Russian Railways has introduced a new train schedule. Russian Railways introduced a new train schedule We will go to the North Caucasus without visiting Ukraine

From 0:00 a.m. on December 10, 2017, a new train schedule for 2017/18 comes into force on the railways of Russia, the CIS, Georgia, the Baltic States and Europe

"KI" in the issue of October 17, 2017 told in detail about a number of innovations of this schedule, concerning passenger and fast long-distance trains running through the Kursk station. Today we will supplement that information with a number of other interesting details.

If one train to St. Petersburg is accelerated, the second will be slowed down

As already reported, the new schedule will significantly accelerate the fast train No. 81/82 St. Petersburg - Belgorod passing through our city, and its schedule will change dramatically. But the second train, which runs between these cities, - No. 119/120, on the contrary, will slow down. This deceleration will occur due to the fact that this train in both directions will have an increase in the duration of its stay in Oryol, where the hitching / uncoupling of the wagons will be carried out. And a significant change in the schedule of train No. 119/120 will affect just the Orel - Kursk - Belgorod section.

From the initial station St. Petersburg-Main train will leave, as now, at 0.11, have a stop in Orel at 15.10 - 16.18 (instead of 14.58 - 15.13), a stop in Kursk at 18.08 - 18.38 (instead of 16.54 - 17.28) and arrive in Belgorod at 20.54 (instead of 19.44). Back from Belgorod, the train will depart at 9.40 (instead of 10.51), have a stop in Kursk on 12.02 - 12.29 (instead of 13.14 - 13.26), a stop in Orel at 14.20 - 15.15 (instead of 15.08 - 15.23) and arrive at the terminal station St. Petersburg-Ladozhsky, as now, at 7.30.

As part of train No. 119/120, direct Murmansk-Belgorod cars will run through the Kursk station, which will be interconnected at the Bologoye station from train / to train No. 15/16 Murmansk-Moscow. They will depart from Murmansk at 19.30 more than a day before the departure of train No. 119 from St. Petersburg, and will arrive back in Murmansk at 11.38 the next day after the arrival of train No. 120 in St. Petersburg.

We will go to the North Caucasus without visiting Ukraine

Since November 15, Russian Railways has launched the first passenger trains on the new Zhuravka-Millerovo railway, bypassing Ukraine. The construction of this double-track electrified line began after the deterioration of relations with Ukraine in 2014. This is the so-called railway bypass of Ukraine. The laying of the tracks was completed in August, and the movement was planned to begin in the fall.

Then, among the "first" did not hit the fast trains running through Kursk in the direction of the North Caucasus No. 83/84 Moscow - Adler, No. 109/110 Moscow - Anapa and passenger train No. 360/359 Kaliningrad - Adler. All of them, as can be seen from the information of the Express-3 automated control system displayed on the Russian Railways website on the schedules of passenger trains, while they continue to follow the “old” section crossing the territory of the Luhansk region of Ukraine, and have a stop at -Ukrainian border of the Chertkovo station in the Rostov region.

But from 0:00 on December 10, when the new train schedule for 2017-18 comes into force, all these trains will go on the new railway bypassing Ukraine. Then, after stopping at the Rossosh station in the Voronezh region, they will have a two-minute technical parking lot at the Kuteinikovo station, and the next tariff one - at the Millerovo station in the Rostov region. Seasonal passenger trains No. 467/468 Smolensk - Adler and No. 563/564 Moscow - Anapa, as well as passenger train No. 547/548 Moscow - Sukhum, following through the Kastornaya junction station located in the Kursk region, will also operate on the new line next summer. ...

By the way, despite the fact that the length of the route on the new line will be slightly longer than on the old one, the travel time of trains will not only not increase, but, on the contrary, will decrease. So, "KI" previously reported on a 25-minute reduction in travel time from Kursk to Adler, passenger train No. 360/359 Kaliningrad - Adler. The return train of the same numbering will also deliver passengers from Adler to our city a little faster. From there he will leave at 21.01 (instead of 20.44) and arrive in Kursk for more than a day at 4.00 (instead of 4.10). But the train will continue its further journey from our city, as now, at 4.44 and, as now, at 8.39 the next day, it will deliver passengers to Kaliningrad.

