Scene in Kazakh for the day of libraries. Scenario of the extra-curricular event “Representation of the Kazakh people. dedicated to the Day of Languages ​​of the Peoples of Kazakhstan

Roza Rymbaeva's song "Nauryz" sounds

(an old wise man sits in a yurt)

Child 1: Armysyzdar, halayik!
Әr kez aman bolaiq.
Nauryz toiyn kuanyp,
Zhylda karsy alayik!

Child 2: Play button accordion, ring dombra,
I wish you happiness and good
Health and patience
great mood,
So that all dreams come true
Hello, Nauryz holiday!

Presenter 1: Tyndanyzdar, tyndanyzdar!
Boska karap turmanyzdar!
Nauryz toyi bastaldy.
Korgender de armanda,
Kormegender de armanda,
Kyzyktan kur kalmanyzdar!

Kaiyrly kүn, құrmetti қonaқtar, аriptester zhane buldirshinder! Nauryz toyy kutty bolsyn! Zhylky zhyly barshamyzga zhaksylygyn, zhangalygyn alyp kelsin! Ah they say bolsyn! Khalkymyz tok bolsyn!

Presenter 2: Good afternoon, dear children, dear guests! We welcome you to the celebration of the spring holiday of Nauryz. Nauryz Meiramy is a bright spring holiday of the awakening of nature, instilling faith and hope for the fulfillment of the brightest and most cherished desires.

Presenter: Nauryz has come, spring has come.
And immediately our land blossomed.
Everyone is happy about the holiday around,
And everyone here is both a brother and a friend.
Warmed by the sun and warmth
We sing a song about Nauryz.

Song "Nauryz"

Presenter 2: Guys, do you want spring to come faster? But how can we find it?

Presenter 1: And I know who will help us. Look here guys. Here in this yurt lives an old man - a sage. Let's visit him together. Salemetsiz be, aқsakal! Hello dear sage!

Sage: Salemetsinder me, balalar! Hello dear guys! I am an old sage. I know many fairy tales and legends.

Presenter 2: Dear sage, please help us find Spring. Today we all gathered for the Nauryz holiday, we welcome spring. But spring got lost along the way. Maybe you know how we can find her?

Sage: Wait guys, grieve. I will help you find Spring. I have a chest, not simple, but magical. (opens the chest and takes out a toy) The toys are also not simple, but magical. This doll tells me that there are girls in this hall who know a beautiful Kazakh dance.

Presenter 1: Well, guys, we will look for Spring, and songs, poems and dances will help us along the way.

Presenter 2: Nauryz - Shattyk Animiz,
Saltanatty senimiz.
An salyp, zhas pen karimiz,
Bileyik barimiz.

Kazakh dance "Akku"

Presenter 1: Well, why did the month of Nauryz become the beginning of the New Year? Now we will know about it.

Child: Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our fairy tale is ahead.
A fairy tale is knocking at the door to us,
Let's say to the guest: "Come in."

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Nauryz".

Presenter 2:"Ulystyn uly kuni - Great Day of Nauryz", the main dish of the festive dastarkhan was "Nauryz-kozhe". Nauryz kozhe is a traditional spring soup with seven ingredients. Now listen to the poem about the main course.

Presenter 1: In our youthful years
We are always happy to dance.
Even after many years
We won't stop loving them, no!

Dance "Hussars" - children of the middle group.

Sage: Let's look into my chest (takes out a toy - a horse)

Hey tulpar, you are my tulpar.
You jump to me soon
My faithful horse is my tulpar.

Presenter 2: After all, it was not in vain that the old sage took a horse out of his chest. After all, this year is the year of the Horse, and the Kazakh people have a ritual that is associated with the horse.

Child: Ata zholyn kuaiyk.

Salt - dastүrіn sylayik.
Nauryz kelse, kut kelgenі halayyk,
Shashu shashyp, ate bop karsy alayik!

Presenter 1: The Kazakh people have a lot of customs and traditions. Today Mayra apay came to visit us with her grandson Rakhat. She will show us the rite "Atka mіngizu - initiation into riders"

Azhey: Salemetsizder me, құrmetti қonaқtar, balalar! Nauryz meiramy kutty bolsyn! Today is also a holiday for me, my grandson is five years old. Boys who reached the age of 4-5 were ordained as riders; for this, a children's saddle was specially prepared. They saddled a quiet foal and put a boy on it. One of the adults led the horse by the reins throughout the village so that the boy would greet all the older people, the aksakals. They blessed and admonished him. What do you guys wish for my grandson?

