Micro factories for small businesses. The best business ideas for organizing small industries. Ideas for mini-production of building materials

For many people, the word factory is associated with huge workshops, smoke and tall pipes. But this is a long time ago. Of course, giant factories producing oil platforms, ocean-going ships, turbines and steel work and are being built. But a huge mass of products that we use in everyday life are produced in mini-factories. If you build a giant plant only by the state or a powerful corporation, then a small group of people or even one person can create mini-production for small businesses. It’s not always necessary to have a large capital for a start. Recall that the automotive industry and television began with small workshops. Mini-factories in Russia are a rapidly growing business.

Investing in these industries provides a quick payback, as well as a high rate of return.

What is a mini-factory, in which industries is it the most profitable? A mini-factory is an enterprise that employs from a few people to several dozen workers. What are the benefits of mini-factories for small businesses?

Let's consider everything in order

  1. Mini-factories are extremely mobile. Mobility here is not only the ability to quickly transfer equipment to a new location, but, most importantly, it is the ability to adapt to rapidly changing market requirements.   Mini-factories rebuild on new products within days or weeks.
  2. Small-scale production is characterized by high efficiency and profitability (with the right choice of a niche in the market). This is due to the fact that in such industries there is no cumbersome administrative as well as maintenance personnel.
  3. At mini-factories, small-scale custom-made products can be produced. The exclusivity of such works ensures their high profitability.
  4. Mini-plants are quick payback. They, as a rule, do not require large capital investments during creation.

If you decide to create a mini-factory, then the first task is to determine the area of \u200b\u200bactivity in which you intend to work.

There cannot be universal solutions. It all depends on the region in which you are located, the availability of raw materials, start-up funds, market conditions, etc. However, you can list some areas in which mini-shops for small businesses successfully operate. So consider some small business business production ideas.

  1. Production of building materials. In Russia, there are already many mini-factories for the production of bricks, concrete blocks, paving slabs, foam concrete blocks, etc. But this market is still not saturated enough. There are regions, especially distant from the center, in which there is a shortage of such materials.
  2. Food production. This is a mini-bakery, the production of dairy products, sausages, exclusive confectionery, soft drinks, dried fruits, etc. It all depends on your idea of \u200b\u200bsmall production.
  3. Household goods and plastic products. Here you can fully realize your ideas and ideas. One good idea can make you a millionaire. Remember the Rubik's Cube. Kitchen appliances, original appliances that facilitate the work of the hostess, even souvenirs can be the start of a mini-workshop for a family business.
  4. Household chemicals, car chemicals, cosmetics. This is a very low investment, and the payback is very fast. However, it should be borne in mind that the market in this area is very saturated with goods of various price categories.
  5. Recycling of plastic and waste paper. This type of activity is highly demanded, but requires licensing and permits from fire and sanitary services.
  6. Manufacture of metal products. Foundry as well as blacksmithing is easy to organize in limited areas. Production requires experience and sufficient qualifications.

Read also: Paving of crumb rubber

Before proceeding with the construction of a mini-factory, a thorough market research of the products that you intend to produce is necessary. It’s best to start with products that are familiar to you. It is very important to assess the sources and reliability of the supply of raw materials, as well as the costs of marketing products. Evaluate your real financial opportunities. Indeed, in any work there may be glitches and temporary setbacks. Make a business plan. When drawing up a business plan, consider the cost of renting production facilities (if you do not have your own), transportation costs and repair work.

Business plan

Consider the preparation of a brief business plan for the construction and operation of a mini-factory for the production of blocks of foam concrete.

Initial data

An analysis of the situation in the building materials market showed that intensive construction of low-rise buildings and cottages is ongoing in our region. There is no production of heat-insulating and structural foam concrete in our region. Nearby there is a cement plant, a sand pit, as well as dumps of metallurgical slag. A decision was made to build a mini-factory for the production of foam concrete blocks with a capacity of 10 m3 per shift. The average selling price of foam blocks of various grades is 2400 rub / m3.

Risk analysis

The main risks are the seasonality of construction work. To minimize this factor, during a favorable period of 5-6 months, we create a stock of materials that we sell in the winter for the arrangement of house partitions. In the frosty period, we stop production. Support costs are not available at this time. Taking into account market conditions, cinder blocks can be produced on existing equipment. The equipment of the mini-factory is mounted and dismantled within 3-5 hours, which allows, at the request of customers, to produce foam concrete directly at the customer’s construction site for the installation of monolithic structures.

Equipment purchase

A set of equipment for producing foam concrete, depending on productivity, costs from 80,000 to 250,000 rubles. We have selected a set of equipment for 100,000 rubles. It was decided to make molds for foam blocks on their own. Costs are 20,000 rubles. Transport (car with a carrying capacity of 3 tons) is available. Thus, the cost of equipment is 120,000 rubles.

Plant location and preparatory work

The plant is supposed to be placed in a production building with an area of \u200b\u200b250 m2, which has an electrical connection. Water comes from a nearby artesian well. The rental price is 20,000 rubles. per month.

Calculation of current costs

We carry out the calculation according to the conservative scenario, taking into account the shutdown of the plant in the winter. The cost of materials, electricity and water for the production of 1 m3 of foam blocks on average (for different brands) is 1400 rubles / m3, taking into account transport costs. With a production volume of 200 m3 per month, the cost of raw materials will be 280,000 rubles / month. Salary for hired personnel - 80,000 rubles / month, taking into account the unified social tax (two workers are employed in the production, we are conducting outsourcing of bookkeeping). Rent - 20,000 rubles / month. So, current costs amount to 380,000 rubles / month.

Read also: Recycling tires as a business

Calculating the payback of a mini-factory

The volume of sales per month is 480,000 rubles / month. Profit - 100,000 rubles. The payback period is less than 1.5 months. Thus, even taking into account the need to establish permanent relations with consumers of products, the mini-plant pays off in one summer season. Given the seasonal fluctuations in sales, revenue is about 600,000 rubles. in year.

Today you can purchase complete mini-factories both domestic and imported.

Below we give a list of some mini-factories, the payback of which is from 6 months to two years.


Initial costs, rub.

