Graduation matinee "how Vasilisa went to school." But they waited for this for so many years and now the solemn moment has come.How the beautiful Vasilisa went to school

Valentina Maltseva



(Graduation party 2010.)

1st Leading: Attention attention!

Listen to the announcement!

There is a show in kindergarten today!

2nd Leading: Hurry up quickly, don't waste minutes,

And take places quickly!

Together: Our artists for the last time

In kindergarten, perform for you!

Children enter the hall and perform the Polonaise.

Song "Our favorite kindergarten"


1. So we grew up and we

Waiting in school is the very first grade.

2. Do you remember five years ago

How did we go to kindergarten?

3. Why don't you go,

They drove us in wheelchairs.

4. We often sat on the handles,

They did not want to stomp their feet.

5. I remember crying every day,

I was waiting for my mother, looking out the window.

6. And Sasha walked with a nipple.

7. And someone wore diapers.

8. Yes, we were all good,

Well, what to take from us, because kids.

9. And I did this,

At lunchtime I fell asleep over the soup.

10. I used to eat badly,

They spoon-fed me.

The bib saved us from porridge,

From tea, soup, yogurt.

11. And if we did not sleep,

They rocked us on the handles.

After listening to "Baiushki bye",

We closed our eyes.

12. Remember, I'm made of sand

Did you build big cities?

13. Oh, Vanya, don't!

We baked all the cakes,

Not as smooth as they could

And you and I played

They treated each other.

14. We loved to throw sand.

15. Our Dima loved to kiss.

16. Such were the naughty ones.

We fought with hands and feet.

(And some even with teeth.)

17. All this is in the past, but now

We were escorted to first grade.

Song « School»

Child: Before, grandmother used to i read bedtime stories to us.

We changed roles and will tell fairy tale yourself.

Storyteller(exits)... Oh you, guests, gentlemen,

We ask you to come here.

To eat gingerbread,

Listen to a fairy tale!

Like the father of the king

Daughter is a bright dawn


Golden braid.

In the bright chamber she

Sits alone all day

Reads the ABC,

Solovyov thinks.

A lyrical Russian folk melody is played, accompanied by nightingale trills. Vasilisa.

How the nightingales sing

Take a walk my name is

I would put on my wings

Yes, it flew to the branch.

Girlfriends come out Vasilis.



Come out for half an hour.

We will go to the green garden,

We will start round dances.


You girlfriends don't shout

Don't wake up Father.

He sleeps lightly at an early hour,

Wait. I am now.

Round dance of girls Kalinka.

Suddenly the king comes out, the girlfriends bow and leave.

What is this -

The daughter ran away from the chambers!

I searched the whole palace,

I ran to the porch

I see my daughter walking

He starts round dances.


Bored, father, I felt

I ran to my friends

I'm already big after all -

Stop sitting with nannies.

King. Oh, you really are big

And what a beauty!

Everything is in place - mind and become

It's time to marry.

Vasilisa... Oh, do not betray me, king-father, do not betray me! (Cries.)

King. Do not Cry, Vasilisa! I will write out an excellent, rich, foreign groom!

Vasilisa... I don’t need foreign suitors.

I can't listen to you,

Stop crying, sweet daughter.

Tears to the harm of girls

Tsarska's daughter, are you not?

Vasilisa... Tsarskaya!

Must think about the throne -

This is your share.

Vasilisa performs"Song of the Princess of Fun" (music by M. Dunaevsky, el. Yu. Entin) from the cartoon "Flying ship".

Music sounds.


The news flies to all ends:

The royal messengers are coming,

The kings are called

Princes, shahs and kings.

The roosters crowed -

The suitors are coming!

Leading. The Spanish prince arrived with his retinue.

Enter the Spanish prince, surrounded by four girls.

Spanish prince.

Let me, senorita, give you a fan,

To Spain to rest with the tsar to invite you.

Pomegranates, oranges you will eat there,

I ask you to, Vasilisa, do me the honor. (Gives fruit.)

And you, beautiful spanish women,

Dance for the Russian woman!

Spanish dance (Bizet - Habanera)

Spanish prince.

Oh senorita you lovely!

Do you agree to become queen?

Vasilisa(closes his eyes, spreads his arms to the sides and gradually connects his index fingers). Yes or no, yes and no. not

Spanish prince. Why not?


Because I don't like oranges and pomegranates,

I appreciate our Russian potatoes above all.

Spanish women are perplexed, laugh at Vasilisa... The prince bows and leaves with his retinue. The king shakes his finger in displeasure Vasilisa.

Music sounds.

Leading. The king Firefly arrived - a colorful cap with a retinue.

Dwarf. ABOUT, fairy tale, I'm numb from happiness.

I don't know what you and to tell,

If you please dance with me. Invites Vasilisa.

Song-Dance "Polka"

The gnomes do not live well,

And the caps are in patches.

But we never lose heart -

We help each other in everything!

Oh, Vasilisayou lovely,

Do you agree to become queen?

Vasilisa(wondering)... Yes or no, yes or no? Not.

Dwarf. Why not?


Because these dwarfs

You can't even look with glasses!

And I do not wish at all

Sew up their caps.

Exit the Dwarf and Retinue. Music sounds.

Leading. The Persian prince arrived with oriental beauties.

Persian prince.

Oh, the ruby \u200b\u200bof my heart

ABOUT, lovely Vasilis!

Wink your right eye at me -

I will fulfill your whim.

You want pearls and corals

Do you want velvet and brocade?

Wink your left eye at me -

I'll make you gold.

