Make up a story about a bird feeder in winter. Compilation of the story Feeding Trough based on a series of story paintings. Compilation of the story "Where did the furniture come from"

Olga Troyanskaya

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, productive, cognitive-research.

Goals: write a story about a picture, to develop fine motor skills of hands.


Write a story about a picture using existing knowledge about wintering birds;

Distinguish wintering birds by appearance ; lead to the understanding that wintering birds can help, posting feeders.

Match adjectives with nouns in gender, number and case.

Strengthen the ability to sculpt a figure birds in a constructive way, using different learned tricks: rolling plasticine between the palms, pulling off small parts, connecting parts by pressing and smoothing the joints. Create an image in modeling birds passing her posture; To form the ability of children to sculpt birds from plasticine and waste material. Develop constructive thinking, creative imagination, artistic taste. Cultivate perseverance and accuracy.

Planned results: expresses positive emotions when listening and storytelling able to carry on a conversation reasoning, writes a story about a picture, actively participates in an outdoor game, enthusiastically works with plasticine and waste material according to his own plan.

Material for classes:

1. Painting depicting birds on a feeder.

2. Plasticine color

3. Plastic containers

4. Feathers, stacks, cloth napkins, beads for the eyes.

5. Box cardboard small, braid, food in jars with cereals, seeds, a slice of bread, lard.

Organizing time.

Endless expanses of our northern region. Beautiful forests, rivers and lakes. Different birds come to us in the spring and stay for the winter in this harsh region. The days in winter are short, the sun rarely comes out, and the nights are long and frosty. At this time of year birds always suffer from hunger and cold. People take care of them and help to spend the winter.

Riddle about feeder.

What is the table among the birches

Open air?

He treats in the cold

Birds of grain and bread.

Why canteen for birds are called feeders?

Show pictures and conversation.

1. Where did you fly to birds?

2. Who did bird feeder?

3. What do you think is needed for construction feeders?

4. Where the children hung feeder?

The teacher's story.

The cold winter has come. Hungry birds in the forest. The children asked their grandfather to make bird feeder. They brought boards, a hammer, nails. When feeder was ready, the children hung it on a birch and poured feed: cereals, seeds, bread crumbs. The children hid behind the tree and watched. First on bird feeder flew sparrow, then tits. The birds quickly pecked at the food.

caregiver: And now you wake up write your own story from a picture.

Creative task.

1. Come up with story by analogy.

(children come up with their own stories similar to the teacher)

caregiver: You write interesting stories and now I invite you to play the game « birder» .

2. Mobile game « birder»

Players choose their own names birds whose cry they can imitate, stand in a circle in the center of which - birder blindfolded. The birds are walking circling around birder and pronounce on chant: in the forest in the woods on a green oak tree the birds sing merrily. Oh! The birder is coming! He will take us into captivity birds fly away! birder clapping his hands the players stop on the spot and the driver starts looking birds. The one he found imitates the cry birds which he chose. The birder guesses the name of the bird and the name of the player. The player becomes bird-catcher. rules games: the player should not hide behind objects on the way. Players are required to stop on the spot exactly on the signal.

(children sit down)

caregiver: children, what can be made of feeder still?

(plastic bottle, box)

caregiver: (the teacher shows different feeders)

see how you can do it box feeder.

(the teacher makes a small feeder, offers to choose bird food which children will take out for a walk) the educator places on the made bird feeder made of waste material and plasticine.

caregiver: look at feeder my bird has already arrived. Do you want your birds to fly to feeder and ate treats.

(children independently choose the proposed material and make birds. Finished birds are placed on the feeder. Optionally, some children sculpt bird food).


1. What are we talking about made up a story?

2. What did we sculpt?

3. What game did you play?

feeder presented to parents

Purpose: teaching children how to write a story.

Tasks: clarify children's knowledge about wintering birds;

develop the ability to grammatically build your statement;

instill in children a caring attitude towards birds.

