How advertising stages are created. Creation of an advertising product. How a young specialist can win an advertising competition

It is better to type the headline with the same font as the main ad text.

Anyone, before reading the entire ad, wants to know whether it is worth spending time and effort on this. Therefore, trying to grasp the essence of what has been said, he skims over the text, from time to time stopping his gaze on individual words and phrases. If there are visually distinguishing objects in the text, then the reader will turn his attention first of all to them.

The advertiser must take this human perception into account. You should not give the reader a free choice of words that "the eye falls on." They may not provide the necessary information, and the person will lose interest in advertising. It is necessary to select and highlight precisely those moments, paying attention to which, the reader will be interested, will move on to studying the entire text.

Highlighting keywords and phrases is not as easy as it seems at first glance. To use it correctly, you need to know what types and in what cases it is best to resort.

You can designate the following types of selections: font size and color, different writing of the font (typeface), underline, uppercase and lowercase letters.

When there is a large difference in font size, there is visual contrast. It is usually used to delimit areas of attention: large - priority, petty - secondary. Accordingly, the large size is used for the heading, which the reader should look at first of all, the small size - for the main text.

A slight difference in font size (nuance) is also used. With its help, attention is delimited within the main semantic parts. So, the subheading has a slightly smaller font than the heading, but much larger than the body text. In the text itself, the font of the more important parts may be more than the less important ones, but in general it is noticeably less than the heading and subheading.

It should be borne in mind that in the absence of illustrations, headings serve their function of attracting attention, and therefore are typed in large print.

You can also separate the heading from the body text with a contrasting color. Close (or shade) - a subheading from a heading.

Key words of the text are often highlighted with contrasting colors. Important paragraphs can be easily emphasized with colored backgrounds.

When highlighting keywords within the text, they often resort to bold or thin writing, as well as italics.

Fatty type is a very effective tool for emphasis when drawing attention to a small number of words. Too frequent use may not have the best effect. Therefore, when highlighting a significant array (for example, a key paragraph), you can use bold writing.

Thin type, used in small quantities, can go unnoticed. Therefore, it is better for them to highlight not separate words, but phrases, paragraphs. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the thin (emphasis) font does not change roles with the main one.

The most effective use of a thin typeface when highlighting words associated with such a spelling with the appropriate meaning (subtlety, grace, fragility, etc.).

Italics usually used to highlight the personal opinion given in the text, direct speech. It should be borne in mind that the use of oblique typefaces in large quantities makes reading difficult.

Underline is the most natural means of excretion for humans. (It is not for nothing that even this word itself is used in oral speech: "as the previous speaker emphasized ...", etc.). It is most effective in drawing attention to individual words and short phrases. The underline can be in a different color.

When highlighting in capital letters, keep in mind that CAPITAL printed characters are perceived slower, heavier than lowercase. The fact is that the upper or lower lengthening of lowercase letters (like in "b", "y", "f", "p") serve as reference points in the spasmodic movement of the eye along the line, help to recognize words. If the font has few lengthenings (or none at all, as in the writing), then it looks monotonous, it is tiresome to read it. In addition, readers are simply not used to seeing capital letters in large numbers and THEY ARE FORCED TO READ WRITTEN WRITTEN, BY SYMBOLS, AND THAT BY LETTERS.

Uppercase letters should not be used in large numbers, neither in the text nor in the title. As a means of highlighting, the prescription is effective only for drawing attention to individual keywords - not very long or well-known readers (SALE, DISCOUNT, ONLY WITH US, ONLY TODAY, FOR TOTAL FOR… RUBLES, etc.).

Highlighting can not only focus on keywords, but also interpret voice intonations in the text. The amplification of the sound will correspond to an increase in the size, as well as the use of bold typefaces. A pause can be indicated by an ellipsis or a space.

Hin practice, the selection of individual characters is also used. Most often, they resort to highlighting the first letter of a red line. It is typed in large size or in a special, excellent font. It is believed that the use of the initial significantly improves the readability of the text, because this highlighted element is an additional reference for the human eye.

By highlighting individual characters, you can emphasize the semantic characteristics of keywords.

When highlighting words and phrases using the removal from the main text, you should place them in such a way that they are not a “visual fence” and do not force you to interrupt the sequential reading of paragraph lines.

The number of highlighted words should not be too high. Otherwise, the text will start to “ripple” and become hard to read.

Text highlighting should be in harmony not only with other visual elements of the ad, but also with each other. It should not, for example, be used in one advertisement at once and bold font, and italics , and underline, and CAPITAL LETTERS, etc.

The advertising medium is selected by matching the characteristics of the publication to the characteristics of the potential buyer of the product or service. That is, the audience of the publication should have as many people as possible who are capable of a specific purchase. Moreover, the cost of reaching these consumers should be the most optimal.

Newspaper advertising the most common form of advertising in the press. This is due primarily to a small number of disadvantages and a large number of advantages of this type of advertising, as well as with a wide range of opportunities that various types of newspapers provide.

As a negative factor, advertisers point out that some readers ignore ads. Many of them read only news and editorial articles, reports, notes, while diligently bypassing the advertising blocks or individual ads.

Competition with other ads is not good for the business either. After all, as a rule, the message goes in the ad unit and has to compete with neighboring ads in attracting the reader's attention.

There is often uncertainty about the place of publication. Unless an advertiser has paid for a special space, he can never be sure that his ad will not be overwritten by others or coexist with unwanted editorial material.

A very attractive factor for almost all categories of advertisers is the relatively low cost of advertising in newspapers. Many companies simply cannot afford television advertising. But, having a small advertising budget, they can carry out an advertising campaign on the pages of the press: choose a suitable newspaper, size, number of repetitions, etc.

Newspapers, in contrast to radio and television, provide the opportunity to present details . Even a small newspaper ad can provide a sufficient amount of necessary information - different characteristics, prices, phone numbers, addresses, coupons, etc. Of course, they can be indicated in television or radio advertisements, but a person does not perceive well the numbers, prices, telephones and addresses flashing on the air or on the screen. On the other hand, the consumer “removes” and assimilates the details from a newspaper sheet without much difficulty.

For time-limited promotions, the concentration of the impact of newspaper advertising is also important. It is not stretched out over time, but has a powerful effect during a certain period while it is being read.

Newspapers can be used as an additional advertising medium. In television or radio advertisements, it is always easy to refer to the newspaper. For example, "You can find out details in such and such issue of such and such a newspaper ..."

Newspapers are characterized by high audience coverage. Each of them is usually read by several thousand to several million consumers.

Advertising in newspapers is distinguished by the possibility of local coverage, because newspapers are distributed in certain geographic areas and contain information that is more dedicated to a particular area. Newspapers are thus convenient to use to cover a specific local market.

At the same time, newspapers can be a weapon for selective advertising impact. . On the one hand, you can choose a newspaper with a suitable audience, on the other hand, you can advertise on a specific page or under a specific heading for people with suitable interests.

One of the important advantages of newspapers over other media is the certain value of the audience. Print media are the most difficult channel for perceiving information. Reading them requires significant intellectual effort and assumes a certain educational level of the audience. The higher the education, the more interest in the press. The greatest attention is paid to it by those who, by the nature of their work, have to make decisions and lead people: in terms of age - adults, in terms of gender - men.

Advantageously distinguishes the press and audience consistency. When people watch TV, they usually change channels. Listening to the radio, they move from one radio station to another. But the newspapers they read are usually the same. And therefore, the composition of the audience of newspapers can be said most accurately. Accordingly, it is much easier to target advertising on it.

A person may seek contact with a newspaper ad. On certain days of the week, we expect advertisements for grocery stores, during a certain period of the year - for sales advertisements, etc. We may even specifically search for advertisements for certain stores at certain times in certain sections of the newspaper. Consequently, the reader of the newspaper may be initially more predisposed to the perception of advertising messages.

It is also important that the press is the leader in terms of the non-irritability of the audience. If the majority of people have a negative attitude towards TV advertising, neutral towards radio advertising, then newspaper advertising - partly neutral, partly interested. Moreover, people of the most "valuable age" - up to 60 years old, have a positive and neutral attitude to advertising in the press.

What distinguishes newspaper advertising from television and radio advertising is a high degree of audience trust . This is connected, apparently, with the power of the printed word: "What is written with a pen, do not cut it out with an ax." Unlike a fleeting word on radio or television, the printed word persists, and the ability to appeal to it at any time builds readers' confidence.

Newspapers are interesting to readers not only from the point of view of the content of the ads, but also from the convenience of reading them. They can be viewed any number of times and times. Radio and television cannot boast of this, where the ad cannot be listened to or watched again.

Newspapers and advertisements in them can be read at any convenient time. There are no such restrictions as the same radio or television, where videos are released at exactly the appointed time, regardless of whether the audience sees them, whether they want to see them at the moment.

If a person has moved away from the TV or radio, then he is lost to the advertiser. The reader usually takes the newspaper with him or returns to it, leaving it somewhere.

Magazines are slow to read, which means that the advertising effect is also slower.

