How to get into a leadership position with a private? How to get a leadership position? How to get a job as a leader without experience

The position of director is desirable for many people, but not everyone is able to climb that high in the career ladder or cope with it when the goal is achieved. It is worth noting that the opinion that such a position can only be available to those people who are willing to go over their heads by mistake.

In fact, there are not so many applicants. Some simply do not want to have more work problems and responsibilities, others do not have the necessary leadership qualities, therefore, having set a goal for themselves, get a job as a director (, you can achieve it.

If the dream of becoming a director is your number one goal, there are several options and paths to achieving your goals to consider. At the same time, it should be understood that this position is not only a source of power and pain in wages, but also a reason for the emergence of more responsibilities and problems. So, having highlighted the accents and realizing that a leadership position is for you, it is worth considering some tips for finding a director job.

  1. As stated earlier, not everyone is capable of leading a large team and solving workflow problems. To begin with, you should make sure that you need the position of director otherwise the whole difficult path may turn out to be a waste of time.
  2. Do not think that becoming an assistant director is already guaranteed a successful leadership position, to which there is only one step left. The harsh reality is that a person from the outside will most likely be hired for the vacated director position. It is customary to do this in many modern companies. A more profitable option would be to change your place of work with a systematic and consistent ascent up the career ladder.
  3. When changing jobs, you should try to take the place of the head of the department with a small number of subordinates. This will hone your management skills and gain invaluable experience that will make your leadership position more accessible.
  4. Finding a job as a director in Moscow can be a person who looks like a manager and behaves accordingly. Look closely to your leadership and adopt their demeanor.
  5. Learn to control people, your subordinates. They should listen to you and follow directions without question.
  6. Demanding a high level of professionalism from employees, work at full capacity, remaining the best specialist.
  7. Try to be engaged in the main activity of your company and keep an eye on the peculiarities of your still director. Thus, having taken the position of director, you will be familiar with the intricacies of work.

A lot of specialists start thinking about promotion one day. Some quickly give up this intention, while others are sure that they have a sufficient amount of experience, skills, and passionately want to get into the position of a boss. What if the employee is inexperienced in management and has been a performer all the time? Labor market experts talk about how to move from a line to a managerial position.

There are two types of this transition: getting a promotion within the company, or getting a job in a managerial position in another. What difficulties do future managers face and how to fulfill the desire to become a boss?

Maria Silina, Account Manager at Agency Contact, says that development within one organization is a classic career development option that has a number of advantages. First, the future manager has the time and opportunity to develop his professional qualities while still holding a line position. Secondly, during this time he will establish connections with the employees of the company, which can have an impact on his position.

Indeed, it is much easier to convince the bosses with whom the employee has been working for several years that they have leadership qualities and professional skills. This will be more difficult in the new organization. But what path should you take to achieve growth in your own company?

It is necessary to constantly demonstrate a good result in work, on time and carefully carry it out. It must be remembered that leaders are primarily strategic. Such people foresee upcoming changes in the industry in which they are involved, prioritize both their work and collective work. They know how to focus on the main tasks and goals, submit creative ideas, make meaningful, timely decisions. All this is far from a complete set of qualities that are necessary for those who want to occupy a leadership position.

When teamwork takes place, you need to be able to assess the situation from the point of view of the boss and not succumb to the situational perception of the problem. The team should be aware of the employee's professional and career convictions, says Aleksey Iodko, head of HR at Raiffeisenbank. You need to work actively and proactively, not avoid additional work and participate in collective life, team work, brainstorming on improving work in the department. If you only do what is "part of your job responsibilities", it will be problematic to grow in the company and receive responsible assignments, Oleksiy Iodko believes.

Nadezhda Smirnova, an employee of Penny Lane Personnel, a leading recruiting agency, adds: “Initiative, activity, the ability to take responsibility and strengthen ideas as a result significantly increases the chances of moving up the career ladder.”

What situations should you avoid? Let's say the desired promotion happened, the performer turns into a leader. There are no difficulties with the performance of duties, everything is successful, the prospects are drawn the most rosy. However, the relationship between a new boss and recent coworkers can be sensitive to damage.

The most important thing after a promotion is to properly build relationships with former colleagues. Even if the new boss has previously established himself as a competent employee with good personal qualities, then he will have to prove that he has the talent of a manager more than once. Only then can he take a stable position as a leader in his own team.

Most young managers who have grown up within their own company, at the stage of accumulating managerial experience, have to face the following paradox. The formal change in the role and the perception of the employee in his new status are not always the same. However, such a discrepancy can be avoided if the new boss achieved the promotion solely on his own and through hard work, as well as if he has some authority in the team both as an excellent professional and as a "good friend".