Vasilisa flashes left, then with his right eye, hides his face behind a scarf. The prince gives her a jewelry box and claps his hands three times.

Oriental dance (Borodin "Scheherazade")

Persian prince.

ABOUT, Vasilisayou lovely,

Do you agree to go to Persia?


The groom, of course, you are rich,

But I don't need your gold.

Brocade is not good for me either -

I got used to dress up in a calico!

The prince bows and leaves with the oriental beauties.

Look what kind of character

She scattered the suitors!

What am I to do with you

Fussy like that?

Vasilisa... Oh, I don’t know, father-king! The king is sad. Vasilisa in a good mood walks around the hall to the soundtrack "Song of the Princess of Fun".

Leading. The king does not eat - he does not drink,

The spoon does not go into the mouth.

Suddenly to a Russian accordion

Grandma-Yozhki galloped up.

Girls in Russian sundresses with kerchiefs and brooms in their hands run out.

Singing ditties to the music of Dunaevsky from the cartoon "Flying ship"

Grandma-Yozhki (in turn).

Together: I will fly to the first grade,

I'll get an A there-

I'm a great granny

This matter is clear.

Don't follow me, Kashchey,

I don't need you at all!

I'm not the same now -

IN school is very busy.

Serpent Gorynych, do not call

Don't beckon me to gosta -

I don't go anywhere;

I sit over the lessons.

I'm not lying on the stove

I don't bake rolls

There is no time to drink tea.

We need to learn the alphabet!

Ay, yes, first-grade grandmothers!

You haven't arrived in vain.

They made fun of the king.

1 Grandma-Hedgehog.

Why shouldn't we have fun -

After all, now we are students.

We are not smarter in the world,

We can give any answer!

Since you are so smart, advise the king what to do with Vasilisa... She stopped obeying him, drove away all the overseas guests!

2 Grandma-Hedgehog.

Father Tsar, you give your daughter for the first comer!

Who is the first to enter the door,

For that, let him go.

Vanya enters to the song of Vanya the stove-maker.

Fixing the stoves.

I'm cleaning the pipes!

I do not praise myself

I love work!

3 Grandma - Hedgehog. Oh, look, Vanya the stove-maker has come!

(will guide Vanya to Vasilisa) .

Here is your betrothed-mummer,

Anointed with soot. (Laugh and leave)

Vasilisa... Hello Vanechka! Can I wipe your nose with a handkerchief?

(Wipes soot off his face)... Vanya, you come with me to study in school?

Vania. I'll go.

King. Letting go, children, you -

Go to first grade!

Leading. Aren't you early, king, in letting go of school? Are they ready to learn!

Let's check!

A game "Get together in school» : the child collects a portfolio, his mom makes a sandwich, dad inflates a ball.

Leading. Hurray, all children perfectly prepared for school... Vanya and Vasilisa also coped with the tasks. Well, it's time for us fairy tale finish and applaud our artists.

Lyrical Russian folk melodies are played, accompanied by nightingale trills.

All children go out to bow.


We are with you played a fairy tale,

We met guests from different countries,

But it's time for us to part

Let's not be sad, kids.

Reb: Let our little hall not be cramped,

Let the ball end with a farewell waltz!

1. Today is a bright and sad day.

Today we are saying goodbye to the kindergarten.

Us school opens its door.

Goodbye, our kindergarten, no need to be sad.

2. Other children will come here,

To leave again when the time is right.

And you, our garden, will still live

And sow the seed of kindness and knowledge.

3. Thank you we say today

To all those who took care of us.

First, to their educators.

You have a difficult but necessary job.

4. Tell who is always, everywhere

Does it care about cleanliness?

Thanks to the lovely nannies

For affection and attention.

5. Thank you who dance,

Who taught to sing, not knowing boredom,

Who spent the entertainment

Behind the magic sounds music.

6. Thanks to all our chefs

For delicious soups and cereals!

7. And the manager is always at worries:

You need this, you need this.

Provide everything you need.

Let's say "thank you" together.

8. Thanks to the doctor, to the nurse,

What do they think of the kids:

Everything heals us, gives us potion

And they measure the temperature.

9. To all employees and children

Care is needed every day.

The head of our

A very difficult job.

10. We to her "thank" we say

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

11. Thank you a hundred thousand times,

All our life we \u200b\u200bwill remember you!

Song "Goodbye, kindergarten".

Presentation of children and presentation of diplomas.

Scenario of the graduation party "How Vasilisa the Beautiful went to school"

Children enter the hall to music, performing several movements. The boys escort the girls to a semicircle.

Leading:We invite everyone to the holiday,

Kind, bright, mischievous,

The holiday is sad and cheerful ...

Children (in chorus):Our Preschool Graduation!

(Slides change against the background of the children’s words).

1st child:

So we grew up and we
School is waiting for the very first grade.
Do you remember five years ago
How did we go to kindergarten?

2nd child:
Why don't you go
They drove us in wheelchairs.
We often sat on the handles,
They did not want to stomp their feet.

3rd child

I remember crying every day
I was waiting for my mother, looking out the window.
And Vanya walked with a pacifier,
And Lenya wore diapers.

4th child

Yes, we were all good
Well, what to take from us - after all, kids!
And I did this,
At lunchtime I fell asleep over the soup….

5th child

I used to eat badly,
spoon-fed me.
The bib saved us from porridge,
From tea, soup, yogurt.
And remember, I'm made of sand
big cities built!

6th child

Oh, Yaroslav, don't!
We baked all the cakes,
Not as smooth as they could.
And together we played
treated each other!


