Lesson on storytelling with presentation. Presentation on the theme "" Ionych "AP Chekhov". It's good that I didn't get married

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"Startsev's Way to Ionych".

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Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
"Chekhov is an incomparable artist ... He is an incomparable artist ... An artist of life ... And the dignity of his work is that it is understandable and akin not only to every Russian, but to every person in general." L. N. Tolstoy

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Story "Ionych"
This story was written by Chekhov in the Melekhov period, in 1898. In it, the writer continues the theme of the "case", philistinism, philistinism and shows the history of the "reverse development" of man. The main character of the story is a young doctor Startsev, who later turned into Ionych. In his "spiritual growth" Startsev went through 4 stages.

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"Spring of Life".
The main character, Doctor Startsev, arrived in the city of S. He appears before us still young, full of strength and energy. The young doctor is so passionate about his work that he has no free time even on holidays. He is interested in literature and art. But he feels lonely and irritated among the common people. And then he met the Turkins family, "the most educated and talented in the city."

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The Turkin family
This family consists of three people: Ivan Petrovich, Vera Iosifovna and their daughter, Kitty. Chekhov, describing them, avoids direct assessments. But as we read the story, we are convinced that they are mediocre and boring. The whole talent of Ivan Petrovich lies in "his extraordinary language", exercises in wit. His wife writes novels that depict something that does not exist and will never be in reality. The cat does not play the piano, but "hits" the keys. The author underlines this word “beats” several times. Is this art?

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A little over a year later, Startsev is very fond of Kitty. Now the girl even "admired him with her freshness, naive expression of eyes and cheeks," although he is well aware of the spoiledness and limitations of his chosen one. It is during “love” that he experiences his emotional upsurge: he admires nature, loves people, endows Ekaterina Ivanovna with the best qualities. Of course, readers understand that Startsev is mistaken, inventing the image of a girl. However, it is love that strongly distinguishes Startsev from the painfully ordinary people.

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Highest point
The rise of the young man's feelings reaches its climax within almost 2 days: a day in the Turkins 'family, a night waiting for a date, the next day - an evening at the Turkins', later at the club. During this short period, time drags on for him agonizingly, counting not in years, but in minutes. "Startsev thought so, and at the same time he wanted to shout that he wanted, that he was waiting for love at all costs." And the monotonous background against which it appears enhances the feeling of this incompatibility.

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The beginning of the fall
After a memorable meeting at the cemetery, the transformation of Startsev into Ionych begins. And first of all, this process manifests itself in love. Already at the beginning he has thoughts: “Where will this novel lead? What will the comrades say when they find out? " Belikov's fear of life is heard in these fears. This already indicates the poverty of this love, the lack of depth. But only this love kept Startsev from spiritual degradation.

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Soon after the date, the doctor proposes to Kotik, but is refused. After that Startsev suffered ... for exactly three days. Well, the beginning of the downhill race has begun ... Chekhov showed the beginning of Startsev's fall not only through this "love". What other details indicate this circumstance? 1) The appearance of your own pair of horses. This is a very capacious and characteristic detail. 2) The appearance of such thoughts as these: "And they will give a dowry, must be, a lot ..."; "They will give a dowry, we will create a situation ..." Such thoughts denounce the hero's desire for satiety and peace. This is the beginning of replacing high aspirations with low needs.

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"Inflated Pole"
Four years have passed. Startsev has changed a lot. He already has a lot of practice, three with bells. He put on weight, walks with difficulty, suffers from shortness of breath. The doctor does not get close to anyone, since the townsfolk annoy him with their appearance. "He shied away from such entertainments as theater and concerts, but he played vint every evening, for three hours, with pleasure." During all this time, he visited the Turkins only 2 times. Now his favorite pastime is to look at pieces of paper obtained by practice. The townsfolk gave him a nickname - "inflated Pole." Further, further along the slope ...

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A meeting. Last visit.
The main character made only 2 visits to the Turkins in 4 years. What happened during the latter? Startsev saw Kotik again. During this time, she has changed a lot. I parted with previous illusions ("I am a pianist, like my mother is a writer ..."), became more mature and serious. Now her last hope is the love of Ionych. But she will have to part with her.

