Happy birthday to the girl photographer. Happy birthday greetings to the photographer. Birthday greetings to cousin brother

Happy Photographer's Day to those who can catch the moment of the flapping of a bird's wings and the mood of a child. You save our memories and the faces of those we loved. In some ways, photographers are magicians. So best wishes to all the wizards!

Happy Photographer's Day! I wish that only pleasant moments fall into the lens of your fate. Let the photograph of your life be a collage of many bright frames, prosperity is in the best perspective, and inspiration gives new brilliant ideas.

The bird will fly out now
The phrase is very familiar to everyone
For the family, for all of us
The photographer thinks. Honestly!
Once! And time is slowing down
And then print and frame!
Here she has been hanging for a hundred years
Oops! And I am against the background of the castle!

I sat on a chair for a long time.
And he turned his head imperiously.
Slightly to the right. Slightly to the left.
Bent - unbent ...
Everything is somehow wrong. And not really.

« Another chin higher!
And the shoulders are slightly back.
Freeze! We sit and do not breathe!
And add life to your eyes! "

With what inspiration, passion
Beloved doing work!
And how impressed the next day
Proudly presented photos!

I want you, photographer, to confess:
I need to change my passport.
But only in the photo - sixteen!
By the metric, damn it, thirty-five ...

Thank you very much, of course!
You are a master! Wizard! Artist!
And let life open up happiness
You in all sorts of angles!

Fate let macro photography for you
Produces love without end!
And let the joy be laborious
Gloss brings a smile!

More satisfied customers!
I wish you success to swim!
But only for documents
Don't try so hard ...

Frame master, let it be today
The lens will be clean
May the pictures be successful
The tripod does not swing,

Let your flash not fade
Illuminating everything around
A simple photo bird
Suddenly it will become a bird of happiness!

* * *
In a photo studio work
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.
In the creative profession
Photo session again.

You create masterpieces,
You don’t take extra money.
After all, no is more important to you
Your creative victories.

You are constantly busy
You are a successful photographer.
And everyone knows by heart
Your number is eleven digits!

Congratulations to you
And we give a new gadget!
Well, click us for memory
Well, of course, right now!

You are just an artist! Any of the ladies
He considers it honorable to pose for you.
Instant flash and little click -
Of course, you know a lot about portraits.
So may they bring you success,
And there are enough birds in the shutter for everyone!

An important job is to preserve memory.
So that someone remembers how he loved to live,
How he laughed loudly, how sad he was a little,
Take off everything, photoaf, and don't forget.
You will have a perfect focus
Here is a girl, pulling a bow.
Here is a red-haired boy holding a plane,
Well, this wedding is dancing and singing!
We wish you happiness, life without problems,
You create, photographer, for the joy of all of us!
Let your work be only good!
You know, our world - beauty will save!

Stop, moment, you are wonderful!
You live under this motto!
Happy Photographer's Day, you didn't become one in vain,
And you will always find the best angle!
You day and night with a camera.
And every shot is a trophy for you!
And may it always be pleasant to you
Take pictures of flowers, nature and people!

Piercing gaze, lens on sight
The photographer knows his destiny in all this.
He sees not faces in front of him,
He sees emotions with their depth.
All this skillfully he will capture,
And the world will conquer, surprise all people.
Today, all the honors are just for you,
Create, love and make us happy!

We wish you creative ideas,
Smiling customers
Happy lights and shadows
And the moments caught.

Let the lens you need always
Found at hand.
Health, joy, kindness
And ... always be yourself.

Support of relatives and friends,
Recognition, inspiration,
Love, warmth
Take it on your birthday!


Happy birthday. I wish you turn each shot into a small, interesting and good life, and my life into a big and majestic story of happiness, inspiration, love, glory and success. I wish you new ideas, creativity, self-development and perfection every day!


I hasten to wish you a happy birthday!
You only give joy to everyone
And all the beautiful moments
Capture without problems!

I wish you a lot of positive
Smiles, the right light
To always shoot beautifully
And add more color!

May your work give pleasure
And many bright, cool days!
I wish you a lot of inspiration
And great ideas!


You can stop time instantly
Capturing beautiful moments.
I wish you creative victories
Love, good luck, happiness. Happy birthday.


Happy birthday, photographer!
You are a wonderful artist, you are a creator.
Let inspiration flow all the time.
You're so cool ... just great.

I also wish, of course, health,
Good luck, joy, warmth,
Wonderful tenderness with love ...
Let the soul be happy.

Heartfelt birthday greetings to the photographer


How difficult it is in one photo
Show the whole world!
And present to everyone the work,
What they seek to consider.