Accordingly, the effect of the influence of magazine advertising is not as concentrated as that of newspapers. .

Magazines have less reach. As a rule, the circulation of magazines is an order of magnitude less than newspaper circulation. There are some exceptions though. Readers Digest magazine has over a million subscribers.

Magazines have less local audiences than newspapers. Magazine readers are usually not concentrated in one geographic area.

Less variability. Magazines do not like to advertise less than 1/4 of the page. Accordingly, the cost of advertising in magazines can be quite high.

Perhaps the main advantage of magazines is the quality of advertising. Especially in glossy magazines, where almost any drawings and photographs are reproduced without distortion.

Magazines allow you to send not only, like newspapers, promotional materials by attachments, but also samples of goods. Typically, magazines are printed using more modern and sophisticated technology. It allows you to make special advertising inserts on glue, stitching, envelopes, layouts, multi-page inlays, holography, sound pages; place samples: perfumes, shampoos, chewing gum, etc.

Narrower target groups can be reached through magazines than through newspapers. Separate specialized magazines are published for almost all communities of people: for women, men, antique dealers, dentists, etc.

Greater reader interest. Readers are often so interested in certain topics that they perceive well-prepared ads as useful editorial material.

Magazine advertisements can be used to publish long and detailed promotional materials. People read magazines to pass the time, not to get news like in the newspapers. Hence, consumers have a higher quality of advertising perception.

Magazines have a very large secondary audience, because they are not only read by subscribers or retail buyers. Often, magazines are given to friends and acquaintances to read. Also, magazines usually go through many hands, being in the waiting rooms of business people, doctors, social institutions, etc.

Modern technologies make it possible to make personal inserts in magazines. The editorial board through certain places or sections can directly address a specific reader.

If the advertiser sells throughout the country, most likely he is using one newspaper - national or several local ones. If in a specific locality, then it will rather be local. The role of a local edition can be played by regional editions as well as regional supplements of national newspapers and magazines.

After the advertiser has selected the publication corresponding to the region of distribution of his goods or services, as well as in contact with a large number of people, he selects newspapers, magazines or applications by the composition of the readership. It should most fully meet the marketing characteristics of the consumer of specific goods or services. That is, the publication should have as many readers as possible who are interested or may be interested in information about a product or service.

The advertiser knows the portrait of his potential buyer: his age, gender, income, marital status, social status, level of education and culture, etc. In the audience of which publication there will be the most readers who correspond to the portrait of the consumer, then it will meet the interests of the advertiser. At the same time, cases are quite possible when in one edition there is more needed reader in percentage terms, but in another - in quantitative terms.

If an advertiser wants to appeal to "hot" customers, to those who are looking for a suitable product or service themselves, then he can choose an advertising newspaper. If an advertiser turns to "warm" and "cold" potential buyers, to those who are just making up their minds or are not thinking about buying at all, then he will choose a regular information newspaper. "Hot" customers themselves are looking for the object of purchase and therefore read everything containing information about it, including advertising newspapers. "Warm" and "cold" are passive, and they use exclusively familiar information channels, they can only be accessed through the publications that they usually read.

Advertisers also choose publications from the point of view of their figurative correspondence to a product or service. Advertising carriers with an individual appearance "consonant" with the product often enhance the effect of advertisements designed to create a certain image.

The publication can be both solid, competent, and tabloid, not responsible for the information disseminated in it. It is no coincidence that many advertisers avoid placing advertisements in the yellow press. They rightly fear that the undemanding attitude to information in such a newspaper will be carried over to their product or service. To place an advertisement in a reputable or official publication is the desire of many. The product gets additional solidity, the advertiser himself gets prestige.

If the publication is not directly related to the nature of the product or service, then the choice can be made based on the number of compatible pages. Such pages will be those that, within a certain period of time, the publication has devoted to topics of interest to the target audience of the advertiser.

In publications with a direct link or an indirect predisposition, advertising will be read most carefully. But even in editions that do not have a large number of compatible pages, the reading attentiveness will be different. In some publications the degree of interest of readers in reading will be high, in others it will be low. People read some editions "diagonally", others more attentively, and still others they re-read several times. Usually, the more attentively and longer the publication is read, the more effective the advertising is.

The attentiveness of reading the publication is revealed through the use of special techniques. One of them, for example, records how many times one page of a newspaper or magazine is viewed. The higher the number of views, the more attentively the publication is read.

It can also be calculated how long, on average, one or another edition is read. The longer, the more attentive.

For many advertisers, the frequency of publication is important. If a company needs advertising several times a week, then it will obviously resort to the services of a daily newspaper. If once a week, he would rather use a weekly newspaper or a weekly magazine. If every two weeks, then - weekly newspapers and magazines or bi-weekly magazines. If once a month, then - monthly magazines.

Editions can also be selected based on their value in terms of sales to readers. The more expensive the newspaper itself or the magazine (retail or subscription), the more prosperous category of consumers reads them. These people can spend significant amounts of money on the purchase of goods or services.

When choosing a publication, the quality of its printing and paper is important. Good paper and quality prints enhance the ad experience. Poor printing distorts the image of a product or service, reduces the impact of advertising on potential consumers. Therefore, advertisers who value an accurate image of the product, emphasizing its solidity, prestige, quality, resort to the services of publications that have good or at least satisfactory printing and paper.

In addition, a specific advertisement may require certain characteristics of the publication. For example, text ads are better perceived on matte paper, illustrative (with photos and drawings) - on shiny coated paper. Some publications cannot reproduce the desired shades or lines. Punching or pasting can be done only in those editions that are printed in printing houses with the appropriate capabilities. Etc.

When choosing an advertising medium, you should pay attention to the volume of advertising in general and the volume of competitive advertising in particular. In most publications, the less advertising, the more attentively it is read. The fewer competitive ads, the more chances a particular advertiser has.

The decisive role in choosing a newspaper or magazine is the cost of advertising. Large and medium-sized advertisers, as a rule, can afford any newspaper or any magazine, any of their services. If the advertiser has a small budget, then he will resort to publications that have a low advertising cost, or to those with sections of classified ads. He can also use the services of various supplements to newspapers and magazines, the prices in them can be quite low, and the efficiency - high.

Thus, the total cost of advertising allows the advertiser to delineate the range of publications of interest to him on the basis of whether the budget allows him to place advertising in them or does not allow it. When choosing a publication in terms of advertising costs, advertisers use comparative cost.

In order to compare the cost of advertising in different publications, it is usually brought to a common denominator, i.e. to the price per unit of measurement (per line of advertising, per page of advertising, per ad in one copy). For the advertiser, in the end, it is important not how much advertising in a newspaper costs, but how much advertising costs for a specific number of potential buyers.

In the case when the unit used is inconvenient (is thousandths or millionths), then they resort to a more convenient number of units: one thousand, one million.

Most common indicator "Price per thousand" ("Cost per thousand"). Usually it is called "Ci-pi-ti" (from the English CPT - cost per thousand). In order to calculate the price per thousand, you need to divide the cost of a newspaper page by circulation and then multiply by a thousand.

It is calculated according to the same scheme. The rate per line is divided by the circulation and multiplied by a million.

Example... Cost of one line in newspapers:

"A" - 2 rubles;

"B" - 3 rubles.

"A" - 600,000 copies;

"B" - 780,000 copies.


"A" - 3.3 (2: 600,000? 1,000,000);

"B" - 3.8 (3: 780,000? 1,000,000).

Audience data for newspapers and magazines allows advertisers to compare rates based not only on copies distributed, but also on the number of potential customers reached.

So, you can calculate the cost of advertising for the entire audience of the publication (primary plus secondary), the cost of advertising aimed at residents of a particular geographic area. In the same way, you can calculate the value of a particular social or demographic group.

If the advertiser is interested in other social, demographic, geographic and other groups, he can also resort to the comparison method described above. This method comes closest to the ideal cost comparison. In this case, it is the cost of bringing the advertisement to a certain number of real readers - potential consumers, and not the cost of advertising in a certain circulation, etc.

However, this method is effective only when the advertiser has, firstly, the necessary data, and secondly, really reliable data.

Place of publication

Every newspaper has more and less readable passages. Advertisers, of course, want to place their ads where as many potential buyers as possible pay attention to them. The readability of an advertisement depends both on which page the ad is placed on, and on where on the page and in which editorial section.

You can select pages according to several principles: by proximity to covers, by left or right arrangement, by technological features of the publication, by subject.

It is believed that an ad placed on the front page attracts twice as much attention from readers of a publication as an ad placed inside a publication. The ad on the last page attracts about 65% of readers more than inside the publication. Advertising on the second, third and penultimate page attracts about 30% more readers than inside the publication.

The difference in ad placement within a publication - on pages closer to the beginning, towards the middle, or towards the end - is very small for newspapers. In magazines, the best pages are considered to be from 3 to 20.

Due to the fact that a person's gaze usually moves from left to right, it is widely believed that the right lane on a U-turn is seen much better than the left. To a greater extent, this is true for magazines. When using newspapers, the difference in advertising placement on the left or right page is not significant.

