Do-it-yourself soil for a greenhouse. How to prepare the soil for the greenhouse for the new season in the spring. How to prepare the soil in the greenhouse for the winter

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And you will be very surprised, but the fish head at the bottom of the hole is the perfect fertilizer!

Preliminary soil preparation

But note that the most dangerous moisture for greenhouse tomatoes is soil moisture. Wet, compacted earth quickly contributes to the development of all kinds of diseases. Check the soil mixture you have prepared for moisture: blind a lump, and if it crumbles easily when touched, then everything is in order.

Holds moisture well, but does not turn into a swamp.

The simplest procedure

- recommended against root rot, fusarium and verticillium wilt, clubroot, black leg, it is indispensable for complex soil diseases. Spraying must be done no later than a month before planting seedlings. Per square meter of area, it is permissible to use no more than 2 liters of solution, after which the earth must be dug up.

Among experts, there is one answer to the question of how to disinfect the soil in a greenhouse - this is impossible and the best way is a simple replacement of the earth, if not all, then at least the upper level of 5-8 cm.

, remove all remnants of old vegetation. Be sure to test them at the deepest possible depth, and 50 cm is not the limit here, given the roots. Not only plant residues are subject to removal, but also the little things of various devices, ropes, sticks that were used in the process of caring for the crop.

  1. Immediately make a reservation that for this you may have to work with a shovel. The main condition for fertility is the high content of earthworms in the earth, since it is they who, better than any chemical fertilizers, will prepare the greenhouse soil for the next garden season.
  2. A good harvest and the health of crops planted in greenhouses depends on many factors. This is the location of the beds, and the dependence of different varieties of crops on the time of their planting, and the abundance or lack of moisture and, of course, soil preparation in the greenhouse.

After planting the seedlings in the greenhouse, watch the top leaves. If within a week they become greasy, brittle and curl up - you have a clear overfeeding with nitrogen, somewhere in the preparation of the beds you overdid it with greens. To save future tomatoes, spill the ground well, literally washing out nitrates, and feed with potassium sulfate immediately at double the rate. Then cover 5 cm with a layer of fresh sawdust, but remove them after a couple of weeks. If you don’t do all this, fruiting will be delayed by at least half a month.

Remember that calcium deficiency is most dangerous for greenhouse tomatoes, especially when combined with other deficiencies. When the fruits begin to pour, top rot will immediately come out. Therefore, be sure to feed the beds with these elements even during their preparation.

We saturate the soil with humus

Many craftsmen use almost one sand as a substrate, so that it instantly dries and is saturated with oxygen. But then the process of growing tomatoes is already different from the usual.

It has an optimal acidity pH - in the range of 6.5-7.

If not every year, then regularly every 2-3 years it is recommended to renew the land in the greenhouse.

Why are earthworms so important

But, by and large, more active intervention is indispensable here. Secondly You can improve the quality of the soil by using a bacterial cocktail as an irrigation. It consists of a solution containing a certain set of bacteria, which are entrusted with the function of processing nitrogen, which is contained in excess in the soil. As a result of the action of these bacteria, the soil for tomatoes in the greenhouse will be enriched with nitrogen, which, in turn, will increase both plant growth and their yield.​

Since tomatoes are one of the most popular types of greenhouse crops, more than half of all greenhouses available to summer residents are allocated for their cultivation. And it is very important to know: what should be the soil for tomatoes in a greenhouse in order to get a good harvest of large, juicy, and most importantly healthy fruits?

We fertilize the soil in the greenhouse

But if the seedlings were planted on warm soil, and not flooded with water, but the lower leaves turned yellow - you just provided little nitrogen. Although it is already much easier to solve the problem here, because The modern market offers a lot of organomineral dressings. Just pour a couple of times with a half-diluted solution and mulch with organic matter.

  1. So, he has been preparing greenhouse soil for tomatoes since autumn:
  • Remember one very important rule: the soil prepared for the greenhouse should smell like earth! Moreover, it smells nice, and any third-party smell indicates that the substrate lacks organic matter or other undeclared elements are present.
  • Contains all the necessary components for growing exactly tomatoes.
  • The process for solving the problem of how to update the land in a greenhouse is as follows:
  1. - mainly used to control fungi and bacteria on the plants themselves. The application is carried out in the form of fumigation of a closed greenhouse at the rate of 80 grams of the substance per cubic meter of the greenhouse volume. If you are unlucky and a spider mite has settled in the greenhouse, double the dose. The application technology provides for the installation of several metal pallets with glowing coals in the room, on which sulfur or sulfur blocks are laid.

, carefully break up the lumps and level the entire surface. In no case do not tamp the earth, let it breathe and rest after the summer-autumn labors. Soak the earth in this way for at least a week before the next operation, since nature itself will help to do this - you never know when the first snow will fall.

The basis for such a solution can be bought at any store, stall or hypermarket specializing in goods for gardeners. As a rule, a concentrated solution is sold in an ampoule, which will be enough to process 600 sq.m.

Preparing a bacterial cocktail

These invertebrates, despite their unaesthetic and repulsive appearance, are the most important link in the whole eco-friendly chain of our ecosystem. It is they who, passing through themselves everything that is contained in the soil and mixing the resulting mass with the ground, give the soil the necessary complex of rock fertilizers, called among farmers by a capacious and incomprehensible word -​

Is everything all right? Expect a rich harvest!​

  1. Step 1. We clean the ground from organic residues in the form of cut grass, straw, leaves, plant tops and kitchen waste. This will allow the soil to breathe and be looser.​
  • Although it is possible without soil at all:
  • Generous in minerals that are available in an easily digestible form.
  1. The top layer of 30-40 cm is removed;

Useful advice! Some experienced greenhouse growers advise composting it to get rid of old tops. This method is quite possible to use, but subject to following conditions: you have carefully monitored the presence of pests in the greenhouse during the previous year and did not observe their increase; compost is really able to get rid of pests for quite a long time - at least 3 years - you have this time, and you are ready to wait; compost should not be used for the same crop it came from.​


Well, and thirdly

Tillage in a greenhouse before planting: a highly desirable procedure

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​No later than 3-4 months before preparing the soil, you must dilute the contents of the ampoule in two liters of warm water. It is better if it is either melt or rain water.


