1c mobile trade. Implementation of mobile commerce solutions. Accounting for cash transactions

The product "1C: Mobile commerce" is intended for the automation of mobile commerce using mobile devices (smartphones, tablet computers) running the Android operating system. The product allows you to automate various activities of sales representatives of wholesale and distribution companies using accounting systems based on the "1C: Enterprise 8" platform, for example, "1C: Trade Management" or "1C: ERP Enterprise Management".

Using the product "1C: Mobile commerce", a sales representative receives a tool that helps him to do his job more efficiently - with minimal cost time and with fewer intermediate operations. This is clearly shown in the diagram below.

Route work

With the help of the automated workstation of the user - the Desktop, the user has quick access to the list of tasks and clients along the route for the current date.

On the desktop, the user can view the list of tasks for a specific client, create a document, and, if necessary, add a client and a task to the route. Information about the route execution is sent during the day to the office accounting system via the device's Internet connection via a GSM or Wi-Fi network.

Collection and processing of orders for the supply of goods

Using the "1C: Mobile Trade" product, a sales representative places an order for the supply of goods in a mobile device, being directly with the client and clarifying the client's wishes. After placing the order, it is sent to the office remotely via the device's Internet connection via a GSM or Wi-Fi network. When placing an order, the sales representative takes into account the following actual data received from the office accounting system:

  • Remains of goods;
  • Prices of goods;
  • Discounts on goods;
  • List of goods recommended for sale (planned in the accounting system in the document "Assignment to a sales representative").

Working with contracts

A wholesale or distribution company and a client can conclude several contracts at the same time, which specify the conditions and terms of delivery, the pricing mechanism, terms and conditions of payment, and so on. The product "1C: Mobile commerce" provides for the possibility of processing documents, taking into account the terms of contracts.

Multi-warehouse accounting

Using the "1C: Mobile Trade" product, a sales representative will be able to operate with up-to-date data on balances at all warehouses of his company and place orders with an order linked to a specific warehouse or even a list of warehouses. For example, such a task is relevant when it is required to take into account the proximity of the warehouse to the client.

Accounting for cash transactions

The product "1C: Mobile Trade" provides the ability to record receipts money from clients. A sales representative can record cash receipts (prepaid orders) using the "Payment" document.

Working with price types and discounts

Wholesale or distribution company can use different types of prices in work, depending on the terms of the contract with the client, marketing campaigns. Additionally, the company may allow the sales representative to provide various discounts to customers. The product "1C: Mobile Trade" can use an unlimited number of price types, incl. and taking into account discounts.

Additional features of the product "1C: Mobile Trade":

  • Text search for products and customers;
  • Creation of customers and products;
  • Filtering the list of documents by various criteria;
  • Mobile view of location outlets on geographical maps;
  • Selective data exchange.
The product "1C: Mobile Commerce" is intended for the automation of mobile commerce using mobile devices (smartphones, tablet computers) running iOS and Android operating systems. The product allows you to automate various types of activities of sales representatives of wholesale and distribution companies using accounting systems based on the "1C: Enterprise 8" platform, such as "1C: Trade Management rev. 11", "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0".

Using the "1C: Mobile commerce" product, a sales representative receives a tool that helps him to do his job more efficiently - with a minimum amount of time and with fewer intermediate operations. This is clearly shown in the diagram below.

Comparison of business processes for ordering goods in the field of mobile commerce in options with and without using mobile devices.

Collection and processing of orders for the supply of goods.