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The light went out
The atmosphere of their last date is gloomy. “They went to the garden and sat there on a bench under an old maple tree, just like 4 years ago. It was dark". It is also dark in Ionych's soul. Only for a moment “the light was kindled”, it felt sorry for the love, for the lost happiness, and, as if in the light of this light, suddenly the vulgarity of his meaningless life was revealed. “We grow old, get fat, we go down ... life goes dull, without impressions, without thoughts ... In the afternoon, profit, and in the evening a club, a society of gamblers, alcoholics, wheezing, whom I can not stand. What's good? ”He complains. But then "Startsev remembered the pieces of paper that he took out of his pockets with such pleasure in the evenings, and the light in his soul went out." He no longer regrets youth, unfulfilled hopes. “It's good that I didn't get married then,” he thinks.

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End. "Pagan God".
Several more years have passed ... Startsev has grown even more obese and is already walking with his head thrown back. He has no time to breathe: the huge practice in the city gets in the way. He already has an estate and 2 houses, and he looks after the third. He has a lot of trouble, but he does not give up the zemstvo place: greed has prevailed. Everyone calls him simply Ionych. Due to the fact that the throat was swollen with fat, the voice changed, became thin and harsh. The character also changed: he became heavy, irritable. With patients he is harsh, impatient, rude. He is lonely. He lives bored, nothing interests him. When he dines at the most expensive restaurant, he is served by the most well-trained servants. When it comes to the Turkins, he pretends not to know them.

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Why did the young, full of strength doctor, who hates the philistine, sink so low? There are several reasons: 1) He betrayed the ideals of youth 2) He did not resist the environment, he just went with the flow. 3) The passion for profit played its role. There was a replacement of true desires with coarse, low needs for peace, satiety, money. Chekhov wrote a history of a new form of serious social illness, which has long been studied by Russian literature - spiritual degradation, apostasy. In Gogol's Plyushkin, a person was eaten by the passion of acquisitions. But this was a landowner, the basis of his illness is mental possession. And he does not understand what is happening to him. Startsev has been working all his life. But an activity devoid of a lofty goal turns out to be detrimental to the working intellectual as well. He dies, retaining an understanding of what is happening. And as an experienced doctor, he could probably diagnose himself - the destruction of the personality as a result of the loss of bright life goals. Here Chekhov's call not to betray the ideals of youth, not to succumb to the forces of circumstances sounds clearly. And to develop in oneself the strength to resist an ugly environment and to take care of a person in oneself.

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1. Korovin V.I. Literature. 10 class. Part 2. - Education, 2011.2 Chudakov A.P. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. - Education, 1987. 3. Chekhov A.P. Ionych. - Soviet Russia, 1985 4. Smirnova L.A. Russian literature. Soviet literature. Reference materials. - Education, 1988.

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prepared by a 10th grade student of the Zimstanskaya Sosh, the Komi Republic, Ust-Kulomsky District, Yudina Daria. year 2012. Leader - V.V. Kochanova, teacher of Russian language and literature.

A.P. Chekhov's story "Ionych"

  • The writer began working on the story "Ionych" in August 1897, and finished writing it in 1898.
  • And at the same time, a note appears in his notebook, which undoubtedly refers to the future story: "Credit bills smell like blubber."


Startsev Dmitry Ionych moved to Dyalizh, as he was appointed a zemstvo doctor there.

He meets the Turkins family and falls in love with Ekaterina Ivanovna.

He proposes to her, but is refused.

Disappointed in love and focuses all his attention on money.

After 4 years, he meets Catherine again, and realizes that it is even good that he did not marry her.

The image of Ionych

  • Dmitry Ionych Startsev is a young doctor assigned to the zemstvo hospital in Dyalizh, not far from the provincial town.
  • He was an ardent young man with lofty ideals and a desire to serve for the benefit of people and the Fatherland.
  • Young Startsev devoted himself completely to his work and did not have free time even on holidays.
  • Energetic, has common sense

and a fair amount of skepticism, irony.

Laconic and practical, collected and independent

"Rebirth" Startsev in Ionych

  • At the beginning of the story, Dmitry Ionych Startsev appears before us as a poor, sweet and pleasant young man.
  • Gradually, over time, Ionych begins to degrade in the truest sense of the word. All his interests became related to money. He grew fat, irritable and insensitive. With the advent of money, he ceased to be a specialist at work and his distinguished character disintegrated. He became the same gray inhabitant of city C, like everyone else.


