Scenario name day "Angel Party": a holiday on the day of the angel. Scenario of an adult birthday "Angel and Demon". Version for Two Leading Scenario Adult Theme Angels and Demons

A party that includes the dark and light sides of life, combining the elements of fire and water, a celebration of contrasts and daring opposites - this is an event called "Heaven and Hell". An excellent opportunity to feel the heat of the hellish flame and the bliss of the Gardens of Eden, to walk the fine line between sin and innocence. Welcome!

Invitations to another world

At the holiday, everything should symbolize contrast. Therefore, invitation cards should be designed in a similar style. For example, the coordinates of the evening printed on white paper, complemented by the image of a charming angel - a female version of the invitation.

But guys you can send black "devil" messages, with pretty devil on the cover. Another option is to combine black and white in one postcard, dividing it in half.

Here are some posters to help you get your head around. Of course, the design might look simpler, but getting an invitation like this is pretty damn (sorry for the pun) cool.

We decorate the room

A club room with two floors will be an excellent option for holding a holiday. Thus, at the top you can organize Paradise, and below, respectively, Hell. If renting such a room is not possible, then you can stop at any other, the main thing is that its area is large enough to decorate two zones.

So, when everything is decided with the room, it's time to get down to the details. Paradise - blue, white shades, lightness of clouds and transparency of the sky. Therefore, you can make cotton clouds, hang white fabric cuts that will gently fall to the floor, install sofas with light upholstery, all kinds of lights in blue and white lights - subtle and delicate details.

In Hell, red and black colors prevail. Leather, velvet, instruments of torture, whips, posters about human sins. You can add "spice" and decorate some areas with barbed wire.

Dress code for Hell and Heaven

To go to a party like this, you need to choose the side you will represent. Girls who decide to go to Paradise should consider light-colored clothing, perhaps small white wings. Devils can dress in a tight outfit, or a daring short dress in black or red. High boots, flashy makeup - a demon in female form is ready for fun and good mood!

Men do not have to think about the outfit at all, but only choose an ordinary suit of the desired color. If you are on the side of Paradise, then stop at light colors in clothes. Give up bow ties or ties, you can not button the buttons on the shirt to the end. Those who choose to embrace the dark side need to dress in a black suit and a luxurious red shirt. Expensive cufflinks, daring ties, raincoats will complement the image of a real devil.

Don't forget about the accessories to complete your look:

Treating guests: menu secrets

There are no prohibitions or restrictions on the choice of the menu for this party. Therefore, the main secret is delicious food that will please the guests of the evening. You can skew slightly towards spicy, fried, hearty food at a party in Hell, and you can also serve high alcohol there. In Paradise, organize drinks with a low alcohol content and less heavy meals: more vegetables, fruits and delicate desserts.

True, in this situation, representatives of both Hell and Paradise will visit each other's territories to taste the light food of angels and spicy demons. Well, the exchange of cultures is always good, maybe then peace will reign in the world ...

Heavenly music and hellish entertainment

If the place of the party is still two-story, then in Paradise music in the style of house, vocal trance can sound. And at a hellish party you need something more rhythmic, for example, tracks in the style of club house, techno. If the room for two opposite celestial worlds is one, then the music must be chosen common, one that everyone will simply like.

You can entertain guests in different ways. For those who like to sit quietly on the sidelines, install several hookah zones. You can hold contests for the best angelic singing, or the most incendiary hellish dance.

If you are planning a show, then it must certainly be fiery, all participants will have a positive impression of what they have seen, checked!

Organize a battle of two worlds, which will be on which side will be the brightest costumes. This is a great option for a one-story room party. At the end of the evening, select the king and queen of the party separately in Hell and Paradise. Or designate the King of Hell and the Goddess of Paradise, thus uniting two different sides.

Parties with a similar scenario are suitable for all kinds of celebrations. You can dress up as angels and demons on a birthday, a corporate event, and even a wedding, if there is such a desire, and fantasy and creativity are in the blood. Go for it and let the fun turn out to be excellent!

Hell and Heaven Party Preparation Shortcut

If the confrontation between good and evil is raging inside you and you decide to arrange a confrontation for them at a party, we suggest you move from words to actions.

Answer yourself to the first most important question: we will organize it ourselves or order it on a turnkey basis.

If you decide to order a turnkey party, the issue of choosing a quality performer is very acute, use our services to simplify your task many times over.

If you are confident in your abilities, we offer you a short thesis plan to help you keep your finger on the pulse and not forget anything in preparation. Copy it, print it in Word and go! Do good!

