Management of enterprises in the restaurant and hotel business. Loiko O.T. Tourism and hospitality. Analysis of the state of the hotel and restaurant markets and its

Introduction .......................................................................................................... 2

Chapter 1. Analysis of the regulatory framework and the current state of the restaurant and hotel sector of the economy. ......................................... 6

1.1. Analysis of the regulatory and legal aspects of the regulation of the restaurant and hotel business in Russia ...................................... .................................................. ...... 6

1.2. Analysis of the state of the hotel and restaurant markets and its infrastructure in the field of tourism ...................................... .................................................. .......... 8

Chapter 2. Methods of research of the restaurant and hotel business as a component of the tourism sector. .................................................................. 16

2.1. Theoretical aspects of organizing entrepreneurial activity in the field of restaurant and hotel services ....................................... ............................. sixteen

2.2. Analysis of innovative management methods for the hotel and restaurant business and the use of Internet technologies in the domestic and foreign markets of restaurant and hotel services ............................ .......................... nineteen

Chapter 3. Development of the tourist, restaurant and hotel complex of the region on the example of Moscow and St. Petersburg. ................................ 22

Conclusion .................................................................................................. 27

List of used literature ....................................................... 29


Relevance of the research topic

At the beginning of the third millennium, the world economy entered a new era. The development of new technologies, telecommunication and computer networks has extremely internationalized international economic relations. Another powerful factor in economic integration was the international division of labor and the liberalization of national economies, which led to the formation of common markets in Europe and other regions of the world. These cardinal changes led at the beginning of the XXI century to the entry of the integration of world markets for goods and services into a new stage - the globalization of world economic relations. By its nature, an interethnic phenomenon associated with international relations and cross-border travel, contacts and exchanges, tourism in the 90s of the last century has become the most dynamic sector of the world economy. At the beginning of this century, tourism began to influence the economy of entire countries, regions and the world order as a whole. The tourism industry has developed into a highly efficient and highly profitable industry. Thus, the annual growth of receipts from international tourist activities averaged 14.8%, while in other sectors of the economy it was at the level of 8.8%. The tourism industry is one of the industries that will shape global economic development in this century. According to the World Tourism Organization, tourism accounts for about 11% of the world's gross product, up to 30% of trade and almost 10% of world investment. The number of jobs in the tourism industry is 192 million, or 8% of total employment in the world. Since 1998, tourism has come out on top in world exports of goods and services, accounting for 7.9% of the world trade in goods and services.

For many of the foreign companies that have entered our market, penetration into Russia is an integral part of the globalization process, which is today the main trend influencing the development of the world tourism industry. It must be admitted that the effect of this trend has caused a mixed reaction among domestic owners and managers of the hospitality industry. The danger of being left on the periphery and the threat of intense competition forced the domestic hospitality industry to begin adapting to the new economic conditions. Government and private companies have begun investing in tourism, catering and hospitality. As a result, there were projects for the reconstruction of existing and construction of new hotels and restaurants and restaurant chains, changes in the management structure of enterprises in the hospitality industry, in many cases with the involvement of leading hotel chains in the West. However, the real adaptation of domestic participants in the travel services market to the conditions of a competitive environment sets before each Russian organization in the tourism industry the task of finding new methods of forming competitive advantages. Moreover, those that would exclude monosyllabic ideas associated mainly with pricing or dumping policies, but would include integrated approaches dominated by quality, professionalism, product uniqueness, and modern management. All this required new models of management organization, which would take into account new trends in the development of the restaurant and hotel business. The urgency of the problem is also manifested in the fact that the recent controversy on the issue of integration, prospects and development trends of the national hotel and restaurant industry as a component of tourism has grown from a narrowly scientific to an applied one and received a public and even political resonance.

Purpose of the study ... The purpose of the study is: to identify trends in the development and management of the domestic industry of the restaurant and hotel business; identifying ways to improve it in the short and long term to develop a constructive program for the development and management of this industry.

To achieve the chosen goal, the following tasks are solved in the work:

· To analyze the theoretical and methodological approaches of modern scientific schools, theories and concepts to the analysis of the processes of development of modern systems and methods of management in the restaurant and hotel industry;

· To give a generalized description and identify the main features of the hotel and restaurant industry that arise at the present stage of its development;

· To identify the reasons for negative trends and unresolved problems of the restaurant and hotel industry in order to identify and implement unused reserves in this area;

· To establish the factors ensuring the competitiveness of the national restaurant and hotel complex in the context of the processes of globalization and integration;

· Evaluate the effectiveness of state regulation of the industry and identify the most progressive organizational and economic forms of supporting entrepreneurship in the restaurant and hotel business;

· To determine the feasibility and effectiveness of the introduction of progressive tools and modern technologies, improving the forms and methods of strategic and operational management of enterprises in the hotel and restaurant industry;

· To develop proposals on the use of more effective methods of financing the restaurant and hotel industry and improving the mechanism for supporting domestic enterprises to provide these services;

As subject research in the work is the patterns and features of the process of formation of the Russian industry of hotel and restaurant business in the modern economy of Russia.

