What you need to open a pawnshop. Selection and preparation of premises. Choosing the right location

Here we will consider an article on how to open a pawnshop from scratch, what is needed for this, what documents and permissions are required to open it.

The process of opening a pawnshop is very different from the creation of an ordinary company. The main thing to remember is that his activities are very strictly regulated by law. If you do not comply with the requirements of the law, you will face significant penalties. To avoid possible problems, we will analyze from scratch the process of organizing a pawnshop and all possible requirements for it.

Instructions on how to open

So let's consider step by step instructions on how to open a pawnshop.


First, it is necessary to study the legal acts regulating the activities of the pawnshop.

The main document is the Federal Law of July 19, 2007. No. 196-FZ "On Pawnshops" - reads as follows:

  • This is a specialized commercial organization, which has the right to carry out two main types of activities: providing the population with short-term loans and keeping things.
  • The pawnshop is prohibited from engaging in other activities.
  • The duty of this institution is to insure the pledged items for the entire term of the loan.
  • All things transferred for storage or as a pledge must be assessed without fail.
  • The pawnshop is obliged to conclude an agreement when granting a loan. It records the main points of the transaction (rate, amount, loan term, return date, assessment and name of the pledged item).
  • One copy of the security ticket must be handed over to the borrower. The second is kept in a pawnshop.
  • By signing the agreement, the borrower undertakes to return the funds received, as well as interest within the terms specified in the agreement. If the loan is overdue for more than 1 month, the pawnshop has the right to sell the pledged property.
  • Realization is done by selling. If the price of the thing is more than 30,000 rubles, then the pawnshop is obliged to sell this thing in the course of a public auction in the form of an open auction.

Please note: the law provides for the possibility for pawnshops only to issue loans and store things. Therefore, to sell the property, you will have to open another entity.

The second document is the order of RosFinMonitoring No. 203 dated August 03, 2010 “On approval of the Regulation on the requirements for training and education of personnel performing operations with in cash or other property in order to counteract the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism ”. For non-compliance with the terms of this order, a legal entity is held accountable of an administrative nature, and if subsequent violations are detected, it may even be closed.

Pawnshops dealing with precious metals and stones are also obliged to comply with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 68n dated August 29, 2001.

Taxation and its features

The Tax Code obliges pawnshops to apply common system taxation. Keep in mind that the interest received is not subject to VAT, but the activity of storing things is subject to this tax. Accordingly, the pawnshop is obliged to carry out separate accounting records.

Justification of economic feasibility

Before opening a pawnshop, you need to understand its future effectiveness:

  1. Estimate investments for opening;
  2. Predict the expenditure side;
  3. Make a count the required amount issuing loans per month, which will be able not only to cover all costs, but also to bring profit.


For calculations, let's take a hypothetical pawnshop in Moscow.

To open, you need a room (40 m2). Its equipment will require 500 thousand rubles: repair, purchase of furniture, office equipment, special equipment, safes, accounting programs and expenses for advertising a pawnshop. To carry out direct activities, money is needed to issue loans. In our case - 10,000,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses will amount to about 800,000 rubles: rent, salary, security, insurance, advertising, etc.

The average rate at pawnshops is 10%. Focusing on this rate and costs, you can find out that the break-even point will be fixed at 8.8 million rubles. This is the amount that needs to be paid out per month in order to “break through”. But we need a profit, so he should give out much more per month. Using the calculation methodology working capital pawnshop, you can do your own calculations. To get profit, there should be at least 40-50 visits per day. If these conditions are met, in 3-6 months you will reach the break-even point. In 5-7 years the pawnshop will pay for itself. This period largely depends on the volume of issues, location, advertising and the competitive environment.

