Creative marketing. Creative marketing

The concept and essence of creative marketing

The main goals of marketing are:

  • attraction of potential customers and retention of existing customers;
  • strengthening of market positions;
  • occupation of a profitable market niche;
  • increasing sales.

To achieve all set goals, global actions are not needed, it is enough to find a creative idea. Over time, advertising ceases to interest and attract attention. Her intrusiveness, excessiveness and obsession is repulsive. Creative marketing is needed to surprise the customer.

Definition 1

Creative marketing is about finding original and unique solutions that attract consumers and make them make repeat purchases.

Creative marketing is built on simple, inexpensive or almost free promotions and ways to promote products and services. It is used if the company:

  • intends to promote its products or services as quickly as possible and with minimal investment;
  • strives to attract more customers;
  • plans to generate additional income from intangible assets: image, reputation, loyal consumers, etc.

Remark 1

Creative marketing is considered one of the methods of marketing communications. But do not saturate the promotion system with creativity. Creative ideas must be developed strictly in accordance with the marketing strategy. Creativity inappropriately displayed can negatively affect a company's reputation.

Creative marketing has the following distinctive characteristics:

  1. the search for an effective solution to certain business problems is the basis of creative marketing;
  2. an idea must have an impact to be considered creative;
  3. the ability to surprise and draw the attention of the buyer.

Creativity helps to stand out and differentiate a company from competitors and leave a mark on the consumer's mind. To implement creative marketing, the following principles should be followed:

  1. constant monitoring of marketing trends and new products;
  2. research of the activities of competing enterprises;
  3. acquaintance with the target audience;
  4. studying one's own interests;
  5. delegation (teamwork, collecting ideas, discussing and evaluating them);
  6. unsuccessful ideas can subsequently become good, you should not exclude them altogether;
  7. the use of humor and slight exaggerations of the characteristics of the product / service.

Creative marketing tools and tools

Creativity is an integral part of effective marketing. It is vital for companies to differentiate themselves from competing organizations, attract new and retain loyal customers.

Creativity cannot be equated with creativity. Creation of creative solutions is a multi-stage procedure, which is based on thorough research, preparation and market assessment, search and testing of ideas.

In the course of creative marketing, companies use various means and tools.

Figure 1. Means and tools of creative marketing. Author24 - online exchange of student papers

Remark 2

Creative marketing tools are aimed directly at the consumer. At the same time, they are divided into those that imply direct personal communication and those that act through intermediaries, material carriers.

A blog is understood as a personal diary on the Internet. It helps to assess the attitude of consumers to a brand, product, and study preferences. It also promotes specific products and services.

Buzz marketing is rumor marketing. The advertising message is spread through the exchange of opinions between the buyers of goods or services. Another name for this tool is Word-of-mouth marketing. Consumers disseminate positive information and thereby promote it. The following are used as material carriers:

  • Product placement - a film, book, song in which the promoted product is placed;
  • Life-placement and its varieties Ambient media is a common household item (what surrounds us): a mirror, a bench, a flower bed, a lantern, etc .;
  • teaser - billboard, stretch or magazine page;
  • mobile marketing - smartphone, mobile phone, communicators;
  • Viral marketing - links to pictures, videos, stories sent on the Internet from one user to another.

Remark 3

Creative marketing tools are used to create unusual, vibrant and memorable events that promote a product and activate Buzz marketing. They include Sense Marketing, which, although it is a creative marketing tool, does not create any events.

Figure 2. Types and characteristics of creative marketing tools. Author24 - online exchange of student papers

Features of the use of creative marketing

The purpose of using creative marketing in the activities of companies is that competitors cannot adopt an individual culture and brand, in contrast to prices, quality and production technologies. A brand is a mirror of a company, its values, mission and development strategy. It allows shoppers to differentiate the company's products from others, build loyalty and have clear associations with the organization's name.

When entering the market, it is not enough just to create a brand, it is necessary to promote it in order to make it popular. Even well-known brands do not cease to advertise themselves that the consumer has not lost interest in them. That's what creative marketing is for.