Production Brief

Production of galvanized sheet profiles400-600 Sheet metal bending machines allow the production of profiles for drywall systems, sumps, brackets, etc.
Production of tiles and tiles from polymer concrete300-400 Production of tiles and tiles from sand, cement, polymer waste using press equipment
Production of building mixtures200-300 Production is based on the preparation of recipes from finished raw materials (sand, gypsum, additives, etc.), grinding and packaging.
Mini bakery500-600 Very quickly recouped production subject to successful placement, a wide range of products, high quality products.
Production of polyurethane foam insulation for pipes and heating mains. 400-500   The production is based on blowing polyurethane foam mass into molds to produce “shells” that are attached to pipes of various diameters.
Production of bricks and cinder blocks  from 1,000,000  The payback of production depends on the proximity and availability of raw materials (slag, clay, sand), as well as consumers in the region. Well-designed, high-quality formulations from affordable raw materials provide quick sales and high profitability.
Mini Pet Food Factory 200-300   There are complete mini-plants on the market. Suppliers often offer a set of basic product formulations.
Production of sauces, mayonnaise and ketchup 800-900   In large cities, there is high competition in this segment, but in remote areas, production will be highly profitable.
  Making windows from PVC profiles 500-600
  Production of exclusive paints and varnishes 200-300 Complete equipment with a set of basic recipes allows the production of luminous and fluorescent paints.
  Production of construction nails 600-700   Production is implemented on a small area, does not require a large number of workers. May be the foundation of a family business.

The world economy is diverse and its subjects are multinational companies, and corporations are monopolists. In fact, it is based on small and medium-sized businesses. In advanced economies, small businesses account for up to 70% of the gross product. In Russia alone, several million people work at enterprises of this type.

Citizens who decide to open their own business immediately face the following problems:

    Where to put your strength?

    Where can I get the necessary equipment?

Many people look at mini-factories for small businesses. Indeed, this is the best solution for newcomers to the business. By purchasing a complex of this type, an entrepreneur receives:

  1. Mobility.
  2. Small sizes.
  3. Relatively low costs for the acquisition and launch of production.

Relatively low cash costs allow you to build a company that will not only withstand high competition, but will also produce high-quality products that are in steady demand.

As for the shortcomings of such enterprises, there are few of them. They are mostly related to the fact that most of the mini-complexes are produced outside our country. This can cause certain difficulties when purchasing spare parts and components. At the same time, domestic manufacturers of this equipment began to enter the market.

Some features of the operation of mini-plants

As in any type of activity when working with mini-plants, there are subtleties.

First, the entrepreneur must understand in which industry he will be engaged in business. It will be optimal if the chosen activity is close and clear to him. Not the least role is played by the level of competition in the chosen field. It will be great if the entrepreneur chooses a sphere in which the level of competition is not so great.

Secondly, it is necessary to draw up a detailed business plan for the development of the enterprise. When compiling it, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

  1. Calculate the expected costs, starting with the purchase of the necessary equipment, and ending with the costs of shipping and storage of finished products.
  2. Decide on the market for finished products.
  3. Decide on the location of the enterprise and search for employees.

Overview of mini plants

There are a large number of ideas on the development of small businesses using mini-plants on the market. This is primarily due to the fact that the opening and launch of a mini-factory is incomparable with the construction and commissioning of a large enterprise, where dozens of people work. In addition, the mini-factories have a fairly quick payback period, of course, with properly organized work and the release of finished products of good quality.

Most popular industries

The construction boom in our country, although it has declined somewhat, is still the products of the construction industry are in steady demand. There are mini-factories that allow the production of concrete, products from it, bricks and blocks.

The second most popular activity is food production. This may be the packaging of finished products, such as cereals or sugar. On the market you can buy equipment for meat processing, dairy production and much more.

Garbage processing is not far behind. Such a business is welcomed by government and the entrepreneur has the opportunity to receive a subsidy for business development.

But, most importantly, no matter what industry attracts the attention of the entrepreneur, he must possess certain knowledge in it, or at least have a specialist in the staff of the enterprise.

Advantages and disadvantages of mini-plants

The advantages of mini-factories are not so much in their size, but rather in the streamlined technology for the production of finished products, environmental safety. In fact, a mini-factory is a completely different type of business. Technology, consumers and its development strategy are fundamentally different from a large enterprise.

As a rule, mini-factories are built either in rural areas or small towns. The thing is, in such places a fairly low level of wages. Moreover, at such mini-plants, as a rule, there is no need for a highly skilled workforce. This allows the recruitment of staff from local residents, who may not have special or higher education. To ensure the efficient operation of the mini-plant, there is no need to maintain a large staff of managers and workers. All necessary work is performed by the workers themselves, who are engaged in its operation.

The disadvantages of mini-factories include the fact that this type of business is quite difficult to open and develop in our country. The thing is, Russia, has long been focused on the development of large enterprises, with a large number of equipment, producing a wide range of products and employing hundreds or even thousands of people.

Mini-factories are capable of producing products that meet the requirements of regulatory documentation, and which fully satisfy the wishes of consumers. As a rule, marketing of finished products is carried out in the local market.

The essence of this business can be expressed as follows - to produce quality products at affordable prices. The main success factor of such a business is the ability to offer consumers products of decent quality at low prices.

Today, equipment for mini-plants can be purchased in any country in the world. In the global network you can find a lot of proposals for the supply of mini-factories for the production of anything, anywhere.

Classification of mini-plants

Main cost items

Equipping and launching a mini-plant will require certain costs, some of them are listed below:

  • for purchase or lease for placement of a mini-factory;
  • to prepare the premises for the installation of equipment.
  • it will be necessary to carry out at least cosmetic repairs, perform electrical wiring, build foundations for technological equipment, etc .;
  • utility bills for water, energy, heat;
  • on staff salaries. These costs will be required in the first time, until the company reaches full capacity and arranges sales of products.

How can I choose a location for the plant

When choosing the location of a mini-factory for small businesses, many factors must be taken into account. Among them are the following:

  • overall dimensions of the mini-factory, requirements for the presence of a foundation, dimensions of the finished product. The noise level created by operating equipment. That is, if the installed equipment produces more noise than expected, these data are usually indicated in the operational documentation. That, of course, the placement of such production in residential areas is unacceptable and, therefore, will have to look for premises in the industrial zone;
  • amount of energy consumed. If installed at the mini-plant consumes a greater amount of electric energy, then there is a need to supply additional energy or lay additional power wires;
  • the number of staff. A lot of modern equipment requires several operators to work on it. That is, they will have to formally employ them and provide them with jobs that meet the requirements of existing labor legislation. In this case, it will be necessary to look for a room that is adapted to create such jobs.

What mini-factories are in high demand?

Let's consider some of them.

Brick mini-factory

Before buying equipment for such an enterprise, the owner must decide how much finished product he can sell. At the same time, he must take into account that brick, this product is a seasonal maximum sale, will be necessary for the duration of the construction work.

Based on this, he can form a set of equipment that will allow to produce inexpensive, but high-quality products. The cost of a set of equipment can cost the future owner several million rubles. But, with properly organized marketing of finished products, the enterprise will pay off within a couple - three years.