Registering a company - step by step instructions

What do you need to open a pawnshop? If the economy suits you, and the laws do not scare you? So it's time to move on to the registration process:

  1. We register a legal entity with the Tax Inspectorate. Organizational form it is better to choose "LLC".
  2. We select the types of activities provided for by law (OKVED 65.22.6., 67.13.5., 74.14).
  3. We put the organization on record with the Federal Financial Monitoring Service. After registration, 30 days are given for this.
  4. We also register at the Assay Office, since your organization - a pawnshop - will deal with the circulation of precious stones and metals.
  5. We choose insurance company and we insure in favor of the pledgers all things accepted as pledge. It's easier to get insurance for a certain amount... This will eliminate the need to insure every item. Remember, this procedure is carried out at our own expense!

Choosing the right location

The payback period of a pawnshop depends to a large extent on its location. Therefore, when choosing a place, we focus on the following parameters:

  • We choose the first or basement floor (the entrance should not be from the yard).
  • We provide a large "cross-country ability" due to being in a densely populated area.
  • The pawnshop premises must meet the requirements of the SES and comply with the fire safety requirements.

The final stage

We have passed all the main stages. There is little left to do:

  1. Form a pawnshop team;
  2. Determine the work schedule;
  3. Develop internal documentation;
  4. Ensure the security of the object by concluding an agreement with a security company;
  5. Purchase software.

We hope that this article on how to open a pawnshop will help you start your own business.

A pawnshop is a specialized institution that provides citizens with short-term loans secured by property. Naturally, the pawnshop keeps the leased property. They can be vehicles, precious metals, household items, and so on.

Today, a pawnshop is a business that generates sufficient profit. It can be engaged in by various entrepreneurs, both management companies and private investors.

The pawnshop must have a defined organizational and legal form. That is, it can be open joint stock company(OJSC), closed joint stock company (CJSC) or a company with limited liability(OOO). Naturally, the pawnshop must be registered with tax office... The organization has no right to apply the simplified taxation system. The pawnshop must be registered as a legal entity with the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring (Rosfinmonitoring), must be registered with the State Assay Office. A pawnshop organization needs to obtain registration documents, open a current account with a bank, and also make a seal of a legal entity. The pawnshop needs to conclude a risk insurance contract with an insurance company.

A pawnshop is an organization that carries out monetary transactions with the condition of pledge of any valuable property. On June 29, 2007, the State Duma adopted the Federal Law “On Pawnshops”. It clearly describes all the regulations and rules for the activities of pawnshop organizations.

The main document of the pawnshop's activities is the "Regulations on pawnshop operations". All the rules of the pawnshop must be described in it.

1. The activities of a pawnshop organization must be carried out in accordance with applicable law.

2. A pawnshop provides citizens with a short-term loan, taking personal property as collateral. Naturally, the organization keeps the collateral.

3. Movable personal property of citizens means:

Jewelry made of precious metals and inlaid with precious stones, such as rings, earrings, and so on;

Jewelry made of precious metals and stones;

Various technical means, for example, items of audio equipment, video equipment, radio equipment, household items, computer technology etc;

Antique items such as dishes;

Fur products such as fur coats;

Vehicles such as cars.

4. In pawnshops it cannot serve as collateral:

Goods withdrawn from civil circulation, as well as goods prohibited for retail circulation by law;

Goods for the military, for example, equipment, uniforms, and so on;

Household chemical goods, as well as cosmetics and perfumery products;

Medicines, as well as medical supplies.

5. The pawnshop storage should be specially equipped for pledged items, for example, racks for household appliances.

6. A client of a pawnshop organization can be a citizen who has reached the age of 18 years. He is obliged to present an identity document, for example, a citizen's passport, a sailor's passport, and so on. The lending procedure is documented by the issuance of a security ticket.

7. The property pledged by the client is kept in a pawnshop.

8. The pawnshop organization insures the property received as a pledge in the full amount of its assessment.

9. Assessment of the collateral, the amount of the loan, the loan repayment period is determined by the pawnshop employees, agreed with the client and indicated in the collateral ticket.

10. The client of the pawnshop has the right to extend the term of the pledge, as well as to re-pledge the property, additionally paying for services.