Remark 4

Creative marketing involves a non-standard approach to solving marketing problems, based on the emergence of new original ideas and the adoption of effective creative solutions leading to the future implementation of marketing innovations.

Creative marketing tools are used to make significant changes in the product, its design and packaging, to promote and form new pricing strategies, brand, target segment development and product repositioning.

Creative marketing techniques are developed by the forces and capabilities of the company itself. But borrowing ideas from consumers is actively used. They meet their needs through affordable means with creativity. This idea is taken up by businessmen as a creative component in the development and promotion of products.

Traditional marketing is losing its effectiveness

"If you say reasonable things about your product, no one will listen. You have to say it in such a way that people’s insides shake up. If nothing moves inside people, then nothing will happen." - William Bernbach >>>

Today, thanks to the Internet and the continually emerging new products and services, people have a huge choice. Traditional marketing methods in such an increasingly overstocked market are working worse and worse, since they are not able to pleasantly surprise a potential buyer, and therefore, to attract his attention.

How to be?

The answer is simple: you need to find a way to stand out from the crowd of competitors and become in the eyes of the buyer not only unique, but also very useful.

And how to do it?

Creative marketing is the key to success

Many weak sellers and entrepreneurs get discouraged when faced with cold acceptance of their product from potential buyers. The real businessman never sees no as defeat. For him, every "no" means only that this method of selling does not work, and one must look for another.

Traditional marketing approaches often don't work, especially when you need to create a new niche in the market. Asking people to be creative in marketing and supporting creative employees and their "wild" ideas both in word and deed, removing any restrictions on the degree of "wildness" of these ideas, business leaders and marketing innovators can achieve reactive growth in their businesses.

Sometimes super-effective creative marketing ideas are super-simple, sometimes they can take a lot of effort, but the business benefits are far greater anyway.

You have to impress

How are you going to stand out from the crowd of competitors?

Radically innovative products and services alone are not enough. You must also design and implement radically innovative marketing strategies to get the prospect noticed.

Yes, traditional marketing moves can produce average results, but non-standard, creative marketing moves can work wonders!

Creative marketing will help you achieve the results you dreamed of. Original and unique creative marketing ideas that require relatively little money to implement will help you grow your business in amazing ways. Innovative marketing strategies can help you quickly transform your brand from an intriguing concept to a popular name.

When selling your product, you also need to be creative in order to impress customers, if you want to build and develop your business on the basis of relationships with them.

Este Lauder conquers Europe

As Este Lauder used to say, "If your product does not sell well, the problem is not with the product, but with you." Creative marketing has been both her hobby and lifestyle and a source of huge profits.

When Este Lauder, at the initial stage of the formation of her business, did not have enough funds for traditional methods of promoting products to the market, she was creative in solving problems and achieved her goal in very cheap ways.

For example, when Este Lauder came to conquer Europe, the manager of the Parisian Galleries Lafayette refused to buy her products - the new Youth Dew perfume. Then Este Lauder, as if by accident, dropped a large bottle of her perfume on the floor among the crowd at Galleries Lafayette. The attractive scent piqued the interest of buyers, and they began to ask where they could buy this perfume. Seeing such heightened interest, the Gallery's manager gave up and bought the first batch of her perfume from Esteya Lauder.

A creative and very simple marketing move did a miracle - Este Lauder conquered Europe! ... >>>

Barely Born American Company was able to quickly become famous all over the world and made hundreds of millions of dollars through creative marketing. The company came up with a very non-standard marketing ploy, persuading the management of the town of Halfway to rename, thus becoming the first ".com" city on earth.

Millions of people watched the launch ceremony of the two - a city and an online store - on television and on the Internet. As a result, without spending a single cent on traditional marketing, quickly became famous all over the world, and after 6 months it was bought by eBay for $ 300 million ... >>>


In the Ukrainian firm UBC, a beer restaurant equipment manufacturer that has conquered the world, creativity and humor have become a religion. At regular off-site camps, the company's elite are trained not only in business, but in collective creativity. They stage performances, play in KVN, learn cantatas and pieces of music. On one of these trips, a drum piece was learned. Then team top managers of the company, dressed in national clothes, loudly performed this play near the stands of the company in Germany at an international beer exhibition.