What costs will be borne by the owner during the operation of the mini-factory?

To purchase raw materials for production. To produce a batch of 1 thousand pieces of brick, you will need cement M400, about 800 kg, water 300 liters, a filler of 3.3 tons. Electricity To get its value, it is necessary to summarize the capacity of the equipment that will work simultaneously and multiply the result by the tariff applicable in this area. Salary costs.

Mini-feed mill

This production must be located in rural areas, in which farms are actively working, focused on raising large and small cattle, poultry. The productivity of such a plant is on average about 10 tons. It can be mounted in an unheated room.

For the production of animal feed you will need feed grain (wheat, rye, corn, etc.), mineral additives, etc. The process of obtaining finished products takes place on a hammer mill. Its service will require several people.

The main advantage of the mini-factory can be called that it allows us to ensure the production of quality products - granular and loose feed, which are in demand year-round.

Concrete Mini Plant

The basis of such an enterprise is a concrete mixer. Without it, the production of high-quality concrete mix is \u200b\u200bimpossible. It is equipped with a set of instruments and sensors that allow you to measure the required number of components - sand and gravel. Raw materials for the production of concrete are fed into a concrete mixer or using a screw. Such a mini-plant can work around the clock.

For his smooth operation of such an enterprise, it is necessary that next to it was a platform for storing rubble. The package includes containers for storing cement.

This company is ideal for small construction organizations. Its presence will save on procurement of concrete mix, made on the side.

Retrofitting a concrete mini-plant with formwork will allow the organization of the production of reinforced concrete products, for example, foundation blocks. To improve the quality of manufactured concrete products, it makes sense to think about manufacturing a vibrating plate. Its use improves product quality.

Quality control of products can be carried out in a certified laboratory, which is at any serial concrete plant.

There are mini-factories on wheels. That is, if necessary, it can always be transferred to another place.

Mini brewery

Such breweries are a set of equipment that allows you to pour several hundred liters of the finished product per day. Such complexes are well-known by entrepreneurs who supply beer to draft beer shops. The presence of such equipment allows you to open a shop - a brewery. The cost of a microbrewery depends on productivity and can range from 600,000 rubles to several million. These plants are supplied by European and Chinese companies.

Mini alcohol factory

It is a complex of high-tech equipment, the operation of which will require the entrepreneur certain knowledge in the theory and practice of alcohol production.

Mini-alcohol factories are distinguished by their low cost, full autonomy and, of course, finished product quality.

Plants of this class are designed in such a way as to automate the production process as much as possible. This is done to minimize operator involvement in the process. In order for the plant to operate smoothly, it is enough that the operator checks the parameters of work.

Mini alcohol factory and law

At the beginning of 2018, certain amendments were adopted to the Administrative Code and the law on the regulation of alcohol production. These amendments are due to two factors - the growth of alcohol, which is produced in artisanal conditions and the low quality of these products. Unfortunately, poisoning with such alcohol is not uncommon.

The legislation determines that a citizen has the right to buy either a moonshine or a mini-factory for the production of alcohol. If the purchased equipment produces more than 2000 liters of alcohol per year, then it must be registered with Rosalkogolregulirovanie. To register, you must first open a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. For the use of equipment with a production capacity of more than 2000 liters, its owner will be fined from three to five thousand rubles, and the equipment will simply be seized.

If a citizen sells alcohol without permission, then he falls under penalties ranging in size from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. By the way, repeated violation can lead to criminal liability.

Before making such an acquisition, you must carefully weigh everything.

Mini Milk Processing Plant

They are able to process from 300 to 20,000 kg of raw materials in 24 hours. The mini-plant includes:

  • water supply and heating;
  • power supply system;
  • sewer network;
  • air conditioning and ventilation.

The mini-factory includes several units, each of which is engaged in the production of products, for example, yogurt or drinking milk.

When organizing the production of food products, the entrepreneur must understand that he will constantly have to deal with inspection organizations. All equipment that will be used must have a sanitary certificate on the suitability for its operation.

Such a mini-plant allows producing a wide range of products - fermented baked milk, kefir, etc. An entrepreneur engaged in the production of such products must ensure the receipt of first-class raw materials, their storage and processing. In addition, it is necessary to ensure appropriate conditions for workers, as well as bottling and packaging of products.

Garbage Recycling Plant

This type can be attributed to the most dynamically developing business. Which, in general, is not surprising, big cities have long been choking on waste. The organization of this business begins with walking around bureaucratic authorities. First you need to obtain a permit granting the right to perform work related to waste disposal. It must be issued at the Ministry of Ecology. In addition, permission will be required from firefighters and medical doctors. Making all the necessary documentation takes at least six months.

The cost of the plant, which processes most of the waste, can amount to about $ 20 million. A plant that utilizes a certain type of garbage will be much cheaper.

Mini-factories manufactured in China

Drywall Manufacturing Plant

Automatic lines are used to release drywall sheets. The mini-plant includes technological equipment.

This material is already in high demand, this is determined by the fact that it is widely used in construction. But in fact, there are not so many serial manufacturers of drywall sheets.

The gypsum plasterboard mini-factories for small businesses made in China are notable for their high productivity and proper product quality. Everything else they are environmentally friendly. The line includes a device for removing dust that occurs during the production process.

Such mini-plants are capable of producing about 2 million square meters of drywall per year. To service it will require 15 people. Such lines operate in a continuous cycle, only occasionally stop for maintenance and service. That is, products leave the line every day.

The installation can be mounted and operated on a production area of \u200b\u200b90 square meters. Power consumption is 110 kW, water consumption is about 9 cubic meters per hour.

It should be noted that many mini-factories manufactured in China are copies of equipment manufactured in Europe or America, and this may be some guarantee of equipment quality.

Asphalt Mini-Plant

For the production of asphalt, a factory made in China uses the same technologies that are used all over the world. In fact, the production of asphalt mix is \u200b\u200ba thorough mixing of the components in a heated form.

All components included in the mixture are stored not far from the ABZ. At the storage site they are prepared for processing. By the time the equipment starts up, the components must be ready. Front-end loaders load components into hoppers in proportions that must match the asphalt recipe. From the bunkers, with the help of a conveyor belt, the mixture is fed into a container where they are mixed. After that, an asphalt mixer enters the business. At the same time as inert materials are mixed, bitumen is heated and then fed into the asphalt mixer. After the mixture is ready, it is sent to construction sites.