11. The pawnshop administration sets tariffs for services.

12. Employees of a pawnshop have no right to dispose and use the pledged property.

13. The pledged property cannot be withdrawn from the pawnshop against the will of the owner.

14. The pawnshop organization is responsible for the loss of the collateral in the amount of its full value.

15. If the client does not redeem the property within the prescribed period, then the pawnshop has the right to sell it.

The worse the economic situation, the more in demand the services of pawnshops become. So, now the pawnshop is profitable business... In the article, we will consider how to open a pawnshop from scratch, what documents are needed for this and how much money is required.

How to open a pawnshop from scratch

By law, a pawnshop is a lending institution that issues loans secured by movable property. Often pawnshops have a specialization - for example, they only accept jewelry or cars, but there are also pawnshops of a wide profile. That's why first step when starting a business - conducting market analysis and selection of a niche in demand in your city.

Step two- calculation of expenses. They need to pledge funds for:

  • Registration
  • Equipment
  • Monthly expenses
  • Opening

Based monthly expenses can calculate the interest rate loans that you will issue secured by property.

Step three - determine the location of the pawnshop... A safe bet - busy street or popular shopping center... However, a pawnshop can work successfully in a densely populated residential area - it is important to be accessible and visible.

Step four - come up with a catchy name and attractive design, order a bright sign.

Step five - register a legal entity in the tax office.

Keep in mind that the name of a legal entity must contain the word "pawnshop", and the charter spelled out the activities of the organization (issuing loans, storing valuables, consulting services).

Step six and the most difficult when opening a pawnshop from scratch - obtaining permits, certificates and certificates... You need to register with Federal Service for financial monitoring and the State Assay Office of the Russian State Assay Office. You will also need documents of title to the premises (lease or purchase and sale agreement) and a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion with the attachment of a list of types of services performed / provided. In addition, you are obliged to insure the pledged items in favor of the pledgers.

According to the Federal Law of August 8, 2001 No. 128-FZ "On licensing certain types activity ”, licensing of pawnshops activity is not provided.

Step seven - staff recruitment... The success of your business depends on the qualifications of your employees. If an employee gives out money for a fake jewelry, problems cannot be avoided.

How much does it cost to open a pawnshop

It is difficult to calculate the cost of opening a pawnshop. The amount of investment in this business depends primarily on the type of organization: for example, opening a car pawnshop will cost you the most. On average, the cost of opening a pawnshop in Russia is 1-1.5 million rubles.

You will have to spend a significant amount on rent / purchase of premises that still need to be equipped. You will need:

  • Sheathe the room with a lattice made of special metal wire
  • Set alarm, panic button and video surveillance
  • Hang up collateral storage racks

You also need to buy:

  • Several safes
  • A computer
  • a printer
  • Cash machine
  • Jewelry electronic scales
  • Assay needles
  • Touchstone
  • Assay acids
  • Reagent tubes
  • Ring gauges
  • Lamps with white, ultraviolet and other types of lighting
  • Precious metal and stone detectors
  • Stationery
  • Office furniture

In addition, mandatory payments will “eat up” most of the costs:

  • Employee salary
  • Insurance
  • Maintaining accounting
  • Rent

Opening a pawnshop according to the law: requirements in 2017

The activities of pawnshops in Russia are regulated by many laws and regulations:

  • No. 315-ФЗ dated December 1, 2007 "On pawnshops"
  • No. 197-ФЗ dated July 19, 2007 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Russian Federation in connection with the adoption Federal law"About pawnshops" "
  • No. 375-FZ of December 21, 2013 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation"
  • No. 363-FZ dated December 21, 2013 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and the Recognition of Certain Provisions of Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation as Invalid in Connection with the Adoption of the Federal Law" On Consumer Credit (Loan) "
  • No. 353-ФЗ dated December 21, 2013 "On consumer credit (loan)"
  • No. 151-ФЗ dated July 02, 2010 "On microfinance activities and microfinance organizations"
  • No. 315-FZ of December 1, 2007 "On self-regulatory organizations"

Taxation of pawnshops

According to Art. 346.12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, pawnshops are not entitled to apply the simplified taxation system.