Children: Er azamat bolsyn!
Zholy ak bolsyn!
Aty zhuyrik bolsyn!

Presenter 2: Let us ask for blessings from our respected aksakal. Ata bata beriniz!

Sage: Akenmenen ananyn, Umitin aktay bil.
Zhorytkanda, balam zholyn bolsyn,
Omir - zhasyn ұzak bolsyn! Aumin!

(Azhe thanks everyone and leaves with his grandson)

Dance "Kara zhorga"

Song "About Mom"

Presenter 1: Grandmothers are sitting on a bench in the park. All day long until the evening they talk about grandchildren

A scene about grandmothers (boys from the pre-school group)

A song about a grandmother - performed by the children of the older group.

Presenter 2: Grandmothers did not come to us empty-handed, but brought you “shashu” treats - sweets, sweets. Let's say to grandmothers - "Rahmet!"

Sage:(takes out a dombra)
You, play my dombra, play faster.
Get ready for the fairy tale as soon as possible.

Fairy tale "The new fur coat of Aldar-Kose"

Presenter 1: The Kazakh land has become the cradle of all the peoples inhabiting it, all of us people of different nationalities are united by a common thing: We are the people of Kazakhstan. Let's see and listen to what nations live in our friendly Republic of Kazakhstan.

Child: Let's hold hands, friends,
After all, we are one family:
Tatar, Russian and Kazakh,
Lithuanian, German and Pole
On our Nauryz holiday!
We will sing a song together.

Children in Tatar, German, Ukrainian, Russian, Chechen, Belarusian languages ​​recite poems.

Child: Men kazaktyn balasy,
Ata is a woman of zhalgasy.
Zhaksylyққa, baқytқa, Talpyngan аr uaқytta.

Sage: Guys, you feel that it has become warmer and lighter. And in my magic chest there is another toy (takes out a Spring doll) Did you recognize her? Of course it's Spring.

Presenter 2: The snow has melted, streams are ringing
Nightingales sang songs.
The earth is awake and blooming
And guests to us Spring is coming.

(Spring enters to the music): Hello, dear guys, hello, dear guests!

Presenter 1: Hello, Spring-Krasna, we are glad to see you, be our guest dear. And the guys will delight you with their talents.

The performance of the orchestra, we will delight you now,
Orchestra musicians will try for you.

"Orchestra" - children of the middle group play.

The male shift is growing, the garden is proud of them,
And they will give you their dance, boyish detachment.

Dance "Gentlemen"

Presenter 2: The sun is rising bright! Duck flight is over!
It's a hot spring day. Life bubbles and sings!
Spring-Red, children give you the song "With Nauryz!"

Spring: Thank you guys for your songs, dances.
Well friends, it's time to say goodbye.
And on a long way to gather.
Spring is expected all over the earth, spring is rejoiced everywhere.
Goodbye, guys! (leaves)

Presenter 1: And now a musical congratulations from the staff kindergarten

The song "Koktemnin guli"

Child 1: Nauryz toyy saltymyz. Aman bolsyn halkymyz!
Ulys he is a bolsyn! Kayda barsan zhol bolsyn!

Child 2: We are gathered here today
To meet Nauryz holiday!
Smiles, jokes, ringing laughter.
May everyone be happy today!

Presenter 1: Anim de sagan biim de,
Kut konak ozin uyimde.
Kuanysh syylap elime,
Kulimde Nauryz, kulimde!

Presenter 2: We celebrated the holiday together today,
They sang, they danced, they recited poetry.
Nauryz gave us a holiday,
Nauryz united us all!


  1. Magazine "Otbasy zhane balabaksha" No. 3 - 2012, No. 4 - 2011
  2. Magazine "Bala men balabaksha" No. 5 - 2012

Event within the framework of the Festival of the peoples of Kazakhstan "In unity is our strength"

Target: the formation of students' ideas about the culture, traditions and customs of the Kazakh people.


1 To instill a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2 To develop a cognitive interest in the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people.
3 Expand students' horizons and enrich vocabulary.
4 Develop creativity, speech, attention, memory.