Happy birthday, photographer!
I wish you creative success!
And beautiful horizons
Bright images of deeds!

Wonderful finds
Sincere and kind words!
To always illuminate the path
Only joy and love!


You often catch in the lens
Beautiful moments,
May it be bright and beautiful
Your birthday is.

It will bring you warmth
And the words of the beautiful sea,
For happiness to enter your life,
And grief did not knock.


I wish you a lot of bright shots,
And hundreds of happy clients!
All the best, good,
More colorful moments!

Let income grow up
All your dreams will come true!
May peace and comfort reign in the house
And life will be full of love!


Cover photo,
Mirrored lens.
Photo without lining,
As always, eloquent.

May it always shine
The sun is right in the frame.
Smiles bloom
That veil in the wind.

Let him shoot deftly
The eye will catch everything.
What would be the title
On the front page.


I wish you creative life
I am of possibilities - without an edge.
To have creativity in everything
With a sea of ​​better prospects.

You need a trick to catch
Never get tired.
Confessions to get you
And all dreams, desires come true!

Funny sms birthday greetings to the photographer


Photo one, photo two,
Happy Birthday to You!
You are a photographer, smile
Bathe in congratulations.

As in the photo your life,
May it always be bright!
More drive, don't be stingy
Well, photographer, smile!

We wish you happiness
Let the bad weather go around the house.
Inspiration, flight,
Lots of new, cool photos!


You are the best photographer
Give us an autograph soon
We all want a lot of photos,
Get to work!
Happy birthday congratulations
And, of course, we wish
Succeed in all matters
To always be with money
There were many orders
And success with luck together,
Happiness, joy in full
Life was wonderful!


Happy Birthday,
Our dear master of shooting,
Let it fall into your frame
Only a joyful landscape.

Creative inspiration
And we wish you success
Creative ideas
May they not leave you.

We wish to be successful
In a glorious, interesting business,
Well, let it be in the house
Beautiful friends are cramped.


You don't go anywhere alone
Everywhere the camera is with you
If necessary, you will impose a shadow,
You can take any picture.

I wish you a birthday
Bright frames and love,
And all that is missing
Get over these days!


Wish all your dreams
Always come true simply and beautifully!
May all life consist of kindness
Live always luxuriously and happily!

Let there be a sea of ​​inspiration in your heart
To make new masterpieces!
I wish you this birthday
So that everyone admires your talent!

Happy birthday poems for photographer


I want to wish you a happy birthday
And a lot of happiness to wish
As well as bright days and inspiration,
To take a lot of new photos!

Let your smile be clear
Let your eyes shine with joy
And let your life be wonderful
And the heart always believes in miracles!


Let the brightest shots
Will be remembered all this day
The mood will be light and festive
And your joyful path to your dream.

Let the lens hit
Only moments are happy
Customers' smiles inspire
You are positive! Happy birthday!


You are every moment
You strive to reflect
You always have a camera with you
Always rushing somewhere.

And every frame is cool
You are dearer than money
Congratulations today
Happy birthday to you!

We wish you good luck
And only the best photos
May everything be fine
Let the work go well.


It's easy to take a picture of the world.
I pressed the button - an idol!
And for many we adore
Among people, you are honored.

Just from the outside.
Your pictures are mischievous.
They have both air and freedom,
They have a wonderful nature.

Congratulations! Birthday
You will get from the people
And love and respect.
Let the movement forward.


Catch good shots through the lens
Happy smiles, solid positive,
May there only be many good moments
The work is worthy of great compliments,
Let the photo forever be your calling
You will achieve success and only recognition!

Touching SMS for the birthday of the photographer


The frozen moment -
A dewdrop on the grass
Happy birthday
I wish you.

You are a special talent,
Photographer, endowed,
Such as you, in the world -
One in a million.
Delight, delight
Us with your pictures,
Let the whole world famous
Will your name become.


There are such professions in the world,
From which the soul shines
When a hobby with work forever
Somewhere in the sky, fate connects.

On your birthday, I wish you
Never grieve for anything
I believe your best angle is forever
The gallery will "live".

May luck accompany you in business
And only joy promises day after day,
And I want only fun
Remained in your picture!


Wonderful master beautiful photos Happy birthday and wonderful pictures. I wish that the activity of a photographer brings not only prosperity and pleasure, but also gives a lot of pleasant sensations and vivid impressions. May each of your ideas be successfully realized, may each photograph taken by you leave an imprint of happiness and inspiration in the heart of a person.


Your calling and work is
Give beautiful photos to everyone.
Shoot moments of happiness everywhere
Your profession is wonderful!