A.P. Chekhov shows the gradual degradation of Ionych and its causes. The author sneers at Startsev, because he really neglected common sense and succumbed to the influence of the environment to the detriment of independence.

  • do not succumb to the destructive influence of the ugly environment
  • develop the power of resistance to circumstances
  • do not betray the bright ideals of youth
  • take care of the person in yourself.


  • In the story "Ionych" by Chekhov, there is a share of humor. The funny and the sad, as in life itself, coexist side by side, but the funny takes on a sad philosophical character.
  • The position of the author always remains unchanged, and therefore the genre is not a novel, but a story.


  • Why do you think this work remains relevant today? Answer
  • Do you think Chekhov attached importance to the name of the protagonist when writing his story? Answer
  • The problems discussed in the story of A.P. Chekhov "Ionych" are relevant today. Increasingly, the spiritless atmosphere in our time kills high noble impulses, determination, perseverance in young people, and develops an inability to fight for their vital abilities.

Therefore, Chekhov's story retains its relevance today, helping us to notice Ionych's features in ourselves and those around us and to fight them.

Purpose: Analyze the stages
moral degradation
(Track how it changes
hero and under the influence of what
it happens.)

Lesson topic

"Degradation of man
in the story
A.P. Chekhova
"Ionych" ".
"Degradation". [fr. degeneration] -
gradual deterioration, decline.

Story "Ionych"

"Do not succumb to the destructive influence
environment, develop your strength
resistance to circumstances, not
betray the bright ideals of youth,
do not betray love, take care of yourself
man "
A.P. Chekhov.
... how insignificant,
pettiness, nasty things could condescend
Human! could have changed so much!
N.V. Gogol

Continue the phrase (word, phrase)

"In life

2 options for a reflection lesson:


Working with a dictionary

The word degradation is
(degradacja - from Latin
degradatio gradual
decrease ") - derived from
degradare "go down",
formed by
prefixes de "down" from gradior
The process is gradual,
continuous development,

Find matches

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V

Check yourself!

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
“When I didn’t drink tears from
the bowls of being ... "
... he wanted to scream that
he wants that he is waiting for love in
no matter what. "
“And it was a pity for my feelings,
this love of yours ... "
"And the light in my soul went out"
"Where is Ionych going?"

Chapter 1

nice, comfortable, not
feels tired
hums, “good,
dead thoughts ”,
"Not bad"

Chapter 2

worries, suffers,
suffers, “hope is intoxicated”,
admires, waits for love,
terrified, “oh, I shouldn't
gain weight "

Chapter 3

stunned, experiencing
joyful, painful
feeling, “has ceased
heart beat restlessly ”,
sorry for love, ashamed,
calmed down

Chapter 4

hastily accepts the sick, nor
with whom he does not agree, wants
talk, complain, “light
it went out in my soul ”, gets annoyed,
“Getting old, getting fat,
we go down ”,“ but it's good that I
did not marry then "

Chapter 5

“Put on weight, got fat”, “lives
he is bored "," nothing is
interested ”,“ greed
overcame "


Development of the image of a doctor
Startseva is descending.
The hero gradually degrades.

How does the hero appear?

convenient, not
the deceased
"Not bad."
i, waiting
"Oh, don't
to gain weight "
Overwhelmed and
"Has ceased
to beat
heart ", sorry
calmed down.
The last
sick, with no one
does not converge, wants to "got fat,
speak, stinging, "
vatsya, "light in" he lives
it went out to my soul ”,
“Nothing of it
“Getting old,
interested ",
get fat
we go down, "and
good that i
overcame "
did not marry then "
The final
The development of the image of Dr. Startsev is descending.