If you do not want to poison tomatoes planted in greenhouses with chemicals, then you need to take care of the quality of the soil even at the stage of filling the greenhouse with earth. As a rule, imported soil is used in greenhouses, and this is due to the fact that fertile black soil is not always located at the installation site of the structure.

Nothing but fertilizer.

Step 2. We bring sawdust into the greenhouse. They absorb excess nitrogen from manure and also loosen the soil a little. Calculate like this: the more manure, the more sawdust.

The first, still autumn, operations

The main enemy of greenhouse tomatoes is late blight, which we all know. Moreover, there is evidence that since 1985 new types of the damaging fungus have appeared, because of which the danger of phytophthora has increased several times. Reproducing by spores, this fungus hides in the ground and tolerates even severe frosts well. Moreover, without having "food", it still retains its high vitality.

  • In a certain part it consists of sand, which is necessary for the formation of the skeletal part of the plant. The first layer of hay, straw, leaves is laid;
  • Helpful advice! Sulfur checkers, in fact, do not require the preliminary presence of coal, it is enough to set fire to the checkers. At the same time, it must be admitted that this method, although extremely effective, is unacceptable in greenhouses with metal structures - all protection of the metal from corrosion will come to naught.
  • , with the first snow, lay its layer of 20-30 cm on the ground of the greenhouse. This will already be an excellent protective and disinfecting factor until spring.Add a large spoonful of honey to the solution.

Operations in early spring

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary problems, immediately buy only high-quality soil, previously fertilized only with natural additives without the use of chemicals. And despite the fact that the price of such land will be somewhat higher, in the future it will save you a lot of money, which you will not have to spend on restoring the fertile layer of beds.

Soil disinfection

Hello darling! you have lived through the runoff pachemu and you don’t know what to put manure in the ground. The more manure, the more wah! - swear!

Step 3. We add additional lime, which normalizes acidity after decay of organic residues.

Therefore, if last season you struggled with late blight or another similar fungal disease, then disinfect the earth with a solution of lime and copper sulfate heated to 70 ° C:

Rich in vermicompost, which provides all the nutrients for the most accessible form of tomatoes.

  • then - the second layer of manure; this double pillow should be 15-20 cm thick;​
  • formalin solution
  • ​Among active forms that perform their work quite effectively, but affect different types fungi and bacteria, the following are distinguished:
  • After pouring the resulting mixture into a ten-liter can or jar, tightly closing the lid, leave it in a warm and dark place for three months.

Making my way through the labyrinths of the earth, earthworms they absorb and pass through themselves not only dead organisms and spores, but also process everything that gets in their way into active biomass.

The land should be dug up, better and more than once, fertilized with organic matter, and it is already possible to plant it in it, do not forget the rule that there should be water in the greenhouse - buckets or a barrel

Step 4. Now we bring in fresh manure as a source of nutrition and heat. It must be mixed with sawdust, straw and leaves, which will speed up the decomposition process and release heat.

Step 1. Take 3 g of copper sulfate and 50 g of quicklime per 1 liter of water.

Supplemented with loosening elements that maintain air-water balance (perlite, vermiculite or ash).

Active forms of land preparation in spring

The third layer is a mixture of peat and sod land, 10-15 cm thick; peat must be ventilated before use to remove toxic substances - peat is considered suitable for use when its moisture content is 50-60%.​

  • - a good remedy against the whitefly and its larvae, against spider mites, fungus and mold. Work with formalin must be carried out at an internal temperature of no higher than 10-12 degrees and using a 40% solution. Chemical method
  • Although all the above operations will need to be carried out earlier in the spring, but when a confident average temperature during the day is above 0 degrees, the warming should be stable. That is why, if the weather allows, it is recommended to perform all operations as early as February. Watering the land with a bacterial culture is carried out a month before planting.
  • Without this product of their vital activity, the fertile soil layer would have been depleted long ago, and perhaps our planet would have turned into a lifeless huge stone flying through space to its natural end. The following instructions will help to properly prepare the soil for sowing seeds by enriching it with useful substances, obtained naturally, and not in chemical laboratories. Soil preparation must be done immediately, as soon as the crop has been harvested.

​depends on the crop you will grow, on the method, etc.

And yet, if chemistry

Step 5. Pour a new layer of earth over the manure, and powder it with ash. We add mineral fertilizers.

  • Step 2. Spray the solution evenly over 1 square meter of bed area. And how all this can be achieved and what you need to do, now let's take a closer look.
  • Oddly enough, excessive care for the land in the greenhouse will be the answer to the question of why the land in the greenhouse turns green. Too much watering in the greenhouse causes uncontrolled reproduction of moss, too much light - phytogenesis intensifies on the soil, a green carpet is planted for planting a tomato, which, after germination of seedlings, is not cut. Work must be carried out in a gas mask. Upon completion of irrigation, the temperature inside is raised to 25 degrees and the greenhouse is kept closed for a day.
  • - the use of special chemicals. This method quite effective, but it is strongly recommended to use only in the autumn, immediately after the last harvest, maximizing the time until spring sowing. All operations will mainly be associated with soil disinfection. To do this, you must first remove the remaining snow. If you want to do it faster, you can put earth, peat or even ash on top.

Add a glass of solution to 20 liters of water and pour the entire internal area of ​​​​the greenhouse with the resulting cocktail.