Your birthday has come
He brought to you today
All your relatives and friends
After all, the holiday is more fun with them!

Successful photo sessions for you,
Clients are different, interesting,
To succeed in all matters,
Fun, joy and laughter!


I wish you new experiences
And frames are only colorful, colored,
And also hundreds of important achievements,
At the same time, a sea of ​​bright weekends!

May there always be a lot of clients
To inspire your heart!
I wish you light, great happiness,
Let the work give pleasure!

Beautiful wishes for a happy birthday to the photographer


You have made so many portraits of your friends.
You are not too lazy to take pictures every day.
We want to congratulate you on your birthday!
Today is a wonderful and joyful day!
We wish you health and happiness
And a lot of fun and sunny days!
Let adversity disappear, misfortunes pass!
Accept congratulations from true friends!
Accept congratulations from us
And take pictures of us as a keepsake!


We wish you a birthday
To be healthy and rich
So that always, without getting tired,
The camera clicked.

Man, sky, pine trees, ate,
Sea, doll and bow ...
So that all brothels from the pictures
And appreciated your talent.

We also wish you
Miraculous to take off,
Everyone found out about you.
In a word, to become famous!


Master you click and flash,
Happy Birthday!
You are a first class photographer
This is for sure, no doubt about it.

Creative inspiration,
Frames bright, unusual
And awards for beautiful labor
Only heavy, decent ones.


Happy birthday to you
I am a photographer,
In the lens of life
Flickers in front of you.

The shots of the West,
Pictures of the dawn
Spring portfolio,
Summer photo album.

Talent, skill
You don't have to
World famous
I wish you to become.


You are a catcher of good shots
You are a fantastic photographer
Happy birthday
Pictures are bright, enchanting.

May it bring you joy
Your glorious job
Let the payment for her
Allows all worries.

Funny, funny and comic birthday greetings to the photographer


Do you know how to capture
The beauty of the world is so skillful.
We wish you not to get sick
Looking ahead is easy and bold!

Happy birthday! Be yourself,
Delighting with my talent,
Throwing yourself into joy with your head
And invariably prospering!


Happy Birthday,
Oh maestro with a camera!
Catch the whole world in motion
To make the heart stop.

To make happiness shine
Dream diligently -
Let life become bright, sweet,
Like a photograph!


Yes, you can reflect
Beautiful moments
It is given to you to be able to
Happy birthday, photographer!

Good luck in your work,
Love and inspiration
And the house was filled with happiness
So that in every moment!


Happy birthday. May life be in a favorable perspective from any side, may all the pictures taken with your hand be full of splendor and beauty, may your heart, like a lens, catch everything Beautiful moments and happy emotions.


You are a photographer - anywhere,
You give us miracles.
Smile, flash, lens
And on the film - positive.

Happy Birthday to You,
Congratulations to all friends.
May wishes come true
We give our recognition.


You maestro with a camera
Everything around you froze.
You seize the moment
Without any excitement.

It's my birthday today,
Day of your luck.
I sincerely congratulate
I wish you successful shots.

Dream hard
And there will be a photograph.
Life will pass like in a fairy tale
In bright, rich colors.

You are an excellent photographer
I wish you a personal life.
Happy bright days
And creative ideas.


You are a wonderful, wonderful photographer,
Happy birthday to you.
Show only in the best shots,
My life, I wish you.

Time stands still next to you
In your pictures, you are positive.
Everything blooms around, comes to life,
You only need to direct the lens!


Happy birthday !!! Love, inspiration!
Let there be a spiritual flight in creativity,
To reflect the wonderful life of the moment
And do a lot of decent work.

After all, you are a photographer, always in your power
Show beautiful people around.
I wish you more happy moments
To not even dream of you!


Your photos are like paintings
The genius and creativity of the avalanche,
Happy birthday to you, I congratulate you
And I wish you creative success!

Adoration, attention, beauty,
To make all your dreams come true
For joy to overwhelm the heart,
Muse winked with a blue eye!

Joy has settled firmly in the house,
And the order was always carried out ahead of schedule.
He himself loved and was always loved,
Exclusive, ingenious, dear!


Leave the photographer, a picture for us as a souvenir
All your friends are on it today.
Time will not take these moments
And we all met together for a reason.

Today is your wonderful birthday
And we will remember it more than once.
Wonderful moments will remain
About time, about friendship and about us.


You photographically
Congratulations on a better day
And you, periodically
Look around.

Buried in photographs
Can't you see the white light
Celebrate your birthday
After all, there is no better one.

Let the look is so enthusiastic
It will always stay
Everything is bright, beautiful
Let him get into the frame.