In addition, subparagraph 5 of paragraph 3 of Art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes: income received in the form of interest on loans is not subject to VAT, not subject to VAT, and storage activities are subject to VAT. Therefore, the organization needs to keep separate accounting records.

Reporting of pawnshops

Like all enterprises conducting commercial activities, pawnshops are required to report on their activities to the state:

  • To the Central Bank of the Russian Federation: once a quarter - on activities, monthly - on cash transactions, once a year - on the personnel of governing bodies
  • To Rosfinmonitoring: quarterly - FES-04 report, once a year - SDL internal report

How to open a pawnshop with less risk

If you are not ready to spend time and effort opening a pawnshop from scratch, consider buying ready business or a franchise.

Buying an operating pawnshop, you save time and money on obtaining permits, finding premises, hiring employees, and concluding partnership agreements. This option is perfect for entrepreneurs with little experience - you don't have to build a company from scratch.

If you are not ready to run a business on your own, want to work under a well-known brand and receive support, buy a franchise. It is in the interests of the franchisor to teach you all the business tricks and contribute to your success, which is especially important in the absence of entrepreneurial experience.

The pawnshop is profitable business, requiring significant investments at the opening stage. But with proper management, these costs will quickly pay off, and the profit will not be long in coming.

Pawnshops distributed all over the world and bring considerable profit to their owners. Clients of pawnshops are people of average income. In our country, pawnshops, which are located in the city center, are in great demand, which must be taken into account when looking for premises for a pawnshop.

The pawnshop is profitable all year round, but the most profitable is spring and autumn. As a rule, this is due to the fact that most people, in the spring, are preparing for holidays, and in the fall they need money after arriving from vacation.
In this article, we will tell you what is necessary to open a pawnshop, how profitable this type of business is and what risks a businessman who wants to open a pawnshop may face.

The opening of a pawnshop, like any other, needs start-up investments... except necessary equipment, rent of premises and salaries of employees, as a rule, do not have to bear any additional costs.

In order to open a pawnshop you need the following:

  • rent a room and take care of its proper protection;
  • install video surveillance;
  • install an alarm system;
  • purchase safes, cells and other special furniture.

If you plan to open a universal pawnshop, the optimal area of ​​the premises should be about 100m². For a pawnshop specializing only in accepting jewelry, 20 m² will be enough.

Important for the full and uninterrupted operation of a pawnshop is the following:

  1. software that will help to provide high-quality and fast customer service;
  2. the necessary equipment for evaluating and weighing the accepted jewelry;
  3. the presence of an advertising stand in front of the entrance to the pawnshop to attract visitors.


As a rule, the pawnshop employs a small team consisting of a security guard, appraiser, accountant and cashiers.

The selection of personnel must be approached with the utmost seriousness. However, it is most important to select candidates for the appraiser position. An employee holding this position must have good experience and highly qualified to distinguish a fake from a real precious metal. The profitability of any pawnshop depends on the work of an appraiser.

Any entrepreneur who wants to open a pawnshop must, first of all, decide on the type of legal board - OJSC, CJSC or LLC. You can pre-consult with lawyers and even order legal support. A lot of companies, for a fee, provide services and help with the preparation of the necessary documentation.

So, in order to be able to open a pawnshop and carry out legal entrepreneurial activity, you should have the following documents on hand:

  1. registration certificate;
  2. documents proving ownership of the premises or a lease agreement;
  3. permission from SES.

The pawnshop's work procedure is quite simple and transparent - a person brings and gives to the pawnshop a certain value, for which he receives a part of its value. The appraisal is made by the appraiser and announced to the client. Such loans are issued for a fairly short term, often not exceeding one month. Upon the expiration of the appointed period, the client brings money, pays a set percentage and takes his values.

In the event that the client cannot redeem his valuables after the expiration of the appointed period, the loan agreement is extended while maintaining the original conditions. After several renewals, the pawnshop is entitled to put the value up for sale.