All this is in the past, but now….
Everyone: we are escorted to first grade!


Leading. We thought for a long time how to spend our holiday, and decided ... Childhood is always a fairy world. Children, and we, adults, love fairy tales.

Fairy tales, fairy tales, fair of wonders,
The world is a magical, colorful forest.
The wings of fairy tales rustle quietly
It means that they fly to visit us.

(There is a theater screen at the side wall, dictated under the teremok. A fabulous melody sounds. The curtains open in the window, the Storyteller appears.)


Oh you, guests, gentlemen, please come here

Eat gingerbread, listen to a fairy tale!

Like a father-king's daughter, a bright dawn,

Vasilisa is a beauty, a golden braid.

She sits alone in a bright mansion all day

He reads the ABC. nightingale considers.

Vasilisa comes out to a lyrical Russian folk melody accompanied by nightingale trills.


How the nightingales sing

My name is for a walk.


King (exits, stretching):

What is this, the daughter ran away from the chambers!

I searched the whole palace, I ran to the porch,

I see my daughter walking, starting round dances.


Bored, father, I felt, I ran to my friends,

I'm already big, after all_ enough to sit with nannies.


Oh, you really are big. And what a beauty!

Everything is in place - mind and become, it's time to marry.

I'll write you an excellent, rich, foreign fiance!


I don't need any suitors ... (crying) I want to go to school, to study ...


You can't listen to me, stop crying, my daughter is sweet.

Tears to damages to the detriment of the king's daughter, are you not?



Must think about the throne -

This is your share.

(Vasilisa sings "Song of the Princess of Fun")


The king does not eat - he does not drink, the spoon does not go into his mouth ...

Suddenly Babki-Ezhki galloped to the accompaniment of a Russian accordion.

(grandmas - hedgehogs sing ditties):

Take turns

I will fly to the first grade, there I will get an A

I'm a great granny, that's clear.

Don't follow me Kashchei, I don't need you at all!

I'm not the same now - I'm very busy at school.

Serpent Gorynych, don't call me, don't beckon me to visit

I don't go anywhere, I sit over the lessons.

I don't lie on the stove, I don't bake rolls,

There is no time to drink tea, you need to learn the alphabet!


Oh yes, first-grader grandmothers!

You didn’t come in vain, you made fun of the king.


Why should we not have fun - after all, now we are students.

We are not smarter in the world, we can give any advice.


Since you are so smart, advise the Tsar what to do with Vasilisa. She stopped obeying him, she does not want to marry overseas princes.

Grandma-Hedgehogs: (conferring)

Father Tsar, you give your daughter for the first comer!

Whoever enters the door first, let him go for that.

(Vanya enters. He sings the song of Vanya the stove-maker from the cartoon "The Flying Ship")


I fix the stoves, I clean the pipes!

I am not praising myself. I love work!


Look, Vanya the stove-maker has come!

Grandma-Yozhki(bring Vanya to Vasilisa) :

Here is your betrothed, mummed, smeared with soot.



Hello Vanechka! Can I wipe your nose with a handkerchief! (He wipes the soot off his face.) Vanya, will you go to school with me?


I'll go.


Letting go, children, you go to first grade!


Aren't you too early, king, to let you go to school? Are they ready to learn? Let's check?

(A "test" is carried out - games with a school theme).

Hooray! All children are prepared for school. Vanya and Vasilisa also coped with the task. It's time for us to finish the tale.

(Lyrical rnm sounds accompanied by nightingale trills.)


We played a fairy tale with you,

And here again the nightingale sings to us about his homeland.

(Children (not graduates) sing a song about the Motherland)

And take turns reading a poem:

Why do we love all our homeland Russia?

Because nowhere else is the homeland more beautiful!

Because there is nowhere better than our arable land,

Better than our blue rivers and our meadows.

Couple dance.

1st child:

Goodbye to our kindergarten.
We will remember you with love for a long time.
Everything is ahead of us, but only by kids,
We will never become.

2nd child:

So our graduation holiday has come,
We were waiting for him.
But there is no strength to part with the garden.
We will not forget those we have learned
Who loved us, raised us, raised us.

3rd child

Our kindergarten is like a home,
We were all these years.
But we're leaving here too
Other children will come.

4th child:

One word we want
From large letters to fold,
We want him today
Repeat with love!

Seven children line up on stage holding signs with the letters "THANKS».

5th child:

Our kindergarten, goodbye,
We're going to first grade.
Although the parting is sad
Don't worry, you, for us.

Goodbye we are for the garden
Let's sing the song merrily.
Never, nowhere, guys
We will not forget about him.

Farewell song.

Under the solemn music, graduates are awarded diplomas and gifts. Portfolio.

Intake matinee.

The tale of how Vasilisa the Beautiful went to school.


Leading, storyteller - adults.

Vasilisa, girlfriends, the king, the Spanish prince and four girls - Spanish women, a dwarf, his retinue and fairy girls, a Persian prince and oriental beauties, Grandma-Yozhki, Vanya - children in suits.

To cheerful music, preschoolers enter the hall in pairs and line up in a semicircle.


We invite everyone to the holiday,

Kind, bright, mischievous,

The holiday is sad and cheerful ...

Children (in chorus). Our Preschool Graduation!

A child runs out with a bell in his hands. Children in pairs disperse around the hall, singing the song “We are now students” (music by G. Struve, lyrics by K Ibryaeva // Musical director. - 2005. - №2. - p. 42).


You were babies yesterday

And now you have to go to school.

You got stronger and matured -

When did you grow up?