Seize your moments
Happy hours,
Life smells like fresh honey
And your dreams are waiting.


On my birthday, I wish you prosperity
Develop your creative talent.
You film the smiles
Chasing away the sorrow of the soul.

May a photograph keep us in memory
Soul and warmth are contributions to it,
In order not to remember us the image, mistakes,
And just know how good they were.


Happy birthday
Take a good shot only.
Inspiration in the blink of an eye
Continue to always draw.

Let there be enough film
For ideas and ideas.
Creative flight for you,
And happy bright days.


You press the button, and the frame is ready,
You are an excellent photographer
May your birthday be waiting for you
Good luck in personal life,
Success will come to you sooner
You will find recognition
Take pictures, take pictures of life,
Appreciate your calling!


May life be bright
Like your photograph;
Let them give gifts
After all, your holiday is close!

Happy birthday to you
We want to congratulate
Love, inspiration
Wish you!

And so that friends of all
Please your own
We wish you a hundred shots
For you to take pictures!

We wish you creative ideas,
Smiling clients
Happy lights and shadows
And the moments caught.

Let the lens you need always
Found at hand.
Health, joy, kindness
And ... always be yourself.

Support of relatives and friends,
Recognition, inspiration,
Love, warmth
Take it on your birthday!

Catch every moment of life on film
Not everyone is given it.
With a greedy gaze, like a child
Two hours to examine the grain,

Catch the light, look for a darker blade of grass,
Capture the rustle of the waves as soon as possible.
Every day the whole world is new to you.
Catch everything and not burn out.

I wish you the best shots
And photographic wonders!
Share this gift with others,
To make the quiet forest magical.

Let your "third eye" see everything clearly,
Catching the best, brightest view!
Let the boat on the ocean of life
Doesn't swing or play pranks.

Let the tripod stand firmly on the stone
And the model will wink playfully.
Happy Birthday! The coolest photos!
There will be life as a creative flight!

Congratulations to a wonderful and talented photographer! A person who is able to capture time in all its beauty. We wish you endless artistic flight, endless ideas and many new incarnations of your talent. Let your life be as varied, but always unique and beautiful, like the photographs you create. We wish you great prosperity and a happy beginning of each new and bright day of this wonderful life. Happy birthday!

A short

You can stop time in an instant
Capturing beautiful moments.
I wish you creative victories
Love, good luck, happiness. Happy Birthday.

I hasten to wish you a happy birthday!
You only give joy to everyone
And all the beautiful moments
Capture without problems!

I wish you a lot of positive
Smiles, the right light
To always shoot beautifully
And add more color!

May your work give pleasure
And many bright, cool days!
I wish you a lot of inspiration
And great ideas!

Photo - one, photo - two,
Happy Birthday to You!
You are a photographer, smile
Bathe in congratulations.

As in the photo your life,
May it always be bright!
More drive, don't be stingy
Well, photographer, smile!

We wish you happiness
Let the bad weather go around the house.
Inspiration, flight,
Lots of new, cool photos!

You can choose the angle you want
Put everything - shadow and light,
So that customers smile
You choose the moment.

Let the work be a joy
There will be many friends
Take clear pictures
New creative ideas!

In a creative life I wish
I am of possibilities - without an edge.
So that there is creativity in everything
With a sea of ​​better prospects.

The trick you need to catch
Never get tired.
Confessions to get you
And all dreams, desires come true!

How difficult it is in one photo
Capture the whole world!
And present to everyone the work,
What they seek to consider.

Happy birthday, photographer!
I wish you creative success!
And beautiful horizons
Business bright images!

Wonderful finds
Sincere and kind words!
So that the path always illuminates
Only joy and love!

Let the brightest shots
Will be remembered all this day
The mood will be light and festive
And your joyful path to your dream.

Let them get into the lens
Only happy moments
Customers' smiles inspire
Positive into you! Happy birthday!

I wish you a lot of bright shots,
And hundreds of happy clients!
All the best, good,
More colorful moments!

Let the income grow up,
All your dreams will come true!
May peace and comfort reign in the house
And life will be full of love!

A photographer is a person who very often takes part in the holidays, dedicated to the day the birth of friends, relatives and completely strangers to him. He gives people a sense of eternity and the immutability of the moment. Thanks to the photographer, our albums keep the memory of the most significant dates that we have ever celebrated.
But when the name day comes for the photographer himself, then this day for him can become everyday and gray. In order for this not to happen, we must certainly congratulate our beloved photographer on his birthday in a special, bright and touching way.
Here you can find the most beautiful, gentle, heart-stirring birthday greetings to the photographer. Big and small, funny and sad, but always good wishes will surely touch the soul of the birthday boy. In our poems you will find a reflection of your thoughts, because they were all written with a pure heart and with only one desire - to please a good person.
Each poem is unique, it can be chosen for any age, mood and temperament of the photographer. You can send a pleasant congratulation by SMS or write it into a gift card, one way or another, but only sincere words can touch a creative soul!

