Riddles and games about the rooster for children. Funny riddles about a rooster. Several interesting children's riddles

For the New Year's event for children from a super-presenter.

Simple riddles with answers for the New Year of the Rooster for children

1. Rooster, not knowing why,
Always shouts: (KU-KA-RE-KU!)

2. And the chicken Ryaba, as always,
In response, he clucks: (KUD-WHERE!)

3. Kids at Kura-Ryaba
Yellowmouth (CHICKEN)

4. It happens white and speckled,
And of course gold (EGG)

5. Big-throated Petya-Cockerel
Straightened scarlet (SCALP)

6. The rooster's outfit is colorful and smooth,
What is he called, guys? (FEATHERS)

7. The chicken house is cozy and warm,
It is lined with hay, down, feather.
Ryaba Chicken sits over ... (NEST)

8. If we hear "Ku-ka-re-ku!"
So it's time for us to get up.
And what time of day
Are we starting to meet? (MORNING)

9. Favorite place where the Cockerel
Takes off and sings songs cheerfully. (FENCE)

10. What kind of holiday comes to us?
Carries a lot of sweets.
Both adults and children are waiting
The long-awaited (NEW YEAR)

11. He is the head of the chicken family,
Symbol of the year and daredevil.
He sings about the song
And it happens - just like that! (COCK)

12. He has a goatee and a tail,
But he is not a goat.
Who is it, guess
Give me an answer soon. (COCK)

13. Don't make the rooster angry,
And do not offend.
Better than millet grains
Give him more.
And if the cock is angry,
Rather guess
What's blushing with him?
On the head the strongest of all? (SCALKER)

14. I ask you a riddle:
Who is always used to order?
He's a chicken coop - sweet home
He surrounded me with his warmth. (COCK)

15. There is a master in the world,
Many chickens, he is one.
This sir with a comb
And called (COCK)

16. Cockerel is always on guard
That there was no loss.
He protects the chickens,
Sly enemies do not sleep.
Who is the enemy of the rooster?
Can you guess? (FOX)

Riddles for the year of the Rooster for older children (1-2 grade)

1. Our rooster lives without troubles,
He loves a delicious lunch!
And what does he eat, or maybe not,
Find a comic answer!

Bread, grain, grass, peas, worms and octopuses? (OCTOPUS)

2. Cockerel is a huge mod,
Dressed up for the new year.
Feathers are bright, wonderful,
Guess the color, folks:

Black, white and pockmarked, but maybe gold?
Are there golden cockerels in nature, guys? (GOLD - does not exist, only in fairy tales)

3. Our cockerel is a hard worker, he gets up early,
Sings songs to people. Guess who was before
Is it the sun or is it rising? (COCK screams before the sun rises)

4. He is held in high esteem by the chickens, and an excellent family man, there are so many of them - he is one.
And daddy takes care of babies, babies. What is the name of his children?
Guess slowly:


(CHICKEN, of course chickens!)

5. Our rooster is the protector of the barn, he is a fighter and a fine fellow, a wonderful father!
If a cat climbed into the barn, or a sly fox, he will peck out their eyes!
Here is such a rooster - a thunderstorm!

And what weapon does the rooster have?

A spear?

(well, of course CLAWS, SPURS, a rounded, sharp BEAK - he armed himself wonderfully well, brave Petenka-Rooster!)

6. And the last riddle! Who is born ahead of all, a chicken or an egg? The chicken was a chicken, so it lived in an egg. And by the way, the chicken also laid the egg for us.

And nobody knows the answer. All philosophers are guessing!


Children have to guess where the mistake is in the riddle-fable.

1. Morning comes again.
The cockerel will lay an egg. (Roosters do not lay eggs)

2. The duckling got out of the egg.
And he shouted to my mother: where-where! (Ducklings quack, not cluck)

3. Ryaba Chicken is in care today,
She cooked a compote for her children,
Hot cabbage soup, cutlets with mashed potatoes,
She calls everyone to the table in the yard! (Chickens do not cook food for children)

4. The rooster flew south,
From evil frosts and blizzards.
And he calls for him
Your chicken coop with the whole crowd. (Roosters and chickens cannot fly, and even more so they do not fly south)

5. To wake everyone up in time,
The alarm needs to be started.
This is how the rooster always does,
So as not to oversleep food in the morning. (The rooster does not start the alarm, but crows itself)