Children (in chorus). We ourselves wonder

Maybe there is something with the clock here?

(Take turns).

Only we will come to the kindergarten -

And we don't recognize ourselves

For some reason, for some reason

We are growing very quickly.

As if we, like trees,

Watered endlessly

We eat in the garden all day.

What is the secret here?

(In chorus) And there is no secret at all!

(Take turns)

Approach the cat with affection -

She will grow up a little.

And from a kind word

The lamb will also become brave.

We know kind words

Even the lion is tamed.

There is such power in words

From which we grow

We stretch like maples to the sun

Higher, higher every day.

Let smiles shine

Faces of adults and children,

Let it come everywhere

"Good afternoon, thanks, hello!" -

We tell each other

For parenting lessons

Thank you for the kindergarten!

We will never forget

Our preschool island

Our kindergarten is cozy,

Warm, light tower!

They perform the song "Kindergarten - a house of joy" (music and lyrics by L. Olifirova // Musical director. - 2007. - No. 2. - P. 56). Then they follow the chain to their seats and sit down.

Vasilisa is hiding behind a theatrical screen, decorated like a teremok and located at the side wall of the hall.

Leading. Teremok, teremok, you give us a miracle.

Children. (in chorus)... Teremok, teremok, open the doors to the fairy tale!

Storyteller (exits).

Oh you, guests, gentlemen,

We ask you to come here.

To eat gingerbread,

Listen to a fairy tale!

Like the father of the king

Daughter is a bright dawn

Vasilisa is a beauty

Golden braid.

In the bright chamber she

Sits alone all day

Reads the ABC,

Solovyov thinks.


How the nightingales sing

Take a walk my name is

I would put on my wings

And flew away to the branch.

Vasilisa's girlfriends come out.



Come out for half an hour.

We will go to the green garden,

We will start round dances.


You girlfriends don't shout

Don't wake up Father.

He sleeps lightly at an early hour,

Wait ... I am now.

Girls perform a round dance to the melody of the Russian folk song "Oh you, seni" // Musical director. - 2008. - No. 2. - P.18. Suddenly the king comes out, the girlfriends bow and leave.


What is this-

The daughter ran away from the chambers!

I searched the whole palace,

I ran to the porch

I see my daughter walking

He starts round dances.


Bored, father, I felt

I ran to my friends

I'm already big after all -

Stop sitting with nannies.


Oh, you really are big

And what a beauty!

Everything is in place - mind and become

It's time to marry.


Oh, do not betray me, king-father, do not betray me! (Crying)

King. Don't cry, Vasilisa! I'll write you an excellent, rich, foreign fiance!

Vasilisa. I don't need foreign suitors ...


I can't listen to you,

Stop crying, sweet daughter.

Tears to the harm of girls

Tsarska's daughter, are you not?

Vasilisa. Tsarskaya!


Must think about the throne -

This is your share.

Vasilisa performs "Song of the Princess of Fun"

(music by M. Dunaevsky, lyrics by Y. Entin) from the cartoon "The Flying Ship"

Soundtrack "Stardust" by J. Last.


The news flies to all ends:

The royal messengers are coming,

The kings are called

Princes, shahs and kings.

The roosters crowed -

The suitors are coming!

Leading. The Spanish prince arrived with his retinue.

Enter the Spanish prince, surrounded by four girls.

Spanish prince.

Let me, senorita, give you a fan,

To Spain to rest with the tsar to invite you.

Pomegranates, oranges you will eat there,

Please, Vasilisa, do me the honor. (Gives fruit)

And you, beautiful Spanish women,

Dance for the Russian woman!

(Vasilisa and the girls perform a Spanish dance to the music of M. Glinka "Aragonese Jota")

Oh, senorita, you are beautiful!

Do you agree to become queen?

Vasilisa (closes his eyes, spreads his arms to the sides and gradually connects his index fingers). Yes or no, yes or no ... no!

Spanish prince ... Why not?


Because I don't like oranges and pomegranates,

I appreciate our Russian potatoes above all!

The Spanish women are perplexed, laughing at Vasilisa. The prince bows and leaves with his retinue. The king whispers in Vasilisa's ear to be more polite with the overseas guests.

Leading. The king Firefly arrived - a colorful cap with a retinue.


Oh, fabulous fairy, I am dumb with happiness.

I don't know what to say to you

If you please dance with me.

(Invites Vasilisa. All the children perform the dance "The dwarf is listening")

The gnomes do not live well,

And the caps are in patches.

But we never lose heart -

We help each other in everything!


Fir branches swayed quietly -

Fairies came to visit us,

As invisible, they whirled

The veil was presented to the princess.

Vasilisa and the fairy girls perform "Dance with Scarves" to the music of E. Grieg's waltz (composition of L. Olifirova's movements // Musical director. - 2008. - №6 - pp. 30-34).

Dwarf. Ah, Vasilisa, you are beautiful, Do you agree to become a queen?

Vasilisa (wondering).Yes or no, yes or no? Not!

Dwarf. Why not?


Because these dwarfs

You can't even look with glasses!

And I do not wish at all

Sew up their caps.

(Gives him the veil, the dwarf and the retinue leave)

Soundtrack "Stardust" sounds.

Leading. Arrived Persian with oriental beauties.

Persian prince.

Oh, the ruby \u200b\u200bof my heart

Oh, beautiful Vasilis!

Wink your right eye at me -

I will fulfill your whim.

You want pearls and corals

Do you want velvet and brocade?

Wink at least with your left eye -

I'll make you gold.