The ladder of life
Dmitry Ionych Startsev

Zemsky -
district form
public service
in pre-revolutionary
Of Russia

The ladder of life of Dmitry Ionych Startsev

Purpose to help
to the people
is free,
was kind
to the sick,
The ladder of life
Dmitry Ionych Startsev


The Turkin family


This dead environment
captured him, deceived
and disfigured.

attitude to reading the novel by Vera Iosifovna

“Vera Iosifovna read about what
never happens in life, and all the same it was pleasant to listen,
comfortable, and all such
good, calm thoughts - not
I wanted to get up. "

attitude to the game of Kitty

Startsev, listening, drew to himself, as with
stones are falling on a high mountain, falling and
everything is pouring in, and he wanted them
as soon as possible, they stopped pouring, ...
and listen to these noisy, annoying, but
all the same cultural sounds - it was so
nice, so new ... Great! - said
and Startsev, succumbing to the general

attitude to the jokes of Ivan Petrovich

Die, unfortunate!
And everyone burst out laughing.
"Interesting," Startsev thought,
going outside.
"Not bad ..." - he recalled,
falling asleep, and laughed.


internal conflict
is initially present.
Startsev is incapable
resist the environment.

The ladder of life of Dmitry Ionych Startsev

Purpose to help
to the people
is free,
was kind
to the sick,
The ladder of life
Dmitry Ionych Startsev
deceive him
la and izuro
Not able to
oppose her

"Oh, this love ..."

The ladder of life of Dmitry Ionych Startsev

The ladder of life
Dmitry Ionych Startsev
Habitat Test
to help
sufferers, this
From D.I.Startsev
to the people
scares him, to Ionych
is free,
was kind
to the sick,
deceive him
la and izuro
she is not
capable of
distract him
from practice
Not capable of doing things.
oppose her
Was there

From Dmitry Ionych Startsev to Ionych

The ladder of life of Dmitry Ionych Startsev

The ladder of life
Dmitry Ionych Startsev
Habitat Test
to help
sufferers, this
From D.I.Startsev
to the people
to Ionych
deceive him
capable of
la and izuro
is free,
was kind
to the sick,
distract him
from practice
Not capable of doing things.
oppose her
Was there
in life,
spiritually and

Degradation -
gradual deterioration
loss of valuable properties and

Degradation reasons:

The environment he finds himself in
forces him to live by the laws
society of the district town of S.
Startsev himself cannot and cannot
wants to resist it.

The ladder of life of Dmitry Ionych Startsev

The ladder of life
Dmitry Ionych Startsev
Habitat Test
to help
sufferers, this
From D.I.Startsev
to the people
scares him, to Ionych
is free,
was kind
to the sick,
deceive him
la and izuro
she is not
capable of
distract him
from practice
Not capable of doing things.
oppose her
Was there
in life,
spiritually and
I couldn't
save in

The ladder of life of Dmitry Ionych Startsev

Does not have
amenable to
I'm a stranger
The ladder of life
Dmitry Ionych Startsev
habitat Test
Has passed
4 years
the most
howling family
in the town
such is
the same
it turned out
broke out,
but the power
of money
Turned out
stronger, and
the light went out
Has passed
a few
years old
for the sake

The path from Startsev to Ionych

Refusal from
Interest in
people to
Young Zemsky
doctor Dmitry
After graduation
university =
25 years
In a year
26 years
In 4 years
30 years
After few years
35 years

Let's make a conclusion

Startsev is still young, everything could have changed for him in
life, but he didn't want it. As a person, the Elders are not
took place. He was spiritually degraded. Such concepts,
as philistine, philistinism, vulgarity, should
would have already disappeared from our lives. But they are, and,
unfortunately, we are faced with them very
often. Of course, writers and poets couldn't get around
Let's take a closer look at ourselves, don't
attention to these sore topics. For example,
Mayakovsky's poem "About rubbish",
created by the influence and we have traces in our souls
twenties, very relevant today.
the presence of those vices that
turned a young, energetic doctor
Dmitry Startsev into the rich, greedy,
heartless man in the street Ionych.

Love test

How relationships develop
Startseva and Kitty?

"Ekaterina Ivanovna .... Very
he liked it "
“I haven't seen you for a whole week, but if
if you knew what suffering this is! "
"She delighted him ..."
My soul was joyful, warm, and even then
the same time, some cold piece
reasoned: "Stop until you

“My love is limitless. Ask,
I beg you, be my wife! "
"... stopped beating restlessly
a heart. ... I was sorry for my feelings,
this love of yours "
"What a hassle, however!"
“Something prevented him from feeling how
before "
“He remembered his love ... and he
it became embarrassing "

“It's good that I'm not on it
got married "
“The light kept flaring up in
soul ... "
“He remembered about the pieces of paper,
which he is in the evenings
took out of his pockets with such
pleasure, and the light in my soul seemed to be burning "
"I wanted to scream what he wants,
that he is waiting for love "
"The moon is gone, and suddenly everything has darkened"
"- I'm tired…"

"I'm tired…"


This is how the process ended
transformation of an intelligent
man into money-grubber,
content with dull,
everyday life, or rather, not
life, but existence.