6. Collected chickens
There are buns on the paths
Gingerbread, sweets,
What the kids dropped.
Brought in a purse
Chicken treats
For your chick kids
Swoop in everything! (Chickens don't carry food in their purses)

7. A worm was crawling along the path,
The fisherman saw him.
Bent over to pick it up
To attract the fish.
Only the chicken forward
Carries the worm home.
To Peter the cockerel
Could go fishing. (Chickens and cockerels eat worms themselves, but do not go fishing)

8. There is a village far away,
One family lives there:
The cockerel, and the tigress with him.
What, children, is fiction? (Tigers are not friendly with roosters)

9. The rooster put on boots,
Warm sheepskin coat
He took a sled and an ax,
I went to the forest to get firewood. (Roosters don’t dress and don’t go for firewood)

10. Chickens have grown,
They are all right.
Makes the chicken
Live by order:
Wash, brush your teeth,
Carry out charging. (Chickens and chickens do not exercise)

You will get up early in the morning
Hear in the yard
Someone shouts: "Ku-ka-re-ku".
This is an important bird crying
Playful, brave.
His tail, well, very bright!
And who is this, tell me guys.

An important bird walks in the yard.
Bright feathers on its tail.
Gold beak and red scallop.
Here the answer is simple, because it is (cockerel).

We have a singer in the yard.
He sings early in the heat.
He put on a bright suit.
And he walks important, he is a braggart.
Eat grain for lunch,
And a worm in one sitting.
And very early in the morning.
Wakes everyone up with his "Ku-ka-re-ku".

Like an alarm clock, this bird.
Wakes us up in winter and summer.
Scarlet comb on the head.
There is a red beard under the beak.
"Ku-ka-re-ku" he will tell me.
And sits on the fence so deftly. (cock)

I'll get up early in the morning
And wake you all up quickly
Although I am not a king, there is a crown,
I love to sit on the fence.
The chicken is my wife,
Answer me, what is my name?

On the ground I peck grains.
Early in the morning I sing loudly.
The comb is beautiful on my head.
And I'm very important in the whole yard.
I often fight with others.
I flap my wings and beat my beak.
Spurs on my feet
Protecting my chickens.
What are my guys name?
Give me the answer to my riddle. (cock)

He is not an alarm clock, but wakes up,
He will dine with a worm.
There are spurs on the paws
And there is a comb on the head.
There are many feathers and not to count,
He sings the song at dawn.
What a miracle bird
Who will answer me?
Early in the morning, at dawn,
He will sing a song to me.
The grains bite then
And bite with a worm.
Golden beak, red beard,
And a very important gait.
I put a crown on my head
Quickly tell me, who is he?

Bright feathers, golden beak,
The ridge is beautiful above the head.
Spurs on legs, sings loudly.
Who is he, who will name faster? (cock)

An important bird lives in the yard,
He will sing a song to me in the morning.
Bright comb like fire
Located above his head.
The tail is beautiful, there are spurs on the legs,
He will all go to work and school.

The chicken is his wife.
Children are his chickens.
Red scallop on my head
Who is this, tell me guys? (cock)

Other riddles:


Several interesting children's riddles

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    We put this miracle on our hands, Dress the kids in different styles! These are downy (Mittens).

  • Iron riddles for children with answers

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It may seem that riddles for the New Year are purely child's play. However, this opinion is erroneous: adults can also use them for their holiday purposes. For example, at a corporate party: when presenting a gift, an employee must solve a riddle. Why not? Our selection will help you!

Complex riddles for the New Year for adults

This poor thing is constantly pulled by the tail. As soon as it is pulled, everything around flies up.
Answer: cracker.

He always comes only at night. And always unexpectedly in one second it becomes new, although before that it was very old.
Answer: a year.

This is an amazing magic that instantly turns children and adults into bears, bunnies and chanterelles.
Answer: masquerade.

This graceful spring straightens its fur every year. As a result, she is the prettiest at every party.
Answer: tinsel.

You need to imagine that there is a saucepan on the edge of the table, which is covered with a lid. The dishes stand in such a way that two-thirds of them hang from the table. The pan falls after a certain time. So what was in this dish and why did it suddenly fall?
Answer: ice.