Placement of a buyer's order Using the "1C: Mobile Trade" product, a sales representative places an order for the supply of goods in a mobile device, being directly with the client and clarifying the client's wishes. After placing the order, it is sent to the office remotely via the device's Internet connection via a GSM or Wi-Fi network. When placing an order, the sales representative takes into account the following actual data received from the office accounting system:

  • Remains of goods;
  • Prices of goods;
  • Discounts on goods;
  • Information about the client's debts.
Working with contracts

A wholesale or distribution company and a client can conclude several contracts at the same time, which specify the conditions and terms of delivery, the pricing mechanism, terms and conditions of payment, and so on. The product "1C: Mobile commerce" provides for the possibility of processing documents, taking into account the terms of contracts. Also, an additional opportunity is to view documents in the context of contracts.
Multi-warehouse accounting

Using the "1C: Mobile Trade" product, a sales representative will be able to operate with up-to-date data on balances at all warehouses of his company and place orders with an order linked to a specific warehouse or even a list of warehouses. For example, such a task is relevant when it is required to take into account the proximity of the warehouse to the client.

Accounting for mutual settlements

There are different financial obligations between the wholesale or distribution company and the customer. They can arise as a result of an admissible delay in payment, delivery of goods for sale, returns of goods from a client. The product "1C: Mobile Trade" will allow the sales representative to have up-to-date information on mutual settlements for the clients assigned to him.

Accounting for cash transactions

Cash transactions The product "1C: Mobile Trade" provides the ability to keep records of receipts and expenditures of funds. A sales representative can record the costs of the reported amounts directly in the mobile device (transport, fuel, food), as well as record cash receipts (prepayment of orders).

Working with price types and discounts

A wholesale or distribution company can use different types of prices in its work, depending on the terms of the contract with the client, marketing campaigns. Additionally, the company may allow the sales representative to provide various discounts to customers. The product "1C: Mobile Trade" can use an unlimited number of price types, incl. and taking into account discounts.

Additional features of the product "1C: Mobile Trade":

  • Text search for products, customers and retail outlets;
  • Creation of clients, outlets, goods, contracts;
  • Filtering the list of documents by various criteria;
  • Creation of photos in a mobile device with their subsequent assignment to various documents;
  • Viewing the location of retail outlets on geographical maps in a mobile device;
  • Working with various reports generated both in a mobile device and downloaded from the accounting system;
  • Setting up access rights for sales representatives.

    1C Mobile trade for 1 device RUB 6,000

    1C Mobile trade for 5 devices 29,000 rubles

    1C Mobile trade for 10 devices 56 500 rubles

    1C Mobile trade for 20 devices 110,000 rubles

    1C Mobile trade for 50 devices 270,000 rubles

Main features of 1C Mobile trading and its purpose

The main feature of 1C Mobile commerce is that a sales representative can work using the Android system anywhere. You don't have to deal with handwritten forms for a long time, as before. Arriving at the meeting point, the employee using mobile phone collects the order and processes it for delivery.

As you can see, such an application makes it possible to work much more productively. In a short time, a sales representative can visit many points. Orders will be prepared at the same time. There will be no need to return to the office every time or delay work late.

To get acquainted with the program in more detail, you should pay attention to its capabilities:

  1. Conclusion of contracts. In the commercial sphere, contracts are a guarantee that all promises will be kept. Their drafting is often delayed due to a number of questions. When a document is drawn up immediately after ordering through a mobile application, it is much easier and faster to negotiate.
  2. Multifunctional accounting. Having arrived at the call, the sales representative has a complete database of all goods in his phone. So he will know for sure about the presence or absence of a particular product. You will not need to call the office and wait until they find out this issue.
  3. Financial accounting. This function will allow you to manage payment and arrears issues. It will always be visible who has not yet paid for the goods according to the contract.
  4. Receipt of prepayment. Most often, the goods are not sent until the prepayment has been received. In such cases, the mobile application will notify you about the payment.
  5. Discounts. It is much easier to work when the system itself calculates the discounts and knocks out the final amount. To do this, you must enter the conditions of the promotion or the rules for obtaining a discount.
  6. Quick search for the desired product. It is enough to enter the name of the product in the search box of the mobile application.
  7. Creation of a customer base.
  8. Film for goods, customers and documents.
  9. The ability to take a photo on the phone and attach it to the contract, if necessary.
  10. Availability of all points of sale on the map in the mobile application.