(Vasilisa blinks her left or right eye, hides her face behind a handkerchief. The prince gives her a jewelry box and claps his hands three times. Girls perform an oriental dance at the music director's choice).

Oh Vasilisa, you are beautiful

Do you agree to go to Persia?


The groom, of course, you are rich,

But I don't need your gold.

Brocade is not good for me either -

I got used to dress up in a calico!

The prince bows and leaves with the oriental beauties.


Look for a character - what is it like

She scattered the suitors!

What am I to do with you

Fussy like that?


Oh, I don’t know, father-king!

The king is sad, refuses to dine. Vasilisa walks around the hall in a good mood to the soundtrack "Song of the Princess of Fun".


The king does not eat - he does not drink,

The spoon does not go into the mouth ...

Suddenly to a Russian accordion

Grandma-Yozhki galloped up.

Girls in Russian sundresses with kerchiefs and brooms in their hands run out. Singing ditties to the music of M. Dunaevsky from the cartoon "The Flying Ship".

Grandma-Yozhki (in turn).

I will fly to first grade

I'll get an A there -

I'm a great granny

This matter is clear.

Don't follow me, Kashchey,

I don't need you at all!

I'm not the same now -

The school is very busy.

Serpent Gorynych, do not call

Don't beckon me to visit -

I don't go anywhere

I sit over the lessons.

I'm not lying on the stove

I don't bake rolls

There is no time to drink tea

We need to learn the alphabet!

Grandmas-Hedgehogs whirl and playfully fall to the floor. All heroes laugh.


Oh yes, first-grader grandmothers!

You didn't arrive in vain

They made fun of the king.


Why shouldn't we have fun -

After all, now we are students.

We are not smarter in the world,

We can give any answer!

Leading. Since you are so smart, advise the Tsar what to do with Vasilisa. She stopped obeying him, drove away all the overseas guests!

Grandma-Yozhki . (confer, quietly, laugh).

Father Tsar, you give your daughter for the first comer!

Who is the first to enter the door,

For that, let him go.

Vanya enters. Performed "Song of Vanya the Stove-maker" (music by M. Dunaevsky, lyrics by Y. Entin) from the cartoon "The Flying Ship".


I fix the stoves

I'm cleaning the pipes!

I do not praise myself

I love work!

Leading. Oh, look, Vanya the stove-maker has come!

Grandma-Hedgehogs. (bring Vanya to Vasilisa).

Here is your betrothed-mummer,

Anointed with soot.


Vasilisa. Hello Vanechka! Can I wipe your nose with a handkerchief? (Wipes soot off his face)

Vanya, will you come with me to school?

Vania. I'll go.


Letting go, children of you -

Go to first grade!

Leading. Aren't you too early, the king, to go to school? Are they ready to learn? Let's check!

Children are given tasks "from fairytale chests." For example, one contains school supplies, the other contains the attributes of familiar fairy-tale characters. After guessing the riddle or completing the task correctly, the children take turns opening the chest and finding the item they need.

Leading. Hooray, all children are perfectly prepared for school. Vanya and Vasilisa also coped with the tasks. It's time for us to finish the tale.

A lyrical Russian folk melody is played, accompanied by nightingale trills.


We played a fairy tale with you,

We met guests from different countries,

And here again we are a nightingale

Sings about his homeland.

Children perform the song "My Russia" (music by G. Struve, lyrics by N. Solovyova), read poetry about Russia.

Children (in turn).

Why do we love everything

Homeland Russia?

Because there is nowhere

Homeland is more beautiful!

Because there is nowhere

Better than our plowed fields,

Better than our blue rivers

And our glades.

They perform a dance composition to the Russian folk melody "Peddlers". In the end they bow to the guests.


What good children have grown

They have surprisingly clear faces.

We believe: they will not forget our kindergarten

And at school everyone will study well!


Goodbye beloved kindergarten

Our good house -

On an autumn morning he will call

Call us for a lesson.

You raised us carefully

He gave us fairy tales every day,

From all the guys, from all the guys

Thank you, kindergarten!

They perform the song "Time to School". To the accompaniment of solemn music, graduates are awarded diplomas and gifts. The presenter invites everyone to the table.

Solemn music sounds, children enter the hall in pairs and line up in a semicircle, waltz plays. (Strauss I. "Voices of Spring")

Leading:Today, guys, we congratulate you!

You go to school to study, to be friends.

We wish you all success, health and your kindergarten

never forget!

The hall today does not accommodate all the guests gathered!

Today the kindergarten sees off his children to school!

Leading:You were kids yesterday, but now you have to go to school.

You have grown stronger and matured - when did you manage to grow up?

Children (chorus): We ourselves are surprised, maybe there is something with the clock here?

(Take turns)

  1. Only we will come to the kindergarten - and we will not recognize ourselves!

For some reason, for some reason we are growing very quickly!

  1. As if we, like trees, are watered endlessly,

It's like a miracle of vitamins we eat in the garden all day long!

What is the secret here?

(in chorus): And there is no secret at all!

(Take turns)

  1. Approach the cat with affection - it will grow up a little.

And from a kind word will become a brave sheep.

We know that even a lion is tamed by kind words!

  1. There is such a force in words from which we grow,

We stretch like maples to the sun higher, higher every day!

  1. Let the faces of adults and children shine with smiles,

Let the time of polite people come everywhere!

  1. "Good afternoon, thanks, hello!" - we say to each other,

Thank you for the kindergarten upbringing lessons!

  1. We will never forget our preschool island

Our kindergarten is cozy, our own kindergarten.

Song "Kindergarten"

Leading:Kindergarten, give us a miracle!