Equipment: planar images of wintering birds, wheat, seeds, feeder; mnemonic table of the story "Bird at the feeder".



Compilation of the story "Birds at the feeder"

Target: teaching children how to write a story.

Tasks: clarify children's knowledge about wintering birds;

develop the ability to grammatically build your statement;

instill in children a caring attitude towards birds.

Equipment: planar images of wintering birds, wheat, seeds, feeder; mnemonic table of the story "Bird at the feeder".

Lesson progress

  1. Organizing time.

Listening to birds singing in the forest with music.

Teacher: These are the sounds you could hear in the summer in the forest, and now the forest is silent, thoughtful. Where have the birds gone? Guys, did all the birds fly away to warmer climes? Let's guess the birds that stayed with us for the winter.

The game "Find out by description"

Pugnacious, cheerful, daring, nimble (who?)(Sparrow)

Yellow-breasted, cheerful, nimble (who?)(tit)

Red-breasted, lazy, inactive (who?)(bullfinch)

Red-headed, in a black tailcoat, doctor of trees(woodpecker)

Black, with a powerful beak, glossy feathers, croaks(Crow)

White-sided chirping and thief (who?)(magpie)

(Remember the nursery rhyme "Forty-white-sided".

For each correct answer, the teacher exposes the corresponding bird figurine.

2. Announcement of the topic.

Teacher: What do these birds have in common? (Children's answers.) Today we will make up a story about how to help the birds in the winter.

3. Drawing up a story.

The teacher invites the children to think about what we need to help the birds in winter?

Why did the children decide to make a feeder?

What did they need for this?

Where did the children hang the feeder?

Who gladly flew to the feeder?

How should you take care of birds in winter?

The teacher asks for names for the children.

4. Physical education "Birds":

The birds have flown

They waved their wings.

Sat down. sat down

5. Children's stories.

The teacher suggests compiling a story using a mnemonic table.

Sample story written by children

Winter came. The birds were cold and hungry. Tanya and Vanya made a bird feeder. Vanya hung it on a tree. Tanya gave Vanya the seeds. Vanya poured the seeds into the feeder. The guys went home. Tanya and Vanya began to watch from the window. A titmouse flew up to the feeder. A little later, another bullfinch flew in. The birds ate the seeds and flew away. The guys were happy that the birds were full.

6. The game "Count the birds and feeders."
The feeder is exposed.

The teacher gives the task to count the birds that fly to the feeder. The sparrow flies first, then the titmouse, etc. Children count birds from one to ten. At the end of the game, the teacher tells the children that a swallow has also flown to the feeder. Children should note that the swallow cannot be at the feeder in winter, because it is a migratory bird.

7. Didactic game "Say in one word"

Formation of compound adjectives.

The magpie has white sides, that's why it is called(white-sided).

The tit has a yellow breast, that's why it is called(yellow-breasted).

The bullfinch has a red chest, which is why it is called red-breasted).

The woodpecker has a red head, that's why they call it(red-headed).

The raven has black wings, that's why it's called black-winged).

8. Summary of the lesson.

What was the story about?

What are the names of the birds that stay over the winter?

How can you help birds in winter?

After the lesson, the children, together with the teacher, get dressed, take their feeders made from improvised material, and go outside. On the street, children hang feeders around the territory kindergarten and put food in them.

In the future, children can conduct bird watching.

Compilation of the story "Feeding Trough" based on a series of story paintings. Differentiation of sounds [s] - [s "].

Objectives: - to teach children how to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures;

To teach children to independently invent events preceding the depicted events;

Develop the ability to grammatically build your statement;

To consolidate the ability to differentiate sounds /s/-/ss/;

Clarify children's knowledge of wintering birds;

To educate in children a caring attitude towards birds.

Equipment: a series of plot paintings "Feeding Trough", subject pictures depicting wintering birds, counting sticks.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.

Game "Find out by description"

Speech therapist:

One, two, three, four, five -

The bird went out for a walk.