Of course, the performance of the ensemble of top managers attracted a lot of attention from both exhibition visitors and the media. Result? Significant increase in contracts and sales ... >>>

Joke "Fishing sweets "

Walking down the street, a passer-by noticed a mistake in the name of one of the shops. The sign read Fishing Sweets. A passer-by entered the store, inform his owner about the error:

- On your signboard instead of "Fishing tackle" is written "Fishing sweets". Didn't anyone tell you about this?

“Yes,” the owner replied. - Every day several people come to tell me about the mistake. But at the same time, almost each of them will buy at least something.

More anecdotes about entrepreneurial creativity

Sell \u200b\u200bthe purple cow

Seth Godin's main advice to everyone who wants to achieve success in business, especially from buyers - sell the "purple cow". Why purple? Because nobody pays attention to ordinary cows. And if someone, passing in a car, suddenly sees a purple cow in the field, most likely they will stop, start taking pictures of it, and then tell all their friends about it.

Seth Godin called his book on creating a successful business: "The Purple Cow". And for its marketing, he used the recommendations outlined in the book with great success ...

Good sales and not a penny in advertising: myth or reality?

Good day, friends. Nowadays there is an opinion that good sales are not possible without high-quality, large-scale and expensive advertising. If you want people to talk about you, so that your brand and product are recognizable, then you definitely need to advertise around the city, on radio and television, in print and online publications. You need, so to speak, to declare yourself massively, loudly and expensively. But is it? Is it possible to achieve the same effect without investing a dime in advertising? As practice shows, it is possible. The necessity, or rather the dependence of sales on advertising, is imposed on us, first of all, by the advertisers themselves. But, as a rule, an interesting, non-standard, creative approach to advertising your product can give an effect many times better than any paid advertising.

So, today I will tell you some rather interesting and instructive stories that in all their glory will show the power of creative marketing. I am sure that after reading this article to the end, you will understand that it is not money that decides everything in business, but a creative, interesting, non-standard approach that can catch the attention of the buyer, make him talk about you and your business.

Creative marketing is the foundation of a successful business

The first story is directly related to sales. The owner of a salon chain specializing in the sale of men's business suits decided to advertise his business. Since the person himself was creative, he approached advertising in an unusual way. He ordered 1000 coins that looked like coins from different countries of the world, covered each with a very thin layer of silver and gold, and distributed them to all of his salons. The idea was that while packing the sold suit, the seller had to discreetly put one of the coins in his jacket pocket. Later, when the buyer measures the suit already at home, he will find a coin, he will be delighted, he will definitely tell his friends and acquaintances about it. Still, to find a gold coin in the pocket of just purchased jacket.

The idea was good, and the count was on the viral spread of information about the miracle of purchase and an interesting store. But in the first month after the launch of such an experiment, sales remained in place, and even fell slightly. As they say, you need to be able to wait, and after 2 months the advertisement made itself felt. The store's sales grew 4.5 times, and word of the chain spread throughout the city. An interesting effect, isn't it. Someone might say that the cost per 1000 moment, to cover them with silver and gold, is not a small amount of money. Believe me, what an investment is, and the effect it has brought, is many times better than any standard advertising that you see every day on the streets of your city.

The second story is related to restaurant businesses. In the United States, one of the owners of the network knew an interesting secret. He spent tens or even hundreds of times less on marketing than his competitors, but there were always a lot of people in restaurants, big orders, they talked about his network, and only the best. How did you manage it? The secret is simple. Every time a businessman opened a new restaurant, he organized a grand buffet, where he invited various people. But the majority of the guests were hairdressers. The question may arise, why exactly hairdressers? Well, let's think logically. The work of a hairdresser is about people. He cuts them, while sharing all his impressions, tells something, advises something. And so, after a great evening, a gorgeous dinner, free drinks, the hairdresser comes to work and starts recommending a new restaurant to all his clients. And he does it from the heart. As a rule, one day is not enough, and hairdressers spent several weeks telling all their visitors about where to have a good evening.

