I get sad. Why is a person sad? Why do we feel sad

Each of us is mixed with many different emotions, fortunately, both positive and negative. I think you also thought about what our life would be like if there was only joy in it and we didn’t know why it is so sad? But without evil, we would not know good. Without sadness, there would be no happiness. Why? Because there is nothing to compare with. On the other hand, it is also impossible to feel joy all the time. It's boring enough. And yet, why is it sad?

What is sadness

It is impossible to describe this emotion in one word, because sadness has many masks. It is close in meaning to sadness, melancholy, despondency, grief, melancholy, but in a less deep and more short-term experience.

Sadness is a depressed state of a person who is disappointed in something. Also, sadness is a kind of state of mind when you can give up your favorite activities and when everything is tired. Sometimes even the smallest trifle can plunge a person into a state of sadness. Maybe this is just one phrase that accidentally escaped from the interlocutor, or some ridiculous act that evoked certain memories in a person. He will play them over and over again in his head, unconsciously forcing himself to sink into a state of sadness even more. Sadness is hard to hide from others. A depressed look, absent-mindedness and a blank look will give you away.

Why do we feel sad

Why is a person sad? Very often, sadness is associated with unjustified ambitions or unfulfilled dreams. It seems that everything is going as it should, and you are ready to take off and scream with joy, but then something changes dramatically, unexpected circumstances appear that are very different from your expectations. Other options for the development of events pop up in your head by themselves, those that you have been waiting for. And you feel the sadness that can be read in your eyes.

Why are the eyes sad? Often we make eye contact with strangers on the street, in a cafe or in a supermarket. And we can notice that some people around us are worried about something. Don't need to be a good psychologist to determine the emotional state of a person. It's true what they say: "The eyes are the window to the soul."

Why is it getting sad? From a lack of attention and love, from unfulfilled desires and loneliness? For no reason, it is sad from boredom or just when everything is tired. Or you can't call because you don't want to impose? When you leave from where it was good? Maybe you just put your loved one in a taxi, and you already miss something? I think this list could go on for many more pages. But is sadness always negative? I can answer no.

Pleasant sadness

In some cases, it can also be pleasant. Why so sad? Flipping through the photo album, you remember the unforgettable bright moments of your life. It could be the longing for an old relationship, a warm sea or a sunny summer that will surely bring a smile to your face every time.

Whatever makes you feel sad or lonely, you can cheer yourself up. This article will help you see the world in color: "

There are days when there is only one desire - to hide in bed and never get out of there. When it seems as if the whole world has fallen on your shoulders, depriving you of strength and testing your strength, everything goes wrong, and the feeling of helplessness does not allow you to move on. Life sometimes throws up things much more difficult than we can imagine. It's not easy to bear it all.

And even if the soul is sad and empty, it is very difficult to find the answer to the hackneyed question: “why?”. This feeling is impossible to describe, but it is well known.

You can finally give up. You may feel an unbearable emptiness, tiredness. But you have to hold on. You need to find a tiny thread that you just have to hang on to and it will become your lifeboat. Grab it as hard as you can and don't let go. Even if all you do is lie on the bed and breathe calmly. Do you know what? Well, let! Keep breathing and everything will be fine.

Maybe you feel that you are too broken to stand up, that the pain in your heart is too strong, that your head is a complete mess. Your body is much stronger than you think. It knows how to treat this pain.

You will never be completely broken. Every day you can start anew, and every new day you have a chance to return to your former self. It may take time, but it certainly does not mean that you are smashed to smithereens. You are just a little lost.

Nothing can be stable in this world - including the black streak. Bad feelings will definitely pass, you just need to wait it out, and very soon you will feel better. And when this happens, you will realize how much stronger you become every minute. Sadness is not a sign of weakness.

Take a deep breath and you will see that our life is just life. It's okay to make mistakes, and it's just as perfectly okay to fail. And even if you feel bad and hurt right now, maybe this is the beginning of something completely new.

You should not ignore this pain. Pay attention to her, and you will understand that she is just a guest and is not going to stay for long. Instead of artificially numbing the pain, accept it.

Fear can have tremendous power over us. Don't fall for it. Remember that your mind is playing with you and you need to be careful with your own thoughts. If you can taste the taste of life and awaken in yourself the desire to strive for the best, you will be the main witness of how everything begins to take on bright colors.

Find something small that you like and go from small to small steps. If you slowly start walking forward, everything will start to fall into place. Seek help if you need it. Those close to you want you to be happy because they love you. Open up to your friends when you feel bad.

Take a deep breath. You are here, you are alive! You have a huge number of good thoughts in your head and a big heart. Try not to forget all the good things that are inside you.

Even if you are hurt, you remain yourself. And when you are ready to look for the beautiful in life, it will always be waiting for you.