Who am I talking about -

This bird is flying.

Black vest,

Red beret,

Tail like an emphasis

Nose like an axe. (Woodpecker)

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Likes to peck grains,

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will drink again. (Bullfinch)

This predator is talkative

Thievish, fussy,

Chirping, white-sided,

And her name is ... (Magpie)

naughty boy -

In a gray jacket

Drifting around the yard

Collects crumbs. (Sparrow)

Guess what bird

Are you afraid of bright light?

Beak like a hook

Eyes - with a patch. (Owl)

Like a fox among animals

This bird is the smartest

Hiding in green crowns,

And her name is ... (Crow)

A bird is placed for each riddle that is guessed.

But that's not all the mystery. You need to guess what other birds hid in my pictures. (Laying out birds from split pictures waxwing, crossbill, corncrake)

2. Introductory conversation.

Guys, what are these birds?

Why do we call them hibernators?

What other wintering birds do you know?

Is it easy for birds in winter?

Why? What winter?

3. "Selection of words-features"

What winter?

What snow?

What are the birds in winter?

4. The game "Fourth extra"

Magpie, bullfinch, swallow, waxwing

Snow, frost, cold, heat

Fly, search, peck, ride

5. Conversation on a series of pictures

The speech therapist shows the children a series of plot pictures about the birds on the feeder.

Look at the pictures and arrange them in the order of the actions shown on them.

(Children arrange pictures in right order)

Well done. You have placed the pictures correctly. Today, according to these pictures, we will compose the story "Feeding Trough", but first listen to the beginning of the story, and then answer my questions.

A cold, frosty, snowy winter has come. It has become difficult for birds to find food for themselves, so people always try to feed the birds.

What did the guys do for the birds?

Where did the guys hang the feeder?

What happened to the feeder?

How did the guys do?

What birds came to feed them?

Do birds like their dining room?

6. The game "Make a sentence from key words"

Winter - snowy - frosty

The guys - the feeder - did

Snow - feeder - fell asleep

Bird - feast - treat

7. Physical education

As the poem progresses, the children perform the appropriate movements.

Quietly, as in a dream

Snow falls to the ground.

Fluffs are falling from the sky -

Silver snowflakes.

circling overhead

Snow carousel.

In the snow, look -

With a red breast bullfinches.

8. Drawing up children's stories from pictures.

The speech therapist suggests compiling a story in parts.

An exemplary story written by children.

1st child. A cold, frosty winter has come. In winter, it is difficult for birds to find food for themselves, so people always try to feed the birds. The guys also made a feeder for them and hung them in their yard.

2nd child. At night it snowed for a long time and covered the feeder. The birds flew to their dining room, but could not get to the food.

3rd child. The children cleared the snow from the feeder, filled it with new food, hung rowan berries for the red-breasted bullfinches, lard for the titmouse. The birds ate their treat, and the guys watched them from behind a tree.

9. Differentiation of sounds /s/-/s/

Guys, come on, and we will make bird feeders, only from sticks and put our birds there. (Children from blue and green sticks lay out two feeders)

What consonants have we recently studied? (/s/-/ss/)

How are these sounds similar and how are they different?

Let's put birds on the blue feeder, in the names of which there is a sound /s/. and on the green one - birds whose names have the sound /s / (Children perform tasks)

10. Summary of the lesson.

Topic: "Compilation of the story" Feeding Trough "based on a series of plot paintings"

Objectives: to teach children how to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures, to independently invent events that precede those depicted in the pictures; to form the ability to grammatically correctly build their statement; to consolidate the agreement of nouns with numerals, the correct use of prepositions ON, IN, FROM in speech; develop interhemispheric interaction, thinking; instill in children a caring attitude towards those who need it.

Equipment: a series of plot paintings "Feeding Trough", subject pictures depicting wintering birds.

preliminary work: reading literary texts by M. Gorky "Sparrow" and I.S. Sokolov-Mikitov "In the lair", "On the forest road". Games: “They fly away, they don’t fly away”, “Who winters like?” Making bird feeders from improvised material.