Creative work

“Why at the beginning -
Doctor Startsev,
and at the end - Ionych? "

To help!

And he
"Patient" (Heb.)
The surname Startsev has its own
origin from the word "old age",
which formed the basis of the nickname
Elder - not only was it called that
a person of advanced age, but also
old-timer, old settler.

Who is to blame for the transformation of Dmitry Ionych Startsev into Ionych?

Dmitry Ionych Startsev

"What a pleasure to respect a person!" wrote by A.P. Chekhov.
So that pleasure is not
lose -
you need to take care of yourself


Homework: (lesson intrigue !!!)

write a mini-essay
“In life, you can
(What teaches us
A.P. Chekhov in his
- "The man in
case "
- "Jumping"
- "Ionych"
- "Lady with
doggie "

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TOPIC: The path from Startsev to Ionych based on the story of the same name by A.P. Chekhov Author of the presentation, student 10 "B" Ryabov Pavel

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TRAINERS: to acquaint students with the story "Ionych"; show the hero's life path from DI Startsev to Ionych; to reveal the tragedy of everyday life of the inhabitants of the city of S .; show the destruction of personality as a result of the loss of bright life goals.

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EDUCATIONAL: to awaken in students noble goals and the desire for self-education; the desire to develop the power of resistance to circumstances; cause a negative attitude towards vulgarity and philistinism; to form an active civic position; awaken the desire to love, understand, increase the beauty in yourself and in life.

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Developing: to develop independence in the study of a literary text and in the choice of judgments, inferences; teach to analyze, synthesize, highlight the main thing, compare, characterize; increase vocabulary;

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Methodical: independent work with the text as a means of enhancing the mental activity of students.

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Basic concepts and terms: philistinism vulgarity spirituality counteraction to an ugly environment spiritual degradation Dictionary

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property of the soul, consisting in the predominance of spiritual, moral and intellectual interests over material

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“A person is created by his resistance environment... "M. Gorky The ability of a person to fight against injustice, in all its manifestations. To do this, you must have the following character traits: willpower, independence, conviction in moral principles, the ability to educate yourself, etc.

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At the beginning of the story A. Chekhova introduces us to the inhabitants of the city of S. and their way of life. And now a young doctor, Dmitry Ionych Startsev, plunges into this life. A poor commoner, a "deacon's son", he is full of strength, energy, is so passionate about work that even on holidays he has no free time. Young Startsev is interested in literature, art, theater. DI Startsev settled in Dyalizh, nine miles from the city of S. Startsev went to work on foot, since "he did not have his own horses yet." He liked the Turkins' family. Recalling the evening spent in the Turkins' house, Dmitry Ionych says: "Not bad ..." These memories make him happy and excited. He especially liked Kitty: “She delighted him with her freshness, naive expression of her eyes and cheeks ... she seemed to him very smart and developed beyond her years. With her he could talk about literature, about art, about anything ... ”Arrival in Dyalizh:

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"He already had a couple of horses and the coachman Panteleimon." Startsev falls in love with Ekaterina Ivanovna and proposes to her. However, love, barely arising, already frightens him. “Where is this novel leading? - he reflects, having received a note from Kitty. "What will the comrades say when they find out?" In these fears one can hear the fear of life. "And they will give a dowry, probably a lot," - thinks the young man in love. And then he again returns to the tempting thought: "They will give a dowry, set up a situation ..." Offering "a hand and heart" and being refused, Startsev "suffered ... exactly three days." “Then, sometimes remembering how he wandered around the cemetery or how he drove around the city and looked for a tailcoat, he stretched lazily and said:“ How much trouble, however! ” after 2 years:

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"Startsev has grown even more stout, obese, breathing heavily and already walking with his head thrown back." He began to treat the duties of a zemstvo doctor with negligence. In his work, he is only interested in the material result. “He has a huge practice in the city, he has no time to breathe, and he already has an estate and two houses in the city, and he is choosing a third, more profitable one for himself ... He has a lot of trouble, but still he does not give up his zemstvo job; greed prevailed, I want to keep up here and there. " Startsev hastily accepts patients. "He gained weight, grew fat and was reluctant to walk, as he suffered from shortness of breath." "He shied away from such entertainments as theater and concerts, but he played every evening, for three hours, with pleasure." Several more years passed:

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When in the provincial town of S. newcomers complained about the boredom and monotony of life, the locals, as if making excuses, said that, on the contrary, it was very good in S., that there were balls in S., a theater, a club, that, finally, , there are smart, interesting, pleasant families with whom you can make acquaintances. For all that, the townsfolk did nothing, absolutely nothing and were not interested in anything, and it was impossible to figure out what to talk about with them. ... in general, very little was read in S., and in the local library they said that if it weren't for the girls and young Jews, then at least close the library ...

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To give an idea of ​​local life, the writer introduces us to the Turkin family, "the most educated and talented" in the whole city, according to local residents. This family lived on the main street, near the governor, in their own house. Turkin himself, Ivan Petrovich, a fat, handsome brunette with whiskers, staged amateur performances for charitable purposes, he himself played old generals. He knew many anecdotes, charades, sayings, loved to joke and joke. His wife, Vera Iosifovna, a thin, pretty lady in pince - nez, is looking for stories and novels that depict what in reality cannot be. Daughter, Ekaterina Ivanovna, a young girl, played the piano. In the house they called her Kitty.

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It is also dark in Ionych's soul. Only for a moment “the light was kindled”, it felt sorry for the love, for the lost happiness, and, as if in the light of this light, suddenly the vulgarity of his meaningless life was revealed. “We grow old, get fat, we go down ... life goes dull, without impressions, without thoughts ... In the afternoon, profit, and in the evening a club, a society of gamblers, alcoholics, wheezing, whom I can not stand. What's good? " He complains. But then "Startsev remembered the pieces of paper that he took out of his pockets with such pleasure in the evenings, and the light in his soul went out." He no longer regrets youth, love, unfulfilled hopes. “It's good that I didn't get married then,” he thinks. The life of the city of S. is boring, idle, monotonous. The inhabitants of the city are not interested in anything. They are uninteresting and talentless. Politics and science do not interest them, and even if they talk about these topics, they "give birth to such a philosophy, stupid and evil, that it remains only to give up and walk away." All their interests lie in an idle lifestyle, they do not like to work. Even DI Startsev notes their ignorance and wretchedness of thought. "The townsfolk with their conversations, views on life and even their appearance annoyed him ... and everything that was said at that time was uninteresting, unfair, stupid ...". All of them are busy with profit, playing cards, eating and drinking.

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What is common in the biography of A. P. Chekhov and D. I. Startsev, his hero? What distinguishes A.P. Chekhov from his hero? Why did the paths of people who began to live the same way diverged so? Further

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A. P. Chekhov is the son of a merchant, D. I. Startsev is the son of a deacon. Both of them are raznochintsy, studied at a copper pittance and became doctors. Both grew up in a bourgeois environment that ruined many talented people. Both went to work in the village. If you do not even enumerate fully what Chekhov himself did in his life, then one might think that we are talking about a public figure. He treated, organized aid to the starving provinces, was the head of the cholera section, built schools, hospitals, staffed public libraries, made appeals for help and personally, personally, helped hundreds of people in their needs and troubles. A. P. Chekhov published publicistic articles; wrote a book about the convict island - Sakhalin, having made for this a journey through the whole of Siberia, including four thousand miles on horseback. This was done by a man who had never been in good health. Chekhov works a lot as a doctor, takes part in the fight against the epidemic. Throughout his life, A.P. Chekhov has confirmed his well-known aphorism: "Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts." Startsev, on the other hand, turned into Ionych, swollen with fat, whose whole meaning of life was reduced to the accumulation, recounting of "yellow, green pieces of paper." Startsev was ruined by the desire for satiety and peace. Chekhov does not in itself condemn the desire of the "deacon's son" to find prosperity, but reveals the consequences of replacing humane ideals with acquisitive ones, as a result of the loss of bright life goals.