Don't forget that even if everything around you is collapsing, you can still save yourself. You have the power to bridge this troubled water. You can tunnel through the darkness to see the light again. You need to move forward. As time goes by, things will get much better, the light in your path will get brighter and brighter.

You have something that no one else on this vast planet has. Your individuality, your inner light, your soul and love. You are definitely growing, you are definitely shining. You are the whole universe. And all this is so cool combined in one single person.

Take a deep breath. Everything will be fine!

Sadness. Sometimes it comes when we least expect it. It descends like a thick fog and wraps us in cold. It is this negative emotion that is the hardest to manage. It can be difficult to pull yourself together, regain control of the situation and good mood , is not it?

When we are sad, there is a feeling that someone entered the room and turned off the light. It seems to us that those around us do not understand, and everyone life goes not this way.

What to do? The main thing is not to let sadness and longing take over you.

All you need is a little practice.

1. Go for a walk

You are sad, there is a feeling that there is no strength for anything. You think to stay at home and find peace in solitude. Do not under any circumstances do this! Instead, put on your favorite sneakers, comfortable pants for working out, take the keys to the apartment ... And to the walk!

Walking at a fast pace will gradually dispel sadness, and problems that just recently seemed like an unbearable burden will seem quite solvable. At the same time, internal stress will dissipate.

When our body feels active, the heart beats rhythmically, the muscles work, the brain begins to secrete endorphins- well-known hormones of happiness to all of us. Because of this, we begin to look at the world around us in a new way, evaluating what is happening to us in a different way.

A fresh outlook on life will help you cope with problems and drive away boredom.

2. On a sunny day, it is much easier to return a good mood.

The sun will warm your skin, and soon you will feel like a happy and calm person. However, do not spend more than 15 minutes in the sun. This time will be enough for your body to get a good portion. vitamin D.

Remember: on those days when you are sad, do not hide in the dark corners of the house or seek comfort under the covers.

As a rule, people who suffer depression trying to avoid sunlight. Never do this! Light and warmth fill your body with vitality and return a good mood.

3. Forget about business for a couple of hours

We know that sometimes this is not easy to do. You ask, what about work, responsibilities, promises, without which relationships with other people are impossible? You can't act irresponsibly. On the one hand, it is. We live in a society, so it is impossible to abstract from all the obligations that it imposes on us.

On the other side, when we are sad, we lose motivation and any desire for active life. When we are sad, it is unlikely that we will be able to do a good job.

How to solve this problem? Stop and treat yourself to a couple of free hours. See, during this time nothing will happen. May this time be just for you. Enjoy it, your freedom, attention to yourself and your needs, without any pressure from the outside ... At this time, you can be yourself.

4. Write down your thoughts

Do you keep a diary? If you have never tried this, then perhaps now is the right time. By putting your thoughts on paper, you organize them. Soon you will notice that the chaos of ideas and thoughts that did not allow you to relax is gone.

When we write, we structure our ideas and get to know ourselves better. Keeping a diary is a kind of sincere intimate dialogue with yourself.

For this, it is not at all necessary to have writing talent. Don't think about form, just write about what excites you: memories, worries, irony, even... Emotions will be reflected in words, and with it, the internal tension will also go away.

5. Cry if you need to

Crying is a completely natural reaction that should not be ashamed. Tears help relieve tension from accumulated emotions. Sometimes we just need to cry. Sadness must find a way out, otherwise you will not be able to restore inner balance and get rid of emotional stress.

Sometimes it is so depressing that one walk is not enough to feel the joy of life again. A heart-to-heart conversation with a close friend does not always help either. It is at this moment that you will come to the rescue tears.

Don't be afraid, it's quite natural reaction which will benefit the body. You will soon feel much calmer.

It's time to get to know yourself better. Who do you see in the mirror? Is it you? No, in a mirror image you can’t recognize that attractive and charming person. Sadness takes a lot of life force. We are sure that you do not like to see yourself in this state.

Ask yourself what can you do to make yourself feel better? What will help drive away your longing?

7. Find someone who can listen

Not everyone is good at listening to others. There is probably someone in your family or in your circle of friends who always turns the conversation to himself and talks about his affairs without ever asking how your day went. But now you need support like no other. Ask for it from those close to you who can sincerely listen and look into the eyes with genuine complicity.

This is a valuable gift - the opportunity to be truly heard. After such spiritual communication, you will feel calmer, negative thoughts will begin to fade into the background, love for life and good mood will return. Don't hesitate, if you feel like you need support, seek it out.

8. Treat yourself

Small joys and surprises will help dispel the fog of sadness and longing. If you focus all your attention only on the complexities and problems, they will grow even more in your eyes, so it’s better relax.

How long have you been to the cinema? Or maybe it's time to discover something new? Enroll in a dance school or a yoga class? How well do you know your city? Maybe an interesting exhibition is open now? When was the last time you were in a city park?


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