Imagine a situation: a driver forgets his documents at home, including his driving license. On the way, he saw a one-way traffic sign, but the man ignored it and headed in the opposite direction. All this was seen by a traffic police officer, but he did not stop the driver. Why did it happen?
Answer: the driver traveled on foot.

How many eggs do you think you can really eat on an empty stomach on January 1st?
Answer: you can eat only one egg, because the rest eaten will no longer be on an empty stomach.

On New Year's Eve, the car goes to the celebration in the village. On the way, five cars drive towards him. The question is extremely simple: how many cars are all going to the village to celebrate the New Year?
Answer: one car.

A New Year's dinner is being prepared. The hostess prepares food. What does she put into the pot before putting food in it?
Answer: look.

Beautiful winter park. It has nine benches. Five of them were painted. How many benches are there in the park?
Answer: nine.

The pig, the symbol of the coming year, is a very useful creation. But the question is: can a pig call itself an animal?
Answer: it cannot, because the pig cannot talk.

Oh, and it was a noisy banquet ... But something at it still remained sober. Who was that?
Answer: tree.

New Year's riddles for adults - funny

Whose Parents is Snow Woman with Snowman?
Answer: most likely, you will hear: "Snow Maiden". In fact, the correct answer is Bigfoot.

Santa Claus always has a red nose. Why?
Answer: Most likely, in response you will hear: "Because he drinks a lot." However, this is not true: he just came out of the bathhouse. After all, we have such a good tradition: always visit the bathhouse on December 31st.

Santa Claus always has warm hands. Why?
Answer: most often adults answer that he is simply not a real, but a fictional character. But in reality, he just drank a little to keep warm.

Have you ever wondered why the Snowman wears a bucket on his head and not a normal hat?
Answer: most often they answer that it is so accepted, they say, this is a tradition. In fact, he, like a real man, went to take out the trash on December 31st. Well, he only came in April ... His wife put the bucket on his head.

Instead of a nose, the Snowman often has carrots. Why?
Answer: the most popular answer to this riddle is "because there was nothing else at home, and carrots are simple and cheap." But the correct answer is this: as a child, the Snowman very often picked his nose, which is why he was sent to be raised by Pope Carlo.

The snow woman is the lucky owner of two waists. Was she just lucky?
Answer: oh, a million weird and illogical answers come in here. In fact, everything is very simple: it is so very comfortable to hug.

Every woman expects such a gift for the New Year. He's really the best! It is fifteen centimeters long and seven centimeters wide. What is this?
Answer: a hundred dollar bill.

Without her, the New Year is simply unthinkable. And this is not a tree!
Answer: vodka.

This happens every New Year. "This" is brought at dawn. What is this?
Answer: husband from the banquet.

If on New Year's Eve the whole company shouts very loudly and for a long time, then she will definitely show up. Who is this?
Answer: of course, the police.

She has a very strange figure. She's skinny downstairs. Her chest is lush, and her waist is slender. Who is this?
Answer: a glass.

It will become hard, like a potato, if you crush it a little in your hand. What is this?
Answer: snow.

He wears felt boots and a white fur coat. Himself small, with slanting eyes. Who is it?
Answer: Santa Claus from Chukotka.

If unprecedented animals came to visit you, Christmas decorations danced in a round dance, bright lights blinked everywhere ... Who will come to you next?
Answer: urgent.

This is far from a gun, but it shoots loudly. It's not a nasty snake, but it always hisses. This is not a forty-degree vodka, but ...
Answer: champagne.

By May, this crisp white chic blanket is getting dirty and annoying everyone. What is it?
Answer: snow.

It injects, smells bad. They brought it just about from the frost.
Answer: husband.

This bright snot can be seen from all the streets of the city. She can run across forests and fields without any problems, and she will be seen even in the neighboring village. What is it?
Answer: fireworks.

Hear a question about the desired guest.
He will come soon - strain.
He easily fulfills every request,
But this is not Yandex, but ...
Answer: Santa Claus.

There are two cigarette butts in the glass in the kitchen.
And for some reason someone was dancing on the table.
There is an unfinished glass of alcohol.
I came with my old man ...
Answer: Snow Maiden.

At night we were sneaking from the village
No vodka string bag, no beer package,
Neither an armful of girls, nor a lily whisk.
Fashionable, carrying a holiday ...
Answer: Christmas tree.