Equipment: costumes of the Kazakh nationality, slides, traditional dishes, an exhibition of drawings, musical accompaniment, the hall is decorated with balls, Kazakh ornaments, children's drawings about Kazakhstan, a slide show.

preliminary work: learning dance, national games, poems about Kazakhstan, drawing on the theme "My Kazakhstan", cooking national dishes: pilaf, baursaki, tea with milk.

Event progress:

Presenter 1: Kairly kun!

Host 2: Good day!

Presenter 1: Kazakhstan, dear to the heart, sung by the great akyns. Endless steppes, vast meadows, beautiful and modern cities. Our country has everything for successful advancement: the land of Kazakhstan is rich in minerals, our people are ready to work for the good of their Motherland.

Host 2: Biz - Kazakhstan Respublikasymyz. Ata Zaynymyzda biz - Kazakhstan halkymyz dep zhazylgan. Biz elіmіzdіn örkendep, zhaynai beruіne zhauaptymyz. Turgylykty kazak khalky meyirimdі, darkhan halyk.

Presenter 1: We are the people of Kazakhstan, our Constitution begins with this phrase, the basic law of our life. More than a hundred nationalities live in the republic under a single shanyrak. All of them are equal citizens of our country.

Host 2: And we are responsible for ensuring that our common home is the Republic. Kazakhstan - was the most prosperous and prosperous.

Presenter 1: Kazakhstan today is considered the most successfully developing state.
Representatives of different nationalities live in Kazakhstan. Indigenous Kazakhs. They make up more than half of the population of the republic. Kazakhs are friendly and sympathetic people.

Host 2: President of our republic Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev. Since our state is independent and independent, we have our own flag, coat of arms, anthem. The capital of our state, the city of Astana.

Mounting students

1 student:


Kazakhstan Elim Menin,
Kazakhstan zherim menin.
Sagan arnap aitylady,
Anim menin.

Alataudyn Ayasynda,
Gul zhainagan sayasynda,
Gulge uksap osip kelem,
Ulkendikke koship kelem.

Kazakh zheri Kazakhstan,
Moldiregen ashhyk aspan.
Alys ketsem sagynamyn,
Otanym sen - Kazakhstan.

A. Zhunisolieva.

2 student:

Menin Republics

Eltanbasy elimnin,
Ortasynda shanyrak.
Memlekettik tyymnan
Kun shygyp tun zharkyrap.

Anүrany elimnіn,
Shakyrady birlikke.
Egemandi Khalkymny,
Bolashagy birlikte.


3 student:


Otan - zherim, Otan - suym,
Otan қүat, nәr berdi.
Otan - ұran, Otan - tuym,
Otan mangi guldenedi.

M. Khakimzhanova.

Presenter 1: There are national games in Kazakhstan, now we will show them to you (bayge, oramal.)

Baiga, or Baige (translated from Kazakh horse races), as an equestrian sport, is a complex of competitions in running for long or short distances on smooth or rough terrain.

First of all, Baiga is an equestrian sport in which not only thoroughbred horses can participate, but also animals that do not have the qualities of thoroughbred horses. To participate in this type of competition, the pedigree of the horse does not play a big role - the animal does not need to have a passport. However, if the horse has a good pedigree and is intended to compete in the future breeding work, then successful performance at competitions plays a big role in the future fate of the horse. Moreover, it is worth noting that participation in this sport requires great endurance of the horse, therefore, purebred horses are usually not allowed to participate in Baiga, since they do not have the qualities that horse breeds traditional for the Turkic peoples have, which are more enduring due to their genetic closeness to their wild ancestors.

Host 2: A scarf with a knot (Oramal) is a wonderful Kazakh children's game of endurance and quick reaction. An unlimited number of children can participate in this game, but not less than 5-6 people. To begin with, the driver is determined, who selects one of the participants and passes him a scarf tied in a knot. Then the participants stand in a circle, and the driver in the center of this circle. Participants begin to circle the round dance around the driver. After the “Stop” signal shouted out by the driver, the participants scatter in different directions. The task of the driver is to catch a participant with a scarf, and a participant with a scarf can pass the scarf to another participant on the run. As soon as the participant in whose hands the handkerchief is caught, he must sing a song or recite a verse for everyone, he also automatically becomes the leader and the game starts again.

