Making sunflower halva. Halva production technology. The effect of halva on the body

Hello, lovers of interesting facts and events. Do you like various kinds of sweets and delicacies? Then, especially for you, we decided to tell you how sunflower halva is made in production. We hope you enjoy it.

Halva came to Russia from the Middle East at the beginning of the 20th century. It is produced at home and in factories. Manufacturing this product is a labor-intensive process that consists of several stages. To make the delicacy tasty, only high-quality ingredients and special technology are used for its preparation.

Factory-made sweet from sunflower seeds

Everyone's favorite halva is prepared on an industrial scale in special enterprises. The composition of factory sweets includes the following main components:

  • protein base – seeds or nuts;
  • caramel mass made from sugar or molasses;
  • licorice or soap root - is a foaming agent and gives the product layering. Sometimes protein may be used;
  • flavorings and colors are important components of halva from the plant.

Correct production technology is the main parameter that must be observed when making halva. The technologist responsible for this procedure monitors every stage. Before the sweetness acquires its desired appearance and taste, it will be constantly mixed and stretched on special equipment.

Making sunflower halva

To obtain 100 grams of oriental sweetness, you will need about 57 grams of sunflower seeds. The protein base of halva is sunflower seeds, which are ground using special equipment into a homogeneous mass.

Production scale

Halva is produced in large quantities in workshops with the required equipment. Professional machines prepare caramel, fry and grind the seeds, mix all the ingredients repeatedly, and package the finished product. Despite the fact that the entire process is automated, not a single stage of sweet preparation should be overlooked.

In factories, hundreds and even thousands of kilograms of sweets are prepared. To produce the delicacy, the main component is sunflower seeds, purchased in bulk from the manufacturer. If you calculate the waste of time and money on preparing homemade halva, it will be more expensive than factory-made halva. During the production of each batch of sweets, specialist technologists adhere to a strict recipe, which allows them to produce products with the same taste characteristics and appearance.

Equipment used

In production, halva is prepared using special equipment from foreign or domestic manufacturers. The preparatory workshop contains a bevel and crusher machine, a mill for grinding seeds and an apparatus for roasting them. In the production workshop there are vats for preparing caramel and mixing all the sweet ingredients. The filling department houses packaging machines that place specific pieces of product into branded or regular packaging.

Stages of making halva

The following stages are present in the production of halva:

  • preparation of protein mass from seeds;
  • cooking caramel;
  • obtaining soap root extract;
  • mixing the extract with caramel;
  • thoroughly knead the resulting mass.

Basically everything. But let's take a closer look at this whole process. And at the end you will find a video where they will show you everything in detail.

First stage

To prepare the protein mass, you first need to prepare the seed. To do this, the grains are thoroughly cleaned and dried. After cleaning, the seeds will have a thin film (seed coat), which is removed at the seed vines. Next, the kernels are washed and dried well. At the final stage, they are fried to a certain degree and crushed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. At the first stage of production, the basis of the future product is prepared.

Second stage

An important ingredient for preparing halva is properly prepared caramel. It must be plastic and not subject to crystallization. The high content of molasses in the caramel mass helps ensure such qualities. The syrup is cooked in a special vacuum apparatus.

Third stage

At the third stage, a foaming agent (decoction of soap root) is prepared. Boil the root and boil it down to an extract with a density of 1.05. Next, the finished foaming agent is mixed with the caramel mass, which will give the halva a porous structure.

In order for the future product to have a layered fibrous structure, all ingredients must be kneaded several times. To begin with, a foaming agent and caramel mass are placed in the vat and kneaded at low speeds. At the same time, prepared seeds and flavorings are placed in the container. Further kneading occurs with a gradual increase in the speed of the apparatus. The entire kneading time does not exceed 5 minutes. The finished product after passing these stages will have a temperature of about 65-70 degrees.

Halva is a very tasty and original confectionery product. However, it is important to remember that this delicacy does not have a long shelf life. During long-term storage, the surface of the product becomes moist and fat leaks. The quality of halva depends on the correct production technology and storage of the product in a factory or store.

Well, to make it clearer for you, we invite you to watch a video fragment from the Galileo program about how that same sunflower halva is made in production. Enjoy watching.

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On average, one hundred grams of product contains from five hundred to seven hundred calories, although this figure varies significantly depending on the type of sweet.

The most popular types of halva:

Sunflower seed halva is most often found on store shelves, since this plant is the most common in our area. At the same time, it has a fairly high content of fats and carbohydrates. One hundred grams of product contains about 31 grams of fat and 54 grams of carbohydrates, and another 12 grams of protein.

Sunflower halva in moderate quantities is useful for people who have problems with the heart and nervous system.

More exotic and expensive almond halva. One hundred grams contains 51 grams of carbohydrates, 30 grams of fat, and about 13 grams of protein. This type does not have the lowest calorie content, but its oil content is lower than in other varieties.

It is distinguished by its amino acid content and vitamins D. This vitamin is especially useful for strengthening bone tissue. With regular consumption of such halva in moderate portions, you can achieve a decrease in blood cholesterol levels.

The peanut-based treat has a lower carbohydrate content - 43 grams. There are 30 grams of carbohydrates in this variety, but the fat content exceeds 15 grams. Along with its relatively low calorie content, peanut halva has such positive properties as strengthening neural connections in the brain and improving memory.

A distinctive feature is that the peanut variety is rich in folic acid. This substance increases the body's ability to regenerate cells, which leads to its overall rejuvenation.

In halva made from sesame seeds, the carbohydrate content in 100 g of dessert reaches almost 55 grams, fat - 32 grams, and proteins - almost 10 grams. There are two varieties of this type of sweet: sesame and tahini.

The first is prepared from whole sesame seeds, and the second is made from their internal kernels. They are practically the same in terms of calories, but tahini will taste slightly bitter. But this delicacy strengthens the cardiovascular system and also has a beneficial effect on lung function.

Finally, pistachio halva is just beginning to gain popularity in our country, as it is quite expensive. But for diets, this variety is the most suitable. 100 grams contain 55 g of carbohydrates, almost 26 g of fat and 12 g of protein. It is rich in B vitamins and antioxidants that inhibit the aging of the body.

Features of use

When choosing an oriental sweet, patients with diabetes need to examine the composition and quality of the product. Halva should not contain harmful excipients.

Instead of sugar, the oriental product contains fructose, which makes the exotic dessert absolutely safe for diabetic patients. Natural halva is sold in vacuum packaging.

Please pay attention to the expiration date. The structure of fresh sweets is crumbly

An expired dessert darkens and becomes hard. Harmful substances accumulate in products that have expired. The most dangerous is cadmium, which accumulates in stale sunflower halva. The toxic element contributes to the destabilization of the body's functionality.

Rules for eating oriental sweets for diabetes:

  1. Dietary halva cannot be combined with foods such as chocolate, cheese, meat, milk, yoghurt, kefir and other dairy products.
  2. Allergy sufferers are allowed to eat no more than 10 grams per day to avoid a reaction in the body.
  3. The maximum serving for diabetes is 30 grams.

Preservation of the beneficial properties of halva is possible by storing the product in the refrigerator or at room temperature not exceeding 18 ° C. To prevent the dessert from drying out, after removing the packaging, place it in a glass jar with a lid.