This is the kind of creative advertisement I got. Again, viral advertising schemes are involved. The businessman just pulled up the lever, started the mechanism, and then everything went its own way.

And the last story is already connected with our entrepreneur Nikolai Shustov. Now cognac Shustov is an excellent brand, and many people hear it. But how did it all begin? What is the reason that Shustov is now a good and memorable brand?

At the beginning of the 20th century, Nikolai Shustov decided to conduct an interesting advertisement. He hired a dozen students who would go to local taverns and order Shustov cognac. Naturally, this cognac was not in taverns, because it had just appeared on the market and no one knew about it. In case of refusal, the students took a row, arranged arguments and even fights. As a result, newspapers began to write about these events, which talked about brawls in bars due to the fact that customers were not served the excellent brandy "Shustov".
This is how, unobtrusively and interestingly, Muscovites learned about the new brand of alcohol, and, naturally, many wanted to know what kind of cognac it was that could even make a fight in a tavern because of it.

Creative Advertising Conclusions

As you can see, creative and interesting advertising can be the key to a successful business. Nowadays there are a lot of advertisements, and most of them are completely ineffective. If you really want people to talk about your business, to be recognized, so that the name of your company evokes only pleasant associations, then approach the advertisements with a special "taste", think more broadly, think outside the box, try to surprise or even shock a potential buyer. People are already not interested in ordinary cows, but if a purple cow appears on the streets of the city, it will attract the attention of thousands. I think my hints are clear 

Did you think marketers' creativity is the result of chaos, deadlines, and intuitive insights? Not at all. Everything here is subject to strict laws. What - the site opened to the portalInga Koryagina, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management Theory and Business Technologies of the PRUE G.V. Plekhanov.

Creative marketing is one of the marketing communications methods. Despite the seemingly apparent focus only on the creative nature of creative marketing, creativity in marketing is always strictly subordinated to the chosen marketing strategy in the company. Because inappropriate creativity can damage her image and reputation.

3 hallmarks of creative marketing:

1. Nike. There can be no excuses

Motivational video from Nike - Just do it - "just do it" called "There can be no excuses":

- Business task - to become more than a supplier of very good shoes;
- The video has the strongest personal shock on each person;
- After watching the video, I want to know more about the company that created such a video, that is, to know the company as a friend, as a living person. And this is a total conquest of customer loyalty. This approach is higher than sales. It is a lifelong confidence building.

2. "Rag & Bone" with Baryshnikov and Riley

American youth brand "Rag & Bone" of the premium segment in 2015/2016 launched an advertising campaign, starting with a viral video in the network with the participation of the world ballet star Mikhail Baryshnikov, who at that time was 67 years old and 26-year-old modern dancer Charlie Lil Buck Riley.

We asked to comment on this videoAnna Wellington, the chief director of Fight Nights Global and a ballet dancer, from a professional artistic and directorial point of view:

“This mini-film hit the mark, as it fully reflected the aesthetics of the company and pushed advertising to a new level, affecting precisely the component of art: modern plastic, visual and art mastery. They just put the puzzle together by connecting all levels of perception together. The video can be watched endlessly, "maestro Baryshnikov" is inimitable, attracting such a level of master, the advertising campaign will definitely be a success. He is a recognized genius who communicates well with the audience. And it works. Managing partners David Neville and Marcus Wainwright have certainly created the best that the brand has ever seen.

“We spent three weeks looking at the tapes from the men's shows and realized how tedious and boring it is. We needed something very dynamic, ”says Wainwright. The brand works in the streetwear genre, and a dynamic aesthetics was necessary, it was important to pull it out, psychologically first of all. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe created dynamics is that you are 67 or 26 years old, it doesn't matter! If the spirit of freedom lives in you - the Rag & Bone brand is what you need! "

3. Dove. True beauty

From point of view Augusta Moreno dos Anjos, creative director of the international advertising agency HAVAS DIGITAL, the most creative video was created by Dove, and this is the video "True Beauty".