The choice of a specific thematic page of the publication is more justified. On average, the average reader opens and reads four out of every five pages. Some stripes receive more attention, others less. The most read pages are those devoted to news. More than 90% of all readers view them. News in decreasing interest is followed by: editorial, entertainment, sports, business, food, television program, classified ads, home improvement, etc.

Advertising on thematic pages is usually more expensive than regular ones, but this additional cost is usually worth it. People who read thematic pages are more prone to positive perception of advertising for goods and services related to the editorial topic.

Although the proximity to competitors on the lane is always risky due to the possible advantage of someone else's offer, there is still a sense of such placement. People are used to seeing advertisements for a certain type of goods or services in a particular place. This place, as the fishermen say, is "lured". That is, even if a certain page was not conceived by the editors as thematic, it can become such for advertisers "historically".

If there are no direct competitors' advertisements on the pages, then it is worth placing your ad on those pages where advertisements for similar goods and services are published. For example, advertisements for vacuum cleaners are published next to advertisements for washing machines or food processors. Juice ads next to soda ads. Advertising shoes next to advertising of outerwear, etc.

As for where it is better to place an ad: top, bottom, left or right of the page, there is no single opinion among experts.

According to the most common view, an ad on the top right of a page gets 33% of readers' attention to that page, 28% on the top left, 23% on the bottom right, and 16% on the bottom left.

There are, however, observations that indicate that the readability of a particular part of a page depends on how the publication is viewed and who is looking. So, if the newspaper is in the hands in an expanded form, then the attention is more attracted by the upper part of the sheet. If it is on the table, then more attention is paid to the lower half. Advertising at the bottom of the page attracts slightly more men than at the top. However, for women, it makes no difference whether the ad is placed at the top or bottom of the page.

Considering all of the above, we can definitely say that in practice there is no significant difference where to place ads - at the top of the page or at the bottom.

The same can be said about placement on the left or right side of the page, although many argue that the spine margin is worse for advertising than the external one.

Other factors are much more significant. If your ad is of poor quality, then it won't be saved by right or left placement. If the ad is of high quality, then it will be equally effective at the top, bottom, right, and left.

Effectiveness is certainly influenced by proximity to other ads or editorial material. Of course, the place where the editorial content is next to it is more advantageous. On those pages where the advertisement is located, the reader may not stop his eyes at all. Such pages are often turned over without looking.

It is doubly profitable to place advertisements not just next to journalistic materials, but next to the permanent most read headings and sections. In different publications, these may be: columns of letters from readers, television programs, horoscopes, weather forecasts, classified ads section, news section, etc.

It is triple advantageous when the ad is adjacent not to abstract journalistic material, but to the publication of a section close to the subject.

However, there are times when editorial content negatively impacts advertising. This usually happens when the material is devoted to the negative aspects of life: wars, misfortunes, diseases, etc.

The ad will not benefit from the proximity of such or a similar editorial message: "The editorial board is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by advertisers."

Post time

The effectiveness of an advertisement is directly related to the time of its publication. The closer to the expected moment of purchase the advertisement gets to the eyes of the buyer, the higher its impact. Although a popular proverb says “get your sled ready in summer,” the vast majority of consumers only think about buying when they feel it's necessary (or inevitable).

Seasonal products are usually sold the day before or during their active use. Therefore, their advertising is temporary.

There are seasons and periods of time when people generally prefer not to think about any purchases other than the essentials (food, drinks, etc.). At this time, they also read much less newspapers, which means that the effectiveness of advertising drops significantly. Usually this time of year is summer, when people go on vacation, relax, rest.

The downturn in some areas sometimes coincides with the boom in others. So summer is the "hottest" time for travel agencies. And during this period they are completely justified in strengthening their advertising.

The beginning of the week is usually associated with the peak of business activity. At this time, people are the most energetic and fresh, the most capable of perceiving new information. Therefore, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday are good days for advertising business goods and services, equipment, technologies, etc. - everything you need to seriously think about buying.

Due to their busy work week, many make basic household purchases on Saturday - the first day of the "weekend". Therefore, it makes sense to advertise food and other household goods the day before, in the second half of the week: on Thursday and Friday.

On weekends and holidays, there is a large influx of visitors to restaurants, entertainment and entertainment establishments. Therefore, they prefer to advertise at the end of the working week or on the eve of expected holidays.

On weekends (and on the eve), advertisements for sporting goods, recovery and wellness centers are usually effective. It is on these days that people tend to think about their health.

Also, on weekends, advertisements are given by those companies that on weekdays experience strong competition on the pages of publications. On Saturday and Sunday, when they are lonely "flaunting" on the strip, they are paid more attention than on Tuesday or Wednesday, when there are a lot of similar offers (moreover, often larger or more profitable).

Thus, a positive connection is created in the minds of readers between the person who personifies power, influence, the best guarantees, and the company - the advertiser.

From the point of view of advertising, dates are not only "positive" but also "negative": a day of national or local mourning. It also matters what the day is: holiday, pre-holiday or post-holiday. For example, the overwhelming majority of advertisers refrain from advertising for several days after January 1st, when people are resting and not thinking about shopping.

Due to the possibility of hitting a "negative" date, advertisers planning their campaigns for a long time must check and, if necessary, adjust their schedules.

Size of publications

It is known that with other characteristics being the same, a large object attracts attention more strongly, as they say "immediately striking the eye." Therefore, it is natural that the overwhelming majority of advertisers would like to see their ads in a "large format". However, the larger the ad, the more expensive it is. In this regard, advertisers have to look for the best approach: publish not just the largest ad, but rather a large one.

The latter is very difficult to determine, since you cannot directly link the size of an ad to its effectiveness. It is influenced by many factors. However, in the case when the seller is thinking about reducing or increasing an already tested ad, he can take into account the following data.

Readership increases not in direct proportion to the increase in ad size, but in proportion to the opportunity provided by the corresponding ad size.

So, if an advertisement of a certain size is seen by 20% of readers, then this advertisement, doubled, will be seen not twice by 20% of the audience or only 40%, but by 20% of readers plus 20% of the remaining 80%, respectively.

Example... If a 1/4 page ad attracted 20 readers (20% of 100 readers),

then 1/2 will attract not 40, but 36 (20 + 20% of 80 people),

1/1 respectively - 49 people (36 + 20% of 64 people).

It should be noted that if, from the point of view of audience perception, small ads definitely lose to large ones, then by no means always on average. So, if among approximately the same average ads there is one small one, then due to the natural contrast it will stand out significantly.

The impact of an ad of a certain size is highly dependent on the number of its repetitions. Size is primarily a means of arousing attention. For the preservation of the perceived impression, repetition is very important (as you know, the "mother of learning").

In general, if an advertiser wants to attract maximum attention at one time, then it is beneficial for him to place an ad in a whole page. If an advertiser is thinking about a reusable placement, then he can use the following data.

A single-page ad will get slightly more attention than two half-page ads. However, smaller ad reruns that generally fit a single lane will be more beneficial than a single lane ad. So, for example, four fourth stripes, or eight eighths, etc., will get more attention than one stripe.

The most advantageous division in terms of the impact on the audience turns out to be the division of the band into four quarters. For example, a 1/4 page ad read in four different newspaper issues has six times the effect on a person's attention than a full-page ad that is printed once. When dividing stripes into surfaces smaller than 1/4 of the page, this difference becomes less significant.

Often the content of your ad will influence your choice of ad size. If the company is large, respectable, then it, in order not to negatively affect its image, should not give advertisements of small size. Consumers have in their minds a direct relationship of size: large ad - large company, medium ad - medium company, small ad - small company.

In general, the larger the ad, the more it attracts attention for one publication, and the more positive the advertiser's image. But, the smaller the ad, the cheaper it is, the greater the reach of the audience it allows the advertiser to achieve due to the greater number of repetitions.

Number of publications

Advertisers are forced to repeat ads for two main reasons. Firstly, to ensure maximum reach of potential audience, and, secondly, to provide the necessary impact on the audience.

To achieve the maximum coverage of the potential audience, it has to be repeated due to the fact that the composition of readership of publications is constantly changing - each issue of a newspaper or magazine is read by a different number of different people.

This is especially pronounced for publications in which a significant part of the circulation is distributed at retail. Subscribers make up a fairly constant proportion of readers, the number of which changes smoothly from month to month. The retail buyers of the edition are not constant, their number varies significantly every day from issue to issue.

In addition to the fact that the number of buyers of the publication is changing, the number of readers is constantly changing. After all, people read publications differently: both its editorial and advertising parts. The person who bought the publication, for some reason, may not read it in its entirety or the part that contains the advertisement: on different days he is in a different mood and physical condition, he may want to read the advertisement, or he may not want to, etc. ...

As stated above, it is important for advertisers not only to reach their potential buyers, but also to effectively influence them. The purpose of the impact is usually the implementation of direct sales or support for future sales (formation of a positive image of the company - manufacturer, preference for the brand of goods, etc.).