Kazakh children's game - Scarf with a knot (Oramal)

The students are playing.

Presenter 1: Kazakh national cuisine fully reflects the essence of the people, its history, culture and traditions. Since ancient times, hospitality has been a hallmark of the Kazakh people; guests in the house are always given a proper welcome and a place of honor is given. Kazakhs eat at a low table-dastarkhan. The most popular dish among the Kazakhs is beshbarmak, baursaks. This is the main dish of the national cuisine. Beshbarmak in Kazakh means "five fingers" because of the way this dish is eaten with hands

Host 2: Baursaki is an obligatory treat in every Kazakh family. Now not only Kazakhs cook and eat them. They are served with tea, before meals, with koumiss, with snacks, with sorpa. This is both a festive and everyday dish, loved by everyone from young to old.

Now no one can say when baursaks appeared on the nomad’s dastarkhan: the hostess in every house, according to old recipes passed down from mother to daughter, from mother-in-law to daughter-in-law, bakes magnificent golden balls for any event. The name itself comes from the Kazakh words "baurlasu, baurlasuga, baur", which in translation into Russian means "the desire for unification, kinship, brotherhood."

Presenter 1: Of course, baursaks prefer to cook round, but one cannot categorically state that this is a traditional shape. They are triangular or quadrangular. I read that the nomads had "zhol baursaks", which were prepared in haste for those who went on the road: then the dough was rolled into a long sausage, the pieces were simply torn off with their hands and thrown into boiling oil. Of course, there were secrets: before, baursaks were fried only on lamb fat, then they were covered with a thin oil film on the outside, and inside they were always soft and retained their taste for a long time.

Host 2: Baursak is a traditional Kazakh dish, the name of which comes from the following words: "baurmasu, baurlasuga, baur", which translates as "the desire for unity, kinship, brother." This is a flour product that looks like donuts and is brought to readiness in a large amount of fat in a cauldron. To date, it is not known when baursaks appeared on the dastarkhan of a nomad, but they are undoubtedly a popular everyday and festive dish.

Interestingly, each housewife has her own recipe for making them and it is passed from mother to daughter, from mother-in-law to daughter-in-law. Baursaks are made from yeast, unleavened and even curd dough.

Presenter 1: In addition to the Kazakhs, it is also popular with the Uighurs, Kirghiz, Kalmyks, Uzbeks, Tatars, Bashkirs, and Mongols. It is customary to serve them with koumiss, for tea, before meals, for snacks, for sorpa.

Golden baursaks can have completely different shapes (balls, triangles, squares) and size, it all depends on the traditions of a particular family and on the region of its residence.

Host 2: In honor of the holiday, we prepared beshbarmak. And we want to treat you, because beshbarmak is one of the main dishes of the Kazakh national cuisine, which is prepared for Nauryz, weddings, anniversaries or other special occasions.

Presenter 1: In addition, our girls also baked baursaks for tea.

Host 2: We want to finish our story about our Republic of Kazakhstan with a dance - "Mahabbat" and the song "Zhanym".

Scenario "Culture of the Kazakh people"

Presenter 1: Kairly kun!

Host 2: Good day!


The guest rejoices in the song's rumble Without feeling neither cold nor heat

Here, my friend, you will not find a village, Not even just a house without a dombra.

And our ancestors carried bright pictures in melodies through the years

After all, two strings are like mountains and plains. Like life and death Like joy and trouble.

At the call of the dombra, friends rush with news, Words are hospitable and kind,

But poor house with honored guests And songs, and happiness without dombra.

Lead 2

Many nomadic peoples settled in our region

Almost everyone remembers tribal traditions, legends.

And we want to tell you about friendly and dear

Nationalities - Kazakh, the most indigenous.

Teacher: For the people of Kazakhstan, the path to independence and freedom was thorny and long. It took our ancestors many centuries to protect their native land from enemies and pass it on to us, the current generation.

Lead 2 The Kazakhs moved to the territory of the Lower Volga region in 1801, occupying the lands of the left bank of the Volga and Akhtuba that had been vacated after the migration of the Nogais and Kalmyks, then gradually penetrating into the right bank. This was done with the permission of Tsar Paul I.