As object studies are performed by regional restaurant and hotel complexes in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Methodological and theoretical foundations of the work.

When writing this work, methodological approaches of a general scientific and special nature were used, the choice of which was dictated both by the specifics of a particular economic analysis and the nature of the object of study, and by the pursued goals and objectives. Among the methods used in writing the work, it is necessary to highlight: general methodological methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, induction, deduction, the method of analogies and assumptions. General scientific methods: observations, comparisons. Methods of specific sciences - for example, historical, based on objectivity, concrete and problem-chronological approaches, statistical methods. The theoretical basis of the research was formed by the fundamental provisions and methodological apparatus of economic theories, theories of the world economy, including economic theories of trade in goods and services, the theory of competition, competitive advantages and integration; economic management theories.

Chapter 1. Analysis of the regulatory framework and modern

the state of the restaurant and hotel sector of the economy.

1.1. Analysis of regulatory aspects of regulation

restaurant and hotel business in Russia.

General Provisions

These Rules are developed taking into account the requirements established by the Laws of Russia "On Protection of Consumer Rights", "On Tourism", "On Entrepreneurship", as well as the Rules for the use of hotels and the provision of hotel services in Russia and are mandatory for all business entities providing hotel services, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

These Rules establish the basic requirements for the implementation of hotel activities and the use of hotels, motels, boarding houses, and also provides for the Procedure for monitoring their activities, suspension or termination of hotel activities. The hotel activity is understood as the activity of economic entities of tourist activity that legally have property rights to any small collective accommodation facility.

Small collective accommodation means any enterprise subordinate to a single management (hotel, motel, boarding house), which regularly or occasionally provides accommodation and accommodation services in rooms (rooms) with at least 5 rooms and no more than 100 beds.

These Rules govern the relationship between consumers (guests staying in a hotel or intending to use hotel services) and hotel service providers in small hotels, motels, boarding houses.

Topic 2

Hotel and restaurant enterprises as an object of management. The environment of the functioning of the enterprises of the hotel and restaurant business

Dependence of a modern hotel and restaurant enterprise on environmental factors

3. Homework The internal environment of the hotel and restaurant business: goals, objectives, structure, technology, people.

1. The enterprise of the hotel and restaurant business as a subject of economic activity and an object of management

The hotel and restaurant business is the main component of the tourism industry of our state. The development of domestic and international tourism is largely associated with the level of the material and technical base of tourist enterprises, the ramification and diversity of their network, the quality and volume of services offered by the hotel industry. Hotel enterprises perform one of the main functions in the sphere of tourist services - they provide them with housing and personal services while traveling.

For a long time, the concept of "hotel industry" was correlated with economic activity, which consisted in the provision of paid accommodation services in hotels. Subsequently, with the growing demand for tourist services and the desire of hotels to expand the complexity of services, accommodation services began to be closely associated with food and the implementation of additional services. This provides a basis for defining the concept of "hotel industry" in its broad and narrow understandings. The definition of "hospitality" in a broad sense includes accommodation, meals and additional services; in the narrow sense - only living.

The accelerated development of the tourism industry, the desire of enterprises to obtain the highest profits and the increasing solvency of consumers of services have contributed to the expansion and diversification of hotel activities. Along with accommodation and catering services, new additional services are offered, such as: business meeting services, sports, medical, intermediary, utilities, etc. At the same time, hotel enterprises are expanding services not only inherent in this industry, but also in other industries, for example, food.

The concept of "hotel industry" was first used to define the activities of hotels. At present, this concept covers the activities of campings, motels, tourist centers, cottages, etc. But the hotel was the first type of enterprise that provided accommodation services to citizens, and it was she who gave the name to the entire industry.

There are a number of other enterprises that provide temporary accommodation services for citizens, but they are not part of the hotel system. These are rest homes, sanatoriums, boarding houses, children's recreation camps, dispensaries, etc. They do not belong to the hotel industry because the provision of accommodation services is not their main activity.