To make a direct sale to an advertiser, it is important that his offer reaches the consumer at the time of making the final decision. Some people make decisions today, others tomorrow, others the day after tomorrow, etc. Thus, in order to consistently reach people making purchasing decisions, the advertiser must repeat their ad over and over again.

In terms of supporting or securing future sales, it is also important for an advertiser to influence the memory of potential buyers. Indeed, by nature, people tend to forget the information they receive. It is constantly being replaced by a new one.

People forget ads until they see them again. Therefore, in order to achieve memorization, advertisers necessarily use repetitions. The more times an ad is published, the more people will remember it and the longer they will remember it.

In general, repeatability is certainly related to the composition and level of development of the audience. More repetitions are required when advertising is directed to professionals in various fields, as well as to the elderly. In both cases, the decision to purchase is made for a fairly long time. Both professional buyers and elderly people, in addition to evaluating the product itself, study the company itself from advertising. Before making a purchase, they follow the seller's advertising for a long time, decide whether to deal with him or not.

You should also repeat the advertisement the more, the lower the degree of adherence to the subject of advertising and the less motivation the audience has to comprehend the advertising information. That is, when a product or service is not familiar, and there is no particular need to think about advertising it. For example, a new brand of soap or toilet paper, etc.

Repetition is closely related to the involvement of the audience in the process of perceiving information. Thus, the engagement of the readers of the press is much greater than the audience of television or radio, whose programs cannot be stopped, nor slowed down, nor watched or listened to again in order to get more information. Therefore, in most cases the press is used by those consumers for whom rational information is important: exact facts, arguments, proofs, etc.

These readers are looking for rational or problem-solving benefits in advertising. Accordingly, for such consumers, advertisers should aim to assert the product's benefits in the mind through the content of the advertising message, rather than through maximum product or brand awareness through constant repetition, as on television.

In general, repetition is, albeit a very effective, but very expensive way to capture an object in the memory of the viewer. And so the advertiser, just like in the case of ad size, has to look for optimal approaches. It is impossible to answer exactly: how many publications are required when selling a particular product. The number of repetitions depends on how strong the competition is in the general market and in a particular area, and on whether the product has been sold earlier, as well as on the size, form and content of the ad, the publications in which the ad is published, and the time of publication and much more.

However, there are a number of conclusions that press advertisers can take into account when placing. So, one single publication, if it gives any effect, it is close to zero. The two-time announcement will be slightly different. According to various observations, in most cases, the consumer reads and remembers the advertisement only after the third meeting with him. Accordingly, the decision to purchase can be made not earlier than after the third reading. Maybe after the fourth, fifth, sixth, or maybe even after the tenth.

According to one version, the reader makes a decision after the seventh contact (first does not pay attention, then reads, then thinks, etc.). According to another version, the decision is made after the fifteenth contact. However, it is impossible to answer precisely, since there are no universal formulas in this case. But as a baseline, at least three consumer exposure is usually recommended.

At the same time, we can absolutely say for sure that three publications will not provide three minimal contacts with the entire audience. This is due, as mentioned earlier, to the inconstancy of the composition of the readers of the publication. The fact that a person bought a newspaper does not mean that he or she will read it in its entirety or read the ad itself. The more volatile the audience of a particular publication, the more repetitions are required. (The constancy of the audience can be judged by the data of research companies, as well as by the ratio of subscription to retail. The larger the retail, the more volatile the audience)

Repetitions are associated not only with the size of the audience consistency, but also with the size of the audience itself. It is better to give fewer ads in a publication with a large audience than more in a publication with a small audience. The rotation in a publication with a large audience is greater, which means that a relatively larger number of new readers will see the advertisement.

In general, it is obvious that in order to ensure the minimum number of three contacts, the number of publications should be more than three: four, five, six, seven, etc. As a guideline, you can use the data of one of the studies: in order to reach 50% of the audience with an advertisement, an advertiser needs to repeat his ad at least 5-7 times. And three-time coverage in this case will require at least 15-21 publications.

The influence of repetitions is manifested not only through their number, but also through the intensity. On the one hand, ads must be placed intensively enough to be remembered by a new wide audience. On the other hand, so that the same advertisement is not forgotten by the “old” audience.

Keep in mind that shorter repetitions are more effective than longer repetitions. That is, two ads that catch the eye of the buyer one after the other will have a stronger effect than two, separated by several days or several weeks.

It is believed that in order for an ad to truly penetrate the minds of listeners, it must be repeated 3 to 6 times in a 4-week period. In practice, however, this scheme does not necessarily work, since the placement intensity depends on many market factors:

From the circulation of the publication. The larger the circulation, the more often it should be repeated. After all, the larger the circulation, the greater the fluctuations in the composition of the audience of the publication from issue to issue;

From the duration of the cycle of use and purchase of goods. The shorter the cycle of use and acquisition of a product, the more repetitions are required;

From the activity of competitors. The more often competitors advertise, the more often the advertiser has to advertise. And in order not to be "crushed" by competitors' advertising, and to surpass it;

From the age of the brand. A young firm has to advertise often in order to become familiar, to look reliable;

From entering the market of a new product or new service. An advertisement for a product or service that has already established itself in the market needs a lower repetition rate, because it already has a high level of user acceptance;

A consistent campaign will be one that provides for ad placement at regular intervals. Typically, such advertising is used to maintain the level of familiarity with the product brand.

Thus, different types of placement intensity are used by the advertiser depending on the goals and objectives facing him in a certain period of time.

In order to obtain information about the direct impact of advertising on people, leading to a visit to the store (office), advertisers usually resort to the analysis of product requests after advertising.

In this case, each seller or distributor of the goods is given a copy of the published advertisement and a customer log. The copy of the announcement indicates the date of its publication and the edition in which it was posted. When publishing several ads, each of them is assigned its own serial number.

Announcement U1 was published on April 14 in the newspaper "Morning", announcement U2 - on April 20 in the newspaper "Morning", B1 - on April 16 in the magazine "Business", B1 - on 18 April in the newspaper "Evening", B2 - on April 21 in the newspaper "Evening" ", В3 - April 25 in the newspaper" Evening ".

All information on the applied client is entered in the customer log:

- the name and profile of the company (name, occupation, age of the individual) or other information, which can be used to form at least a small idea of \u200b\u200bthe buyer;

- the name of the product or service in which the buyer is interested;

- source of information (from which announcement in which publication).

The subsequent very simple analysis of the customer magazine will show for which ad in which publication what kind of requests and from what type of buyers came.

When testing the effectiveness of different ads, they are usually coded in advance. That is, different phone numbers or addresses are indicated in different versions. And then, by the different number of responses or purchases in different places, it is quite easy to judge the effectiveness of one or another advertising option.

Variants of an ad can be printed at different times in the same publication, or it can be printed simultaneously in its various circulations. One option is in one half of the rooms, the second option is in the other.

It is also easy to collect information using coupons. In this case, the publications publish ads with coupons that encourage potential buyers to fill them in and send them to the advertiser.

You can also sort coupons cut from different editions by various specified addresses, as well as by special illustrations or special codes.

Testing in some publications is often used for subsequent placement in others. Thus, advertisements can be tested in local low-cost newspapers and, having chosen the most effective option, placed in national ones. Or test an ad in one publication and, taking the most effective option as a basis, then place an ad in several newspapers.

All of these fairly simple testing approaches may be available to relatively small advertisers. After all, even the smallest retailer can assign one of his employees to interview customers, sort coupons, or aggregate information from a customer log.

Larger advertisers often resort to testing based on the study of not one indicator, but several. For example, the number of customer requests after advertising, and the number of those who remembered the brand of goods, and the number of those who remember it positively, etc.

But even the most expensive post-market ad research and testing has its limitations. For example, people often unconsciously distort the data: they name the wrong ad they are asked about, or indicate the wrong publication in which the ad was published. At the same time, they are sure that they are telling the truth - this is how the information is fixed in their minds. Therefore, it is not uncommon for buyers to name a publication as a source of information in which a certain advertisement has never been placed at all.

Using averages of not one, but several publications will help to reduce the risk of distortion of test results. And yet, the advertiser should always correlate the resulting conclusions with common sense.

* * *

A competent advertising agent has a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe specifics of advertising in the press, its advantages and disadvantages, differences from advertising in other media. He also understands what makes an ad highly effective and is influenced by factors such as content and form, publication choice, location, time, size, number and intensity of publications.

An experienced agent, having analyzed just a few of the client's publications, will be able to tell him how to improve advertising - to reduce financial losses and increase returns.

Advertising is a way of promoting that allows you to sell more products faster. Its distinctive feature is that advertising is not addressed to anyone personally, but is designed simultaneously for millions of people. It allows you to inform the target audience about the qualities of the product, convince them to give preference to a particular manufacturer and make them act instantly. This promotion method is effective using the media. And since the Internet has become the most influential and widespread media lately, good advertising on the World Wide Web will certainly ensure success. So how do you create it to be justified? There are many nuances here.

The specifics of online advertising

Before creating an advertisement on the World Wide Web, you need to understand the distinctive features of this type of publication. The Internet as a media has a completely different specificity. In the modern world, it is impossible to imagine a successful project without its promotion using electronic resources. The advantage of this direction is that it allows you to reach the largest possible audience. And this is a very difficult task.