Moving from an executive to a management position in a new company is more difficult than developing in one company. Dismissal from a previous job could have provoked many reasons.

The company may not have a vacant managerial position; other, more suitable employees may apply for it. The top management of an organization may simply not believe that an ambitious employee has leadership skills. One way or another, if an employee leaves an ordinary position of a large company, it will be difficult to get a job as a chief in an organization of a similar scale. In this case, it would be wiser to get a job in a smaller company.

Nadezhda Smirnova agrees that it is better to move to a smaller organization in order to take a leadership position. However, according to the expert, such a choice does not always guarantee an increase. The new employer needs to be convinced with his own eyes that you are a good specialist and successfully manage people. Based on this, during the interview, it is advisable to recall and describe the situations when you showed the qualities of a leader and a creative organizer.

If the candidate does not have experience in a managerial position, it is wiser not to claim too high a salary and a large managerial area from the very beginning. In the new resume, the applicant should mention all the cases when he was faced with the performance of a leadership function and showed leadership qualities (made decisions on the current project, organized the work process, built teamwork).

There is no need to worry about relationships with new subordinates, because they see the new boss as the leader, and not the former colleague. A fresh look of the new chief is useful to the team, it allows to move more boldly to decision-making, this point of view is shared by Alexey Iodko.

An unfamiliar situation can cause fears, because adaptation in a new organization is usually a difficult process and requires a lot of energy and strength. In a new place, you have to rely on your own strength (in the old place you could turn to the management for help and advice, but here you have to start building relationships anew).

Difficulty can also lie in the lack of leadership experience. According to experts, he can be replenished with business acumen, quick reaction, a willingness to work in excess of the norm, continuous self-improvement.

Labor market experts talked about what a person who aspires to a leadership position should do.

Alexey Iodko advises to carefully study his job descriptions and get to know each subordinate, clarify his exact responsibilities, identify what can motivate and demotivate each of them. It is necessary to inform subordinates about the development strategy so that everyone understands and shares the goals and objectives of the team. Additional training can be undertaken, for example, in the form of training that develops managerial skills.

“Be confident in your actions!” Advises Nadezhda Smirnova. Doubts are immediately passed on to subordinates and damage your reputation. Don't be afraid to rely on helpers.

You need to know the main functions and tasks of the boss, be consistent in your decisions, show initiative and activity, regardless of whether you are building a career within your company or moving to another.

And most importantly, according to Alexei Iodko, you need to know for sure that your desire to become a boss is true. You should not take up management work just because it is fashionable or prestigious. People are best at doing what they love to do, which gives them great satisfaction!

Any ambitious person, one way or another, strives for career growth, promotion. The long-awaited leadership position, earned by years of hard work in an ordinary position, is able to immerse the newly-made boss in a state of deep euphoria. Especially if this post is received for the first time.

The work of a manager, in addition to the advantages and privileges, is fraught with difficulties not familiar to the former specialist. The biggest discovery that an inexperienced boss makes is that a lot of managerial problems have nothing to do with the professional sphere. It is these specific difficulties characteristic of the "upper floors" of business that often put an end to the career of a young manager. What are the dangers of leadership work, and how can they be properly circumvented?

Legitimacy of status

Whatever position appears in your work book, the right to leadership still needs to be asserted. People will not work effectively under the supervision of a person who is unable to explain to them why he, and not someone else, is sitting in this soft and comfortable chair. There are a great many options for domination, it is only important to choose the most suitable one and adamantly implement it. The advantages can be unique professional knowledge, developed communication skills or the ability to effectively administer a wide range of business processes. A leader who has not established himself in the eyes of his subordinates runs the risk of provoking a silent rebellion or even outright sabotage and disobedience. The result can be a series of failures, which will inevitably lead to dismissal with the diagnosis “failed”.

Old, conservative collective

Any boss likes to select people for himself and, perhaps, not find someone who sincerely likes to come into an already established structure. As you know, there are no two identical people, two identical leaders, which means that the new chief will inevitably reshape the department for himself, breaking the established ties. The danger of transformations in this case lies in their intensity. It is enough to overstep the stick of reforms a little, and paralysis of work processes is ensured. A good alternative to revolutionary innovations can be soft evolution, when regulations and rules change gradually, and ineffective employees leave the department one by one, separated by a significant time interval.