The economic essence of hotel activities lies in the fact that it is immaterial in nature. The result of the production and operational activities of hotels is not a “finished product”, but an offer of a special type of service. At the same time, services cannot be provided separately from the existing material product, that is, without the operation of the material and technical base (buildings, structures, equipment, inventory), which is the basis for the production and sale of the services offered. Taking into account the peculiarities of service in the hotel industry, where the production and consumption of services are combined. This process is defined by the concept of "service delivery". It should be emphasized that in the process of this activity, the sale and direct provision of services is carried out.

The level of service in the modern hotel industry is mainly due to the state of the material and technical base of the enterprise, which implies (buildings, structures, engineering and sanitary equipment, electrical appliances, furniture, and the like). In recent years, there has been a process of updating and diversifying the material and technical base of enterprises, improving the professional level of hotel personnel, introducing innovative technologies, and the like. Hotel buildings are equipped with sports, medical, entertainment and other facilities. Consequently, the process of serving consumers of services is diversified, and the services offered become complex.

At the same time, the demand for hotel services is uneven, which is predetermined by economic, demographic, natural and climatic factors. Very often it depends on the season, days of the month, and even the week. Therefore, hotels, motels, campings must have a certain reserve of room stock, as well as material and labor resources, in order to quickly and efficiently respond to its fluctuations. The constant readiness of hotel enterprises to meet and serve guests requires the simultaneous presence of an administrator, porter, porters, maids and other workers throughout the day. This significantly reduces the efficiency of the use of personnel labor. However, domestic and foreign experience opens up ways to overcome this contradiction (for example, the introduction of a brigade work organization based on the principle of combining professions). Thus, in the Formula 1 hotel association, which owns 200 motels in France, Belgium, Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands, as a result of the introduction of an electronic reservation system, the number of permanently working personnel in individual enterprises has been reduced to a minimum and amounted to 2-3 people for one enterprise.

The process of providing basic services in hotel activities can be schematically divided into several main stages:

informing about the provision of a range of services;

reservation (booking) of seats;

implementation of services;

meeting and seeing off guests;

service during your stay at the hotel.

These stages of providing accommodation services are interrelated and interdependent, each individually and collectively they determine the level of quality of the enterprise.

In order to improve the level of quality and culture of service, as well as competitiveness in the world market, the hotel and restaurant business must offer not only a high level of comfort, but also a wide range of additional services. It is advisable to form hotel service not according to the demand principle, but according to the supply principle.

The range of additional services in this industry is constantly expanding. If earlier in the list of hotel enterprises in our country there were no more than ten of them, now there are more than sixty of them, which significantly complicates the work of managers in this field of activity.

Additional services, which are provided by domestic hotel enterprises, on general grounds regarding meeting demand, can be divided into groups, namely:

1. Services to ensure the comfort of guests in the hotel and in the area of \u200b\u200btheir temporary stay: informational (informing about the services offered by the hotel, about the location of the hotel, transport services, proposals for the purchase of goods, souvenirs, etc., the presence of historical and cultural attractions and cultural - educational institutions); household (washing, cleaning, ironing clothes, repairing shoes, watches, suitcases, sports equipment, etc.); transportation services (garage, parking, minor vehicle repairs); sale of goods, media publications, souvenirs and the like; rental of sports, beach equipment, computer equipment, cars, duplicating equipment and the like.

2. Services for informing travelers about the area, the host country (organization of excursions, meetings, watching films, participating in celebrations on the occasion of national holidays, etc.).

3. Services that provide for an increase in the level of comfort in hotel rooms (food in the room, the installation of additional equipment, etc.).

Depending on the type and category of the hotel, the list of additional services differs significantly. Hotels of the "5 stars" category must provide all additional services independently through a wide network of their own divisions (hairdresser, restaurant, cafe, bar, post office and bank, shops, kiosks, bureaus of various types of services, etc.).

Hospitality enterprises of a higher category, as a rule, have a large capacity, lower ones - small or medium in volume. That is why they have different numbers of management personnel. The maintenance of a large administrative staff is economically justified only in large enterprises. In connection with the liquidation of centralized management structures, the acquisition of full economic independence, the deployment of privatization processes, the heads of enterprises are forced to independently plan their subsequent development, conclude appropriate economic agreements, ensure the technological processes for the provision of services, select personnel and manage the work of personnel, solve many unpredictable problems every day.

The volume of managerial labor associated with supply, accounting, control, and execution of tasks has significantly increased. All this requires high qualifications of managers, their ability to perform any managerial functions at a high level. The considered features of the activities of managers of enterprises of the hotel and restaurant industry induce them to unite into associations, business societies, where a number of management functions can be performed centrally (conclusion of an agreement in terms of supply, repair, marketing research, legal advice, personnel training, work accounting, etc.).