A successful impact on customers is already an achievement, but no one will refuse to attract customers with different psychotypes. After all, this allows you to popularize your business among absolutely opposite circles, that is, to make a big profit. It is quite difficult to achieve such a result, but using various means of mass persuasion, you can choose the most successful option.

Any tutorial on how to create an advertisement correctly begins with choosing a way to achieve a goal. In internet marketing, this list is quite broad:

  • Media. It is presented in the form of dazzling bright banners that beckon to buy something. Products are usually presented in the form of images. If an idea is well thought out, then it is well remembered by users, because it has a greater influence on them.
  • Contextual. This type of advertising is more highly specialized, it is aimed at a specific buyer. Such advertising is fully consistent with the interests of a person and is placed in the appropriate places: and ads that are issued by search engines depending on the user's request.
  • Viral. These are advertisements that are distributed by the users themselves. That is, the investment from the supplier, manufacturer or CEO is minimal, since the dissemination of information is provided by the clients themselves. These are interesting and unusual ideas that you want to show to others.
  • Placement in online games. More often than not, the product being promoted is somehow related to the game itself. Perhaps it is created specifically for a specific scenario. Such advertising is also aimed at its target audience.

The effectiveness of online advertising is assessed by how much it catches the eye and stimulates the purchase of goods. The advantages of this promotion method are its targeted message (personalization), relatively low cost, instant access to information, interactivity. The popularity of advertising on the World Wide Web is due, among other things, to a fairly high purchasing power of the audience.

ACAR classification

Many organizations are thinking about how to create advertising on the Internet. Some of them have even identified their own classification signs, according to which various methods are divided. For example, the IAB bureau divides Internet advertising into two subtypes - branding and performance.

But more widely recognized and widespread is the division of promotion methods on the Web according to the method of the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia. According to ACAR, internet marketing techniques can be divided into search advertising and display advertising. Their place in the market share is approximately the same. The latter has a slightly greater advantage.

The first intake segment has increased by sixteen percent over the past year. In total, this brought the creators about sixty billion rubles. However, it's worth noting that there has been a drop in traffic from paid advertisements. This situation is typical not only for the Russian, but also for the foreign market. The difference between the domestic one is that in fact two largest companies - Yandex and Google - are monopolists in the field of search advertising.

Display ads represent everything that a user sees in apps. The exception is ads in search results and classifieds, which are placed on a paid basis. The association has identified three main subgroups of display advertising. These are videos, banners and text-graphic blocks.

Free ad placement option

How do I create ads? There are two main ways that differ not only in the method of execution, but also in the material basis. The advantage of the paid method is that for the money there is a high probability of getting a really good result. A free base is only justified when the ad is well done. After all, even what is done with your own hands (albeit by a non-professional) can bring a good income.

In order to popularize a product, it is advertising that is primarily used. It is quite possible to organize an advertising campaign on your own thanks to the placement of certain content on your own electronic resource, various blogs and pages on social networks. Of course, the spent finances will be zero. But the effectiveness depends only on the successful semantic content.

Other techniques for such a marketing ploy are forums, videos, message boards, Q&A services, and social media data.

The main rule is that you need to devote proper time and think over the plan of the advertising campaign. You cannot write low-quality text and hope for a positive result.

If there is an opportunity to work on the basis of partner programs, then you should not neglect this. By advertising other people's links on your electronic resources, you can greatly help others. Moreover, the partners will then gladly respond to such a request.

Also, when registering on forums through which I would like to promote the project, it is better to indicate the real location of the company or seller. Since if false data is found out by the IP address, then the profile can be blocked.

For a harmonious and appropriate description of your products, it is better to use discussions and contacts.

Paid ad placement option

This method is more effective, but only if the financial costs were justified. Of course, if the company has enough funds, then why not use the services of professionals who can competently and correctly fulfill all the wishes.

As a rule, "free artists" are very competent in performing online product promotion. The main implementation tools are the incorporation of keywords describing properties into useful and interesting content for potential buyers. The main goal is to attract the attention of potential buyers. It will not be difficult for a person with imagination to describe a product or service, but only professionals in their field can competently form their thoughts into contextual advertising.

Specialized advertising agencies probably know how to create an advertisement for a product and get crazy profits for it. Recently, in connection with the active introduction of Internet technologies in such organizations, entire divisions have appeared, specializing in marketing techniques on the World Wide Web.

Such companies will help you to use the budget allocated for product promotion in the most efficient and effective way. A whole team of relevant specialists will study the specifics of the business, the prospects of the industry, and apply the most effective marketing techniques.

Increasingly, firms began to turn to such agencies with a request to create an advertisement for a product. Many people understand the expediency and justification of professional promotion. In this regard, many Internet organizations have appeared that provide this opportunity.

Specialized services

More and more people want to know how to create an advertisement in Yandex.Direct or Google Awords. This is not surprising, because these services are the most popular for solving problems of this nature. They refer to paid services, but in the future, the finances spent will pay off.

If you have no desire to figure it out yourself, you can contact a person who specializes in contextual advertising. The director will help you to make your productivity as high as possible with minimal investment.

Another way is the automated promotion system. An example is the Click service. This platform helps to save money and independently work with contextual advertising and Yandex.Direct, and Google Awords. The advantage of the system is also the protection of newbies from mistakes, thereby improving the result of work.

Social media advertising

How to create an advertisement for VKontakte or any other social network? Why is promotion through these electronic resources so popular? The main reason for this is the prevalence of social networks in society. Now there is practically no person who does not have an account in at least one social network. This is confirmed by the fact that about ninety percent of the Internet audience have personal pages on Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte or Instagram. Such advertising campaign conditions are, of course, attractive. In addition, you do not need special knowledge to promote, because it will not be difficult to create a group and an account.

Advertising on social networks is called targeted. Its advantages over other types of promotion are the familiar interface for users, which contributes to the creation of a comfortable environment and a more effective perception of advertising. Another plus is the ability to communicate with potential buyers. This makes it possible to understand the shortcomings of the product and gain new ideas.

In order to demonstrate the product, you just need to upload a photo or video. The ease of use of this option is undoubtedly important.

To get information and access to a user, you do not need to force him to go through an additional registration procedure. It is enough for a person to simply join the community.

Advertising in "VK"

How to create an advertisement on VK? Since Vkontakte is one of the most popular networks, the question is quite logical. For the legal promotion of products using this social network, you can use two methods. The first is the VKontakte network itself, and the second is the Sociate service. Both methods work very similarly.

Promotion through groups guarantees a constant and large audience. Advertising, which is easy to create yourself, can recommend users to another community, site or company. It is placed only for a certain period, during which it will occupy various positions in the feed. You can agree that advertising will stay in the first place for several hours, after which the group administrator can add other posts to the wall. The user only chooses the hours and days on which the advertisement will be placed. It is not necessary to personally keep in touch with the community administrators as the system works automatically. The exchange also provides a report on how many views, shares, and likes a particular post has received.

Experts recommend placing ads in thematic groups. It is also worth checking subscribers, because the community can be large, but there are very few real people. Therefore, it is better to initially place in inexpensive groups and analyze the result. Advertising will be most effective where there are fewer bots.

Targeted ads are a more expensive option, but also more powerful. It is more suitable for finding clients instantly. Such ads are displayed to people of a certain category only. And the social network will help to sort the necessary users.

News feed ads appeared in 2016. However, it is still a rather crude development. This type of advertising campaign allows you to promote only an entry, but not a group or other electronic resource.

A similar service has already been implemented by the Sosiate service. By the way, its advantage over VKontakte is that a separate platform has more informative statistics and provides convenient reports. Also, in some cases, the network charges a lower commission from the groups, so promotion through it can be cheaper. For long-term and productive work, it is better to choose this service. In addition, it is perfectly integrated with other social networks such as Instagram and Odnoklassniki.

Advertising in Odnoklassniki

How to create an advertisement on Odnoklassniki? This can be done in two ways - free of charge and with certain financial costs. The essence of the latter lies in the choice of the service with which the ad is compiled. Then you need to come up with a semantic content, select targeting settings and send the campaign for moderation. Then you should pay the invoice and launch the campaign.

The main services for such promotion include:

It takes some time to do it on your own and not spend a dime. First you need to register and add as many people as possible as friends. Next, you need to establish contact with everyone and apply for an announcement of the site, product or service, indicating a link to them. This way you can create an advertisement for your store. Of course, it's better to motivate people. Over time, it is worth highlighting buyers and creating a subscription list. This will provide an opportunity for simplification in order to periodically offer products. If this social network succeeds in popularizing the whole community, then a permanent audience will be provided.