  1. If the decision about the party was made by the company, determine who will be responsible for preparing the party (one or several people, if several, determine who will be the coordinator) and distribute the tasks according to this list.
  2. Make a preliminary list of party participants.
  3. Call or meet everyone to clarify the preliminary list of participants.
  4. Determine the date and time of the party.
  5. Determine the budget that you are ready to spend on the party (it is on this amount that the solution of all subsequent questions will largely depend)
  6. Solve the issue of funding (who, in what amount, when and how will pay all the costs of preparation and conduct)
  7. Find studios that rent costumes and accessories and give each party participant a memo with addresses and phone numbers (so you can avoid excuses like “I didn't know where to find a suitable outfit ...” or “horns and wings are not sold in ordinary stores ...”)
  8. Decide where you intend to host the party (restaurant, house, yacht, suburban complex, etc.). To solve this issue easier, leave a request on the site indicating that a party in the style of "Hell and Heaven" is planned, for sure, venues that have experience in organizing such a style will answer you, which means that the design questions are off your shoulders. Or maybe someone will organize a similar party in the near future, then from the entire to-do list you just have to remember to come to the address on the day of the party.
  9. What foods / drinks should you have on your table? Who prefers what?
  10. Consider the issue of transport and delivery of participants home.
  11. Decide who will design the premises. If you plan to do everything on your own, decide on the decoration elements, it is best that they are ready at least 1 week before the event. If you rely on the experience of professionals, leave a request on the site, they will offer you not only design options, but also demonstrate the already existing decoration elements. You will be able to choose the best performer in terms of quality and price.
  12. Consider the entertainment part. Which contests and competitions attract your friends and which don't? Use our contests section to quickly solve this problem.

eventspro sincerely wishes you to decide which side you are on!

Name days are no less important holiday for a person than birthday. In the old days, this day was considered even more significant and was celebrated according to the material condition of a person, but sometimes the earthly birthday was sometimes forgotten altogether.

Idea: Name day or Angel Day is one and the same holiday, at the same time the day of the Saint, after whom the person was named, and the day of his Guardian Angel. Therefore, it is important to spend this holiday in the style of Angels.

- Have a good time with friends and loved ones.
- Remember some traditions of celebrating name days;
- To celebrate this holiday in a peculiar way, in accordance with modern trends.

Participants: it is better to invite only relatives and very close friends to this holiday. Both teenagers and elderly people can be present at the same time - just to participate in competitions it is better to divide the guests into teams, each of which will have people of different ages (to be honest).

Gifts: On a name day, as well as on a birthday, it is customary to give something to the hero of the occasion. It can be traditional gifts for this day: an icon with the face of a saint whose name the person bears; a good book about the life of this saint. A gift in the form of an angel figurine can become a talisman and amulet for a person. If you do not want to adhere to traditions in terms of gifts, you can give something that contains the name of the person: a pendant, a name scarf, an engraved pen. You can bake a cake and put a name on it. If you have a poetic gift, you can write an acrostic (the first letters of the lines of which make up the person's name) - a very relevant and unique gift.

Prizes for guests: you need to prepare personalized cards as prizes. It is only better to know in advance how many postcards you need, and with what names.

Dress code: there is no specific style of clothing for such a holiday. But it would be nice if everyone's outfit was white - it could be a simple white blouse or T-shirt. Now on sale there are T-shirts and T-shirts with wings painted on the back - a person wearing such a thing will perfectly fit into the theme of the holiday.

Attributes: As a decoration of the room, you can use white and silver balls, white flowers. If you're celebrating in winter, you can hang angel garlands on the walls or curtains. Candlesticks with angels will look great. You need to find a book with names - to read to guests about the meaning of their names and the date of the name day.

Menu: On the name day, it is customary to bake pies with different fillings and round loaves of butter dough with raisins. The tradition is connected with the birthday loaf - to break the loaf over the head of the birthday person. Raisins are poured on the birthday man's head, and the guests wish him: "So that gold falls on you the same way!"
Because this is an Angelic Party, then it would be nice to cook what the angels love - nectar from flowers (to make delicious cocktails).

Competitions and entertainment:

1). "Collect the phrase"... For the competition, you need to find different quotes and phrases about angels and divide each into 2 parts, write all the halves on separate pieces of paper. Roll the papers into identical tubes. Participants take turns from each team to choose a piece of paper - until everything is over. Within one team, they compare the halves of phrases on pieces of paper and try to collect whole ones from them. Whoever gets the most collected phrases - that team won. If there are pieces of uncomplicated phrases, but the team knows them entirely, then it adds them itself (they are also counted if they are correct). Victory depends not only on luck, but also on the knowledge of quotes.

2). "Legends of Angels"... Remember films where the main characters are angels. Choose one that you know and love well. Describe the angel from this film: his abilities and capabilities, character traits (yes, every angel has his own character), his favorite phrases (which you remember very much). The team with the longer story will win. It's not scary if you remember a little - in any case, there will be people who have not watched this film, it will be interesting for them to hear about it firsthand.