Practice shows that clients who need money are much more willing to turn to pawnshops than to banks or microfinance organizations. This is understandable, since the money can be received on the same day and there is no need to provide a large number of documents. In addition, pawnshops do not require a surety.

Pawnshop owners are less risky by lending money to customers than banks. Having given out money, the pawnshop leaves certain values ​​as a pledge - gold, silver and other jewelry. Even if the client does not return to fulfill the terms of the contract and return the money, the pawnshop does not lose anything, since it can sell the pledged jewelry and return its money. That's why given view business activity is considered the least risky of all existing today.

Payback of a pawnshop

Practice shows that the payback period of a pawnshop does not exceed one and a half years. However, the specifics of the work of pawnshops is such that the first six months can be very difficult in financial plan... Most pawnshops do not survive this level and close, not having worked for a year. Therefore, the most important thing is to stay on the market for at least two years.

If the crisis period has been successfully passed and the pawnshop has begun to make a profit, then its size can reach up to 4 thousand dollars a month. So, the pawnshop is the least risky and pretty profitable view business with a short payback period. It is very profitable to open a pawnshop as an additional business, having an existing one.

Potential risks

As with any activity, there are certain risks in this type of business. Let's define the main categories that are worth paying closer attention to.

The first risk is associated with the difficulties in determining the value of the received products. In order not to work at a loss, it is necessary to ensure that the staff has a qualified and experienced appraiser who knows how to distinguish real jewelry from fakes.

Another risk is associated with the origin of the goods being handed over. It is almost impossible to make sure whether the client is the owner of the values ​​being handed over. Therefore, in some cases, law enforcement agencies can seize stolen valuables, which will lead to certain losses.

Good luck to you!

Catalog of ideas for making money:

Recently, the number of pawnshops has been steadily growing. It is not surprising - after all, in a pawnshop you can get money very quickly and easily. There are no guarantors, no credit history, and so on. And the thing put in the pawnshop can not be returned if there is no money. At the same time, there will be no calls from the bank about the loan, lawsuits and collectors.

A pawnshop does not require a lot of employees, no license, no large premises and a lot of special equipment. This business attracts people and more and more entrepreneurs are thinking about how to open a pawnshop. It is not very difficult to do this if you have enough money, but you need to thoroughly study the information about what is needed to open a pawnshop.

Issue price

Everyone who is interested in how to open a pawnshop, first of all, wants to know about the costs of this type of business. The cost of opening a pawnshop cannot be calculated unambiguously. Everything will depend on what type of pawnshop you choose. Today there are, for example, car pawnshops. It is clear that a car is not a cheap thing, and even a million rubles to open such a pawnshop will not be enough.

But we will not get hung up on car pawnshops and consider classic pawnshops. By them we mean pawnshops that accept only jewelry, or along with jewelry - watches, furs, leather, mobile phones and other equipment. In this case, opening a pawnshop will cost you over a million rubles.

Where to begin?

Of course, the first thing you need to do is study the market, study your competitors. How many pawnshops are there in locality? How are they located? What is their mode of operation and what do they accept?

Perhaps you find out that in your city or area of ​​the city there are very few pawnshops that accept electronics and appliances. And it will help you determine the specialization of your pawnshop. It is possible that most pawnshops only work on weekdays and not around the clock. In this case, if you open a 24-hour pawnshop that will work seven days a week, you will only benefit.

In other words, having studied your competitors, you can come up with the most favorable conditions for your potential clients... Without this stage, when opening a pawnshop - nowhere.

You can, of course, be instructed to conduct marketing research professionals if you have extra money for it. Each such research is individual, and its cost cannot be unequivocally determined. But in the case of pawnshops, the cost is unlikely to be below thirty thousand rubles.

Based on the research carried out, you need to decide on the type of pawnshop. Think carefully about what you will receive from the population. In general, these can be any liquid things.

After that, you should write a business plan for the future pawnshop. You can do this yourself, if you do not want to give the extra 20 thousand.


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