All organizations are not only specific groups of workers united by the desire to achieve a common goal. Organizations share a number of common characteristics, which are the process of using resources to achieve certain results. The most characteristic feature of organizations is the division of labor. Even two employees working together to achieve a common goal must divide the work among themselves.

The division of the scope of work into its constituent components is called the horizontal division of labor. In small organizations, the horizontal division of labor is unclear, but most complex organizations introduce a clear horizontal division to define the specific functions and goals of employees. A classic example of a horizontal division of labor in the hotel and restaurant business can be the hotel industry, the production of catering products, and accounting. These structural divisions provide the main activities, the implementation of which depends on the achievement of the company's goals.

Section and topic titles

Total curriculum hours

Types of training sessions

Classroom lessons, of which


hard work


Practice. classes, seminars

Topic. discus., business. games

1. Enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business as objects of management

2. Innovation as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of the RSL enterprise

3. Hotel management systems

4. Strategy of enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business and decision making

5. Organizational structures of management of enterprises in the restaurant and hotel business

6. Control at the restaurant and hotel business

7. Personnel of the restaurant and hotel business

8. Efficiency of management at the enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business


1 8

At the present stage of the country's economic development, the study of the course "Management of a restaurant and hotel business" is of particular importance in training highly qualified specialists for the hospitality sector.

Modern management activity is associated with decision-making in a complex, rapidly changing environment, in a competitive environment and is aimed at promising development. Consequently, a manager must understand the nature of the processes that have to be controlled, be able to distribute responsibility, quickly collect and process the necessary information, and also be a specialist in working with personnel.

In this regard, the content of the course "Management of a restaurant and hotel business" is especially relevant. Analysis of competitive relations and competitive advantages, determination of optimal goals and the formation of rational strategies for their achievement, effective use of the concepts of innovative and anti-crisis management, construction of adaptive organizational management structures contribute to increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in the restaurant and hotel business, their stable position in the market.

Modern trends in the development of the restaurant and hotel business. Characteristics of the RSL enterprise as a management object. Features of management of enterprises in the restaurant and hotel business of various forms of ownership. The concept of a restaurant and hotel product. The economic environment of entrepreneurial activity in the restaurant and hotel business market and methods of its analysis. Working environment (environment of direct impact) and its constituent elements. Mega-environment (environment of indirect impact) and assessment of its impact on business prospects. Influence and interaction of technological, economic, political and legal, socio-cultural and international factors.

Analysis of the working and mega-environment; interaction between the environment and the enterprise of the restaurant and hotel business (model of natural selection, model of resource dependence). Management of elements of the external environment (adaptation, impact on favorable conditions, diversification).

General and specific management functions. The content of management functions at the restaurant and hotel business enterprise: management of commodity circulation and distribution, management of the hotel services and culinary products market, enterprise profit management, product and service quality management, demand analysis and forecasting, workforce management, profitability management.

Methods and styles of management in the restaurant and hotel business.

Innovation and innovation: basic concepts. The difference between innovation management and other types of functional management.

The cyclical nature of world development. Wave theory N. Kondratiev. Enterprise life cycle and ways to extend it. Innovative marketing. Modification and modernization. Repositioning is the least expensive type of innovation. Classification of consumers in their relation to innovation.

Components of competitiveness. Innovation as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of the RSL enterprise. Socio-psychological characteristics of the organization of productive creative activity. Small business support infrastructure in Russia.

Hotel chain management. Operating chain concept in the hospitality industry. The main purpose of hotel chains, their functions. Leaders of hotel chains, their characteristics. The main directions of development of hotel chains. Features of management in them.

Management in franchise systems. Features of franchising in the hotel business. History of franchising, current state and development prospects. Relationship between the franchisor and the franchisee. Franchising benefits.

Management of independent hotels. Features of the existence of independent hotels, the prospects for their development. Management of these hotels.

Contract management. Management contract concept. Forms of contracts. The history of the formation of the management contract, characteristics of the participants.

Associations in the hospitality industry, their role in supporting and developing the hospitality industry The main categories of associations: trade associations and trade unions. The main goals of the association, the benefits of participating in them. Characteristics of the main associations in the hotel business.

Strategic management concept. Strategy levels. The role of competition analysis in strategy formulation. Assessment of the environment. Organization assessment.

Development of goals and plans for a restaurant and hotel business. Mission of the enterprise. The goals of the restaurant and hotel business. The need for goals. Goal levels (strategic, tactical, operational). Hierarchy of goals.