The mixture obtained at such a mini-plant must be immediately put in place. Chinese manufacturers offer consumers plants that can produce 5 to 10 tons of the mixture per hour. Their cost ranges from 2 to 4 million rubles.

Set of equipment for canning fish IPKS-0801

Another representative of the Republic of China is a mini-canned fish factory. To service his work, 8 people will be required, the productivity of the mini-factory is 600 cans per hour. The cost of the complex lies within 1.5 million rubles.

In principle, Chinese industrialists produce a wide range of mini-factories, which domestic entrepreneurs acquire and successfully operate.

How to buy a mini-factory

Nowadays, making such a purchase should not be difficult. There are many companies that specialize in the supply of mini-factories from Europe and the Far East. Just an entrepreneur should clearly understand what equipment parameters are of interest to him in the first place.

How to get started

If an entrepreneur who has decided to purchase a mini-factory is just starting to work, then first of all, before making a purchase, he must register a company or individual entrepreneur. About how this is done, the size of state fees can be found at the MFC, by the way, and there to perform company registration there.

The entrepreneur must understand that some types of products and services must have safety and quality certificates. In addition, it may well be necessary to obtain permission from fire departments and sanitary doctors. It is better to find out all these questions before starting production.

To the question of equipment

Several years ago, many entrepreneurs tried to purchase equipment in the European Union. But in recent years, industrialists from China have become more active in the market for equipment for mini-factories. They are constantly busy improving their products, while managing to keep prices at a democratic level.

We also have many manufacturers engaged in the production of mini-factories, ready to produce a variety of products.

But some entrepreneurs prefer to create mini-factories for small businesses with their own hands. It should be noted that such equipment may not have a striking appearance, but, without a doubt, it will be the most economical and easy to adapt to the needs of production.

But when using DIY equipment, it is necessary to take into account the following - it is possible that a mass-produced machine has the ability to produce products of higher quality and at a price that is lower than the products that are manufactured on their own machine.

Not all entrepreneurs own resources for the independent production of technological equipment, which is necessary for the organization of the plant. In this case, many of them order the assembly of a mini-factory at any one enterprise.

Not every aspiring entrepreneur decides to open his own production enterprise. This concept is usually associated with huge financial investments and complex technological processes. In fact, a small business can be an excellent basis for the development of large-scale profitable business. Small production for small businesses is a great opportunity to occupy a niche in the domestic market and gain complete financial independence.

Walnut oil

People who care about their health highly value natural essential oils, including walnut oil. This product is used in cooking, pharmaceuticals and cosmetology for the production of shampoos, creams, gels, etc. The market for walnut oil is huge, so the idea of \u200b\u200bmini-production of such products can be an excellent basis for a large-scale promising business.

Essential oil is obtained from walnut kernels. Raw materials are best purchased in the season when they are sold at the lowest prices, and stored in a warehouse. To do this, you need a decent start-up capital. In addition, you need to purchase special equipment. The best option is an automatic machine, but it costs a lot, more than 10 million rubles, so many novice entrepreneurs use semi-automatic equipment. It will require one operator to service it, and the cost of the machine is not so sky-high. If you are limited in financial resources, mini equipment for the production of walnut oil can be done with your own hands. But it will not be able to provide high performance. With a full load on the production line, all your investments pay off in just 1 season.

It will bring good profit if you take care of the markets in advance. The profitability of such a business is 50-100%. Over time, when the company begins to grow and develop, it is possible to enter foreign markets and thereby significantly increase the profitability of production.


   - This is a simple and fairly profitable business. In the cold season, such a product is in great demand. Despite the fact that there is a high level of competition in this area, there is usually no problem with the sale of such products. The main indicators of success for this idea of \u200b\u200bmini-production at home are price and quality. If you offer customers inexpensive, but at the same time, high-quality goods, you will quickly find regular markets.

A small home mini-freezer production, which employs 5-6 people, produces about 5 thousand liters of finished products per day. Its cost is 8-10 rubles. If you sell 100 thousand liters of ice-cream every month at a wholesale price of 15 rubles per 1 liter, you can get 600-800 rubles of profit. The only drawback of this idea of \u200b\u200bmini production at home is its pronounced seasonality. Demand for such goods begins to grow in November. In the warm season, you can safely clean the ice-freezer from the shelves of stores, but in the season you can earn good money on its sale.

Since alcohol-containing raw materials are used for the manufacture of non-freezing bales, the production of such products is subject to licensing. Buying a license will cost you about 60 thousand rubles. An automatic production line costs from 1 to 3 million rubles. If you do not have a large start-up capital in order to draw up all permits and purchase special equipment, at first you can work illegally using inexpensive mini machines for home production. This will allow you to collect the amount necessary for the start. All initial investments pay off in 1–1.5 years.


Entrepreneurial people know how to make money from everything that comes to hand. It would seem how you can profit from earthworms? In fact, compost processed by worms is a valuable fertilizer, the sale of which can bring good income.

  - This is a fairly profitable occupation. For his organization does not need large financial investments. Money is needed to buy California red worms. If your financial resources are limited, you can take ordinary earthworms.

As compost usually use:

  • Sawdust;
  • Fallen leaves;
  • Cow dung;
  • Food waste and stuff.

Under the mini production at home, you can use the barn or any other utility room. The most important thing is that it is warm and spacious. For 1 square. 5 thousand worms launch a meter. Over time, they will begin to multiply, so your business will not require additional financial investments.

For the sale of vermicompost will require a special container. As a rule, plastic bags of different capacities are used for this. Biohumus, packaged in 3-10 kg, is bought by summer residents and flower growers. Large bags of 20-100 kg are bought by farmers and wholesalers. In addition to vermicompost, you can sell worms. Pet shops and poultry farms are happy to buy them. As you can see, a home vermiferm is a simple and fairly profitable activity. Such a mini-production in Russia can be opened by any person who has his own personal plot.


Recently, the production of fuel pellets has become very popular. This is a combustible material that is used as fuel for domestic and industrial boilers, made from compressed wood waste, sunflower husks, crops, etc. Fuel pellets are small granules that store heat for a long time due to their high density. They are completely safe and environmentally friendly.

It will require serious financial investments, but all of them will pay off literally in 1 year. Such an enterprise is best organized near a wood processing factory. This will allow you to significantly save on transportation of raw materials. For the manufacture of 1 ton of pellets, 4-5 cubic meters will be needed. meters of wood waste. The profitability of such a business reaches 95–110%.

Equipment for mini-production for small businesses from China will cost you 200 thousand rubles. If you do not have that kind of money, you can try to assemble a granulator yourself. An automatic pellet production line will cost 5.5 million rubles and more.