And the fast train No. 84 Adler - Moscow will leave Adler at 15.14 (instead of 15.04), follow through Kursk with a stop at 20.35 - 21.20 (instead of 20.30 - 21.30) and arrive at the Kursk railway station in Moscow, as now, at 5.25 am. And the return train No. 83 Moscow - Adler will leave Moscow-Kurskaya at 20.03 (instead of 20.10), proceed through Kursk with a stop 3.23 - 4.06 (instead of 3.16 - 4.12) and deliver passengers to the Adler terminal station in more than a day at 10.13 (instead of 10.18 ). 10 minutes earlier - at 10.37 instead of 10.47 - Moscow-Kislovodsk direct cars running as part of train No. 84 will arrive at the terminal station.

As for another "southern" train - No. 109 Moscow - Anapa, it will depart from the Kursk railway station in Moscow at 23.10 (instead of 23.07), follow through the Kursk station with parking at 5.45 - 6.20 (instead of 5.50 - 6.33) and arrive in Anapa, as now, at 11.05. Back from Anapa train number 110 will go, as now, at 16.25, will proceed through the Kursk station after more than a day with a stop at 20.10 - 20.40 (instead of 20.05 - 20.31) and arrive at the Kursk railway station in Moscow at 5.00 (instead of 4.10). Thus, the travel time both from Anapa to Kursk and from Kursk to Moscow for this train will increase.

Let's go to Sukhumi differently

When approving the Code of Passenger Trains for Interstate Traffic, the seasonal passenger train No. 580/579 Belgorod - Voronezh - Sukhum, which ran through the territory of the Kursk region (in particular, through the junction stations Rzhava and Kastornaya), was excluded from the schedule for 2017/18. last and this year. However, at the same time, our region at the height of the resort season of 2018 will not remain without direct communication with the Black Sea coast of Abkhazia. The above-mentioned seasonal passenger train No. 547/548 Moscow - Sukhum, which passes through the Kastornaya station, has been preserved in the new schedule, and residents of this regional center and nearby settlements will be able to use it. From the Kursk railway station in Moscow, the train will leave at 14.30, follow through the Kastornaya-Novaya station with a stop 2.26 - 2.31 and arrive in Sukhum in more than a day and a half at 19.22.

And direct communication between Belgorod and Sukhum will be maintained with the help of direct Belgorod-Sukhum cars, which will be delivered to the Stary Oskol station by a separate passenger train No. 690/689. From Belgorod, it will depart at 22.50, follow through the Rzhava station with a stop of 0.06 - 0.08 and arrive at Stary Oskol at 2.40, and from there at 4.30 these cars will continue their journey as part of train No. 547/548. And having arrived with him to Stary Oskol back from the capital of Abkhazia, these cars as part of train # 689 will depart from there at 15.15, proceed through Rzhava with a stop at 17.43 - 17.45 and arrive in Belgorod at 19.00. So residents of Kursk, Solntsevo, Pristen, Oboyan will be able to go to Sukhum, as well as to the Black Sea coast of Krasnodar Territory from the Rzhava station by train # 690.