Don't forget to measure your blood glucose levels before and after eating halva, and also adjust the dose of insulin you administer!

Homemade dessert for diabetics

The sweet dessert, which was prepared at home, stands out for its high quality and safety for further consumption. It is best to prepare halva from sunflower seeds with a small addition of oatmeal, vegetable oil and water.

Cooking delicious and consists of three stages:

  1. preparing syrup. To do this, you need to mix 6 ml of water and 60 ml of liquid honey, put the resulting mixture on the fire and cook, stirring slowly until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  2. fry 90 grams of oatmeal in a frying pan until it becomes creamy. The finished ingredient will begin to smell like nuts. Pour 30 ml of vegetable oil into the flour and mix thoroughly. Pour 300 grams of seeds into the resulting mass, which can first be crushed in a blender. Mix everything thoroughly and fry for another 5 minutes;
  3. Pour honey syrup generously over the contents of the pan. Place the resulting dessert in a mold under a press for 12 hours. The finished treat should be consumed in small pieces with warm green tea without sugar.

Depending on your taste preferences, you can add flax seeds to the main recipe.

Can it be included in the diet?

It is difficult for people suffering from endocrine disorders, because they have to exclude all sweet treats. If the patient, in addition to diabetes, is overweight, halva is strictly prohibited. Even the diabetic version is contraindicated.

A large amount of lipids and carbohydrates only contributes to weight gain. As a result, the condition worsens, because adipose tissue is characterized by increased resistance to insulin. This leads to the fact that glucose continues to accumulate intensively in the blood without entering the tissues, as happens in healthy people.

If you have type 2 diabetes, it is also better to avoid halva. The patient's body must compensate for the increased sugar itself. In people with an impaired insulin response, this process is difficult. Hormones do not begin to be produced immediately and the neutralization of sugar lasts for many hours. If the situation repeats itself every day, the body stops coping on its own. Sugar gradually accumulates and has a negative impact on health.

How to make at home

The general list of ingredients needed to prepare homemade sunflower halva includes:

  • sunflower seeds - 450 g;
  • wheat flour - 200 g;
  • white granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • unrefined sunflower oil - 60 ml;
  • vanilla sugar - 15 g.

Step-by-step cooking process:

  1. The first step is to toast the sunflower seeds until golden brown. To do this, pour all the seeds into a hot frying pan. Stirring continuously, fry them over moderate heat until they begin to exude a pleasant aroma and take on a golden yellow hue.
  2. As soon as the seeds reach the desired appearance and aroma, it is very important to immediately pour them into a separate bowl and leave to cool.
  3. Let's move on to the next process. Pour the pre-sifted wheat flour onto the frying pan that has not yet cooled down. It also needs to be lightly fried to acquire a beautiful beige hue.
  4. During this time, the seeds had time to cool completely. Grind them using a blender or meat grinder. If you have a small blender, you will have to do the process in two steps.
  5. As soon as the seeds take on a pasty consistency and begin to stick to the walls of the blender, they can be considered sufficiently crushed. Pour the resulting powder into the pan with the flour. Put it on fire. Lightly fry the mixture, trying to achieve a uniform consistency. If you still have lumps, it’s not a big deal at this stage.
  6. To prepare the sugar syrup, pour all the prepared sugar, as well as vanilla sugar, into a small saucepan with water. Immediately start stirring the liquid - the sugar should completely dissolve in the water. The fire should be moderate. Boil the syrup for 10 minutes (until ready). Leave the finished syrup to cool.
  7. Once the mixture of seeds and flour has cooled down, pass it through the blender again. Mix until all flour lumps disappear. Transfer the prepared sunflower base into a large bowl.
  8. Pour unrefined sunflower oil into the now cooled sugar syrup and stir until smooth.
  9. Pour the syrup and butter into the sunflower mixture. Stir vigorously - the powder should be completely saturated with syrup.
  10. Place the halva in a mold (for example, a plastic container with a tight lid). Distribute evenly and compact the mixture tightly with a spoon. The surface should be flat and smooth.
  11. Cover the container tightly with a lid and place the product in the refrigerator to harden. Halva should stay there for at least 4 hours, and preferably overnight.

Video: how to prepare halva at home

The finished dessert easily comes away from the container, holds its shape perfectly, and is not very hard. In addition, halva prepared according to this recipe cuts perfectly and does not crumble much. If you prefer a thicker product, use less butter and syrup - the halva will be firmer.

To serve, cut the delicacy into portions. Serve exactly the quantity you plan to eat immediately. Store the product in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container so that it does not lose its aroma, taste and shape.

As you can see, the oriental dessert is not only incredibly tasty, but also brings great benefits to the body. Don’t turn healthy sweets into dangerous foods that are forbidden to you, ration the portions and enjoy the taste!

Features of product use and harm

Next, I would like to dwell on why halva for type 2 diabetes should be strictly limited in the number of uses. First of all, this is due to high caloric content, which is extremely undesirable for overweight people. As you know, this is one of the most pressing problems

Experts point out that even with normal compensation for diabetes, halva should be consumed no more than once every 10 days.

In this case, the maximum permissible amount of product is 30 grams. during the day - it is best not to eat the entire specified volume at once, but divide it into several servings.

It is important to take into account some other features, namely:

  1. Halva for diabetes should not be consumed together with such items as meat, chocolate, cheese, and dairy products. All this is harmful not only to the diabetic’s body, but also to the digestive system;
  2. If you are highly susceptible to allergic reactions, it is recommended to start using the product with 10 grams. at once;
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the quality and naturalness of the product, because the more natural ingredients it contains, the less harmful it can be for the diabetic’s body.

The process of purchasing a product is very important, because it is at this stage that the degree of its naturalness is determined. To do this, it is advisable to consult with a specialist who will indicate which components may be contained in halva and why. It is advisable to purchase the product in a special store, also paying attention to the expiration date of the product and the integrity of the packaging.

In case of diabetes, it is equally important to consider what contraindications characterize the use of halva. We are talking, as noted earlier, about obesity, uncompensated sugar. It is also necessary to pay attention to liver diseases and problems with the functioning of the stomach. The presence of components such as emulsifiers, dyes and much more makes the use of the product undesirable even for people with normal health. Regardless of what type of diabetes a person has developed, the presented standards must be taken into account.

Read also: What is an aberrant pancreas?

Next, I would like to draw attention to what are the standards for storing names. It would be best to store it in the refrigerator and in glass containers, because in this case it will not lose its beneficial properties. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that if it is open, it will become weathered. If the product is stored in a bag, you need to pay attention to the fact that in this case it will not breathe; moreover, it is for these reasons that cling film is not suitable for storing the product.

It is also important to consider that fresh product can be stored for two months, but not longer, because this will affect the quality of the product.

In the vast majority of cases, halva in a store is stored not in the refrigerator, but on a regular rack. This is explained by the fact that it must be stored at temperatures that do not exceed 18 degrees. It is in this regard that the refrigerator compartment is ideal in terms of storing this product, which can and should be consumed extremely rarely in diabetes if the first or second type is identified.