Comparison of 1C Mobile trade with other 1C programs

System 1C Mobile trading was created on the basis of standard programs of the 1C series. It has all the necessary components for miscalculations, accounting, document creation, sales analysis, etc.

But together with general characteristics, there are many new and useful features. So, 1C Mobile trade allows you to work with clients on the road, to quickly analyze the delivery of goods.

The main convenience is that the employee always carries with him the whole system, which is so compactly packed in one phone. He always sees on the map where to go. When meeting with a customer, he sees on the screen the entire history of relationships with him, his debts, payments, and so on.

The sales representative will never have any questions, since all the information is already in his hands. No need to call the office and wait for an answer. Another plus is the internet. With it, you can quickly deliver reports and documents to the office.

Program implementation and post-purchase service

To buy 1C Mobile trading, you need to contact the company in a convenient way. Before purchasing, you can consult, find out the details of interest.

Price 1C Mobile trading is available for a retail outlet of any scale. This investment will pay off quickly, as productivity increases very quickly. After the purchase, the specialist will install the system on the manager's work computer, his phone number and the phones of those employees that he indicates.

The wizard will tell you some rules for using the program. If you have any questions, you can then call or send a letter by email... Each buyer of 1C Mobile commerce receives a bonus. This is a free use of 1C Enterprise services for 3 months. When the bonus expires, you can sign a paid agreement.

As a rule, there are no problems with the application. Its interface is simple and logical. All information is divided into folders. Since the program is designed for trading, there are all the necessary sections.

Questions and answers

What should be the phone to install the 1C Mobile trading program?

The model doesn't matter. The main thing is that the operating system is Android. It will be more convenient to work with a large screen. You can also install the app on your tablet.

Is the Internet required for effective work systems?

Most of the data will be on the phone. You don't need the Internet to access them. But the transfer of data and contracts takes place over the Internet. This will save time. So it's better to connect the internet.

Complete set 1C Mobile trade

  1. Installation disc.
  2. A guide with questions and answers about the application.
  3. Regular user profile.
  4. Security key.
  5. Documents.

Many solutions are used to automate trading activities. The most popular products in our country are 1C products.

1C Company has a software product for automating sales representatives working with clients remotely outside the office. This product is called 1C: Mobile commerce. The program is installed on Apple or Android mobile devices.

With the help of this mobile application, you can simplify the work with clients, always have in your pocket up-to-date information about the balance of goods, prices, discounts and customer debt.

Key features of 1C: Mobile trading.

The 1C software package is a computer, information solution to simplify accounting and automate processes at the enterprise. The history of the development of this software product is about 20 years old. From a simple accounting program, 1C has evolved into a complex software package for working with databases.

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1C programs are very versatile, suitable for different industries, allow you to increase labor productivity several times by automating many routine operations in the warehouses of an enterprise and in the development and production of products. On the basis of this system, individual software solutions are developed to improve the efficiency of business processes and automation of accounting at the enterprise... For relatively little money you can buy ready-made solutions or order the development of databases and an interface for the work of any employee in any enterprise.

Recently, it has become possible to automate the work of remote sales representatives who work or collect orders outside the office, at the retail outlets of customers in the city and region. This became possible with the advent of a new product 1C: Mobile commerce. This program is installed on a mobile device: tablet or phone based on Android or iOS. The cost of 1C: Mobile trading at the time of this writing is 6000 rubles.

1C: Mobile trade program.

The peculiarity of the program is that it stores in the phone all the main base of 1C: Enterprise: the nomenclature, prices, balances in warehouses. And it allows you to work with this database, make orders, write off goods, even if there is no Internet connection. As soon as access to the network appears, the database is automatically synchronized with the main one, with the office nomenclature and with the balances in warehouses. What if mobile Internet (wifi, gprs, 3G, LTE) is always there, then it becomes possible to do all this online: view the contracts concluded with the client, receive up-to-date data on the balances of the goods and their payment.