The cost of 1 ton of pellets is 750 rubles. Finished products can be sold on the market at 3.5–4.5 thousand rubles per 1 ton. Mini-production in the garage in the presence of markets and continuous workload can bring in a month 500-700 thousand rubles of net profit.


Everyone is familiar with such material as polystyrene, but only a few know that it can make good money on its production. Such products are always in demand on the market, so newcomers can easily take their place in this area. A business plan and equipment can be franchised from a large manufacturing enterprise. For this you will need about 2 million rubles. The most important thing in this business is to find reliable markets.

More than 85% of the foam is purchased for construction and repair. The remaining 15% goes to the manufacture of fishing tackle, as a filler for boats and more. Such markets are not easy to find, so you need to focus your production on mass consumption.

Automatic line with a capacity of 20 cubic meters. meters of polystyrene per shift costs 400 thousand rubles. Separately, you need to buy a steam generator. It will cost you 250 thousand rubles. Full payback of a business occurs in 4-7 months. The average monthly income of a small enterprise is about 250 thousand rubles. If you cannot decide which mini-production to open from scratch, do not lose sight of this promising idea.

Soap and decorative candles

- This is a fairly profitable business that does not require significant financial investments. At first, such mini-production for small businesses with their own hands is better to organize at home. If things go well, you can do this at a professional level.

The list of equipment for making decorative candles and soap looks almost the same:

  • Metal dishes;
  • Gas or electric stove;
  • Paraffin or soap base;
  • Wick, flavors, colorants, essential oils and more;
  • Cookie cutters.

If you want to engage in the production of candles professionally, you can purchase special equipment. Its purchase will cost you 300 thousand rubles. In addition, you will have to purchase a large batch of raw materials. For this you will need another 150 thousand rubles. The monthly profit of such a small enterprise will be approximately 70-80 thousand rubles. This means that you can reach full payback after 5-6 months of work. Finished products can be sold in souvenir shops, beauty salons, cafes, restaurants and medical institutions that conduct aromatherapy sessions.

Handmade toys

Women who for some reason cannot go to work often ask what mini-production can be opened at home? Recently, various handmade products have become popular. In addition, such products are much more expensive than manufactured goods. A good business idea is mini-production - handmade toys for children.

You can do:

  • Author's dolls;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • Educational toys made of wood and more.

Women who like to knit can make knitted dolls. The choice of activity depends on your desires and practical skills. At the stage of formation, one can use other people's ideas, but only with the permission of the author.

If we talk about financial investments, there can not be called any specific amount. For example, for the production of soft toys you will need:

  • A set of threads and needles;
  • Fabric, faux fur, etc .;
  • Fillers (scraps of synthetic winterizer or sawdust);
  • Hardware;
  • Scissors and glue.

You will spend no more than 10 thousand rubles on all this. All initial investments will be returned after the sale of the first batch of products. It is also advisable to purchase a sewing machine. It costs 8-10 thousand rubles. The final price of each product is its cost, multiplied by two. Finished products can be sold on the Internet or delivered for sale to children's toy stores.

Bouquets of sweets and fruits

Recently, edible bouquets of sweets or fruits have become very popular. Such a delicious original gift can be presented for a birthday, wedding, anniversary and any other special occasion. If you have creative abilities and want to start a small business of your own, try to create such masterpieces yourself. People who do not have such skills can take special courses from professionals.

The profitability of the business for the production of sweet bouquets is 40%. Demand for such goods does not fall at any time of the year. For the manufacture of bouquets you will not need any complex fixtures. All you need is a few sharp knives, skewers, on which you will string fruit and dishes for the finished bouquet. If things go well, make a catalog of your work and create your own website on the Internet where you can take orders for the production of sweet bouquets.

Jam and homemade pickles

Ever wonder which mini-production to open with minimal investment at home with little capital? This question is often asked by novice entrepreneurs who want to organize their own profitable business. Watching a mini-production video for small businesses, I wanted to dwell on the idea of \u200b\u200bproducing jam, jams and homemade pickles. Such an activity is perfect for residents of rural areas and summer residents who have their own land. If you do not have the opportunity to grow fruits and vegetables yourself, you can purchase raw materials in small batches from farmers or wholesale suppliers.

In order to open such a business you will need a huge desire, some original recipes and some money to buy raw materials and containers. Modern people care about their health, so they prefer to eat only homemade pickles. But, unfortunately, many women do not have enough time to make preparations for the winter on their own, so such products are always in great demand in the market. The most popular items are pickled mushrooms, pickles and tomatoes, sauerkraut, preserves, jams and various salads. Offer customers the best quality products at affordable prices and your business will thrive and grow.

Semi-finished products

What production to open in 2018? According to experts, in difficult economic conditions, it is necessary to rely on essential goods, and in particular on food. Housewives and women on maternity leave can engage in the production of convenience foods:

  • Dumplings;
  • Cutlet;
  • Pancakes;
  • Varenikov, etc.

For many people, these products have become a real salvation, because due to the high employment at work, there is no time to prepare a full lunch or dinner.

If you want to do such a thing as a part-time job, you can do without major investments. But if you want to organize a large-scale business, you need a large start-up capital. Nowadays, equipment for the production of semi-finished products is offered by many domestic and foreign manufacturers. A production line for equipping a mini-enterprise will cost you 1.5 million rubles. Such a business goes to full payback in 1–1.5 years. It is most profitable to sell finished products through their own branded outlets. With small volumes of production, semi-finished products can be sold through intermediaries. The most profitable option is cooperation with catering establishments.

Homemade phyto tea

Do you want to know which production is profitable to open in the countryside? According to statistics, in our time, the demand for environmentally friendly products that contain components from medicinal herbs has grown significantly. We are talking about phyto tea at home. The main components of the success of such a business are high-quality raw materials, a competent marketing strategy and affordable prices. If you fulfill all these requirements, the business will grow and make good profits. The market for such products is constantly growing, providing business with a good profitability - up to 25%, but on the condition that you will use domestic raw materials for tea production.

In order to open a new enterprise, you will have to spend a lot of time and money, therefore it is much more profitable to buy a ready-made business. In this case, you will simply maintain current production volumes and, if necessary, gradually increase them. Used equipment for the production of tea bags costs about 2 million rubles. The new production line will cost you 2 times more expensive. At the stage of establishing a business, you can collect and dry raw materials yourself at home. But this approach will not allow you to get a high income, so over time you need to raise money to buy equipment and find regular suppliers of raw materials.

Handmade caskets

If you are fond of wood carving, start the production of original jewelry boxes. To do this, you do not need a production room and expensive equipment. Such products can be made at home using simple tools at hand. People who do not know how to work with wood can make cardboard boxes and sheathe them with cloth, leather or any other material.