Evening trains from Kursk to Oryol and Ponyri will leave earlier

With the introduction of a new train schedule, changes will also affect the timetables of some electric trains and rail buses at the Kursk railway junction. As "KI" was informed at the Kursk station, these changes will affect, in particular, the following commuter trains: No. 6383 Kastornaya - Kursk will depart from Kastornaya at 13:16 (instead of 13:18) and arrive in Kursk at 4:14 pm (instead of 4:16 pm); No. 6381 Kastornaya - Kursk will depart from Kastornaya at 3.28 (instead of 4.10) and arrive in Kursk at 7.25 (instead of 7.37); No. 6338 Kursk - Oryol will depart from Kursk at 16.24 (instead of 04.16) and arrive in Oryol at 19.34 (instead of 18.58); No. 6340 Kursk - Oryol will depart from Kursk at 18.05 (instead of 18.40) and arrive in Oryol at 21.11 (instead of 21.34); No. 6342 Kursk - Ponyri will depart from Kursk at 20.25 (instead of 20.40) and arrive in Ponyri at 21.47 (instead of 21.02); No. 6337 Oryol - Kursk will depart from Orel at 16.34 (instead of 16.28) and arrive in Kursk at 19.31 (instead of 19.25); No. 6339 Oryol - Kursk will depart from Orel at 18.00 (instead of 18.17) and arrive in Kursk at 20.58 (instead of 21.28); No. 6443 Kursk - Lgov will depart from Kursk at 17.35 (instead of 17.20) and arrive in Lgov at 19.34 (instead of 19.15); No. 6228 Belgorod - Kursk will depart from Belgorod, as now, at 4:13 pm, follow non-stop to Prokhorovka station, as well as non-stop at the 609 km platform, and arrive in Kursk at 7:24 pm (instead of 7:18 pm).

Oleg Stolbetsov

International trains and direct cars run from Russia to Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Italy, China, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Poland, North Korea, Serbia, Slovakia, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Estonia, as well as the CIS countries. Some of them have discounts and special rates.

To Finland

On the train No. 31/32 "Lev Tolstoy" Moscow - Helsinki - Moscow the amount of the discount depends on the date of purchase. The discount is valid for all carriages of all classes and is calculated from the total cost of the ticket. Discounts do not apply to trips within the same country (Russia or Finland) and group tickets.

To Latvia

From January 9 to December 21, 2017, the cost of tickets to Latvia and back depends on how many days are left before the train departure.

When tickets are issued to organized groups of passengers, when buying an entire compartment at a special rate and when traveling within one country (Latvia or Russia), this entire system of discounts is not applied.

  • 31 days and more - 15% discount.
  • From 21 to 30 days - 10% discount.
  • From 6 to 10 days - 5% surcharge.
  • 5 days or less - 10% surcharge.
  • Discounts and surcharges do not apply to general carriages (from June 1 to August 31 - and to reserved seats too).

There is also a separate promotion for trains to Riga in 2017 with the purchase of an entire compartment.

  • Trains: No. 1/2 Riga - Moscow, No. 184/183 Riga - Moscow, No. 38/37 Riga - St. Petersburg.
  • Discount: when buying all seats in a compartment of a compartment carriage or SV - about 25% (the ticket price consists of several components, the discount does not apply to all of them, therefore the final discount is not strictly 25%, but slightly less).
  • Valid from January 9 to December 22, 2017.
  • The discount cannot be combined with other promotions.

To Estonia

From Russia to Estonia there is a train number 34/33 Moscow - St. Petersburg - Tallinn.

  • When buying a ticket 31 days or more before the train departure, there is a 15% discount; if left from 1 to 30 days - 10% discount.
  • Discounts are valid for tickets for all types of carriages.
  • Dates: January 9 to December 21, 2017.
  • Discounts do not apply: if the trip is within the same country (in Russia or in Estonia) and when booking tickets for organized groups.

To Kazakhstan

Between Russia and Kazakhstan, there are both trains formed by Russian Railways and Kazakh trains (NC KTZ JSC). They use a unified system of discounts.

  • Discounts are valid from the date of sale on November 21, 2016 for trains departing from January 3 to December 28, 2017.
  • For compartment and SV: if 31 days or more are left before the train departure - 45% discount, if from 6 to 30 days - 35% discount.
  • For reserved seat cars: for 31 days or more - 35% discount, for 6-30 days - 25% discount.
  • Discounts do not apply to trips within the same country (Russia or Kazakhstan) and when booking tickets for organized groups of passengers.

To Tajikistan

Trains from Moscow run to Dushanbe (No. 319/320 and No. 329/330 Moscow - Dushanbe) and Khujand (No. 359/360 Moscow - Khujand).