What is not visible to the ordinary eye
You found beauty everywhere.
You notice all this at once
It’s like you’re playing a game.

And when you look at these cards,
Like a moment of life flies by
It seems like just an ordinary bunch,
But with your soul you penetrated to him.

I wish you on your birthday
So that even after years,
Walking along the bottomless edge
You have always found beauty.

Happy birthday, on behalf of the whole team, I want to congratulate
Our favorite industrial photographer,
He was able to glorify our company to the whole world,
We have not yet seen a man so obsessed with his work.

You photograph not only architectural buildings,
You specialize in reporting, and more!
When you take pictures of workers in the process of work, you show skills,
And you get pleasure without getting tired at all.

May life be bright
Like your photograph;
Let them give gifts
After all, your holiday is close!

Happy birthday to you
We want to congratulate
Love, inspiration
Wish you!

And so that friends of all
Amuse your own
We wish you a hundred shots
For you to take pictures!

Great photographer,
Our reliable friend
Today is your holiday
Everyone knows around.

Congratulations are flying
The toasts sound
Thanks for the photo,
They tell you.

And we wish
Warmth and love
Great luck -
Rather catch it!

And we wish -
Success in everything
May happiness come
To you day after day!

Street is a photographer, that's what you call yourself,
You shoot different scenes on the street,
Thanks to you, different strangers can take part
In art projects and can get on TV.

It's your birthday today
We wish you to develop your skills,
And let your keen eye
Will be your assistant more than once!

You are a famous photojournalist
Any artist is happy to work with you,
You always just burn at work
You idolize your idols.

You dream of getting a prize
And you wish to be the photojournalist of the year.
We wish you on your birthday
Although we do not fulfill our dreams,

May God still hear your desires,
And all your dreams will come true
Let health never let you down
Be cheerful and happy you always!

Birthday until dark
Celebrating is customary:
From an open window
A bird flies out.

We want to wish love
In real life,
So that all your clients
Smiled more often

So that every moment in life
The shot was successful -
Only with kind people
And nothing else.

An excellent photographer, a man of incredible imagination and an open soul, I wish you a happy birthday. I wish you to always skillfully turn any day into a holiday or a miracle, I wish you to be the best of the best in your activities, and to remain a cheerful and happy person in life.

Congratulations to the wonderful photographer. We wish you to be able to capture in your pictures a moment of real happiness, a minute of sincere feelings, to catch luck in the focus of your camera, in a duet with success, and to get perfect photos filled with such light, which is only very much in the heart. happy person... We wish these photos were your own life. Happy birthday!

F antasias, O dazzling beauty, T alanta, O lines of personal desires, G enials, R luxury, A absolute happiness F herria of colors and emotions - happy birthday. I wish you always and in everything to realize your dreams, ideas, thoughts.

An interesting person, an excellent photographer - happy birthday! We wish you always had the right angle and excellent exposure. So that there are only the right emotions and the right vision of things. Health, development and recognition!


Dear friend, happy birthday! Be healthy and active, let only joyful events and smiling faces fall into your lens.

Happy birthday to you, great and wonderful photographer. I wish you pictures of happiness and joy, frames bright emotions and wonderful moods, fresh ideas and unusual ideas, unique plots and a wide variety of subjects for photography. May the tape of your life never end and always capture stunning shots of fun and pleasure.

Happy birthday! You are an amazing person - cheerful and positive. Your energy will be enough to heat the whole city in severe frosts. I wish you happiness, fulfillment cherished desires, to capture a unique and rare frame. I wish you to become a world-famous photographer, and to delight people with my creativity.

Congratulations! Let all the happiest moments be captured not only in photographs, but also in memory. And the most important thing is that there are such moments every day, so that each new picture is filled with love and brings warmth and comfort to the soul.

Birthday is a wonderful holiday, and I want to wish you that your whole life would be a wonderful and joyful holiday. I wish to take amazing pictures, I wish to feel every note of the melody of the heart and feel every emotion of the soul. You are an excellent photographer, so let it remain unchanged, let everything in your life be that you need to be happy.

We send our most sincere congratulations and wish you more successful shots. Let life be rich and bright, like high quality color photo, and let the light sadness be reflected only in romantic black-and-white photographs. We wish positive mood and attitudes towards life. We wish you goodness, inspiration and success.


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