“This is the best example of creative marketing! This video speaks to the audience in an amazing and elegant language, “delivering” the brand message to the consumer in an intelligent way. This video tactfully reinforces the brand itself, leaving a pleasant "aftertaste" after watching it. And imposes this perception on the brand. With such a video, Dove subtly shows that every girl or woman is much more beautiful than she thinks of herself. And this thought allows them to develop further and not stop in their thoughts. The company shows them their true potential. It is very inspiring to move forward and build inner self-esteem! "

4. Dorset packaging

Another example of the creative union of aesthetics and marketing is the design of the new packaging for Dorset. The British studio BigFish is one of the few whose work is truly inspiring. Subtle shades and context are professionally rendered. Dorset's initial redesign of the Dorset brand increased the brand's value from £ 4 million to £ 45 million in three years. To build on this success, BigFish redesigned the design again.

It is important to note that the relationship with the consumer has gone far beyond just consuming cereal. The consumer of Dorset flakes tastes great and believes in the power of aesthetics. The packaging design helps them assess the day ahead positively. The new campaign is called “Life begins with breakfast” and gives you a special spirit. And the newly illustrated design turned simple packaging into works of art. The work won 2nd place at The Dieline Awards 2015.

Now for the worst

Ethics is the basis not only for communication between people, but also between companies and consumers. As soon as your actions no longer meet the definition of "ethical", they will stop communicating with you. This is very painful for a person. And in business it is also unprofitable, loss of reputation. Any communication must fit within the framework. There is advertising law, from where you can glean information about many types of inappropriate advertising, but when dealing with ethics, you always have to “be localized” in each case.

1. PersilUK "Free the children!"

According to August Moreno dos Anjos, creative director of the international advertising agency HAVAS DIGITAL, the Persil UK commercial "Free the Children!" “It should never have been created!”: “Yes, the commercial should emotionally talk to the audience, but not use drama and tragedy in communications, and even such a low quality - comparisons of children with prisoners! Such drama is completely unnecessary to prove your point of view. And it's not about the quality of the video clip, but about the quality of the brand message.

In this case, the company goes beyond all boundaries and makes comparisons that are unnecessary and do not give a future. I think in the second case, another idea needs to be developed, keeping the strategically correct message that children spend a lot of time indoors. But the message of the video does not answer the question "what to do?" An important conclusion, which is important to correctly package and convey to society. In a positive way. And not poke each customer in the face with the message: "It was YOU who made a prisoner out of your child!"

2. The image of Hitler used to advertise hats by a German hat companyHutWeber.

5. Offensive pun.

How not to go overboard in the creative process

Notice the conditions under which you find good solutions and recreate those conditions. It's not about the method, it's about the circumstances.

Don't try to be original. The passion for meaningless originality is the disease of creatives.

Solve creatively those tasks that are usually solved without any creativity and do without creativity where everyone is accustomed to creativity.

One head it's good, but two better. Good, effective solutions to problems are found collectively faster - create conditions for them.

Study other people's solutions. And look for your own, optimal ones that solve exactly your problem.

Listen not to people who are ready to offer you a bunch of ideas, but people who achieve results. Experience is always more important than novelty.

- “Solutions should be as simple as possible, but not simpler” A. Einstein

Progress is moving forward, affecting all areas of our lives. New and fresh ideas are welcome almost everywhere. This is especially true of advertising - the brighter, more unusual and interesting it is, the more consumers will remember it, and the more carefully they will consider the proposed product or service. In marketing, the same laws apply - the newer and more creative, the more willingly they pay attention to the provided goods and services and believe the idea.

So what marketing strategy should you take to make innovation work for the company? However, before choosing a strategy, it is necessary to learn as much as possible about innovation.