Finished products can be sold through gift shops or online. The latter option is more profitable, because on the network you can sell your masterpieces without mark-ups of store owners, respectively, they will be available to people with different incomes. This unique business idea will allow you to earn good money without significant financial investments.


Decoupage is a fairly profitable activity that does not require serious financial costs. Its essence lies in decorating furniture and other interior items with self-adhesive paper, fabric and other materials. Before you start looking for customers, you need to do some unique work. At first, most likely, you will not be able to receive many orders, so you can make a decoupage of all the old furniture that is in your house. In a conversation with customers, focus their attention on the fact that decoupage is much more profitable than purchasing new furniture. This business can be done by both adults and adolescents with creative abilities.

For work you will need multi-colored paints, brushes and rollers. Do not forget to equip the working room with air purification systems. It is better to buy varnishes and paints in bulk. In this case, they will cost you much cheaper. But before you buy a wholesale batch, you need to check the quality of the material. Restoration of one piece of furniture costs at least 1 thousand rubles. If you make a decoupage of a kitchen set of 5 items, you can earn 5-10 thousand rubles on this.

Souvenir magnets

Own profitable business can be built on the production of any, even the smallest products, for example, souvenir magnets. Almost every house has at least a couple of magnets that serve as decoration of the interior, and also remind the owners of the places where they managed to visit. Such products are in great demand in resort and tourist cities. Souvenir magnets are often presented at various presentations and seminars as a small presentation. They are an excellent advertising tool for promoting various goods and services.

The simplest and most affordable idea is the manufacture of vinyl magnets. This material combines the properties of rubber and magnet, since it contains magnetic powder and polymers.

For the manufacture of such products you will need:

  • A computer;
  • Professional inkjet printer;
  • Cutter;
  • Plotter

Finished products can be sold on the market, but for this you need to open your own outlet. Seasonal trading is good in that you can sell the maximum amount of goods at a retail price. Another option is the sale of souvenir magnets through retail chains, but in this case you will have to turn in goods for sale. If we talk about costs, you will need about 200-250 thousand rubles to buy supplies and equipment. If there are constant sales markets, the monthly profit will be 25-60 thousand rubles.

Handmade decorations

Many people do not even think that their hobby can be a good source of constant income. In particular, you can make good money on making handmade jewelry. Such a business has many advantages:

  • Low cost of production;
  • Product exclusivity;
  • Small starting capital;
  • Constant demand for products;
  • Wide consumer audience.

Before you start making designer jewelry, you need to find suppliers of materials. The initial investment in such a business is approximately 50 thousand rubles. If you manage to establish marketing of finished products, all investments will pay off in 6 months. After you reach net profit, part of the money earned can be used to purchase new materials and expand the range.

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Production of keys

In almost every small town you can find a workshop for making keys. People often lose and break keys, so this service is always in great demand. Clients of such a workshop will be not only private individuals, but also schools, hospitals, hotels and other institutions. In order to do such a thing, you will need a small room and special equipment. The workshop room should be rented in a passageway, for example, in a shopping center or near the city market. To increase income, you can add knife sharpening, lock repair, emergency opening of doors and more to the list of services.

The cost of a machine for the manufacture of imported keys ranges from 50-60 thousand rubles. You will need at least 3 machines for different types of keys. Domestic manufacturers offer such a set of equipment for 60 thousand rubles. The cost of one workpiece is 1.5–2 rubles. On ready-made keys, you can make an extra charge of about 600%. Agree that this is a pretty profitable and promising business.


Nowadays, there are no problems with the choice of shoes, since it is presented on the market in a huge assortment. But, despite this, it is sometimes very difficult to find the right pair, so you have to sew shoes to order. If you know how to sew well and how to please a client, why not open a small atelier providing such services.

The modern market has a huge selection of different materials, so you can easily get everything you need for tailoring shoes. For a business to be successful, it is necessary to master all the necessary skills. Before doing this, it is advisable to take an internship with an experienced shoemaker.

For the production of shoes you will need the following equipment:

  • Sewing machine;
  • Flashing machine;
  • Matrix cutters;
  • Drying machines;
  • Cable heaving machines;

The idea of \u200b\u200borganizing mini-production comes to enterprising people who do not have great financial capabilities, but who want to open their own business. As a direction, such types of industries are selected that can ensure sales of products in the region.

Most often, entrepreneurs opt for:

  • production of building materials  (brick, concrete, asphalt, road tiles, etc.),
  • primary processing of agricultural products  (various mills, factories for the production of animal feed, meat processing, etc.),
  • food production  (production of sausages, butter, dairy products),
  • as well as the production of products from local industry waste  (production of toilet paper, slag concrete, waste recycling).

There are also excisable goods (distilleries, oil refineries, beer factories, etc.), but the quality indicators of products of this kind are obviously lower than at larger enterprises and therefore their products are much less competitive.

The advantages of compact manufacturing equipment complexes

The main indicators that make it possible to assert that mini-productions have high profitability and an excellent perspective for development are:

  1. A small amount of start-up capital.
  2. High compact equipment, which does not need huge production facilities, and therefore, low rental, lighting and heating costs.
  3. No difficulty finding raw materials for mini-production. Moreover, they try to deploy production directly next to the raw material, which reduces the cost of its search and transportation to the place of production.
  4. Insignificant costs for the preparation of the production process itself. It does not require expensive and lengthy installation supervision and process adjustment.
  5. Mini-production does not require a lot of energy. Most of them do not require the connection of a three-phase current, the supply of thermal energy or any powerful ventilation systems.
  6. People working in mini-factories are not subject to the conditions of extensive work experience,  higher professional education or any tolerances of supervisory and regulatory organizations. The number of employees also rarely exceeds four to five people.
  7. Quick return on investment. The high profitability of mini-production makes it possible for entrepreneurs to reduce the payback period of purchased equipment and, in case of lending or leasing, to reduce the time and, accordingly, the costs of repaying loan funds.
  8. The ability to easily organize control  compliance with production technology and costs caused by technology.
  9. Mini-production makes it relatively easy to change the range  manufactured products and expand production. This is due to the fact that the layout of the equipment is carried out in blocks, and to expand production it is enough to purchase one or two production blocks and increase the number or range of products.
  10.   Mini-factories provide an opportunity to change quality indicators  depending on the customer’s wishes and produce qualitatively new products in small batches, which is excluded in large industries.

Popular equipment kits from China

Today, products from China have the most favorable price-quality ratio. Mini-plants for the production of non-fired bricks are easy to assemble and commission the production process.