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"Ionych" A.P. Chekhov at the lesson of literature in the 10th grade

Learning to analyze a prosaic text Compositional analysis of the story Author - Kalinina I.V., teacher of the Maiskaya secondary school of the Pushkin district of the Moscow region 2010

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Read the story of A.P. Chekhov "Ionych"

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    Exercise 1

    Make a simple outline of the story Make a quotation plan for the story Find plot elements Make a chronological diagram Match the beginning and end of each chapter Determine the type and type of composition

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    Make a simple story outline

    1. DI Starsev meets the Turkins' family. 2. Love (?) Dmitry to Ekaterina Ivanovna. 3. Separation. 4. The last meeting of Dmitry and Catherine. 5. Life of Ionych.

    Slide 6

    Make a quotation plan for the story

    “When I didn’t drink tears from the cup of being…” (A. Delvig) “… he wanted to scream that he wants, that he longs for love at all costs…” “And it was a pity for his feelings, and this love of his ... "" ... and the light in my soul went out "" Where is Ionych going? "

    Slide 7

    Find plot elements

    Exposition. Startsev's meeting with the Turkin family. The tie. Love. Development of action. Date, proposal. The climax. Dmitry in the cemetery. Interchange. Last date. Epilogue. Ionych

    Slide 8

    Make a chronological chart

    Dmitry Ionych Startsev. (1st year There were no horses.) A pair of horses and the coachman Panteleimon. (More than a year has passed.) Three with bells. (4 years have passed.) Ionych. "It is not a man who is riding, but a pagan god." (Several years have passed)

    Slide 9

    Opinion of a literary critic

    The hero lives when he feels, the hero does not live when there is no feeling, Therefore, the years when Ionych made money and became rich were wasted for him; skipping them, Chekhov thereby expresses their significance for the hero. Whole years of life are nothing, and a trip to the cemetery at night, which brought nothing to the hero, is life, a genuine feeling. V.Linkov

    Slide 10

    Match the beginning and end of each chapter

    Chapter 1. Dmitry liked the Turkins' family. Chapter 2. Prose thoughts. Chapter 3. Indifference. Chapter 4. Indifference. Chapter 5. The Turks are still the same.

    Slide 11

    The hasty evolution in the soul of Ionych is expressively conveyed by the endings of the chapters. We see that Chekhov does not give a continuous description of the process of "indifference" to Ionych, he outlines a kind of dotted poetic line, and each ending of the chapter captures a new moment of this internal process... Z.Paperny

    Opinion of a literary critic

    Slide 12

    Determine the type and type of composition

    Type - ring composition Type - linear composition

    Slide 13

    Opinion of a literary critic

    The finale of the story brings us back to its beginning, which speaks of the provincial town of S. and the "most educated and talented" family of the Turkins. The ring composition enhances the feeling of the closed circle of life, the impossibility of overcoming it, the tragedy of life, gives this whole sad story a parable character, an instructive meaning not only for its participants. V.Kryuchkov

    Slide 14

    Slide 15

    Assignment 2

    Find thematic repetitions in chapters 1 and 4 Lab "2 dates: 2 and 4 chapters" Lab "At the cemetery: word rows" Name compositional techniques

    Slide 16

    Find thematic replays in chapters 1 and 4

    Vera Iosifovna reads her novels to guests. Jokes and puns of Ivan Petrovich Ekaterina Ivanovna playing on the piano "Declamation" of the footman Pava

    Slide 17

    Compare the two dates in chapters 2 and 4. Find repetitions at the lexical level

    Slide 18

    Opinion of a literary critic

    This is one of the most typical situations for Chekhov's world: people are disunited, they each live with their own feelings, interests, programs, their own stereotypes. At the first explanation, she is categorical, he is unsure; at their last meeting, he is categorical, she is timid, timid, insecure, But, alas, there is only a change in the program - the programming, the repetition remains. V.Kataev

    Slide 19

    Episode "At the Cemetery" Build verbal rows of motives: love, moonlit night, autumn

    Slide 20

    Opinion of a literary critic

    In chapters 1 and 2, everything is, as it were, covered with a light veil of poetry. This trend is growing stronger and stronger. In the scene "At the Cemetery" it reaches its climax. Here is the end of "poetry", and from chapter three there is already continuous "prose". All together it constitutes a musical composition. Timid "poetry", vegetating in the soul, dry and prosaic, its swan song - in the cemetery. And next to it is the all-powerful, all-consuming, triumphant "prose" of life. D. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky


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