Thus, anyone who is wondering whether or not it is possible to eat halva with diabetes should remember the strict restrictions in this regard. The presented product is high-calorie, promoting rapid weight gain - these are not all the characteristics that necessitate its rare use.

How to make halva

The production of sweets in a factory is a semi-automatic process, since it is impossible to completely trust its mechanisms. Quality brands still mix ingredients manually; this product turns out better, it does not crumble or break.

  1. Sunflower seeds are cleaned using a crushing machine;
  2. Then the grain is separated from the garbage;
  3. Lightly fried;
  4. Dry and pass through a grinder to obtain a gray viscous mass (halvin);
  5. At this time, cook in a caramelizer base – caramel. She consists of molasses, sugar, foaming agent (licorice root extract) and vanilla;
  6. Then caramel is poured into the halfvin, stirring and stretching it;
  7. The resulting slurry is laid out in molds;
  8. After some time, the mass hardens and everything is ready.

Other types of delicacies are prepared in the same way. Sometimes cocoa, dried apricots, poppy seeds, raisins and any other ingredients are added to the filling. Or they glaze the top with chocolate and caramel and make candies.

What is halvin How is it eaten

In Persia, the homeland of halva, this product was made from sesame seeds. Sesame does not grow in our country, so culinary experts came up with a Russian version of halva. To prepare the domestic dessert, sunflower seeds are fried and crushed.

The resulting thick mass is known as halvin. This is the main component of halva. To sweeten the product, sweet mixtures are added to halvin, for example, syrup made from sugar, water and molasses. Also, we must not forget about the texture of the dessert - it will only be airy if you mix all the ingredients with a foaming agent (a decoction of soap root is most often used).

Replacing sesame with sunflower does not mean that the dessert has become less healthy. Its chemical composition has changed, and along with it the effect on the body, but it can safely be called medicinal.

How many minerals and vitamins are in 100 g of halva?

Halva is a product made from plant components, so its portion supplies the body with significant amounts of vitamins, macro- and microelements, which can easily compete with the benefits of vegetables and fruits. It is remarkable that these compounds are practically not destroyed during the processing necessary during the preparation of the delicacy.

Useful components contained in 100 g of dessert:

  • 0.48 mg thiamine (B1);
  • 0.11 mg riboflavin (B2);
  • 7.4 mg niacin (B3);
  • 2.9 tocopherol (E);
  • 316 mg potassium;
  • 466 mg calcium;
  • 243 mg magnesium;
  • 75 mg sodium;
  • 329 mg phosphorus.

As you can see, the highlight of the vitamin composition is the high content of vitamins E and B3. Thanks to these substances, halva can be considered an obligatory part of the diet for those who care about the condition of their skin, hair, nails and the prevention of vascular clogging.

The abundance of minerals enhances these properties and helps the functioning of vital organs. In addition, the product contains a lot of fat, fiber, valuable protein and natural oils, which makes it very nutritious. Despite its rich composition, halva is quickly absorbed and replenishes energy reserves.

Halva is a common component of dry rations for tourists and climbers, because one slice of this oriental delicacy can replace a whole plate of porridge or soup.

How are the benefits of sunflower halva manifested?

Those who like to eat halva can fully count on the manifestation of the amazing properties of such food.

Useful properties of halva:

  • improvement of appearance: gives skin without damage, a white-toothed smile and thick hair;
  • protection against cancer;
  • quick satisfaction of hunger;
  • elimination of weakness and loss of strength;
  • promoting growth in children and muscle building in adults;
  • normalization of the digestive and respiratory system;
  • victory over stress and depression;
  • promoting more intense blood circulation;
  • lowering the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  • treatment of heart pathologies, migraines and insomnia;
  • restoration of health after a stroke;
  • slowing down the aging process, including preventing early gray hair and hair loss;
  • relief from anemia and colds;
  • memory stimulation;
  • improvement of the liver (provided there are no acute lesions);
  • increasing potency and increasing the chances of paternity.

Women love halva, and halva loves women

This popular sweet, highly valued by gourmets of the fair sex, is considered a source of women's health.

Benefits of halva for women:

  • relieves PMS symptoms and ensures successful conception of a baby;
  • eliminates ailments of the female reproductive organs;
  • strengthens the body during pregnancy (halva is not recommended for expectant mothers to eat, starting from the last trimester);
  • enhances the production of breast milk and enriches it with valuable components (this product is contraindicated if the mother or baby has allergies).

Rules for eating halva while losing weight

When losing weight with halva, you need to be careful, since it is a rather high-calorie delicacy. If your thirst for sweets haunts you, you can eat up to 50 grams of halva, but not more than once a week.

Choose a day to eat sweets on a day in which there will be no meat and milk in your diet, since in combination with these products the load on the stomach and intestines will increase.

Halva: benefits and harm.

Table of foods with different glycemic index

In addition to honey, sugar content is found in many foods that are consumed daily. The bee product is combined with many other products. Eating bee treats with bread, buns or in combination with other sweets leads to excess glucose in the blood.

To avoid health problems, you should pay attention to the glycemic index of the foods you consume. Below is a list of the most common foods with high, medium and low index


Fried potatoes are a high glycemic food item.

  1. Beer.
  2. Fried or baked potatoes.
  3. White bread.
  4. Buns.
  5. Watermelon.
  6. Jam.
  7. Marmalade.
  8. Chocolate bars.
  9. Melon.
  10. Bananas.
  11. Ice cream (with added sugar).
  12. Grape juice (no sugar).
  13. Rye bread.


Pineapple is a product with a medium glycemic index

  1. Persimmon.
  2. Kiwi.
  3. Pasta.
  4. Cranberry.
  5. Green pea.
  6. A pineapple.
  7. Apple juice (no added sugar).
  8. Beans.
  9. Orange juice (no sugar).
  10. Dried apricots.
  11. Cereals.


Pine nuts are a low glycemic index food.

  1. Apple.
  2. Beans.
  3. Dried fruits.
  4. Compote (no sugar).
  5. Corn.
  6. Yogurt.
  7. Cottage cheese.
  8. Currant.
  9. Cabbage.
  10. Mushrooms.
  11. Pine nuts.
  12. Lettuce salad.

The glycemic index of one product may be different, depending on the technological processing. The honey index varies depending on the plant from which the bees collected nectar. For example, the index of chestnut honey is up to 55 units, and pine honey is up to 32. This is indicated by a special product index table.

Indexation indicators of bee products decrease with high fructose content. This honey can be consumed by people with diabetes or those prone to this disease.

Sometimes beekeepers feed the bees with sugar, jam, and sweet syrup. In this case, the glycemic index of the product will be increased. The counterfeit product and honeydew contain a large amount of sugar; the index can reach up to 100 units.

First of all, food indexing was created for patients with diabetes so that they could control their consumption of foods containing sweets. Wellness centers for people with this disease have a product indexing table.