  • The end of August-mid-September is the best time to fertilize the soil of the greenhouse. Traditionally, for some reason, in greenhouses in the CIS countries, in most cases, tomatoes and cucumbers are kept.

Step 6. Pour hot water over and cover with foil.

Step 3. Immediately on the second day, apply dolomite flour or wood ash to the bed, 100-200 g per square meter of bed.

  • The best predecessors for greenhouse tomatoes are pumpkin and legume crops, any root crops, in a word, everything that did not hurt last year with late blight or the Colorado potato beetle. will stop. When a decision is made to use chemistry, then careful observance of all application processes.​
  • As the final chord of all works - thorough ventilation. Keep in mind that formalin has the ability to absorb and persist in concrete for a long time. Biological method

Further actions depend on the area of ​​the greenhouse. If the area is small, then often boiling water will be enough, which will successfully destroy all pests in the soil.

A month after this procedure, your beds will be fertilized as much as possible with the whole complex of elements, and at the same time, the plants will not absorb chemical additives that are harmful to human health, which are full of many purchased fertilizers.

Having collected a sufficient number of earthworms (5-10 individuals will be enough for each square meter), we evenly distribute them over all the beds:

In this case, you will have almost six months to restore the content of trace elements necessary for plant growth in the soil. And by the time you plant the first seeds in the rows in March, the soil will be completely ready to give its strength to the plants.​

If not "to be clever", then

Earth renewal

Step 7. A week later, we plant tomato seedlings.

But it is useless and irrational to process greenhouse beds for future tomatoes with a sulfur checker. This vegetable is most attacked, as you know, by phytophthora, and sulfuric acid against this scourge is almost useless. Therefore, the best disinfection of such soil is copper preparations and treatment with Baikal. This tool will not only destroy pests, but also add beneficial microorganisms to it, which in turn will increase soil fertility. Just remember that any increase in soil fertility also increases the amount of pathogen in it.

  • In any case, in the fall, it is important to prepare the greenhouse for cleaning: remove all plant remains of leaves and stems, burn all tops. From the soil itself, it is necessary to manually remove all remaining roots and fallen seeds, and dig the soil under a shovel. And finally, we remove 7 cm of the top layer of the earth from the beds, where pathogenic microorganisms and fungi are most concentrated.
  • Only confidence in all your actions will give the desired result in summer and autumn. And after harvesting - back to work (learn also how to prepare a greenhouse for spring).
  • Copper vitriol
  • - in other words, the introduction into the soil with the help of compost or manure of living organisms that help to cope with pests. This method gives very good results, but it is long-lasting and not always suitable for greenhouses. In addition, during the action of compost, constant care of the land is required - digging it up and removing new weeds.​


Not only the abundance of sunlight, but also the presence of various mineral elements and organic fertilizers in the ground gives plants the strength to grow and bear fruit normally. Some inexperienced summer residents start fertilizing their beds by burying a lot of various chemicals in them, which in most cases is a gross mistake. The video in this article will help you avoid such mistakes (read also about the features of growing flowers in a greenhouse).

dig a hole a hole

Initially, you need to remove the top layer of earth about 20 cm from the bed, digging a groove along the entire length of the plantation.

They like light and loose soil. A universal method for the usual cultivation of these crops is mulching with organic matter (leaves of trees, etc.) of the soil, followed by its autumn digging.

Preparing the soil in a greenhouse for tomatoes in spring: a step by step guide

What do tomatoes grow on?

Here is another spring version of the "pie" for tomatoes:

If you are not a supporter of the mineral fertilizer of greenhouse soil, and you also don’t want to apply manure or chicken before planting tomatoes (at least for fear of becoming infected with helminths later), then consider the option with green manure. This green manure is planted in early spring, long before you bring in the first seedlings.​

And here are the ideal predecessors of greenhouse beds for tomatoes:

  1. - This well-known drug shows itself perfectly against pathogens of powdery mildew, late blight, rot, scab, curl and bacteriosis. The use of copper sulphate negatively affects plants, therefore it is available for use only in autumn. Do not use concentrations above 10%. Copper sulfate is part of the Bordeaux mixture
  2. ​Temperature Method​
  3. If you are lucky with the sun, then the following actions can help:
  4. It is not enough to build a greenhouse on the site, get an unusual seedling and place it in the soil, waiting for the harvest. The earth requires constant care, whether it is outdoors or in a greenhouse.​
  5. Gently put a worm in it,
  6. Humus is poured onto its bottom, which has been waiting for this procedure for at least 3 years. It must be remembered that it should not contain any straw or hay, as this significantly increases the time it takes to decompose in the ground.​
  7. Fertilizers are applied, depending on the variety (a professional sales assistant should explain to you in detail how, how much, and when).
  8. Step 1. Put reeds and long rotting branches in the bottom layer.

Green manure quickly form a green mass and are often grown in a greenhouse only to go as an organic fertilizer with valuable nitrogen. As a result, only 3 kg of green mass will replace 1-1.5 kg of manure for you! These are beans, peas, seradella, mustard, lentils, soybeans, rapeseed, phacelia, colza and fodder beans.​

Predecessors: not every bed is good

And now let's see if the soil in the greenhouse on which you plan to plant tomatoes should be covered with snow for the winter. Yes, you usually come across advice that is incredibly useful for indoor ground: moisture impregnation, destruction of harmful microorganisms. But just for a tomato, everything is a little different.

The video in this article will answer these questions more fully.

Special preparations

February: Does the greenhouse need snow?

- or against the ground with boiling water. This method involves first covering the area with a heat-resistant film, which will retain moisture and release steam outside.

First, the soil is watered;

Sprinkle with a small amount of earth.

Soil: ready or homemade?

You must fill the ditch with humus by about half with your own hands, after which you can either fill it with soil thrown back when digging, or fill in new earth.