  • Discounts are valid from the date of sale November 20, 2016 for trains departing from January 3 to December 28, 2017.
  • If there are 31 days or more left before the train departure - 58% discount, from 21 to 30 days - 52% discount, from 4 to 20 days - 46% discount.
  • Discounts are valid for all types of wagons.

To Moldova

For train No. 65/66 Moscow - Chisinau, early purchase discounts are valid only in compartment cars.

  • If there are 21 days or more left before the train leaves, a 20% discount, if 11-20 days - a 15% discount, if 5 days or less - a 3% surcharge.
  • Departure date: from January 9 to December 21, 2017.
  • Discounts are applied only when buying tickets at the ticket offices of Russian Railways. Through the Internet - no.
  • Discounts do not apply to trips within the same country and when booking tickets for organized groups of passengers.

To Uzbekistan

Trains of both the Russian formation (OJSC FPC) and the Uzbek one (OJSC UTI) regularly run between Russia and Uzbekistan. They have a unified system of discounts for early purchase of tickets.

  • Discounts are valid for trains departing from January 3 to December 28, 2017.
  • For compartment and CB: if you buy a ticket more than 31 days before departure - 45% discount, if 6-30 days remain - 35% discount, if 5 days or less - 5% surcharge.
  • For reserved seat cars: when buying a ticket more than 31 days before departure - 35% discount, 6-30 days - 25% discount, for 5 days and less - 5% surcharge.
  • Discounts do not apply to trips within the same country and when booking tickets for organized groups of passengers.

To Kyrgyzstan

From January 3 to December 28 In 2017, there are discounts for trains between Russia and the Kyrgyz Republic when buying a ticket early.

  • In compartment and CB: when buying a ticket more than 31 days before departure - 50% discount, 6-30 days - 40% discount.
  • In second-class carriages: when buying a ticket more than 31 days in advance - a 45% discount, for 6-30 days - a 30% discount.
  • Discounts do not apply to trips within the same country and when booking tickets for organized groups of passengers.

To Belarus

Trains of both Russian and Belarusian formations run in communication with the Republic of Belarus. And they have different conditions for providing discounts.

For Russian trains:

  • In compartment and CB: when buying a ticket more than 31 days before the departure of the train - a 20% discount, 21-30 days - a 15% discount, 10 days before the departure and less - a surcharge of 5%.
  • Coupé and SV discounts are valid from January 1 to December 22, 2017.
  • In second-class carriages: discounts for side seats - 10% for any purchase date.
  • Discounts do not apply to trips within the same country and when booking tickets for organized groups of passengers.

These discounts are valid on trains formed by FPK: No. 4/3 Brest - Moscow, No. 28/27 Brest - Moscow, No. 39/40 Polotsk - Moscow, No. 50/49 Brest - St. Petersburg, No. 52/51 Minsk - St. Petersburg, No. 56/55 Gomel - Mogilev - Moscow, No. 58/57 Grodno - St. Petersburg, No. 64/63 Minsk - Novosibirsk, No. 66/65 Minsk - Murmansk, No. 68/67 Brest - Saratov, No. 76/75 Gomel - Moscow, No. 78 / 77 Grodno - Moscow, No. 83/84 Gomel - St. Petersburg, No. 96/95 Brest - Moscow, No. 104/103 Brest - Novosibirsk, No. 132/131 Brest - Moscow, No. 134/133 Minsk - Arkhangelsk, No. 302 / 301 Minsk - Adler, No. 390/389 Minsk - Anapa, No. 150/149 Minsk - Mineralnye Vody. As well as direct trailer cars Brest - St. Petersburg trains No. 652B, Brest - Moscow trains No. 676F, Grodno - Moscow trains No. 674F of the BCh formation and No. 7/8 Moscow - Brest, No. 11/12 Moscow - Minsk, No. 35/36 St. Petersburg - Brest, No. 113/114 Novosibirsk - Brest.