Types of products and their properties

Since the creation of the first halva, manufacturers have significantly adjusted the dessert recipe, using tasty and healthy products to create it, which gave their names to different varieties of halva:

  • Sunflower. A dessert familiar to many, the lion's share of which is given to sunflower seeds. They are the ones who are able to stabilize the functioning of the nervous system, prolong youth, and nourish the body with valuable and useful substances. Consuming sunflower halva in moderation and during remission can normalize the production of gastric juice. However, there is an important note - the product must be very fresh.
  • Sesame. It is a very tasty and nutritious food, rich in minerals, oils, nutrients and vitamins. Such products have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and the entire respiratory system. It is important to purchase fresh products from a trusted manufacturer who will not add large amounts of cane sugar, which contains GMOs. It cannot benefit the body.
  • Peanut. This is a unique product that helps strengthen the heart muscles, support the immune system, and renew the body's cells, preventing premature aging.
  • Pistachio. This is a rare “guest” on store shelves, but no less valuable. However, pistachio halva for gastritis will not bring benefits to the body. It contains many active substances that negatively affect the gastric mucosa.

The choice of a certain type of delicacy depends not only on personal preferences, but also on the characteristics of the products that are included in such a dessert. To avoid mistakes, you should seek advice from a doctor.

What is added

Very often, various foaming agents are added to the composition of halva. If these are the roots of plants - licorice or marshmallow, then they also bring certain beneficial substances to the body. If it is egg white, then it further enriches the body with amino acids, among which, by the way, are all essential for humans.

Today you can also find various flavoring and aromatic fillers in large quantities. They can be natural - chocolate, for example, or - also with beneficial qualities, or they can be synthetic, some of which are downright harmful. Therefore, in order not to feel the harm of halva on your body, when purchasing, you should carefully read the composition and prefer, although more expensive, natural and healthy products.

And in general, the body will be grateful for a portion of such a delicacy. And if you please yourself with it occasionally and little by little, then any negative consequences can easily be avoided.

Eating halva

Is it possible for nursing mothers to have halva?

Of course, nursing mothers are very strict about their diet. And this is correct, because what they eat should not harm the newborn baby. But, if the question arises whether a nursing mother can have halva, then the answer will most likely be positive.

Read also: Why is itching dangerous in women with diabetes and how to treat it?

A young mother, of course, wants something sweet and tasty, but there are many things she cannot do, for example, it is not recommended to eat chocolate. But halva made from natural products may well be an acceptable product for feeding. Many mothers eat it from the very first days after the birth of the baby. In some eastern countries, halva is even indicated during breastfeeding.

Let's remember what halva is made from? The main component is nuts or seeds. Both are not allergens and should not cause harm. In any case, if you have a choice between a cake, candy or halva, then it is better to give preference to halva.

On the other hand, due to the high calorie content of the product, its consumption can negatively affect digestion.

It is important to know that if sweetness is poorly digested by the mother, then it will certainly cause an undesirable reaction in the child, for example, bloating.

Therefore, you need to follow the golden rule of all nursing mothers. You need to introduce halva, like any other product, gradually, starting with a small piece. If the child did not respond very well to sunflower halva, then you can try another one, for example, peanut or tahini. Fortunately, there are dozens of varieties of halva and there is plenty to choose from. The main thing is to monitor the naturalness of the composition and expiration date. Over time, you will be able to choose for yourself the manufacturer whose product is well suited for both mother and child. It’s great if the mother has time to make this choice before giving birth. To do this, you just need to eat a small piece of halva on an empty stomach; if it does not cause pain or heaviness, then most likely you can eat it without fear during feeding.

Is it possible to eat

Despite the benefits of halva for numerous ailments, there are situations or health problems when you should limit the use of this delicacy or completely exclude it from the diet.


If a pregnant woman is not allergic to sunflower seeds and other components of this type of halva, then this dessert will become a rich source of folic acid, without which the embryo cannot form.

The expectant mother needs more strength and energy, which can be obtained by eating oriental sweets. Plus, the level of hemoglobin increases, the immune system is strengthened, and colds can be avoided.

However, in the last trimester of pregnancy it is better to avoid halva - it can provoke an allergic reaction in the baby.

If a woman has gained extra pounds during pregnancy, it is preferable to replace high-calorie treats with fresh fruit.

When breastfeeding

During breastfeeding, halva is indicated only if the mother and child are not allergic to it. The product is also not suitable for a nursing mother if she has had problems with the digestive system.

In all other cases, halva is a very nutritious product during lactation. After consuming it, the quantity of milk, as well as its “quality” (fat content), increases. Milk is saturated with useful elements.

Not all foods, even if they contain many vitamins, can be included in the diet during pregnancy or lactation. Vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant and lactating women can help compensate for the diet.

For diabetes

To prepare halva, a considerable dose of sugar is used. In addition, molasses (a sweet substance) is present. Therefore, patients with diabetes are strictly prohibited from consuming this confectionery product, even in small portions.

For gastritis, pancreatitis

Oriental sweetness is rich in fiber, sugar molasses and sunflower oil. These foods are hard on the stomach. They can cause complications of gastritis or its relapse.

If, having this disease, you still cannot completely exclude halva from your menu, eat it in small pieces and only on a full stomach.

The situation is similar with pancreatitis. Due to the disease, the full functioning of the pancreas is already impaired in a person. By consuming halva in large portions, the patient can significantly harm his body and aggravate the situation.

Losing weight

High-calorie sweets, it would seem, should be contraindicated for everyone losing weight. It is really not recommended in excessive quantities for people predisposed to obesity or suffering from obesity.

However, small portions of the product are even beneficial during a diet.

Instead of cakes, cookies, candies, chocolate and other sweets, eat a small piece of halva, which will quickly saturate the body, eliminating the feeling of hunger.

At what age can children

Pediatricians do not recommend giving halva to children under six years of age. This is explained by the fact that the particles of the product can harm fragile teeth or injure the oral mucosa. There is also a danger that the child will choke on the crumbly product.

Excessive consumption of halva can become...

Children aged 6 years and older are not prohibited from consuming oriental delicacies, but only in small portions (about 10-15 g per day) and in the absence of allergies to seeds and nuts.

However, it is still undesirable to give your child halva every day.

What is the benefit

Due to its rich vitamin composition, sunflower delicacy is indicated in the fight against a number of diseases. Vitamin B1 is necessary for people with nervous system disorders and heart diseases.

The product helps normalize blood pressure, prevents the development of neuroses, and prevents problems with the heart and blood vessels. You may have even noticed some improvement in your memory after frequent consumption of this treat.

It also has a positive effect on the state of the digestive system - the digestion of carbohydrates accelerates, and the process of secretion of gastric juice proceeds faster. A small portion of dessert satisfies hunger, generally strengthens and increases the body's defenses.

Proteins act as a building element. Magnesium helps strengthen and build muscle mass.

And the “live” components of halva - fat-soluble vitamins, phospholipids - prevent the aging of the body.

Sunflower seed halva is extremely beneficial for both men's and women's health. Let's look at what exactly the benefits are.

For women

A woman who prefers halva (instead of sugar and chocolate) may experience an improvement in her mood. The delicacy even helps in curing depression, migraines, insomnia and manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

Significant positive changes are observed in the reproductive system. Therefore, if you are unsuccessful in trying to conceive a baby, you need to add a piece of oriental delicacy to your daily menu.

Find out what beneficial properties they have: pumpkin seeds, peanuts, pomegranates, cherries, pine nuts, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, grapes, honey, beets, garlic, pumpkin, green tea, thyme, ginger, dates, feijoa, pomegranate and for the female body .