There are also sites of manufacturers of the variety you have chosen and just information sites where you can clarify the details.

Step 2. Next 3 buckets of sawdust and 200 g of urea.

You can sow green manure in front of tomatoes already at the end of March, in extreme cases - in the fall, after harvesting. Two weeks before planting tomatoes, cut the grown green manure with a flat cutter and close it to a depth of 2-3 cm. Do not remove all the roots that remain - this is an excellent food for beneficial bacteria and worms.

So, if the greenhouse land is without snow all winter, then by spring it dries up completely. This is even noticeable visually: the soil becomes dusty, as if lifeless. In fact, such soil is an excellent heat insulator, and the ground under it hardly freezes, and in the spring it does not need to be warmed up for a long and tedious time. Remember now what tomatoes are most afraid of? Yes, it is cold earth, but the fact that it looks like sand is not scary - tomatoes grow well in the desert places of South America.

Tomatoes are fruit plants of the nightshade family. Their name comes from the Italian pommod Horo - "golden apple". And the Dutch were the first to develop the agricultural technology of this vegetable, in their greenhouses, boasting that they had discovered the fourth state of water. The first is gaseous, the second is liquid, the third is ice, and the fourth is the Dutch tomato. And this "handsome man" has considerable requirements for the conditions under which and on what it is grown.

Disinfection: saving the future crop

- a whole class of drugs developed against specific types of bacteria: Fitolavin-300 against pathogenic bacteria and rot, Bayleton against gray rot and powdery mildew, Acrobat MC against downy mildew and late blight. The use of these drugs must be preceded by familiarity with the recommendations.

  • the covering material is thoroughly washed;
  • Nothing will grow by itself. Ultimate calculation, knowledge, work and discipline - that's what the earth loves - these are the components of a good harvest.
  • After the entire inner area of ​​the greenhouse is “planted” with invertebrates, give them a little rain by watering the entire plantation with a watering can or hose. If there are still no night frosts on the soil, then watering can be quite plentiful.

However, this is only the simplest preparation of the soil for the next planting, and if you want to achieve maximum results, then you need to additionally carry out a number of preparatory activities.

Siderata: we feed the beds with nitrogen

If they lead tomatoes, or cucumbers, then they lime every 4 years into the ground. If you don’t know how, write in the comments and I will post recommendations for liming the soil.​

Step 3. Sprinkle with lime.

Note that fresh and young plants are richest in nitrogen, and they decompose faster in the soil. Just do not overdo it with the quantity, otherwise the green mass will not decompose, but will turn sour. But more mature green manure plants decompose more slowly, but they enrich the soil with organic matter.

Just be sure to loosen such soil well so that it becomes breathable. You can calmly dig at least every year, no matter how the adherents of "live farming" recommend it.

We apply fertilizers: attention to calcium!

Here, for example, is the most successful design of greenhouse beds for growing this crop:

This is the most aggressive way to deal with harmful microorganisms, it is best to avoid it if possible, but when this is no longer possible, then at your disposal:

material is applied to the ground;

"Warm beds": tomatoes will be early!

If a sharp cold snap is still possible, then moisten the earth in such a way that before dark all the water is absorbed and does not freeze the worms in it.

  • ​Attention! You need to pour the so-called ground disinfected from various weeds and pests so that they do not damage future plants.
  • Humus, manure, ash, If the soil is heavy, clayey, then peat, but to deoxidize the soil, then lime or dolomite flour.
  • Step 4. As the top layer, mix ash, earth and mineral fertilizers.
  • If you decide to apply some fertilizers to the beds even before planting seedlings, then you should know: the experience of a huge number of people from all over the world when growing tomatoes proves that this vegetable cannot be grown tasty and healthy on mineral fertilizer alone. The fact is that mineral substances inhibit the biota in the root zone, while vitamins and other biological substances provide the roots with only symbiotic microorganisms.
  • By the way, it is easy to warm up such beds if you carry out subsoil heating in the greenhouse:
  • And now let's dwell on what kind of greenhouse soil is needed specifically for tomatoes:
  • Helpful advice! Carrying out the correct agricultural policy can also be attributed to the care of the land. It is not necessary to constantly plant the same crop on the same bed. The alternation of crops does not allow pathogens to adapt to the characteristics of the soil and the nature of the crop.​

Chlorine lime

  • doors and vents are closed;
  • You can say it in another way - you love to ride, love to carry sleds. And we will add that you need to do it on time and start in the fall.​
  • After that, by spring, the soil for the tomato in the greenhouse will be sufficiently enriched with useful substances, and most importantly, you will no longer need any strength or financial investments.
  • In the photo - humus.
  • It all depends on what you are going to plant in the greenhouse - early cucumbers A layer of straw about 2 fingers thick a layer of manure that has not rotted such a sandwich of 4 layers make prepare holes for planting and fill them with earth. Pour the prepared soil in the greenhouse with plenty of hot water, I cover the beds in the greenhouse with a black film, well, no, so only a lot of weed will go in a week, you can plant seedlings in the holes. For peppers and eggplant, ordinary soil (separately from cucumbers, the modes are different)

Step 5. Alternate the last three layers a couple of times.

But they won’t work on one organic either. Of course, they will grow not small in size, but the tops will be much more massive than the roots, and all small and flying pests from the surrounding area will run to such overfeeding. Although organic matter is also important for tomatoes:

Test for proper preparation: how do seedlings behave?

Not only for beginners, but also for experienced gardeners, the question often arises: “So, prepare the soil for tomatoes yourself, or buy a ready-made soil mixture?”. If you still decide to purchase ready-made soil, then be sure to treat it with the Fitolavin biological solution, taking 2 ml per liter of water. After all, you cannot be completely sure that the purchased land did not come into contact with anything during harvesting.

Free from weed seeds.