For Belarusian trains:

  • A 20% discount is valid in the compartment and in the SV with the simultaneous issuance of round-trip tickets.
  • The discount does not apply to trips within the same country and when booking tickets for organized groups of passengers.

This discount is set for trains forming a BC: No. 26/25 Minsk - Moscow, No. 40/39 Polotsk - Moscow, No. 56/55 Gomel - Mogilev - Moscow, No. 58/57 Grodno - St. Petersburg, No. 76/75 Gomel - Moscow, No. 78/77 Grodno - Moscow, No. 84/83 Gomel - St. Petersburg, No. 96/95 Brest - Moscow, No. 132/131 Brest - Moscow and for a group of carriages Brest - Moscow, running as part of trains forming BCh No. 676/76 and 75/675.

Enjoy your travels!

The information is for reference only. To clarify it, contact the carrier. For example, to the Russian Railways information desk by phone 8-800-775-00-00 (call within Russia is free).

Start buying a ticket

MOSCOW, Dec 10 - RIA Novosti. From December 10, Russian Railways introduces a new schedule and launches sales of tickets for long-distance trains in 90 days, the company said.

Russian Railways annually introduces a new train schedule on the second Sunday in December. "On December 10, 2017 at 00:00 Moscow time, a new schedule and a plan for the formation of trains for 2017/2018 are being put into effect on the entire network of Russian railways. The schedule will be in effect throughout the year," the company said in a statement.

New schedule

In particular, the Russian Railways holding will speed up the movement of 413 trains, including 85 trains will go faster by more than 30 minutes. The number of fast and high-speed trains will increase from 346 to 350 and make up almost 63% of the total.

There will be more daily trains: 10 new express trains will be appointed (Moscow - Vyazma, Moscow - Penza and others). In total, the new schedule has 54 pairs of "day" trains on 28 routes (in the schedule for 2016/2017 - 43 pairs of trains on 22 routes). On the most popular routes in the new schedule, 19 new trains have been assigned (Stavropol - Adler, Moscow - Kovrov and others).

International passenger traffic will be carried out in direct and transit communications to 11 countries in Europe and Asia (Germany, France, Poland, Austria, Czech Republic and others), as well as to 11 CIS and Baltic countries (Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan , Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia).

"Payback for Politics". Crimean deputy on the railway bypassing UkraineThe Ministry of Transport of Russia announced that the railway bypassing Ukraine will be fully operational by the end of the year. Deputy of the State Council of Crimea Vladislav Ganzhara on the air of Sputnik radio noted the importance of this road in the context of Kiev's aggressive policy towards Russia.

The total movement of long-distance passenger trains will amount to 558 pairs of trains (one pair includes a round trip) in 405 different routes (in the timetable for 2016/2017 - 565 pairs in 411 routes). To ensure the transportation of passengers, 1,143 train sets will be formed (in 2016/2017 - 1,123 trains).

In the new schedule, Russian Railways will also add electric trains. The total size of commuter traffic increased by 45 pairs of trains and amounted to 3660 pairs.

In addition, within the framework of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, more than 500 trains will be scheduled for transportation of fans between the cities of the matches.

Tickets 90 days in advance

Since December 10, Russian Railways has been increasing the depth of ticket sales for long-distance trains. Since December 2016, the company has increased the depth of ticket sales to 60 from 45 days before the departure date. The head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerov reported that the company plans to open sales even earlier in the future - 90 days before departure.

"From December 10, 2017, the sale of tickets for all long-distance trains and trailer cars operating in domestic traffic will be open 90 days before the date of their departure. For example, on December 11, 2017, a passenger will be able to buy a ticket for a train departing on March 11, 2018. ", - said in the message of Russian Railways.

Tickets can be issued 90 days in advance at railway ticket offices and on the official website of Russian Railways.

The increase in the depth of ticket sales, according to Russian Railways, will improve the quality of passenger service and increase the availability of transportation. The company will continue to work on the possibility of further extending the ticket reservation period.


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