Lead 1. Like many nomadic pastoral peoples, the Kazakhs have preserved the memory of their tribal structure. Almost everyone remembers their family names, and the older generation also remembers tamgas ("tanba") - coats of arms-marks for livestock and property.

Thus, we can say that in the Astrakhan, Volgograd, Saratov regions, the adjacent territories of the Republic of Kalmykia, as well as in some areas of the West Kazakhstan and Atyrau regions, a special ethnic group has developed - Kazakhs-Bukeevs or Volga Kazakhs, exceeding 250 thousand people in number .

Student in national costume:

The Volga Kazakhs keep the genus Tyulengite:

The guards of the Sultan himself - says a lot!

Kamyzyaksky, Volodarsky, Narimanovskiy district

Not a single one is bypassed by the attention of the Kazakhs.

Host 2: The Kazakhs have preserved their identity since ancient times. Their achievements in arts and crafts, jewelry, chasing, and ceramics are widely known. Our hospitality is passed down from generation to generation. We are pleased to introduce you to the art, cuisine, customs and traditions of the Kazakh people.

Children read poetry.

Oh, Kazakhstan - Great land, Mighty steppe giant.

Your steppe expanses army Protects my peace.


The Kazakhs have their own country. their lands for all time.

The Kazakhs have their own flag. The Kazakhs have their own coat of arms.

Kazakhs like a dream come true. Your happy and wise law!


I am a Kazakh, born in the steppe - Burned by the sultry sun.

Meeting a new dawn, Like a proud golden eagle, I soar.

Under the generous golden sun, under the clear blue sky...

My coat of arms and flag absorbed the whole world of the steppe, relatives gave,

Freedom spirit and direct gaze.


Kazakhstan is mine! The sun does not descend from your tender sky

Kazakhstan, the path to you is found by the Son, wherever his fate leads.

You handed me a golden pen to sing your expanses

Is my life worth something Without you, my Fatherland - Mother!

Kazakhstan elim menin, Kazakhstan zherim menin.

Sagan arnap aitylady, Anim menin.

Alataudyn ayasynda, Gul zhainagan sayasynda,

Gulge uksap osip kelem, Ulkendikke koship kelem.

Kazakh zheri Kazakhstan, Moldiregen ashhyk aspan.

Alys ketsem sagynamyn, Otanym sen - Kazakhstan.

Otan - zherim, Otan - suym, Otan қүat, nәr berdі.

Otan - ұran, Otan - tuym, Otan mangi guldenedi.


My homeland is Otan Krai, beloved Kazakhstan.

Mountains, steppes and fields It's all - my land.

It is great from Altai to the Caspian Sea. It is wide, like the soul of a people.

She is Europe, she is also Asia And the waves of the Urals and the splashing of the Irtysh

(Kazakh folk music sounds)

Lead 1. Nowhere is the openness of the Kazakh people expressed as vividly and fully as in the time-honored traditions and customs of hospitality and solemn treats to the guest - dastarkhane.

It has long been the custom of the Kazakhs to generously treat the guest, seat him in the most honorable place (tor). It was considered shameful not to give a hand to a person in difficult times, not to do good to him, not to let him stay for the night, not to treat him. There were fairy tales about misers and generous hosts among the people. And in proverbs and sayings it was said about love and good qualities of people. Listen to some of them. (two students read proverbs, one in Kazakh, the other reads the translation.)

Dastarkhan customs

If you happen to visit a traditional dastarkhan, you can become a witness of an ancient custom. The owner of the house presents the most respected guest with a ram's head prepared in a special way. He accepts it and then cuts it into pieces, which he divides among the rest of the guests. In this case, each part of the head is given a certain meaning. Endowing each guest with one or another part of the head, the guest of honor, who is entrusted with this business, jokingly accompanies this procedure with friendly hints and good wishes. For example, he cuts off the ears (fist) and gives them to young men (boys) with wishes to be attentive, palate (tandai) - to girls or young women: from this they supposedly will be industrious, eloquent. Thus, the guest of honor cuts off the meat from the head in small pieces and distributes it to the others.

The traditional dining table among the Kazakhs was a low round table (ustel), which was covered with a tablecloth or oilcloth. They sat on felt pillows (felt pillows or bedspreads), on which they laid long narrow wadded blankets. A place of honor was given to senior, respected guests or the host. Most often, the daughter-in-law, who was sitting near the samovar, poured tea and served food.