Ideally, be sure to leave at least 20% of the entire greenhouse area for a couple - let the earth rest and be nourished with vitamins for at least one season. Be sure to keep a soil use diary.​

What should be the land for the greenhouse, what should be added to the ground? thanks for the answer!

What is the name of the country for Russians?

- it will be good for fighting black leg, clubroot, white rot, root-knot nematode, late blight. In autumn, the concentration of chlorine can be high, while in spring it is quite minimal. It is very useful to spray plants with a liquid solution from a ratio of 10 liters of water - 400 grams of lime. Often a delay in processing leads to the loss of the entire already diseased crop.

Sergey Zhukov

All cracks are caulked.

[I Am Your Legend]™

In the fall, when the last crop is harvested, and the earth is ready for winter rest, it is very important to do the following:

Amir Zhumagaliev

Council. In order to minimize the evaporation of moisture from the soil and at the same time insulate it, cover the ground with plastic wrap. If it lies like this in the spring, it will perfectly preserve the moisture of the soil, and the worms will not go to the depth, but will fertilize the top layer, in which the plants will be.

The following recommendations not only answer the question of how to prepare the soil for a tomato in a greenhouse, but also help to saturate the earth with useful microelements as much as possible. This will increase the fertility of the soil several times and, as a result, increase the yield of planted tomatoes.​
humus is needed. And more. Everything. The rest is heat, light and watering with warm water (if possible).
Well, that's all! Dig holes for tomatoes so deep that the seedlings are covered with earth to the cotyledon leaves. If it is a little overgrown, plant not vertically, but at an inclination of 45-50 °, and an additional root system will develop from the stem. And how much was proper preparation, now the planted seedlings themselves will tell.
That is why the supply of fertilizer beds for tomatoes must be approached comprehensively. So, many experienced gardeners put 3-7 g of special fertilizer for tomatoes into the hole when planting, in which phosphorus and potassium predominate, exactly 5 cm from the seedling trunk. Of the drugs, "Kemira", "Buyskiye OMU" or "Fertika" proved to be the best.
A good soil for greenhouse tomatoes is obtained from a mixture of soddy and humus soils, taken in equal proportions and loosened with sawdust. Additionally, you can purchase ready-made Tomato and Pepper soil, in which all the necessary substances and elements are more accurately calculated. It is sold in plastic bags of 4 kg, and you need to make 3 kg per 1 m2, separately in each hole. Here we are talking about the traditional version. Also use the popular coconut substrate, which is especially good for tomato seedlings.​
Purified from pest larvae and possible pathogens.

Elena Mango

​Every year, last year's fallow goes to work, and new areas take its "place" in soil care. This approach is especially important if there is a need to resolve the issue of how to prepare the land in a greenhouse for tomatoes.

Alexander Belyaev


May wind

In a week you get a greenhouse that is quite suitable for further use. But, unfortunately, in the middle lane, such a technique is possible only in summer, when we are no longer talking about tillage.

A greenhouse can be called without exaggeration the best home for tomato seedlings. The weather is capricious and unpredictable, and all gardeners want to get a crop of their own tomatoes.

A greenhouse for growing seedlings can be made with your own hands from the “wealth” that is in any summer cottage, or you can order a ready-made one, if funds allow. But having built a greenhouse on the site, you will never regret the time and money spent.

Land in a greenhouse for tomatoes

Tomatoes are very heat-loving plants, and despite the abundance of varieties adapted for growing in our climate, warmth, which is sometimes very lacking, still remains a decisive factor for obtaining a crop. However, in addition to heat, tomatoes for growing in greenhouses need prepared soil. And they begin to cook it long before planting seedlings.

First of all, you need to think about how to make greenhouse soil the most optimal for the growth of tomato seedlings. It must be fertile, disinfected and warm.

You can disinfect the soil with fungicides, which are commercially available in large quantities. But to improve fertility will help pre-sowing green manure. Green manure includes a number of crops that enrich the soil with nitrogen and improve its structure. These are mustard, buckwheat, radish, wheat, peas, clover ...

Siderats are sown in greenhouse soil in the fall immediately after harvesting, they grow until the flowering period, and then the earth is dug up along with green manure. Thus, it is possible to significantly improve the greenhouse soil, and the crop rotation is observed. To increase fertility, you can also use manure, burying it in the ground in the fall, but then you have to work hard, pulling out the weeds.

What kind of land is needed in a greenhouse for a tomato

Most important characteristics soil for growing tomatoes is friability and water permeability. The composition of the soil, one way or another, will depend on what kind of soil is in your area. If you have peat land, then the following mixture will be the optimal soil for the greenhouse: 60% peat, 20% sand and 20% compost. On light loam, the amount of compost and humus should be increased to 50%. On dense loam, the amount of sand is increased, and on sandy soils, clay-soddy soil is also added.

How to prepare the land in a greenhouse for tomatoes

Preparation of greenhouse soil for planting seedlings in a greenhouse usually begins in the fall. First, all the soil from the greenhouses is removed, the bottom is covered with sawdust, straw, needles or small twigs. The thickness of this layer should be at least 5 cm. Then a 10-cm layer of manure is laid on this layer, and greenhouse soil is returned from above, into which 3 kg of ash, 0.8 kg of ammonium nitrate and 3 kg of superphosphate are added per 1 cubic meter of soil. As a result, you will get the so-called warm beds. Two weeks before planting seedlings, you need to loosen the greenhouse soil, remove weeds and add half a bucket of humus and a glass to the soil wood ash per square meter of surface.

Land preparation for tomatoes in the greenhouse

The beds for planting seedlings are prepared a week before planting. The beds should be a mound 30-40 cm high and 60-80 cm wide. Seedlings are planted in one row for each bed. The distance between the beds is about 60 cm. If the greenhouse is small, you can make beds with boards and plant seedlings on them in two rows. 5-6 days before planting, you can treat the soil with biological vegetable protection products - trichodermin, phytosporin, Baikal-em and other similar preparations.