Secret centers of power

Perhaps the greatest danger to the new manager is represented by employees with unofficial power. As a rule, these are experienced professionals with ambitions who have not become leaders for various reasons. Such gray cardinals can significantly complicate the life of the boss by playing their own game that runs counter to his ideas and plans. Often, the gray cardinal wants to lead, but does not want to be responsible, which means he will substitute his boss at any opportunity. In the worst case, such a “saboteur” secretly contacts the leadership of related units, which makes it immensely difficult for the new chief to build any kind of relationship at his managerial level. Sadly, there is only one recipe in this case - one must ruthlessly get rid of the gray cardinals.

Alliances, Clans, and Undercover Fuss

Having dealt with the internal problems, you can go to the external level. The relationship between departments of different directions has never been smooth, for which it is worth preparing initially. The life of people exposed to power has always been filled with conspiracies and intrigues. At this level, it is important to quickly understand the structure and composition of numerous alliances and competently join one of them, since there is no more sad fate than the fate of a lonely ship in a stormy sea, which, in case of trouble, no one will come to the rescue. On the other hand, you should not get carried away and make too risky bets, getting involved in a combination of higher managers. For example, as the head of a small department, it is dangerous to seek trusting relationships with deputy chief executives, and even more so with the CEO or business owners. It is important to remember about subordination, as well as the fact that the superiors weave their own intrigues and the likelihood of becoming a bargaining chip in someone else's game, the meaning of which is hardly clear, can be very high.

This is an approximate list of the main problems that are most typical for any structure, from a trading company to a federal ministry. Despite the different specifics of organizations, any leader should remember that managerial work is, first of all, the flexibility of the mind and the ability to calculate risks, of which, as you know, there are a great many.

Have you finally gotten a promotion? Congratulations! You have already proven your professionalism, now is the time to demonstrate your managerial and organizational skills. Because a new position means not only new responsibilities, but also a new role in the team. Are you ready for this?

I decided to collect recommendations for novice heads of departments, divisions, companies. After all, moving up the career ladder of one person can become a problem for the rest of the team and even negatively affect the working atmosphere.

Which leadership style should you choose? How to motivate employees? What is psychoclimate and how to understand that it is negative? With these questions, I turned to Antonina Ulyanskaya, a consultant psychologist at the Wezom agency. According to her, 80% of novice managers do not know or even think about the psychological aspects of team management. And there is something to think about if you do not want to see a decrease in productivity and a packet of resignations from disgruntled subordinates in a month or two.

What to do for a novice leader

1. Choose a democratic management style

Of the three styles - authoritarian (decisions are made solely by the leader), democratic (decisions are made collectively, the boss controls execution) and liberal (the team makes decisions on their own, the role of the leader is minimal) - it is the democratic one that can provide a comfortable working atmosphere and maximum efficiency. Because the boss is a Democrat:

  • does not give tough orders, as in the army, he works in a team;
  • grants subordinates the authority to solve tasks within their competence independently;
  • involves employees in solving organizational issues;
  • encourages creative ideas, initiatives;
  • builds trusting relationships with colleagues: informs about the current state of affairs in the company and about development plans;
  • sees and helps to unleash the potential of the employee.

Democratic style makes subordinates feel more like partners than just performers. For a novice leader, this style will be the key to the success of the team, of which he has become a leader.

Nuance. If the manager came from outside (not from the department or company employees), we recommend:

  • ask what the predecessor was in this position, what management style he used;
  • get to know the team and organizational processes;
  • determine the priority goals of work, discuss them with the higher management, and then with the subordinates.

Do not forget to listen to the suggestions of the department entrusted to you.

2. Motivate not by orders, but by involvement in solving problems

This method will help increase self-discipline in the team. After all, responsibility for the decisions made is transferred to the employees. This also implies a democratic management style. Make your employees feel important. The feeling of a simple cog in a huge mechanism is unlikely to generate enthusiasm. And when subordinates become important participants in the overall process, they will take a more responsible approach to business.

If employees do not cope, the Democrat boss does not use powerful methods and in no case does he publicly scold.

Remember the rule: praise in front of everyone, punish in private.

Subordinates should not be afraid of being summoned to the carpet. To punish in a democratic style means to clarify what is wrong, to find reasons and ways to fix it.

3. Build a team

Remember that you are in charge of a team (department, department, or company), not each individual. Form a team that will implement the planned projects. To do this, develop management skills. Be ready to set goals for the team, determine results, transform goals into clear tasks, motivate performers to solve them, monitor implementation, and eliminate problems and conflicts that have arisen.

And also learn to select people adequately to the tasks. In other words, don't squeeze a lemon in the hopes of getting tomato juice.

The mistake of novice managers is to pull the blanket over themselves with the motivation “I will do it faster and better myself”. It will not be possible to build a team with this approach.