The benefit lies in the treatment of diseases of the mammary glands, ovaries, and uterus. It has a healing effect on the condition of a woman’s scalp and on hair growth itself.

Manages to cope with dullness, dryness and brittleness of hair. It is especially useful to eat halva when losing hair due to stress.

For men

The main value of the delicacy for men is improving reproductive function. Males who frequently consume this dessert are more likely to conceive a child. It also has a beneficial effect on potency - the product is, although not the best, still a stimulant.

In addition, the processes of cell withering slow down in representatives of the stronger sex. The dessert prevents premature gray hair and baldness, and copes with loss of strength and blues. Performance increases noticeably.

Did you know? Asteroid 518 Halawe was named after Halwa. The minor planet was discovered in 1903 by the American astronomer Raymond Dugan, who adored this oriental delicacy.

On a low carb diet

To reduce the risk of complications and normalize the condition, you need to completely reconsider your lifestyle. The patient must switch to a different diet and add physical activity. This will neutralize high glucose levels in the long term.

If you are on a low-carbohydrate diet, you will have to completely abandon halva and even diabetic options.

This product affects sugar. When you include treats in your diet, you may experience hyperglycemia.

If the patient wants to check what is happening to the body, it is allowed to eat a piece of halva. You must first measure your fasting sugar level. After consuming sweets, you need to monitor growth and monitor your well-being. If the first phase of the insulin response is disrupted, high glucose levels will remain in the blood for several hours. It’s easy to imagine how this will affect your health in the long term.

Even if you eat a small piece of halva every day, while giving up a low-carbohydrate diet, you can forget about feeling normal. The condition will gradually worsen.

Contraindications to consuming halva

There are a number of cases in which halva should not be eaten, not because of its high calorie content, but because of its sweetness. The list of diseases for which eating this delicacy is strictly prohibited includes the following ailments:

  • diabetes;
  • obesity of all degrees;
  • allergy;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • personal intolerance to nuts or seeds.

If you have seasonal allergies, be sure to consult with an allergist to see if you can enjoy this dessert. As a rule, people who are allergic to pollen should not eat halva or the seeds from which it is produced. Therefore, it is better for allergy sufferers to do without such a dessert, or at least not to consume it without first talking with a medical specialist.

People who are allergic to nuts or seeds also need to be careful. For example, if you have an allergic reaction to peanuts, then you can simply buy halva made from other nuts and seeds instead of peanut halva. But to be sure that such a step is safe, consultation with a doctor is required.

As for people with gastrointestinal problems, they need to be especially careful. Although this product helps improve the functioning of the digestive system, it is not always beneficial. Halva itself is a rather heavy food for the stomach, which it will not be able to fully cope with, since its normal functioning is impaired due to illnesses.

In the case of acute diseases such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis or liver disease, it is better for sweet lovers not to take risks and not to abuse halva.

Flower varieties

This type of product includes three types: pure, mixed and polyfloral honey. Pure (monofloral) is obtained from one type of flower, mixed appears as a result of combining 2-3 types of flora representatives. Polyfloral honey is harvested during the flowering period of a large number of meadow, garden and field representatives.

Forbs - the basis for fragrant and tasty polyfloral honey

GI of flower varieties is in the range of 45-50 units. Their chemical composition includes more than 70 useful substances, including amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, carbohydrates, minerals, essential acids, and water.

Flower honey has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, eliminates symptoms of cephalalgia and insomnia. Stimulates the work of the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure, improves blood clotting.

  • allergic reactions during acute manifestations;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • rheumatism in the acute phase;
  • enterocolitis;
  • dermatitis of various etiologies;
  • children under 2 years old.

There are rules that allow you to use flower honey for diabetes:

  1. Consider the body's glycemic level.
  2. Use small doses.
  3. Include in your diet no more than 2-3 times a week.
  4. Do not disdain honeycombs when consuming the product.


Its GI is 50, and 100 g of product contains 304 kcal. This product is collected from buckwheat flowers in the second half of summer. The amount of fructose included in the composition reaches 52-55%. In addition, it contains large amounts of magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese, potassium, and copper. Microelements are indispensable both for the body of a healthy person and as a preventive measure for complications in patients with diabetes.

Read also: Blood sugar from 12 to 12.9 mmol

Buckwheat honey has the following properties:

  • normalizes hemoglobin levels in the blood;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • improves digestion processes;
  • has antibacterial properties;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • prevents the development of osteoporosis and promotes the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system.


This variety has a sharp aroma and taste, combining sweetness and slight bitterness. It is lighter than linden and crystallizes quickly. The process can still occur in the cells. The glycemic index of rapeseed honey is 64. The variety is considered rare, but very healthy. The product contains a large amount of boron, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland and the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. This element is also useful for the proper functioning of the spleen, heart and blood vessels.

Rapeseed is an excellent honey plant, however, a product based on it requires careful use

However, rapeseed honey contains a significant amount of glucose, which requires careful use by those suffering from the “sweet disease”.


A type of product obtained from the weed thistle, often adjacent to milkweed. Belongs to monofloral flower varieties. Its properties:

  • fight against inflammatory processes;
  • choleretic effect;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improvement of metabolism and regeneration;
  • lactogenic effect;
  • fight against insomnia.

Adulterated honey

At honey markets or fairs, which open annually at the end of August, it is difficult to choose a high-quality bee product. In this case, counterfeit honey is honey to which flavorings or sugar syrup have been added. Sometimes beekeepers feed sugar to bees to get a large number of filled honeycombs.

The index of a falsified honey product fluctuates around 100 units, while glucose, when consumed, almost immediately enters the blood in significant quantities. For comparison, regular refined sugar has an index of 70 units.

These bee products do not contain any beneficial substances. It can be harmful to people with obesity or diabetes.

What is hypoglycemia in diabetes mellitus

Benefits of halva

  1. Due to its nutritional value and incoming mineral compounds, halva can be classified as a quickly digestible product. It contains more than 29% vegetable fat, this value surpasses all baked goods and confectionery. The composition also contains amino acids and proteins - important elements for building bones and muscles.
  2. Sunflower seed-based halva contains many B vitamins. The most significant ones include riboflavin, pantothenic acid, thiamine, pyridoxine, folic acid and others. All of them are needed for the proper functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system.
  3. Halva copes well with anxiety, panic, and insomnia. It is useful for improving the condition of hair, nails and skin. Interestingly, the product tones blood pressure, increasing it (relevant for hypotensive patients).
  4. Numerous medical studies have proven that halva must be eaten to prevent cancer. Systematic use will relieve cancer of the mammary glands, esophagus, and ovaries.
  5. As for sesame halva, the Japanese have conducted studies that have proven the usefulness of halva in the fight against premature aging. The product is considered especially valuable for athletes and people working mentally.
  6. Halva is very useful for those who have a tendency to develop cardiovascular pathologies. Eating delicacies will prevent ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, stroke and other ailments.
  7. The accumulation of minerals such as iron, calcium and phosphorus is essential. Together, these elements prevent loose bone tissue, anemia, and dystrophy.
  8. Halva is extremely valuable for categories of people who are faced with visual impairment, decreased mental performance, and memory impairment. If you consume at least 30 grams. treats per day, you will get rid of the listed problems.
  9. All types of halva, without exception, contain linolenic and linoleic acids. They are necessary for removing harmful cholesterol from the blood and preventing atherosclerosis.
  10. Dessert relieves signs of fatigue and chronic fatigue. To improve your mood, eat a slice of sunflower seed halva with chocolate. During consumption, the hormone of joy is produced.