To warm up the soil, check the greenhouse for cracks, and then cover it with an additional layer of film. To obtain the optimum temperature for planting after loosening, the greenhouse soil is covered with a black film that attracts the sun's rays.

Soil preparation in the greenhouse plays important role in obtaining a rich harvest. How and when should you prepare the soil for a greenhouse? How to get rid of pests? Warming up the greenhouse with manure in early spring, the procedure. What kind of manure or others and at what time is it better to use? So, how to properly prepare the soil in a greenhouse or greenhouse, we read in the article.
"Country hobbies"

Soil preparation in the greenhouse

Autumn work, before frost

The soil in the greenhouse also needs to be prepared for the onset of frost. It is necessary to take the earth out of the greenhouse from the beds and scatter them with a layer of 60-80 centimeters. Then humus is introduced into the greenhouse with a layer of 15-20 centimeters. If the land is not fertile, fertilizers are added to it, and then they are also brought into the greenhouse. At the end, you can lay out mulch on the beds.

After the greenhouse survives the frost, by the time the plants dive, it will have fertile and soft soil ready for planting.

How to get rid of a bear. Greenhouse disinfection

Unfortunately, it is rare to find humus without a bear, so it’s better to get rid of this pest right away, spreading the pickled seeds in the greenhouse a couple of days before diving.

If the same crops are grown in the greenhouse, for example, tomatoes, most likely, various pests of these particular vegetables have already appeared in the soil. Therefore, before planting seedlings, it is worth spilling the soil with a hot (about 60 ° C) solution of potassium permanganate at the rate of 1 gram per 10 liters of water.

It is necessary to disinfect not only the soil, but also the greenhouse itself. To do this, all wooden structures are washed blue vitriol, which destroys fungi, lichens and moss, and after a week is coated with bleach.

To obtain a treatment agent, 400 grams of bleach is infused in 12 liters of water for 2-4 hours. Then the liquid is drained, and the sediment is used for smearing. If, in the summer, greenhouse plants have suffered any disease (for example, tomatoes have been ill with brown spotting), greenhouse structures and glasses should additionally be sprayed with foundationazole or oxychome.

Warming up the greenhouse in early spring, soil preparation

If the winter was harsh, with severe frosts, but you plan to use the greenhouse for planting in early spring, you need to start the process of self-heating. To do this, after the snow melts, the earth is abundantly spilled with hot water. And after a few days you can start planting!

But you can get the first greens already in early spring or plant seedlings of cold-resistant crops in a greenhouse not only with the help of hot water. The soil can be warmed up in a tried and tested old-fashioned way - with the help of biofuels or the introduction of organic matter. This method can be used by those summer residents who have the opportunity to purchase fresh manure in early spring. The volume of manure applied should be 1/4 of the volume of the entire greenhouse soil. For example, a standard plot with two greenhouses and four greenhouses will require about half of KAMAZ manure.

Horse manure in cold climates releases the optimal amount of heat. Plus, it heats up the fastest. Pig manure, as well as rabbit and sheep manure, are not suitable for heating greenhouses - it is too hot for greenhouse plants.

How to prepare warm soil

So, the preparation of warming soil will require the following steps.

  1. In autumn, organic residues are brought into the greenhouse. These are straw, grass clippings, plant tops, leaves and kitchen waste. This is necessary so that the soil is looser, and for the spring burning of manure.
  2. In autumn and spring, sawdust should be brought into the greenhouse. Thanks to them, the soil becomes loose, and nitrogen from fresh manure is also absorbed. Sawdust is needed as much as manure was brought into the greenhouse - the more manure, the more sawdust.
  3. Lime is also added in the fall to normalize acidity, since organic residues in the process of decay contribute to soil oxidation.
  4. In the spring, fresh manure is introduced into the greenhouse. This is the main source of heat and a supplier of nutrients for future plants. If you do not add plant residues, the manure will not heat very much. Therefore, it should be mixed with straw, sawdust and leaves.
  5. In the spring, earth is poured into the greenhouse.
  6. Ash is poured on top of the earth.
  7. Mineral fertilizers are also scattered over the ground.

In order for all the components listed above to fulfill their warming function, it is necessary to prepare a “pie” from them. Tops and grass are laid as the bottom layer, straw and leaves are laid on top of them, then lime and sawdust. These components should be introduced into the greenhouse in the fall. In the spring, manure crumbles from above and sawdust falls on it. Mix the ingredients with a fork. Thanks to the mixing, the organics later begin to overheat. Then the whole composition is abundantly spilled with hot water. This speeds up the warming process.

After that, all the components are covered with a layer of earth (about 25 centimeters), sprinkled with ash (1 cup per square meter), and complex mineral fertilizers, such as Nitrofoska, are applied, and the entire bed is loosened. Then follows another strait with hot water - and the soil is covered with a film. Within a week, the ground will be warm enough to start planting.

What can be used instead of manure

If it was not possible to find fresh manure in early spring, you can try to do without it.

soil fertilization in the greenhouse

In this case use:

  • fir tree,
  • thin branches,
  • leaves from bath brooms,
  • hay,
  • chopped reed,
  • siderates - in detail,
  • seaweed,
  • sawdust,
  • bark,
  • pond and river silt,
  • urea
  • earth,
  • lime,
  • ash,
  • mineral fertilizers.

All components are introduced in a certain sequence:

  • the lower layer is made up of large and long rotting branches, brooms, spruce branches, reeds;
  • then the following components are alternated and laid in thin layers;
  • urea and sawdust are brought together (200 grams of urea per 3 buckets of sawdust);
  • then lime follows, the volume of which depends on the amount of leaves and sawdust;
  • silt is used only for acidic soil;
  • the top layer consists of earth, ash and mineral fertilizers.