Children(in chorus): Kindergarten, in the fairy tale of the door broth!

(Take turns)

  1. Fairy tales, fairy tales, fair of wonders, a magical world, colorful forest.

The wings of fairy tales rustle quietly, which means they fly to visit us!

  1. There are many fairy tales in the world, kind and funny,

And we cannot live in the world without them.

May the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth

May good forever triumph over evil!

The music "Visiting a Fairy Tale" is played. The Storyteller comes out ..


Oh, you, guests - gentlemen, please come here!

Eat gingerbread, listen to a fairy tale!

Like a father's daughter - a king's daughter - a bright dawn, (Vasilisa's exit)

Vasilisa is a beauty, a golden braid.

She sits alone in a bright mansion all day

He reads the ABC, nightingale counts.

(soundtrack of nightingale trills)

Vasilisa:As nightingales sing, my name is for a walk,

I would have put on my wings and flew to the branch.

(Vasilisa's girlfriends come out)

Girlfriend:Vasilisa-beauty, come out for half an hour.

We will go to the green garden, start round dances.

Vasilisa:You, girlfriends, don’t shout, don’t wake the priest!

He sleeps lightly at an early hour, wait…. I am now.

Round dance "Ah you seni" (Russian folk song)

King:What is this - the daughter ran away from the chambers!

I searched the whole palace, I ran to the porch,

I see my daughter is walking, starting round dances!

Vasilisa:Bored, father, I felt, I ran to my friends,

I’m already big - stop sitting with nannies!

King:Oh, you really are big, and what a beauty!

Everything is in place - mind and become, it's time to marry!

Vasilisa:Oh, do not betray me, king-father, do not betray me! (crying)

King:Don't cry, Vasilisa! I'll write you an excellent groom,

rich, foreign!

Vasilisa:I don’t need foreign suitors….

King:I can't listen to you, stop crying, dear daughter!

Tears to the harm of girls, are you a royal daughter or not?


King:I must think about the throne - this is your lot!

(soundtrack "Stardust" soundtrack from the film "Stardust".)

Storyteller:The news flies to all ends: the royal messengers are riding,

Kings, princes, shahs and kings are called.

The roosters crowed - the grooms are coming!

Storyteller: The Gypsy Baron has arrived!

(includes the baron and two girls of the older group - gypsies "Gypsy with an exit")

Baron:Let me give you, beauty, beads,

And invite you to our gypsy camp with the king!

Pomegranates, oranges you will eat there,

Please, Vasilisa, do me the honor! (gives beads and fruits)

And you, beautiful gypsies, dance for a Russian woman!

(Gypsy dance from the repertoire of the vocal ensemble "Romale")

Baron:You, beauty, are beautiful! They agree to become queen.

Vasilisa:(closes his eyes, spreads his arms to the sides and gradually connects his index fingers).Yes or no, yes and no ... no!

Baron:Why not?

Vasilisa:Because I don't like oranges and pomegranates,

I appreciate our Russian potatoes above all!

(Baron and gypsies leave. Soundtrack)

Storyteller:The Persian prince arrived with oriental beauties.

(Eastern music)

Prince:Oh, the ruby \u200b\u200bof my heart, about the beautiful Vasilis!

Wink at me with your right eye - I will fulfill your whim!

Do you want pearls and corals, do you want pearls and brocade?

Wink your left eye at me - I'll make you gilded!

Vasilisa blinks now with her right and now with her left eye, hiding her face behind a handkerchief. Prince, gives her a jewelry box and claps his hands three times. "Oriental Dance" - girls of the older group. "AmgoPiabkhabibi »Arab.

Prince:Oh, Vasilisa, you are beautiful, would you agree to go to Persia?

Vasilisa:The groom, of course, you are rich,

But I don't need your gold!

Brocade is no good for me either -

I got used to dress up in a calico!

(The prince bows and leaves)

King:Look, what kind of character, scattered the suitors!

What am I to do with you, such a picky one?

Vasilisa:Oh, I don’t know, father-king!

(The Tsar is sad, Vasilisa walks around the hall in a good mood to the soundtrack "Song of the Princess of Fun") verse and chorus music by M. Dunaevsky word

Yu. Entina)

Storyteller:The king does not eat, does not drink, the spoon does not go into his mouth ....

Suddenly Babki-Yozhki galloped to the accompaniment of a Russian accordion.

(Chastushki Babok-Yozhek - first-grader girls)

Grandma-Hedgehogs:I will fly to the first grade, there I will get an A

I'm a great granny, that's clear!

Don't follow me, Kashchei, I don't need you at all!

I'm not the same now - I'm very busy at school!

Serpent Gorynych, don't call me, don't beckon me to visit -

I don't go anywhere, I sit over the lessons!

I don't lie on the stove, I don't bake rolls,

There is no time to drink tea, you need to learn the alphabet!

(Spin and fall to the floor.)

Storyteller:Oh yes, first-graders grandmothers!

You didn't arrive in vain, you made fun of the king!

Grandma-Hedgehogs:Why shouldn't we have fun, because now we are students!

We are not smarter in the world, we can give any answer!

Storyteller:Well, since you are so smart, advise the tsar what to do with Vasilisa. She stopped obeying him, drove away all the overseas guests!

Grandma-Hedgehogs:Father Tsar, you give your daughter for the first comer!

Whoever enters the door first, let him go for that!

(Vanya enters to the song "Vanya the Stove Worker" - verse and chorus music by M. Dunaevsky, words by Yu. Entin)

Vania:I fix the stoves, I clean the pipes!