The relationship of goals and plans. Content of goals (achievability, specificity, measurability, limited time). Goal support. Labor behavior. Potential problems of goal formation.

Planning levels (strategic, tactical, operational). Scheduling repetitive and one-off activities. Time horizons of goals and plans. Management by goals. Outsourcing concept.

Making decisions. Types of decision problems. Differences in decision-making situations. Managers of a restaurant and hotel business as a decision maker. Decision making models. Stages of an effective decision-making process. Group decision making - advantages and disadvantages.

The concept of commercial, industrial and financial risks at the enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business. Types of risks and factors of their occurrence. Commercial risk insurance concept. Diagnostics of the economic activity of enterprises. Diagnostic principles and algorithms for its implementation.

The concept of the internal structure of enterprise management. Types of internal structures and principles for evaluating the effectiveness of their alternative options. The concept of the workplace as a primary element of the internal structure. Principles of job description. The principles of designing a formal structure of enterprise management. Creation of structural subsystems in the management apparatus and forms of delegation of powers.

Organizational structures of management of enterprises in the restaurant and hotel business. Their forms and types. Methods for calculating their effectiveness. General principles for the design of organizational management structures based on associations, franchising, etc. Features of small enterprises in the restaurant and hotel business.

The main services of the hotel, their functions and characteristics.

Control process, main stages and objects. Control types. Choice of control style. The concept of estimated indicators of economic activity. Direct and indirect control of economic activities. Implementation of control: management approaches. Input, current and output control. The concept of control parameters. Methods for generating control parameters. The principles of control and the consequences of their violation.

Methods of short-term, medium-term and long-term forecasting of estimated indicators in enterprises of the RSL.

Documentation and office work in the enterprise management system of the restaurant and hotel business. Organization of office work at the enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business. Information flows. Document flow. Control and verification of execution. Implementation of automated data processing systems.

Controlling is a modern concept for hotel complex management.

Classification of personnel of a restaurant and hotel business. Personnel policy of the enterprise of the restaurant and hotel business, justification of the need for personnel, the qualification structure of the staff of the enterprise.

Manager at a restaurant and hotel business. The content of the manager's work. The main features of a modern leader. Situational and normative leadership models. Transformational Leadership as a Basis for Supporting Innovation.

Organization of work with personnel. Analysis of the personnel structure of the enterprise, selection and placement of personnel. Personnel certification. Personnel assessment methods. Professiograms and their construction.

Staff motivation. Substantial and procedural theories of motivation, their use at the enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business.

Managerial communication: process, concept, psychology. Types of business communications. The laws of managerial communication. Conflicts in the work collective: concept, role, methods of resolution.

General concept of management efficiency. Static and dynamic efficiency. Economic efficiency of management, a system of general and specific indicators. Methods for calculating management efficiency and features of their application at enterprises of various types. Information support for calculating economic efficiency.

The concept of the social efficiency of enterprise management. Criteria for assessing social efficiency and methodology for its calculation. The principles of harmonization of economic and social criteria of management efficiency at the enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business.

Management efficiency and time factor. The concept of current and changing management efficiency. Methods for calculating management efficiency and the peculiarities of their application at enterprises of various types.

5. Topics of practical and seminars

Tasks for practical and seminars in the discipline: "Management of the restaurant and hotel business" are intended for full-time and part-time students.

Their goal is for students to consolidate the knowledge gained in lectures, to be well versed in the theory and practice of managing a restaurant and hotel business.

This will allow them to successfully use the basic conceptual provisions of enterprise management in the restaurant and hotel business in their practical activities, both in internal management and in work with counterparties and clients.

For each assignment, a list of basic and additional literary sources is given. This list is constantly updated taking into account new regulations and publications.

Topic 1. Enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business as objects of management

1. Characteristics of enterprises of the RSL as objects of management.

2. Environment of direct impact on the functioning of enterprises (working environment) and its main elements.

3. Environment of indirect impact (mega-environment) and assessment of its impact on the prospects for entrepreneurial activity.

4. The concept of a product in the restaurant and hotel business.

5. Functions of enterprise management of the restaurant and hotel business.

6. Methods and styles of management in enterprises of the RSL.

Main literature: (1, 4, 6, 7, 9).

Further reading: (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9).

Topic 2. Innovation as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of the RSL enterprise

1. Innovation management: basic concepts, difference from other types of functional management.

2. Features of innovation management at enterprises of the RSL.

3. The cyclical nature of world development. Wave theory N. Kondratiev.

4. Life cycle of an enterprise and ways to extend it.

5. Innovative marketing. Classification of consumers in relation to innovation.

6. Components of competitiveness, innovation as a factor in its increase.

7. Socio-psychological aspects of the organization of creative activity.

8. Infrastructure to support small business in Russia.

Main literature: (5, 7, 11).