Advertising on Facebook

How to create It is enough to follow according to the following points:

  1. While in your account, go to "Ad Manager". There you can see a special window for creating an advertising campaign. In response, the "Manager" will ask you to choose a promotion goal.
  2. Next, you need to segment the market geographically, demographically, and psychologically. If you do not know how best to create an advertisement, pay special attention to this point.
  3. Select ad placement. This means that you need to decide on the placement of your ad. There are two tuning modes - automatic and manual.
  4. At this point, it is worth deciding on the financial part. The display schedule will also depend on it, that is, how much and when the advertisement will be displayed.
  5. Optimization and selection of rates.
  6. The choice of design, on which memorability will directly depend.
  7. Supplement with images or videos.
  8. Attach title, text and links.

Advertising on Instagram

First, you need to create a Facebook account. The second step is to create your own public page and link your bank card. There is another option for promotion through a regular account, but it is used only to popularize local services. At the moment it is possible to create three types of advertising posts:

  • square and rectangular photos with text;
  • square and rectangular videos with text;
  • a series of photos in the form of a gallery.

The difference between advertising through the Facebook service from bloggers is that the first takes his percentage only from the result. And promotion with the help of celebrities is equal to a fixed amount that must be paid regardless of the success of the ad.

How to create an advertisement is also determined by the method of implementation. The first way to create an advertising campaign is "Direct". It is not included in the official Facebook services, but it can only be used to send messages to a targeted audience.

The second method is the most popular - video. That is, the user cannot view the content he needs without ads. There is a chance that a person will be interested and even follow the specified link.

Chapter 12
Create print ads

Advertising in newspapers

Most people think of newspaper advertising as a form of news. Indeed, when newspapers are on strike, people say they miss advertising the most, even though they have other sources of information. Thus, newspapers are the primary source of local advertising. Advertising in newspapers is a form of advertising that is not considered intrusive. People want to find out from the newspaper what is on sale in stores, what is happening in the local government.

For this reason, advertising in newspapers does not need to try, like other types of advertising, to attract the attention of the audience. In addition, since the editorial environment of a newspaper is generally more serious than that of the entertainment media, newspaper advertising does not fulfill the entertainment function of advertising on television. Thus, most newspaper advertising is direct and informative. For example, a local retail advertiser informs the reader what product is being sold, how much it costs, and where you can buy it.

Daily newspapers are printed at high speed on cheap porous paper with a rough surface that absorbs ink well. This paper is called newsprint. Newsprint is not suitable for reproducing details, especially photographs and thin fonts. Most newspapers offer color printing to advertisers, but due to the limitations of the printing process, printing sometimes occurs with a color mismatch with the image outline. For this reason, some advertisements, such as those for Oklahoma City, are specially designed for high contrast black and white printing.

Most newspapers use design services that develop local advertisements or use in advertisements cliparts - illustrated inserts from a library of standard graphic fragments, which, as a rule, satisfy the needs of most local advertisers. Larger newspapers may have their own designers, whose services are also available to local advertisers. Some large advertisers outsource the development of their print ads to their own artists or their trade association's art service.

Advertising in magazines

Advertising closely related to the magazine's specialization can be as valuable as its main material. For example, hikers read advertisements in a tourism magazine to learn about new equipment, new technology, new fashion. Readers of professional publications can cut and collect advertisements for their professional library. For this reason, advertisements in magazines are more informative and their text is longer than newspaper advertisements.

Despite the attachment of advertising to the specifics of the magazine, it should attract the attention of the reader, who may be more interested in the article on the next page. Therefore, magazine advertisements require more creativity than newspaper advertisements, and often use colorful, high-quality photographs and graphics with strong impact. The carefully crafted magazine advertising texts are also aimed at aesthetic and functional impact.

The magazines have traditionally tried to improve the quality of the graphic material. For magazines, the highest quality coated paper is used, it is smooth and denser than newspaper paper, and the process of printing magazines itself provides a higher quality. Magazines are strikingly different from newspapers in the quality of color reproduction and artistic images. Here, illustrations are mainly used to add visual appeal to the imagination, for example.

Advertising in magazines also uses more creative methods of attracting attention: three-dimensional fold-out pictures, scented inserts with the smell of advertised perfumes and colognes, computer chips that "turn on" music when the page opens. Because of the high quality of the print, magazine advertisements have a special effect on the imagination.

Text to ad. On page 316 Leave only the bottom photo (in the old version this is fig. 17.9 on page 552)

Advertising in directories

In ch. 9 noted that reference books are books containing a list of people's names or company names, their phone numbers and addresses. Many directories print advertisements for companies wishing to attract the attention of directory users. The most common directories, such as the Yellow Pages, are published by local telephone services.

Yellow Pages advertisers advise you to use headings that actually reflect the type of service the company is providing or the specialization of the store, and not use a headline that only communicates the name of the company. If the name of the advertised company does not contain information about its field of activity, as, for example, in the names "" Night car service "or" Replacement of computers ", then the services provided or the specifics of the store should be disclosed in the advertisement. Great Bear does not represent the product, the advertiser uses the description and picture of the product to show both the category and the company name Complex explanations and demonstrations in the Yellow Pages are not effective. Any information that is temporary or changeable may become problem because the telephone directory is printed only once a year.

Over the past 60 years, the design of advertising in the Yellow Pages has changed significantly. It is aimed at separating advertising from the rich information environment. Users of directories, having found the desired category of goods, browse the lists of the listed stores or service services. For a few tips on how to make this search easier with Yellow Pages advertising, see the box "Best Practices # 1".

Text to ad. On page 317

Practical advice # 1

Advertising for the "Yellow Pages"

Below are the main aspects of creating an ad for the Yellow Pages directory
  • Ad size... Large ads get more attention than small ones.
  • Convenience... The location and opening hours of the store or service should be highlighted, as most people prefer to shop at the nearest store at a convenient time.
  • Specialization. It is necessary to emphasize the range of goods or the list of services provided by the advertised company.
  • Image. The graphic design reflects the reputation or image of the store. The title, illustration, layout of the advertising material and the font used - everything conveys the image.
  • Index and headings. Pay attention to the ordering of products and headings of product categories in the directory. Since consumers need to be able to find a product, store, or service in it, category headings are extremely important. If it is not clear to which category of goods the advertised products belong, use the "cross" or repeated placement of advertisements in different thematic sections of the directory.
  • Basic information. In addition to the location and opening hours of the advertised company, the ad must contain a phone number. Many consumers will call to see if the product they want is in stock before heading to the store. Note that there are multiple phone numbers listed in the IBM advertisement.
  • Simplicity. Minimize the number of design elements.
  • Artistic image. For advertising in the Yellow Pages, it is better to use pictures than photographs.
  • Cards. To clarify the location, use fragments of city or district maps.
  • Neighborhood. Large directories often group areas of activity by geographic area, making it easier to find the information you need.
  • Placement order. If the consumer does not know the product categories well or does not have a criterion for choosing a product, the enterprise listed first in the alphabetical sequence can benefit.

Outdoor advertising

Concept outdoor advertising covers all means of distributing advertising to consumers outside their home. This includes advertising posters, advertising stands, billboards, kinetic installations, various inflatable objects, painted walls and many other types of advertising used in public places.

Posters and advertising stands

From the Stone Age to the present day, appeals posted in public places have satisfied a person's need for information. However, in the mid-1880s. posters began to take on artistic forms.

Highly artistic posters, particularly for theatrical plays or advertisements for fashion items, have been valued as works of art, and the work of individual authors has a prominent place in museums and art galleries. Modern highly artistic posters of movies or some events can be found everywhere. They are based on a drawing created by the artists or on a gorgeous photograph, such as a Monsanto advertising poster.

In the "Kitchen" insert, Tremor Williams talks about how his creative energy was embodied in the creation of an art poster for a sports event.

On city streets or in pedestrian areas, such as at trade fairs or on university campuses, billboards are used to post public messages and advertisements. Some of them are installed where people walk, others - in places where it is customary to make appointments. Advertising design must strictly correspond to the placement of advertising stands. This form of advertising is widespread in the United States. Some other outdoor advertising media perform similar functions, such as advertising on buses and in the subway. In the advertising campaign for breast cancer prevention discussed in chapter two, posters were used to reach a target group of women in the neighborhood.

For Avon's second ad campaign, A.K.A created an ad that was difficult for other advertisers to copy and used it throughout the firm, both as posters and newspaper ads. The creative concept of the appeal was based on the concept that Avon is a family business, and the employees working in it take care of consumers and their clothes in a family way. Clothing is a form of personal self-expression, and to convey the idea of \u200b\u200bnepotism and care for the individual, the creative concept used the image of old glass windows. The creative team created these display cases by hand and placed in them photographs of the company's employees and their families, combined with various garment care items (bobbins of thread, buttons, labels, etc.). Then photographs of the entire composition were taken, which were used as posters at customer service points.

Posters should be interesting and eye-catching as people will look at them while waiting for their clothes to be received (there are always a lot of visitors at the receptions of Avon dry cleaners on Saturday mornings). The newspaper ad for this campaign also used the poster image, but due to print quality issues, it was not as detailed.