Life cycle of innovations and their implementation

Types of innovation

Innovation can be of two types: process innovations and product innovations... It is easy to guess that process innovation is the use of a fundamentally new technology, equipment or, for example, a method of personnel training in production. A product innovation can combine a new technology (or an original combination of several already used technologies) and the launch of a new product on the market. This phenomenon is called radical product innovation. If no new product has appeared, but the already presented product has improved, then the product innovation will be incremental. The novelty of innovations can be of two degrees - fundamental and relative.

Creation of innovations

As a rule, innovation appears in a certain pattern. This scheme is called the innovation life cycle - the period of time from the inception of the idea of \u200b\u200binnovation to the withdrawal from production of the product in which this innovation was applied. The first stage is the birth of the idea of \u200b\u200binnovation. As part of this stage, research work and the release of a trial sample of a product with innovation are carried out. The next stage is the improvement of technology, industrial development and production of manufactured products. Then the market saturation stage will come. During this period, production and sales volumes reach their maximum. After this stage, decline sets in. This is the period when the product is withdrawn from the market and production is phased out. At this stage, it is important to understand the difference between the manufacturing lifecycle and the innovation lifecycle.

So, in the life cycle of production, it is customary to distinguish five stages.

At the first stage, the innovation is introduced. This is a very complex and time consuming process. It is during this period that the production of innovations is being improved, a trial batch of the product is released, and the production process is debugged to the smallest detail.

At the next stage, industrial production is mastered. Naturally, this period will take a lot of time, because in parallel with the development of production, there is an increase in the release of an innovative product.

But at the third stage, there is a rapid growth and development of production, and also the volume of production increases. This is a period of production growth.

After this development, the stage of stabilization begins. At this time, almost all indicators of the enterprise fluctuate in a small range, adhering to the average value, and the production process is loaded to the maximum.

The fifth stage can be characterized by a decrease in workload and a decline in the pace and scale of production. Production opportunities are being scaled down to minimal or even zero. This stage is the final one for the production of an innovative product.

Perhaps the most important element of innovative marketing is the principle of synergy. This principle lies in the complementary relationship between all activities and product release. This integrity plays a huge role in the success of the marketing ploy.

Innovation and creativity

Unfortunately, it happens that people do not always know a clear definition of the term they are using. Some people think of creativity as innovation, and vice versa. Since we have already dealt with innovation, we will consider creativity as a concept and role of creativity in marketing.

Summarizing and analyzing all the meanings of the word create, translated from English into Russian, as well as based on the meaning of the word creative, borrowed from the English language, we can give a rather narrow definition of this word. So, a creative is a commercial work (creation, creativity), through the trade in which (creative products or rights to these products) the manufacturer (creator) receives income.

A creative will be successfully sold only when it meets the expectations of potential buyers, as well as their basic needs. Basic needs include aesthetics, morality, and emotional mood. However, the most important goal of any business is money. And all means are subordinated to this goal. To achieve the desired result - a lot of money, marketers develop a strategy that includes all aspects of achieving the main goal. As part of the marketing strategy, pricing factors, the most successful product promotion techniques, advertising and much more are carefully considered. As we know, advertising is the engine of commerce. And it is her literacy that decides how well the product will be promoted to the masses. Creativity comes to the aid of the engine of progress. Creativity in advertising or PR is expressed in an original, sometimes even specific approach, new methods of generating and stimulating demand, as well as forming the necessary positioning of the company in the market.

Interactive Marketing

By the way, creativity and innovation Is not the only effective remedy. Recently, new media have gained particular popularity. And if earlier marketers treated them with some suspicion, at the moment the Internet is an integral part of product promotion and helps to involve consumers in the process. Of course, engaging consumers in the advertising process is difficult and time-consuming, but it is the global Internet that helps to get around most of the difficulties. So, for example, potential buyers do not need to be present at this or that event - they just need to go online and take part in the action.