Further reading: (1, 4, 8, 10, 11).

Topic 3. Hotel management systems

1. The main purpose of hotel chains, their functions.

2. Features of franchising in the hotel business.

3. Features of management of independent hotels, prospects for their development.

4. The concept of a management contract.

5. Associations in the hospitality industry.

Main literature: (4, 6, 7,).

Further reading: (1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 14).

Topic 4. Strategy of enterprises in the restaurant and hotel business and decision making

1. The concept and content of strategic management.

2. Formation of the mission and goals of the enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business.

3. The concept, classification and characteristics of the strategies of enterprises in the restaurant and hotel business.

4. The concept and types of risks at the enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business.

5. Types of decision-making problems. Decision making methods.

6. Means of planning decision making. Forecasting methods.

Main literature: (2, 6, 10, 12).

Further reading: (2, 4, 8, 11, 14).

Topic 5. Organizational structures of management of enterprises in the restaurant and hotel business

1. Linear and linear-functional management structure of enterprises in the restaurant and hotel business.

2. Line-staff and divisional structure of management of enterprises in the restaurant and hotel business.

3. Methods and principles of designing the management structure of enterprises in the restaurant and hotel business.

4. Responsibilities of the heads of the main services of the enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business.

5. Criteria for assessing the existing management structure of the restaurant and hotel business.

Main literature: (6, 7, 9, 10).

Further reading: (1, 6, 12, 13, 14).

Topic 6. Control at the restaurant and hotel business

1. Concept and types of control.

3. Description of management control.

4. The main types of estimated indicators used in the enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business.

5. Information flows. Document circulation at the enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business.

6. Controlling - as a modern concept of hotel complex management.

Main literature: (1, 2, 7, 10).

Further reading: (2, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14).

Topic 7. Personnel of the restaurant and hotel business

1. Classification of personnel of enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business.

2. Personnel policy at the enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business.

4. Assessment of professional suitability of personnel. Construction of professiograms.

5. Motivation of staff. The use of meaningful and procedural theories of motivation at the enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business.

7. Ways to resolve conflicts in the workforce.

Main literature: (3, 6, 7, 8).

Further reading: (2, 4, 5, 8, 13).

Topic 8. Efficiency of management at the enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business

1. The concept and content of management efficiency.

2. Characteristics of the economic efficiency of management of enterprises in the restaurant and hotel business.

4. Features of the application of methods for calculating the efficiency of management at enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business.

Main literature: (2, 6, 7, 10, 11).

Further reading: (6, 8, 10, 12, 14).

6. Tasks for independent work of students

An important place in the study of the course of enterprise management in the restaurant and hotel business is occupied by the independent work of students, which includes:

Sections and Topics

for self-study

Topic 1. Enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business as objects of management

- note-taking of basic educational literature - 1, 4, 6, 7, 9; additional - 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9.

Topic 2. Innovation as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of the RSL enterprise

- note-taking of basic educational literature - 5, 7, 11; additional - 1, 4, 8, 10, 11;

Compilation of a crossword test from definitions on a topic (at least 20)

Topic 3. Hotel management systems

- note-taking of basic educational literature - 4, 6, 7; additional - 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 14;

- work with the normative documents and legal framework specified in section 9.1. UMK;

Give a description of the hotel chain "Marriott". Draw up a layout by country.

Topic 4. Strategy of enterprises in the restaurant and hotel business and decision making

- note-taking of basic educational literature - 2, 6, 10, 12; additional - 2, 4, 8, 11, 14;

- work with the normative documents and legal framework specified in section 9.1. UMK;

- modeling and analysis of specific problem situations on the example of the hotel "Cosmos".

Topic 5. Organizational structures of management of enterprises in the restaurant and hotel business

- note-taking of basic educational literature - 6, 7, 9, 10; additional - 1, 6, 12, 13, 14;

- work with the normative documents and legal framework specified in section 9.1. UMK;

Draw up schemes of the organizational structure of the restaurant "Pushkin".

Topic 6. Control at the restaurant and hotel business

- note-taking of basic educational literature - 1, 2, 7, 10; additional - 2, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14;

- work with the normative documents and legal framework specified in section 9.1. UMK;

Drawing up a table of classification signs of the types of control provided for at the RSL enterprise

Topic 7. Personnel of the restaurant and hotel business

- note-taking of the main educational literature - 3, 6, 7, 8; additional - 2, 4, 5, 8, 13;

- work with the normative documents and legal framework specified in section 9.1. UMK;

Modeling and analysis of specific conflict situations (from personal practice of students). Simulate a conflict situation and find a rational way out.