But mobile capabilities don't stop there. The 1C: Mobile trading program has a convenient and intuitive interface. Which allows you to display a map of outlets and the ability to draw up a convenient and optimal route for visiting them. When placing an order, you can take a photo of the location of the client's trading enterprise, to simplify the approach to the delivery service.

In the application, you can immediately call the menu for concluding an agreement with a new client, print it and sign it. At the same time, time is not wasted on visiting the office and you can receive an order immediately.

The sales representative always sees how much the client owes the company and what he has left to receive the goods for the deferred payment.

The 1C mobile program allows you to correctly keep track of discounts and provide them for a specific client, taking into account the action at the moment of promotions and sales.

1C: Mobile commerce increases labor productivity by canceling unnecessary operations when goods pass from supplier to client. The following operations of a sales agent are canceled: printing price lists and a trip for assignments, forming a route, clarifying customer debts and searching for past orders, clarifying a discount for a specific client, clarifying product balances and finding an optimal warehouse for shipment of goods, a trip to the office at the end of the working day, entering new orders into the computer. All these operations, now do not need to be done, they are performed in automatic mode... This saves time and money.

Another plus of the mobile solution 1C: Mobile commerce is that it takes a minimum of effort to integrate it into other solutions 1C: Enterprise, 1C: Accounting, 1C: Complex Automation and others. Because it is one and the same 1C system.

Mobile trading covers the following areas of activity of wholesale and distribution companies:

  • collection and processing of orders for the supply of goods;
  • accounting of balances in the context of warehouses and groups of goods;
  • accounting of mutual settlements, display of payments and debts of each counterparty;
  • accounting of cash transactions, fixing payment for orders in cash.

Mobile trading is based on a two-way exchange of information via wireless communication channels (GPRS, 3G, LTE, Wi-Fi) with 1C: Enterprise installed in the office.

Data is transmitted using web services. A sales agent, being on the road with clients, exchanges data with installed programs, has access to the necessary information about prices and stock balances. Using a mobile device, a sales representative draws up orders for the supply of goods to customers, who arrive at the office, from where data on the current balances are periodically received.

"Mobile trade" - an independent solution with its own database. This allows it to be synchronized with different accounting systems. At the moment, there are data exchange modules for "Management of Trade". To integrate with other configurations, it is necessary to embed in them web services that allow data exchange.

Collection and processing of orders for the supply of goods

The employee places a purchase order for the client on a mobile device, being directly with the client and taking into account all his wishes. After placing the order via the Internet, it is transferred to the office. The program in the office receives up-to-date data that sales representatives use in their work:

  • Remains of goods;
  • Prices of goods;
  • Discounts and bonuses;
  • Accounts receivable information.

Accounting for contracts

Between the company and the client, it is possible to conclude several contracts at the same time, which specify the conditions and terms of delivery, pricing, payment, and the like. In the development of "Mobile Trade" when drawing up documents, the terms of contracts are taken into account, and an additional option is to display documents in the context of contracts.

Accounting by warehouses

A sales agent uses in his work the latest data on balances in all warehouses of his enterprise and generates orders with reference to a specific warehouse or even several warehouses. This is very convenient when you need to take into account the warehouse closest to the client.

Accounting for mutual settlements

There are various schemes of work between the company and distributors. "Mobile trading" allows a sales agent to promptly receive information about the maximum delay in payment, existing debts, delivery of goods for sale, return of goods from assigned clients

Accounting for cash transactions

In the solution "Mobile Trade" added accounting of cash income and expenses. The sales representative records the expenses for the accountable money in the mobile device (expenses for transport, gasoline, food), and also records the receipts of funds (prepayment of orders).

Working with prices and discounts

In its activities, the company uses different price options in its work, based on the terms of the contract with the client, marketing activities. The sales representative, with the permission of the company, can give any discount to the client. Mobile trading allows the use of a large number of price types, incl. and using discounts.


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