I do not praise myself, I love work!

Storyteller:Oh, look, Vanya - the stove-maker has come!

Grandma-Hedgehogs:Here is your betrothed - dressed up, smeared with soot!

Vasilisa:Hello Vanechka! Can I wipe your nose with a handkerchief?

Vanya, will you come to school with me?

Vania:I'll go!

King:Letting go, children, you - go to first grade!

Leading:From year to year, for 5 years in a row, you came to kindergarten,

Happy, happy, but those days are gone, today you are graduates,

And tomorrow you are all schoolchildren!

The song "They teach at school"

Storyteller:Aren't you too early, king, to let you go to school? Are they ready to learn? Let's check them, and along with all our graduates!


  • All letters from "A" to "Z" on the pages…. (ABC book);
  • Each pupil should take with him to school ... (diary);
  • To write with pens we will prepare ... .. (notebook);
  • Who will color our album? Of course ... .. (pencil);
  • So that he does not suddenly disappear, we will put him in ... .. (pencil case);

Well done boys! Now let's check how you can count!

  • Not in a swamp, but in a tub there lived 2 frogs.

If there are 5 tubs, how many frogs will there be?

  • May beetles lived in a clearing by the river:

Daughter, son, father and mother. Who managed to count them?

  • He gave the hedgehogs 8 brand new boots.

The hedgehogs squeal with delight. How many hedgehogs did dad have?

  • In a clearing near an oak tree, the mole saw 2 fungi.

Well, who is ready to say how many mushrooms the mole has found?

Game "Collect a portfolio".

Storyteller:Well done, all the children are perfectly prepared for school. Vanya and Vasilisa also coped with the tasks. It's time for us to finish the fairy tale and say goodbye to the heroes.

The departure of the heroes

Leading:Our holiday is coming to an end. Let's say thanks to all the kindergarten staff. After all, all these years they have given you their affection, warmth and kindness.

(Children stand up in a semicircle)

Child 1:Today is a bright and sad day.

Today we are saying goodbye to the kindergarten.

The school opens its door for us.

Goodbye, our kindergarten, no need to be sad.

Child 2:Other children will come here,

To leave again when the time is right.

And you, our garden, will still live the same

And sow the seed of kindness and knowledge.

Child 3:Thank you we say today

To all those who took care of us.

First, for their educators

Your job is not easy, but necessary.

The song "Educator"

Child 4:Tell me who is always, everywhere

Does it care about cleanliness?

Thanks to the lovely nannies,

For affection and attention.

Child 5:Thanks to all our chefs

For delicious soups and cereals!

Child 6:Thanks to our nurse,

What does he think of the kids

Heals us and gives medicine,

And measures the temperature.

Child 7:To all employees and children

Every day needs care

The head of our

A very difficult job.

We say thank you to her,

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

The song "Our beloved, kindergarten"

Child 1:Farewell ball, farewell ball!

You have gathered children and adults!

He is for us, he has become a kind fairy tale for us now!

Child 2:Soon all our guys will enter the 1st grade!

Let me dance the preschool waltz goodbye!

Dance "Preschool Waltz"

Lead 1:

The ball is over and the candles are burning out

An involuntary tear from my eyes.

After all, tomorrow morning we will not meet

You on the site as always!

And our group will be empty

The toys by the window will feel sad.

We know children grow up

We know it’s time for them.

And now it's time to say goodbye

We talk:

Bon Voyage!!!

Presentation of diplomas and gifts to graduates (to the melody of the song "First grader")


LEADER. We invite everyone to the holiday, Kind, bright, mischievous! The holiday is sad and cheerful ...

CHILDREN. Our Preschool Graduation!

LEADER. You were kids yesterday, but now you have to go to school! You got stronger and matured - when did you manage to grow up?

1st. We are surprised ourselves, maybe something is here with a clock? For some reason, for some reason we are growing very quickly.

2nd. As if they water us like trees endlessly! It’s like a miracle of vitamins we eat in the garden all day long! What is the secret here?

CHILDREN. And there is no secret at all!

3rd. There is such a force in words from which we grow. We stretch like maples to the sun Higher, higher every day!

4th. "Good afternoon! Thank you, hello!" - we say to each other. Thank you for the lessons of upbringing Kindergarten!

5th. We will never forget our preschool island - our beloved kindergarten, warm, bright teremok!



LEADER. Teremok, teremok! Give us a miracle!

CHILDREN. Teremok teremok, open the doors to the fairy tale!


STORYTELLER. Oh, you are guests, gentlemen! We ask you to come here! Eat gingerbread, listen to a fairy tale! Like the father of the king - a daughter of a bright dawn, Vasilisushka - a beauty, Golden braid! In a bright mansion she sits alone the whole day, reading the ABC, Solovyov counting.


VASSILISSA. As nightingales sing, My name is for a walk. I would have wings for business and flew to the branch!

Girlfriends. Vasilisushka is a beauty, Come out for half an hour. We will go to the green garden, we will start round dances!


You, girlfriends, do not shout, do not wake up Father! He sleeps lightly at an early hour, Wait, I am now.




KING. What is this - the daughter escaped from the chambers! I searched the whole palace, I looked on the porch, I see my daughter is walking, she starts a round dance!

VASSILISSA. My father got bored, I ran to my friends! I'm already big after all - Stop sitting with the nannies!

KING. Oh, and in truth you are big, And what a beauty! Everything is in place - mind and become It's time to marry!

VASSILISSA. Oh, do not betray me, king-father, do not betray me!