Topic 8. Efficiency of management at the enterprises of the restaurant and hotel business.

- note-taking of basic educational literature - 2, 6, 7, 10, 11; additional - 6, 8, 10.14;

- work with the normative documents and legal framework specified in section 9.1. UMK;

Calculation of the economic efficiency of a specific management decision on the example of the hotel "Soyuz"

7.Themes of term papers and guidelines for their implementation

General Provisions

The purpose of the course work is a deeper study of enterprise management in the restaurant and hotel business, identifying general theoretical and practical training , the level of special knowledge among students.

As one of the forms of monitoring the quality of student education, the work is designed to help consolidate their knowledge of the specifics of managing a restaurant and hotel business.

The methodological guidelines include 30 topics of coursework reflecting the current problems of managing enterprises in the restaurant and hotel business. Students choose the name of the topic on their own with its subsequent approval by the teacher giving a course of lectures. Students can propose their own coursework topic, which must also be approved by the teacher.

Development of the market for hotel and restaurant services.

The hotel business is a sector of the economy that is one of the last to feel the impact of external factors of the crisis and its consequences. Recently, hotels in combination with office complexes and business centers began to appear in Russia. Reconception of office buildings for hotels is being observed. The most demanded at the present stage are budget class hotels with good service. Along with this, it is required to create luxury hotels, which provide luxury service, but at budget prices. The modern state of the hotel business in Russia is characterized by a lag in the quality of service of domestic enterprises from foreign ones. Along with the expansion of the service sector in the hotel business, one of the promising areas should be the merger of airport and hotel services. Among the main directions of development of the hotel business, the following trends can be distinguished:

Centralization of management, the emergence of large hotel chains;

Increase in the importance of a well-known brand in the sales efficiency of a hotel product;

Creation of hotels focused on serving certain market segments;

Combining accommodation facilities with exhibition, shopping and entertainment and office complexes;

Construction of apartments for long stays;

The hotel business is promising for the following reasons: first, there is an increase in business activity in Russia, which, as a rule, inevitably causes an increase in the volume of "business tourism"; secondly, as world practice shows, an increase in the income of the population leads to the fact that people travel more and more, due to which hotel complexes are used; thirdly, a country that has declared its integration into European structures is gradually becoming clearer for Europeans, and therefore more attractive. The hotel and restaurant business is now commonly called the hospitality industry. The hospitality industry is a business aimed at providing newcomers with housing, food, and organizing their leisure time. Catering is a dynamically developing sector of the economy. Due to the fact that it affects the interests of almost the entire population, public catering quickly responds to market needs. The consumer of the results of the activities of the restaurant business is a specific individual. At the same time, the restaurant business can perform the functions of both collectively organized meals and individually organized meals. Collectively organized catering is understood as the service by the restaurant business to broad social strata of consumers who have a common place of consumption of other services or collectively perform strictly defined social functions. The subjects of collectively organized catering include enterprises in the restaurant business, operating in institutions: health-improving, tourist and sports, culture and art, upbringing and education, the media, etc.

Public catering refers to those sectors of the economy that contribute to the rationalization of the use of a person's free time. On the one hand, the services of the restaurant business create conditions for reducing the time spent on housekeeping, in terms of the time required for cooking, and on the other, for the efficient use of free time for leisure. The sphere of restaurant business is a social institution that solves important social problems of society and the individual.

In megalopolises, large cultural and tourist centers, restaurant business plays a special role. The main clients of the industry enterprises are tourists within the framework of external and internal tourism. At the same time, many restaurant-type establishments operate on the territory of tourist complexes, reserves, palace and park ensembles, etc. Objects of tourist infrastructure: museums, theaters, entertainment centers, etc. - are increasingly building their business philosophy on the principles of integrated marketing, involving joint strategic planning of activities in conjunction with enterprises in the restaurant business. As a result, that complex socio-cultural product is formed, which is so important in terms of the development of cultural tourism.

Thus, summing up, it should be concluded: the sphere of the restaurant business plays a crucial role in solving many global socio-economic problems of the country and the region.

3 the main approaches to the market positioning of enterprises in the hotel and restaurant business

Positioning is the process of developing a competitive positioning of a hotel product and appropriate integrated marketing measures.