All layers, with the exception of ash, earth and mineral fertilizers, are applied in the fall, and these components in the spring.

Do not make up the warming soil too early, otherwise it will not warm up to the desired temperature.

Part of the biofuel can be put next to the greenhouse for freezing for the winter. In order to warm all the components in the spring, it will be necessary to cover them with a double film and, as they thaw, lay them out in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse.

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I invite you to the group on for summer residents, gardeners: "Country hobbies" Everything about country life: cottage, garden, vegetable garden, flowers, recreation, fishing, hunting, tourism, nature

Growing plants in greenhouses and greenhouses is impossible without careful tillage. In this article, we will tell you what aspects you need to pay attention to first of all, as well as how to prepare the soil in a greenhouse for growing various crops.

Soil Selection Basics

Actual problems when using natural soil

The selection of soil for greenhouses is a rather difficult task.

This is due to the fact that a small amount of soil mass leads to its rapid depletion:

  • Firstly, at the end of the harvest, we remove all plant residues, which means that the organic matter necessary to restore fertility does not enter the soil.
  • Secondly, the beds are exploited more actively, since the density of plantations in the greenhouse is much higher than in the open air.
  • Also, do not forget about abundant feeding: after several years, the remains of ballast substances that make up fertilizers accumulate on the beds.

All this leads to the fact that many greenhouse owners prefer to completely replace the soil once a year.

However, we are faced with the following questions:

  • Where to get tons of soil every year?
  • Where to export the used one?
  • How to organize the replacement process?

In order not to solve such problems, it is worth initially taking care of maintaining fertility and maintaining the physico-chemical characteristics of greenhouse soil.

Basic requirements for soil in a greenhouse

Let's formulate the basic requirements for :

  • The soil must be fertile and loose.
  • It should include a sufficient amount of humus (the main component of soil organic matter responsible for fertility).
  • Also, the requirements include the optimal acidity of the substrate (Ph index), which must correspond to the cultivated crop.

Natural fertility restoration technologies

Preparing soil for a greenhouse most often involves enriching it with micronutrients. To date, there is no single scheme for such treatment, since the list of applied substances depends on what kind of crop we grow and on what kind of treatment the beds were subjected to in the current year.

The modern market offers us an extensive range of mineral and organic fertilizers. However, as practice shows, in a home greenhouse you can get by with exclusively natural top dressing.

It may include the following substances:

  • Algae flour (contains trace elements and lime).
  • Meat or bone meal (phosphorus, nitrate, potassium).
  • lime flour.
  • Wood waste (sawdust chips, leaves)
  • Down or feather (contain potassium nitrate)

Naturally, one should not forget about the "classic" fertility restorers - manure, chicken manure and compost.

Note! In addition to the organic nature, the advantages of such natural fertilizers include their extremely low price.

Soil preparation in a greenhouse most often involves layer-by-layer laying:

  1. Decontaminated soil mixture with the addition of organic matter.
  2. Humus aged 3-4 years (without hay and straw).
  3. A layer of freshly cut grass (before flowering, so that weeds do not germinate).

This instruction must be carried out immediately after the end of the decontamination measures, i.e. autumn after harvest. Thus, we will be able to restore the fertility of the beds, and in the spring we will plant seedlings on productive soil.

Soil mixtures for greenhouses

Main types

Usually, greenhouses do not use solid soil taken from a field or meadow, but a special mixture of several components.

Each gardener has his own unique recipe, but we will describe several fairly universal options in this section.

Note! The proportions given here are purely advisory.

  • peat land- soil rich in humus, which is collected in swamps. When harvesting, layers of peat should be alternated with manure and lime. Lowland peat is applied to the soil depending on its properties: light soils require the addition of 20-25 kg per square meter, heavier ones - up to 15 kg.

  • Compost land- food waste and products of the life of the economy that have rotted over several years. Compost is quite simple to prepare: it is enough to store all the waste in a separate pile or box. The high content of organic matter makes compost soil very favorable for growing vegetables and herbs.

  • Leafy or woody ground are also made by introducing plant material into the soil, but their productive performance is somewhat lower than that of peat or compost substrates. Such soil can be added in an amount up to 30% of the total soil volume.

Substrates for different cultures

In the video in this article - a visual overview of this topic, look!

At present, a greenhouse has been laid down and is operating in almost every dacha. In the southern regions, it is used for growing seedlings of crops with a long growing season exceeding 5-6 months (tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants, etc.), forcing early green or spicy-flavoring crops and early vegetables (lettuces, onions, dill , parsley and others). In cold regions - a greenhouse is an indispensable attribute of a summer residence. It is used for growing vegetable crops that are demanding on soil temperature and environment, level of illumination and longitude of daylight hours. A large role in the formation of yields of greenhouse crops belongs to greenhouse soils and their proper preparation.

Greenhouse soil very quickly loses its positive traits. It sharply reduces fertility, becomes infected, acidifies, loses its physical structure, becomes heavy, dense, clay-like.

The vast majority of vegetable crops require soil that is water and breathable, structural (not dusty), with a high content of organic matter and essential nutrients. The easiest way out, but rather expensive, is to buy ready-made, the cost of which not every family can afford. The second option remains - to prepare the soil for the greenhouse with your own hands.

The main requirement is that the soil should be light. This quality will provide the soil with turf or leafy soil. A good baking powder is humus, which is additionally a supplier of organic matter and a structuring basis for the physical state of the soil. River sand will prevent the main soil from floating away, especially if it is black soil.

The optimal composition of greenhouse soil will be a mixture of the following components:

  • garden soil, 1 part,
  • sod land, 2 parts,
  • humus 2 parts,
  • 1 part peat (if any)
  • 1 part sand.