Posters use a variety of options to represent visual images. Monsanto ad draws attention with expressive photography


How a young specialist can win an advertising competition

Trevor Williams, Art Editor, Valentine Radford

"It seems that most modern advertising agencies think only about winning competitions. It is especially difficult for young copywriters and art editors to achieve such success, since we start our creative path with small orders. Immediately after graduation, I started working as an art editor for Valentine agency. Radford: Since I was referred to clients with low creative demands on advertising, I had almost no chance of winning an ad creative award, so my partner (Kevin Conard of the University of Kansas) and I decided to take the initiative - let's call it "self-development".

Somewhere in the process of building the concept, we came across an idea that seemed interesting to us: women's rugby. We developed a dozen advertising ideas and showed them to the director of the creative service, who introduced them to the head of the agency. The management liked our ideas, and they felt that we should look for a real sports team that could be interested in our advertising.

During this time, the city was hosting a tournament featuring the Colorado Olde Girls, a women's rugby team from Denver. We met with its representatives and showed three of our best ad options. They made an impression. In fact, we liked them so much that we decided to design them as full-scale posters. The Colorado Olde Girls weren't the only ones who liked our ad. A photograph of one of the posters appeared in the December 1999 issue of the Communication Arts Advertizing Annual, and our ad was a finalist for the London International Advertising Competition.

Trevor graduated from the University of Kansas in May 1997 with a degree in advertising and graphic design and went to work at advertising agency Valentine Radford.

Presented by Charles Pears, University of Kansas Professor

Street advertising

Street advertising usually uses billboards - large format posters. One of the most famous billboard advertising campaigns was created for the small firm Burma Shave, which used a series of memorable roadside billboards. 600 quatrains were invented that lasted almost 40 years - from 1925 to 1963 - until the unified road billboard system emphasized their old-fashionedness. Almost 40 thousand of these shields adorned the roads from Maine to Texas. They became a kind of symbols and entered the national pop culture1.

Albuquerque recently also used this ad format to warn drivers to slow down in the repair and construction area, rhyming their ad: Among vehicles and construction sites / No problem, / Slow down, calm down / Everything will be on mind.

Today, road construction and repair zones are practically the only place where the speed of movement slows down so that you can read the text of a billboard. Due to the need for instant messaging, graphic elements become a priority in the design of outdoor advertising. Consequently, the key to the effectiveness of outdoor advertising is the dominant of the image and the minimum of text. Recent studies have shown that the use of color and familiar fonts increases the effectiveness of outdoor advertising2.

Effective outdoor advertising is built on a strong creative concept that instantly communicates the message, grabs attention and is easy to remember. For example, the billboard of a roadside cafe is very original, in one word it says that homemade cookies are sold here. The headline of the advertisement is just the word "Goody", in which instead of the letters "o" there is a round cookie. The sign on the billboard reads: “Winchell” s has gone cookies. ”The concept of this advertisement is expressed verbally and figuratively.

The text on the billboard should be kept to a minimum. Usually it is one line, which acts as both a title and a kind of product identifier. The most important characteristic of a text is its brevity. Keep words and phrases short. Some experts believe that such ads should be no more than seven words. It is best to use a laconic, catchy phrase that should also grab attention. Often, such a phrase is a play on words or a variant of a common slogan. For example, a billboard for Orkin, a pest control company, featured a package called “Orkin” on the label. The headline read: "Something for Your Ant."

Since billboards are supposed to have an immediate but lasting impact, design is a critical factor in their effectiveness. The layout should be compact, with a very simple gaze trajectory, usually starting with a strong image followed by a catchy headline, and ending with product identification. This relationship must be clear and integrated so that all elements are perceived as a whole concept.

The most important feature of billboard design is visibility, which means that the billboard is conspicuous - it is noticeable, it attracts the eye. The problem with visibility is that outdoor advertising is constantly in sight - at any time of the day or night and under any driving and lighting conditions. The Institute for Outdoor Advertising (IOA) recommends adhering to the following guidelines to ensure high visibility:

  • Graphic arts. The image should be eye-catching. Most billboard elements should be large, illustrations should be clear, and type should be bold.
  • The size. The images on the billboard are many times larger than the actual dimensions of the items. The pencil can be 25 feet long and the index finger 48 feet long. The same exaggeration of size is typical for the image of a product or brand.
  • Colour. Use bright, contrasting colors. The strongest effect is the maximum contrast of two colors, for example, deep dark and white or yellow3.
  • Item image and background. There should be a relationship between foreground and background. The image of a soft drink against the background of a jungle will be difficult to perceive by a driver passing at a certain speed and at a certain distance from such a billboard. The background should never compete with the subject.
  • Font. Use a simple, clear font that is easy to read from a distance and while in a car. Industry research on font clarity has established that all capital letters should be avoided because they are the most difficult to read form of type. Ornamental, handwritten and italics are also difficult to read.
  • Distance. Designers understand that a mockup on a desk has a very different effect than a billboard on the road. The Institute for Outdoor Advertising has developed a scale of the distance from the billboard to the viewer, which designers use when planning a layout. The scale allows you to assess the perception of the billboard design from a certain distance from a moving car.
  • Product identification. Product identification is ensured by focusing attention on the product due to the multiply increased size of the label or package.
  • Lighting. Illuminated billboards, outdoor signs with electric or neon lighting, moving parts and unusual special effects against the backdrop of the night sky can create a breathtaking sight.
  • Curly elements. Increase the size of the billboard to go beyond the limited rectangular box.
  • The form. To enhance the visual impact, the illusion of a three-dimensional image is created by the intersection of horizontal planes, disappearing lines, spatial volumes. Inflatable objects create the greatest effects of volume. Made from heavy-duty nylon, they can be self-installed or complementary.
  • Motion. Equip the billboard with motors that drive different parts of the advertisement. Various shiny elements of advertising, swaying from the wind, create the illusion of movement, color change, image shape, play of waves or a pouring waterfall. To change advertising messages on one shield, use shields with rotating panels called kinetic shields.

The label of the Perrier bottle covered with drops of lemonade occupied practically the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe billboard. Under it was the inscription: "Only on-tural"

The award-winning ad for the Minnesota Zoo was titled "Fishing Cat. Now at the Minnesota Zoo." To illustrate the idea, the designer placed in the center of the billboard huge cat's eyes, surrounded by scurrying fish. For the animation effect, the eyes moved in different directions, as if following the fish.

Transport advertising

Recall that to transmit advertising messages to passengers, transport advertising uses the outer side of vehicles ( outdoor advertising on transport) and their interior ( indoor advertising on transport). It is a form of reminiscent advertising, in which advertisers present themselves to local audiences during peak hours or the most intense traffic and passenger flows.

Appeal design

Indoor advertising in buses and subway cars uses intra-personal advertising tablets and stickers (stickers)that are placed above windows and on free panels inside the vehicle. Indoor advertising stickers are usually oriented horizontally and are 11 "high and 28, 42 or 56" wide. Indoor advertisements can contain longer and more complex messages than outdoor advertisements, however, as a rule, such advertisements are read from a distance and often from some angle. The font should be large enough and legible, considering the fact that passengers are sitting in vehicles. Marketers promoting the Pepsi and C / net Web sites use internal traffic advertisements to distribute the addresses of those sites to people who have the time and opportunity to write them down while traveling on public transport.

Indoor advertising provides other options for the format of appeal: tear-off coupons, packages or "take one" envelopes filled with letterheads or thin brochures that allow you to provide more detailed information, or return forms to collect the required information.

Outdoor advertising on transport is very similar to the billboards discussed above, and the same principles are used to develop it: simple, legible, large text that attracts attention. The only difference is that the vehicle, like the person reading the advertisement placed on it, can be in motion, which makes it much more difficult to perceive the appeal.

To create the impression of advertising moving along the streets of the city, vinyl was used for outdoor advertising on transport, which, when glued to the windows of public transport, did not interfere with visibility from the window

Product Literature

Product literature - brochures, booklets, brochures with detailed information about a product, company or event held - sometimes called accompanying materials, since they are used as support for an advertising campaign. Sometimes they are part of a public relations campaign or produced as part of a sales promotion program; sometimes they are classified as purely advertising activities.

The production of such materials involves the drafting of the text and the development of the design of the brochure. When creating folding brochures, the designer should take into account that the advertising message will unfold in parts, as the brochure unfolds. Ads in this category can range from a simple three-page brochure to a thick brochure printed on glossy paper with color illustrations. Their cost will also vary accordingly.

Create print ad text

In ch. 11 we looked at the general principles of drafting advertising copy and the work of art editors and copywriters. In this chapter, we will look at the specific requirements for print advertising. There are two categories of ad copy: highlighted and body copy. The selected text includes all the elements that the reader notices when they first look at the advertisement. These elements - headings, subheadings, closing phrases - are usually set in large print to grab attention and stop the reader from skimming a newspaper or magazine. Main text advertising includes elements that must be read and understood.


Most print advertising experts agree that the headline is the most important element of highlighted text. The head, together with the artistic image, attracts attention and conveys the creative concept. The main idea is best conveyed by the combination of these elements of advertising, which is clearly illustrated by the advertisement "Berbershop Quartet".

