, copies of the agreement are signed by the franchisor and the franchisee in turn and sent to each other by mail. The lump sum is paid to the seller's bank account, after which the buyer becomes the full owner of the franchise.

It is desirable that the parties meet in person to sign the contract. During the transaction, key points can be re-discussed and misunderstandings can be resolved. In addition, face-to-face communication helps to strengthen partnerships.

When selling a franchise of your own business, it is important to take into account all the key points and avoid omissions and shortcomings, which can later be costly. Basically, franchisors make the following mistakes:

  1. Lack of a distinctive feature and competent presentation of the franchise's advantages over other offers on the market. Even if the business is successful and almost 100% likely to bring profit to the partner, no one wants to buy a franchise “without a twist”.
  2. The lump-sum or royalties are disproportionately high. In pursuit of profit, business owners often overcharge franchises. Buyers, in turn, choose the best deals for themselves. To avoid such a situation, you need to objectively assess your business from the perspective of a franchisee, think about whether you would buy a franchise for that kind of money.
  3. Calculations and the described indicators do not coincide with reality. If the buyer has doubts about the veracity of the information described in the commercial offer, the franchisor must prove the reliability of the data with specific examples, conduct a tour of already operating points.
  4. Poor packaging of franchises. In order for the buyer to become interested in the commercial proposal and make sure of the reliability and profitability of the business, it is important to think over not only the content, but also the design of the franchise.
  5. Unregistered logo, brand and trademark. The sale of a franchise is impossible without registration of rights.
  6. Poorly drafted franchise sale and purchase agreement. Errors in the contract can lead to conflicts, disputes and unpleasant situations. To avoid such a situation, it is better to entrust the drawing up of the contract to professionals.
  7. The desire to sell the maximum possible number of franchises at the expense of the quality and reliability of transactions. It is important to remember that the purpose of selling franchises is not only to receive lump-sum fees, but also to strengthen your reputation and expand your own business. Therefore, you shouldn't sell the franchise to “everyone”. Before selling a franchise, it is worth assessing the seriousness of intentions and business qualities of partners.
  8. Lack of desire to help the franchisee at the stage of business formation. The seller's responsibilities include not only the implementation of the franchise, but also support and advice to a novice entrepreneur who has bought a franchise.
  9. Lack of control over the franchisee. Sometimes businessmen who have received a lump-sum contribution give the franchisee complete freedom. Such actions can lead to damage to reputation and negatively affect the business as a whole.
  10. Waste on advertising a franchise. If the costs of promoting a franchise exceed the size of one lump-sum payment, it is urgent to optimize the advertising campaign. Ideally, it is better to entrust it to professional specialists.

To avoid mistakes, you need to approach business responsibly. Most of the franchises on the market today are of poor quality and fail to generate profits for partners. To create a really high-quality product is a job that requires investment of time, effort and money.

Before packaging a franchise, many businessmen have a question - how to sell a franchise? Why will they buy it from me? How does a franchise sale take place? Now we will talk about the very process of selling a franchise, and I will tell you how to stand out from your competitors and make it so that people buy from you.

In general, the process of selling a franchise is different from selling ordinary goods and services, because when selling a franchise, you are not just selling - you are looking for partners who will have to work with you for a long period of time. And starting from the very first touch with a potential partner, you must show that it is you who decide whether a person can buy a franchise or not. This point is very important because a person who wants to open a franchise business is looking for a strong partner who will help him in business. If during the sale you bend in front of a potential franchisee, then what kind of power can we talk about?

To make sure you can easily stand out from your competitors, do a simple test - submit bids for all of your competitors' franchises, and most of them will beg you to buy their franchise. It looks something like this "Please, I beg you, buy our profitable business!" How can this be? Is a profitable business going to be so hard on the forehead? Of course not!

How do you show that you are a really strong company and that you have a really strong franchise? It is worth making a selection of franchisees to show what exactly you decide with whom to work and with whom not. How does this happen:

1 - A person leaves an application for your franchise

2 - The manager contacts the lead and after the conversation sends him selling materials: a presentation of the franchise, a financial model, and, of course, a partner's questionnaire. What is a partner profile? This is a kind of indicator of a person's interest. In the questionnaire, you need to make 10-15 questions (experience in business, what investments are on hand, what is most important when choosing a franchise, and more), and send it to the client with the words: “Fill out the questionnaire, and if our manager approves you, then we will communicate further , will you have time to fill it in by the evening? "

3 - If a person filled out the questionnaire, then he is really interested in your franchise, and you can work with him, especially since you already know enough information about him that is in the questionnaire. If a person is not ready to devote 5 minutes of his time to filling out the questionnaire, then your franchise is not interesting to him, and there is no point in wasting managers' time working with him.

4 - 10-12 hours after filling out the questionnaire, you can call the person and say that his application has been approved (if you want to work with such a person). By the way, always in the questionnaire you should ask a question about when a person is ready to start working on your franchise, so you will know whether it is possible to close a lead for sale immediately or not. If a person is not ready to buy now, but he has money (judging by the questionnaire), then it is worth motivating him by the fact that the franchise is exclusive for each region, and you already have those willing.

5 - The purpose of this conversation with the client is to schedule an interview with the supervisor. If a person is ready for an interview, then this is a very real client, which can be closed by 95%. Prior to the interview, the manager advises the lead on all franchise-related issues and sets a date for the interview with the manager. Usually the interview takes place on Skype.

6 - At the interview are present: client, manager, leader. During the interview, the manager asks the client questions, communicates and gets to know him. During the interview - the manager seems to be on the client's side in order to give "friendly advice" if something happens.

7 - At the end of the conversation, be sure to say the phrase “Thank you for the interview. Today we have another Skype with a client from your region. After that, we will confer and decide who we want to see as partners. In 2-3 hours we will call you and inform you about the decision. "

8 - After 2-3 hours, call the client and say that you have chosen him, and you need to sign a contract.

9 - Sign the contract and get paid for the franchise!)

At the moment, this is the most working scheme for selling franchises. In the following posts, I will tell you about many other secrets and tricks in franchise sales.


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