3). Creative competition... The essence of the competition: to make an angel with your own hands using any available technique. It can be rolled newspapers, quilling, Tilda dolls.
The simplest option: make a piece of fabric from a piece of fabric, fill the head with padding polyester, select the corners of the fabric under the wings and fix everything with beautiful ribbons. You can sew on eyes and mouth from beads.
Angels can be left to guests as a souvenir - as a personal talisman. Or you can invite them to exchange angels with each other.

4). "Write a name" - participants are given paper and a pen. The bottom line is that they should be sitting, simultaneously rotate their right leg clockwise and write their name with their right hand. This is a kind of test for coordination - not everyone succeeds in doing both the first time more or less decently. Sometimes it looks very funny.

5). "Kind words"... The competition is attended by two players. Each of them is presented with an apple studded with the same number of matches. Each in turn says a compliment to each other and pulls out a match, if one hesitates - the turn goes to the opponent. The winner is the one who runs out of matches in the apple faster. Compliments can be any: "You are witty", "You are kind", "You have a beautiful blouse," etc.

6). "Angel with one wing"... There is an expression “WE ARE ALL ANGELS, WITH ONLY ONE WING ... TO FLY, WE NEED TO Hug ...” The essence of the competition: two participants are selected from each team. They tie the left leg of one and the right leg of the other together. They must, standing sideways to each other, embracing, walk a certain distance - at a speed whose pair is faster. The leader determines the start and finish. You can think of additional obstacles - piled pillows, an overturned chair, and others.

7). "Guardian angel"... An "angel" is selected for the game. The presenter asks him to turn away - so that he does not see him or other participants. The presenter points to any of the players and asks the angel ":" Are you going to save this person? " The angel, not knowing who it is about, answers "yes" or "no". If he answers "no", the host continues the selection. If yes, then he asks: "Will you save him here?" and shows any part of the body (cheek, neck, palm, etc.). When these questions are answered in the affirmative, the "angel" turns. The presenter says the task: "Save Ira on the cheek" or "Save Petya in his right hand" (to save - that is, to kiss). When a person is saved, he becomes an "angel". It is necessary to agree in advance how many maximum salvages of one person can be.

8). "Manna from heaven"... Some say that angels feed on manna from heaven. For this competition, a bowl of semolina is placed in front of each participant. It contains a candy (or cookie, lollipop, marmalade). Each participant needs to find and get sweetness without the help of hands (lips and teeth) - who will cope faster.

Have a good holiday under the wings of your angels!

If you want to allow the forbidden to do (within reasonable limits, of course), then throw a "Sinful Party" birthday party. Simplicity, recklessness and the absence of the need for significant material investments makes this scenario attractive for teenagers as the basis for a birthday, party, corporate event.

Make a guest list. Send an invitation to each guest in the form of an imp indicating the place and time of the party. Both the birthday person and his guests should dress appropriately. For example, you can dress like a devil - leather clothing, tail, horns, like hooves. The leader will be a demon leader who will tempt everyone to commit sins.

The party space for this birthday scenario should be hell-style. Make zones of sin, for example, a zone of gluttony - a mountain of all kinds of sweets. Place artificial lights throughout the room. As a gift for such a holiday, things related to the 7 sins are suitable. For example, it can be a subscription to a massage as a symbol of a celebration, or wrestling lessons as a symbol of anger and so on ... The "Sinful Party" birthday scenario begins with the birthday boy declaring the sinful party open. Further, the presenter - the demon tries to persuade everyone to sins by conducting various themed games and contests. The first can be the Obzhorki contest. For the competition, you will need to prepare long rolls of paper, if nothing is at hand, then rolls of toilet paper or napkins laid out in a row will do. Tracks are made of them, which should be the same as the number of participants. The same amount of food is laid out on each lane, for example, grapes or chips. At the beginning of the paths there are participants who, at the signal of the leader, must walk along the path and have everything that lies on it. If you have a fun company, then tasty products can be interspersed, for example, with a strongly peppery piece of bread, a glass of water, or lemon. All participants must fulfill the condition: until they have chewed the previous object, they cannot move on. The winner is the one who quickly reaches the end of the track and chews everything up. He is awarded the honorary title "Obzhorka".

Then there is a competition dedicated to greed, it is called "Greedy". You will need a lot of balloons for the competition. Before inflating, they put one coin at a time, preferably of a different denomination. Then all these balls are added to a common pile. Participants line up along the start line. Each has a personal wallet (envelope made of paper with the name of the participant). At the signal of the leader, the participants run to the balls, crush him without using their hands. They take a coin from it and carry it into their wallet. The competition ends when all the balls are crushed. The winner is the one who has collected the largest amount with his coins. He is awarded the title of "Greedy".