Useful and harmful properties

Eating halva if you have diabetes should be done with caution. If after consuming it there is an increase in glucose levels in the body, then it is better to exclude it from the diet.

When the disease is in the compensation stage, you can allow yourself a little oriental sweetness with fructose. It is rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements, beneficial acids, and protein.

Halva for diabetes, if eaten in moderation:

  1. Increases immunity, and the body copes with infectious diseases more easily.
  2. Normalizes the function of the central nervous system, digestive tract, heart and blood vessels, accelerates the metabolism of substances.
  3. Helps reduce bad cholesterol in the blood.
  4. Prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia.
  5. Folic acid, which is part of the product, is useful for pregnant women, because it prevents the development of birth defects.
  6. Improves the condition of the skin, hair and nail plates.
  7. Helps cope with depression.

Harm from halva can occur if you have certain chronic diseases and if you consume the delicacy in large quantities. It must be remembered that it should not be eaten by patients suffering from inflammation of the pancreas, individual intolerance to its composition, liver pathologies, excess weight, or gastritis. You should refuse the treat if your diabetes is in the stage of decompensation.

After removal of the gallbladder, oriental sweets can be eaten no earlier than 1.5 months after surgery.

Regular halva is prohibited for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, as it contains easily digestible carbohydrates and its glycemic index is 70. It must be completely excluded from the menu; once in the body, it sharply increases sugar levels. Therefore, when you want oriental sweets, it is better to use a special product made with fruit sugar.

The effect of halva on the body

The most important difference between halva and traditional Slavic confectionery products is the absence of flour components in its composition. This makes it a much healthier and healthier product than many buns, gingerbreads and cookies. The basis of halva is nuts or seeds. All of them are characterized by the presence of large amounts of fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals necessary for the development of a new plant from them.

The preparation of halva requires mechanical and thermal processing of these fruits. So, first they are finely ground, and then they are poured into sugar syrup or honey heated to a high temperature. In this case, some of the complex components of all seeds are partially broken down. Some vitamins in halva lose their biological activity, but some retain them. And these remaining vitamins help our body normalize metabolic processes, affect various organs and tissues, and strengthen the immune system.

Proteins and fats, having undergone such heating, are much easier to absorb by the body. And this is one of the main advantages of heat treatment of products. Fats in tissues are used to extract energy, and proteins are used to obtain amino acids necessary for building the body’s own tissues. And, by the way, these same fats help the entire mass stick together and maintain the appropriate consistency of the entire dish. The seeds contain a little more oil, which is why halva made from seeds differs from, for example, almond halva in that it is less dense and has higher viscosity.

It enters the body with nuts. The benefit of fiber is that it stimulates the intestines, relieves constipation and reduces the amount of cholesterol absorbed into the blood.

Fructose products

Today there are products on sale that are designed specifically for diabetics. You can also find halva among them. It replaces sugar with fructose. In terms of its taste, it is not inferior to sugar, but has a number of advantages over it:

  1. It does not require insulin to be absorbed.
  2. It does not increase the glycemic index.
  3. Allows you to keep glucose concentration within normal limits.
  4. Reduces the likelihood of caries.
  1. Compound.
  2. Number of calories, the lowest calorie treat is almond.

The sweets may contain sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, peanuts, pistachios, almonds, fruit sugar, licorice root and whey powder. It should not contain dyes, flavors, or flavor enhancers that can harm the body. Sunflower seed halva is considered the healthiest.

But there is an oriental sweetness, if there is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism, it is necessary to follow a number of rules:

  1. A diabetic product is allowed to be eaten in an amount of a maximum of 20-30 g per day, otherwise the excess fructose will turn into glucose.
  2. It should be abandoned if an increase in blood glucose levels is observed after consumption.
  3. It should not be eaten at the same time as dairy products, meat dishes, or diabetic chocolate.
  4. In order not to gain weight when consuming it, you need to eat sweets before meals; other dishes should be low-calorie.

When eating fructose-containing foods, diabetics must take into account that after eating them they always want to eat, since after eating them they do not feel full. And overeating can cause excess weight gain and the progression of diabetes.

Halva should not be consumed together with dairy products.

Adulterated honey

At the end of August and September, fairs are held where different varieties of honey are sold. If you care about your health, you should know how to purchase a natural product without additives.

Each variety has its own color, characteristic smell, and crystallization time. Of course, it is difficult for an inexperienced person to understand all these subtleties, but still the main differences are worth knowing. For example, acacia honey is almost transparent, but upon crystallization it turns white. The linden variety remains liquid for a long time, while the buckwheat variety has a characteristic aroma and brownish color.

The maturity of the product matters. Bees, after producing honey, wait for the excess moisture to evaporate and supply the product with substances that prevent it from fermenting. Some unscrupulous beekeepers strive to profit as quickly as possible, so they pump out honey ahead of schedule. Such a product has excess moisture, quickly deteriorates, and its medicinal properties are reduced. Ripe honey is thick, slowly flows down the walls of the container, and does not reach for the spoon.

Remember: the glycemic index of a low-quality product becomes high and approaches 100!

The Eastern gift does not always come to the table

Halva is very tasty and healthy, but not always harmless.

The optimal dose of halva is 200 g per day, and this product should be consumed at intervals of several days.

Who is halva forbidden by doctors?

There are pathologies in which this dessert is strictly contraindicated. Do not be persuaded to try halva if you suffer from the ailments listed below.

Ailments for which the use of halva is contraindicated:

  • diabetes;
  • obesity 2 and 3 degrees;
  • allergies or intolerance to seeds and nuts;
  • gastritis;
  • disorders of the digestive system, including diarrhea.

Some of the most profitable businesses are the catering business and food service in general. One of the business ideas could be business production of halva.

Confectionery products have recently weakened their position in the food market due to loss of taste. Manufacturers have begun to save so much on natural ingredients that buyers do not want to buy products of unacceptable quality at decent prices. In the current situation, it will be beneficial to follow the technology of halva production, ultimately selling it at a relatively reasonable price relative to its competitors.

Halva production will require you to strictly adhere to technology. Here you should immediately think about adding a food industry technologist to your staff.

Halva comes in sunflower, peanut and soybean varieties and is made from oil seeds or nuts. They must be crushed and fried, after which they are mixed with caramel and a foaming agent.

Halva production technology

The halva production technology involves observing the following stages: preparing grated masses, obtaining caramel mass, obtaining soap root extract, churning the mass and extract, kneading halva, packaging and packaging.

Halva production: stage No. 1.

Grated masses are obtained from the seeds of various crops and the process of their preparation is different. As a general rule, the seeds are cleaned of impurities, the seed coat is removed, the kernels are separated from the shell, subjected to heat treatment, and then crushed.

Production of halva from peanut mass: frying the kernels, peeling the top film, grinding.