4. Don't be arrogant

  • recognizes that promotion is not the crown of a career, and he is not the ruler of the world;
  • understands that a new position is a big responsibility;
  • takes into account personal experience before promotion;
  • continues to work on himself, to improve personal and professional skills;
  • does not abuse his position, does not shout at every corner that he knows everything better.

Knowledge, like know-it-all, will not help you gain respect in the eyes of your colleagues. The principle "I am the boss, you are a fool" is a sign of an authoritarian management style. You don't want to be quietly hated behind your back, do you?

5. Maintain distance in communication

Finding the perfect balance between friendship and service is not easy. Not every experienced leader succeeds in this, what can we say about a beginner. Some young bosses build friendships with one subordinate, thereby creating negative attitudes among other employees.

There should be no familiarity in the team. Maintain a business culture. Build a relationship of mutual respect.

If you are a supporter of calling on "you" between subordinates and the boss, make it clear to employees that this is not a reason to be frivolous about tasks.

Nuance. How to build communication if the subordinate is older than the boss? Stick to your partner line in communication. Use the pronoun "you". Don't be afraid to ask for advice. Messages such as “I wanted to know your opinion”, “What do you think” will demonstrate respect for the senior employee, increase the feeling of his importance, help to identify valuable experience and use it for the development of the company.

The main thing is not to hurt the ego of the subordinate, but to create a comfortable business relationship. Set the distance gradually.

In many respects, the type of psychoclimate that reigns in the team depends on the manager's management style.

What is psychoclimate and how to understand that it is negative

Psychoclimate is a comfortable emotional mood, an atmosphere in which employees work. The indicators of the negative climate in the team are:

  • staff turnover;
  • frequent sick leave;
  • low labor productivity;
  • tensions between colleagues;
  • general irritability and dissatisfaction;
  • unwillingness of employees to improve;
  • mistrust;
  • psychological incompatibility;
  • lack of desire to work in one office.

Signs of a positive climate include:

  • friendly relationship;
  • a high degree of trust among team members;
  • desire to be in a team during working hours and spend leisure time together (corporate recreation, joint trainings, outings, etc.);
  • absence of internal conflicts and "groupings";
  • cohesion of employees in force majeure situations, a high level of mutual assistance (not everyone is for himself);
  • free discussion of current issues (no one is afraid to express their own opinion);
  • healthy business criticism;
  • no pressure on subordinates.

In addition to internal factors, the atmosphere in the team is influenced by:

  • physical working conditions;
  • the current state of affairs in the company;
  • economic, political, social situation in the state.

Analyze how the sponsors communicate and interact with each other, whether they often conflict or express dissatisfaction, how they treat employees from other (related) departments.

Psychologists recommend conducting an anonymous survey to find out which psychoclimate prevails in the team. And if the head of the department is unable to influence the state of affairs in the country, then he can take care of the working conditions, find out the reasons for the dissatisfaction.

And finally

There are more than five recommendations for aspiring managers. But we tried to choose basic advice, following which the young leader will smoothly enter the new role and will not become the object of negative discussions in the team.

I'll go to the boss, let them teach me

How to move from an ordinary position to a managerial one?

Many experts once. Only for some this intention disappears quickly, while others are sure that they have the necessary experience, skills and passionately desire to join the ranks of the bosses. But what if the employee is not familiar with management functionality and has always performed the duties of an executor? Labor market experts told how to change a line position to a managerial one.

There are two main scenarios for such a transition: a promotion within one's own company or a transition to a managerial position in another. What problems might future tops have? And how to realize the desire to become a leader?

an old friend is better than two new ones

According to Maria Silina, Account Manager of "Agency Contact", is considered a classic career development option and has a number of advantages: “First, a potential manager has the opportunity and time to prove himself from a professional point of view, while still in an ordinary position. Secondly, during this period, he can establish connections with employees of the company, which can affect his position. "

Indeed, convincingly demonstrating your bosses, with whom you have been working for several years, is easier than convincing the representatives of the new company of the same. But how exactly do you grow in your own organization?

“For this, it is necessary to demonstrate good results in work, to fulfill their duties efficiently and on time. It must be remembered that strategic thinking is inherent in leaders. Such people know how to anticipate changes in the industry in which they work, prioritize their work and the work of the team, focus on the main goals, bring creative ideas, make the right and timely decisions. This is not the whole set of qualities that are necessary for people who want to take a leadership position. When working in a team, it is also important to be able to see the situation through the eyes of your boss and to abstract from the situational perception of the problem. The manager and colleagues should be aware of your professional and career preferences, ”says Alexey Iodko, Head of HR Department, Raiffeisenbank.