Lead 2 Dastarkhan is not only a feast tradition, but also a whole philosophy of hospitality, family and public relations. Those who have ever been accepted as a guest at the Kazakh dastarkhan will always remember not only exotic dishes, but also ancient rituals, the essence and meaning of which have not become dilapidated over time - they are still called upon to preserve the unity and traditions of a friendly Kazakh family .

Presenter 1: Kazakh national cuisine fully reflects the essence of the people, their history, culture and traditions. Since ancient times, hospitality has been a hallmark of the Kazakh people; guests in the house are always given a proper welcome and a place of honor is given. Kazakhs eat at a low table-dastarkhan. The most popular dish among the Kazakhs is beshbarmak, baursaks. This is the main dish of the national cuisine. Beshbarmak in Kazakh means "five fingers" because of the way this dish is eaten with hands

Host 2: Baursaki is an obligatory treat in every Kazakh family. Now not only Kazakhs cook and eat them. They are served with tea, before meals, with koumiss, with snacks, with sorpa. This is both a festive and everyday dish, loved by everyone from young to old. The name itself comes from the Kazakh words "baurlasu, baurlasuga, baur", which in translation into Russian means "the desire for unification, kinship, brotherhood."

Presenter 1: Man invented many different instruments. But the Kazakhs expressed all their joy, sadness, grief in playing the dombra. Today our evening will be dedicated to her.

This instrument is amazing - it can convey all the experiences of a person. How did this tool come about? One of the legends says:

“Once Batyr fought with enemies and was very tired. Decided to take a break. I sat down by a ravine in the shade, cut a piece of wood, pulled on a horsehair and tried to make a sound, but the instrument was silent. Putting the instrument next to him, Batyr fell asleep. When he woke up, he was surprised to notice a wooden block, someone placed under the strings. Batyr decided that these were the tricks of the devil. But the instrument has since become the "soul of the Kazakh people."

Lead 2. And now let's listen to how dombra sounds. (clip childhood)

Lead 2. And now we will show you an interesting ritual that still takes place in the Kazakh family life. The ceremony of laying the baby in the cradle - besik-toy, is arranged on the third day after birth. According to legend, it is impossible to put a baby in a cradle before this time - spirits can replace him with a freak. The rite is accompanied by the magical song "besik zhyry" - it scares away evil forces. Important role in the ritual, "kindik sheshe" is assigned - an elderly woman

Lead 1. Besikke salu is a traditional Kazakh ritual associated with the birth of a child. This solemn event arrange when the baby is placed for the first time in "Besik" - a rocking cradle. Among the Kazakhs, Besik is considered the golden nest of a baby, and the rite of Besikke Salu is one of the most significant and revered. Guests are invited, a festive dastarkhan is laid, so the Besikke salu rite is also called Besik toy. A beautiful cradle, beautiful new blankets, pillows, duvet covers, ribbons and strings - all this looks very attractive and elegant. According to custom, "Besik" is prepared and brought to the child by the grandmother, from the mother's side. The first time to put a child in the cradle is entrusted to an exemplary, experienced grandmother or woman with great authority. It is very honorable to put a baby in Besik for the first time. According to Kazakh belief, "Besik" is first fumigated with smoke, expelling evil spirits, then an interesting rite is performed - "Tyshtyrma". To do this, sweets, kurt, sweets are passed through the hole for the pot in the bottom of the cradle, saying: “Tyshty! Tyshty! This belief means that the born child will bring prosperity and wealth to the house. Guests try to catch sweets and distribute them to children. After that, the child is swaddled in "Besik" and sing the lullaby "Besik Zhyry":

(see a fragment of this rite) (the student reads a prayer and says the name in the ear of the “baby”, then the girls in costumes distribute tyshtyrma to the guests in the hall)

Ved.2 Now listen to the song "Arman", in this song, mother sings about her little son so that he grows up big and strong. (Arman song)

Ved.2. it's time for dancing. The most famous folk dances-Kamazhay and Kara Zhorga. The dance got its name from the folk song "Kamazhay", under which it is performed. The song praises the beauty of the girl, her grace and spontaneity. Now we will show you a clip, so, the dance "Kamazhai". (clip.)