From sunflower protein mass: cleaning the seeds, thoroughly drying, removing the seed coat, sifting out the shells on the seed tubes, washing the kernels, drying the kernels, frying and grinding.

Halva made from sesame seeds is called tahini. The production of such halva is the most difficult, because... The shell of sesame seeds fits tightly to the kernel and is difficult to separate. The main point is to soak the seeds well, because... they become elastic and the shell can be separated from the core.

Halva production: stage No. 2.

Caramel mass: in order to produce halva, the caramel mass must be plastic and resistant to crystallization. To preserve and maintain these properties, shiro is prepared with a high content of molasses. To boil the syrup, you need a vacuum apparatus; the syrup is boiled in it until the dry matter content is 94-95%. The lower the dry matter content, the easier it will be to churn the mass.

Halva production: stage No. 3.

Preparation of a decoction of soap root. It subsequently acts as a foaming agent. The decoction is obtained from the roots by boiling and boiling the decoctions to an extract with a density of 1.05. The caramel mass is mixed with a foaming agent - this process will give the halva a porous structure. The churned mass is mixed with the protein mass.

Halva production technology assumes that the caramel mass is pulled out by fibers and the protein mass is distributed between them. Kneading the halva ensures the distribution of the protein and caramel masses and the formation of a layered fibrous structure.

At this stage, flavoring agents are added. The mixed halva is packaged at a temperature of 60-65 degrees Celsius. Next, following the technology, you can pour chocolate glaze over the halva. After this, the halva is packaged.

The shelf life of halva is one and a half to two months at a temperature not exceeding 18 degrees Celsius and air humidity not exceeding 70%. Store halva in dry and clean rooms equipped with ventilation.

The confectionery manufacturing business attracts many budding entrepreneurs. By choosing a niche that is in demand, you can launch a profitable enterprise. The main difficulty here is the large investments and lengthy preparation for the opening of the plant. Are difficulties not scary? Then you should pay attention to the production of sunflower halva. This area deserves the attention of businessmen for several reasons - there is little competition, the product is in demand by consumers.

Our business assessment:

Starting investment – ​​from RUB 2,500,000.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 7/10.

Sunflower halva is a tasty delicacy with a layered fibrous structure. The product is made from crushed oil seed kernels and caramel mass. Halva can also be made from other ingredients - nuts, sesame. But these products are more expensive, which will not ensure consistently high sales.
When drawing up a business plan for the production of halva, think through all the details. There is a lot of work ahead in setting up the enterprise, obtaining permits, drawing up recipes and selecting equipment.

Legal registration of the enterprise

Select the legal form of doing business - LLC or Individual Entrepreneur. The first option is preferable, since it will allow you to enter into transactions with legal entities. You will need to collect a lot of documents to launch the workshop. If possible, look for a professional lawyer who will take on this responsibility.

If you plan to open a mini-production of halva under your own brand, and not fulfill orders from large retail chains, the entrepreneur is faced with the task of developing a brand and packaging design.

In parallel with setting up a business, look for a workshop location, select the composition of the product and choose a production line.

Halva production technology

Compare offers from raw material suppliers and choose the most profitable one. You can reduce the cost of delivering ingredients by working with local sellers. Sunflower halva is made from the following raw materials:

  • Sunflower kernels, molasses, sugar are the main components.
  • Licorice extract, egg white, soap root - as a foaming agent.
  • Dyes, flavors, nuts, raisins, candied fruit - as fillers.

The halva recipe requires careful study. To obtain permission to operate, a sample of the product must undergo laboratory testing. It is better to entrust the matter to a specialist. You can work according to GOST or develop your own specifications. The second option is preferable, since it becomes possible to use cheaper components.

How is halva made at the enterprise?

  • Cooking caramel molasses.
  • Preparation of protein mass.
  • Mixing and churning components with foaming agent.
  • Stirring the mixture.
  • Packaging and product.

The technological scheme is not difficult, given that almost all operations will be performed using special equipment.

Workshop technical equipment

Even a mini workshop for the production of halva will require special equipment. It’s great if you buy a multifunctional line - then you will have the opportunity to produce different types of products, and not just sunflower halva.

The halva production line includes the following machines and devices:

  • caramelizer,
  • crushing machine,
  • mill,
  • roasting plant,
  • bath for mixing ingredients,
  • packaging machine.

The price of equipment for the production of sunflower halva will depend on the power of the machines, the degree of their automation and the brand. A semi-automatic line can be bought for 1,500,000 rubles. Powerful units are much more expensive - up to 3,000,000 rubles. But it is not practical to equip a small workshop with them - there is no guarantee yet that you will immediately ensure full sales of the produced volume of products. The optimal productivity of a small workshop is 0.8-1 tons of finished product per shift.

You can save a lot by purchasing a used line. This will cost the entrepreneur 600,000-800,000 rubles.

The production of sunflower halva must be carried out in a workshop prepared for work. The premises are inspected by sanitary and fire services - to start the plant you will need to obtain their permission. The workspace is usually zoned into production and warehouse areas.

Investments in business

To open an enterprise, buy equipment for the production of halva, prepare the premises for work and ensure a supply of raw materials, an entrepreneur will need at least 2,500,000 rubles. The investments are quite serious. If you don’t have your own funds, you will need to look for private investors or take out a loan from a bank. Each of the options will require a clearly developed business project, which will present the enterprise development plan and the expected income from sales of the finished product.

The wholesale cost of halva, depending on the region of sales, is 70-150 rubles/kg. The cost of production fluctuates in the range of 40-80 rubles/kg. If the halva production technology allows you to produce up to 1 ton of goods per day, you can receive monthly income from sales in the amount of at least 2,000,000 rubles. Minus variable costs, net profit will be up to 200,000 rubles/month.

When the halva recipe has already been developed and the production line is ready to launch, start looking for customers. Wholesalers will bring significantly greater profits, but at first you can cooperate with small stores in your region. Try to establish cooperation with large hypermarket chains.

Halva refers to various types of confectionery products that are made from roasted and crushed kernels of oil seeds or nuts, mixed with caramel mass, beaten with a foaming agent. It is thanks to the latter that halva has a characteristic layered fibrous structure. Halva comes in several types, which differ depending on which oil-containing seeds or kernels it consists of. In particular, you can find sunflower, peanut and soy halva on sale. Halva, which is made from sesame seeds, is called tahini. Halva based on oil seeds and nuts includes three main components: protein mass (paste of oil seeds and nuts), caramel mass (sugar and molasses), honey (this ingredient is not used in industrial halva) and a foaming agent.

The last ingredient is licorice root, soap root (thorn root), marshmallow root and egg white. Sometimes other components are added to halva - flavorings, dyes and flavorings. Basically, natural ingredients are used, such as vanilla, cocoa powder, chocolate, pistachios. The protein mass for tahini halva is made from ground sesame, and for sunflower halva – from ground sunflower seeds. Peanut halwa is made from crushed peanuts. There are also combined types of halva - for example, tahini-peanut. Nut halva, produced from almonds, cashews, walnuts, peanuts, etc., is less common than other types of these confectionery products, which is due to more complex and expensive production technology and, consequently, higher production costs.