To the listed components, you can add 1 part of mature compost (if available). Soil components are laid in 10-15 cm layers, sprinkling each with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers at the rate of 20 g / sq. m each. The prepared components are thoroughly mixed and brought into the greenhouse. They fill the beds and dig up.

It is possible to use simpler mixtures for stuffing greenhouses, consisting of leafy soil, soddy soil and sand (2:2:1 or 1:1:1) added to garden soil. These mixtures are neutral in acidity and are suitable for the vast majority of vegetable crops. After stuffing, it is necessary to fertilize such soils with humus, compost, mineral fertilizers, dig.

Greenhouse soil improvement works

General measures to improve the greenhouse soil are carried out in several ways.

  • Once every 2-3-4 years, the top layer of depleted soil (10-20 cm) is replaced with a new one. New soil is formed from a mixture of forest and field soil with the addition of humus, compost, mineral phosphorus-potassium fertilizers or nitrophoska at a dose of 25-30 g/sq. m area. If it is not possible to bring in the soil, then they use the local part of the garden where they did not grow vegetables and did not apply herbicides. The old soil is taken to a pre-prepared place, where it is disinfected and enriched with fertilizers, and then used as open ground.

  • The soil is not replaced, but disinfected on site in the greenhouse and enriched with nutrients. After harvesting, the topsoil is cleaned of plant residues and various debris. Along the way, destroy some of the soil pests.

How to disinfect the soil in a greenhouse

The soil in a greenhouse can be decontaminated in one of three generally accepted ways:

  • thermal (drying in the sun or scalding with hot water),
  • chemical (treatment with copper sulphate, potassium permanganate or chemicals from those permitted for use),
  • biological (the introduction of biological products that are harmless to beneficial soil microflora and human and animal health).

Heat treatment

During heat treatment, the cover of the greenhouse is removed and the soil is left in the sun. For 1-2 weeks, it is dried by the sun, which causes the death of numerous pathogens. The disadvantage of this method is that when the soil is heated and dried, a significant part of the beneficial microflora also dies.

Multicomponent soil

In cold and rainy autumn, greenhouse soil can be disinfected by scalding with hot water. It is necessary to spill not boiling water, but hot water, so as not to cause a large death of beneficial microflora.

Treatment with chemicals

The most acceptable way is processing with copper sulphate. Dissolve 25-30 g of the drug in 10 liters of water and process the top layer of soil from a watering can with a nozzle. After a week, the soil is dug up on a shovel bayonet. This method is not recommended for annual use, as copper accumulates in the soil, which inhibits plants.

In small greenhouses, the soil is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate. Prepare a 2% solution and spill the soil. Leave until ripe, dig. The use of ready-made chemicals in home greenhouses is not recommended. Disinfection of greenhouse soil is best done with biological preparations.

biological method

The biological method consists in enriching the soil with EM microflora (Effective Microorganisms). Rapidly multiplying in a humid warm environment, they destroy pathogenic microflora and at the same time enrich the soil with available mineral salts, processing soil organic matter (humus, compost, sawdust and other organic residues). Biological disinfection of the soil in the greenhouse can be carried out in the autumn and spring preparation of the greenhouse.

When applying biopreparations in autumn for the winter, it is desirable to cover the soil with a layer of snow. It will not allow the soil to freeze and keep a greater number of beneficial microorganisms alive. During spring application, the soil is first warmed by watering with hot water. Raise the soil temperature to +12..+14 °С. The working solution of Baikal EM-1 or the dry preparation "Emochki-Bokashi" is introduced into the thawed soil. The biological product is embedded in the topsoil. After 2 weeks, the greenhouse can be used for sowing or planting vegetables. During the growing season, a high background of healthy soil is maintained by the introduction of planriz, actofit, phytosporin, gamair and others. Dilution rates and methods of application are given in the recommendations for use.

Video on the introduction of biological products

Soil preparation in a greenhouse for tomatoes

One of the most common crops grown in greenhouses in cold regions of Russia are tomatoes. For tomatoes, it is more practical to prepare a special mixture yourself or buy ready-made soil. With self-preparation of soil for a tomato in a greenhouse, work begins in the fall. In regions with peatlands, it is used as the main filler. For the preparation of the mixture, only high-moor peat is suitable, lowland peat is characterized by high acidity. And for tomatoes, only soil with neutral acidity pH = 6.5-7.0 is suitable.

Replacing the top layer

The upper 10-15 cm layer of used soil is removed and replaced with a new one prepared from a mixture of peat, sand, compost in a ratio of 6:2:2. The resulting mixture is mixed with local soil (1:1) and humus and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are added. So that the substrate does not turn out to be acidified, per 1 cu. m of the mixture, you need to add 3 kg of lime and mix everything thoroughly.

Preparation without changing the soil

If it is not possible to replace the soil, it is thoroughly cleaned of any debris, humus and a phosphorus-potassium mixture of fertilizers are added. Disinfected by hot scalding or treated with copper sulphate, potassium permanganate. Dig up and leave until spring.

Recently, many gardeners have begun to use green manure to enrich greenhouse soil with nutrients. After complete preparation of the soil, mustard, rye, phacelia and other crops are sown. The sprouted greens can be cut down and left, or the green manure can be completely dug up in the spring.

White mustard - green fertilizer

In the spring, you need to heat the substrate to +12 .. + 14 ° С so that the tomatoes do not start to hurt in the cold soil. You can use hot water or, in the fall, lay a layer of semi-rotted manure under the substrate. Its warming will quickly raise the temperature of the soil. When the temperature in the soil rises to the above parameters, for faster decay, treat the soil with a biological product of trichodermin, phytosporin, Baikal EM-1 or others. Waiting period 6-10 days. Beneficial microorganisms during this period will process part of the organic matter and prepare the soil for planting seedlings or direct sowing of seeds in prepared soil.


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