KING. Don't cry, Vasilisa! I'll write you an excellent, rich, foreign fiance! VASSILISSA. I don’t need foreign suitors!

KING. I can't listen to you, Stop crying, dear daughter! Tears to the harm of girls, Tsar's daughter, are you not?

VASSILISSA. Tsarskaya!

KING. I must think about the throne- This is your share!


STORYTELLER. The news flies to all ends! The royal messengers are coming! Kings, Princes, Shahs and Kings are called! Cocks crowed - Grooms are going, going!

STORYTELLER. The Brazilian prince arrived with his retinue. Enter the Brazilian prince, surrounded by 5 girls.

BRAZILIAN PRINCE. May I give you a fan, senorita? To Brazil to rest with the king to invite you! Pomegranates, oranges you will eat there, Please, Vasilisa, do me honor! And you, beautiful Brazilian women, Dance for a Russian woman!


BRAZILIAN PRINCE. Oh, senorita! You are beautiful! Do you agree to become queen?


VASSILISSA. Because I don't like oranges and pomegranates. I appreciate our Russian potatoes the most!


STORYTELLER. The king Firefly has arrived - a colorful cap with a retinue!

THE PRINCE OF THE FIREFLY. Oh, fabulous fairy, I am dumb with happiness! I don't know what to say to you, please dance with me!


THE KING OF THE FIREFLY. The gnomes do not live richly, And our caps are in patches. But we never lose heart - We help each other in everything. Ah, Vasilisa, you are beautiful! Do you agree to become queen?

VASSILISSA. Yes or no, yes or no? Not!



Because you can't even look at these gnomes with glasses! And I do not want to sew up their caps at all! Not!


STORYTELLER. The spruce branches swayed quietly - fairies came to visit us, As the invisible ones whirled, they gave the princess a veil!


VASSILISSA. Oh, I don’t know, the king is father, oh, I don’t know!


1st. I'll fly to the first grade, I'll get an A there - I'm a great granny, This is clear! Wow!

2nd. Don't follow me Koschey, I don't need you at all! I'm not the same now - I'm very busy at school! Wow!

3rd. Do not call the serpent Gorynych, Do not beckon me to visit - I don’t go anywhere, I sit over the lessons! Wow!

4th. I don’t lie on the stove, I don’t bake rolls, I don’t have time to drink tea, I have to learn the alphabet! Wow!


STORYTELLER. Oh yes, first-graders grandmothers! You didn't arrive in vain - you made fun of the king!

BABKA-EZHKI. How can we not have fun - After all, now we are students! We are not smarter in the world, We can give any answer!

STORYTELLER. Since you are so clever, advise the tsar - what should he do with Vasilisa? She stopped obeying him, drove away all the overseas guests!

BABY-HEDGEHOGS WHISPER. Father Tsar, and you give up your daughter for the first comer! Whoever enters the door first, let him go for that!


VANIA. I fix the stoves, I clean the pipes! I do not praise myself, I love work!

STORYTELLER. Oh, look, Vanya the stove-maker has come!

BABKA-EZHKI. Here is your betrothed mummer, soot poured!


VASSILISSA. Hello Vanechka! Can I wipe your nose with a handkerchief? (WIPES THE SOFT FROM VANI-PEPNIK'S FACE). Will you come to school with me?

VANIA. I'll go!

KING. Let your children go - Go to first grade!

STORYTELLER. Aren't you too early to let the children go to school, the king-father? Are they ready to learn? Let's check?

GAMES ARE HELD: "Make a Word"; "Solve examples."

STORYTELLER. Hooray! All children are ready for school. Vanya and Vasilisa also coped with the tasks.

KING. Letting go, children of you, Go to first grade!


VED. Well, that's over, guys, your last fairy tale in kindergarten and the minute of goodbye has come ...


VED. What good children have grown up, They have amazingly kind faces! We believe they will not forget our kindergarten And everyone will study well at school!

CHILDREN. Goodbye, beloved kindergarten - Our good teremok! An autumn morning will call us to the lesson. You raised us carefully, You gave us fairy tales every day! From all the guys, from all the guys, Thank you, kindergarten!


STORYTELLER. Spruce branches swayed quietly - fairies came to visit us, As the invisible ones whirled, they gave the princess a veil!


STORYTELLER. The Prince of Persia has arrived with beauties!

PERSIAN PRINCE. Oh, the ruby \u200b\u200bof my heart! Oh, beautiful Vasilis! Wink at me with your right eye - I will fulfill your whim! Do you want pearls and corals, do you want velvet and brocade? Wink your left eye at me - I'll make you gilded!



VASSILISSA. The groom, of course, you are rich, But I don't need your gold! Brocade is not good for me either - I'm used to dressing up in a calico!

PRINCE OF PERSIAN bows and leaves with oriental beauties

KING. Look, the character - what is, Scattered the suitors! What am I to do with you, With such a picky one?

VASSILISSA. Oh, I don’t know, father-king, I don’t know!

STORYTELLER. The tsar does not eat, does not drink, The spoon does not fit in his mouth ... Suddenly, grandmothers galloped to the accompaniment of a Russian accordion - hedgehogs!


BABKI-EZHKI (IN QUEUE): 1st. I'll fly to the first grade, I'll get an A there - I'm a great granny, This is clear!

2nd. Don't follow me Koschey, I don't need you at all! I'm not the same now- I'm very busy at school!

3rd. Do not call the serpent Gorynych, Do not pay me to visit, I do not go anywhere, I sit over the lessons!

4th. I don’t lie on the stove, I don’t bake rolls, I don’t have time to drink tea, I have to learn the alphabet!



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