Ved.1. Dance "Kara Zhorga", this dance makes everyone move to the music. Watch a piece of dance. (clip at the wedding)

Ved.2. Modern Kazakh youth tries not to forget their roots and observe the traditions of the people. They sing songs in their native language. (clip song Nurlan Kuanysh)

Ved.1. And like all other peoples, Kazakhs are patriots of their country (clip Astana alga)

Ved.1. Unfortunately, it is impossible to tell about all the traditions and customs of our people and cover the entire culture and way of life in a short time. But we hope that you have at least a little idea of ​​the culture of the Kazakh people.

Ved.2. Thank you for your attention.

The song "Nauryz" sounds, the children enter the hall, line up a semicircle.

Vedas. It is great from Altai to the Caspian Sea,

It is as wide as the people's soul.

She and Europe, she and Asia,

And the waves of the Urals and the surge of the Irtysh.

Rise and rise in the constellations of republics,

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Scenario New Year's disco for high school students. Goals and objectives: organization of leisure, celebration new of the year! Celebration joyful for everyone. Let them ring under this vault. Songs, music and laughter!

Scenario holiday for high school students New Year's ball - New.

New year it is the most.5. celebration in a year. We will sing for you.6. Songs, dance.7. Dancing! Today I don't feel like talking about 8. Study, but we promise that we will receive only.9. Estimates.

New Year 2013, Year of the Snake - New Year scenario for high school students.

New year, perhaps the most beloved celebration both in children and adults. But how many problems arise with how to organize it. I propose scenario holding New Year's Eve for high school students.

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Kazakh songs, scripts - page 2

I write myself, no one else. Kazakh scholars change all their lives. They just come to work for a month or two and run away. This year, before March 8, they were given the task to spend with their parents in the Kazakh group. So she tortured everyone in 2 weeks of preparation. I painted the script for her, they gave everything to the house. In short, just dial everything in order and lead the holiday! So she walked until the end of the school year and groaned - what a fine fellow she is! And the fact that we have a holiday after a holiday - does not notice!

By the way, I have a song in Kazakh. You can take it both for exercise and for a holiday (they sang in the Kazakh group for the New Year).

Only I have a request (to Gulnaz, to Irina) - please post the text of the song in a printed version and write down exactly what movements you need to perform. And then the educators: one says - you need to dance like that, the other - in a different way.

16 zheltokan "Menin Otanym-Kazakhstan" atta ertengilik
Sabaktyn maqsaty:

1) Balalarga tauelsiz memleket turaly tusinik beru maksatyndagy sabaqta olardyn, Otanga degen suispenshilikterin arttyru.
Kazakhstan Republicsynyn memleketik rәmіzderі:
Eltanba, tu, anұran turaly bilimderin kalyptastyru.
Otan turaly takpak. Makal-mateldi zhatka aytuga uiretu. Potriottyk
sezimge baulu.
2) Balalardyn til bailygyn oh - orisin, created baylanystyryp soileu
cabilettin damytu.
3) Elimіzdі, zherіmіzdі kadіrleuge, suyuge tarbieleu.
Tarbieshі: Salemetsizder me құrmetti қonaқtar! "Menin Otanym - Kazakhstan".
erteңgіlіgіmіzge kosh keldinіzder!


Kuni: ___.01.2014
Takyryby: "________________________________________________________________"
bіlіmdіlіk: okushylardyn tіldіk daғdylaryn, sozdіk korlaryn molaytyp
olardyn erkin әri ashyk soileu aluyna zhou ashu zhane tіlge degen
kyzygushylygyn oyatu
damytushylyk: okushylardy oilau, naturally saktau kabiletterin damytyp,
kөptіldіkke үiretu.
tarbielik: oқushylardy otanүygіshtіkke, ultzhandylyққa baulu.
Kornekіlіgі: sharlar, zhalaushalar, kanatty sozder