Let's get drunk and come with you
Wander around the city in an embrace.
We'll kiss in the moonlight
And with your mouth to catch crystal ...
Answer: snowflakes.

You yourself would never buy that.
Usually it is not expensive and not brands,
But nevertheless he is very nice
Someone hidden under the tree ...
Answer: a gift.

New Year's riddles for children

She always comes with gifts. In every New Year, she is the most beautiful, regardless of what other guests are wearing. All events on New Year's Eve revolve around her. Who is she?
Answer: Christmas tree.

Not a hedgehog, but in needles. There are no legs, but there are paws. Not a beautiful girl, but all in beads and sequins. Who is this?
Answer: Christmas tree.

“I'm an incredible fashionista. I love glitter, beads, all kinds of jewelry. However, I only manage to look like a queen once a year. Who am I? "
Answer: Christmas tree.

“Lilies of the valley bloom in mid-May every spring. Variegated asters always bloom in the fall months. And I bloom in winter for a short time and always only for spruce. For a whole year, no one remembers me ... I lie dusty on the upper shelves in the closet and am always very happy when they finally remember me. Who am I? "
Answer: Christmas ball.

Which of the riddles did you find the most difficult? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Gets up before everyone
"Ku-ka-re-ku!" sings.

The roof of one house is not symmetrical: one slope makes an angle of 60 degrees with the horizontal, the other - an angle of 70 degrees. Suppose a rooster lays an egg on a roof ridge. Which way will the egg fall - towards a flatter or steeper slope?
Roosters Don't Lay Eggs

He shouts the loudest in the morning:
- It's time to get up! It's time to get up!
All his life he serves
And leads a friendship with the sun.

The king walks the circle of the city,
Wears honor on the head.

In your crown red
He walks like a king.
Its you hourly
If you please listen:
- I'm here! I'm on the lookout!
I'll bother you all!
The children fell asleep. The light went out.
Be quiet, loudmouth ...

Not a king, but in a crown,
Not a rider, but with spurs,
Not an alarm clock, but wakes everyone up.

Twice was born, never a baptismal ceremony, a prophet to all people.

Little white feathers
Red scallop.
Who is that on the peg?

He sat on the fence, sang and shouted, and as everyone gathered, he took it and fell silent.

The gallant warrior has a red cap
Boots with spurs and important gait
A colorful uniform, he is the commander of the chickens.

Scarlet scallop,
A pockmarked caftan,
Double beard,
An important gait.
Rises first of all
Sings vociferously.

Sat on the fence - screamed
And as everyone gathered - he fell silent.

Ponytail with patterns
Boots with spurs,
At night sings:
Time is counting.

He sings songs, time counts.

I wake everyone up on time
I'm not looking for hours.

He sings loudly
If the sun rises.

Ponytail with patterns, boots with spurs,
White feathers, red scallop.
Who is that on the peg?

Who is bawling at the top of their lungs?

Who screams the most and does the least

Not a king, but in a crown,
Not a rider, but with spurs,
Not a watchman, but shouts at danger.

From a white stone will be born, the whole light awakens.

He will knock on the ground with his nose,
Will flap its wing and scream.
He even screams sleepy
The screamer is restless.

What bird will be born from an egg,
Doesn't he carry an egg?

Double beard,
An important gait,
Everyone gets up earlier
Sings vociferously.

He is in a bright uniform,
Spurs for beauty.
By day he is a bully
Clock in the morning.

What a bird
Afraid of people?
Doesn't fly high
And sings "ko-ko-ko"?

Who sings so loudly
That the sun is rising?

This bird in the morning
Wakes us up: "Ku-ka-re-ku".
Asks kindly: "Get up,
Serve breakfast to the birds! "

Little white feathers
Yes, a red scallop.
Who is that on the perch?

He wakes us up in the morning
Shouting: "Ku-ka-re-ku!
Isn't it time for you to get up? "-
"Yes, but I want to sleep."

The grain bites
Sings songs.

Is not a watchman,
And he wakes everyone up early.

There is a comb on the head
There is a sickle on the tail.
What kind of bird?

Who, tell me again in the morning
Will sing to us about love
To the early sun? And to us,
Pour balm on the soul!

What kind of comb can you comb your hair?

A lively bird, but afraid to fly.

Not a rider, but with spurs,
Not an alarm clock, but wakes everyone up.


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