As a small digression, let's recall the famous writings of Jack Trout and Al Rice on positioning. These books are remarkable not only for theoretical information, but also for many examples from real life. Unfortunately, such books about the Internet are not being published now, however, even without books, you can find a huge number of examples of interactive marketing. Let's take a look at the most striking ones.

One of the interactive projects was the “Collect your Volkswagen” project, which appeared four years ago. In order to attract buyers, a special website was created, where visitors were invited to try out any desired configuration and equipment of a Volkswagen car. Residents of the United States could drive a real car that they created on this site, and residents of all other countries could test the car online. For even greater comfort of visitors to the advertising site, all the nuances that could be in the assembly of a car were taken into account. And also the page load time and the amount of information on it were optimal. After the car was assembled, the project participant was asked to drive it along a virtual highway. The ride was very beautiful, high quality and realistic. At the same time, the metal "kolobok" Fast provoked the virtual driver to drive faster and faster. It should be noted that the "kolobok" is not the only character stimulating the project participants. During the ride, a German girl Helga appears on the screen in the form of a charming blonde, who gives control commands. By the way, erotic overtones are easily read in these commands, as a result of which the male part of the population predominated among the testers of this project. It should be noted that this project has caused a stir among Internet users.

Another example is the site dedicated to the women's mini car. He was honored at the Cannes Festival in 2006. On this interactive site, the idea of \u200b\u200bfemale dominance, that is, feminism, plays almost the main role. When you enter the site, the same car and a pretty girl in a leather suit and a whip in her hands appear on the page. The girl periodically lashes her car with this whip. Such a move should be regarded as follows: the car here personifies a man whom a woman was able to pacify and rebuild for herself. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis company is to show potential buyers that the Mini car is able to solve all the problems of women that arise in car owners in the winter. Like a real man, the car will fulfill all the ladies' whims - you just need to drive the car and give him commands. In addition, on this site it was possible to assemble your car, including all the desired configuration, after which you can send such a complete version of the car to the nearest dealer. This action was very helpful in promoting European Mini cars in Canada. But not everything went as smoothly as we would like. One drawback prevented even greater success of the action - not very convenient management on the site. For example, during a screensaver with a girl and a car, it was impossible to use the site menu - you had to wait for the picture to disappear. And yet this action remained one of the brightest!

In addition to marketers in the automotive industry, food service representatives have taken advantage of the idea of \u200b\u200busing interactive marketing. Burger King, a competitor to McDonald's, used Star Wars hero Vader on its interactive website. This choice was very accurate, because it was during that period that the country was waiting for the release of the third episode of the world-beloved Star Wars saga. On this interactive site, users can ask Lord Vader various questions, answering which he will grow wiser. Visitors can notice this progress by looking at the site again after a while. Perhaps this action can be called almost the most massive, because after its holding the Burger King chain received more than 8 million visitors! It should be noted that in addition to the website, other methods of attracting consumers were also involved in the advertising of this fast food restaurant chain.

Only Ikea was able to draw attention to the advertised and sold product using the interactive website. The website of this company showed different cuisines and different people and events that these kitchens could correspond to. Each kitchen had its own musical accompaniment, perfectly in harmony with the presented picture. However, the highlight was not in this design, but in the very image of the kitchen. It was movable, and the user could see the kitchen from all sides and in all the little things, just hold down the mouse button and turn the mouse. This project received the highest praise at the Cannes Festival in 2006 precisely because the main focus of attention was the product that they wanted to sell. The previous "nominees" did not have this feature.

Analyzing all such techniques, the research corporation PQ Media has made a forecast for the future of interactive marketing. They estimate that the use of these techniques has grown by 22 percent over the past year. The largest part of the money invested in interactive marketing fell on sites similar to those discussed in the article. In addition, PQ Media forecasts the growth of this marketing technique until 2012, with a budget for its implementation of more than $ 160 billion.

I can't help but notice that such figures are justified. Interactive sites allow consumers to participate in product advertising, which undoubtedly encourages them to share the product and site with their friends and acquaintances. And who can tell you about the product and the company that produces it in an interesting and truthful way? Consumer only!

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