The next contest, according to the "Sinful Party" birthday scenario, is about lust. This is the My Ideal competition. For entertainment, you will need to prepare A4 sheets of paper (there should be the same number of participants), magazine clippings (body and face parts, which should be a lot), glue and a pencil or black felt-tip pen. Each participant is given a piece of paper and glue. The cuttings are laid out on one common table. Participants, at the signal of the leader, should begin to collect the image of the ideal. Three minutes are given to pick up the face and body parts and glue them on the paper, after which the participants show their ideals to the audience. Sometimes very unusual images are obtained. As a prize, each participant receives their ideal, that is, what they glued together.

Party in the style of angels and demons "Heaven and Hell"
27.11.2012 |

White and black, cold and warm, fire and water, Heaven and Hell! You are a lover of opposites and an experimenter, you want to be in two places at the same time, you want to try the "torments of Hell" and the grace of Paradise, and all this in one single bottle, you are welcome, to the world of contrasts and vicious innocence at a party of angels and demons!
An invitation to the Heaven and Hell party.

Since this is a party of contrasts, then everything should reflect this concept, including invitations. Imagine, make invitations in two versions:
white with the image of beautiful girls-angels,
black with the image of sexy girls-devils, white send to the beautiful half of humanity, and black to men.
A black and white postcard will look beautiful, cut in half in color, and on the border there are girls standing with their backs to each other - an angel and a devil, this version of the postcard can be sent to all guests.

Angels and demons party room and decorations.

The room can be of two options, choose as you wish.
Or it will be a club with two floors, one of which - the upper one will be Paradise with appropriate decorations, while the basement floor will be decorated in a hellish style.
Or it will be a large room, perhaps the foyer of some culture house, the space of which you zone into two worlds with the help of decorations and decorations.
And now the design ideas!
In the Paradise half of the party, the entourage, undoubtedly, should be dominated by white and pale blue, and the interior should also be airy and light. Delicate clouds of cotton wool, white gauze fabrics falling to the floor, soft sofas with fluffy light capes, transparent glass tables, neon lights. All this should create comfort, refinement and grace of Eden.
In Hell, focus on black and red. Leather sofas, velvet black and red draperies on the walls, posters reflecting the theme of the seven deadly sins can also be placed on the walls, get a fake rack, let it be the main decoration of your hellish citadel. Hellish paraphernalia will perfectly complement the decor, all possible whips, handcuffs, tridents, of course, are not real !!! You can also create a kind of barbed wire and delineate the space between the tables.

How to dress for the Heaven and HELL party?

First you need to decide which of the two worlds you belong to.
For girls:
Girls who wish to maintain a Paradise atmosphere can dress up as angels or goddesses, but not

Dress up for the angels and demons party catchy and bright!

Be sure to play the role of a character. You can be yourself, put on clothes of light colors, arm yourself with a good mood and go ahead.
For the fairer sex, who chooses boldness and boldness, outfits like vampires or devils are suitable, or dress in a latex suit of a sexy night cat. And you can also opt for a short black or red dress, black high-heeled boots, bright lipstick and smoky eyes makeup will emphasize your demonic style.
For guys:

Men, on the other hand, shouldn't bother with choosing a fancy dress.
The most advantageous option for both Paradise and Hell will be a strict classic suit. But here it is worth paying attention to the color of the suit and accessories.
For heaven, choose light colors, and here it is better to refrain from bow ties and others like them, a light shirt, button up to the penultimate button, and what else does God need to look comme il faut? Nothing - he's God!
Representatives of the dark side can complement black suits with red or burgundy shirts, beautiful expensive cufflinks and ties with a print that matches the theme of the party.

Music and entertainment.

If you are staying in a room with 2 floors, then the music for the Paradise Floor should be in the style:
tech house,
progressive house.

Hell party will perfectly complement the rhythms
club house,
vocal house.

For a mixed environment, choose neutral music that everyone can enjoy.
Place hookahs in half of Hell, smokers will like it.
You can arrange a competition between worlds, for example, on which half are brighter costumes, and at the end of the party declare the winning side. Such a competition is suitable for a party held in the same room.
Competitions can be dance, for example, for the wildest hellish dance,
on quick wits, for example, on knowledge of the Greek gods and goddesses, or to name the seven deadly sins, or other speed contests.

The theme of the party absolutely does not limit your possibilities, so see our catalog of contests, there are many of them.
Also at the end of the party you can choose the King of Hell and the Queen of Hell, and in the Paradise half of God and the Goddess!

Party menu

Since this concept has no national, racial, or even geographic inclination, absolutely any menu can be chosen. But in the half of Hell, you can serve more spicy dishes and strong drinks, and in the Paradise half, you can focus on lighter foods and light cocktails. And these are not rules for execution, these are only recommendations, so everything is in your hands.

The script for the party of angels and demons is universal, you can use it for New Year, Birthday, March 8, February 23, and for any holiday you like!


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