The headline is a key element of print advertising because in most forms it captures the message and communicates it to consumers. It is also important for another reason. People who skim through the press read only the headlines, so they should understand the meaning of the whole appeal, conveyed either by one heading or by a combination of a headline and an image. Researchers estimate that only 20% of those who read the headline read the ad copy.4

For example, in the first print campaign for Avon Cleaners, reviewed in Example 12, a photograph of Stacey Godou, the owner of the firm, sitting in a chair, was accompanied by the headline: "You see some guy in an old shirt." Then came the text: "And we know how to make sure that everything looks like new." The humor with which the age - both the man and his shirts - played up was deliberate and aimed at reaching older audiences with above-average incomes.

When writing headlines, copywriters write hundreds of notebooks and work around the clock. Headlines are checked and rechecked hundreds of times to make sure they are understandable and can accurately convey the message at a glance. The results of publications with a breakdown of circulation (the method of checking the effectiveness of the text of an advertisement used in direct mail is to print two different variants of the same advertisement within the same circulation) show that changing the words of the heading while keeping the rest of the text can be two, three and even quadruple consumer response rates. This is why industry leaders such as David Ogively argue that the headline is the most important element of advertising.5 Because of the importance of the meaning of this element, let's look at some of the basic principles of heading and their function.

First, a good headline should work for the target group and attract potential customers by appealing to their interests. An old advertising axiom reads: "Shoot with a sniper rifle, do not shoot with machine guns." Second, the headline must be combined with the artistic elements of the ad to attract and grab the reader's attention. Range Rover advertisements feature a photograph of a car parked on top of a cliff with the headline: “Most People Use Their Range Rover To Drive To Nearby Corner.”

In addition, the title should also engage the reader, identify the product and brand, and promote sales. It must contain the essence of the trading premise. If you have a strong selling point, start right there. Finally, the headline should involve the text. For this to happen, the person must pause their viewing of the newspaper or magazine and focus on your ad. To do this, he needs to change the mode of perception of information - the reason why only 20% of those who view print media read advertising texts.

Headings fall into two categories: direct and indirect impacts (see Table 12.1). Direct impact headlines are informative. This group includes the headline of the Tylenol ad: “The Power to End Pain”. They identify the product category, link the benefits to a given brand, and have a high degree of targeting. At the same time, if they are not engaging enough, then they do not attract advertisements to reading the text.

Indirect headlines are not as selective and informative. However, they can more effectively draw readers' attention to the text, such as the heading "Berbershop Quartet" (African Shop Quartet) in an ad for Einstein Moomjy. These are provocative and intriguing headlines that encourage you to read the entire ad copy to understand it. Indirect titles are sometimes referred to as "blind" titles because there is very little information in them. Using a blind headline is risky. If it is not informative enough or does not intrigue the reader, then the advertisement will not be read.

Table 12.1
Types of headlines in print ads

Direct impact headers Description
Statement Used to express a statement or promise to motivate a consumer to try a purchase.
Command A polite call to the reader to do something.
Suggestion "How to solve the problem" The headline attracts attention, which is rewarded by reading the ad copy telling how to use the product or solving a problem with it.
news Headers of this type are used when releasing new products, as well as in connection with product modifications and new uses for an already known product. This is a headline announcing different news. Contains consumer motivation to test a new product.
Puzzle Used solely for provocative influence, they stimulate the reader to read the entire text to get an answer or an explanation to the question posed in the title. Aimed at involving advertising in the text.
Associations To attract attention and arouse the reader's interest, such headings use allusions to images and styles of life.

Other highlighted text elements

Next after the heading - in its meaning for reading the entire text - is the caption to the illustrations (a word or sentence located above or below the illustration or photograph, and describing or explaining its content). Advertiser performance test data show that captions under illustrations grab attention instantly. In addition to attracting attention, they also perform an information function. Illustrative material is interpreted differently by different people, so most illustrations only benefit from the accompanying explanation.

Copywriters should also be demanding in the writing of subheadings - section headings - used to break up solid text into blocks or continue the function of engaging advertising in the text. They are usually typed in a larger font (bold or italic) than the main text.

Final phrases - endings - short, easy to remember phrases used at the end of the advertising text to complete or briefly confirm the main idea. Nike's female-to-female advertising campaign featured an elegant headline that read, "You are both nanny and educator. You are beautiful and unusual." The ad ending on the next page was written in rough handwriting and was: "Don't get hung up on this."

Slogans - advertising slogans and calls repeated from campaign to campaign can also be used as final phrases. Copywriters use a variety of literary techniques to increase the memorability of subheadings, slogans, and endings. Box "Practical Tips # 2" lists some of them.

An example of signaling to target audiences is a long-term ad campaign for Nike that used headlines that began with phrases such as "Women are often judged" or "You were born a daughter."

On the fields

A good example of a command headline is the beginning of a Nike ad: "You inherited your body, but YOU DECIDE WHAT IT WILL BE." An unusual graphical technique is also used here: the use of capital letters for the final part of the sentence.

Practical advice # 2

Writing catchy phrases

The repetition of speech construction and phonetic sounds promotes remembrance.

  • An unusual or unexpected phrase. The ending of the Nike ad is: "You don't care about all this" (or "Don't get hung up on just that").
  • Rhyme, rhythm, alliteration. Repetition of the same (or consonant) sounds. The Wall Street Journal: "The Daily Diary of the American dream".
  • Parallel construction (repetition of part of a sentence or phrase). Army: "Be all that you can be" - "Be all that you can be."

Main text

The main text is the ad text. It contains the sales premise, its reasoning, product arguments, and operational explanations. This is the main convincing element of the advertising message. With the highlighted elements, you arouse the consumer's interest, but win it over with the help of the arguments presented in the main text. Table 12.2 shows the main approaches to the presentation of argumentation in the advertising text.

Like poets honing every quatrain, copywriters can spend hours, even days, working on a single paragraph. They sketch, redefine, cut. After repeated copyright alterations, the text gets to other employees and immediately becomes the object of criticism. Then he returns to the author, who will finalize the final version, taking into account all the comments. The ad for Einstein Moomjy rugs in the “Berbershop Quartet” campaign expands on the theme with the phrase “Our collection of excellent carpets will amaze anyone” and “Among them you will find one that will perfectly match your home decor”.

In addition, the main text should be in a style perceived by the target audience. The Trojans condom advertisement makes a very compelling argument on a highly sensitive issue for the target audience of single young people. The combination of title and body text reads like dialogue:

    "I never use them, just because I don't."
    Become aware of reality.
    If you don't have a parachute, don't jump, genius.

Two sections - introduction and conclusion - attract the special attention of the reader. The first paragraph of the main text is another checkpoint where a person decides whether to read the entire ad. Magazine advertisers are adept at writing the first paragraphs to encourage the reader to turn to the main text.

Concluding paragraphs of text serve several purposes. Usually the last paragraph summarizes the creative concept and completes the advertising idea. Direct calls usually end with a call to action along with instructions on how to get the advertised item. The Schwinn bicycle ad, entitled “Real poetry. In a world with everyone but combustion vehicles”, demonstrates how powerful the final piece can be, using an unexpected phrase: “Schwinns are red, Schwinns are light, blue and thieves. And the cars spoil everything. The end. "

A study on the problem of translating special terms into public English in advertising of technically complex goods revealed that not only the terminology itself affects the reader's perception of information, but also how the entire context, or auxiliary phrases, contribute to the clarification of terms. One study on this topic found that individual explanatory sentences were much more important to understanding than sentences that reflected product features or topical content.

Table 12.2
Types of main text for print ads

As there are copywriters and features of the advertised product, there will be as many different styles of the main text of the advertisement, however, there are some generally accepted approaches to writing it.

The Internet today is a bottomless source of information and entertainment. Meanwhile, it is also an immense field of activity for those who know how to make money. For example, advertising, which is presented in abundance on almost any Internet site. How can you create an advertising website and make it profitable?

First you need to create the site itself. If earlier on this issue it was imperative to contact the specialists, now the process of creating a website has become much easier and often will not cost you a penny. The easiest way is to use one of the many popular platforms like WordPress or Weebly. Or any other, paid or free, service, with which the search engine will acquaint you with the query "Website builder". Of course, it all depends on the complexity of the project, but if you do not intend to create something epic, these tools will suit you perfectly. The work begins with registering a user and choosing a site template. Options - choose from a list of templates offered by the service, or pay for an individual design. However, on many platforms, the default templates change if desired. All actions for designing and filling the site with content are carried out using the admin panel. Website design is very important, but its content is just as important. As far as the site will be attractive to visitors, so it will be attractive to advertisers. Therefore, the information must be necessarily interesting and fresh. By analyzing search queries, posting relevant content and other methods of optimizing and promoting sites, you can raise your Internet resource to the top ten or hundred.

After that, you can search for advertisers. Your website traffic statistics, its popularity will be benchmarks when determining the price of advertising space. Usually, you are billed for the number of clicks from your site to the advertised site, for a specific period of ad placement, or based on a combination of the two.

So that the site is not forgotten by users and search engines, remember to constantly update the information.


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