It consists of three main parts:

  1. Raw material preparation line.
  2. Install a molding product.
  3. Finished goods warehouse.

The main binder used in the technology is cement, the filler is slag, waste rock from mining enterprises, construction waste and other similar materials.

If necessary, various pigments can be added to the raw materials, which will give the brick an original unique look.

Mini-feed production allows you to fully meet the needs of farmers and agricultural enterprises, as they produce:

  1. Complete feed, fully providing livestock and poultry farms with the necessary selection of bioactive, nutrients.
  2. Different types of feed additives.
  3. Concentrates serving as a necessary complement to coarse and succulent feed.

Fodder mini-factories produce high-quality products competitive with low cost. A mini-factory for the production of dairy products will be profitable enterprises, probably in any region of our country.

It can produce:

  1. Pasteurized normal milk.
  2. High quality cream.
  3. Different fat cottage cheese and sour cream.
  4. A wide range of yogurt and kefir.

Chinese manufacturers guarantee a payback of equipment in three months, which, combined with simple assembly, low requirements for its accuracy and the fact that the number of service workers should be no more than two or three people, becomes a feasible event.

The proposed garbage processing plant developed in China will make it possible to organize production very important for any locality in our country.

The production itself is different:

  1. Absolute fire safety.
  2. The absence of factors polluting the environment during the work.
  3. The complete absence of rodents.
  4. Measures to prevent the appearance of odors characteristic of disposal.

The percentage of recycling is 90 - 95%. Disposal is carried out without causing any damage to the environment. It is especially beneficial to establish such a production in the immediate vicinity of the landfill. This mini-factory will work, uninterruptedly benefiting residents of the region and profit for the owner.

Mini-production of toilet paper can become not only a profitable business, providing a stable income to its owner, but also a factor that raises its social status. Production based on waste paper recycling frees up streets from garbage and cleans the ecological situation in the village.

To organize this production, a spacious garage is sufficient, in which it will be possible to put an unwinding and winding machine and a cutting machine. Two people serve the entire production process.

Cost is very low. Productivity, reliability and high demand for products allows us to talk about substantial revenues. Industrial waste is scanty.

Where and how to buy a kit?

The purchase of a set of production equipment is best carried out by an authorized representative of the supplier. Such an organization can be found on the Internet among advertising sites.

It must be remembered that the more details and specific details that are outlined there, the less “lyrical” digressions and boastful epithets in the supplier’s information, the less likely they will come across incompetent sellers.

How to choose a kit for production

Chinese mini-factories cover a very wide range of types of products in a wide variety of spheres of human activity.

To select the necessary kit, you should seek the help of specialists, but before that you need to answer the following questions:

  1. In which production area  Is the future entrepreneur a specialist? It is hard to imagine that the organization of production will be done by a person completely ignorant of this.
  2. What money  own or borrowed can be invested in production?
  3. What are the production facilitiesAre other movable or immovable property available or can be rented?

Based on the answers, the necessary set of equipment is selected.

What to pay special attention to when choosing it:

  1. Cost of equipment.
  2. The need for energy and their cost.
  3. The need for production facilities and construction works necessary for the installation and installation of equipment and their cost.
  4. The need for raw materials per hour, shift, month and its cost.
  5. The necessary number of staff and requirements for their professional qualities and the amount of expenses for their maintenance (work clothing, protective equipment, etc.) and wages.
  6. Equipment performance. How many units of products will be received per hour, shift per month.
  7. Determine the selling price of manufactured products.

Assessing the prospect of long-term use of production equipment should:

  1. Evaluate, according to reviews, preferably people or organizations that are trustworthy, the reliability and performance of the selected set, the compliance of the passport data with real ones.
  2. Clarify the warranty period and warranty specified by the supplier.
  3. The repair base in the region where the mini-factory operates and the possibility of interchangeability of spare parts and equipment parts.

For a final decision, you need to draw up a business plan.

Mini-business business plan

For small businesses, a business plan is a calculation that takes into account the maximum number of factors affecting the production process.

Here is an example of a business plan for a mini-plant for the production of non-calcining slag bricks:

  1. The maximum productivity of the equipment is 4 thousand pieces per shift and 88 thousand pieces per month.
  2. Due to the large individual construction in the region, the entire produced volume will be sold to consumers.
  3. We take into account the cost part in accordance with the passport data for the equipment, the current level of market prices and taxes established by applicable law.
N p / p Name Units rev. For 1 shift For 1 month
Qty Cost, rub) Qty Cost, rub)
1 Materials
1.1 Cement M500 t 3,2 16000 70,4 352000
1.2 Sand M3 5 1500 110 33000
1.3 Slag M3 8 800 176 17600
1.4 Water M3 2,5 250 55 5500
1.4 Electric power kw 40 160 880 3520
2. Fare m / hour 2,5 3750 55 82500
3. Workers wages h / h 24 2160 528 47520
4. Engineering salary h / h 12 1680 264 36960
5. Extrabudgetary fund contributions 42210
6. Premises for rent M2 500 150000
7. Repair of tools and equipment 15000
Total costs 785750
8. Planned sales pCS 88000 880000
Tax 6% 52800
Planned profit 41450

Have you decided to start your own business in the field of production? Specialized mini-factories that can carry out work on the production of various goods can help you with this, but at the same time, the cost of their purchase and installation is several times less than the opening of a full-fledged factory. In our article, we will consider which mini-plants are suitable for small businesses.

Evaluate the pros and cons of using mini-factories

Before starting a business with the acquisition of compact equipment in the field of production, first you need to evaluate all its pros and cons.

The advantages should definitely include:

  • Mobility. In addition to the convenience of transportation, we can talk about the simplicity of the assembly of such equipment.
  • Small area. This will allow you to easily move to a new place if necessary.
  • The opportunity to start a business without too serious financial investments, the more so the plant can either be rented or leased.

Also, it’s worth separately talking about profitability. The cost savings will be not only due to the rather low cost of such equipment, but also due to the minimal expenses for its maintenance - there is no need to take professionals to service the equipment, which can become a serious line of expenses.

Naturally, the advantages include high work efficiency with small dimensions, environmental friendliness, the ability to create a unique enterprise - you simply will not have competitors.

Among the shortcomings, it can be distinguished that most of these plants come from China - it is quite problematic to guarantee their quality and further service (if there is a breakdown, you may have to “sweat” to find a specialist who can fix it). Therefore, before buying mini-factories from the manufacturer, it is better to find more information about him: about quality, guarantees, etc.