When choosing one or several market segments, the hotel needs to determine what positions its product can take in these segments. Positioning can be carried out in the following three directions:

positioning of hotel services according to their consumer properties and characteristics;

positioning of hotel services at their prices, profitability;

positioning of hotel services according to the degree of their competitiveness.

To position its services, a hotel must determine what properties and features it should highlight in order to generate interest and demand from a potential consumer. In particular, you can use such advantages as:

hotel image, physical properties: location, originality of the building, technical condition, interior decoration, adjacent territory, etc .;

quality of service: hotel categorization, structure of room stock (luxury apartments, double and single rooms with all conveniences, rooms for newlyweds, for tall people, for disabled people, etc.), the range or range of services, the availability of free services, etc .;

professionalism and hospitality of the staff: an individual approach to customer service, clarity in the execution of orders, customer care, etc.

Hotel image: the popularity of the hotel's brand, which can convey distinctive information about the main advantages of the hotel and the position of its services on the market.

Foreign experience in managing enterprises in the restaurant and hotel business.

Management of a hotel complex in Western Europe The hotel business in Western Europe has developed traditions. The modern hotel complex management system is a kind of model, a model for novice hoteliers and for those who are at the beginning of the development of their own hotel business. In modern Europe, there are practically no state or municipal hotels left. Most often, the owners of hotels are private individuals who either manage themselves or transfer their business to trust. the linear hotel complex management system is the oldest system that is present in the history of the hotel industry development in each state. It developed during the development of tourism in Europe and retained the features and traditions of those times. As a rule, hotels managed according to this system have a small capacity - no more than 50 rooms and a small area - 300-400 sq. m. They are located in unpopular places with little tourist traffic or where, due to the limited territory and specificity of the area, it is difficult to organize the construction of a modern hotel (for example, hotel houses in nature reserves). Most often, the management of this type of hotel is a family business, passed down from generation to generation and bringing in a small stable income. No more than 10-15 people work in such a hotel. The main characteristics of this hotel business organization system are:

Scale - hotels are being built to accommodate a large number of tourists (at least 200);

Location in places of high tourist traffic - favorable natural and climatic zones and cities saturated with historical and cultural monuments;

An extensive service infrastructure - the presence of a developed transport system, trade system, provision of hotels;

Numerous staff;

The whole range of tourist services; - compliance with modern standards of tourist service.

One of the options for reorganizing this hotel business system is the "organize-sell-manage" system. Its appearance is due to the need for hotels to survive in the conditions of fierce competition, when there are not enough funds for modernization and development. In this situation, the operating hotel is sold to a new owner with the right to manage the previous owners. As a result, the hotel receives the investments necessary for development, and it is managed by the one who knows the specifics, problems best of all and at the same time is interested in its modernization. Many hotels in Western Europe have gone through this kind of procedure, and today they are the leaders of the world hotel business. The management structure in Western European hotels is standard:

General administrator or director - is the legal representative of the hotel, supervises the work of staff, is engaged in strategic planning, concludes cooperation agreements with tourist intermediaries, recruits staff, etc.;

The administrator is the second person in the hotel: coordinates the activities of the staff, submits reports on the work of the staff, acts as general administrator in his absence, organizes corporate events and events, manages other hotel services;

Accounter (economist) - deals with the registration of financial and economic transactions and submits reports to regulatory authorities; o managers - head middle-level management of various areas, for example, personnel management, marketing, cultural and entertainment services, technical service, restaurant (hotel catering service), etc.;

o performers - those who are directly involved in serving tourists (doormen, receptionists, maids, animators, head waiter, cooks, waiters, etc.).

Catering services for tourists (restaurants) is an advantage of hotels in Eastern Europe. As a rule, the professional skills and qualifications of the staff correspond to the highest category restaurant. The high quality of the dishes is achieved through the specialization of the production processes and variety, and the speed of service is due to the clear preparation of the menu (for example, a set menu, a buffet menu or European breakfasts), designed to serve tourists. In Eastern Europe, special attention is paid to the aesthetic design of a restaurant hall, since, as you know, the atmosphere created by a restaurant has an immediate impact on visitors. The interior, furniture, table setting create comfort and tranquility. Restaurants in hotels in Eastern Europe are decorated especially elegantly, often in accordance with national traditions - using antiques, attributes of national culture, etc. Staff recruitment also has certain characteristics. A strict recruitment procedure ensures a high level of compliance with the stated requirements. First of all, this applies to waiters, bartenders, head waiter. The personnel training process necessarily includes mentoring, when professionals, experts in traditions train young specialists. At the same time, the training of personnel in Eastern European hotels lacks the element of nurturing initiative that is characteristic of the modern approach to service.

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