Course progress.

Organizing time.

    Introduction to the topic.

    New topic.



    Summary of the lesson.

Ear-nose game.

    Hold the tip of your nose with your left hand, and right hand- behind the opposite ear. Release your ear and nose at the same time, clap your hands, change the position of your hands "exactly the opposite."

The game "Find out by description."

Pugnacious, cheerful, daring, nimble (who?)

Yellow-breasted, cheerful, nimble (who?)

Red-breasted, lazy, inactive (who?)

White-sided chirping and thief (who?)

Red-headed, in a black tailcoat, doctor of trees.

Black, with a powerful beak, glossy feathers, croaks.

For each correct answer, the speech therapist exposes the corresponding picture.

    What do these birds have in common?

    Today we will make a story about how to help the birds in the winter.

    Arrange the pictures in the correct order.

    Look at the pictures and think of a title for the story.

From the names proposed by the children, the most suitable one is selected, for example, “Feeding Trough”.

Vocabulary work.

    Explain the word: feeder, fodder.

    Why did the children decide to make a feeder?

    What did they need for this?

    Where did the children hang the feeder?

    Who gladly flew to the feeder?

    How should you take care of birds in winter?

    What is happening in the first picture?

    Think of names for the children.

    Where did Tanya and Vanya go for a walk?

    Who was sitting on the branches?

    What is their mood?

    What did the children decide to do?

    What is happening in the second picture?

    In the third picture?

    Are the birds happy with the feeder?

Quiet, quiet, as in a dream

Snow falls to the ground.

Fluffs all slide from the sky -

Silver snowflakes.

circling overhead

Snow carousel.
In the snow, look -
With a red breast bullfinches.

    Look at the pictures again and think about how you will tell the story.

    I propose to start my story with why the children decided to make a feeder.

    The game "Count the birds at the feeder."

    Count the birds that flew to the feeder (Two sparrows, three tits, five crows, four bullfinches).

    A swallow also flew to the feeder.

    Game "Dunno".

    Correct the errors in the letter sent by Dunno.

"Hello, friends. Today, walking in the park, I saw how the children made a feeder. The feeder was hung in wood. Poured feed from feeders. sparrow flew out on the nest to eat bread crumbs. Village tit from tree, waiting for their turn to peck at delicious food.

    What was the story about?

    What are the names of the birds that stay over the winter?

    How can you help birds in winter?







    These are winter birds.

    "How children helped the birds in winter" "Feeder"

    A box in which food is given. Lack of feed.

    Birds are hungry in winter. They don't have enough food.

    They needed construction material and tools.

    The feeder was hung in the park on a tree.

    Sparrows, tits, bullfinches flew to the feeder.

    Make bird feeders and feed the birds.

    Tanya and Vanya went for a walk in the park. Sad chickadees, sparrows and bullfinches sat on the branches of trees. They were cold and hungry. Tanya offered Vanya to help the birds.

    And so the work began to boil: the boy took the tools and building material, and the girl began to help him.

    When the feeder was ready, the children returned to the park again. Tanya gave Vanya a feeder. Vanya hung it on a tree. Sparrows, tits, bullfinches flew to the feeder with joy.

As the poem progresses, the children perform the appropriate movements.

Sample story written by children

A harsh winter has come. Tanya and Vanya went for a walk in the park. Sad chickadees, sparrows and bullfinches sat on the branches of trees. They were cold and hungry. Tanya offered Vanya to help the birds. And so the work began to boil: the boy took the tools and building material, and the girl began to help him. When the feeder was ready, the children returned to the park again. Tanya gave Vanya a feeder. Vanya hung it on a tree. Before the children had time to move away, they heard the joyful voices of birds and saw them on their feeder.

    The swallow cannot be at the feeder in winter because it is a migratory bird.


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