Features of the business using mini-factories

When organizing your mini-factory, you need to consider some of the nuances that accompany this process:

First, select the type of mini-production

For example, it may be the construction sector, the waste recycling area, etc. To do this, you should take into account your own skills and the competitiveness of a particular product, the demand for these products. To do this, analyze the local business space, which will first allow you to find your competitors and determine which product will be in demand.

It is especially important to examine whether there is anything like your plant in the region - in this case, opening your own business is quite risky. In general, it is worth stopping at the choice of equipment producing a unique product - in this case you will not have competitors.

Drawing up a business plan

A very important step, which includes the following:

  • Calculation of expenses for the purchase of a mini-factory, rental of premises.
  • Personnel costs, registration and other aspects of starting a business.
  • Transportation and logopedic expenses
  • The costs of finding a supplier and marketing a product.

You also need to determine if your production will be manual or automated. The first option is suitable only in the case of the release of piece goods, which will be consumed in small quantities.

If you need to purchase additional equipment, then before buying it, study at least 3-5 offers from the manufacturer. At the same time, it is not worth saving on equipment, as well as on the quality of its service: it’s better to hire two good specialists who will be able to carry out repairs and establish its normal operation. And due to the fact that most of these mini-factories are built mainly in rural areas, then the pay will be lower, due to which you can also save.


This stage is also important. It is necessary to coordinate the opening of the mini-factory with various authorities, to deal with the design of a waste storage, etc. In addition, a novice businessman needs to prepare for various checks - from migration services, the Ministry of Emergencies, etc. Also at this stage it is worth considering issues of marketing promotion.

It is important to note that it is not necessary to open an LLC, since for the operation of a mini-plant it is enough to issue an IP. And in order to save investment, it is better to draw up the documents themselves after starting a business.

If you purchase highly significant equipment or intend to produce “social” goods, you can get help from the state in the form of subsidies or loans on favorable terms.

What are the mini-factories with examples

Today on sale you can find a lot of different mini-factories that can be grouped according to the fields of activity. In terms of quick payback and a good profit, the following popular options for mini-factories can be distinguished:

  • Construction area. It can be mini-factories for the production of concrete, brick, ceramic tile, mortar, etc.
  • Food industry: processing meat, dairy products, baking bread and other products, making drinks, canned food. Separately, it is worth noting the line for the production of complexes for catering, office, schools, etc.
  • Recycling is another well-known area where waste will be used. By the way, a good grant can be obtained from the state for such activities.
  • Light industry will also be popular. For example, you can produce shoes, clothes, make household goods, and produce cosmetics.

The main thing is to choose the option that you can afford, which is familiar to you - only in this case you can achieve effective activity. Let's look at examples where work at the mini-plant will be as successful as possible and what results can be expected.

Brick production

In Russia, the construction industry is most developed, which is why the opening of the production of bricks or other similar products will be a good investment. The resulting products will not only be in demand, but also due to the use of modern technology, the cost of bricks will be minimal, which will attract new markets. At the same time, bricks can be made from clay, mining waste, etc.

The minimum investment for starting a business will be from 1 to 1.5 million rubles, depending on the size of the selected plant, expenses for the purchase of materials, etc.

Garbage recycling

Despite the fact that this area is very "young", it is able to bring a lot of profit with the proper organization of the mini-factory. True, in order to open such a business, you need to get a license, permission from the Ministry of Emergencies, sanitation, which requires 1 to 6 months of preparation. You also need to purchase all the necessary equipment, including sorting lines, melting furnaces, presses, storage bins, etc. the main advantage of such a mini-factory is a little competition, profanities from the state. On average, the price of opening a business starts at 1 million rubles or more.

Dairy mini-factory

This business will be popular and very profitable, but very costly. Typically, such plants process milk (cow or goat), produce cheese, yogurt, butter, etc. At the same time, there should be several workshops at the plant, which makes its cost heavier. I’m right, you must get permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, which can take about 1-3 months. The cost of the mini-plant is from 3 to 30 million rubles - it all depends on the number of Czechs, equipment, etc.

Compound feed

Compound feed is a very popular product among farmers, and since there are a lot of them in Russia, then such products will be in great demand. In this case, you can choose what type of feed to produce in your region, focusing on customer demand. The approximate cost of starting a business is from 1 million rubles or more.

Creating Pellets

Pellets are pellets from waste wood, including shavings, sawdust, which are usually used as a material for insulation. Production will be environmentally friendly, and goods will be in demand. In addition, such products are characterized by low cost, the main thing is to find buyers. The organization of a mini-factory will cost you about 3-5 million rubles.

How and where to order equipment? Some useful tips

If you want to become the owner of a small mini-factory, then simply purchase the required equipment from Chinese manufacturers. But you need to carefully choose a supplier, having familiarized yourself not only with prices, but also with quality and reviews in advance. It is good to know exactly the particular manufacturer who provides all the guarantees.

Also, such equipment is sold in large specialized stores - it is easy to find them using the Internet. If you are going to purchase an imported mini-factory, then it is much more reliable to use the services of an intermediary who will take care of all the work on processing the cargo, its delivery, customs clearance, etc. Undoubtedly, this will lead to some increase in the cost of the mini-factory, but it will save both your time and your nerves, which is also important.

In doing so, consider several options. It is also worthwhile to study in detail the companies that sell such goods. If you find a factory at a higher price from one company, but you are sure of the quality of the equipment and its characteristics, it is better to buy where it is more expensive - you should not save on the quality of the mini-factory.

Since the total cost will consist not only of the cost of the equipment itself, but also of transportation costs, taxes, etc., it is very important not to buy goods from the first manufacturer that comes across, but to spend time searching for the most suitable one under all conditions - and prices, and guarantees, and quality.

By the way, the cost of the equipment itself depends on its configuration. For example, there is a small mini-factory for the production of bricks (made in China). It is designed for a productivity of 10 thousand pieces per 8-hour shift. The cost of such equipment varies from 20 to 25 thousand dollars. But if you need to purchase a mini-factory capable of producing 100 thousand pieces of brick in the same period, then its cost will be at least 130 thousand dollars. If we are talking about special modules for the production of foam blocks, then their price starts from 100 thousand rubles or more.

If you do not have such funds, you can look at domestic developments. For example, if you are interested in the field of catering and production, you can find a very good complex (worth about 1 million rubles), where you can produce sauces, canned food, juices at the same time, produce chips, dried mushrooms, etc. But if you want to work in the field of "milk", then in this case the equipment will be at least 2 million rubles.

Having decided to start processing waste, you will have to pay from 1.5 to 10 million rubles for a mini-plant - the cost depends on what type of waste you are going to recycle.

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