“First of all, you need to be an active and proactive employee who does not avoid participation in the life of the team, whether it is brainstorming on improving the work of the department. With the conviction “this is not part of my job responsibilities”, it is difficult to grow professionally in the company and get a large area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility. If you are proactive, active, ready to take responsibility and support ideas and suggestions with results, the chances of career growth increase significantly, "adds Nadezhda Smirnova, leading specialist of the Penny Lane Personnel recruiting agency.

What should be feared? Imagine that the long-awaited promotion has taken place, yesterday's executive becomes the leader. There are no problems with fulfilling duties, everything is working out, the prospects are pleasing. However, there is one "but" - the team. Labor market experts say relationships with former coworkers (current employees) can tangibly poison the joy of promotion.

“The main stumbling block is building relationships with former colleagues. If the new leader has already proven himself in professional competencies and personal qualities, then he will need to demonstrate to colleagues more than once. And only after that he can establish himself as a leader in the usual team, ”comments Nadezhda Smirnova.

“Many young leaders who have grown up inside their own company, at the stage of forming their managerial experience, have to deal with a natural paradox: on the one hand, with a formal change in their own role, and on the other, with the perception of it by the team in a new status. However, this situation can be easily avoided if, firstly, the appointed employee has achieved the transition to a new position solely by his own work, and secondly, if he has a certain authority and weight in the team, not just as a “great friend”, but as a professional in his field, "says Boris Anikeev, Head of the Personnel Selection Department, Svyaznoy Group.

Change of places

The process of moving from a line position to a managerial position in a new company is certainly more difficult than promotion within your own. The reasons for leaving the old place may be different.

“Firstly, the company may not have a vacant leadership position, and secondly, other, more suitable candidates may apply for this position,” says Maria Silina.

It is possible that the top echelon of the company does not trite believe in the leadership abilities of an ambitious employee. In any case, even if a specialist leaves an ordinary position of a large organization, it is unlikely that he will be able to get a job as a chief in a company of the same scale. It would be wiser to choose a smaller institution.

Nadezhda Smirnova confirms that such a transition is possible from a "leading" position in a large company to a managerial position in a relatively small firm.

“But 'downsizing' the size of a company still cannot guarantee an increase. It is important for the new / potential employer to see and believe that you are not only a good specialist, but also successfully cope with the leadership of people. Therefore, during the interview, remember and name several situations where you demonstrated, ”the expert recommends.

“If a candidate has no managerial experience, it would be wise if he does not immediately apply for a very high salary and broad managerial functionality. As a rule, such applicants are offered to work on minimum terms and, if the results are satisfactory for both parties, to reconsider the terms. Another important point: in the new resume, it is important for the applicant to indicate all cases when he had to perform managerial functions or managed to show (making decisions on the current project, organizing the work process, building teamwork, etc.), "adds Boris Anikeev.

What should be feared? Oddly enough, you shouldn't worry about relationships with new subordinates. Because they already perceive the incoming leader as a boss, and not as a former colleague.

“Sometimes the team is more useful with a fresh look from the new leader 'from the outside'. This will make it possible to take a bolder step and make fundamentally new decisions on a particular issue, " Alexey Iodko.

It is worth fearing an unfamiliar environment in principle - the adaptation process in a new company always requires the expenditure of strength and energy. In addition, you will have to rely only on your own strength (if in the old company there was an opportunity to turn to the former management for help or advice, then in the new one, most likely, there will be no one to rely on).

Boris Anikeevsees the complexity in the lack of experience in managing people: "It can be partially compensated by business acumen, readiness for irregular schedules and constant improvement."

Labor market experts shared advice on what to remember for a person who has never been in charge, but is determined to take the manager's chair.

“It is extremely important to tell employees about the strategic plans: everyone must understand and share the common goals and objectives of the team. Try to find a mentor and enlist his support, go through. For example, trainings on the development of managerial skills will make it possible to make a more confident start, ”the expert adds.

“Be confident in your actions! Any doubts will instantly be passed on to the team and undermine your reputation. And do not be afraid to rely on your assistants, having previously understood who you really can / should rely on. Delegation of authority is the key to the success of any leader. But absolutely sure, regardless of whether you are planning a career within the company or when moving to others, you must know the main functions, tasks of the manager, think systematically, be consistent, be active, proactive in order to prove yourself, to prove yourself ", - advises Nadezhda Smirnova.

But most importantly, in the words Alexey Iodkomake sure the desire to become a leader is genuine. To manage because it is "fashionable" or "all my friends have become managers for a long time, so I must go" are not the best arguments for achieving success. Remember - a person does best what he loves and what he really has a soul for!


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