The halva production process includes several main stages that are common to confectionery products of this type: preparing grated masses, obtaining caramel mass, preparing soap root extract, churning the caramel mass with soap root extract, kneading halva, packaging and packaging of the finished product. So, in the production of halva, grated masses are first prepared. They are based on finely ground oil-containing seeds of sesame, sunflower, peanuts, etc. To prepare the grated mass, the seeds are first thoroughly cleaned of peel and various foreign impurities. Removing the seed coat is called dehusking in professional jargon. The peeled kernels are freed from the shell, undergo heat treatment (roasting) and are crushed (ground to a homogeneous mass). The technology for obtaining grated masses may differ slightly, depending on what crops are used in this case. So, for example, when making tahini mass, one must take into account the fact that the shell of sesame seeds fits quite tightly to the core. It is much more difficult to separate than, for example, sunflower seeds. Therefore, to facilitate this procedure, peeled sesame seeds are first soaked for 0.5-3 hours in containers with a capacity of 100-1500 liters filled with water heated to a temperature of 50 °C. The shell is then separated (hulled) from the seeds using continuous machines. Separation occurs as a result of friction of the seeds against the walls of the tank body. The collapse process is based on the difference in density between the shells and cores. The core, which contains a fairly large amount of fat, has a density of 1070 kg/m3, and the shell, which consists mostly of fiber, has a much lower density - 1500 kg/m3. The seeds, including the kernels and shell, are placed in a solution of table salt with a density of 1120-1150 kg/m3, which is called strawmur. In straw, due to the difference in density, the kernels float, and the seed shell settles at the bottom. In order to separate them, batch or continuous machines are used. Then the kernels are thoroughly washed to remove salt, and the water is removed from them by centrifugation. At the next stage, the kernels undergo heat treatment - fried at high temperature. This is necessary to reduce the moisture content of the kernels, as well as to give them a pleasant taste and aroma.

Roasting is carried out in braziers, in dryers (shaft, wind), in air chutes, in boilers with stirrers, etc. The temperature of the coolant depends on the design of the apparatus used for frying, and can range from 150 to 300 °C. For frying sesame seeds, experts recommend using soft modes - no more than 150 °C.

The roasted seeds are cooled and ground simultaneously using disc, roller or pin mills. The process of preparing protein mass from sunflower is somewhat simpler. First, the sunflower seeds are peeled, then they are dried and collapsed. The seed shells are winnowed on seed winnows, the kernels are cleaned under water from the remains of the shells. The peeled seeds are dried, fried and crushed. To obtain peanut mass, peanut kernels are fried, the film is removed from them (after heat treatment it is removed much faster and easier), and the nuts are crushed.

Simultaneously with the production of the protein mass, the caramel mass is prepared. Caramel mass is often used for the production of various confectionery products, but special requirements are placed on the mass that goes into making halva. First of all, it should not harden when cooling, retain its plasticity, and be resistant to crystallization. In order for the syrup to have all these properties, more molasses is added to it. The ratio is 1.5-2 parts molasses to one part sugar. The syrup is boiled in special vacuum devices until the dry matter content in it is 94-95%. In this case, the mass will be easier to foam. In addition, subsequent kneading of the halva is greatly facilitated.

As mentioned above, the characteristic layered fibrous structure of halva is given by a foaming agent. The latter is most often used as a decoction of soap root (the root of a plant called soapwort). This plant component contains up to 5% of the surfactant saponin. First, soapwort roots are washed in running water and then cut into small pieces. They are boiled 3-4 times to obtain a decoction. Then the broth is filtered and boiled to an extract with a relative density of 1.05. Soap root extract in an amount of 2% of the total mass of the product is added to the caramel mass in closed digesters. At the same time, the caramel mass is churned for 20 minutes at temperatures up to 110 °C.

Finally, all components, including the protein mass and the churned mass of soap root extract and caramel mass, are mixed together on dough mixing machines. The amount of protein mass is about 60%, and caramel mass is 40%. At this stage, flavorings and flavoring agents are added to the mass. Kneading, carried out at a temperature of about 65 ° C, is necessary for the uniform distribution of protein and caramel masses, resulting in the formation of a layered fibrous structure of halva. In some cases, the finished halva may be sent for additional processing (for example, cutting into small pieces, after which the small-piece halva is glazed with chocolate). Then the halva in a plastic state is weighed and packaged in boxes, which are covered with parchment or sub-parchment, in tin cans, in packs of greaseproof paper or cellophane. Packaging is done using special equipment. First, the bowl with halva is installed in a lift, which then transports the halva to the dispenser of the packaging machine. Often, halva is packaged in 300 grams in boxes made of PVC film, which are then covered with heat-sealing foil. These boxes are then placed in corrugated boxes and sent to the warehouse.

Special requirements are imposed on the storage conditions of the finished product. Halva cannot be stored for a long time, since during storage its surface becomes moist and fat leaks (the higher the amount of reducing substances in the mass, the shorter the shelf life of the finished product). In warehouses, the relative air humidity should not exceed 70-75%, and the air temperature should not be higher than 18 °C. The room must be clean, dry and well ventilated. Most types of halva have a shelf life of up to 1.5 months if all conditions are met.

Tahini and chocolate-glazed halva can be stored a little longer – up to 2 months. The halva production workshop consists of three sections: a seed preparation workshop, a production section and a packaging and packaging section for finished products. Its area should be about 250 square meters. meters. The basic requirements are the availability of electricity, hot and cold water, sewerage and heating.

So, the main ingredients for the production of the most common type of halva - sunflower - are: molasses, sugar, sunflower seeds, soap root (licorice root extract), flavoring and aromatic substances (vanillin, cocoa powder, raisins, etc.). To produce halva you will need special equipment. On sale you can find both Russian-made equipment and lines from Western manufacturing companies. The minimum cost of an automated European production line is 4 million rubles. A semi-automatic line from Russian companies will cost at least 1.2 million rubles. The productivity of the latter type of line is slightly less than 1000 kg of halva per 8-hour shift.

It includes the following equipment: crusher, winnowing machine, hammer mill, calibrator, installations for frying and cooling seeds and nuts, caramelizer, baths for kneading halva. Using such equipment, you can produce several types of halva: sunflower halva without or with various fillings (including raisins and peanuts), peanut halva, vanilla, chocolate-glazed, etc. You will also need to purchase a line for packaging the finished product. In foreign-made equipment, this line is usually included in the kit. The packaging line includes a packaging machine, a labeling machine and a thermal transfer printer. The average cost of such a line is 1 million rubles.

To work in a workshop with such production volumes, you will need a staff of 5-6 people: a technologist, a foreman and workers. Finished products are sold through regional retail chains, as well as through wholesale companies that supply their products to individual grocery stores.

The retail price of halva is from 100 rubles per kilogram. Wholesale halva is sold at a price of 50 rubles per kilogram. The cost of producing halva at average prices for raw materials is 25-30 rubles per kilogram in the regions.

Thus, with the sale of over 20 thousand kg of halva per month, the revenue of the manufacturing company will be more than 1 million rubles. With an investment of about 3 million rubles. The net profit of the enterprise reaches 150 thousand rubles. per month. The payback period of the project with such initial data is 1.5-2 years.

Sysoeva Lilia
- portal of business plans and manuals


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