Maksaty: Anaғa degen sүyіspenshіlіk sezimderіn arttyru, Anany құrmetteu, syylay bіluge, okushylar boyindaғy zheke kabіletterimen talenttaryn damytu, adamgershіlіkke, іzgіlіkke, dostyқty қasterley bіluge tarbieu.
Biz gana emes, kadir tutkan babalar.
Analardan tugan nebir danalar.
Ana degen tirshiliktin tiregi,
Armysyzdar, casiette analar!
Kesh zharyk, kymbatty ұstaz - analar, arular! Kөңіlderіңіzge koktem shuaғyndai sezim men nұr құyyp, tagy yes 8 - nauryz halyқaralyқ әyelder kүnі keldi.
Osynau korkem merekenіn kay kezde de orny bolek. Olai bolatyny, analarga degen ystyk sezim, algys pen qurmet eshkashan sonbek emes. Olar - өmirdіn gүli, kөңіldің zhyry, аr otbasynyn altyn dіңgegi. Mynau tynymsyz tirshilik pen ken dunienіn ozі tek analarmen azharly. Bүgіngі arailap atқan nұrly taңmen birge әrbіr sabi zhүregі өzіn dep soқsa, bүgіngі merekelіk keshіmіz de analarғa arnalada.

The song "Nauryz" sounds, the children enter the hall, line up a semicircle.
Vedas. It is great from Altai to the Caspian Sea,
It is as wide as the people's soul.
She and Europe, she and Asia,
And the waves of the Urals and the surge of the Irtysh.
Rise and rise in the constellations of republics,
Mature year by year and day by day.
In the steppe and in Chimkent, in Uralsk, in Dzhambul,
A working, well-deserved land!

Here's the script for Republic Day.
A messenger runs into the hall.
Tyndaңyzdar, tyңdanyzdar
Boska karap turmanyzdar
Köp auznan tupeytin
Bizdin kazak onerinde
Toylayik tamasha!
Cheerful music sounds, children enter the hall.
Children 1 flared up early in the morning
Bright holiday of Kazakhstan
Everywhere songs, dances, laughter
This holiday is for everyone!


The Music Director welcomes the children and guests, inviting them to take places in the Musical Lounge.

Muses. hands Music flows like a river
Winds like a musical line
Again the sounds of the flood
Swept all around
And boats of melodies
They float out of hand...
My dear guests, I am glad to see you in our musical lounge. Today in our living room is a real holiday - holiday Kazakh music.
Today is a bright day
Everyone, all children.

Zhana zhylga arnalgan merekeik ertengіlik ötkіzіletіn, asem bezendirіlgen zalga balalar kol ustasyp kіredi

Zhanga lived, Zhanga lived.
Zhanga zhylda-zhanya zhyr.
Zhasyl shyrsha janynda
Zhadyrap bar bala zhur.

Shyrshamyz tur zharasa.
Basynda Asem Zhuldyzy
Koz toimaydy karas.

When entering into marriage, certain restrictions were observed. Thus, according to ancient adat (customs and traditions), marriage between relatives was forbidden until the seventh generation. In this regard, every Kazakh had to know his genealogy at least up to the seventh ancestor, and for centuries the genealogical history was kept especially carefully.

This rule is strictly observed today, since ignorance of one's origin is considered ignorance and bad manners.
According to popular belief, it is believed that early marriage helps to keep young people from obscene acts, and also contributes to the appearance and growth of healthy offspring. Therefore, girls were given in marriage at 13-14 years old, sons were married at 14-15 years old. Currently, such early marriages are not practiced.

Long road in the dunes

Matchmakers leave a sacrificial ram in the bride's house. The next morning after the matchmaking, the animal is slaughtered and the whole district is called to beshbarmak. Not a single piece of meat should be left at home, everything must be fed to guests or distributed. Only the bride cannot touch this meat. The rite is called kyzdyn oltirisi (sacrifice in the name of a girl). On the same day, the second part of the korzhyn is opened, and its contents are distributed to neighbors and relatives.

The most difficult stage begins - preparation for the wedding. No wonder the Kazakhs say that the wedding toy is not as interesting as its prelude. This is the search for a suitable hall, drawing up a list of invitees and, most importantly, choosing a toastmaster. After all, he is your soul. The table can be full of dishes, the wedding will take place in the most expensive restaurant, but if there is no experienced toastmaster, then everything will go down the drain. The toastmaster must clearly maintain the family hierarchy in connection with the Kazakh traditions. Allah forbid, forgetting to give someone the floor for a toast or giving it later - the insult will remain for life. Kazakhs like to talk a lot and with feeling, so the task of the master of ceremonies is to prevent it from turning into a kind of party conference with jokes and jokes.


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